Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Dominik Fugger Curriculum Vitae since 6 / 2009 Academic Career Junior Fellow at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt Independent Head (with the right to supervise PhDs) of the junior research group “Religious Rituals of Old Europe in Historical Perspectives” as part of the university’s core focus on religion 3 / 2013 Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden 9 / 2008 – 6 / 2009 Postdoc at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies with the project: “Geschichtsschreibung als Gegenwartsbewältigung: Der Weg des Literaten Ferdinand Gregorovius zur Geschichte” (Historiography as a way of dealing with the present: Ferdinand Gregorovius’ journey from literature to history), funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Accepted for a habilitation in history at the Max Weber Center 2006 PhD (Dr. phil.) at the German institute of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Title of the dissertation: “Das Königreich am Dreikönigstag: Eine historisch‐ empirische Ritualstudie” (The Kingdom on Epiphany: An empirical historical study of rituals) 2001 – 2004 PhD grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the graduate school “Clerical Songs and Hymns in Interdisciplinary Perspectives” at the University of Mainz Employment by the DFG project “Songbook bibliography” at the University of Mainz 2001 Temporary Lecturer (Assistenzvertretung) at the faculty of catholic theology at the University of Mainz, Chair for Liturgy Studies (Prof. Dr. Dr. Hansjakob Becker) 1995 – 2001 Student of History and German at the University of Mainz and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Holder of a scholarship granted by the German National Academic Foundation Magisterthesis: “Geschichte sehen: Ein Versuch über Ferdinand Gregorovius” (Seeing history: An essay on Ferdinand Gregorovius) 1994 Abitur at the Markgrafen‐Gymnasium in Karlsruhe‐Durlach PhDs Supervised since 2010 since 2010 since 2010 since 2010 Stefanie Albert, Das jüdische Gesangbuch als Medium ritueller Innovation? (The Jewish songbook as a medium of ritual innovation?) (ongoing) Jenny Lagaude, Ritual und Vernunft: Theorien zur religiösen Dimension des Rituellen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung (Ritual and reason: Theories on the religious dimension of the ritual during the Enlightenment) (ongoing) Anna Lehmann‐Ertel, “Lamentatio Christi”: Eine Fallstudie zum Ritus des Trauerns in der religiösen Bildkultur des 15. Jahrhunderts in Italien (“Lamentatio Christi”: A case study on ritual mourning in the religious iconography of fifteenth‐century Italy) (ongoing) Anne Christina May, Schwörtage in der Frühen Neuzeit (The Civic Pledge in the Early Modern Period) (ongoing) Memberships Co‐speaker of the graduate school “Religion in Modernization Processes” at the University of Erfurt Curator of the Songbook Archive Foundation (Mainz) Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA) Arbeitskreis für Niederländische Kunst‐ und Kulturgeschichte (ANKK) 25. – 26. 1. 2013 23. – 25. 9. 2010 15. – 16. 1. 2010 7. 11. 2013 Conferences and Panels Organized University of Erfurt Conference “Ritual and Reflection” (in cooperation with the Theological Research Center / Prof. Dr. Benedikt Kranemann) University of Erfurt Conference “Knowledge of Religion”, Section II: Knowledge in Religions, Panel 7: “What One Should Know about Rituals: Explanations of Rituals in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period” University of Erfurt Conference “Rituals of Inversion in Historical Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Work‐ in‐Progress Conference on the Issue of Creating Categories in Ritual Studies” Invitations and Appearances at Conferences (since 2011) Verein für württembergische Kirchengeschichte, Bad Urach Annual Meeting Key Note Lecture: “Historische Ritualforschung” (Arbeitstitel) 9. – 13. 9. 2013 Akademie Franz‐Hitze‐Haus, Münster Conference “Heiliges Spiel. Formen und Gestalten spielerischen Umgangs mit dem Sakralen” Paper: “‘Secundum diversitatem locorum diversae sunt ceremoniae’. Symbolische Handlungen und liturgische Spiele in der spätmittelalterlichen Abtei Mont‐Saint‐Michel” 10. 7. 2013 Humboldt University of Berlin Research Workshop, Chair for Early Modern History Paper: “Anverwandlungen. Wie frühneuzeitliche Gelehrte das nordische Heidentum entdeckten” 20. – 21. 6. 2013 Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena Conference “Interpretazione. Tra storia culturale e storia intellettuale” Paper: “Modelled on Antiquity. Early Modern Hermeneutics of Religious Rituals” 28. 11. 2012 University of Potsdam, William James Center (Prof. Dr. Logi Gunnarsson) Comments on the paper entitled “Das Ritual und das Heilige: Überlegungen zur Anthropologie der Idealbildung” (The ritual and the sacred: Thoughts on the anthropology of ideals) by Hans Joas 2. – 6. 9. 2012 University of Erlangen‐Nuremberg Summer school “Rituals in Reformation and Confessionalization” (Prof. Dr. Birgit Emich) Paper: “Ritualdebatten von 1445 bis 1700 im Zeichen von Humanismus, Reformation und Konfessionalisierung” (Debates about rituals between 1445 and 1700 in the context of Humanism, Reformation and Confessionalization) 2 22. – 24. 3. 2012 University of Erfurt Conference “‘Religion’ in the Historical Discourse of the Early Modern Period (History – Power – Religion III)” (Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau) Paper: “Subversion mit Methode: Nicolas Lenglet du Fresnoy und die Fabel von der Päpstin Johanna” (Systematic subversion: Nicolas Lenglet du Fresnoy and the legend of Popess Joan) 21. 12. 2011 University of Münster Research Workshop “The Early Modern Period” (Prof. Dr. Barbara Stollberg‐Rilinger) Paper: »Between Confessionalisation and Aestheticisation. On the Perspectival Multiplicity of the Early Modern Period « 8. – 9. 12. 2011 University of Erfurt Review workshop of the graduate school “Religion in Modernization Processes” Chairman of the sections “Religious Communication in the Early Modern Period” and “Aspects of European Religious History” 19. – 21. 9. 2011 Dresden University of Technology, FOVOG – Research Center for the Comparative History of Orders (Prof. Dr. Gert Melville) Conference “Monasteries in the High Middle Ages as Centres of Innovation in European Ways of Life and Mental Structures”; Comments on the section 22. 6. 2011 Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz (Prof. Dr. Ansgar Franz) Expert debate as part of the pre‐evaluation of an application for funding by the United Academies 3