Bristol Praktikumszeit - Die Autoschule


Bristol Praktikumszeit - Die Autoschule
Bristol 2011/2012
Unsere Praktikumszeit in
Erzählt nach einer wahren Begebenheit
Bristol 2011/2012
1. Einleitung
a. Teilnehmer
b. Lehrerteam
c. Schulleitung
d. Arbeit und Leben
2. Informationen
a. Some Facts about Bristol
b. Sights of Bristol
c. Canteen & British Food
d. Host Families
e. Gastfamilien
f. S & B Automotive Academy I & II
3. Impressionen
a. Aufgeschnappt!
b. Auf den Punkt gebracht…
c. Reiseeindrücke I - III
d. Trip to Jaguar
e. Wir über uns…
4. Schnappschüsse
Bristol 2011/2012
Wir danken
von Stefan R.
☺ unseren Ausbildern, die uns dieses tolle Praktikum ermöglicht haben.
☺ Frau Dröge, die uns immer unterstützt hat und für uns da war.
☺ Arbeit und Leben Hamburg , besonders Frau Olejak, die alles organisiert hat.
☺ S & B in England.
☺ unseren Gastfamilien, die uns ganz nett aufgenommen haben.
☺ sowie allen, die mitgeholfen haben, dass alles reibungslos abgelaufen ist.
Galina F., Heiner A., Marc-Sebastian B., Mark P., Max K., Tim J., Tim S.
Dawid D., Dennis B., Felix S., Johannes H., Juri R., Katharina B., Marvin P., Nils B.,
Patrick G., Piotr F., Sascha H., Sascha T., Sergej F., Tobias U., Torben S., Vivian R.
Annika K., Florian W., Ina S., Jan B., Jan P., Jan-Christopher P., Michaela B., Sebastian R.,
Stefan R., Viola M., Wilhelm K.
Die Reise von jungen Menschen nach England von Stefan R.
Auf den folgenden Seiten lesen und sehen Sie die fantastische Geschichte von jungen Menschen, die
ein Praktikum in England machen durften, dabei viele Abenteuer erleben konnten und zum Schluss
wieder sicher nach Hause kamen. Seien Sie also gespannt, bringen Sie Ihre Sitzgelegenheit in eine
aufrechte Position, stellen das Telefon ab und dimmen das Licht, denn die nachfolgenden Seiten
dieses Booklets sind so spannend, dass sogar Suchtgefahr bestehen kann und Sie nicht mehr davon
Schlagen Sie also jetzt bitte die erste Seite auf und vertiefen Sie sich ins Abenteuer! Wir bedanken
uns für das Lesen der Einleitung und wünschen nun viel Spaß!
Regie und technische Leitung: Karin Dröge, G9
Meinen Dank an alle, die dieses Booklet ermöglicht haben,
insbesondere dem ESF, der es großzügig gesponsert hat.
Für Rückfragen und Anregungen erreichen Sie mich unter
[email protected] oder 040 / 428 851 – 01.
Bristol 2011/2012
G 9: … on the road again…
Let us introduce you to all the participating parties to this project. The start is being done by the
organizing teachers.
Mein Kollege Wolfgang Lieske und ich sind
begeistert über Projekte aus dem Leonardoda-Vinci-Programm, Ausbilder wie Sie,
Schulleiter wie Herrn Lönne und über
Mobilitätsagenten wie Frau Olejak. Denn sie
alle tragen dazu bei, dass vielen unserer
Azubis die Chance geboten wird, einzigartige
Erfahrungen im Ausland zu sammeln.
Die Idee zu diesem Booklet kam mir im
vergangenen Herbst, als ich bemerkte, wie
sehr die Wochen in Bristol unsere
Schülerinnen und Schüler prägen. Gedacht ist
es daher als Erinnerung an eine eindrucksvolle
Zeit sowie als eine Möglichkeit der
Information für zukünftige Reiseinteressierte
und ihrer Ausbilder.
Getreu unserem Leitbild „Wir bereiten unsere
Schüler auf ihren Beruf und das Leben vor“,
bieten wir an der G9 unseren Schülerinnen
und Schülern eine Möglichkeit das vertraute
Umfeld zu verlassen und den Sprung ins
Ungewisse zu wagen. Welcher vielfältige
Nutzen ihnen daraus erwächst, erfahren Sie
aus erster Hand auf den kommenden Seiten.
Viele Teilnehmer haben ihre Gedanken zu
Papier gebracht und ich danke allen für ihr
großes Engagement bzgl. Text- und
Durch eine bemerkenswerte Zusammenarbeit
aller an diesem Leonardo-Projekt beteiligten
Personen und Institutionen haben wir in
kurzer Zeit echte Pionierarbeit geleistet.
Anfang des kommenden Jahres starten wir
mit der Vorbereitung für „Bristol 2013“. Wir
planen Praktika in allen drei Schulblöcken.
Mein Kollege oder ich werden wie in den
vergangen Jahren die Reisenden in ihrer
ersten Woche vor Ort betreuen. Darauf freue
ich mich schon sehr!
Ihre Karin Dröge
G9 meets S&B, our local partner in Bristol:
Wolfgang and Karin at a farewell dinner
with the chief executives from S&B,
Richard and Jon, as well as two of their
tutors, Paul and Colin, in Bristol in 2011
Bristol 2011/2012
Principal promotes project
A project like this needs the support of school management. Luckily, our principal knows about
the advantages of being abroad by own experiences.
Sehr geehrte Leserinnen und Leser,
ein Auslandspraktikum in England – die
eigenen Fremdsprachenkenntnisse im Alltag
und am Arbeitsplatz anwenden und
ausbauen, neue Arbeitstechniken und
praktische Erfahrungen machen, Land und
Leute kennen lernen.
Die Gewerbeschule Kraftfahrzeugtechnik
Hamburg, G9, hat ihr Ausbildungsangebot um
eine neue Facette erweitert. Etwa zu Beginn
des zweiten Ausbildungsjahres können unsere
Azubis an einem 3-wöchigen Auslandspraktikum in Bristol/England teilnehmen.
Unterbringung und Verpflegung erfolgt in
Gastfamilien, eine Sprachschule und der
Praktikumsplatz in einem Kfz-Betrieb sind die
Das Praktikum wird durch Mittel der EU
gefördert; ein sogenanntes Stipendium deckt
einen Großteil der Kosten ab – so günstig
konnten junge Menschen noch nie an einer
derart hochwertigen und praxisorientierten
Auslandsreise teilnehmen.
Die Reise dauert drei Wochen – zwei Wochen
Ausbildungszeit an der G9, die dritte Woche
spendiert der Ausbildungsbetrieb, denn dafür
darf dem Azubi kein Urlaub berechnet
werden. Es wird also deutlich, dass die
Leistungen in Betrieb und Schule stimmen
müssen, damit das Auslandspraktikum seine
positive Wirkung entfalten kann.
Ich wünsche mir an dieser Stelle, dass
motivierte und aufgeschlossene Azubis sich
für das Auslandspraktikum entscheiden, und
deren Betriebe dieses mittragen und
Dann kann die G9 die reservierten Plätze
besetzen - die Rückmeldungen der ersten
Teilnehmer sind übrigens bemerkenswert
Frank Lönne-Hölting, Schulleiter der G9
Bristol 2011/2012
Internationale Fachpraxis sammeln, soziale Kompetenzen erweitern und
Sprachkenntnisse verbessern: ein Auslandspraktikum lohnt sich! Sonja Olejak
Bildungseinrichtung. Gemäß unserem Motto „Weiterbildung ohne
Grenzen“ wollen wir Menschen dazu ermutigen, ihr Wissen zu
erweitern und ausgetretene Denkpfade zu verlassen. In
Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden, Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen organisiert Arbeit und Leben
Hamburg verschiedene Projekte im Bildungsbereich.
In der Mobilitätsagentur, eine Abteilung von Arbeit und Leben Hamburg e.V., organisieren wir
Fachaustausche im Berufsbildungsbereich und vermitteln Auslandspraktika für Auszubildende,
Arbeitssuchende sowie Fachkräfte aller Branchen und aller Altersstufen. Mit dem durch den
Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) geförderten Projekt „Mobilität durch Partnerschaften“ wird die
Vernetzung von Schulen, Betrieben, Kammern sowie Aus- und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen in
Hamburg gefördert. Ziel ist, europäische Praktikumsprogramme auszubauen und den beruflichen
Austausch zu stärken.
da-Vinci-Programms. Die Auszubildenden
müssen während des Auslandsaufenthaltes
vom Betrieb und der Berufsschule freigestellt
Praktika europaweit
Ein berufliches Praktikum für Auszubildende,
Fachkräfte oder Arbeitssuchende ist in allen
Ländern Europas sowie in St. Petersburg
(Russland) und der Türkei möglich. Zusätzlich
zum Praktikum in einem Betrieb besuchen alle
Vorbereitungsseminar in Hamburg und
können einen Sprachkurs im Zielland
absolvieren. Der Auslandsaufenthalt ist für
einen Zeitraum zwischen zwei Wochen und
einem halben Jahr möglich.
Die Finanzierung erfolgt zu großen Teilen über
ein Stipendium des europäischen Leonardo-
In Kooperation mit Berufsschulen, Behörden
und Bildungseinrichtungen entwickeln wir
transnationale Lerneinheiten. Ziel ist es,
Auslandsaufenthalte als festen Bestandteil im
Ausbildungssystem zu verankern. Damit
fördern wir berufliche Mobilität sowie
Sprachkenntnisse von Auszubildenden und
Fachkräften (Lehrkräften & Ausbildern).
Partnerorganisationen in Europa
Mit mehr als 40 Partnerorganisationen
europaweit verfügt die Mobilitätsagentur
über ein breites Netz an internationalen
Kontakten. Mit vielen Partnern arbeiten wir
bereits seit Jahren erfolgreich zusammen.
Gegenseitiger Austausch und regelmäßige
Treffen garantieren die Qualität der
Bristol 2011/2012
Nutzen von Mobilitätsprojekten für Ihren Betrieb
Ein Auslandspraktikum bringt Vorteile nicht nur für die teilnehmenden
Auszubildenden, sondern auch für die ausbildenden Betriebe:
Neues Know-how und neue Impulse fließen in Ihr Unternehmen
Auslandsaufenthalte als Bestandteil der Unternehmensphilosophie
locken gute potenzielle Auszubildende oder Mitarbeiter an
(Stichwort: Fachkräftemangel durch demographischen Wandel)
Sie erweitern Ihr Image: Ihr Betrieb verfügt über internationale Aktivitäten und Kontakte
Sie zeigen einen innovativen Unternehmergeist
Durch die Auslandsaktivitäten signalisieren Sie auch Ihren Kunden und Mitbewerbern die
Wichtigkeit einer hohen Qualität der Ausbildung in Ihrem Unternehmen
Verbesserte Sprachkenntnisse Ihrer Auszubildenden erweitern deren Berufschancen und
nützen dem ganzen Unternehmen
Die Auszubildenden werden durch den Auslandsaufenthalt selbstbewusster und
Ihre Auszubildenden fühlen sich geschätzt und sind dadurch noch motivierter
Diese Anerkennung erhöht die Loyalität und die Identifikation des Auszubildenden mit Ihrem
Unternehmen - dadurch ggf. Schneeballeffekt auf andere Mitarbeiter
Ihre Auszubildenden erweitern ihre Fachkompetenz
Ihre Auszubildenden erweitern ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz – dies kann das Arbeitsklima
positiv beeinflussen
Sonja Olejak, Arbeit und Leben Hamburg, Mobilitätsagentur
Besenbinderhof 60, 20097 Hamburg, Telefon: +49 (0)40 284016-26
E-Mail: [email protected]
Some Facts about
Bristol 2011/2012
Bristol von Sebastian R. und Stefan R.
Bristol liegt im Südwesten Englands, am Fluss Avon. Es ist die acht größte Stadt in England.
Aufgrund der hügeligen Landschaft, der Meeresnähe und der vielen schönen alten Gebäuden, gilt
Bristol als die schönste Stadt in England. Bristol hat ca. 400.000 Einwohner und eine Fläche von
110 km².
What about the food in Bristol?
There some very special restaurants in Bristol
just waiting for you to find them and the great
thing is many can only be found here in the
city. Bristol has award-winning restaurants
and restaurants on boats, cafés and
restaurants that are great for kids and dining
for grown-ups. You can also find information
for the best restaurants for groups of friends
and where to enjoy a special dinner for two.
If all that food is making you thirsty, there are
plenty of pubs and bars in Bristol – from the
very old to the very new. And as the city is
surrounded by beautiful countryside, you
must take time to enjoy the pubs.
Bristol has many sights. The Bristolians are
especially proud about how many and nice
bridges Bristol has got and about the grafittis
from the famous artist Banksy which you can
find everywhere in town. Every autumn the
hot-air balloon festival takes place. It is the
biggest in the whole of the U.K. Another
important sight is one of the oldest railway
station of the world, Temple Meads. Many
houses are still from the 18th century.
Whether it’s a traditional pub serving real ale
you’re looking for, or a sophisticated citycenter bar with an extensive wine list and
cocktail collection, you’ll find an impressive
range of places to kick back and relax over a
drink in Bristol. The only thing that is difficult
about eating out in Bristol is deciding where
to go.
Bristol 2011/2012
Sights of Bristol by Johannes H. & Tobias U.
Bristol has some amazing sights. Here are some examples.
Clifton Suspension Bridge
The Nails
The towers were originally intended to be
decorated in an Egyptian style but these were
omitted due to cost. The project was
abandoned in 1845 because of lack of money.
They were completed in 1843 and the bridge
was opened in 1864. The bridge is 1352 foot
long. The span between the piers is 702 feet
long. Designed in the early 19th century for
light horse drawn traffic it still meets the
demands of 21st century commuter traffic
with 11-12,000 motor vehicles crossing it
every day.
The four Nails are on the pavement outside
the Corn Exchange in Corn Street. These
round-topped pedestals were used by
merchants when closing a sale. Money was
placed on the surface of a Nail, signifying the
bargain had been struck; hence the
expression 'Paying on the nail.' It is likely that
mall samples of wares were also displayed on
the Nails during the transaction.
Bristol Harbourside around the old dockland
area of Bristol has been redeveloped in the
last ten years. New buildings and features
have been built and some of the old buildings
and warehouses have been developed into
museums, galleries, arts centers, shops, wine
bars, pubs and restaurants.
St. Mary Redcliffe Church
In 1574 Queen Elisabeth is said to have
proclaimed the Paris Church of St Mary
Redcliffe to be the fairest, goodliest and most
famous parish church in England. Bristol’s
most historic and beautiful building, the St
Mary Redcliffe Church is one of Bristol’s
treasures. The church was built early 14th
century and has an unusual hexaganol shape,
the outside of which is richly carved.
Bristol 2011/2012
S&B Canteen and British Food by Michaela B., Annika K. & Ina S.
Jeden Tag darf man bis zu fünf Pfund ausgeben. Es gibt jeden Tag mehrere Hauptgerichte und
verschiedene Beilagen zur Auswahl.
Opposite of the reception you find a building
which includes the canteen on the first floor.
When you go inside this building, you go
upstairs through a saved door which you can
open by a special S&B card. The opening times
are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. When you enter the
canteen you are in a very clean, airconditioned room with the kitchen. The room
has got round about 120 m² with 17 tables
each with 3-4 chairs and two smoke
Here you can find a public domain with six PCs
with internet access. Also there is a TV and a
big pool table. Beside the pool table there is a
reading area with 7 chairs. Further on you can
find a water dispenser and two vending
machines with sweets. On the wall you can
see several boards with information about
S&B. In the other corner is a vending machine
for loading up their food card. You can get hot
or cold food for breakfast and lunch, sweets
or other small products in a kiosk.
After you have chosen your dish, you go to
the cashpoint. There you must hold your food
card in front of the machine that draws off
the price for the meal from your food card.
You can spend five pounds a day which is paid
by S&B. Around the corner is another table
with sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise or salad
dressing and spices. After the meal you put
the dirty dishes on a cart for the trays. The
staff is a team of one woman and two young
men and they are very friendly.
Bristol 2011/2012
S&B Menu:
Lunch Menu
Fresh made Sandwich/roll
Salad plate
Cold meal deal
Jacket Potato with cold filling
Sausage roll with hot filling
Soup of the Day and bread roll
Small chips
Large chips
Daily special
Hot meal deal
Hot chocolate
Diet Cola
Fizzy Apple
Orange Juice
Blackcurrant Juice
Bottle Water
Capri Sun
Lucozade Orange
Food at our guest family
Breakfast between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m.: The
breakfast consists mostly of bacon with fried
or scrambled eggs, sausages, mushroom,
baked beans with sauce, onion, toast with
butter. Mostly it is very fatty. The breakfast in
England is lunch for us and also they often
repeat their eating habits. Another option is
cereals or cornflakes with milk.
Lunch between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m.: They eat
many meals with bacon or beef in flaky
pastry. A lot of children at school and adults at
work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically
consists of a sandwich, a packet of crisps, a
piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is
kept in a plastic container.
5 Item Breakfast
6 Item Breakfast
7 Item Breakfast
Bacon Sandwich/Roll
Sausage Sandwich/Roll
2 Item Sandwich/Roll
3 Item Sandwich/Roll
Any extra items
Toast and butter (x2)
Jam/ Marmite Portion
Cereal and milk
Tea time anywhere from 5:30 at night to 6:30
p.m.: At tea time they eat pie or cakes like
Brownies, apple pie with ice cream or
pudding, for example. Our coffee time is tea
time in England.
Dinner between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m.: They eat
dinner if they didn’t eat lunch. They don’t fry
the French Fries but prepare them into the
oven. In Germany it is the opposite of it. Often
they cook their dinner already in the morning
and in the afternoon they just warm it up.
Bristol 2011/2012
Host families by Jan P. and Florian W.
In anderen Kulturen ist es manchmal nicht leicht, die berühmten Fettnäpfchen zu umgehen. Finde
hier heraus, was es mit dem Leben in der Gastfamilie auf sich hat.
A host family in England is nothing special.
Every other family takes on students from
foreign countries. They earn money by looking
after students. Host families prepare
breakfast and dinner for us. They take care of
us and try to make our stay as nice as
possible. Mostly they are very helpful. The
host parents are a real help during
conversations. You get an insight into how the
people in this country live.
However, we quickly realized that they live
very differently than we do in Germany. You
have to learn to go with it. Then you can live
with that different standard of living. Thus you
get an insight into their culture.
The English food is delicious (to us). But it is
unusual and you have to get used to it first.
There are three meals: breakfast, lunch and
dinner but not in the week, only at weekends.
In between, there is always tea. The dishes
are always very full. The people in England
drink mostly only tea, coffee or water with
juice. We spoke with the families very much
English. Every evening we spoke in English
with our hosts and we felt less shy day by day.
The host family helped us with English.
What is a little strange is that the rooms in the
houses are a bit smaller than in Germany. The
whole house is generally quite small. The
gardens are arranged differently everywhere.
We had to take the bus every day. Since we
got a bus ticket, this was not a problem.
Although we were allowed to go only within a
certain range but this range was sufficient. It
was not easy to find the right bus stop where
you would like to get off because the bus stop
names are not displayed in the bus.
England consists of many ancient buildings.
Bristol 2011/2012
More recommendations still by Jan P. and Florian W.
Die Briten sind bekannt für ihre höflichen
Umgangsformen. Read and find out all about it.
Unfortunately (or luckily?), not every room in
British houses is decorated like this one (s. a.).
You have to ask for everything in
advance before you want to do
something. It is impolite to do
something and not ask.
If you go somewhere or stay out
longer you must tell them. Reports
from the host parents say they are
angry when they cook especially for
us, we don’t show up in time and then
they have to throw away the food.
If you stay out longer you have to get
a key, so that you are able to come in
again. You have to go quietly so you
don’t wake the parents if they sleep
Boys and girls together aren’t allowed
in the bedroom together.
You can tell your host family if you
don’t like something, normally they
don’t mind. But remember to be very
They don’t like it when we talk in
German. This is very impolite because
they think we speak about them or
we want to exclude them.
Something special in the UK is that if
you would like to take the bus you
reach out your hand. Before the bus
arrives the passengers are already in a
Bristol 2011/2012
Gastfamilien von Jan B. und Wilhelm K.
Don’t be shy - talk with your home stay families and they will help you. Try to talk only English
because you learn the language better and faster. If you still got problems with your home stay,
you can go to Karin and resolve the problem.
In England sind Gastfamilien normal und
gehören zum Alltag. Die Gastfamilie kümmert
sich um die Auszubildenden und Schüler und
stellt ihnen ein Zimmer und Bett zur
Verfügung sowie Küche und Bad. Die
Gastfamilie organisiert Frühstück und
Abendessen. Sie kümmern sich um den Gast.
Durch diese Art des Lebens bekommst du
Einblicke in die Kultur der Engländer. Du wirst
sehr schnell verstehen, dass die Engländer ein
ganz anderes Leben führen als wir hier in
Deutschland. Das Essen in der Gastfamilie ist
Geschmacksache - wenn man sich daran
gewöhnt hat, ist es passabel. Wer ein deftiges
Frühstück mag, wird das englische Frühstück
Bristol, e. g. some flats are very nice and clean
and also big and others are very small and not
so clean. Mostly the student has a single room
or shares a double room with another
student. In some families the rooms get
cleaned every day. In some families the
students have to help.
üblicherweise drei Mahlzeiten verzehrt, von
denen deine Gastfamilie dir zwei serviert. Die
Gastfamilie wird dir häufig Tee anbieten und
dazu Kekse servieren. In England ist es üblich,
dass man abends zusammen fernsieht. In
einigen Familien wird dir geholfen in der
Gegend besser klarzukommen und natürlich
erklärt, wie man nach London kommt.
Once one landed in Bristol, one is fetched by
an employee from S&B called Terry and is
brought to the respective family. It doesn’t
matter at what time you arrive - Terry will
always be there for you. Most host families
are nice and give you a warm welcome. It can
happen you get to a family with children or to
a family with just a pair of retired persons.
Some host families come from foreign
countries, for example from Italy, Russia or
There is a difference in the living standards in
We used our mobile phones to help our
families to understand us when we didn’t
know the English words. That was fun. In the
guest family you get breakfast and a warm
evening meal. If you are hungry at the weekend in the afternoon, you can make yourself a
sandwich. There is the possibility that your
clothes are washed by the guest family. Some
guest families are also so nice and show places
of interest in the town. So we can save money.
Most guest families have got internet, that is
very good.
Bristol 2011/2012
S&B Automotive Academy I von Felix S. und Sascha T.
Die S&B ist eine Berufsschule, die Berufe rund um das Kfz-Handwerk schult. Dazu gehören KfzMechatroniker (für PKW als auch für LKW), Kfz-Elektriker, Lackierer, Zweiradmonteure,
Busmechaniker und Karosserieinstandhaltungstechniker.
Das Equipment der Schule ist sehr gut. Den
Schülern wird eine Reihe an aktuellen
Lernprogrammen zur Verfügung gestellt, die
meist selbsterklärend sind. Somit wird ein
guter Lerneffekt erzielt. Es besteht auch die
Möglichkeit, wie an unserer Schule, dass die
Schüler an echten Fahrzeugen, Motoren,
Getrieben und Bremsen arbeiten und
diagnostizieren können.
Es kommen Schüler aus ganz England an diese
Schule. Da die Schule zu einer der besten im
UK zählt, müssen sich die Azubis mit ihrem
Betrieb bei S&B schriftlich bewerben. Die
Schüler müssen keine, wie sonst üblich in
England, Schuluniformen tragen, da es eine
Privatschule ist.
Der Unterricht im Klassenraum wird in nicht
allzu großen Gruppen durchgeführt. Meist
sind es 10 bis 15 Schüler. Zur
Unterrichtsgestaltung werden oft Medien wie
Beamer oder PCs benutzt. Für das Wohl der
Schüler wird in der Kantine gesorgt. Dort gibt
es immer frisches Essen. Es besteht auch die
Möglichkeit an einem der insgesamt 7 PCs ins
Internet zu gehen oder eine Runde Snooker zu
Bristol 2011/2012
S & B Automotive Academy II by Viola M. & Jan-Christopher P.
S & B Automotive Academy is the number one automotive
training provider in the UK. They focus all their resources on the
automotive industry, and as a result of this they are extremely
proud of their excellent, modern facilities. They offer a diverse
range of apprenticeships reflecting many exciting career paths
within the industry. They have a strong, innovative team of
lecturers and a support staff, all of whom are proactive and
S & B Workshops:
Auto Electrical: The Auto Electrical
Department trains mainly apprentices in the
use of vehicle electrical systems.
Heavy Vehicle (LGVs, bus and coach, lift
truck): In the Heavy Vehicle Department you
learn about various aspects of trucks such as
braking circuits, axles, engines and the
functionality of the vehicles.
Light Vehicle (cars and vans): In the Light
Vehicle Department for passenger cars is
connected directly to the vehicles and
components. The Light Vehicle department
looks like a normal workshop equipped with
all the tools you need. That way you not only
learn the dry facts but the same theory on the
real model.
Motorcycle: In the motorcycle division one
has the opportunity to learn about different
types of motorcycles and to understand their
different techniques and parts.
Paint and Body: In the paint shop, the
students have the opportunity to implement
their ideas directly to a vehicle part. The paint
shop is equipped like a real workshop. In the
painting department, there is even the
possibility of a bus or truck to be painted.
Bristol 2011/2012
… Im Großen und Ganzen hat mir die Reise
nach England sehr viel Spaß gemacht. In
diesen drei Wochen habe ich mehr Englisch
gelernt, als ich es vermutet hatte. Ich bin
mehr als zufrieden mit dem, was ich gelernt,
gesehen und erreicht habe. Die Reise war ein
voller Erfolg. – Juri R.
… Ich fand es gut mit anzusehen, jeden Tag
besser Englisch sprechen zu können und zu
einem Teil die Kultur und den Alltag besser zu
verstehen. Nicht so gut fand ich, dass wir
nicht in einem Busunternehmen als
Praktikanten wirklich arbeiten konnten. Dafür
haben wir viele gute Ausflüge gemacht. –
Dennis B.
Super! - Patrick G.
… Gut fand ich, u. a., das Praktikum. Wir
hatten immer einen Ansprechpartner, der uns
immer zur Seite stand. Felix T.
… Es wurde alles organisiert und wenn wir
Fragen hatten oder Vorschläge für einen
anderen Ablauf, wurde uns geholfen und auch
nachgebessert. - Sascha S.
… Ich fand alles super – die Lehrkräfte, die
Ausflüge, die Gastfamilie. Das einzige Nervige
war, dass einige Lehrkräfte während der
Schulung verschwanden. - Niels B.
… Hat alles gut geklappt mit der Organisation
vor Ort. Probleme wurden immer gleich
geklärt und alle waren hilfsbereit. Eine schöne
Erfahrung und immer gern wieder! - Sascha H.
Bristol 2011/2012
Auf den Punkt gebracht…
Vier Wochen nach ihrer Rückkehr blicken die elf diesjährigen Leonardo-Teilnehmer der G9 zurück
und ziehen Bilanz: Der Aufenthalt in England hat mir gebracht,…
☺ … dass ich Deutschland und deutsches
Essen mehr zu schätzen gelernt habe.
☺ … dass ich feststellen konnte, dass
man sich auch mit schlechten
Englischkenntnissen gut verständigen
kann. Michaela
☺ …
Busunternehmen kennen gelernt
habe und das System im englischen
ÖPNV verstanden habe. Wilhelm
☺ … dass ich jetzt eine ganz andere
Sichtweise auf mein Leben habe.
☺ … ein Stück erwachsener zu werden
und mein Leben mehr zu schätzen.
☺ … dass ich die Arbeitsmoral in
Deutschland mehr zu schätzen weiß.
Jan P.
☺ … einen besseren Umgang mit der
englischen Sprache. Sebastian
☺ … dass ich mal eine ganz andere
Kultur kennen gelernt habe und dass
ich mein Englisch verbessern muss.
☺ … viele neue tolle Menschen kennen
zu lernen und den Arbeitsalltag in
England zu erleben. Viola
☺ … eine ganz andere Sicht auf die
Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungsunterschiede zu bekommen. Chris
☺ … dass ich mehr Lebenserfahrung
habe und meine Ausbildung mehr
schätze. Jan B.
Bristol 2011/2012
Reiseeindrücke I von Torben S.
Für mich war die Reise nach Bristol ein sehr positives Ereignis.
Nicht nur, dass ich überhaupt zum ersten Mal
in einem Flugzeug geflogen bin, auch andere
neue Erfahrungen habe ich sammeln können.
Während unseres Aufenthaltes in Bristol
wurden wir in Gastfamilien untergebracht. Ich
fühlte mich in meiner Unterkunft wohl und
die Verpflegung dort war auch üppig, wobei
aber leider oftmals Fertigprodukte serviert
wurden. Positiv zu erwähnen ist aber auch,
dass es im Haus der Gastfamilie auch WLAN
gab, so dass ich über das Internet im Kontakt
mit Familie und Freunden bleiben konnte. So
war man in den drei Wochen nicht völlig von
Familie und Freunden isoliert. Der Unterricht
und die Ausflüge, die von der S&B Automotive
Academy durchgeführt wurden, haben mir
sehr gefallen und Langeweile kam keine auf.
Das Programm war vielseitig und interessant.
Desweiteren erhielten wir von der S&B
Automotive Academy Fahrkarten, um in
Bristol die Busse zu nutzen, sowie eine
Bezahlkarte für die S&B-Kantine, auf der ein
tägliches Guthaben von 5 Pfund für Essen und
Trinken verfügbar war.
Nach dem Unterricht bzw. nach den
Ausflügen sowie an den Wochenenden hatten
wir Freizeit, die wir zum Beispiel zum
Shoppen, Fotografieren und gemeinsamen
Unternehmungen wie ein Treffen auf einem
deutschen Weihnachtsmarkt in Bristol
nutzten. An einem Samstag machten wir
einen privat organisierten Tagesausflug und
fuhren in einem Reisebus nach London, wo
wir dann den Tag verbrachten. Am Ende des
Auslandspraktikums kamen nicht nur viele
Fotos beisammen, sondern auch viele positive
Eindrücke. Ich finde, es war eine tolle Zeit und
ich kann ein solches Auslandspraktikum
ausdrücklich empfehlen!
Bristol 2011/2012
Reiseeindrücke II - Travel Time von Marvin P.
The overall travel time by car takes about 13
hours. Our route led us through the
Netherlands, Belgium, and France. In Calais
(France) we took the ferry to Dover (England).
The ferry took about 2.5 hours. When we
were in England, we still had plenty of time.
Then we drove on to London and then to
Bristol. In Bristol we me with driver Terry who
picked us up at the Academy and we went to
our host families. The journey by car takes
longer than by plane but it was cheaper
especially because we had a gas car. So we
always had a car and could take a lot of
luggage with us.
Reiseeindrücke III von Tobias U.
Vor der Fahrt war ich noch sehr aufgeregt,
besonders am Tag des Abfluges spürte ich
eine große Spannung. An diesem Tage flog ich
zum ersten Mal mit dem Flugzeug. Es war ein
sehr besonderes Erlebnis. Alles sehr neu, dann
wurden unsere Flüge sogar noch umgelegt.
Katharina und ich flogen über Paris nach
London, wo wir mit einem Bus abgeholt und
nach Bristol gefahren wurden. In der Nacht
sind wir dann sogar noch sehr nett von den
Gastfamilien aufgenommen worden. Es legte
sich die Aufregung und unser Abenteuer „3
Wochen Bristol“ konnte beginnen. Am Anfang
stand es an den Linksverkehr zu bewältigen.
Nach einer kurzen Übungsphase kam man da
ganz gut rein, obwohl man jedes Mal am
liebsten in beide Richtungen schaute. Wir
gingen zur Akademie, wo uns gewisse Teile
der Elektrotechnik beigebracht wurden.
Außerdem hatten wir Englischunterricht.
Unsere Lehrerin sprach kein Deutsch, aber sie
machte das trotzdem sehr gut. Wir machten
viele Ausflüge, alles war sehr sehenswert und
auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Die Ausflüge
waren sehr vielfältig. Leider hat mir das
Praktikum ein wenig gefehlt. Und eine
kleinere Gruppe wäre auch sehr von Vorteil.
Im Ganzen bin ich sehr zufrieden mit der
Fahrt, die Vorbereitungen und die Aufregung,
hat sich sehr gelohnt. Wir hatten viel Spaß,
Bristol 2011/2012
Trip to Jaguar
Traditionsgemäß reisten wir in der ersten Woche
nach Birmingham, wo wir an einer der begehrten
Werksbesichtigungen bei der Firma Jaguar
Es folgen einige Informationen über die Firma,
die uns freundlicherweise von Jaguar selbst
zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. - Karin D.
The following provides information about
Jaguar one of the world’s leading luxury car
manufacturers, with a history spanning over
75 years. The company started building
sidecars for motorbikes in 1922. In 1928 it
moved from Blackpool to Coventry and built
its first Jaguar (SS 100) in 1935. It became
Jaguar Cars 1945 and part of British Leyland in
the 1970s. In the 1980s it split from British
Leyland and was bought by Ford in 1989 for
£1.6b and began a product revival. In 2008
Jaguar Land Rover was sold by Ford to TATA
Motors for £1.7b.
The history of the Jaguar plant at Castle
Bromwich covers over 60 years of production,
from the manufacture of Spitfire and
Lancaster aircraft to the very latest Jaguar
saloons and sports cars. On Monday 2nd June
2008, Tata completed the purchase of the
Jaguar Land Rover business from Ford; Tata
paid £1.5bn for the two brands. Tata Motors
Limited is a multinational corporation with
headquarters in Mumbai, India. It is India's
largest passenger automobile and commercial
vehicle manufacturing company, part of the
Tata Group, and one of the world's largest
manufacturers of commercial vehicles. The
OICA ranked it as the world's 20th largest
automaker, based on figures for 2006.
Tata Motors was established in 1945, when
locomotives. The company manufactured its
first commercial vehicle in 1954 in
collaboration with Daimler-Benz AG, which
ended in 1969. In 2004, it bought Daewoo's
truck manufacturing unit, now known as Tata
Daewoo Commercial Vehicle, in South Korea.
It also, acquired a 21% stake in Hispano
Carrocera SA, giving it controlling rights in the
company. Tata Motors launched their much
awaited Tata Nano, noted for its Rs 100,000
price-tag, in January 2008.
Jaguar Cars are only built in one location. This
Is at Castle Bromwich, Birmingham. Here is
the 112 acre site above.
Bristol 2011/2012
… and still more information about Jaguar
As part of the transaction, Ford will continue
to supply Jaguar Land Rover for differing
periods with powertrains, stampings and
other vehicle components, in addition to a
variety of technologies, such as environmental
and platform technologies. Ford also has
committed to provide engineering support,
including research and development, plus
information technology, accounting and other
Manufacturing Process
This is the area in which the body panels
come together on a framing line before
progressing to the paint shop. Currently we
have two joining methods, the XF's are Spot
Welded, the XK and XJ's are Glue & Rivet.
Paint Shop
All three models are painted on-site in our
paint shop; it occupies a surface area of
56,160 sq metres on two floors. Block A is one
of the largest within the Castle Bromwich
plant this is where the paint shop is housed.
We have the capacity to spray 40 bodies per
hour. In terms of environmental impact,
water-based paints are used, and any
emissions are treated by an oxidizer unit to
de-tox the fumes. Robot air sprayers and high
voltage electrostatic paint application ensures
low levels of overspray. Waste paint material
is contained by a handling system so that it
may be recycled.
Painted body shells are delivered to assembly
areas in strict order to ensure they meet with
the correct trim and engine. Vehicles are
fitted with panels to ensure protection against
accidental damage to the paint finish. Once
the vehicle enters the assembly line the doors
are removed. The doors are fitted with glass,
winder motors, speakers and trim. They are
then met with the correct vehicle towards the
end of the assembly process. The engine,
transmissions and axles are assembled on to
the vehicle in the chassis build area. The final
stages of the assembly process involves fitting
the seats, bumpers, doors and wheels and
adding coolant and brake fluids, and fuel so
that it may be driven off the assembly line.
Test and Inspection
Once the vehicle is driven off the assembly
line it undergoes a thorough series of tests
and calibrations, including a rolling road,
water and electric testing, calibration of
suspension and steering, and bodywork
checks. All quality checks must be met before
the vehicle is prepared for delivery.
Bristol 2011/2012
Besuch des Jaguar-Werkes am 22.11.2011 von Torben S.
Am Dienstag hatten wir eine Besichtigung des
Jaguar-Werkes in Castle Bromwich bei
Birmingham. Als erstes wurden wir in einen
Raum geführt, wo wir eine Sicherheitseinweisung bekommen haben und uns
mitgeteilt wurde, dass das Fotografieren auf
Anschließend wurden uns Warnwesten und
Headsets ausgehändigt. Die Headsets
bekamen wir, weil es in einigen
Produktionsabteilungen laut ist und der
Werksführer uns über ein Mikrofon die
einzelnen Tätigkeiten und Produktionsschritte
in den Abteilungen erklären konnte.
Danach wurden wir durch die einzelnen
Produktionsabteilungen geführt und konnten
nach und nach sehen, wie ein Jaguar von der
Rohkarosserie bis hin zum fertigen Auto
gebaut wird. Dazu wurden uns während der
Führung tolle Details zum Produktionsablauf
erzählt. Nach der Führung wurde uns noch ein
Video zum Jaguar C-X 16, einer Studie für
deren nächsten Sportwagen, gezeigt.
Bristol 2011/2012
Wir über uns…
Last but not at least gibt es nun noch ein Feuerwerk von verbalen und fotografischen Statements.
Kommentar: Florian
It started on August 12. We had to get up very
early in the morning as we had to catch the
6:10 .m. plane to Amsterdam. In Amsterdam
we only had a short stay. From Amsterdam,
we went on to England (Bristol). Once there,
Terry from S & B was waiting for us. He took
us by minibus to our host families. First we
checked into our room and unpacked our
things. Then we went to our host mother in
the living room. Here we talked a little about
us and our country. Our host mother told us a
little about herself. Over a cup of tea we let
the evening end.
The first week we spent at S & B. We toured
Bristol. We got to know Bristol and improved
our English. And we were pleasantly surprised
by the visit to the Jaguar Factory. In the
second and third week, we were at Blue Star
where we made many trips. We were
supervised in all the work we did. We learned
a lot from the time in the Company and its
subsidiaries including BlueStar and Uni-link.
We visited several depots and obtained an
insight into the work flow. On several days we
made small groups in the workshop. However
most of the time we were travelling and
making trips. In the last two weeks we were
supplied by S & B with packed bags. Only two
days did we have lunch at BlueStar.
On the whole, these were three beautiful
weeks in England. But it was not a place that I
would like to live in. Somehow, we still
managed and the weeks went pretty fast. The
food was great for us although it took some
getting used to, but we were always full. The
worst of the three weeks was these long trips.
Each day we had to travel for 2 ½ hours to
Blue Star and the same time back. However,
we had a lot of fun and have experienced a lot
of funny things. One day we were in London
and another day in Cardiff. I would like to
come back for a vacation but I couldn’t
imagine living here.
Kommentar: Jan P.
…On the first day at S & B, we were
introduced to everybody and everything and
got a little insight about the company. In the
first week we were so busy, taking English
lessons, working on our projects and walking
through Bristol. However, the highlight of the
week was the trip to the jaguar factory, which
had us all very impressed.
This weekend we used to celebrate, to make
an excursion to Cardiff and to sleep. In the
second week we had to realize that every day
we had to ride over two hours to the
company, which made us upset. Arriving at
the company BlueStar, we were introduced to
all the important people. We walked through
the depot, had lunch and should watch a
movie. Unfortunately, no one managed to
start the film, thus we have never seen the
film. In the first week we enjoyed ourselves
with trips and then the disgusting lunch box,
and the long ride.
On the second weekend, we went to London,
where we looked at all the big sights. On the
other two days we went into the city. The last
week we were all just annoyed by the
interminably long ride and lunch box you
could not smell it. In recent days we have two
once worked briefly and made excursions. I
think nobody knew what to do with us, what
we should learn and we were treated like
little children. But it was a hope - the return
flight to Germany. That was my experience in
England and my conclusion is never England
Bristol 2011/2012
Bristol 2011/2012
Kommentar: Ina
unfortunately, that it is not such a nice
country and some people here are very
hypocritical. Unfortunately, you think that all
the problems that have got, have been caused
by us. But when we try to discuss it, because
of differences in culture, it leads to
misunderstandings, because we see things
differently in Germany than they do in Britain.
They should tell us but unfortunately because
of their politeness, they do not, and try to
pretend that everything is OK and
unfortunately we learnt only from our teacher
in Germany that they wanted us to leave the
host family.
In Germany, people talk a lot more honestly
and determinately, although this may
sometimes come across as just a bit rude but I
personally prefer the more honest approach.
From the project I'm taking I'm very happy but
not with this experience, because what I
learned from it was that I appreciated
Germany now much, much more. Even the
food is better in Germany, because the food
here was not to my taste. It was far too greasy
and generally the combinations are not really
beautiful in England. In addition, we noted
here that our German bread is greatly lacking
About learning English, I found it a good way
to learn because I could test myself by seeing
how far one could understand using my own
English. Our problems were good in the sense
that, as we had to learn more about how we
resolve problems just using English and
especially the cultural differences in what we
do the best. That was a helpful learning effect
for life.
The English are also very different when it
comes to our health. I myself had the
experience when I had to go to a hospital,
where the doctor can choose here a toll free
number and with the help of a translator can
discuss the treatment, so that you really have
no need to fear going to the doctor. I cannot
generalize, not for ordinary doctors, because I
know it only from those who work in the
hospital. Per prescription you pay 7 pounds
here but it is not recommended.
You should rather get the non-prescription
drugs from a pharmacy, which is much
cheaper. In addition, I went to the hospital in
the first week of my visit and the doctor only
wrote a sick note in the second week.
In conclusion I would say that there are such
people in Germany, too, and it is just
unfortunate that we had a host family like
this. It just comes down to luck which family
you get.
Kommentar: Viola
On the 26 of August 2012 I started the
journey to Bristol and the project to work in
another country. The welcome at the Airport
in Bristol was very friendly and also from my
host family. My host family was also very
friendly and nice to me. The food was very
good and they made a lot of activities with
me. For example we went to Bath, a historic
town near Bristol. It was nice to see other
In the first week I spent my time at the S&B
Automotive College and I learned something
about England, the language and Bristol. I
talked a lot with different people and it was a
good training to speak more English. In the
second week I started my work exchange in
Avonmouth in a heavy vehicle workshop. But
unfortunately it was not so nice there. The
workshop was very dirty and there was no
organisation about what I should do there.
For the most time I watched what the other
people did and I cleaned up. It was an
experience, but not a good experience. In the
third week I was in another Workshop in
Swindon. It is the Head office from MAN in
Bristol 2011/2012
Bristol 2011/2012
the UK. This week started better than the
week before. I learned something about the
engine from a coach and I worked on this
engine. The people there were very friendly
and I enjoyed the time there.
My impression from England is very good and
I will come back. …I enjoyed my exchange and
the whole journey.
Kommentar: Chris
It was on the 26-08-2012 that I flew from
Hamburg to Bristol. It was a very sunny day in
Bristol. Terry Murphy picked me up from the
Airport and brought me to my home stay
In the first week I stayed at S & B Automotive
Academy. I had learned more English and
more about S & B. I went to the very
interesting M-Shed Museum and learnt more
about Bristol. The second week I went to
“Sampson Ltd“. It was a little garage in
Avonmouth. There I worked with some very
crazy people. Sampson was a garage for all
types of heavy vehicles from a variety of
manufacturers. But it was not so good there.
And I stayed there for 3 days. The last 2 days
from week 2 I went to S & B and worked there
on a heavy vehicle engine. The third week I
worked at MAN Swindon. It was a good time
there. I worked on a coach engine with Stuart.
It was very funny. One day I worked with Tom
in the spare parts warehouse. MAN in
Swindon is the big Headquarters Office and
Spare parts warehouse for the entire U.K.
The home stay family was very great. It was
clean, friendly and the food was very good.
The whole time in England – Bristol - was a
very good time. All the things they had told
me in Germany are not right. English People
are very friendly. Thank you for the good
Kommentar: Michaela
Before I went to England, I thought that it
would be very interesting and I was happy to
learn something about the English culture. But
from the first day in our guest family I was
feeling bad, because they totally ignored us.
We got something to eat. After this we had a
little conversation with our guest family and
then they did other things, and this every day.
The food isn't everybody’s taste. Here they
cook very fatty and they eat for breakfast
something like we eat in Germany for lunch.
They eat bread and rolls at rare intervals.
Lunch typically consists of bacon, mushrooms,
beans with sauce and roasted or mashed
potatoes. For drinking they have syrup mixed
with water or tea with milk and sugar.
Sometimes they drink soft drinks like Coca
Cola, too.
The worst of the 3 weeks was the tour to the
bus company Blue Star. The way was over 2
hours long, and then this return, too. The staff
there didn't know what they could do with us
German people. Of course it was good
because we saw many sights and the country.
The language lessons at S&B were okay but
the learning effect of it was not so good. I
guess my English after this 3 weeks isn't really
better than before.
I think it is luck to find a really good guest
family because everybody likes different
things. But for the next group it would be
good, when they can choose their guest
family or the organization asks something like
“Do you like dogs?“ when there is a dog in the
guest family or “Do you like big families? “Do
you like babies/children?” I didn't like big
families and I stayed in one. When there is too
much turbulence, I feel very poorly.
The best positive point is that I have learned
to love Germany ♥
Bristol 2011/2012
Bristol 2011/2012
Bristol 2011/2012
Kommentar: Sebastian
In the first week we had one language course. And it prepared us for the training period for the next
weeks. Further on we had many excursions, e. g. to the M-Shed. This is a museum about the history
of Bristol and we were at Jaguar, the car company. In the second week we were with Blue Star in
Southampton. There we made a tour of the company. We travelled to Stonehenge and to another
Last week we were in Salisbury at the other company of Blue Star There we worked in different
departments, for example offices or in the workshop.
My résumé of England is: it was nice time. It brought to me a lot of new experience. One important
point is how well I have got it at home. The food was not so incredible, however all right. The
cleanliness was here not so good. I can only recommend this project because it offers experience
about the different ways people here and there work.
Kommentar Stefan
If I look back at the three weeks, I can see good and not so good experiences. The first week was
quite fun, new home, new people and foreign surroundings - however, I settled down fast. We spent
the first week with S&B in Bristol.
There we were at a sort of education center for apprentices, had a detailed linguistic course and
were prepared for two weeks in industrial placement. Further on, we had to hold English seminar
papers and learn wordplays. In the first week we also got to know a lot about the town and the
country. We visited many churches and museums. Thus we got to know a lot about the people and
this life in Bristol and in England.
Then 2 weeks led us to Southampton to the coach enterprise of Blue Star. In the first week we got to
know the company. The boss divided to us into the departments in which we had to go: in the
workshop, in the office and on the streets. There we could collect so many experiences, got a better
understanding of bus drivers and customers and exchange experiences. In the first week we also
visited Stonehenge - the coach enterprise offers journeys there. Two training period weeks led us to
castle Salis, to the smaller partner from Blue-Star, Wilts & Dorset.
This is my personal impression of three weeks. Actually, I am very content. I have collected many
experiences here regarding my appeal as a bus driver everybody begins and would come again here
to work. I did not like that people in England do pay no or less attention to cleanliness and eat a lot
of fatty food. And the long ride to Blue Star was not so pleasant, but overall it was great and I am
grateful for this time.
Bristol 2011/2012
Good bye.
Hope to see you in Bristol next year!