127 Poster sessions Tuesday 4, 10:30-13:00


127 Poster sessions Tuesday 4, 10:30-13:00
Poster sessions
Topic 1. Health policies and social determinants
Tuesday 4, 10:30-13:00, ROOM 12
Session coordinators: Ida Santana, Cuba / Juan Carlos Labori, Cuba
Health promotion
0018. Intervention work with women of Wajay health area to train them as health
promoters, May 2010-April 2011. Estrella Rodríguez Valdés, Mayra Agramonte
Martínez, Regino Antonio Oviedo Rodríguez, Cuba.
0030. Educational intervention for cardiovascular prevention with secondary
school teenagers.
Yuri Arnold Domínguez, Cuba.
0051. Social marketing: a necessary tool for health promotion.
Ledia Haydee Góngora García, Lizbeth García Góngora, Cuba.
0062. Prevalence of tobacco and drug consumption in Latin American female
adults at the city of Seville (Spain). José Rafael González López, Mª de las
Mercedes Lomas Campos, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Vázquez, Jacinto
García Fernández, Mª José Guardado González, Juana Pascualvaca Armario,
0073. Educational strategy. Sexual and reproductive health support for
teenagers. Rogelio Tomás Gómez Suárez, Cuba.
1052. Proposal of educational intervention for the prevention of pregnancy in
slightly mentally retarded teenage girls. Manuel Lescay Céspedes, Cuba.
0233. Risk perception and road behaviour of university students pedestrians in
Medellín and Montreal, 2011.
Natalia Velásquez Osorio, Colombia.
0291. Impact of an educational strategy for parents of children with Down
Syndrome to develop self-sufficiency.
Eloy Jesús Pineda Pérez, Cuba.
130. New method to educate dental students to assist tobacco cessation.
Agnes Nagy, A. Forster, K. Barabas, J. Spangler, Hungary.
0311. Tobacco and illegal drug consumption by immigrant and indigenous young
adults in Seville (Spain). Pilot study. Jacinto García Fernández, Mª de las
Mercedes Lomas Campos, José Rafael González López, Ángel Vilches Arenas,
Juana Pascualvaca Armario, Mª José Guardado González, Spain.
0327. Strength of intersectoriality in the promotion and education for genetic
health. María de Jesús Pérez Herrera, Nora María Orive Rodríguez, Raymundo
Pérez Urquiza, Orlando Serrano Barrera, Cuba.
0425. Results of the comprehensive community intervention project healthwellbeing in the parish Santiago de Quito. Cantón, Colta, Chimborazo Province,
Ernesto René Salcedo Rocha, Marcos Vizuete Negrete, Ofelia Mengana
Arzuaga, Iselda Milanés Corrales, Ecuador.
0427. Along the paths of life, Ciego de Ávila province (Documentary).
Ernesto René Salcedo Rocha, Cuba.
0521. Proposal of transversing health promotion in medicine studies in Cuba.
Rolando Bonal Ruiz, Mercedes Marzán, Ana Selva Capdesuñer, Susana Terry
González, Cuba.
0544. Educational strategy to increase the knowledge of accidents in tutors.
Nolvys Caridad Torres Guevara, Cuba.
0548. Working experiencies in the prevention of STI/HIV-AIDS in the computer
science iniversity regional school in Manzanillo, Granma. Yaismil Galano Gómez,
0647. Projeto Boa Visão: uma proposta de promoção à saúde para a população
Pernambucana, Brasil, 2012. Mayra Ramos Barbosa da Silva, Andreza
Barkokebas Santos de Faria, Pinheiro Herika Dantas Modesto Pinheiro, Brazil.
0740. Intervention of the institution under CRIAMAR based on the concepts of
health promotion. Cavalcante Rayane Pereira, Karolyne Paula Scarllet, Brazil.
0746. Education for health – construction of shared knowledge.
Rubén Walter Brañas Coelho, Alexandra Coelho Pereyra, Brazil.
0802. Programa de educacao em saúde da crianca – PESC. Benevides
Katherine Mary, Batista Tania Carvalho, Silva Núbia Rodrigues, Lima Jolena
Crystian, Guilherme Jefferson Pereira, Brazil.
0809. Promoção da saúde na travessia do rio negro-amazonas: acão educativa
da Enfermagem e de Saúde coletiva. Anete Leda de Oliveira, Altair Seabra de
Farias, Eidie do Vale Souza, Elielza Guerreiro Menezes, Fabiola Ramos de
Almeida, Maria Jose Alves da Silva Dias, Zilmar Augusto de Souza Filho,
Rodrigo da Silva Martins, Brazil.
0824. Educational intervention for a correct construction of maleness in a
secondary school. Noides Manuel Bell Fernández, Danna Vinent Pérez, Dennys
Dinza Tejera, Alina Puig Téllez, Cuba.
0978. Damage reduction: a careful strategy. Pacheco Maria Carolina dos Santos
Cruz, Patricia Ferreira de Lima, Maria Adriana da Silva, Cilene Cavalcante de
Almeida, Adriana Leitão Moreira, Cássia Simone Pereira, Gleysiane de Oliveira
Moraes, José Luis Conceição dos Santos, Joseane Pereira Xavier, Heloisa da
Veiga Coelho, Brazil.
1089. A Promoção da Saúde no Brasil e o Programa Academia da Saúde: um
relato de experiencia. Monique Alves Padilha, Brazil.
1156. Promoting responsible sexual health with teenagers of the Turcios Lima
Polyclinic health area, Pinar del Río. Daimadelys Gutiérrez Iglesias, Isaimy
Marimón Lescano, Julio Cesar Candelaria Brito, Lorna Lidia Díaz Sánchez,
1240. Promoção e proteção à saúde: experiencia de uma unidade de saúde da
família do Rio de Janeiro. Luciana Madeira da Costa, Vivian Raymundo da Silva,
Bruno Godinho da Silva, Claudia Mattos da Cunha Costa, Ronaldo da Silva
Moreira, Brazil.
1265 Experience in the design of an educational intervention for men who have
male sex partners to prevent HIV/AIDS. Camagüey municipality 2011.
Ana Gloria Romero González, Cuba.
1327. Diagnosis of the communication and design of an intergeneration
community intervention Manuel Aneiros Nursing Home. Bertha Isabel Iglesias
González, Cuba.
1355. Programa Chapéu de Palha de Pernambuco: uma abordagem para a
promoção da saúde. Silvana Monteiro, Mayave Souza, Lígia Lima, Renata
Jesus, Brazil.
1386. Educational intervention as a strategy to control cholera in three polyclinics
of Manzanillo.
Aracelis Montoya Vázquez, Roberto Figueredo Remón, Jany González de Sosa,
Víctor Manuel Rodríguez, Silvia Elia Camejo Anaya, Danyz Jiménez Almaguer,
1448. Educational intervention to favor responsible sexuality in teenagers from
“Julio A Mella” secondary school. September 2010 – 2011. Tamara Aquino
García, Cuba.
1599. Community project “TB - promoters”, an integration experience universityschool-community in the struggle against tuberculosis. Nidia Mercedes Rojas
Hernández, Amado Batista Mainegra, Jeny Adina Larrea Murel. Odette González
Aporte, Cuba.
1619. Promovendo a saúde do homem. Moreira Ronaldo da Silva, da Silva
Bruno Godinho, Macedo Luiz Alberto da Silva, Sobrinho Ubirajara Borges, Brazil.
1648. Methodological proposal in a school with a health promotion approach and
the leading role of youngsters. María Caputo, David Ramos Silva Rios, Karla
Hegouet Guedes de Azevedo, Erika Naegel, Brasil.
1504. Práctica educativa em uma escola municipal do Río de Janeiro: relato de
experiência de académicas de enfermagem. Marcia Luna do Nascimento,
Denise Rocha Salazar de Oliveira, Flávia Ramos Fernandes Guimarães, Gláucia
Lemgruber Schuabb, Brazil.
1739. Education intervention with elderly’s relatives in relation to satisfactory
aging. Manzanillo, 2008.
Yuslen Tomás Coll, Cuba.
1296. Educational intervention on diabetes mellitus at thel ASIC. 512. State of
Vargas. Venezuela. March-September 2012.
Annyaneth Contreras, Astrid
Valderruten, Willyelin Mendoza, Yolimar Álvarez, Cuba-Venezuela.
1895. Operational health unit Columbe, a joint experience Cuba-Ecuador in
health promotion.
Nancy Lindora Nepunoseno Padilla, Paula Nancy
Aguilar Hernández, Iselda Milanés Corrales, Rosario Oña Mendoza, Cuba.
2069. Comunicação e informação em saúde a través da Arte Cênica. Vivian
Costa da Silva, Anderson dos Santos Machado, Brazil.
2071. A promoção de saúde no contexto da formação de fonoaudiólogos.
Jaqueline Luana Fabri Donadon, Nubia Garcia Vianna, Brazil.
2095. Health promotion in medical education.
Odette Garrido Amable, Zoraida Amable Ambrós, Cuba.
774. Health promotion in society. Albanys Carolina Español Rodríguez, Said
Arturo Inojosa Bolívar, Manuel Alfredo Álvarez, Venezuela.
1489. Promotion and prevention national regulations in Guatemala. Mario
Enrique Pla Acevedo, Verónica Castellanos Hernandéz, Lair Espinosa
Domínguez, Guatemala.
2184. Health, communication and participation strategies..
Karla Patiño Ramírez, Bolivia.
2216. Training of community health promoters in Yacuiba municipality– Bolivia.
Jhossmar Cristians Auza Santiváñez, Fabián Audiverth, Zuzel Salazar Duany,
606. Estudo comparativo da atenção concentrada entre crianças hiperativas e
sadias de ambos os géneros. Nilo Terra Arêas Neto, Mauricio Rocha Calomeni,
Clicia Nayla Oliveira Souza, Anderson, Pontes Morales, Sônia Guimarães Alves,
1128. Theater as a social inclusive tool and the awareness of mentally
handicaped transporters, psychosocial assistance: experience in the northeast of
Brazil. Francisco Robson Lopes de Moraes, Francisca de Fátima Dos Santos
Freire, Tamy Braga Rodriguez, Naedja Rodrigues Pinheiro, Brazil.
1810. Dialogos intersetoriais em saude: uma análise da promoção em saúde
realizada pelo Ministério da Saúde (Brasil) nasmídias sociais. Oswaldo Norbim
Cunha, Alves J. C., Machado J.M. P.G, Viviane O. Marcacine, Silva R. A., Sousa
B. M., Denise Alves Guimarães, Brazil.
Policies and intersectorial actions
0172. Brazilian health diplomacy: The case of Haiti.
Mateus Falcao Martins Matos, Aurea Maria Zollner Ianni, Brazil.
0251. Characteristics of serum convertors to HIV attenders to a Chilean nongovernment organization between 1990 and 2008.
José Manuel Manríquez
Urbina, Beatriz Marincovich Lizama, Valeria Stuardo Ávila, Chile.
0281. Intersectorial intervention to reduce tobacco consumption and periodontal
disease. Maturín, Monagas, Venezuela, 2009. Eladio Miguel Traviesas Herrera,
0407. Participação popular por meio do Conselho Municipal de Saúde: uma
visão dos conselhos da Microrregião de São Sebastião do Paraíso/ MG. Costa
Juliana Colen de Paula, Andrade Aline Mariane, Brazil.
0509. Internações, reinternações e custo da neurocisticercose no Ceará-Brasil.
Facanha Monica Cardoso, Batista Livia Aline A, Matos P Cintia, Ferreira S
Karine, Brazil.
0669. Performance Pay: China equalization of basic Public Health Services
Reform and innovation case studies "Henan Mode" assessment
Ying Ya Zhen, ZhouHaiSha, China.
0691. Promotion of public health intersectorial actions for the cessation of
morbidity induced by the lack of environmental cleaning in communities with a
low human development index in Brazil.
Milena Abrão de Sena, Wagner Robson Germano Sousa, Brazil.
0772. National policies related to the care of the impaired. Uruguay 2012.
Antonella Cabrera Amaro, Uruguay.
0781. Health seeking behavior of practitioners and supplier-induced demand
what does the evidence say? The case of the southeast regional health authority
in Jamaica. McFarlane Charlton Dwayne James, Jamaica.
0796. Ações integradas da vigilância em saùde, atenção básica e defesa civil,
para o enfrentamento dos efeitos das enchentes em municípios do Amazonas,
2009. Azevedo Wladmary Mendonça, Brazil.
0845. Intersetorialidade entre a vigilância em saúde e a atenção primaria a
saúde – quebra de Paradígmas- ano 2010. Freire Lubélia Sá, Queiroz Vera
Lucia, Brazil.
0854. Implementação de medidas integradas para controle da malária com
enfoque no uso de telas e mosquiteiros impregnados com inseticida. Gricia
Rente Santos, Brazil.
0858. A importância das equipes de atenção básica para a eficácia do uso de
mosquiteiros impregnados como medida de controle da malária no Estado do
Amazonas. Daniel Barros de Castro, Brazil.
1149. Ampliação de possibilidades no cuidado integral. Contribuições para
melhoria da saúde e bem estar da população. Nascimento Deise Fernandes,
Martinaitis Genovaite Martinaitis, Mancilha Grasiella Bueno, Ferreira Aline Maria
Gonçalves Dias, Carvalho Reinaldo Antonio de, Crepaldi Karol Casagrande,
Calfat Elie Leal de Barros, Oliveira Mariana Almeida de, Arantes Fernando
Soares, Katz Pedro Daniel, Filho Luiz Maria Ramos, Brazil.
1311. Breve análise da Política de redução da morbimortalidade no Brasil. Arêas
Neto Nilo Terra, Alves Sônia Guimarães, de Deus André Almeida Lopes,
Cardoso Ane Lise Souza, Gomes Leda Lysandro de Albernaz, Rosa Rosângela
Maria Guimarães, Siqueira Elizabeth Landin Gomes, Brazil.
1444. Saúde, meio ambiente e desenvolvimento: a intersetorialidade em políticas
de saúde nos Municípios da Região Metropolitana Grande Vitória – Es – Brasil.
Mathias Helia Marcia, Artmann Elizabeth Artmann, Brazil.
1631. Public Health: why the Cubans are so successful.
Lynch Una Bridget,
1859. A inserção do setor saúde na política de mudança do clima do município
de São Paulo e ações intersetoriais decorrentes. S. Landin Rubens, Giatti
Leandro Luiz, Brazil.
1921. Humanizing health policy in Brazil: search in social services creators.
Carla Regina Moreira, Brazil.
1930. Estágio de vivência no Sus-Bahia (EV-SUS): uma experiência de
construção coletiva e compromisso ético-político com a saúde. Jair Magalaes da
Silva, Amanda Oliveira Sarmento, Brazil.
1957. Territórios de saber & intersetorialidade:131algumas notas sobre políticas
públicas no contexto brasileiro. Patricia Teresinha Scherer, Maria Isabel Bellini,
Camilia Susana Faler, Guilherme Gomes Ferreira, Tiana Brum de Jesus, Cristian
Fabiano Guimaraes, Brazil.
2009. Implantação da Rede de Urgências Odontológicas, componente da política
estadual de Saúde Bucal em Pernambuco. Paulo César Oliveira Santos, Antônio
Carlos dos Santos Figueira, Andreza Barkokebas, Tereza de Jesus Campos
Neta, Brazil.
2022. A política estadual de Saúde Bucal como indutora das redes municipais de
atenção especializada em Pernambuco. Santos Paulo César Oliveira, Figueira
Antônio Carlos dos Santos, Barkokebas Andreza Barkokebas, Neta Tereza de
Jesus Campos, Brazil.
2032. Redes intersetoriais no campo da saúde mental infanto-juvenil. Dos Anjos
Cintia Santos Nery, Brazil.
2085. Construindo a intersetorialidade nas rede sociais.
Andrade Lima Ana Elizabeth, Brazil.
2131. Sustainability in military settings.
Ana Beatriz de Souza Gomes Brandão, Michelline Freire Moraes, Ana Carolina
Miranda Gomes Vieira da Silva, Zenolia Maria de Almeida, Brazil.
2132. Saúde e movimiento: o papel da organização social na construção de
novos momentos na situação em saúde do Brasil. Araújo Leônidas Florentino
Junio, Gomes da Silva Paulo Henrique, Laurentino Fonseca Marques João
Paulo, Bessa Raylayne Ferreira, Silvério Rodrigo Silvério, Souza Gomes Camila
Andrade, Silva Raelma Paz, Brazil.
2143. O envolvimento dos profissionais de comunicação na articulação de redes
de gestão e atenção em saúde. Anderson dos Santos Machado, Vivian Costa da
Silva, Vanessa da Rosa Guerra, Brazil.
2263. Intersectoriality, main alternative to challenge aging of the Cuban
population. Aida Leonor Rodríguez Cabrera, Milagros Collazo Ramos, Jorge L.
Calero Ricard, Héctor Demetrio Bayarre Vea, Luisa Álvarez Vázquez, Cuba.
Social determinants and community health
0247. Guatemala drives in RESSCAD and nibbles a strategic approach on the
violence issue. Ida Santana Pérez, Katia Robledo, Inés Lazo, Víctor López, Cuba.
0267. The gender approach and abortion in Cuba. Nelli Salomón Avich, Luisa
Álvarez Vázquez, Cuba.
0386. Indicadores de saúde da população na Bahia, Brasil. Ana Cláudia
Conceição da Silva, Bruno Gil de Carvalho Lima, Brazil.
0757. Percepção de indivíduos de uma comunidade sobre o ambiente favorável
ao controle e prevenção da Tuberculose. Adriana Rodrigues da Silva, Ana Ines
Sousa, San'anna Clemax Couto, Paz Pimenta Araujo, Elisabete Araujo, Brazil.
0787. Avaliação do plano pluri anual de prevenção e controle da malária no
Amazonas, 2007-2010. Fialho Romeo Rodrigues, Brazil.
1266. Avaliação do programa de transferência de renda brasileiro nas
comunidades indígenas Teréna de Sidrolândia, Brasil. Avelar Patrícia Silva,
Tamaki Edson Mamoru, Ribas Dulce Lopes Barboza, Pereira Alini de Oliveira,
77 2
1656. Mortalidade infantil e indicadores de infraestrutura urbana em área de
implantação do Complexo Petroquímico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Fascas Heila Fagundes, Brazil.
1685. Behavioral changes in health by means of enabling and social participation.
International experiences.
Digna Edelsys Hernández Meléndrez, Irene
Estefanía Delgado Pérez, Clara Pérez Cárdenas, Antulio Hoyos Rivera, Daniel
Gutiérrez Raina, Maria Gamba Janota, Cuba.
1902. Differences in self-perceived health indicators by ethnic origin.
Andrés Alonso Agudelo Suárez, Eliana Martínez Herrera, Adriana Posada López,
Anderson Rocha Buelvas, Luz María Agudelo Suárez, Amanda Parra Zapata,
Edwin Meneses Gómez, Colombia.
1945. Operationalizing the concept of social classes in critical epidemiology: an
approach proposal from the category social reproduction.
Carla Andrea Trapé, Cassia Baldini Soares, Barbara Ribeiro Buffette Silva, Elaine
Minuci, Celia Maria Sivalli Campos, Lara de Oliveira Lopes, Brazil.
1992. O enfermeiro no campo do empreendedorismo social. Vieira Oliveira
Giovane, Lemos Allan Carlos Mazzoni, Da Silva Hana Tainá Patusco, De Miranda
Olga Priscila Monteiro, Fassarella Cintia Silva, Brazil.
1995. Ação educativa comunitária em Saúde e Políticas Públicas. Torrezan
Rosiane Morais, Furlanetti Maria Peregrina de Fátima Rotta, Brazil.
2065. Perfil das parteiras tradicionais do Estado de Pernambuco. Cordeiro Anna
Renata Pinto de Lemos, Barros Lilian Silva Sampaio, Modesto Pinheiro Hérika
Dantas, Faria Andreza Barkokebas, Neta Teresa Campos de Jesus, Brazil.
2097. Models, strategies and methodologies to promote community development
and health of vulnerable groups at a local level. María Raquel Agost Felip,
Libertad Martín Alfonso, Spain.
2113. Experiência exitosa de Pernambuco com parteiras tradicionais. Barros Lilian
Silva Sampaio, Cordeiro Anna Renata Pinto de Lemos, Modesto Pinheiro Hérika
Dantas, Faria Andreza Barkokebas S, Neta Teresa Campos de Jesus, Brazil.
2116. Preparedness of community health care. Isla de la Juventud, 2011.
Esther Hernández Hernández, Cuba.
2127. Curso de treinamento sobre aleitamento materno para Agentes
Comunitários de Saúde nas atividades educativas de Promoção ao aleitamento
materno: um relato de experiência. Luana Florencio Lima, Elaine Franco de
Araujo, Brazil.
2182. Social determinants associates to disability of Chilean patients with
rheumatoid arthritis: contributions of ethnicity, gender, and social-economic status.
Ana María Alarcón Muñoz, Aldo Vidal H, Sergio Muñoz N, Paula Astudillo A, Chile.
2185. Community therapy. Maria Luiza Paulozzi, Brazil.
2207. Ethnics as a determining window for therapeutic opportunity and its
relationship with disability of Chilean patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Aldo Vidal H, Ana M Alarcón, Sergio Muñoz N, Cecilia Beltrán, Chile.
2218. International management of social determinants of health. Cuban
experiences. Néstor Marimón Torres, Evelyn Martínez Cruz, Cuba.
Tuesday 4, 14:00-17:00, ROOM 12
Session coordinators: Lázaro Díaz, Cuba / Regla Rodríguez, Cuba
Family health
0641. A experiência de educação em saúde: programa “Família Brasileira
Fortalecida” garantindo os direitos da primeira infância. Ieda María Pires, Metilde
Ferreira Carvalho, Brazil.
1301. Homem e vulnerabilidades: um relato em experiência. Paloma Silva Solano
Ramos dos Santos, Denise Rocha Salazar de Oliveira, Flávia Ramos Fernandes
Guimarães, Gláucia Lemgruber Schuabb, Marcia Luna do Nascimento, Florence
Romijn Tocantins, Brazil.
1640. Family educational intervention, a tool to confront domestic violence.
Margarita Díaz Lemus, Cuba.
1954. Conflito trabalho-família. Proposta de mensuração do construto. Pinto
Karina Araújo, Aquino Estela M.L., Griep Rosane Harter, Almeida Maria da
Conceição, Lima Keury Thaisana, Brazil.
2084. A representação social do enfermeiro no âmbito da estratégia Saúde da
Família. Vivian Raymundo da Silva, Luciana Madeira da Costa, Bruno Godinho da
Silva, Ronaldo da Silva Moreira, Claudia Mattos da Cunha Costa, Brazil.
2188. AIDS, a glance by teenagers. Santa Clara, 2010.
Isa Álvarez León, Nerida Rodríguez Oliva, Ester Obdulia Rivero Álvarez, Cuba.
605. Suicídio de pessoas idosas: reações emocionais de familiares. Ana Célia
Sousa Cavalcante, Francisca Verônica Cavalcante, Brazil.
Environmental education
0413. Diagnóstico das condições de saneamento básico no bairro do São
Cristovão. Município de São Luís. Juliana Colen de Paula Costa, Ilana Mírian
Almeida Felipe, Thaiane Coelho Santos, Brazil.
0947. Experiences of research and development in primary environmental care at
the local health level. Jesús Menéndez, Las Tunas.
Maritza Ingran Calderón, Zaida Ponce Rodríguez, Yahanara Navarro Área, Maite
Silveira Fonseca, Omar Marrero Santo, Cuba.
1344. Effectivity of preservation programs of fresh water ecosystems in Sierra del
Rosario, Pinar del Río.
Yunier Arpajón Peña, Cuba.
1376. Community environmental education.
Inés Isabel Monferrer Cordero, Maribel Chibás Monferrer, Sirelda Esperanza
Acosta Brooks, Tamara Taquechel Domecq, Cuba.
1449. Set of activities aimed at developing an environmental culture in children with
special needs (mentally retarded). Juan Ismael Molinet Caprón, Cuba.
1861. Disaster and impairment. Rene Esteban Ventura Velázquez, Cuba.
Topic 2.Challenges of the health systems
Tuesday 4, 14:00-17:00, ROOM 12
0075. Health cultural perception and the wellbeing of the elderly. A nursing intervention
Iyemai Rodríguez Hernández, Yadira Zayas Ravelo, Yanelis Navarro
Alvarez, Aurora Fajardo Villarroel, Cuba.
0080. Proposal of a national computerized record of dementias in Cuba.
José Alberto González Cáceres, Cuba.
0119. Associated eye diseases and risk factors of the elderly with macular degeneration
related to age.
Idalia Triana Casado, Cuba.
0259. Psychological effect of the relatives’ load in taking care of bedridden patients. 4 de
Abril polyclinics. 2010- 2011.
Liudmila Vilató Frómeta, Carina Gonzáles Gómez, Cuba.
0289. Educational intervention to insert the senior citizens in physical exercising. Joaquín
de Agüero polyclinics.
Berenix Lozano Vega, Yamilet López Rodríguez, Cuba.
0338. Women behavior at “Reina” polyclinics in the prevention of cervical uterine
Tania de la Caridad García Castellanos, Caridad Dandicourt
Tomas, Pedro Cruz Atrell, Cuba.
0348. Physical disability of the elderly in an urban community.
Alonso Galbán, Félix J. Sansó Soberats, Alejandro Castellanos García, Ana María DíazCanel Navarro, Mayra Carrasco García, Cuba.
0359. Evaluation of the mammogram service of the eastern maternity hospital.
Angel Gabriel Infante Pineda, Aylin de la Caridad Aguilar Tur, Héctor Parra Caboverde,
0373. Educational intervention to ictus impaired senior citizens about preventing
recurrence cerebral vascular diseases.
María Dolores Mondéjar Barrios. Ciego de Ávila, Cuba.
0401. Translation into Spanish and study of the psychometric properties in an attitude
scale towards chronic pain in a sample of Puerto Rican senior citizens. Lindsay Elane
Mitchell Hernández, José Rodríguez Gómez, José Martínez González, Puerto Rico.
0405. Study on resilience inner factors in a sample of Puerto Rican centenerians.
José Javier Rosado-Medina, José Raúl Rodríguez-Gómez, Gladys Altieri-Ramírez, Puerto
0444. Escolaridade e renda como fatores orte pio a alterações fonoaudiológicas. Ceballos
Albanita Gomes da Costa, Cardoso Carla, Brazil.
0472. Hidden depression in the elderly in an urban community
Patricia Alonso Galbán, Félix José Sansó Soberats, María Laura Rey Sánchez, Cuba.
0579. Characterization of fragile senior citizens with a daibetes type 2 diagnosis and their
care takers.
Maria de la Caridad Casanova Moreno, Cuba.
0646. Contribution of memoir books in keeping self-identity in Alzheimer disease. María
Luisa Gómez Taibo, Paua Parga Amado, Nereida Canosa Domínguez, Teresa García
Real, Pilar Vieiro Iglesias, María Pilar Fernández Fernández, España.
0728. Algumas considerações sobre saúde, trabalho e envelhecimento humano. Cinat
Cristiane Não Consta, Brazil.
0856. Gender inequity: a challenge for public health services.
Sandro Hernández Dos Santos, Uruguay.
0893. Characterization of the elderly in a medical cooperation mission. Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela, 2003-2010.
Abel Hidalgo Prieto, Alina María Segredo Pérez,
Eugenio Radamés Borroto Cruz, Cuba.
0971. Reliability of a scale to explore spiritual and religious attitudes of the elderly (Sp
EAERA): a pilot study in en Puerto Rico.
Terydalis Delgado Medina, José Rodríguez
Gómez, Dharma Rodríguez Pagan, Puerto Rico.
0998. Maternal perinatal results. Cardiopathic and non-cardiopathic pregnant women. Juan
Bruno Zayas Hospital. January 2007–December 2008. Yoliaris Mourlot Morales, Sandra
Huerta González, Luis Norberto Díaz González, Angel Orte Escandón, Cuba.
1010. Bruxism in the elderly. Liset María Frías Figueredo, Cuba.
1034. Assembly of a sieving battery forAlzheimer in Puerto Rican senior citizens: a pilot
study. José Rodriguez Gomez, Rosa Rodriguez Benitez, Daniel Martinez Ortiz, Dharma R.
Rodriguez Pagan, Puerto Rico.
1108. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 in the elderly of a polyclinics
Luis Garcia Guerra, Yarima Beatriz Beaton Lobaina, Inés Aurora del Pino Boytel,
Clemente Couso Seoane, Cuba.
1124. Influence of some characteristics of the adolescent mother’s weight on the
newborn’s weight.
Jorge Manuel Balestena Sánchez, Cuba.
1126. Mother’s characteristics that influence on the birth of neonates with very low weight
. Jorge Manuel Balestena Sánchez, Cuba.
1138. Transtorno mental comum e problemas de saúde em idosos. Borim Flávia Arbex,
Barros Marilisa Berti de Azevedo, Brazil.
1202. Elderly with disabling ictus and effect on the family functioning.
Alioth Guerrero Aranda, Caridad Aranda Castillo, Cuba.
1204. Envelhecimento e HIV/aids: um desafio para a saúde pública. Brasil. Soares LA,
Morais RA, Prado TS, Brazil.
1209. Battering of the elderly, People’s Council Capitán San Luis. March 2011.
Diana Belkys Gómez Guerra, Maria de la C Casanova Moreno, Maricela Trasancos
Delgado, Osmani Álvarez Bencomo, Cuba.
1227. Prevalence of serological markers of the hepatitis A, B and C viruses in workers with
pigs in Artemisa province, 2007.
María Caridad Montalvo Villalba, Benedito Correia
Eduardo, Marite Bello Corredor, Susel Sariego Frometa, Meilin Sánchez Wong, Bárbara
Marrero Hernández, Licel Rodríguez Lay, Cuba.
1300. Diferenças em saúde entre trabalhadoras e donas de casa: estudo de base
populacional em Campinas, SP, Brasil. Senicato Caroline, Barros Marilisa Berti de
Azevedo, Brazil.
1337. Saúde mental e doenças crônicas em mulheres idosas. Borim Flávia Silva Arbex ,
Senicato Caroline-, Barros Marilisa Berti de Azevedo, Brazil.
1361. Fetal macrosomy, maternal obesity and diabetes mellitus.
Nélida Liduvina Sarasa Muñoz, Cuba.
1400. Preconception risk in child-bearing aged women, Outpatient doctor’s office No. 6,
Plaza de la Revolución Polyclínics, 2008.
Niurka Taureaux Díaz, Virgen Beckfort Hay, Fidelina Herrera García, Cuba.
1427. O papel do manejador de caso no serviço de atenção integral ao dependente
(SAID), reabilitação psicossocial e poder contratual. Freitas Helen Isabel, Brazil.
1479. Quality of life related to middle-aged women’s health. A concept approach. Lilia
Turquina González Cárdenas, Héctor Demetrio Bayarre Vea, Cuba.
1877. Towards and active and participating aging: experience of Cuban university chairs
for the elderly.
Teresa Orosa Fraíz, Antonia Diaz Nuñez, Ofelia Curbelo Noriega, Cuba.
1893. Deficiência visual e reabilitação grupal interdisciplinar: experiência da Universidade
Estadual de Campinas. Brasil. Montilha Rita de Cassia Ietto, Furlan Ligia Aparecida,
1900. Prevention of speech retardation of children diagnosed with anemia, operative health
unit Juan de Velasco, spring 2012.
Nancy Aurora Herrera Achón, Omaida Sandoval
Mejía, Norbelis Fonseca Alfonso, Ysael Rodríguez León, Cuba.
1936. Implicações no cotidiano da mulher portadora do HIV. Paulo Cezar Gonçalves da
Silva, Pacita Geovana Gama de Sousa, Kátia Sydronio de Souza, Brazil.
1973. Investigation of position deformities of teenagers at “23 de diciembre” secondary
school in Sancti Spiritus municipality, 2010 – 2011. Felix Rey Gómez Matos, Cuba.
1999. Evaluation of notification of injuries in occupational health: a processs of health
surveillance. Santos Polyanne Karyne, Brazil.
2053. Prescription of gastric secretion inhibitors in the geriatrics service of Cienfuegos
hospital. 2011. Antonio A. Ramos Barroso, Yacelis D. Cisneros Nápoles, Jorge E. Martínez
González, Pedro M. Melián Vázquez, Víctor J. Muñoz Cabrera, Cuba.
2199. Behavior of physical disability of the elderly at the doctor’s office No. 18, SeptemberDecember 2011.
Dianelis M Dueñas González, Cuba.
1001. Cardiopathy and pregnancy, behavior of maternal perinatal indicators. “Dr. Juan
Bruno Zayas” Hospital, January/2004 –December/2005.
Yoliaris Mourlot Morales, Sandra Huerta González, Luis Norberto Díaz González, Angel
Suárez Escandón, Cuba.
Disasters, its consequences and responses from national health systems
1221. Strategic action plans against disasters aimed at primary health care, la Palma
municipality, Pinar del Río. José A Véliz Gutiérrez, Noharys Pérez Díaz, Zoila Fernández
Montequín, Kenia Ledesma Blanco, Niurka Rodríguez Hernández, Cuba.
59 4
Mental health
0087. Evaluation of the psychotherapeutic professional performance in the state of
Aguascalientes, from the principalist bioethical view.
Alberto Ruvalcaba Alonso, Mexico.
0152. Behavior of self-esteem, support and emotional states of patients who have
undergone surgery due to cervical uterine cancer. Matanzas. 2012.
Lena Alonso Triana, Cuba.
0206. Care taker’s health in Alzheimer disease.
Félix Ramiro Rodríguez Aranega, Cuba.
0378. Mudanças na saúde mental e a assistência de enfermagem frente ao usuário de
crack. Wandekoken Kallen Dettmann, Siqueira Marluce Miguel de, Brazil.
0384. Severe mental disorders and risky situations in primary health care. Drummond
Bruno Lopes da Costa, Antônio Alves Radicchi, Eliane Dias Gontijo, Brazil.
0498. Quality of life of schizophrenic patients treated at primary health care services.
Victoria de la Caridad Ribot Reyes, Antonio Lázaro González Castillo, Cuba.
0600. As dificuldades na implantação da política de saúde mental na atenção primária no
Brasil. Carlos Alberto Pegolo Gama, Thiago Lavras Trapé, Brazil.
0602. Domestic violence: psychopathologies of victims and victimizers.
María Luisa Zamora Rodríguez, Cuba.
0608. Suicide of aged people: emotional reactions from relatives.
Ana Célia Sousa Cavalcante, Francisca Verônica Cavalcante, Brazil.
67 6
68 5
0613. Psychology and mental health in primary health care: an experiential report in
Brazil. Braga Carolina Medeiros, Brazil.
0745. Deficiência intelectual e saúde mental: quando a orte pi vira territorio. Surjus
Luciana Togni, Campos Rosana Onocko, Brazil.
0889. Alcohol consumption pattern in immigrant and indigenous young persons in the city
of Seville (Spain). Pilot study.
Mª de las Mercedes Lomas Campos, Jacinto
García Fernández, José Rafael González López, Ángel Vilches Arenas, Juana
Pascualvaca Armario, Mª José Guardado González, Spain.
1110. O matriciamento na atenção básica pelas equipes especializadas em saúde
mental: uma estratégia para ampliação da clínica e longitudinalidade do cuidado em
saúde à pessoa em sofrimento mental. Camila Castilho Machado Rosa, Cunha Gustavo
Tenório, Brazil.
1116. A implantação de novo modelo de assistência a pacientes dependentes químicos
na Cidade de São Paulo/Brasil. Deise Fernandes do Nascimento, Elie Leal de Barros
Calfat, Fernando Soares Arantes, Reinaldo Antonio de Carvalho, Grasiella Bueno
Mancilha, Karol Casagrande Crepaldi, Oliveira Mariana Almeida de Oliveira, Pedro Daniel
Katz, Luiz Maria Ramos Filho, Brazil.
1157. Characterization of the social support system of middle-aged adults reported by
suicide attempt.
Daimadelys Gutierrez Iglesias, Isaimy Marimón Lescano, Julio
Cesar Candelaria Brito, Lorna Lidia Díaz Sánchez, Cuba.
1536. Implication of ethical and moral values in confronting addiction problems in a group
of students.
Daniel Ernesto Gutiérrez Raina, Digna Edelsys Hernández
Meléndrez, Justo Reinaldo Fabelo Roche, Argentina.
1551. Study of the affective sphere of typical adults with diabetic foot ulcer on treatment
with Heberprot-P.
Yanet Parra Herrera, Cuba.
1567. Experiences of primary prevention of the wronful drug use in the university context.
Daniel Ernesto Gutiérrez Raina, René Cabrera Ramos, Justo Reinaldo Fabelo Roche,
1812. Determining the relationship between the main neuropsychological antecedents
and the development of executive functions at a school early age.
Anai Guerra Labrada, Cuba.
1985. Patient’s safety in the mental health provincial system in Cienfuegos.
Rolando Delgado Figueredo, Odalys Isabel Fernández López, Juan Rafael Cordero
Jiménez, Pedro Orestes Suárez Collado, Yarima Martínez Rodríguez, Flora Isabel
Jiménez Guzmán, Mario Alzuri Falcato, Cuba.
2076. Associação entre transtornos mentais comuns e tuberculose. Gleide Santos
Araújo, Pereira Susan Martins, Darci dos Santos Neves, Brazil.
69 5
70 5
75 6
Emerging and remerging diseases
0031. Dengue: evaluation of the anti-vector struggle at “Isidro de Armas” Polyclinics (JulyNovember 2006).
Yuri Arnold Domínguez, Cuba.
0032. Evaluation of the international sanitary control program at “Nguyen Van Troi”
polyclinics in Centro Habana, Havana, 2007.
Yuri Arnold Domínguez, Cuba.
81 7
96. Rantes and CCR5: contributing factors to the severity of the infection by the
influenza A virus (H1N1) PDM09.
Alexander Piñón Ramos, Belsy Acosta
Herrera, Mayra Muné Jiménez, Yamila Adams Villalón, Odalys Valdés Ramírez,
Guelsys González Báez, Bárbara Hernández Espinosa, Cuba.
0167. Dengue: uma análise socioambiental da área urbana do orte pio de Itabuna, Bahia,
Brasil. Dias Costa Pollyanna Alves, Brazil.
0334. Retardo de diagnóstico de tuberculose no Brasil: uma revisão de literatura. Daiane
Nascimento Castro, Márcia São Pedro Leal, Rosana Aquino Pereira, Susan Martins
Pereira, Brazil.
0418. Mollecule characterization of the influenza virus circulating in Cuba in the period
April 2009- August 2010. Amely Arencibia Garcia, Alexander Piñón Ramos, Mayra
Muné Jiménez, Belsy Acosta Herrera, Odalys Valdés Ramírez, Clara Savón Valdés,
Suset Oropesa Fernández, Grehete González Muñoz, Ángel Goyenechea Hernández,
Yudira Soto Brito, Elías Guilarte García, Guelsys González Báez, Bárbara Hernández
Espinosa, Cuba.
0445. Late diagnosis and hospitalization due to pulmonary tuberculosis in the
metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009-2010.
Patricia Valeria Costa, Luisa Goncalves Dutra de Oliveira, Brazil.
0502. Tuberculose diagnosticada em Hospital Universitário. Facanha Monica Cardoso,
Bastos Silvana Maria Pinto, Costa Francisca Izabel, Gomes Elaine Xavier, Brazil.
0614. Characterization of the cholera epidemics in Latin America and the Caribbean:
comparing figures of morbidity and mortality in view of re-emergence.
Valeria Stuardo Avila, Chile.
0637. Um olhar do enfermeiro sobre os movimentos sociais que atuam no tratamento
diretamento observado da tuberculose na comunidade da Rocinha, RJ, Brasil. Schuabb
Gláucia Lemgruber, Souza Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção, Villa Tereza Cristina Scatena,
Netto Antonio Ruffino, Palha Pedro Fredemir, Sá Lenilde Duarte, Lima Juliana Siqueira,
0665. A sistematização da assistência de enfermagem no tratamento diretamente
observado da tuberculose na comunidade da Rocinha – RJ, Brasil. Lima Juliana Siqueira,
de Souza Fabiana Barbosa Assumpção, Schuabb Gláucia Lemgruber, Villa Tereza
Cristina Scatena, Netto Antonio Ruffino, Palha Pedro Fredemir, de Sá Lenilde Duarte,
0667. Educationl intervention about STI/HIV-AIDS with teenagers of the doctor’s office 24
from the West People’s Council.
Eduardo Pérez Román, Yeralda de la Caridad Echevarría Martínez, Cuba.
0679. Anti-malarial surveillance in Camagüey, Cuba. 1986-2011.
Ubaldo Del Risco Barrios, Reinaldo González González, Lorenzo Diéguez Fernández,
Arnaldo Balaguer Buron, Cuba.
0752. Barreiras no tratamento da infecção latente por tuberculose (ILTB) na criança.
Rodrigues da Silva Adriana Rodrigues, Ines Sousa Ana Ines, Couto San’anna Clemax
Couto, Brazil.
0767. Avaliação das ações de controle da tuberculose nos municipios do Estado do
Amazonas, Brasil. Souza Alexandra Brito, Brazil.
0777. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico da tuberculose na população indígena do estado do
Amazonas, Brasil. Farias Altair Seabra de, Brazil.
1165. Four decades of typhoid fever in Holguín. An accomplishment of Cuban medicine.
María Eugenia Escobar Pérez, Cuba.
1316. Addressing a sustainable reduction of deaths by tuberculosis in Havana: challenges
and perspectives.
Ana I. Martínez
Portuondo, Alexander González Díaz, Francine Matthys, Liana Rodríguez Vargas, Miguel
A. Martínez Morales Beatríz Vega Riverón, Liset Sánchez Valdés, Patrick van der Stuyft,
Edilberto González Ochoa, Cuba.
Wednesday 5, 10:30–13:00, ROOM 12
Session coordinators: Liset Pupo, Cuba/ Ana M. Toledo, Cuba
Emerging and re-emerging diseases (continues...)
1378. Enteroparasitoses em pacientes portadores de HIV/aids atendidos no serviço
de atenção especializada (SAE) do município de Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Eduardo Sergio Silva, Brazil.
1474. Characterization of the focal control of pulmonary tuberculosis. Hermanos
Martínez Tamayo Polyclinics. Baracoa. 2010- 2011. Yanine Gamez Toirac, Cuba.
1511. Epidemiology of pneumococcal meningitis in Cuba: 1998-2011.
Félix Orlando Dickinson Meneses, Misladys Rodríguez Ortega, Cuba.
1530. Toxoplasmose em pacientes portadores de HIV/sida atendidos no serviço de
atenção especializada (SAE) do município de Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Eduardo
Sergio Silva, Brazil.
1664. Learning to live with HIV. Agency expressions with university young people from
Mexico city. José Manuel Méndez Tapia, Mexico.
1671. Age, a risk factor in the infection by the influenza A virus (H1N1) pdm 09 and
other respiratory viruses during the first pandemic wave in Cuba. Suset Isabel
Oropesa Fernández, Betsy Acosta Herrera, Alexander Piñón Ramos, Odalys Valdés
Ramírez, Clara Savón Valdés, Grehete González Muñoz, Amely Arencibia García,
Mayra Muné Jiménez, Elias Guilarte García, Angel Goyenechea Hernández, Bárbara
Hernández Espinosa, Guelsys González Báez, María G Guzmán Tirado, Alina LLop
Hernández, Beatriz Riverón Vega, Cuba.
1686. Synthetic indicator to detect cases of tuberculosis.
Luisa Anatolia Armas Pérez, Edilberto González Ochoa, Cuba.
1719. Quality of life of people living with HIV.
Graciela Caridad Cabrera Acea, Belkis Mercedes Vicente Sánchez, Cynthia Graziella
Gómez Cabrera, Lietter Aguilar Jure, Diana Ardila Almaguer, Cuba.
1797. Epidemiological characterization of tuberculosis in Songo – La Maya
Alberta Llamos Díaz, Cuba.
1798. Cuban laboratory surveillance of influenza pandemic 2009.
Belsy Acosta Herrera, Cuba.
1811. Investigation of respiratory symptomatic people according to the risk of suffering
from tuberculosis. Yaxsier de Armas Rodríguez, Yuri Arnol Domínguez, Gisel Reyes
Castro, Luisa Armas Pérez, Edilberto González Ochoa, Cuba.
1904. Neurocysticercosis. An emerging disease. Case report.
Luis Mario Carrasco Feria, María Elena Paneque Pocio, Dayron Brossard Peña,
Amarilis Figueredo Maceira, Rosa María Vega González, Cuba.
1923. Hemoparasites, decentralizing diagnosis (malaria, Chagas disease and
filariasis) in primary health care, Amazonas – Brazil.
Ana Ruth Lima Arcanjo, Valcemir Viana, Evandro Balbino, Valdomir Viana, Tirza
Mattos, Bernardino Albuquerque, Brazil.
2010. Caracterização do atendimento ao paciente portador de tuberculose. Santos
Polyanne Karyne, Amorim Andrea Cristina, de Souza Augemira Angélica, Carvalho
Nadjane B, Brazil.
2129. Multilevel analysis of Hepatitis A in Brazil.
Ricardo Arraes de Alencar Ximenes, Brazil.
2136. Incidence of AIDS in people 50 years or older, in Río Grande do Sul, in the
period 2000 - 2008.
Silva Jacqueline Oliveira, Rizzi Jhonatan Elvis, Brazil.
14. Intervention strategy for patients with acute myocardial infarction. Municipal
intensive therapy area Los Palacios.
Magaly Gort Hernández, Yoslainy
Gómez Ortega, Eugenio Borrego Guerra, José Eugenio Díaz Domínguez, Cuba.
131. Atherosclerotic risk of the surgery patient. Zaily Fuentes Díaz, Cuba.
157. Preventive actions against breast cancer at the Immunology and Biopreparatives
Center. Dailín Cobos Valdés, Cuba.
0243. Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of macular degeneration related to age
in a health district of Cerro. Raysa de la Asunción Hernández Bague, Cuba.
278. Study of therapeutic compliance of patients on dialysis. Faustino Pérez Hospital.
Matanzas 2011-2012.
Yenisleydis Rizo González, Cuba.
301. Relationship between chronic diseases and oral health in adults living in a
Brazilian southern coastal city. Márcia Cançado Figueiredo, Luciano Salau Barbará,
Marcelo Heredia Missel, Daniel Demétrio Faustino-Silva, Kátia Valença Correia
Leandro da Silva, Dante Augusto Couto Barone, Brazil.
497. O autocuidado como estratégia para o acompanhamento de hipertensos e
diabéticos da atenção primária. Almeida Vanessa Cristina de, Nogueira Marcelo Mota,
559. Atherogenic risk factors in a Venezuelan adult population. People’s
medical office Bellavista 1. CDI La Feria 2011-2012.
Esther Lilia
Torres Damas, Cuba.
818. Adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e não farmacológico entre hipertensos em
um município do Brasil. Meira Saulo Sacramento, Alves Marta dos Reis, Martins
Doane da Silva, Santos Maristella Nascimento, Benemérita Alba Alves Vilela, Brazil.
852. Integrating oncology applied to the treatment of persons with cancer. Pamela
Siegel, Nelson Filice de Barros, Juan Quispe Cabanillas, Pedro Motta, Luis Geraldo
da Silva, Fernanda Gaspi, Vera Salerno, José Barreto C. Carvalheira, Brazil.
1046. Modelo de atenção ao câncer de boca. Extensão à formação acadêmica. Rosy
Lara Maciel de Azambuja, Brazil.
1162. Statistical behavior of the cancer program at the. Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso
General Hospital. Santiago de Cuba 2010-2011. Vivian Walter Sanchez, Kenia
Charón Díaz, Maritza Quevedo Casañas, Idania Casañol Ortiz, Cuba.
1203. Prevalence of controlled hypertensive persons and associated factors,
Matanzas Province, 2011. Fernando Achiong Estupiñán, Cuba.
1235. Glaucoma in diabetic patients. “René Vallejo Ortiz” Polyclinics, Manzanillo.
Maricel Pérez Fonseca, Cuba.
1250. Satisfaction of patients with diabetes type 2, users of top level care services.
Construction and validation of an instrument to assess satisfaction. Martín Silberman
Fishquin, Laura Moreno Altamirano, Dewi Hernández Montoya, Mexico.
1373. Perceived and reported quality of life in pediatric oncology.
Laura Mejías Rojas, María del Carmen Llantá Abreu, Yanelys Martínez Ochoa, Cuba.
1990. Implantação de um modelo de atenção permanente de câncer de boca na
Macro-Oeste de Minas Gerais. Rosy Iara Maciel de Azambuja Ribeiro, Luciana Vieira
Muniz, Angélica Nogueira Rodrigues, Aline Lauda Freitas Chaves, Ana Maria Ribeiro
de Almeida, Sara Lemos, Rodrigo Mendonça Ribeiro Batista, Brazil.
2039. Brain ictus: an unknown disease for patients and their relatives.
Antonio A. Ramos Barroso, Indira Rojas Molina, Jorge E. Martinez Gonzalez, Lilisdey
Ramirez Sosa, Yaineli Cutiño Maas, Joan O. Rojas Fuentes, Cuba.
Sexual and reproductive health
0037. Prevalence of gender violence in the area of Ceballos. Ciego de Ávila 2011.
Rolando Dornes Ramón, Yordany Vázquez Mora, Niurka Abreu Figueredo, Cuba.
0040. Saúde sexual e reprodutiva de jovens em situação de pobreza: uma visão de
gênero. São Paulo, 2007. Rebeca Souza Silva, Brazil.
0064. Use of contraceptive methods by adult Latin American immigrants in the city of
Seville (Spain). José Rafael González López, María de las Mercedes Lomas Campos,
María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Gázquez, Jacinto García Fernández, Juana
Pascualvaca Armario, Mª José Guardado González, Spain.
0135. Teenagers’ knowledge of breast self-examination. Yordanis Garbey Pierre,
Orlando Ruiz Agüero, Cuba.
0433. Coleta de exame citopatológico: espaço de estudo das queixas sexuais. Job
Muller Caren da Silva, Brazil.
0700. Menstrual regulation in an adolescent. Family and couple approach.
Carol Roy Marquetti, Teresita de las M Gutiérrez Coronado, Omayda Safora Enríquez,
Virginia Rodríguez Téllez, Lisset Rodríguez Almanza, Cuba.
0713. Hegemonic medical model as reinforcer of depriving males of their sexual and
reproductive rights. Roberto Caro Guerrero, México.
1037. Sexuality in the 60 years and older population in primary health care.
Irene Perdomo Victoria, Nivis Leyani Oria Cruz, Alina María Segredo Pérez, Xiomara
Martín Linares, Cuba.
1263. Behavior of accidents and associated factors in teenagers. Wendy Valdés
Gómez, Graciel Leyva Alvarez de la Campa, Tania Mayvel Espinosa Reyes, Cuba.
1492. Clinical characteristics and of the reproductive life of women with diabetes
mellitus diagnosed in their child-bearing age. Care of the diabetic center. 2011.
Maite Cabrera Gámez, Teresa Margarita González Calero, Eduardo Álvarez Seijas,
Mayte Más Gómez, Cuba.
1509. Assistance to victims of sexual violence in public health services in Brazil and
the challenge for health teams. Rosa Rosangela Guimaraes, Brazil.
2058. Comitês de estudos de mortalidade materna: estratégia para o enfrentamento
da mortalidade materna em Pernambuco. Modesto Pinheiro Hérika Dantas, Barros
Lilian Silva Sampaio, Cordeiro Anna Renata Pinto de Lemos, Neta Teresa Campos de
Jesus, Alves Sandra Valongueiro, Brazil.
2118. Mortalidade materna e qualidade da assistência obstétrica: um estudo de
casos. Thália Velho Barreto de Araújo, Regia Maria Leite, Luci Praciano Lima, Sandra
Valongueiro Alves, Brazil.
2125. Rede Cegonha: desafios para a garantia do acesso ao parto das gestantes do
Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Cordeiro Anna Renata Pinto de Lemos, Barros Lilian
Silva Sampaio, Modesto Pinheiro Hérika Dantas, Faria Andreza Barkokebas S, Neta
Teresa Campos de Jesus, Brazil.
Other topics
0034. Home accidents and their relationship with family functioning. Jorge Miguel
Pérez López, Mayra Agramonte Martínez, Estrella Rodríguez Valdés, Cuba.
0038. People’s satisfaction with the Cuban medical services in Venezuela. 2011.
Ana Teresa Fariñas Reinoso, Cuba.
0302. Coordenação dos cuidados em saúde pela APS e suas implicações para a
satisfação dos usuários. Patty Fidelis de Almeida, Ligia G. Giovanella, Berardo
Augusto Nunan, Brazil.
0313. The first year of life. A necessary challenge for present stomatology.
Olga Lidia Véliz Concepción, Cuba.
0315. Morbidity in 8-14 months old infants: a good motive for breastfeeding.
Ener de Jesús Fernández Brizuela, George Steward Lemes, Juana María Alum
Bárcenas, Diorge Morales Pérez, Yulei Díaz Sobrino, Pedro Expósito Moreno, Cuba.
0332. Use of home remedies and self-medication by immigrant and indigenous young
adults in Seville (Spain). Pilot study. Jacinto García Fernández, Mª de las Mercedes
Lomas Campos, José Rafael González López Ángel Vilches Arenas, Mª José
Guardado González, Juana Pascualvaca Armario, Spain.
0372. Governments of the working party in front of the public health challenges in
Brazil. Hermann Hoffman Venicius Santos, Brazil.
0389. Perfil das internações e sua relação com cobertura da estratégia de saúde da
família em um município no sudeste do Brasil. Cardoso Clareci Silva, Menezes
Cristiane Pádua, Rodrigues Júnior Arnaldo Almeida, Guimarães Denise Alves,
Oliveira Cláudia Di Lorenzo, Brazil.
0391. O exercício da cidadania por meio das ouvidorias de saúde. Juliana Colen de
Paula Costa, Ana Piterman, Brazil.
0408. Ouvidoria de saúde do Estado de Minas Gerais: um diferencial de qualidade.
Costa Juliana Colen de Paula, Piterman Ana, Brazil.
0485. Model for the dynamics of the health-disease process.
Eduardo Gutiérrez Santisteban, Yalili de la Caridad Tamayo Oliva, Cuba.
0556. Coordination of health care: building a comprehensive primary care in Brazil.
Patty Fidelis de Almeida, Brazil.
0586. Implementing surgical plotting in catarct surgery. Marlene Estefania Sibila
González, Julianis Noemí Lages Ruíz, Migdalia De Huelbes Oliva, Carmen María
Padilla González, Reinaldo Ríos Caso, Jany Concepción Hernández, Cuba.
0611. Diagnosis of cir y resultados necular cord and neonatal results. José Hugo
Sabatino Bono, José Adalberto Soares Bonfim, Lourivaldo Rodrigues Sousas,
Nathalia Uski Se, Brazil.
0625. Concept transformations of infancy as a social category.
Lia Fernández Pellejero, Uruguay.
0629. Prevalence of the respiratory syncytial virus and circulation pattern in Cuba,
Odalys Valdés Ramírez, Mylene Corso López, Alexander Piñón
Ramos, Belsy Acosta Herrera, Clara Savón Valdés, Grehete González Muñoz, Mayra
Mune Jiménez, Guelsys González Báez, Amely Arencibia Garcia, Bárbara Hernández
Espinosa, Yanet Echevarria Valdés, Suset Oropeza Fernández, Angel Goyenechea
Hernández, Cuba.
0650. Behavior of acute respiratory distress. Hassan Díaz Padrón, Cuba.
766. Microbiological characterization of isolated klebsiella in Cuban hospitals.
Arnaldo Zayas Illas, Cuba.
0779. Debate as a learning instrument in health promotion groups.
Ruben Walter Brañas Coelho, Alexandra Coelho Pereyra, Brazil.
1160. Behavior of hospitalizations due to acute diarrheic diseases in children under
one year old.
Vivian Walter Sánchez, Maritza Quevedo Casañas, Yordania Moreno Garrido, Cuba.
1222. Influence of the baby delivery type, hospital stay and the first breastfeeding on
the duration of exclusively breastfeeding at the “Hermanos Cruz” polyclinics, Pinar del
Río. José A Véliz Gutiérrez, Noharys Pérez Díaz, Ana María Gálvez González,
Giselda Sanabria Ramos, Cuba.
1254. Acute intoxications in Pediatrics. Clinical implications. Yalena Prado Vizcaino,
Maria de los Angeles Vizcaino Londián, Elisa Prado Vizcaino, Regla de la Caridad
Valdés Martínez, Cuba.
1260. Tendência da mortalidade por acidentes de trânsito na Bahia, Brasil, entre
1996 e 2007. Rios Polianna Alves Andrade, Mota Eduardo Luiz Andrade, Rios
Marcela Andrade, Santos Gustavo Jaccoud, Brazil.
1270. Real time monitoring of patients and medical staff in the hospital information
system ALAS HIS. Alfredo Rodríguez Ruiz, Diana Rosa Alfonso Espinosa, Reinier
Milián Pérez, Yasel Couce Sardiñas, Cuba.
1294. Patient safety. Adriana Aulet Viscusi, Uruguay.
1356. Programa chapeu de palha: no enfrentamento as doenças negligenciadas.
Silvana P. F. Silva Monteiro Sil Naninha, Brazil.
1372. Actions to prevent and control anemia due to iron deficiency in children up to
five years old. Holguín. 2008-2010. Lisett Nancy Selva Suárez, Clarissa Hernández
Fernández, Alcides Ochoa Alonso, Cuba.
1451. Management of health risks. Analysis of a pediatric look-out event.
Armando Martínez Ramírez, Salvador Chávez Ramírez, Enriqueta Guadalupe
Cambero González, Arturo Plascencia Hernández, Carlos C. Rivera Mendoza,
Alejandro González Mares, Mexico.
1529. Práticas tradicionais, integrativas e complementares em saúde no Brasil: uma
metassíntese. Ana Claudia Moraes Barros Leite-Mor, Cristiane Spadacio, Nelson
Filice de Barros, Juliana Luporini do Nascimento, Brazil.
1630. Proposal of a methodology to evaluate prenatal care in primary health care.
Cuba 2012.
Violeta R. Herrera Alcázar, Cuba.
1663. Risk factors and mortality by intrahospital pneumonia in ictus intensive care unit.
Miguel Ángel Serra Valdés, Liudmila Carnesoltas Suárez, Cuba.
1709. A construção do perfil epidemiológico em saúde bucal pelos dentistas da rede
municipal. Gaspar Júnior Alfredo de Aquino, Gaspar Gabriela da Silveira, Goes Paulo
Angeiras, Brazil.
1717. Produção de informação epidemiológica válida para o nível local. Gaspar
Gabriela da Silveira, Goes Paulo Angeiras, Brazil.
1745. Family structure and functionality in developing overweight and obesity in
Zacatecan schhol children.
José Miguel Flores González, Flor de María Sánchez Morales, Mexico.
1815. Gastroenteritis by rotavirus. Holguín. December 2010 – May 2011.
Maritza Méndez Matos, Cuba.
1825. Intestine parasitism of food handlers in street vendors. Holguín City, JanuaryJune, 2011. Lisbet Franco Camejo, Cuba.
1850. Influência do aleitamento materno na cárie dentária: um estudo de coorte.
Jamelli Silvia Regina, Brazil.
1898. Study of food-transmitted disease outbreaks occurred at the matrix of Guamote
in March 2012. Roberto Pavón Tornes, Juan Carlos Mora Estruche, Tamara de la
Caridad Bolaños Jiménez, Cuba.
73 8
85 1
1943. Asessment of postoperative pain in children. Jayce Díaz Diaz, Yamirka
González Puerto, Zenia Tamara Sánchez García, Juan Carlos Placencia Álvarez,
Esther Hernández Pérez, Cuba.
1946. Challenges of actions of the quality control laboratory in the control of endemic
diseases. Amazonas, Brazil. Ana Ruth Lima Arcanjo, Ruth Cruz, Linalva Nascimento,
Ana Vanda Silva, Tirza Mattos, Bernardino Albuquerque, Brazil.
1966. Satisfação dos usuários de serviços de saúde: uma ferramenta para o gestor
hospitalar. Da Silva Jair Magalhães, Moura Viviane Martins, Brazil.
1978. Senior candidates, capitalism and democracy: achieved results on national
elections of 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006.
Linconl Agudo Oliveira Benito, Vicente de Paula Faleiros, Brazil.
2006. Helicobacter pylori. Behavior of the infection in patients with chronic gastritis.
Trujillo State. Venezuela.
Mariela de la Caridad Castellanos Expósito, Dunia
Guillen Isern, Raudel J. Rosquete Martínez, Cuba.
2026. A integração ensino-serviço no contexto dos processos de mudança na
formação superior dos profissionais do curso de odontologia da UFPE-Brasil. Araújo
Ana Cláudia da Silva, Melo Márcia Maria Dantas Cabral, Góes Paulo Sávio Angeiras,
Jamelli Silvia Regina, Gaspar Júnior Alfredo de Aquino, Carvalho Elaine Judite de
Amorim, Lima Grasiele Assis da Costa, Brazil.
2048. Evaluation of social interaction processes from the perspective of inspection,
surveillance and control of the participation in health care in the department of
Diomedes Tabima García, Colombia.
2055. Morbidity due to unstable acute angina in Cienfuegos general hospital. 2011.
Antonio A. Ramos Barroso, Lisbet Padrón Vega, Muhammad Akram Asi, Luis M.
Padrón Velázquez, Juan J. Navarro López, Cuba.
2117. Metabolic bariatric surgery. Technique I. Antonio Portie Félix, Cuba.
2235. Urbanization and equity in the ccess to health services in periurban areas of
cities from Argentina and Bolivia.
Margarita del V. Abraham, Hugo Arturo Feraud, Argentina.
817. Iron deficit, effect on Latin American medical students’ learning process.
Félix Carreño Padrón, Cuba.
2264. Intersectorial development program in the mountains, Plan Turquino. 20
years of advance. Luis Gandul Salabarría, Cuba.
Topic 3. Transformations in health systems
Wednesday 5, 14:00–17:00, ROOM 12
Session coordinators: Lidia Hernández, Cuba / Noslén Martínez, Cuba
41. Impact of the use of panoramic epidemiology in the control of insect and
environmental risks in Santiago de Cuba.
Adrián Palú Orozco, María Iluminada
Orozco González, Ana Lourdes Brito Moreno, Nuria Delis Despaigne, Yandri Rafael
Reyes Viltres, Cuba.
0420. Report of successful experiences in good practices: experience at the woman’s
institute Dona Lindu. Fecury Gracimar Oliveira, Cavalcante Sandra, Brazil.
0744. Problematize childbirth care: is it care or violence? Beatriz Maia de Vasconcelos
Muniz, Ruth Machado Barbosa, Brazil.
0805. NC ISO 9001 versus program for the continous development of quality in
hospital services. Olga Lidia García Cárdenas, Isabel Otero Alba, Cuba.
0924. Quality management system: a way to client’s satisfaction, its application in
public health. Ernesto A. Calderón González, Gabriel Sandino, Yaneisis Valdés
Carrión, Cuba.
0976. Evaluation of the national program of prevention and control of leptospirosis in
Guantánamo municipality. 2009-2011.
María Isabel Deliz Vaillant, Rafaela Ruiz Sánchez, Cuba.
1074. Organizational climate in the management of change for the development of the
organization. A concept approach. Alina María Segredo Pérez, Cuba.
1597. Evaluation of the quality of nursing care in the service of oculoplasty.
Águeda Cristina Delgado Pérez, Yureisi Labarrere Cruz, Juana Martha Águila Pérez,
Annete Reyes Brown, Pavel Mili Alfonso, Cuba.
2171. Assessment of a key process in the duty of the surveillance and anti-vector
struggle departments. Vivian Noriega Bravo, Daimy Pereira Sánchez, Clariza
Hernández Barrios, Cuba.
0814. Controle da malária no Amazonas, Brasil: demonstração do impacto dos planos
sobre a variação na ocorrência de casos. Wanderli Pedro Tadei, WCM Terrazas,
Pinto RC, BC Albuquerque, Brazil.
0874. Management of solid waste in the health sector: need of an institutional plan .
Raquel de los Ángeles Junco Díaz, Vicente Inocencio Prieto Díaz, Zulia Weng
Alemán, Maritza T. Suárez Pita, Cuba.
2047. Nutritional intervention with patients living in the nursing home Mario Muñoz
Monroy. Santiago de Cuba.
María Vizcay Duany, Luis Onaylen Hierrezuelo Vizcay, Cuba.
Primary health care
0183. Impact of the ophthalmology consultation in primary health care. Baruta,
Venezuela. March, 2012. Elieser Imbert Puente, Cuba.
0471. Vinculação das parteiras tradicionais a atenção primária em saúde: uma
experiência amazônica. Cavalcante Sandra, Xerez Luena, Vera Lima, Costa Suzana,
0550. Avaliação da atenção primária a saúde: revisão da produção brasileira. José
Laércio de Souza da Costa, Mariluce Karla Bomfim de Souza, Brazil.
0760. Ações humanizantes em saúde na forma de sala de espera em um município
do oeste de Santa Catarina. Miriam Ghidolin, Alessandra Regina Muller Germani,
0864. Instruments to guarantee the efficient use of resources in primary health care.
Madelyn Campbell Miñoso, Juan Carlos Delgado Morales, Miguel Mukodsi Caram,
María del Rosario Orellana Alvarado, Cuba.
1147. Cohesion of the primary health care network. Boyeros municipality. 2011.
Pedro López Puig, Alina María Segredo Pérez, Zoe Díaz Bernal, Julia Pérez Piñeiro,
Ariel Santana Felipe, Liuba Alonso Carbonell, Cuba.
1911. Potential of research in health psychology for the health system. Public health
national school.
Isabel Louro Bernal, Guillermo Díaz Llanes, Lidia Hernández
Gómez, Libertad Martín Alfonso, Edelsys Hernánde Meléndrez, Cuba.
1756. Nurses’ practice in primary health care: practice analysis and description of the
possibilities of widening the object of care by means of literature review.
Barbara Ribeiro Buffette Silva, Célia Maria Sivalli Campos, Brazil.
0226. Community participation, self-responsibility, necessary transformations and
citizen duties related to health care.
Isabel Pilar Luis González, Silvia Martínez
Calvo, Adolfo Gerardo Álvarez Pérez, Cuba.
2077. Structural, functional and interactional analysis and evaluation of the network of
health care services for the development of public health in Risaralda department.
Patricia Granada Echeverri, Diomedes Tabima García, Olga Lucia Zuluaga
Rodríguez, Colombia.
2261. Functioning of the ultrasound and radiology departments in pilot polyclinics in
Havana, 2010.
Noslén Martínez Fernández, Bárbara G. Fernández Corona,
Caridad Pérez Charbonier, Cuba.
2272. Ratio physicians and scientific information in the context of primary care:
research advances. Havana, 2011.
Susana Beatriz Llanusa Ruiz, Nereida Rojo
Pérez, Magaly Caraballoso Hernández, Cuba.
0242. Results of comprehensive care of teenagers and youngsters with retinitis
Raisa de la Asunción Hernández Baguer, Mirta Copello
Noblet, Juan Ubaldo Rocabruno Mederos, Yurania Bueno Arrieta, Bárbara Cid
Vázquez, Beatriz Dyce Gordon, Cuba.
0352. Infrastructure redesign of the surgical unit at the interprovincial oncology
hospital “Conrado Benítez” in Santiago de Cuba. Oslandy González Beltrán, Martha M
López Corrales, Zuzel Cheble Yero, Ana Lubín García, Raúl Álvarez Márquez, Cuba.
1695. Characterization of secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction in
patients discharged in 2009 from “Julio Trigo” general and teaching hospital, Havana.
Ángel Francisco López Aguilera, Juan Antonio Furones Mourelle, Miguel Amílcar Sosa
Dubón, María Aida Cruz Barrios, Cuba.
0635. Cuidado em fisioterapia: cartografia de usuários do sistema único de saúde no
município de Porto Alegre/Rs. Aline Martinelli Piccinini, Moraes M Galarça, Rafaela C
Rocha, Vera M, Brazil.
1137. Comprehensive care of child impairment in a community rehabilitation model.
Belkis Sánchez Gómez, Cuba.
2221. The right of impaired people to entertainment is also the right to health. The role
of the governement in the AACA centers. Adriana Daniela Fernández, Argentina.
Natural and traditional medicine
1520. Resgatando o tradicional e o popular em saúde através das plantas
terapêuticas. Matinahí Miranda, Eliseu Bozzeto, Diogo Dubiela, Roger Pereira, Pedro
Capra, Bruna Correa, Jhonatan Rizzi, Cristian Roni Conrad, Jacqueline Oliveira Silva,
Roger dos Santos Rosa, Brazil.
1556. Adverse reactions resulting of natural and traditional medicine reported to the
Cuban system of medication surveillance with children and the elderly. 2003-2009.
Juan Antonio Furones Mourelle, Lázaro Silva Herrera, Jenny Ávila Pérez, María Aida
Cruz Barrios, Ángel López Aguilera, Giset Jiménez López, Cuba.
Nursing and children’s health (RED ENSI)
0094. Community intervention strategy to care for the adolescents: towards a healthy
and happy sexuality. Isidro de Armas Polyclinics. Playa municipality, 2011. Aurora
Fajardo Villarroel, Iyemai Rodríguez Hernández, Yanelis Navarro Álvarez, Cuba.
0187. Child impairment: challenges and perspectives for nursing professionals in
primary health care.
María Cristina Pérez Guerrero, Mariam Santisteban Gómez, Cuba.
0862. Knowledge about the prevention of pregnancy with teenagers of the universityaffiliated polyclinic “Reina”. 2011. Maytee Vaillant Correoso, Cuba.
0881. Criteria, indicators and standards to evaluate quality of nursing care in pediatric
Irene López Sánchez, Annia Lourdes Iglesias Armenteros, Cuba.
0940. Set of activities aimed at building an environmental culture in children with
special needs (mentally retarded). Juan Ismael Molinet Caprón, Cuba.
1484. Predisposition as a tool to compute community needs by means of state
indicators. Paloma Ángela Calleja Toledano, Almudena Ruiz Abellán, Blanca Valverde
García, María del Carmen Zumalacárregui Alario, José María Santamaría García,
María Carmen Sellán Soto, Spain.
1608. Introduction of the AIEPI manual in Cuban nursing baccalaurate studies.
Margarita Díaz Lemus, Cuba.
1624. Nursing management and teaching in a maternity and child hospital. Estela
Amalia Todisco Rodríguez, Argentina.
1790. Expert systems in the training of community nurses through the simulation of
clinical cases. Ana Robles Álvarez, José María Santamaría García, María Lourdes
Jiménez Rodríguez, Alejandro del Canto Martínez, Alexandra González Aguña, María
Luisa Díaz Martínez, María Carmen Sellán Soto, Spain.
Economy of health
0145. Evaluation of costs-consequences of breast cancer treatment, stages 0 y I.
“Conrado Benítez” Oncology Hospital, 1998-1999.
María Victoria Perrand Robert, Cuba.
0419. Quality management and domestic control in the teaching process at the
national center for keyhole surgery. Rosalba Roque González, Cuba.
0622. Economic evaluation of noise pollution in a residential area through the health
costs. Lázaro Infante, Cuba.
0677. Economic and health impacts of anti-retroviral of HIV/AIDS with national generic
medications in Cuba 2001-2010. Manuel Miguel Collazo Herrera, Cuba.
0783. Exploring the effectiveness of the Primary Health Care System for managing
chronic non-communicable diseases: interpreting ACSC for hypertension and diabetes
in Jamaica. McFarlane Charlton Dwayne James, Jamaica.
0849. Evolução dos gastos públicos com medicamentos destinados a atenção
primária no Estado de Minas Gerais. Garcia Marina Morgado, Brazil.
0863. The economic impact of the clinical method. Madelyn Campbell, Cuba.
1066. Prospective analysis of water supply management in Holguin provincial pediatric
hospital “Octavio de la Concepción y la Pedraja”.
Yanely de la Caridad Esquijarosa Abradelo, Cuba.
1214. Partial results of the implementation of the water management at “Octavio de la
Concepción y la Pedraja” provincial pediatric hospital.
Yait Esquijarosa Abradelo, Cuba.
1304. Economic and health consequences of severe adverse effects of medications.
Cuba 2003 – 2010.
Giset Jiménez López, Cuba.
1472. Sustainability of the water filtering process in Holguin health units.
Orlando Alber Disotuar, Cuba.
1544. Improvement in the electrical energy efficiency of the extension circuit of
Holguin pediatric hospital. Odalis Cruz Bermúdez, Cuba.
1572. Social aspects of health planning. José Antonio Peralta Rojas, Cuba.
1576. Procedure to compute illness costs Ernesto Ché Guevara Cardiac Centre. Villa
Clara. 2012. Gesler Escalona Velázquez, Cuba.
1579. Support material on cost accounting for health executive officers. Villa Clara.
2012. LauryGonzález Fernández, Cuba.
1629. Energy efficiency as a need of public health systems.
Pedro Marcelino Segura Zaldívar, Cuba.
1643. Second digital edition of the contents of health economy master’s program.
Carmen Luisa Portuondo Sánchez, Cuba.
1795. Analysis of uncertainty. Is it important for the economic evaluation in health
care? Ana María Gálvez González, Cuba.
1833. The economic value of hospital acquired infections and their incidence in the
cost of medical care at “Mártires de Jatibonico” municipal hospital.
Douglas A García Gómez, Cuba.
1952. Econometric model to estimate and evaluate quality costs in the intensive care
ward at Dr. Joaquín Castillo Duany hospital, Santiago de Cuba province.
Rolando Peguero Pérez, Cuba.
1960. Obtaining a mathematical model to measure the baby’s weight at birth.
Rolando Peguero Pérez, Cuba.
1961. A mathematical model to calculate the technical staff in health care units in
Santiago de Cuba province. Gisela María Riquenes Despaigne, Cuba.
2037. Economy education of the management staff in the health sector. 2010 – 2012.
Ana Rosa Jorna Calixto, Cuba.
2200. Opportunity cost of tobacco in Cuba. Efraín Sánchez, Cuba.
2201. Methodological proposal to calculate the cost of smoking in Cuba.
Efraín Sánchez, Cuba.
1246. Behavior in the use of antimicrobials in a geriatric service. Sira María Cabrera
Iglesias, Odalmis Chacón Borrero, Yisel Estrella González Luque, Cuba.
Topic 4. Research and innovation systems in health
Wednesday 5, 14:00–17:00, ROOM 12
39. Action system to manage cardiovascular diseases in primary health care.
Julio Sánchez Villarreal, Cuba.
50. Current policy of consumption norms in the national health system.
Ramón Reyes Bonilla, Yoira Vega Peña, Cuba.
102. New tools to detect resistance to amyikacine in mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Dihadenys Lemus Molina, Carlos Washington Reyes, Miguel Echemendia Font,
Anandi Martin, Francoise Portaels, Juan Carlos Palomino, Cuba.
0555. Gram and urease for the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori gastroduodenal
Marta Julia López Rengifo, Estrella Tatiana Sánchez Ojeda,
María Caridad Mariño Castellanos, Cuba.
0675. Disseminated infection by mycobacterium szulgai in a patient with AIDS.
Lilian María Mederos Cuervo, Gilberto Fleites González, Lilian María Ortega
González, Misleydis Sardiña Aragón, Grechen García León, María Rosarys Martínez
Romero, Raúl Díaz Rodríguez, Cuba.
0933. Scientific technical results in a health area of the capital city in the last 15 years.
Ana Margarita Toledo Fernández, Cuba.
0934. Database system for the WEB to advise tuberculosis provincial committees.
Freddy Gómez Martínez, Alina María Ruiz Piedra, Edilberto Gonzáles Ochoa,
Madelyn Campbell Miñoso, Cuba.
1053. Quality medical care: risk control in electromedical equipment.
Sonia Hildelisa Esquivel Yániz, Cuba.
1210. Direct detection of front-line drug resistance in mycobacterium tuberculosis with
the method of Reductase Nitrate.
Yoslaine Milián Samper, Cuba.
1577. Experiences and challenges of the Cuban program of neonatal investigation of
hereditary metabolic diseases.
Amarilys Fròmeta Suárez, Cuba.
1583. Chlamydia trachomatis in women with leukorrhea.
Ivett Mesa Castellanos,
Ceres Guerrero Pardo, Dagmari Salazar Noblet, Yamilia Ramírez Salinas, Cuba.
1672. Incidence of anti-HBs antibodies in blood donors at the blood bank of Santiago
de Cuba.
Mayra Gilart Domínguez, Irina Fernández González, Carlos Suárez Yance, Cuba.
1703. Impact of the application of a new stimulating strategy of mobility in Cuban
children with Down’s syndrome.
Eloy Jesús Pineda Pérez, Cuba.
1728. Microbian isolations in wound secretions in surgical childbirth. A year’s study.
Maria Margarita Oliver Duany, Tania Castellanos Medina, Cuba.
1730. Description of a bacteriological technique useful for the diagnosis of neonatal
Maria Margarita Oliver Duany, Tania Castellanos Medina, Cuba.
1822. Study of microbian resistance in the North Maternity Hospital.
Miuril Barrios Fajardo, Cuba.
1826. Virological studies in newborns with clinical manifestations in the neonatal
service of the North Maternity Hospital of Santiago de Cuba.
Miuril Barrios Fajardo, Cuba.
1840. Implementation of national research priorities for Cuban health.
Mayra Silvia Álvarez Corredera, José Antonio Montano Luna, Ileana Quiñones La
Rosa, Niviola Cabrera Cruz, María Victoria Norabuena Canal, Leticia Artiles Visbal,
Jacinta Otero Iglesias, Ana Margarita Toledo Fernández, Madelyn Campbell Miñoso,
Yoerquis Mejías Sánchez, Cuba.
1841. Generalization of scientific technical results in the Cuban health national
system. 2006-2010.
José Antonio Montano Luna, Mayra Álvarez Corredera, Niviola Cabrera Cruz,
Maria Victoria Norabuena Canal, Ana Margarita Toledo Fernández, Madelyn
Campbell Miñoso, Yoerquis Mejias Sánchez, Ileana Quiñones La Rosa, Cuba.
1938. Scientific research in nursing. Yamirka González Puerto, Jayce Díaz
Díaz, Juan Carlos Alvarado Peruyero, Zenia Tamara Sánchez García, Esther
Hernández Pérez, Cuba.
1981. Leptospirosis in Holguin province. Microbiological diagnosis. Holguin
2007-2011. Alfredo Saltarén Cobas, Cuba.
Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in health
196. Impact of computerization in the diagnosis of infectious diseases.
Tersilia García Castellanos, Arianna Castillo Marshall, Daniel Salazar
Rodríguez, Odalys Ledon Fernández, Teresa Reyes Reyes, Cuba.
414. Evaluation of the computerized system Bact Alert 3D for the isolation of
microbacteria in the lnrtb-IPK.
Maria Rosarys Martínez Romero, Misleidis Sardiñas Aragón, Grechen García
León, Lilian Mederos Cuervo, Beatriz Vega Riverón, Raúl Díaz Rodríguez,
1080. Galenomedia in nursing. The profession generalities. A learning virtual
Yordanka Caridad Luperón de Armas, Cuba.
1274. Web subsystem for information management in education and physical
education centers in Venezuela.
Yenier Vega Rodriguez, Isledy Gainza,
1278. Information system to manage family medicine services in primary health
care. Reynier Alejandro Rodríguez Ronquillo, Daylén Pantoja Zaldívar, Cuba.
1291. Information management of rehabilitation services in primary health care.
Yilianne Arais Crombet Pérez, Yurien López Hernández, Yoelvis Osés Sosa,
Isledy Gainza Martínez, Frank Dávila Hernández, Cuba.
1292. Information management to improve service quality in outpatients of
Psychology and Psychiatry in primary health care.
Yilianne Arais Crombet Pérez, Yurien López Hernández, Yoelvis Osés Sosa,
Yohannia López Vargas, Isledy Gainza Martínez, Cuba.
1295. Development of desktop applications in the Alas SIAPS project.
Yoenny Pérez Romero, Yovannys Sánchez Corales, Cuba.
1399. "Clinical wings", system of clinical trial management. Erislán Martínez
Jera, Lucia Rodríguez García, Martha Denia Hernández Ramírez, Cuba.
1430. Web system to control the management of medical equipment
maintenance. Lourdes Molina Moran, Adrián Hernández Méndez, Cuba.
Thursday 6, 10:30–13:00, ROOM 12
Session coordinators: María Victoria Norabuena, Cuba / Carlos R. del Pozo, Cuba
Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in health (continues…)
1436. Web component to manage the information obtained from the doctor’sl
office in the primary care system alas SIAPS.
Néstor Brito Medina, Yudenia Hernández Gallego, Humberto Ruiz Salcedo,
1598. Implementing a methodology for quality management of teaching
performance in a teaching department of the pharmacy and food institute.
Juan Carlos Polo Vega, Cuba.
1625. Project: university intranet model for the national health system.
Pedro Monteagudo Valdivia, Yasmani Zapata Pérez, Cuba.
1637. Impact of the health technological platform for PDVSA. Lissete
González Gallo, Filiberto López Palenzuela, Maikel David Ruenes Correa,
1652. Evaluation of the functoning of the blood glucose control system SUMA
SENSOR SXT by non-specialized people at a pediatric age.
Adriana Milagros González Quintero, Cuba.
1692. System to plan orthopedic surgery of hips and knees.
Maria de Jesús Cartelle Cruz, Denys Bárbaro Vega Aguilar, Nuvia Angélica
Estévez Rojas, Mónica Fonseca Guzmán, Luís Mariano Reyna Soler, Cuba.
1733. Information management system for oral maxillofacial prosthesis.
Javier Villares Arias, Lenia Palau Yu, Alieski Caraballo Cedeño, Cuba.
1785. Usefulness of the Excel page to simulate disease dispersion.
José Aureliano Betancourt, Eloy Ortiz Hernández, Cuba.
1835. Proposal of a system to predict adverse reactions to medications.
Annia Arencibia Morales, Cuba.
Development of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry
0122. Harmonizing the system of quality ensurance and the good factory
practices in using The system for the analysis of control danger and critical
points at the Immonulogy and Biopreparatives Center in Holguin.
Ernesto Antonio Tamayo Cuéllar, Cuba.
0353. Quality control in conventional radiodiagnosis.
Ángel Gabriel Infante Pineda, Reinier Reyes Montoya, Manuel Reyes Fabré,
Osmaris Garbey Mustelier, Eliécer Prades Hung, Cuba.
0638. Joint management of quality and risks, bases for effectivity and safety of
medical technologies.
Rosa Mayelin Guerra Bretaña, María del Carmen Meizoso Valdés, Cuba.
0795. Efficacy and safety of the tissue adhesive tisuacryl® in the treatment of
skin and oral mucosa lacerations.
Mayra de la C Pérez Álvarez,
1505. Tisuacryl: from university research to social application.
Lissy del Carmen Wong Hernández, Yolanda Mestre Lazcano, Yohanna Amey
Ramírez, Yuri Neira Téllez, Joaquín Iglesias Romero, Jessica Rodríguez
Espinosa, Danai Gra Fernández de la Vega, Grisel Marrero Claro, Cuba.
1521. Biomaterials: devices to design quality and assess risks.
Maria del
Carmen Meizoso Valdés, Rosa Mayelín Guerra Bretaña, Amisel Almirall La
Serna, Mayra de la C Pérez Álvarez, Lizette Morejón Alonso, José A. Delgado
García-Menocal, Cuba.
1571. Immune response to Herbebiovac HB vaccine in the hemodialysis
service. Ceres Guerrero Pardo, Mayra Gilart Domínguez, Mariela Cedeño
Arroyo, Ivett Mesa Castellanos, Carlos Suárez Yance, Cuba.
1666. Blood glucose monitoring system SUMA SENSOR SXT: its control and
quality certifying. Suzette Alfonso Ortiz, Adriana González Quintero,
Daymarelis Morales Villaurrutia, Liliena López Brauet, Cuba.
1684. SUMASOHF to diagnose hidden blood: analytic evaluation, conducted at
the Immune-Assay Center.
Regla de la Caridad Herrera Ruíz,
Ariel Lorenzo Rojas, Juan Ramón Vivar Reyes, Delia Benítez Gordillo, Evelyn
Gato Orozco, Liliena López Brauet, Raysa Rodríguez Reyes, Cuba.
1700. Ultra microanalytic system: Cuban alternative for the development of
diagnosers used in neonatal screening program. Ernesto Carlos González
Reyes, Amarilys Frómeta Suárez, Elisa María Castells Martínez, Pedro
Almenares Guasch, Lesley del Río Fabre, Yileidis Tejeda Gómez, Pedro Lucio
Pérez Moras, Mary Triny Segura González, Carlos Silva León, René Robaina
Álvarez, José Luis Fernández Yero, Cuba.
1726. Anti-microbial activity of a national phosphorus-calcium cement to be
used in bone implants. Mónica Rodríguez Uramis, Nidia Rojas Hernández,
Gastón Fuentes Estévez, Cuba.
1750. Effect of Vimang® as supplement on indicators of oxidative stress in
young people with diabetes mellitus type 1. Adrián Luis Escobar Aedo, Cuba.
1752. Data pre-processing of tissue imaging by mass spectrometry MALDI.
Guillermo Estrada Domech, Adrián Alfredo Hernández Méndez, José Alberto
Gómez Pérez, Cuba.
1857. Tendencies in the development of compound matrices for bone repair.
Margarita Hernández Escalona, Yaymarilis Veranes Pantoja, Loreley Morejón
Alonso, Julio César Llópiz Yurell, Cuba.
Topic 5. Training of human resources
Thursday 6, 10:30–13:00, ROOM 12
0151. Communication barriers in the patient-technologist relationship in the
professional context. Elena María Muñoz Calvo, Mercedes Caridad García
González, Luz Angélica Leyva Barceló, Luís Alberto Granado Labrada, Cuba.
1748. Transformational leadership with university higher technical education
students of cervical technology. Nikell Esmeralda Zárate Depraect, Esmeralda
Alvarado Félix, Cesar Roberto Jiménez Ramírez, Amairani Stephanie Báez
Ceceña, Mexico.
Postgraduate training: specialities, master and doctoral programs
0181. Training of executive officers in primary health care to confront disaster
situations in two selected municipalities. Havana City, 2010.
Isabel Benítez Hernández, Cuba.
1858. Doctoral program of the Ciego de Avila Medical University.
Annys Ortiz Guerra, Adelaida María Ballbé, Hipólito Peralta Benítez, Cuba.
1420. Postgraduate competency-based program design mental health nursing in
Marta Otero Ceballos, Cuba.
1482. Impact of the Diploma Program first occasion of being taught Headship in
primary health care. Havana 2012.
Lilia González Cárdenas, Alina Segredo Pérez, Ivonne Fernández Díaz, Pedro López
Puig, Violeta Herrera Alcazar, Leonardo Cuesta Mejías, Cuba.
0421. Theoretical-methodological bases for the design of a strategy to assess
cuban doctors’ work. Ramón Syr Salas Perea, Lázaro Díaz Hernández, Grisel
Pérez Hoz, Cuba.
0435. Methodological proposal for a design based on work competencies in
medical specialities programs in Cuba.
Ramón Syr Salas Perea, Lázaro Díaz Hernández, Grisel Pérez Hoz, Cuba.
1061. Evaluation of the knowledge about safe blood donation in the Healthcare
Sciences University.
Rosa Castellanos Martínez, Meidys Macías Navarro,
Manuel Ochoa Zaldívar, Rafaela Castellanos Martínez, Cuba.
1377. Identifying specific professional competences in the health sector.
Martha Ortiz García, Estrella Cires Reyes, Juan Aguilar Valdés, Cuba.
1771. Methodological proposal to assess pertinence and social impact of
master programs. Public Health National School. Cuba.
Isabel Louro Bernal, Giselda Sanabria Ramos, Ana María Gálvez González,
Irene Perdomo Victoria, Nereida Rojo Pérez, Cuba.
1068. Experience in the design and evaluation of the master program Health
Promotion and Education. Cuba.
Giselda Sanabria Ramos, Cuba.
1996. Characterization of upgrading and intellectual production of family doctors.
Eliza Gasca, Niurka Taureaux Díaz, Alan Robaina Machado, Florangel Urrusuno
Carvajal, Cuba.
2242. Valuation of the effect of the basic courses on medical education taught
to comprehensive general medicine specialists who work as teachers at the
university-affiliated polyclinics. Yuxini Acosta Gómez, Gisela Rodríguez
Acosta, Mariela Valdés Mora, Julio Cesar, Cuba.
ICT in the training of human resources for health care
1170. Information and communication technologies in Cuban health care.
Juan Arturo Berenguer Gouarnaluses. Cuba.
1232. Virtual teaching-learning environment course for the academic
committee of medical specialities. Cuban medical mission. Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela. 2010. Niurka Vialart Vidal, Cuba.
1299. Proposal of a system to control medical university residents.
William Claro García, Cuba
1801. Teaching human anatomy in third dimension.
Diego Alejandro Zottola Pareja, AA. Hernández, R. Serra, Cuba.
Universalizing teaching. University Polyclinics
0546. University in the health sector Cabaiguan municipality. Nolvys Caridad
Torres Guevara, Marilyn Días Guerra, Estrella Hernández Martínez, Marianela
Lorenzo Rodríguez, Yuleidy Ramos Serrano, Cuba.
1309. Students as key leading actors in the accreditation process. Los Palacios
municipal medical branch. Yojelvys Mesa Pérez, Magaly Gort Hernández, Daysi
Valverde Quiroz, Madelín Díaz Hernández, Lianet Cabrera Dupeirón, Cuba.
Improvement of the curriculum in healthcare sciences
0319. Strategic alternative for university extension in Cuban higher medical education.
Rafael Izaguirre Remón, Silvia Irene Marinas Ramírez, Cuba.
0549. On-the-job training of medical students in the community. Santo Domingo. 2012.
Asiris Mendoza Molina, Tania Águila Hernández, Rocío de la C. Estrada Fonseca,
María de los A. Martínez Rodríguez, Maribel Martínez Molina, Eligio B. Mirabal
Hernández, Cuba.
0782. Improving the research component in the study plan D in the first year of
Sol Ángel Rosales Reyes, Bárbara García Triana, Edelis
Raimundo Padrón, Teresa Sanz Cabrera, Cuba.
0981. Methodology to develop educational medical communication with dental
students at Moron medical branch.
Yara María Portela Leiva, Manuel Soto Díaz, Carmen Rey Benguría, Cuba.
1429. Training on the prevention and care of HIV/AIDS to hygiene and epidemiology
technologists in health areas.
Beatriz González Pozo, Osmany Ricardo Puig,
Legna Gandarilla Román, María Eugenia Escobar Pérez, Cuba.
2059. E xploring the knowledge about high blood pressure of medicine interns in
Lisbet Padrón Vega, Antonio A. Ramos Barroso, Jorge E. Martínez
González, Leisy Rodríguez Varela, Margarita Romeu Escobar, Cuba.
1079. Impact of the development of professional competencies in nutrition and dietics
studies in Guantanamo province.
Eleidis Pérez García, Mayelín Durruty, Hernández, Susana Rubio Méndez, Cuba.
Cooperation in training human resources in Cuba and other countries
1095. Cuban solidarity with Eritrea: their first medical school founded by Cuba.
Miguel Alfonso Álvarez Fornaris, Estela Morales Peralta, Cuba.
1258. Factors associated to the development of professional skills by South African
medical students. Villa Clara Medical University. Frank Quintana Gómez, Uvaldo
Recino Pineda, Nélida L. Sarasa Muñoz, Oscar Cañizares Luna, Isabel Jiménez
Lastre, Diana Torres Pérez, Idelsy de la Paz Rodríguez, Yayly Huguet Blanco, Cuba.
2252. Translation into English of teaching materials to train community doctors in
Gambia. Suiberto Hechavarría Toledo, Magalys Padilla Álvarez, Farah María Ricardo
Saint-Félix, Alexis González Velázquez, Noria Liset Pupo Ávila, José Alejandro
Concepción Pacheco, Cuba.
Education plans and the population health needs
1519. Learning needs on prenatal genetics. Educational intervention in primary care.
¨Diez de Octubre¨, 2010. Madelyn Campbell Miñoso, Damiris Pérez Mesa, Vania de la
Noval Álvarez, Idalia Ramírez Pérez, Cuba.
Health promotion (continues…)
2183. Health education in nursing training. Nursing school of Antoquia university.
Marcela Carrillo Pineda, Colombia.
2189. Yoga and health promotion. Maria Renata Rotta Furlanetti, Nelson Filice de
Barros, Brazil.
100. Teacher’s responsibility in the prevention of smoking.
María Teresa Carrera Martínez, Odalis Rivero Canto, Regla M Carrera Martínez,
Adelfa F. Santana González, Cuba.
114. Program of psychological intervention aimed at pregnant women to establish a
safe connection with their future child. Yissel García Gutiérrez, Cuba.
984. Development of a communication educational intervention to fight the Aedes
Aegypti in the Reynosl García neighborhood. Matanzas.
Odelinda Robaina Chamizo, Rayder Omar, Carmen Escalona, Cuba.
1015. Population mobility and infection by HIV/AIDS. Holguiín province 2007- 2011.
Osmany Ricardo Puigc, Gerardo Collado Reynaldo, Cuba.
1113. Evidence-based health promotion in primary health care. Barriers and
development proposals.
Rolando Bonal Ruiz, Mercedes Marzán Delis, Ana Selva Capdesuñer, Cuba.
1163. Drugs, stress and quality of life in a university population.
Jessy Pavón Pérez, Leslie Valdés Comas, Cuba.
1164. Drug consumption by university boarding students.
Leslie Valdés Comas, Jessy Pavón Pérez, Cuba.
1229. Evaluation of an educational method oriented to decrease the prevalence of
periodontal disease in school children.
Yaritza Ortiz Palacios, Cuba.
1280. Educational intervention program to develop better relationship between the
elderly and their family
Leidy Cruz Forteza, Lisset Puentes Martínez, Mileiby Ramos Prieto, Cuba.
1281. Health education and promotion strategy on natural traditional medicine with an
intersectorial approach.
Ana Margarita Ordaz González, María de la C. Casanova Moreno, Cuba.
1022. Multicomponent therapy in the treatment for tobacco cessation.
Rigoberto Bertot Rojas, Milaila Salas Pellicier, Cuba.
1443. Educational intervention to achieve a healthy sexuality in the elderly. Manzanillo
2010. Galia R. Porro Cruz, María Esther Varela Vázquez, Aracelys Montoya Vázquez,
Jany González de Sosa, Damaris Castelo Alarcón, Cuba.
1587. Health promotion actions in the Lara sector.
Mabel Suárez Méndez, Carmen Josefina Guadama Gutiérrez, Venezuela.
1592. Social participation for the positive change of social determinants of the
population’s health. Mabel Suárez Méndez, Cuba.
1688. Educational intervention about risk factors of cervical uterine cancer, family
doctor’s office 01-01, Manati 2010-2012.
María Antonia Acevedo Vega, Ariel
Rodríguez Diéguez, Mariolis Sariol Nápoles, Cuba.
1853. Behavior of dental decay in the second temporal tooth and the first permanent
tooth in children. Baruta, Venezuela. 2010.
Lien Herrero Herrera, Dayanira Parejo Maden, Cuba.
2086. Cubans’ perception of trans fat acids in the food. Manuel Álvarez Gil, Yoander
Ojeda Pérez, Lisandro Ribadulla López, Leslie Valdés Coma, Cuba.
2110. Implementation an intervention strategy for the prevention and control of
smoking. Plaza teaching polyclinics, October 2010-June 2011.
Eudis Nápoles Wilson, Patricia Varona Pérez, Cuba.
2270. Bibliography compilation about cholera. Updating for students and health
professionals. Iris Hechavarría Rodríguez, Luis A.Venereo Izquierdo, Esther
Rodríguez Tamayo, Cuba.
2271. Prevention of alcoholism in youngsters from Guantanamo. Experience in San
Justo community.
Anselma Betancourt Pulsan, Alfredo Izquierdo Hernández,
Ileana Barbeito Guardado, Cuba.
2266. Comprehensive General Medicine, a clinical speciality with a true
biopsychosocial approach of the population health.
Leonardo Antonio Cuesta Mejías, Cuba.
2240. An assessment of the level of inter and intra sectoral collaboration for the
implementation of the Port of Spain Declaration.
Randy Shane Storm, Karen
Roberts, Michelle Sumner Williams, Colin Roach, Guyana.
2267. Need of addressing studies of sexual and reproductive health in man.
Vilma Rodríguez Morales, Ileana Castañeda Abascal, Aida Rodríguez Cabrera, Zoe
Díaz Bernal, Cuba.
2268. Management of a mental health model in Jalisco, Mexico. Diagnosis and
restructuring for care improvement.
Enriqueta Guadalupe Cambero González, Salvador Chávez Ramírez, Daniel Ojeda
Torres, Miguel Roberto Kumazawa Ichikawa, Juan Ángel Villalobos Flores, Mexico.
2269. Representations and practice of health professionals and women with chorinc
mental disease in relating to the approach of sexual and reproductive health.
Gabriela Karina Ibrahim, Marcela Viviana Ripoll, Argentina.
1670. Lessons learnt for the design of an educational strategy for the implementation
of domestic control in Cuban medical universities. 2011. Carlos Raúl del Pozo Cruz,
Pedro López Puig, Lázaro Díaz Hernández, José Luis Vingut Gálvez, Cuba.
2274. Ordinary knowledge of adults about drinking simple water. Social and cultural
considerations for the design of public policies in health education.
Juan Espinosa Montero, MF Aguilar-Tamayo, E Monterrubio, S Barquera, Mexico.
2276. Health institutionalization. Javier Luna Orosco E, Bolivia.
2275. Blood banks in health integrated networks.
María del Carmen García de Luna Orosco, Bolivia.
Jueves 6, 14:00–17:00, SALA 12
Coordinadores de sesión: Libertad Martín, Cuba/Giselda Sanabria, Cuba
430. Impact of the Cuban medical brigade strategy for the reinforcement of the vaccination
program in the Health Center "Mother Bisila". Equatorial Guinea in February 2010 to
February 2011
Alejandro Guerrero González, Amarilis Prieto Carballosa, Cuba.
1789. Presence of the Cuban medical mission in developing the health district, Ecuador.
Carlos Gafas González, Jorge Jiménez Armada, Martha Ortiz García, Mónica MoruaDelgado Varela, Cuba.
844. Social impact of “Miracle Project” in Uruguay.
Silvia Maria Donato Herrera, Uruguay.
2110.Dr. Tomas Alberto Morejón Gutiérrez everlasting impression on the Lajera’s history of
Michael García Pérez, Cuba.
690. E-health: Web survey system for the study of the experiences of college students’
Rosa del Carmen Saeteros Hernández, Ecuador.
2062. Risk factors associated with learning disorders. Area 1 Cienfuegos.
Lisbet Padrón Vega, Antonio A. Ramos Barroso, Yaxel Ríos Torres, Beatriz Sabina Romeu,
Zenaida Maria Sae, Cuba.
1447. Participatory methodologies in educational communication program for vulnerable
preschoolers Santiago, University of Chile, 2012.
Gerardo Cruces Ramírez, Lorena Edith Coronado Vigueras, José Manuel Manriquez
Urbina, Valentina Eliana Fajreldin Chuaqui, María Loreto EsoinozaTilleria, Carolina
Verdaguer Muñoz, Chile.
1947. Sofrimento psíquico: discursos de usuários e familiares de um centro de atenção
Da Silva Jair Magalhães, Novaes Rafaella Eloy de, Cavalcante Pottyra Coelho, Brazil.
2004. Vozes da loucura- Representação de Loucura no Norte Fluminense.
Tavares de Castro Tiago Fernandes, Brazil.
2187. Yoga e o "empoderamento" do sujeito na saúde.
Maria Renata Rotta Furlanetti, Nelson Filice de Barros, Flavia Ribeiro, Luis Fernando Farah
de Tofoli, Brazil.
1878. Mental health of children and adolescents, a review of Brazilian literature.
Santos Vania Carvalho, Brazil.
542. Addictive risk factors in art students.
Serguei Iglesias Moré, Justo Reinaldo Fabelo Roche, Onice Araujo Valdés, Cuba.
1976.Alcohol-related problems in people with wandering behavior in Havana.
Beatriz Almaguer Barroso, Alejandro David González López, Cuba.
688. A psicologia e as intervenções familiares na drogadição: o sintoma como mensagem
da necessidade de mudança.
Tatsch Dirce Teresinha, Baumkarten Silvana Teresinha, Albuquerque Flavia Michelle
Pereira, Nissola RégisTibola, Brazil.
1980. O cotidiano das equipes saúde da família no cuidado ao dependente químico
Daumas Jane do Socorro Pantoja, Brazil.
2098. Reflexões acerca da política de drogas no Brazil e o protagonismo da frente nacional
drogas e direitos humanos.
Fabio Belloni Belloni, Brazil.
797.Prevention as a resource for psychosocial intervention: toward growth that allow errors.
Yunior Hernández Cardet, Zulema Abreu, Dayana Pérez, Salvey del Río, Cuba.
811.Experience Report - The reorientation of care model in Amazonas.
Yunes Aida Maria Meninea, Brazil
652.Continuing Education - Reorganization Strategy in PHC as an entry in the system.
Yunes Aida Maria Meninea, Brazil
2280. Savings associated with elementary school dental sealant programs in Colorado.
Joan Marie OConnell, Estados Unidos.