Media-Kit 2016
Media-Kit 2016
© Gyula Gyukli Media-Kit 2016 Valid from January 1, 2016 2016 Print run: 22.000 Copies incl. 500 advertising and voucher copies 2.000 Investors Frequency: Six times a year + 1 supplement Circulation audit: Controlled by IVW (Information Community of the Assessment of the Distribution of Advertising Mediums) in Germany. IVW is responsible for insuring the truthful and clear documentation of distribution figures within the German press ( Print run: 22 000 copies Total circulation: 21 334 copies (IVW, 3rd quarter 2015) to target groups ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Operators Building investors Housing associations Chain stores 11/12 | November 2015 IKZ-ENERGY is the magazine devoted to renewable energy and fuel efficiency in buildings. Published six times a year, it provides information on all aspects of the generation and consumption of renewable and pioneer energies. „IKZ-ENERGY“ is a comprehensive source of theoretical and practical knowledge for solar, heating and electrical contractors, roofers, façade builders, Distribution according planners and energy consultants. Spezial-Ausgabe 2015 Short profile: Profile and Circulation (e.g. Aldi, McDonalds) ▶ Project developer 7.500 Planners ▶ Specialized architects ▶ Technical building equipment planers ▶ Electrical planners ▶ Energy consultants SPEZIAL-AUSGABE 2015 Smart Energy und Smart Buildings Branchenausblick 2016 12.000 Solar, heating and electrical contractors / specialized fitters All numbers are approximately. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ Heating equipment fitters Electrical fitters Roofers Façade builders Seite 6 Speichertechnologie im Gebäude Seite 12 Thermische Speicher Seite 56 incl. Solar equipment fitters and wholesalers Fig.: Distribution according to target groups 2 Editorial Calendar in alphabetical order 2016 Solar energy Bio + Wind energy / Geothermal energy Smart energy Topic Issue(s) Topic Issue(s) Topic Issue(s) Topic Energy efficiency Issue(s) BIPV 7/8 Geothermal sensors 8/9 Air conditioning 5/6, SP1 Building diagnosis 5/6, 9/10 Hybrid systems 5/6, 9/10 Near-surface geothermal 3/4, 9/10 Building automation 3/4, SP1 CHP systems 1/2, 5/6 Building control systems SP1 Combined heat and power plants 11/12 energy Mounting- and fixing 3/4, 9/10 Pellet heatings and storage 1/2, 7/8, 11/12, SP1 systems Passive and active SP1 Small wind power plants 5/6 Building security 1/2 Condensing technology 1/2, 3/4, 9/10 3/4, 5/6, Woodchips heatings 1/2, 7/8 Controlling and monitoring 7/8 Energy demand SP1 cooling 3/4 Energy efficient heating systems SP1 Energy management 1/2, 3/4, Façade constructions 7/8 9/10 Heat pumps 1/2, 5/6, 9/10, 11/12 SP1 It-systems for energetic building assessment 7/8 5/6, 11/12 Measurement and control technology 3/4 9/10 Optimum utilisation of daylight SP1 utilization of solar energy PV inverters 11/12 PV modules and accessories 5/6, 11/12 PV monitoring and data 8/9, 11/12 7/8, SP1 loggers PV storage systems PV systems technology 1/2, 5/6, Intelligent building 11/12 networking 7/8, 11/12 Intelligent power supply systems Solar accesories 1/2 iOS and Android control apps Solar construction 7/8 Easy installation 3 2016 Solar energy Bio + Wind energy / Geothermal energy Smart energy Topic Topic Issue(s) Topic Issue(s) 8/9 Smart building SP1 Safety of buildings 8/9 1/2, 11/12 Smart home systems 1/2, 7/8, Software 1/2 Software for energy efficiency 1/2 Thermal insulation systems 3/4, SP1 Topic Issue(s) Solar cooling Solar heating and storage Issue(s) 11/12, SP1 systems Solar thermal collectors Solar thermal system Energy efficiency 3/4, Ventilation and 3/4, 9/10, 11/12 air-conditioning systems SP1 7/8 technology Special topic Issue(s) Special topic Issue(s) Cooling and air-conditioning of buildings 5/6, 9/10, Smart Energy und Smart Building 7/8 (Supplement in IKZ-ENERGY + IKZ FACHPLANER) 11/12 (Supplement in IKZ-ENERGY + IKZ FACHPLANER) 4 Advertisement Formats, Prices and Conditions 2016 Format Width x Height mm (Printing area) bw / 2 colour /3 colour / 4 colour 1/1 page 184 x 265 3910,- 3/4 page 137 x 265 or 184 x 198 3150,- 2/3 page 121 x 265 or 184 x 176 2830,- Juniorpage 137 x 190 2300,- 1/2 page 90 x 265 or 184 x 130 2090,- 1/3 page 58 x 265 or 184 x 86 1440,- 1/4 page 43 x 265 or 90 x 130 or 184 x 63 1050,- 1/8 page 43 x 130 or 90 x 63 or 184 x 30 540,- 1/16 page 43 x 63 or 90 x 30 290,- Format Width x Height mm (Bleed format) 2/1 pages 420 x 297 7980,- 1/1 page 210 x 297 3990,- 3/4 page 150 x 297 or 210 x 219 3230,- 2/3 page 134 x 297 or 210 x 197 2910,- Juniorpage 148 x 210 2360,- 1/2 page 103 x 297 or 210 x 146 2150,- 1/3 page 71 x 297 or 210 x 106 1500,- 1/4 page 56 x 297 or 103 x 146 or 210 x 84 1090,- 1/8 page 56 x 146 or 103 x 84 or 210 x 50 580,- bw / 2 colour /3 colour / 4 colour Frequency discounts: 3 adverts = 3% 6 adverts = 5% 12 adverts = 1 0% 18 adverts = 15% 24 adverts = 15% Volume discounts: 3 pages = 5% 6 pages = 10% 12 pages = 15% 24 pages = 25% Please ask for our combination offers! Printing documents: Only digital data, preferred as High-End PDF (PDF X3/2002), compatible with Adobe Acrobat 1.3; all types and pictures included. Bleed formats: Please add 3 mm trim per bled edge. Printing process: Offset All prices are in EURO on the basis of our general terms and conditions. 5 IKZ-Newsletter (E-Mail-Marketing) 2016 The email newsletters of the various STROBEL VERLAG specialist publications are prepared by their respective editorial teams and keep the registered recipients up to date about important industry news and trends. A must for all industry professionals. A subscription to the newsletter is free of charge and can be cancelled at any time. For advertisers we offer a range of advert formats to take part on this effective way to communicate with interested and qualified users. Frequency: Recipients: once a week 2.800 (average) Please ask for more details and statistics. IKZ-Newsletter Special-Newsletter Topics-Newsletter Advert format Banner Text-Teaser 2 banner incl. text (4000 letters) Banner oder Text-Teaser Placement News-area News-area After news-area News-area Format (pixel) 596 x 90 600 letters incl. blanks + picture or logo 4000 letters + banner e.g. 560 x 198 or 154 x 176 596 x 90 oder 600 letters incl. blanks + picture or logo Data volume up to 60 KB 60 KB 60 KB 60 KB Price € 392 € 392 € 700 € 392 Recipients: IKZ-ENERGY-Newsletter (2.800 Recipients) 6 2016 Editor Markus Sironi (Editor-in-chief) Tel.: +49/2931/8900-46 Fax: +49/2931/890048 [email protected] Online Advertisements Manager Stefan Schütte Tel.: +49/2931/8900-27 Fax: +49/2931/8900-38 [email protected] Sales Manager Uwe Derr Tel.: +49/2931/8900-23 Fax: +49/2931/8900-38 [email protected] Advertisements Sales Jocelyn Blome Tel.: +49/2931/8900-28 Fax: +49/2931/8900-38 [email protected] Advertisements Manager Stefan Hoffmann Tel.: +49/2931/8900-22 Fax: +49/2931/8900-38 [email protected] STROBEL VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG P.O. Box 5654, 59806 Arnsberg, Tel.: +49/2931/8900-0 Fax: +49/2931/8900-38 [email protected] STROBEL VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG Zur Feldmühle 9-11 59821 Arnsberg / Germany Tel.+49 2931 8900-0 Fax+49 2931 8900-38 Contacts / International Sales Offices Denmark Uwe Sommerfeld Iserstr.58, 14513 Teltow, Germany Tel.: +49/3328/3090566 Fax: +49/3328/3090567 [email protected] Switzerland / Liechtenstein Rico Dormann Media Consultant Marketing Moosstr. 7, P.O. Box 574 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland Tel.: +41/44/720 85 50 Fax: +41/44/721 14 74 [email protected] Austria Simon Fahr Breitenbergstr. 17 87629 Füssen, Germany Tel.: +49/8362/5054990 Fax: +49/8362/5054992 [email protected] Italy Media & Service International s.r.l. Via Giotto 32 20145 Milano, Italy Tel.: +39/02/48006193 Fax: +39/02/48193274 [email protected] Your contact: Meike Belloni Other regions Lutz Krampitz Im Schlenk 34 47055 Duisburg, Germany Tel.: +49/203/4568266 Fax: +49/203/4568538 [email protected]