Curriculum Vitae - CV - Laski Kazimierz - wiiw
Curriculum Vitae - CV - Laski Kazimierz - wiiw
EUROPEAN CURRICULUM VITAE FORMAT PERSONAL INFORMATION Name Address Telephone Fax E-mail Nationality Date of birth LASKI, Kazimierz wiiw – Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, Austria +43 1 533 66 10-87 +43 1 533 66 10-50 [email protected] Austrian 15.12.1921 WORK EXPERIENCE • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held 1996 to date The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, Austria Economic Research Institute Research associate 1991-1996 The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, Austria Economic Research Institute Research Director • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held 1971-1991 Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria University Professor of economics • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held 1969-1971 Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Vienna, Austria Economic Research Institute Research associate • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held 1966-1967 Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, France University Directeur d'Etudes à titre étranger • Dates (from – to) • Name and address of employer • Type of business or sector • Occupation or position held 1950-1968 Central School of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw, Poland Different teaching positions (professor extraordinary, professor, vice-rector) University Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization providing education and training • Title of qualification awarded 1945-1953 Central School of Planning and Statistics, Warsaw, Poland M.A., Ph.D. PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas. MOTHER TONGUE OTHER LANGUAGES ANNEX Polish German, English, French, Russian LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS (link to directly accessible publication – link to abstract or publication site) Articles in refereed journals 'The basic paradigms of the EU economic policy-making need to be changed' (with L. Podkaminer), Cambridge Journal of Economics, No.1, 2012 'Common monetary policy with uncommon wage policies: Centrifugal forces tearing the euro area apart' (with L. Podkaminer), Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 8, No. 1, May 2011 'CZYNNIKI WZROSTU PKB W POLSCE I W CZECHACH W 2009 R.' (with Jerzy Osiatynski and Jolanta Zieba), Ekonomista, No. 6, 2010 'Making sense of the aggregate demand-supply model' (with Amit Bhaduri and M. Riese), Investigacion Economica, Vol 63, No. 243, 2002 'Tres Caminhos para Elevado Desemprego', Dinamica Economica do Capitalismo Contemporaneo, 2001, pp. 209241 'Tres Formas Para ... Alta Desempleo', Momento Economico, No. 107, 2000 'Thrift and Unemployment in Germany', Konjunkturpolitik. Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 1-2, 2000, pp. 132 'Effective Demand versus Profit Maximization in Aggregate Demand/Supply Analysis: A Dynamic Perspective' (with Amit Bhaduri and M. Riese), Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, No. 210, September 1999, pp. 281-93 'Book Review: Carson, R. L.: Comparative Economic Systems', Journal of Economics - Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 55, No. 2, 1992, pp. 242-244 'Postkomunistines ekonomikos kelias j rinka', Aliansas. Zurnalas verslo zmonems, No. 1, 1992 'Pojeti prechodu v socjalistickych ekonomikach', Politicka ekonomie, No. 7-8, 1991, pp. 620-634 'Plans and Disequilibria in Centrally Planned Economies. Empirical Investigations for Poland' (with W. Charemza and Leon Podkaminer), Journal of Economics - Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1990, pp. 199-204 'The stabilization plan for Poland', Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, No. 5, 1990, pp. 444-458 'O niebezpieczenstwach zwiazanych z planem stabilizacji gospodarki narodowej', Gospodarka narodowa, No. 2/3, 1990, pp. 5-9 'Capital Market and the Problem of Full Employment' (with Wlodzimierz Brus), European Economic Review, Vol. 33, No. 2-3, 1989, pp. 439-447 Wirtschaftsreformen in Osteuropa als Gegenstand der Wirtschaftstheorie, Vierteljahrsheft des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, No. 2, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1985, pp. 196-205 Consumer Prices and Private Consumption in Poland and Austria (with Benedykt Askanas), Journal of Comparative Economics, Nr. 9, Yale 1985, pp. 164-177; (published in wiiw reprint series, Nr. 88) Marx's Theory of Exploitation and Technical Progress (with Josef Falkinger), Metroeconomica, Vol. XXXV, Fase. I-II, Bologna 1983, pp. 159- 176 Page 2 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz Zum Vergleich des Sozialproduktes zwischen den sozialistischen und kapitalistischen Ländern, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Nr. 2/3, Wien 1982, pp. 153-166; (published in wiiw reprint series, Nr. 62) Einige Bemerkungen zu den ökonomischen Auswirkungen eines Nullwachstums, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft, Wien 1979, pp. 17-29; (published in wiiw reprint series, Nr. 46) Capital and Equipment Imports and Growth in Socialist Countries, Forschungsberichte des WIIW, No. 45, Wien 1978, p. 16; französische Übersetzung: "Les importations de capitaux et d'équipment et la croissance dans les pays socialistes", Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, Décembre, Vol. 10, No. 4, Paris 1979 Medice cura te ipsum. Am Rande einer Buchbesprechung, Osteuropa Wirtschaft, No. 3, June, Munich 1978, pp. 243247 Zur Marxschen Arbeitswertlehre (Am Rande des Buches von Ian Steedman "Marx after Sraffa"), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 4, Vienna 1978, pp. 377-392 Inflationsprobleme in den sozialistischen Ländern, Forschungsberichte des WIIW, No. 38, Vienna 1977, p. 89; English translation: "The Problems of Inflation in Socialist Countries", East European Economies, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1979 Zur Marxschen Theorie des tendenziellen Falles der Profitrate, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 3, Wien 1976, pp. 27-42; (published in wiiw reprint series, Nr. 2) Noch einmal über Lohnquote und Wachstum, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Band 185, No. 3, 1971, pp. 262-268 Taux de croissance et commerce extérieur en économie socialiste, in: "Du protectionisme traditionel aux nouvelles politiques industrielles", Cahiers de l'ISEA, Tome III, No. 11, Novembre, Librarie Droz, Genève 1969, pp. 2015-2039 O wyborze technik produkcji w krajach gospodarczo zacofanych (Die Wahl der Produktionsmethoden in den unterentwickelten Ländern), Ekonomista, No. 3, Warszawa 1966, pp. 541-554 Przejsciowe zwolnienie wzrostu a dynamika konsumcji w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Eine vorübergehende Verlangsamung des Wachstums und die Konsumdynamik in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), Ekonomista, No. 4, Warszawa 1964, pp. 751-760 Wp-fyw handlu zagranicznego na stopq, wzrostu gospodarczego (Der Einfluß des Außenhandels auf das Tempo des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums), Ekonomista, No. 1, Warszawa 1964, pp. 3-34 Problemas Teoréticos del Desarolle del Socialismes (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Investigación Economica, Volumen XXIII, No. 91, Mexico 1963 Problemy teorii wzrostu w socjalizmie (with Wlodzimierz Brus), (Probleme der Wachstumstheorie im Sozialismus), Ekonomista, No. 6, Warszawa 1962, pp. 1291-1320 Istotna treâé marksistowskiego ujecia problematyki rozwoju spolecznego (with Wlodzimierz Brus), (Das Wesen der Marx'schen Analyse der sozialen Entwicklung), Ekonomista, No. 4, Warszawa 1962, pp. 763-781 La part des investissements dans le revenu national dans une économie planifiée, Instituto Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano 1961, p. 12 La funzione degli investimenti nel rédito nazionale di un'economia planifi- cata, Rivista Internazionale di Science Economi e Commercali, No. 8, Padova 1961, pp. 725-738 Czynniki wzrostu dochodu narodowego w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Wachstumsfaktoren des Volkseinkommens in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), Ekonomista, No. 3, Warszawa 1960, pp. 235-254 Warunki równowagi ogólnej miqdzy produkcja i spozyciem w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Bedingungen des allgemeinen Gleichgewichts zwischen Produktion und Konsum in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), Gospodarka Planowa, No. 3, Warszawa 1958, pp. 1-11 Stosunek miedzy akumulacja a spozyciem w Polsce Ludowej (Verhältnis zwischen Akkumulation und Konsum in Volkspolen), Ekonomista, No. 4, Warszawa 1955, pp. 47-77 Gfcis w dyskusji na II Zjezdzie Ekonomistów Polskich (Beitrag zur Diskussion auf der II. Tagung der Polnischen Ökonomischen Gesellschaft), Ekonomista, No. 4, Warszawa 1956, pp. 83-107 Wytwarzanie i podzia dochodu narodowego w socjalizmie (Erzeugung und Verteilung des Volkseinkommens im Sozialismus), Ekonomista, No. 3, Warszawa 1953, pp. 149-182 Books (Monographs and editorship) Mity i rzeczywistość w polityce gospodarczej i w nauczaniu ekonomii (Myhts und reality in economic policy and economics) INE PAN i Fundacja Innowacja, Warszawa 2009 From Marx to the Market: Socialism in Search for an Economic System (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, Tokyo, 1995 Od Marksa do rynku (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Wydawnictwo naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 1992 From Marx to the Market: Socialism in Search for an Economic System (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Oxford University Press, Oxford (new edition and paperback edition), 1991 Von Marx zum Markt. Der Sozialismus auf der Suche nach einem neuen Wirtschaftssystem (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg, 1990 From Marx to the Market: Socialism in Search for an Economic System (with Wlodzimierz Brus), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989 Page 3 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz Articles in books and compilations ‘Wyzwania dla polityki gospodarczej Unii Europejskiej’ (with L. Podkaminer), in: G. Kolodko (ed), Globalizacja, kryzys i co dalej?, Poltext, Warszawa, 2010 'Lessons to be learnt from earlier accessions' (with Roman Römisch), in: Michael Landesmann and Dariusz Rosati (eds), Shaping the New Europe: Economic Policy Challenges of European Union Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York, 2004 'Czego nas ucza wczesniejsze akcesje?' (with Roman Römisch), Wokól polityki gospodarczej Unii Europejskiej, Stowarzyszenie Studiów i Inicjatyw Spolecznych, Warszawa, 2004 'W jaki sposob prywatne inwestycje okreslaja prywatne oszczednosci i co z tego wynika dla rozwoju gospodarki?', in: Grzegorz Kolodko (ed), Rozwoj polskiej gospodarki - perspektywy i uwarunkowania, Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Przedsiebiorczosci i Zarzadzania im. Leona Kozminskiego, Warszawa, 2002 'Le socialisme garde-t-il une pertinence quelconque pour les societes oist communistes?' (with Wlodzimierz Brus), in: Bernard Chavance, Eric Magnin, Ramine Motamed-Nejad and Jacques Sapir (eds), Capitalisme et le socialisme en perspective. Evolution et transformation des systemes economiques, Editions la Decouverte, Paris, 1999 'Macroeconomic Problems of Trade Liberalisation and EU Eastern Enlargement', in: Hubert Gabrisch and Rüdiger Pohl (eds), EU Enlargement and its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe, MacMillan, 1999, pp. 26-61 'Lessons to be drawn from main mistakes in the transition strategy' (with Amit Bhaduri), in: Salvatore Zecchini (ed), Lessons from the Economic Transition. Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s, OECD, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997 'An Alternative Economic Policy for Central and Eastern Europe', in: Mark Knell (ed), Economics of Transition. Structural Adjustments and Growth Prospects in Eastern Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Brookfield, Vermont, US, 1996, pp. 87-115 'The Investment Multiplier at a Variable Savings Ratio', in: Egon Matzner and Ewald Nowotny (eds), Was ist relevante Ökonomie heute?, Festschrift für Kurt W. Rotschild, Metropolis, Marburg, 1995 'Wohlstand durch Nachfrage' (with Amit Bhaduri), Die großen Nationalökonomen. Sammlung von Aufsätzen, Die Zeit, Hamburg, 1994, pp. 163-169 'Fiscal Policy and Effective Demand During Transformation', in: Gabor Hunya (ed), .), Economic Transformation in East-Central Europe and in the Newly Independent States, Westview Press, Boulder, 1993, pp. 113-133 'Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Role of the State', Eine Rolle für den Staat? A new role for the state?, Schriftenreihe Nr. 3, Bundesministerium für Finanzen, 1993, pp. 21-32 'Od stabilizacji do wzrostu gospodarczego krajow o gospodarce okresu przejsciowego', Polska na rozdrozu, Fundacja Polska Praca, Warszawa, 1993 'Konzepte und Erfahrungen zur Restrukturierung ehemaliger Planwirtschaften', in: Heinrich PfusterschmidHardenstein (ed), Entscheidung für Europa. Bewußtsein und Realität, Europäisches Forum Alpbach 1992, Iberaverlag, Vienna, 1993, pp. 277-288 'Der aktuelle Stand der Diskussion über die Transformationsprobleme', Vom "obsoleten" zum "adäquaten" marktwirtschaftlichen Denken, BEIGEWUM, Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg, 1992, pp. 211-224 'Transition from Command to Market Economies in Central and Eastern Europe: First Experiences and Questions', in: Wolfgang Blaas and John Foster (eds), Mixed Economies in Europe. An Evolutionary Perspective on their Experience, Transition and Regulation, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1992, pp. 105-133 'From a Command Toward a Market Economy: The Polish Experience', in: Mark Knell and Christine Rider (eds), Socialist Economies in Transition: Appraisals of the Market Mechanism, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1992, pp. 117-139 'Comment on Leipold's 'The neoliberal concept of economic order'', in: Christopher T. Saunders (ed), Economics and Politics of Transition, Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1992, pp. 94-96 'Concepts of transition in socialist economies', in: Christopher T. Saunders (ed), Economics and Politics of Transition, Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1992, pp. 63-72 'Transition from Command to Market Economies in Central and Eastern Europe: First Experiences and Questions', in: Sandor Richter (ed), The Transition from Command to Market Economies in East-Central Europe, Westview Special Studies in International Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1992 'Supplementary Paper to the Paper by H. K. Schneider, Tempo und Schrittfolge des Transformationsprozesses', in: Bernhard Gahlen, Helmut Hesse and Hans Jürgen Ramser (eds), Von der Plan- zur Marktwirtschaft. Eine Zwischenbilanz, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1992, pp. 23-25 'Discussion Contribution', in: Zdzislaw Sadowski (ed), Spoleczenstwo posttotalitarne. Kierunki przemian, Polskie Towarzystwo Wspolpracy z Klubem Rzymskim, Warszawa, 1991 'Transition by Shock in Poland' (with Hubert Gabrisch), in: Peter Havlik (ed), Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe, Westview Special Studies in International Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1991, pp. 225-234 'Transition from Command to Market Economies' (with Hubert Gabrisch), in: Peter Havlik (ed), Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe, Westview Special Studies in International Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1991, pp. 11-29 'An Economic Comparison of Poland and Spain', in: Henryk Flakierski and Thomas T. Sekine (eds), Socialist Dilemmas. East and West, M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, New York and London, 1990 Page 4 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz 'Note on Some Necessary Changes to Improve Trade of the USSR', in: O.T. Bogomolov (ed), Market Forces in Planned Economies, International Economic Association, Macmillan Press Ltd. , 1990, pp. 217-220 'Product Market and Capital Market in the Light of the Experience of the Hungarian New Economic Mechanism' (with Wlodzimierz Brus), in: O.T. Bogomolov (ed), Market Forces in Planned Economies, International Economic Association, Macmillan Press Ltd. , 1990, pp. 16-31 'The role and functioning of the enterprise' (with J. Slater), Economic Reforms in the European Centrally Planned Economies, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Economic Studies, United Nations, New York, 1989, pp. 154-157 'Polens Wirtschaftskrise als politisch-ökonomisches Strukturproblem', in: Hans-Henning Hahn and Michael G. Müller (eds), Gesellschaft und Staat in Polen. Historische Aspekte der polnischen Krise, Verlag Arno Spitz, Berlin, 1989, pp. 64-94 Entries on Michat Kalecki, Kurt Rothschild and Josef Steindl, in: "The New Palgrave", Macmillan 1987 Die Lebensdauer der Anlagen als Planungsvariable, in: "Socialist Economy and Economic Policy. Essays in honour of Friedrich Levcik. Edited by G. Fink", Springer-Verlag, Wien - New York 1985, pp. 61-73 Repressed Inflation and Second Economy under Central Planning (with Wlodzimierz Brus, in: "The Economics of the Shadow Economy. Ed. Gaertner & Wenig", Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1985, pp. 377-388 Second Economy in sozialistischen Ländern und Inflationserscheinungen, in: "Beiträge zum Problem der Schattenwirtschaft", Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1982, pp. 52-66 Einführung, in: "M. Kalecki, Theorie des Wachstums und der Planung in der sozialistischen Volkswirtschaft", Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden 1982, pp. 9-14 Der Konsum im Sozialismus, in: "Symposium, Alltag im Sozialismus. Herausgegeben von W. Gumpel", Hans Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, Köln 1982, pp. 13-42 Alguns aspectos da excoltha de tecnicas e do progresso technologico numa economia planificada, in: "Garegnani, Steindl, Sylos-Labini, Haris, Nell, Laski e Izzo & Spaventa: Progresso Tecnico e Teoria Economica", Editora- Hucitec, Sao Paulo 1980, pp. 143-167 Industrial Development Strategy (with Ignacy Sachs), in: "Ignacy Sachs, Studies in Political Economy of Development", Pergamon Press, Oxford 1980, pp. 19-46 Inflationsproblem einer offenen sozialistischen Volkswirtschaft, in: "Lenkungsprobleme und Inflation in Planwirtschaften. Herausgegeben von Karl- Ernst Schenk", Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980, pp. 71-94 Verteilung und Arbeitswertlehre, in: "Beiträge zur Diskussion und Kritik der neoklassischen Ökonomie. Festschrift für Kurt W. Rothschild und Josef Steindl", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1979. (S. 211-225); Abdruck in der Reprint-Serie des WIIW, Nr. 43, 1979 Kapitalimporte und Wachstum der sozialistischen Länder, in: "Internationa¬le Wirtschafts-Vergleiche und Interdependenzen. Festschrift für Franz Nemschak", Springer-Verlag, Wien - New York 1978, pp. 491-505 Das Transformationsproblem, in: "Eduard März, Einführung in die Marx'sche Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung", Europa Verlag, Wien 1976, pp. 343-352 Über das Wachstumstempo der Abteilungen I und II, in: "Sozialismus, Geschichte und Wirtschaft, Festschrift für Eduard März", Europa Verlag, Wien 1973. (S. 21-32); Abdruck in der Reprint-Serie des WIIW, Nr. 9. Der Preis des Produktionsfaktors Kapital in einer sozialistischen Zentral- verwaltungswirtschaft, in: "Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas", Band 4, Günther Olzog-Verlag, München - Wien 1973, pp. 97-114 Problems in the Theory of Growth under Socialism (Abdruck von (11.21)), in: "Socialist Economics. Selected Readings. Edited by Alex Nove and D. M. Nuti", Penguin Books 1972, pp. 173-209 Investment Criteria in Developing Countries, in: "Planning for Advanced Skills and Technologies"; UNIDO Vienna, United Nations, New York 1969, pp. 59-78 The Influence of Foreign Trade on the Rate of Economic Growth (englische Übersetzung), in: "International Trade and Development -Theory and Policy", Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1966 Condiciones para el equilibro general entre production y consumo (spanische Übersetzung von (II.4)), in: "Problemas de economia politica del socialismo", Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico - Buenos Aires 1965 Dochód narodowy (Volkseinkommen); Majqtek narodowy (Volksvermögen); Proporcje gospodarcze (Proportionen in der Wirtschaft); Rachunek ekonomiczny (Wirtschaftsrechnung); Reprodukcja socjalistyczna (Sozialistische Reproduktion); Wzrost gospodarczy (Wirtschaftswachstum); Stichworte in: "Siownik Encyklopedyczny", Warszawa 1965, pp. 40-41, p. 154, p. 262, p. 293, pp. 301-302, p. 442 Podstatny Obsak Marxistickego Pojeti Ekonomickeho Razvoje (zusammen mit Wlodzimierz Brus) (tschechische Übersetzung von (III.ll)), in: "Urod do teorie rustu socialistickeho hospodarstvi", Ekonomicky Ustav Cekoslovenske Akademie Vied, Praha 1965, pp. 37-56 Das Nationaleinkommen (Deutsche Übersetzung von (11.11)), in: "Zwanzig Jahre Volkspolen", Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1965, pp. 98-101 Problems in the Theory of Growth under Socialism (with Wlodzimierz Brus), in: Problems in Economic Development, edited by E. A. G. Robinson, Proceedings of a Conference held by the IEA, Macmillan, London 1965, pp. 21-54 The Law of Value and the Problem of Allocation in Socialism (with Wlodzimierz Brus), in: "On Political Economy and Econometrics, Essays in' Honour of Oskar Lange", Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1964, pp. 45-59 Growth at the Full Employment of Productive Forces (with Wlodzimierz Brus), in: "Problems of Economic Dynamics and Planning, Essays in Honour of Michat Kalecki", Pañstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1964, pp. 59-78 Page 5 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz Czy naprawdç. zabraknie popytu? (Wird es wirklich an effektiver Nachfrage fehlen?), in: "Materiafy ...", op. cit. pp. 898-901 Czynniki wzrostu dochodu narodowego w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Die Wachstumsfaktoren des Volkseinkommens in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), in: "Materiaiy op. cit. pp. 254-271 Przyczynek do zagadniert dochodu narodowego (Zur Frage des Volkseinkommens), in: "Materiaiy do studiowania ekonomii politycznej socjalizmu", Ksiqzka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1964, pp. 170-188 The Factors of Growth of National Income in a Socialist Economy (englische Übersetzung von (III.8)), in: "Studies on the Theory of Reproduction and Prices", Partstwowe .Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1964, pp. 145-167 Faktory rosta nacjonalnogo dochoda w socjalisticzeskoj sistemie choziajstwa (russische Übersetzung von (III.8)), in: "Oczerki po teorii socjalisticzeskogo wosproizwodstwa i cen", Partstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1964, pp. 131-162 The National Income (englische Übersetzung von (11.11)), in: "Twenty Years of the Polish People's Republic", Pafistwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1964, pp. 97-101 Le revenu national (französische Übersetzung von (11.11)), in: "Vingt ans Republique Populaire de Pologne", Pahstwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 1964, pp. 97-101 Dochöd narodowy (Volkseinkommen) (with Leszek Zienkowski), in: "XX lat Polski Ludowej", Parîstwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 1964, pp. 751-760 La croissance économique dans les Pays d'Europe à l'économie socialiste et le rôle du commerce exterieur, in: "Scambi economici fra i Paesi Europei", Dott. E. Giuffre Editore, Milano 1962, pp. 45-64 Efektywnoéé inwestycji w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Effizienz der Investitionen in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), in: "Polityka gospodarcza Polski Ludowej", Cz^éé 1, Warszawa 1962, pp. 401-428 Conditions for general equilibrium between production and consumption (englische Übersetzung von (II.4)), ins "Problems of Political Economy of Socialism", People's Publishing House, Calcuta 1962, pp. 99-144 Akumulacja (Akkumulation); Akumulacji kapitalistycznej ogölne prawo (Das allgemeine Gesetz der kapitalistischen Akkumulation); Reprodukcja (Reproduktion); Stopa akumulacji (Akkumulationsquote); Stichworte in: "Mate Encyklopedia Ekonomiczna", Warszawa 1962, pp. 19-23, pp. 22-23, pp. 576- 580, p. 661 Uslovi opste navnoteze izmedu proizvodnje i potrosnje u socjalisticke privrede (serbische Übersetzung von (II.4)), in: Nolit, Beograd 1960, pp. 109-141 Akumulacja (Akkumulation); Akumulacja w Polsce Ludowej (Akkumulation in Volkspolen), Stichworte in: "Encyklopedia Wspölczesna", Warszawa 1959, pp. 51-52 Warunki röwnowagi midzy produkcja a spozyciem w gospodarce socjalistycznej (Die Bedingungen des Gleichgewichtes zwischen der Produktion und dem Konsum in der sozialistischen Wirtschaft), in: "Zagadnienia ekonomii politycznej socjalismu", Ksiqka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1958. (pp. 391- 440); zweite Ausgabe 1959 (pp. 176237); dritte Ausgabe 1960 (pp. 176-237) sowie in: "Materiaty do studiowania ekonomii politycznej socjalizmu", Ksizka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1964, pp. 523-547 Uwagi polemiczne w sprawie cen (Polemische Bemerkungen zur Frage der Preise), in: "Spör o ceny", czqßö 1, Ksi^zka i Wiedza, Warszawa 1958, pp. 143-155 Akumulacja (Akkumulation); Dzia-H i II gospodarki narodowej (Abteilungen I und II der Volkswirtschaft); Marksowskie Schematy Reprodukcji (Marxsche Reproduktionsschemata); Stichworte in: "Mafy Slownik Ekonomiczny", Warszawa 1958, pp. 20-22, pp. 189-193, pp. 374-378 Wzrost i czynniki wzrostu dochodu narodowego w Polsce Ludowej (Das Wachstum und die Wachstumsfaktoren des Volkseinkommens in Polen), in: "Materialy i Studia INS. Seria Ekonomiczna", t. 2, Warszawa 1955, pp. 9-69 Articles in non-refereed journals 'Keine vernunftmäßige Erklärung: Am Beispiel der Wirtschaftswissenschaften', Mitbestimmung, No. 2, 2001, pp. 3-7 'Oszczedzanie nie zawsze jest cnota', Magazyn Finansowy, 13 March 2000, pp. 7-9 'Zahady, pudink a pragmatizmus', Ekonom, No. 12, 1994, pp. 20-21 'Inflalcja - deficyt budzetowy - Keynesizm', Zycie gospodarcze, No. 17, 1994, pp. 40-42 'Znachenie Michala Kaleckoho segodnja' (with Amit Bhaduri), Obszczestwo i Ekonomika, No. 3, 1993, pp. 122-127 'Aktualnosc mysli Michala Kaleckiego' (with Amit Bhaduri), Zycie gospodarcze, No. 19 , 1993, pp. 14-15 'Makroökonomische Stabilisierungsprobleme in den führenden Reformstaaten', Kurswechsel, No. 3, 1993, pp. 19-38 'Der aktuelle Stand der Diskussion über die Transformationsprobleme', Europäische Rundschau, No. 4, 1992 'Die aktuelle Wirtschaftslage der ehemaligen RGW-Länder', Europäische Rundschau, No. 3, 1991 'Porownanie gospodarki Polski i Hiszpanii' (with Jolanta Zieba), Zycie gospodarcze, 1989 'Jeszcze o Polsce i Hiszpanii' (with Jolanta Zieba), Zycie gospodarcze, 1989 Other working papers and discussion series 'Mnożnik wydatków państwowych i szacunki jego wielkości dla Polski' (with Jerzy Osiatynski and Jolanta Zieba), Materialy i Studia, No. 246, Warszawa, 2010 Page 6 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz 'Alternative Strategies for Overcoming the Current Output Decline of Economies in Transition' (with F. Levcik), Oesterreichische Nationalbank Working Papers, No. 9, 12 October 1992 WIIW PUBLICATIONS wiiw Monthly Report 'The government expenditure multiplier and its estimation for Poland', in: Leon Podkaminer (ed), Monthly Report No. 7/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2009, pp. 11-13 'Market economy needs to run budgetary deficits', Monthly Report No. 6/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2008, pp. 13-17 'The twin deficits: myth and real problems' (with Roman Römisch), Monthly Report No. 5/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2007, pp. 5-8 'wiiw Managing Director retires', Monthly Report No. 5/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2006, pp. 1-2 'Unit labour costs as a measure of countries’ competitiveness' (with Roman Römisch), Monthly Report No. 2/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2005, pp. 8-11 'Do profit tax cuts stimulate private investment?' (with Roman Römisch), Monthly Report No. 8-9/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, Vienna, pp. 16-20 'Thirty years of The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies', Monthly Report 12/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2003, pp. 1-3 'EU membership and income level convergence: the experience of the Cohesion Countries' (with Roman Römisch), Monthly Report 04/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2003, pp. 7-14 wiiw Research Reports 'From Accession to Cohesion: Ireland, Greece, Portugal and Spain and Lessons for the Next Accession' (with Roman Römisch), wiiw Research Reports, No. 298, Vienna, July 2003 'External Constraints on Sustainable Growth in Transition Countries', wiiw Research Reports, No. 281, Vienna, October 2001 ‘Issues in Fiscal Policy, Inflation and Public Debt’ (with L. Podkaminer), wiiw Research Reports, No. 223, Vienna, 1996 Verbraucherpreise und privater Konsum in Polen und Österreich (with Benedykt Askanas), wiiw Research Reports, No. 88, Vienna 1983, p. 13 Second Economy in sozialistischen Ländern und Inflationserscheinungen, wiiw Research Reports, No. 83, Vienna 1982, p. 23 Der Konsum im Sozialismus, wiiw Research Reports, No. 75, Vienna 1982, p. 25 Capital and Equipment Imports and Growth in Socialist Countries, wiiw Research Reports, No. 45, Vienna 1978, p. 16 Inflationsprobleme in den sozialistischen Ländern, wiiw Research Reports, No. 38, Vienna 1977, p. 89 wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts 'Special Section I: Should the European Union strive to achieve permanently balanced public finances?' (with Leon Podkaminer), Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 34-41 'Special topic: Long-term growth prospects in Central and Eastern Europe hinge on changes in the basic paradigms of EU economic policy-making' (with Leon Podkaminer), in: Vasily Astrov and Mario Holzner (eds), Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 1-22 wiiw Working Papers 'The Government Expenditure Multiplier and its Estimates for Poland in 2006-2009' (with Jerzy Osiatynski and Jolanta Zieba), wiiw Working Papers, No. 63, Vienna, March 2010 'Do Increased Private Saving Rates Spur Economic Growth?', wiiw Working Papers, No. 45, Vienna, September 2007 'Macroeconomics versus 'Common Sense', wiiw Working Papers, No. 33, Vienna, December 2004 'Growth and Savings in USA and Japan' (with Roman Römisch), wiiw Working Papers, No. 16, Vienna, July 2001 'Three Ways to High Unemployment', wiiw Working Papers, No. 12, Vienna, January 2000 Page 7 - Curriculum vitae of LASKI,Kazimierz