Smart repair tool
Smart repair tool
Reparação Sm a r t r e pInteligente air tool SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish O Projecto SMART Repair Sistemas HBC Smart Repair Mais do que nos métodos de reparação convencionais, o resultado de uma Smart Repair depende dos produtos, ferramentas e sistemas seleccionados. A HBC system proporciona soluções de A a Z com uma gama completa de produtos e ferramentas adequadas à aplicação das técnicas Smart Repair. A HBC criou condições que facilitam a aprendizagem Smart Repair.Todos os sistemas são fornecidos com um CD-ROM de ‘instruções’ contendo informação completa para início de utilização, incluindo: Manuais e instruções passo a passo – a HBC system fornece manuais de operação com a descrição completa dos passos do processo, bem como tabelas de referência para consulta rápida. Informação de segurança – a segurança no trabalho e as preocupações de cariz ambiental foram tidas em consideração especial. Materiais para pontos de venda – para suporte da promoção SMART como parte integrante do negócio. Pode efectuar download desta e de outras publicações, visitando: SMART Repair - Pequenos danos, Enorme potencial de negócio Poster Anúncios na imprensa Direct mail Posters de parede para promoção do conceito Smart Utilize anúncios de imprensa e informação de imprensa Recorra à base de dados da concessão para efeitos de Repair, incluindo identificação para optimizar as campanhas acções de direct mail a clientes da concessão e respectivo logo. Este poster poderá ser de marketing locais Smart Repair. Poderá considerar assíduos e clientes «esporádicos». Estas cartas pode- suporte para as campanhas, organizando demonstra- rão incluir um exemplar do folheto ções das vantagens Smart Repair para os clientes – em Smart Repair. afixado em locais estratégicos, tais como: - Área geral da recepção - Área especifica de recepção da oficina - Zonas de espera reservadas a clientes ligação com outras actividades tais como a introdução de novos modelos ou durante uma campanha de promoção de serviços de oficina. Convide os jornalistas e representantes da imprensa local. Complete Smart Repair Systems, PDR Tools and Slidehammer Reparação de Tecidos e Veludos HBC system A Reparação de Tecidos e Veludos Trata-se de um sistema que permite reparar cortes, rasgos, marcas de pontas de cigarros em tecidos e veludos de revestimento de bancos, alcatifas, ou forros de tejadilho. O sistema HBC A possibilita um acabamento de alta qualidade de materiais de revestimento – os danos resultam quase imperceptíveis. O sistema standard inclui 40 cores diferentes de fibras que podem ser misturadas para corresponder na perfeição à cor original. As fibras são aplicadas para substituição das fibras danificadas, sendo a zona a reparar subsequentemente impregnada com colas especiais para adquirir resistência ao uso e desgaste futuros.O sistema compreende todas as ferramentas de aplicação necessárias bem como consumíveis para reparação profissional da maior parte dos tecidos e veludos. Part no. 00.307 System A complete SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish Carpet Velour coat “20“ Leather Coat “10“ Vinyl & Plastic Coat “30“ - Aerossóis 100% flexiveis para alcatifas - Seca em 5 minutos - 12 cores standart - Selector de cores nos aerossóis Alcatifas e Veludos A linha de aerossóis foi criada para aplicar em alcatifas e outros tecidos nos carros, camiões e outras áreas com tecidos. As cores são 100% flexíveis e fáceis de aplicar mesmo em superfícies Nos carros velhos as alcatifas e os tecidos são difíceis de limpar. Experimente o spray para alcatifas e tecidos. Seca rapidamente e devolve flexibilidade á superficie tratada. Dye to match system, spray for vinyl, hard and soft plastic Dye to match system, Leather Coat We offer a wide variety of aerosols for painting of leather. We offer a wide variety of aerosols for painting of vinyl, and plastic and glass fibre . - and all other soft, hard, and flexible materials. Standard colors: Reparação de Plásticos, Peles e Vinil O sistema HBC B1 trata-se de um sistema completo para reparação de furos, rasgos, riscos, marcas de pontas de cigarro e de outros danos em materiais plásticos, em peles e revestimentos em vinil. Com este sistema é possível efectuar reparações em componentes em plástico duro ou flexível, em párachoques, componentes exteriores em plástico, tabliers, grelhas de radiador, e componentes revestidos em pele ou vinil. A utilização de materiais recicláveis no fabrico de párachoques e de outros componentes em plástico é cada vez maior. Isto significa que a selecção de uma técnica de reparação correcta é essencial. O sistema HBC B1 compreende todas as ferramentas e materiais adesivos necessários para efectuar na íntegra a reparação. Os tipos de materiais adesivos incluídos no sistema compreendem colas de aplicação a quente, de aplicação por activação química para plásticos duros, bem como colas flexíveis e rígidas. O sistema integra fluidos de limpeza, primários, materiais de reforço e ferramentas adequadas à reparação de plásticos, revestimentos em pele e em vinil com um acabamento perfeito. De um modo geral, para se obter uma reparação eficaz, o comprimento máximo admissível no caso de riscos é de 300 mm, e de 150 mm no caso de rasgos. Para este tipo de reparações é de igual modo importate conhecer bem os produtos a aplicar, e dispor de formação técnica adequada. Part no. 00.525 Complete System B1 Mini-kit para plásticos e vinis 00.525M System B plastic mini repair kit Consumíveis Part no. 00. 014 00. 596 00. 595 00. 598 00. 594 00. 015 00. 475 00. 021 Leather Crack filler 60ml. 2K Plast rigid - 50cc 2K-urethane bumper glue 2K Plast flexible - 50cc 2K-urethane bumper glue 2K Plastprimer - Primer for 2K products B gel black - Black cyanacrylat glue B gel clear - Clear cyanacrylat glue B Activator Spray – cyanacrylat aktivator Mouldmaker - 50cc structur material Plasticwelding system Part no. 40.000 Plastic welding kit B6 Mini-Kit para Pára-choques 00.525B System B Bumber mini repair kit Color matching system Color Farbscanner scanner spectrophotometer and softfür for Leder und leather andVinyl vinyl ware see more on: B3 Aqua 5000 ml. B3 Aqua 1000 ml. Part no. 00.023 Airbrush R e s t a u r o d e Te x t u r a s Part no. 00.816 Texture coat kit Vinyl plastic leather color A e r o s s ó i s p a r a R e s t a u r o de Cores Part no. 00.460 Bumper coat kit Part no. 00.826 B3 Aqua coat Part no. 00.912 Spectrophotomter and software O sistema HBC B2 permite reproduzir quaisquer tipos de texturas em plástico,em pele ou vinil. O sistema inclui os materiais essenciais a uma reparação eficaz:. Reprodutor de moldes.O reprodutor de moldes torna possível a cópia de qualquer tipo de textura, e.g. granulados de tipo pele em tabliers. Este dispositivo é utilizado depois, para recriar o granulado/padrão de acabamento pretendido no tablier. O sistema B2 inclui ainda sprays de 5 texturas diferentes: Áspero, médio, fino, fino plano e áspero plano. Combinando estes tipos de sprays é possível recriar qualquer tipo de textura, e.g. num pára-choques em plástico. Adicionalmente, o sistema compreende um primário plástico e um betume plástico para eliminação de pequenos riscosB2 e picos susceptíveis de surgirem Contents · system Part no. em reparações de componentes plásticos. 00.021 00.813 00.295 00.297 00.296 00.293 00.294 00.298 00.301 Mouldmaker & additive Mixing tips big Texture fine Texture coarse Texture medium Texture fine flat Texture coarse flat Plast primer clear PVC sanding 50cc 12pcs. 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml HBC system B3 Mistura de Pigmentos para Restauro de Cores O HBC B3 trata-se de um sistema de mistura de pigmentos para restauro de cores em revestimentos em pele, tecido, vinil, plástico e fibra de vidro. Consegue restaurar a cor original em materiais desbotados ou descoloridos, proporcionando um acabamento perfeito.O sistema integra uma gama de cores base, uma paleta de cores, um livro com fórmulas de mistura, primário, um agente de limpeza e um regulador de brilho. A cor pretendida é preparada segundo uma fórmula pré determinada para corresponder rigorosamente à cor da superfície a reparar, ou cuja cor careça de restauro. Com este sistema, é possível reproduzir qualquer cor, o que o torna numa ferramenta essencial nos restauros e reparações de revestimentos em plástico, em pele, vinil, fibra de Contents system B3 Aqua vidro e em· tecido. Part no. 00.024 00.152 00.031.V 00.027.V 00.148.V 00.030.V 00.028.V 00.033.V 00.034.V 00.032.V 00.149.V 00.036.V 00.035.V 00.037.V 00.288 Color coat selector Vinyl wash / prep Black Silver Red Oxide Indo Yellow Quindo Red Thalo Blue White Thalo Green Yellow Oxide High Gloss Satin Gloss Low Luster Pipette 3,5 ml. Extra accessories · B3 Aqua 00.023 Airbrush kit incl. air hose 00.029V Cross linker 00.088 Scale 0,01 gr. mini scale 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 250ml 10 pcs. 60ml HBC system B4 Aerossóis para Restauro de Cores 12 cores standard para restauro de cores de componentes interiores e exteriores em plástico, em pele, vinil, fibra de vidro e tecido. As cores prontas a usar são aplicadas para restaurar as cores de componentes interiores e exteriores. Contents · system B4 Part no. 00.461 Ultra light grey 00.462 Light grey 00.463 Medium grey 00.464 Smoke dark grey 00.465 Smoke medium grey 00.466 Titanium dark grey 00.467 Titanium medium grey 00.468 Original grey 00.469 Light black 00.470 Original black 00.471 Dark black 00.472 Dark blue 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml 400ml Extra accessories: 00. 298 Primer clear 400ml - Clean, fast and easy color match process - Eliminate waste of colors - Perfect results in seconds not hours - Improves the sales margin - No special computer experience needed - Light and portable hardware solution - Also ideal for mobile workers - Time and money saving Hand-held Spectrophotometer for Leather and Vinyl Color Matching System HBC system – Smarttool Production introduces an exciting solution to an age-old problem of getting the new color to exactly and invisibly match the existing original panel. Color matching system’s key advantages: • Exact match of every pigmented and aniline leather and vinyl Using sophisticated color analysis software and professional spectrophotometer equipment we can provide the exact “recipe” to deliver perfect color matches every time. • Eliminate waste of colors necessary with manual color matching to reach the correct one • Dramatically time reducing. Gives perfect results in seconds not hours • Improve sales margin on restoration & color matching works • Doesn’t need computer experience, user friendly software interface How does the smart repair color matching kit work? The original leather and vinyl is “scanned” with the hand-held spectrophotometer. The resulting data is converted into an easy to follow recipe drawing on 4 of the 13 “base” Aqua colors or Solvent B3. The list of standard colors made by HBC system, is also available to download on The recipe gives the exact amount of each color that is needed to achieve the volume required, from as little as 50ml to 5 litres per mix. All that is needed is to measure and mix the colors thoroughly, add the right level of dulling agent (Filler compound) to adjust the sheen to the correct level. Now you are ready the color to finish the repair perfectly! Color matching system with system B3 aqua is a simple process with the new developed spectrophotometer. Simply place the spectrophotometer directly on the dashboard, leather or vinyl surface and scan. A few minutes after the scan the software gives you the complete mixing receipt. • • • • • The B3 Repair Color System is currently used by many satisfied customers and partner worldwide, providing the leather technicians, furniture producer and car interior repairer a much higher profit margin and happy customers! Very light and portable hardware solution, ideal for mobile workers Improve work time management, you are sure to complete the color matching in minutes Clean, fast and easy color matching process • Greatly reduce necessary skill request to realize perfect color matching • Full capable PC running standard Windows software • • By using the B3 Repair Color System technics you will be able to get faster and better results, saving money and getting more satisfied customers. You can have all this functionalities in your handled device or your PC! It can’t be any easier! Part no. 00.912 Spectrophotometer and software Reparação de Pára-brisas HBC system D Auto/Pro Reparação de Pára-brisas Com o sistema D da HBC é possível reparar danos provocados pela projecção de gravilha/pedras em vidros laminados, tais como fissuras, picos, e fracturas em estrela. Como tal, esta técnica constitui uma alternativa de baixo custo à substituição de pára-brisas. Passa pela injecção de uma resina transparente na zona afectada. Após esta operação, utiliza-se uma lâmpada U.V. para efeitos de secagem e endurecimento da resina. Esta tecnologia facilita a vedação da zona afectada, a reposição da resistência original, restabelecendo as características ópticas do vidro e evitando que o ponto de fractura se torne eventualmente num ponto fraco. A dimensão e profundidade dos danos são factores importantes quanto ao resultado da reparação. A dimensão máxima da zona reparável equivale ao tamanho de uma moeda. É possível reparar fissuras com um comprimento até 15 cm. A reparação em profundidade é mais difícil, mas de um modo geral a reparação é bem sucedida se a película em plástico entre as duas camadas adjacentes de vidro não estiver danificada. A experiência do técnico que efectua a reparação é fundamental no resultado. O período decorrente entre a ocorrência do dano e a conclusão da reparação constitui outro dos factores influentes. A chuva, o vento e a utilização Part no. 00.618 00.617G3 00.619 00.619G3 00.713G3 Complete System D Auto Complete system D Pro G3 Repair Bridge Pro Repair bridge Pro G3 Dual-Tech metal injector G3 00.068 00.077 00.070 00.072 00.073 00.075 00.076 00.078 00.091 00.159 00. 613 00. 716 00. 614 00. 713 00. 715 00. 074 00. 615 Dual X2 2ml, Compl. w/injector 1pcs Syreinge 1ml 3pcs & needle 3pcs 1 pk Injectors complete f/resin 1pcs Pit fill polish 15ml Dual X2 resin 2ml Windscreen repair gel 60ml Dual X2 pitt fill resin 5ml Razorblades 10pcs Seal for metal injector 1pcs UV film 10 Dual X2 resin 5ml Dual X2 resin 20ml Dual X2 resin 50ml Dual X2 Metal Injector 1pcs Plastic Injector, regular 1pcs Glassdrill blue 1pcs Glassdrill yellow 1pcs Part no. 00.619G3 Dual-Tech metal injector G3 Part no. 00.617G3 Repair Bridge D Pro G3 and Dual-Tech Metal Injector G3. das escovas de pára-brisas, etc. podem provocar a acumulação de sujidades na zona afectada, evitando a inserção adequada da resina. Do ponto de vista técnico é viável a reparação da grande maioria de danos provocados pelo impacto de pedras/gravilha, mas o resultado depende de diversos factores externos. Em primeiro lugar, é necessário identificar o tipo de dano. Danos simples Estes podem ser reparados com resultado de alta qualidade (ficando quase imperceptíveis) Danos múltiplos A reparação destes danos deixa quase sempre marcas perceptíveis, mas as características ópticas e a resistência do vidro melhoram. Caravan Repair Caravan repair system • Innovative • Professional • Patented Part no. 00.619 Repair bridge pro and metal injector Part no. 00.714 UV lamp 220V Part no. 00.616 Inspection mirror Part no. 00.103 Repair Bridge auto Part no. 00.076 Pitfill resin 5 ml. Part no. 00.072 Pitfill polish Part no. 00.613 Dual X2 resin 5ml Part no. 00.068 Dual X2 2ml, w/injector Why change a whole side of a caravan just because of a small dent? It is both time-consuming as well as very expensive. Aluminium-System - E Why change a whole side of a caravan just because of a small dent? It is both time-consuming as well as very expensive. With system E you acquire a perfect finish due to specially designed vacuumtools, level-rail and a specially developed Mouldmaker which recreates the original pattern of the damaged spot. The Press wrote: “Ingenious system for repairing aluminium plates on mobile-homes, caravans and trailers.” See it all Trolley Kit Tudo-em-Um Professional Tudo-em-Um Sistemas A, B1, 2,3,4 c/ ferramentas The new Smart Repair workshop solution trolley XXL is a state of the art repair tool, developed for high end and high volume smart repair companies. The trolleyes are available in 4 sizes and come complete with all hardware, tools and chemicals. Model Trolley XXL00.658 Trolley XL Trolley L Trolley mobile Part no. 00.659 00.516 00.308 Key advantages: - Steel cabinet - Key lock to tools - All tools included (System A, B1, B2, B3, B4 C, D Pro and E3 Sp.) - Windscreen repairs - Rim repairs - Easy to move around i the workshop area Part no. 00.308 Trolley Mobile Part no. 00.658 Trolley XXL Part no. 00.659 Trolley XL. Part no. 00.516 Trolley L Sistema Tudo-em-Um Comp. nº. 308 HBC system H, UV-C & OZON technology, Get rid of unpleasant odours in cars and caravans… Elimination of mould fungis up to 99,9% HBC system introduces a new machine to fight odour nuisances Smells can be hard to get rid of. Despite a nicely ventilated room, it can be difficult to get on top of the odours. HBC system H, UV-C & Ozon Technology can - without the use of chemicals - permanently eliminate odour problems of any kind. The odour does not return, unless the pollutant is still present. By using the patented UV-C & Ozon Technology you can eliminate and remove odour nuisance. This technology received the EU Environmental Award, in the category “cleaner technology”. Easy to install! HBC system H, UV-C & Ozon Technology shall be placed in high areas of the room such as on a bookshelf, wall or on the ceiling. Warning!!! HBC system H, UV-C & Ozon Technology is only to be used, when no persons or animals are in this area, where the system is used. Reasons for choosing the HBC system H You invest in well-being, greater efficiency, an increased job satisfaction and less absence due to illness. Through this technology a number of odour nuisances are being fought, and thereby there is a reduced risk of transmitting infectiously diseases. System H removes the smell from the air; however it also eliminates the odour from for instance the carpets, fabrics, curtains and the walls. Poor indoor climate in the rooms, where people work, affects our quality of life and health in a negative way. It can be anything from malodorous odours from garbage, mould fungis, cigarettes to industrial processes. An unpleasant smell can create discomfort, but indoor the air pollution is a source of headaches, respiratory problems, fatigue, muscle tensions, asthma, allergy, dry mucous membrane and eye irritation. All of this has an influence on the way people work and concentrate during work. HBC system introduces a new machine to fight odour nuisances Without any use of chemicals Reparação de Jantes em Liga Leve Reparação de Jantes em Liga Leve Aluminum wheel repair · E3 part no. 00.551 It is now possible to repair scratches and damages in aluminum wheels at a very low price and in a very effective manner. The price of the repair is obviously proportional with the size of the damage, but one thing is certain: repairing wheels is a good bargain. The system is complete with fillers and aerosol colors for the repair of most common wheel types. After the application of color, a thick layer of clear coat is added to attain the perfect finish. Part no. 00.532 00.520 00.532 3010 3011 3012 00.755 00.806 00. 303K2 00. 805 00. 807 00. 304H 00. 804 00. 151 00.812 00. 794 00. 795 00. 796 00. 797 00. 798 00. 799 00. 823 00. 824 00. 744 00. 721 00.1-553 00.2-554 E3 system complete special kit E3 system complete Mercedes E3 system complete Renault Sanding pack 30 pcs. Rim index 1 pcs. Spray Disk 10 pcs. E Cleaner 1L E3 gel 30g 2K Clear Coat Aerosol 400ml 1K Clear Coat Aerosol 400ml E3 Activator spray 150ml Primer HIGH BUILD Aerosol 400ml Wheel filler aerosol 400ml Sanding spunge 1 pcs. Wheel compound 1kg Ultra Light matellic 400ml Light metallic 400ml Medium coarse metallic 400ml Coarse metallic 400ml Dark metallic 400ml Fine metallic 400ml Standard metallic 400ml Mat metallic 400ml MB Standard Silver 400ml MB Super Dark Metallic 400ml Black Chrome Step 1 400ml Black Chrome Step 2 400ml Polishing repair system for Aluminium rims Part no. 00.682 00.681 00.303 00.303K2 00.755 00.684 00.680 00.111 00.678 00.679 Blue finishing compound Brown compound 1K Clear coat aerosol 2K Clear coat aerosol E Cleaner Finishing cloth Finishing mobs blue Finishing polish Heavy duty wheel flop Mobs to brown compound 1 pcs. 1 pcs. 400ml 400ml 1L 1 pcs. 1 pack. 250ml 1 pcs. 1 pack. Polishing repair system - Aluminium rims - Motorbike parts - Polishing all types of aluminium - Plastic headlights HBC system E3 E3 part no. 00.551 Part no. 00.551 Polished aluminum rim repair system Reparação de Jantes em Liga Leve Trata-se de uma tecnologia que permite a reparação rápida e eficaz de riscos e pequenas mossas nos aros de jantes em liga leve e na periferia de tampões em plástico, a preços muito baixos. O sistema compreende material de enchimento e sprays de cor de acabamento para a reparação da maior parte dos tipos de jantes. Diversas camadas de verniz transparente aplicadas por cima da cor de acabamento dão um aspecto quase novo às jantes. O sistema está disponível em duas versões diferentes: 1. Só consumíveis 2. Consumíveis e estação de trabalho Danos mais comuns Tool Tips Types Diameter Types Handle Types Handle Colors Regulair Tip Ø 4mm S Handles Green Tree Pointer Tip Ø 5mm O Handles Red Sharp Tip Ø 6mm P Handles Yellow Knife Tip Ø 8 mm H Handles Black Ball Tip Ø 10 mm L5 Handles Blue Wale Tale Tip Ø 12 mm L3 Handles Grey Flat Bar Tip W 15,20,25,30,35,40,50 mm T Handels Light Red Paint less D ent R emoval PDR Tools “Paintless Dent Removal Tools” Produced by HBC system Smarttool Production We produce the market’s most fine PDR tool quality at competitive prices. The PDR tools are available both as complete kits and as individual PDR tools. The product line includes a complete line of adjustable multi angel PDR tools and wale tale PDR tools. Design of PDR smart repair tool kits and individual PDR tools HBC system PDR tools are carefully designed for the professional PDR technician. Each tool size and design fits a logical sequence of application possibilities. HBC system PDR tool sets the standard for the industry practices and conditions in the automotive industry with the ergonomics and working ranges required by the dent technician. HBC system PDR Steel The HBC system PDR production line uses several different kinds of high carbon steel qualities to produce our PDR tools, and innumerable quality control tests have determinee that our material exceeds the stainless steel tools in strength. The high quality carbon stainless steel is a costly and hard tempered spring steel. The process of the heat treated PDR tools has been developed over years and is the highest quality in the world. Metal laboratories and PDR technicians all over the world have performed millions of quality tests in order to ensure a production of the highest quality possible. The PDR tools from HBC system are tested and homologated by car producers and PDR technicians worldwide. PDR production line and custom made PDR tools The HBC system PDR production line is equipped with high-tech machinery including 3D bending machinery. The production is solely based on the latest technology and years of experience. Steels is ordered in coins from leading steel manufactures after the required steel recipe, that is needed to obtain the right strength und rust protection. When the tools leave our production, it is ready to serve the technician for the next decades. Test after test tells us that HBC tools meet your expectations year after year. Tools tests can also be performed accordingly to the specifications of single tool diameter Custom PDR TOOL Design service. Design you own special PDR tool Our metal production department produces COSTOM PDR TOOLS. You simply design your own special PDR tool and we produce it according to your wishes and specifications. SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish New m ag n i f i c e n t PD R t oo l Magnetic PDR Roller Tip tool is a significant improvement especially in training purposes for the non-experienced PDR technician. The MRT technology allows surface trace to indicate exact tool tip position Part no. 13999 Magnetic PDR Tool The training of eye-hand coordination is one of the most difficult exercises during the training Paintless Dent Repair (PDR). Trainees often spend several hours or days before they can find the exact location of the tip of the tool. HBC system has managed to find a solution for this issue by producing a PDR training tool with a magnetic tip. A steel ball on top of the panel follows the tip wherever it goes which makes it much easier to find the exact location of the tip of the tool. Technical specifications • Plastic handle / Black • Length 80 cm • Magnetic tip system including 4pcs. steel balls • Heat treaded steel • Ø 10mm • Ready for delivery Eliminação de Mossas sem Aplicação de Pintura 00.401-T-10x685-S-Green-Middel 00.402-R-10x780-S-Red-Middel 00.403-S-10x685-S-Yellow-Middel 00.404-S-8x765-P-Greey-Right 00.405-S-6x380-P-Greey-Left 00.406-S-6x380-P-Grey-Right 00.407-S-5x225-P-Grey-Left 00.408-S-5x255-O-Black-Middel 00.409-K-10x920-S-Black-Middel 00.410-S-10x750-S-Green 00.411-R-10x640-S-Red-Middel 00.412-S-8x485-P-Grey-Right 00.413-S-5x825-H-Yellow-Right 00.414-S-6x160-P-Grey-Right 00.415-T-12x970-S-Green-Middel 00.416-S-10x770-S-Blue-Middel Part no. 00.400 System G Premium, 30 tools, accessories and transport box System G Premium, 30 ferramentas e accessórios Comp. nº. 400 00.417-R-1x-985-S-Red-Middel 00.418-R-10x660-S-Red-Middel 00.419-R-10-430-S-Red-Middel 00.420-S-12x1075-S-Blue-Middel 00.421-S-6x835-S-Blue-Middel 00.422-S-5x225-P-Grey-Right 00.423-S-8x560-P-Grey-Left 00.424-S-8x560-P-Grey-Right “Go mobile legs” ... practical accessorise to the standard PDR dent lamp 00.425-S-5x180-O-Black-Middel 00.426-S-5x315-P-Grey-Right Part no. 13923 12V Lamp Vacuum Ø75 mm 00.427-S-6x365-P-Grey-Right 00.428-S-5x190-O-Black-Middel 00.429-S-6x455-P-Grey-Right Part no. 00.439M Dent lamp stand mobile 00.430-B-10x680-S-Red-Middel NEW Smart 3 leg lamp stand - when you’re on the road simply replace the ordinary U foot with the new Go mobile legs. Just fold and need to screw. Simple and easy Part no. Part no. 440-220 V Dent lamp stand complete 440-100 V Dent lamp stand complete Part no. Part no. Part no. 99S-320 Flat bar tool 99S-310 Special T-tool 99S-300 Hammer System 8 ferramentas e accessórios Part no.G Mini,00.398 System G Mini, 8 tools,accessories and transport Comp. nº. 398 box System 14 ferramentas e accessórios Part no. G Basic, 00.399 System G Basic, 14 tools and Comp. nº. 399 accessories and transport box System G Box Comp. nº. 121 Part no. 00.121 System G box Part no. para13998 Tool support TSuporte ferramenta Comp. vacum nº 13980 Part no. 00.493 Air wedge Tool (13980) Part support no. 13980 Tool support Part no. 13972 Sanding pads Lixas rectang.13970, Comp.13971, nº 13970, 13971 Cunha para porta Comp. nº. 493 Sistema de manípulo multi ajustável O sistema de manípulo ajustável permite ao técnico mudar rapidamente a posição do ângulo de trabalho. Com um simples click a ferramenta é ajustada para operar num novo ângulo. O aço utilizado é resistente e inoxidável, de 8mm. Type 2 Comp nº. 13301 Whale-Tail-Tool, 150mm long, straight Part no. 13301 Whale-Tail, 150mm long, straight 13302 Whale-Tail-Tool, 305mm long, straight Part no. 13302 Whale-Tail, 305mm long, straight 13303 Whale-Tail-Tool, 510mm long, straight Part no. 13303 Whale-Tail, 510mm long, straight 13304 Whale-Tail-Tool, 660mm long, straight Part no. 13304 Whale-Tail, 660mm long, straight 13305 Whale-Tail-Tool, 1220mm 920mm long, straight Part no. 13305 Whale-Tail, long, straight “Levante e pressione” Obterá novo ângulo. Part no. 00.498 L:450 mm. D:8 mm Part no. 00.499 L:620 mm. D:8 mm Type 3 Part no. 00.500 L:450 mm.D:8 mm Part no. 00.501 L: 620 mmD:8 mm Type 1 Part no. 00.497 L 520 mm. D 8 mm. Slide hammer 13990 Comp.Slide nº. 13990 Part no. hammer Part. no. Plastic tips 14.003 Tips plastic set 14.0031 Round 16mm 14.0032 Round 20mm 14.0033 Round 32mm 14.0034 Round 40mm 14.0035 Oval 50x30mm Part no. 13.974 TIDY TIPS plastic set Round 15mm Round 20mm Round 25mm Part no. Thin soft tips 14.002 Thin soft plastic set 14.0021 Round 30mm 14.0022 Round 40mm 14.0023 Oval 50x30mm Part no. Alu tips 1405 Small Round 1406 MediumRound 1407 Large Round 1408 X-large Round 15mm 20mm 25mm 30mm Part no. 13.975 13.978 13.979 13.976 13.977 Glue Hot melt special strong Blue 15 pcs. Brown clear 15 pcs. Black 15 pcs. Yellow 15 pcs. Hot melt Glue gun 1 pcs. Reparações de Pintura Aqua Spot Repair system HBC system C Reparações de Pintura (Localizadas) Esta técnica diz respeito à reparação de danos de pequena monta no acabamento de pintura, tais como os provocados pela projecção de pedras ou gravilha e os riscos na pintura. Capacidade para composição de cores com o máximo de rigor.O sistema tem por base 89 cores abrangendo todas as tonalidades, desde as perlescentes às metalizadas e outros efeitos de cor. O sistema foi concebido para proporcionar uma utilização relativamente simples. Integra software com fórmulas que torna muito fácil detectar a composição de cada código de cor. O sistema possibilita 2 tipos de reparação: 1. Possibilidade de aplicação directa do spray na superfície danificada (riscos, pequenos danos) com remoção subsequente do excesso de tinta com dois solventes diferentes. Comp. Part no.nº. 086 00.086 Standard Standardbox boxcolor colorselector selector 012 Variant box color selector 00.012 Comp. nº. Part no. 00.438 Variant box color selector 2. Possibilidade de aplicação convencional de tinta com o melhor acabamento através de ensaios sucessivos. Pistola de pintura, kit de acabamento de superfícies. Comp. Part no.nº. 00.485 Clear Coat D800 300ml. 00.303 1K Clear Coat Aerosol 400ml. 00.303K22K Clear Coat Aerosol 400ml. 00.304 Carpaint Primer Aerosol 400ml. 00.304H Carpaint Primer HIGH BUILD Aero.400ml. 00.050 Fade Thinner 300ml. 00.316 Fade Thinner Aerosol 400ml. 00.481 Medium Thinner 300ml. 00.486 Thinner 808 300ml. 00.482 Fast Hardner 300ml. 00.150 TagRag. Single pack 1 pcs. 00.080 Grinding mass fine 250ml. 00.079 Grinding mase coarse 250ml. 00.111 Finishing polish 250ml. 00.542 Silicone remover 250ml. 18.494 Deionised water 250ml. IR Drying stand Comp. Part no.nº. 00.534 System C Aqua complete Pistola de pintura Comp. nº. 582 Part no. 00.582 Paint gun Part no. System accessories for system C 00.582 Paint gun 00.023Airbrush 00.088 Scale Mini 00.288 Pipette 3,5ml 50pcs. 00.090 Nitril gloves 100pcs. 00.020 Respirator Gerson 00.134 Compressor compact 00.086 Standard box color selector 00.012 Variant box color selector 00.050 Fade Thinner 18.549 C color D-XXX Aqua 18.540 C color D-XXX Aqua 18.550 C color D-XXX Aqua 18.778 D759 Mat base 00.105 Red sanding pad 00.106 Sanding pad round 00.438 IR Drying stand 00.051 Black sanding pad Leather Care Easy step by step SMART by HBC HBC INK REMOVER, STICK the perfect start to an excellent finish Part no. 00.939 Ink away 20g HBC Ink Remover eliminates stains and pen marks, ink and lipstick from pigmented leather. Do not use on nubuck, suede or aniline leather. Instructions for use 1. Remove the screw cap and push up the tip about 4 mm out of the tube, unscrewing it. 2. Pre-test on a concealed area. 3. Pass the HBC Ink Remover stick repeatedly over the point to be cleaned, pressing gently. 4. Let the product work on the stain for about 30 seconds. 5. Wipe off HBC Ink Remover with a soft dry cloth. 6. Clean with Leather Cleaner. 7. Apply HBC Leather Guard, rubbing the leather gently with circular movements, then let it dry. HBC LEATHER CLEANER, STRONG Part no. 00.940 Leather cleaner,strong 250ml. HBC Leather Cleaner, strong contains a highly effective detergent for cleaning pigmented leather upholstery like car, motorcycle, boat, airplane and sofa seats. It can also be used on other resistant leather articles like shoes and handbags. It is not suitable for aniline leathers, nubuck or suede. If you have a delicate skin or if you use frequently HBC Leather Cleaner, strong, please wear latex gloves while using the product. Instructions for use 1. Shake the bottle well before using. 2. Pre-test the colorfastness on a hidden area. 3. Put HBC Leather Cleaner, strong onto a soft sponge and produce foam by squeezing it repeatedly. 4. Clean the area without rubbing. 5. Wipe the excess foam and the soiling away with a soft white cotton cloth. 6. Dry with a dry cloth and let dry fully. HBC LEATHER GUARD (LEATHER PROTECTION CREAM) Part no. 00.941 Leather guard 250ml. HBC Leather Guard is a water based protection cream for all leather types, except nubuck and suede. HBC Leather Guard protects against oil, water and alcohol based stains as well as everyday dirt and grime. It will also keep your leather lovely and soft, and when used regularly prevents pigmented leather from cracking. We recommend your leather is cleaned and re-protected at least every six months. Aniline leather placed in rooms subject to heavier use may need cleaning more regularly and more thoroughly. Instructions for use 1. Shake the bottle well before use. 2. Pre-test on a concealed area. 3. Put a small amount of HBC Leather Guard onto a soft, clean cloth and apply to the surface of the leather evenly. Repeat on areas subject to heavy use. 4. Leave about 30 minutes to dry. 5. Buff the leather lightly with a clean soft cloth. HBC LEATHER STAIN REMOVER Part no. 00.942 Stain remover 250ml. HBC Stain remover removes resistant stains from leather and PVC. Do not use on aniline, nubuck or suede. Use this product with caution. Instructions for use 1. Apply a little HBC Stain remover on a clean cloth. 2. Test the colour resistance of the leather on a hidden spot. 3. Rub lightly on the leather to see if there is no colour transfer onto the cloth. 4. If this test is OK, rub lightly with the cloth over the stained area. 5. If needed, treat the stained area once more, checking regularly that no colour is transferred onto the cloth. 6. Clean the treated area with HBC Leather Cleaner. 7. Let dry and apply HBC Leather Guard. New easy to use product SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish The Balancing Powder® of the future for cars, buses, trucks and vans Balancing Powder® − a high-quality, eco-friendly product at a low price Balancing Powder® is a brand new, dynamic and technically correct replacement for balancing weights that use lead or other metals Balancing Powder® is easy to use – Balancing Powder® is placed inside the tyre without the use of balancing machines Balancing Powder® meets the future’s global environmental requirements – and the EU directive banning traditional lead balancing from 1 January 2008 Balancing Powder® is a competitively-priced alternative to all known balancing techniques Balancing Powder® is hi-tech and high quality at a low price It all began with aircraft safety Balancing Powder® was originally developed in 1990 for aircraft landing wheels. It is a safe balancing technique, because the balancing powder is kept inside the tyre, thus replacing balancing weights which might fall off and damage the aircraft at take-off or landing. Balancing Powder® has been further developed for use with buses, trucks, vans and even small cars. Balancing Powder® − the optimum solution Balancing Powder® removes all vibrations caused by imbalances in the tyre or rim Balancing Powder® is the balancing powder with the highest specific gravity, thus ensuring optimum balancing – even at high speeds and in rapid turns Balancing Powder® is unaffected by moisture Balancing Powder® Balancing Powder® causes no wear on the inner liner and tyre carcase minimises wear and tear on tyres Balancing Powder® is simple to fi t and can be used with aluminium or steel rims tyres Balancing Powder® Balancing Powder® Balancing Powder® Balancing Powder® Dynamic, technologically accurate wheel balancing Used for balancing the wheels of all Automotive An eco-friendly granulate that is impervious to moisture The powder is placed in the tyre before mounting New easy to use product SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish Easy to use, time saving... Balancing Powder® How to use Balancing Powder® Balancing Powder® is placed inside the tyre before this is fitted to the rim. At a speed of 30 km/t the centrifugal forces begin to take effect, whereupon the balancing powder is slung around in the tyre, and the balancing effect begins to occur. The vibrations that arise in the tyre’s contact with the roadway cause the balancing powder to move to the area of imbalance. This occurs constantly while driving, thus producing a dynamic balance. How Balancing Powder® is supplied Balancing Powder® is supplied in 7.5 kg tubs - corresponding to 15 to 75 balancings per tub of Balancing Powder®. Each tub of Balancing Powder® is accompanied by a table with the recommended dosages, and a measuring spoon. Spoon 25 ml = 62 g Spoon 50 ml = 116 g Level measure! Note the values are not double up due to the specific gravity of the powder. @Balancing Powder® Recommended Quantities Spoon 25 ml = 62 g Spoon 50 ml = 116 g Up to 225 mm wide and up to R17C = 100 g Over 225 mm wide and up to R17C = 200 g Recommended Quantities Trucks 40-profile 445/40 R22,5 45-profile 355/45 445/45 415/45 435/45 455/45 495/45 R17,5 R19,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 50- profile 435/50 355/50 435/50 445/50 R19,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 55- profile 385/55 425/55 385/55 455/55 R19,5 R19,5 R22,5 R22,5 500g 350g 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 600g 500g 500g 500g 500g 600g 60-profile 265/60 285/60 295/60 305/60 315/60 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 65-profile 205/65 245/65 385/65 445/65 385/65 425/65 445/65 525/65 615/65 R17,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R20,5 R20,5 300g 300g 300g 350g 350g 100g 200g 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 500g 600g 70-profile 195/70 215/70 235/70 245/70 265/70 225/70 245/70 265/70 275/70 285/70 305/70 605/70 235/70 255/70 265/70 275/70 305/70 315/70 365/70 445/70 495/70 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R20,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R24 R24 Cars I Trucks I Caravans I Trailers I 4x4 Auto 100g 100g 100g 200g 200g 200g 200g 300g 300g 300g 350g 500g 200g 300g 300g 300g 300g 300g 350g 600g 600g 80-profile 205/80 225/80 275/80 295/80 315/80 6,5 7,5 8,25 8 8,5 9 9,5 10 11 8 9 10 7,5 8,25 9,00 10,00 R17,5 R17,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R17 R17 R17 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R17,5 R19,5 R19,5 R19,5 R20 R20 R20 R20 100g 100g 300g 350g 500g 100g 100g 100g 100g 200g 200g 200g 200g 200g 200g 300g 350g 200g 200g 300g 300g 80-profile 11,00 12,00 13,00 9 10 11 12 13,00 9 10 11 12 13 15 16,5 18 11 12 14 11 12 R20 R20 R20 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R20 22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R22,5 R24 R24 R24 R24,5 R24,5 How to order Balancing Powder® Part no. 14.190 Part no. 80.991 Balancing Powder Net. 7,5 kg tubs Balancing Powder Net. 7,5 kg tubs / 120pcs. tubs / one EU-pallet 350g 350g 350g 300g 300g 300g 350g 350g 300g 300g 300g 350g 500g 600g 600g 600g 350g 500g 600g 350g 500g Spoon 25 ml = 62 g Spoon 50 ml = 116 g level measure HBC system Smarttool Production Aps Hobrovej 961-963 dk9530 Støvring Danmark Tel +45 7022 7070 Fax +45 7022 7272 Email [email protected] Recommended Quantities Cars, caravans, trailers, 4x4 Auto 13” + 14“ rim 15“ rim 16” rim 17” rim 18” rim = = = = = 20 g 40 g 65 g 90 g 110 g - 25 g - 50 g - 75 g - 105 g - 125 g Balancing powder® 7,5 kg Part no. 14490 Balancing Powder® is placed in the tyre before mounting Reparação Inteligente S M A R T R E P A I R Treino... _____________________________________________ Tudo é fácil de se fazer , quando você sabe como.... É porisso que a HBC system – com seus sistemas próprios – oferece um programa completo de treinamento onde o operador será treinado de acordo aos princípios de aprendizado prático. Treino complementar... _____________________________________________ Novos sistemas ou processos podem aparecer.... PDR Trolley PDR prof Trolley Part no. 00.653 Part no. 00.654 Including all necessary tools System G30:30 tools PDR kit Slidehammer kit Proff 12V lamp vacuum Ø 75mm Tool support vacuum Including all necessary tools System G30: 30 tools PDR kit Slidehammer kit Proff 12V lamp vacum Ø 75mm Tool support vacum Adjustabel door kit 3pcs. Whale tail tool kit 4pcs. PDR hammer Special T-Tool Flat bar tool, bendabel PDR trolley Nós da HBC system, fazemos contínuos desenvolvimento em nossos métodos de reparo. Portanto, é importante, para nós que todos os operadores estejam completamente atualizados com relação ao conhecimento e métodos. Clear Mouldmaker SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish Todas os produtos que acompanham o Sistema de Reparação HBC estão inventariados num formulário de forma a facilitar a reorganização dos itens de consumo. Todos os nossos clientes estarão atualizados de forma regular com novos produtos e outros lançamentos baseados em nossa experiência e desenvolvimento de produtos – nós podemos fazer um trabalho diário com um sistema mais fácil e que conseqüentemente auxilia a melhorar a rentabilidade. Manuais Técnicos... _____________________________________________ Você ainda pode estar em dúvida.... Todos os sistemas HBC vêm acompanhado de manual passo-a-passo com detalhes de como executar cada operação. Desenvolvimento de produto... _____________________________________________ Nós nunca estamos parados.... O programa HBC tem uma grande variedade de produtos, mas como líder de mercado, é importante para nós estarmos sempre ao lado da evolução. Portanto, constantes pesquisas são feitas em nosso departamento de desenvolvimento de produtos e através de nossos centros de pesquisa espalhados pelo mundo inteiro. Linha Directa... _____________________________________________ Problemas precisam ser resolvidos... Mouldmaker Clear for leather, vinyl, dashboard and caravan repair - developed for the high-end, high quality repair. Silicone free Easy to look through the mould 100% flexible Handling and application Mouldmaker Clear is a silicone free copy material, it’s easy to apply on top of any non damaged structured surface, you want to copy. After maximum two till five minutes the Mouldmaker Clear is cured. Simply remove the clear hardened film, and on the back you have an original copy of the structure. You can apply the Mouldmaker Clear on: Caravans; structured panels, works perfect with the vacuum tool B compound; holes in leather, vinyl and dashboards B crack filler; larger area damages on leather B gel clear and B gel black (Hard plastic) 2K rigid and 2K flexible (Bumper repair) Part no. 00.021CL Clear Mouldmaker 75cc Needed support tools 00.045 Mixing gun for clear mouldmaker 00.047 Mixing tips pink 10 pcs. Associated products: 00.21LB Mouldmaker light blue 50cc 00.021 Mouldmaker 50cc Needed support tools 00.041 Mixing gun for mouldmaker light blue and mouldmaker 00.813 Mixing tips big for mixing gun part no. 00.041 Com o sistema, nós oferecemos um mês de comunicação telefónica gratuita, ao operador, para que possa fazer uso quando necessário. Para além dos folhetos... _____________________________________________ Será um grande prazer receber proceder a uma demonstração personalizada ou ao envio de uma demonstração em vídeo. Para tanto, pedimos que nos contactem no tel.: +45 70227070 ou por email: Pode efectuar download desta e de outras publicações, visitando: SMART by HBC the perfect start to an excellent finish HBC SYSTEM SMARTTOOL PRODUCTION APS Hobrovej 961-963 dk9530 Stovring.Denmark Tel. +45 7022 7070 Fax +45 7022 7272 E-mail [email protected] Copyright 2000-2011 - HBC SYSTEM - SMARTTOOL PRODUCTION APS/SMARTTOOL HOLDING APS Centro de Serviço para cliente HBC... _____________________________________________ Estamos aqui para servi-lo. Premium sanding pads 1500,2000 and 3000
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