Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst, Santé Public = Public
Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst, Santé Public = Public
- DRAFT 17/04/2012- & Preliminary(!) Program Summer School Öffentlicher Gesundheitsdienst, Santé Public = Public Health!? Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin & L’Université Paris Descartes in collaboration with Berlin public health services (24– 28. September 2012) Mon 24.09 Tue 25.09 Wed 26.09 Morning Session Afternoon Session Evening Session Introduction Visit to Health Center for Homeless Introduction of participants & week Get to know each other What are the participants expectations of the week? Gesundheitszentrum für Obdachlose / Health Center for Homeless in Berlin Debate: What is the Public Health and what is Global Health? What do we talk about when we talk about public health!? What do we discuss as Global Health? Public Health - old school? Visit to Tuberculosis Treatment Center What is tuberculosis? (Students research) How do we treat tuberculosis in individual patients? (PPT) How do we treat tuberculosis in populations? (Discussion) What has public health learnt from tuberculosis Zentrum für tuberkulosekranke und -gefährdete Menschen in Berlin, Gesundheitsamt Lichtenberg DEBATE: What is the public in health and how do we continue in times of globalisation? Panel discussion Fish bowl Legal Responsibilities of a Amtsarzt (Public Health Doctor) Activities of the Centre TB situation in Germany The historical evolution of Public Visit to local Public Health Office Health Services in Germany & France MOVIE Comparision of differences between public health services in - Germany - France - United Kingdom Please make suggestions! Gesundheitsamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf Gesundheitsamt Marzahn-Hellersdorf What does a Gesundheitsamt do? Different responsibilities & activities? [1] - DRAFT 17/04/2012- & Group Work, Internet research & Students PPT Thu 27.09 The “new” public health: Health Prevention and Promotion Visit to Center for Sexual Health Introduction: Ottawa Charta and HIV/AIDS Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit und Familienplanung Group Work & PPT: What happened with HIV/AIDS in Germany / France Fri 28.09 [Versorung von Nicht-Versicherten Prostitution & HIV / AIDS] Gewalt Ambulanz Diner Discussion: What are health priorities in France, Germany and Europe? Discussion: Future of Public and Global Health in Germany, France and Europe? Health Inequalities and Social Determinants of Health Visit to Senatadministraion Diner/Party How does Berlin/Germany and Paris/France report about Health Inequalities) Internet research, group work, PPT Presentation of Health Surveillance and Health Reporting (Gesundheitsberichterstattung) Suggestions as to where and how? How do we investigate social inequalities in today public health services in Berlin? [2]