

Die Entstehung der Islamischen Kunst als neues ästhetisches Phänomen
Prof. Dr. Avinoam Shalem
WiSe 2012/13
Allgemeine Kunstliteratur
 T. Allen, Five Essays on Islamic Art, Solipsist Press, U.S.A., 1988.
 B. Brend, Islamic Art, London, 1991.
 K. A. C. Creswell, A Short Account of Early Muslim Architecture, Harmondsworth,
1958 (revised edition by James W. Allan, 1989.
 V. Enderlein, Islamische Kunst, Dresden, 1990.
 R. Irwin, Islamic Art, London, 1997.
 R. Ettinghausen, O. Grabar, and M. Jenkins-Madina, Islamic Art and Architecture
650-1250, New Haven and London, 2001.
 H.G. Franz, Von Baghdad bis Córdoba, Graz, 1984.
 O. Grabar, The Formation of Islamic Art, Yale 1973.
 O. Grabar and R. Ettinghausen, Islamic Art and Architecture 650-1250, Pelican
History of Art, Harmondsworth, 1987.
 E. J. Grube, The World of Islam, London and New York, 1967.
 R. Hillenbrand, Islamic Architecture: Form, Function and Meaning, Edinburgh, 1994.
 B. Spuler und J. Sourdel-Thomine, Die Kunst des Islam, Propyläen Kunstgeschichte,
Berlin 1973.
 Y. Tabbaa, The Transformation of Islamic Art during the Sunni Revival, Seattle and
London, 2001.
Ausgewählte Bibliographie für die einzelnen Sitzungen:
Was heißt Islamische Kunst?
 "What Do We Mean When We Say Islamic Art? An Urgent Plea for a Critical ReWriting of the History of the Arts of the Islamic Lands", published in:
Historiographies of Islamic Art, eds. Margaret Graves and Moya Carey, Journal of Art
Historiography 6, June 2012
Siehe unter:
Wo beginnen wir? Geschichte oder Ästhetik?
 Kracauer, Siegfried; Kristeller, Paul Oskar: The Last Things Before the Last. 2009
Jerusalem – Ein Modell für die Schaffung eines Heiligen Ortes
 Pau Figueras, “Jewish Ossuaries and Secondary Burial: Their Significance for Early
Christianity,” Immanuel 19, 1984-85, pp. 41- 57.
 D. Barag, "Glass pilgrim vessels from Jerusalem," Journal of Glass Studies, vol.12
(1970), pp.35-63, and vol.13, 1971, pp.45-63.
 L. Y. Rahmani, “Jerusalem‟s Tomb Monuments on Jewish Ossuaries,” Israel Exploration
Journal 18, 1968, pp. 220-225.
Ikonoklasten und Ikonophilen in der Levant
 Elsner, Jas`: Late Antique Art: The Problem of the Concept and the Cumulative
Aesthetic in Swain and Edwards, oxf. 2004, 371-309.
 Patricia Crone, 'Islam, Judaeo-Christianity and Byzantine Iconoclasm,' Jerusalem
Studies in Arabic and Islam II, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1980, p 39-95.
 'Islam,' by Hugh Kennedy, in G W Bowersock, Peter Brown and Oleg Grabar (eds),
Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Post-Classical World, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass
1999, pp 219-237.
Die Straßen von Arabien und seine präislamischen Kulturen
 Ausstellungskatalog: Museum für Islamische Kunst, Berlin: Roads of Arabia.
Archäologische Schätze aus Saudi-Arabien, Wasmuth Berlin 2011.
Idolatrie – „Against Image“
 “From Icon to Coin: Potlatch, Piety, and Idolatry in Medieval Islam,” in Gerhard
Jaritz, ed., Images, Ritual and Daily Life. The Medieval Evidence, Vienna: Verlag der
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2012, p. 163-172.
Siehe unter:
Die Kaaba
 Made for the Show: The Medieval Treasury of the Ka‟ba in Mecca,” in B. O‟Kane
(ed.), The Iconography of Islamic Art. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Robert
Hillenbrand, Edinburgh 2004, pp. 269-283.
Der neue sakrale Raum
 Jeremy Johns, „The „House of the Prophet‟ and the Concept of the Mosque,“ in:
Jeremy Johns (ed.), Bayt al-Maqdis. Jerusalem and Early Islam, Oxford 2002, p. 59112.
 M. Gawlikowski, „The Sacred Space in Ancient Arab Religions,“ Sudies in the
History and Archaeology of Jordan I, ed. by Adnan Hadidi, Amman 1982, 301-303.
Der Felsendom als Siegesmonument
 „Vom jüdischen Tempel in Jerusalem zum Haram asch-Scharif der Muslime,“ in
Friedrich Bohl (ed.), Christ in diesem Land, Festschrift für Gottfried Mehnert zum 80.
Geburtstag, Hannover 2007, p. 73-81.
 F. E Peters, “Who built the Dome of the Rock?” Graeco-Arabica 2, 1983, p. 119–38.
 Nasser Rabbat, “The Meaning of the Umayyad Dome of the Rock,” Muqarnas 6,
1989, p. 12–21.
Die große Palastmoschee von Damaskus
 The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies on the Makings of an Umayyad Visual
Culture. Boston: Brill, 2000.
Baghdad – ein neuer Beginn?
 "Baghdad um 800: Streiflichter auf das Leben in Palaesten und Hütten," in W.
Dressen, G. Minkenberg and G. Oellers (eds.), Ex Oriente. Isaak und der weisse
Elefant, Mainz 2003, vol. 3, p. 80-95.
 Wendell, Charles: Baghdad: Imago Mundi, and other Foundation-Lore, International
Journal of Middle East Studies 2, 1971, p. 99 – 128.