Stress - eEducation
Stress - eEducation
Lernsequenz zum Thema Stress Fachgegenstand: Englisch oder Psychologie mit Englisch als Arbeitssprache, 11. Schulstufe Inhaltsdimension: Stress und stressauslösende Faktoren Dauer: 1 -2 Schulstunden Ziele: • Bewusstmachen des eigenen Stresslevels • Psychologisches Grundwissen zu Stress erarbeiten • Theorien zur Vermeidung von Stress kennenlernen Einstieg (20min) • Umfrage: How stressed are we? (10min, Kahoot-Umfrage am Computer oder mit dem SmartPhone) o • Link: Reflexion: Wie gestresst ist die Klasse und warum? Was sind Faktoren, die Stress auslösen können? (10min) Erarbeitung (30min) • Lehrervortrag: Stress Factors: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen internen und externen Stressfaktoren? Was sind die hauptsächlichen Auslöser von Stress? • Quiz: Stress factors (10min, Kahoot-Quiz am Computer oder mit dem SmartPhone) o Link: Abschluss (15min) • Klassendiskussion: Warum lösen diese Faktoren den meisten Stress aus? Was kann dagegen unternommen werden (Coping-strategies)? Merktext: External Factors: Major life changes, work, relationships, financial problems, children and family, being too busy etc. • Life Changing Units: which events have the biggest impact on our lives concerning stress and illness. Internal Factors: Inability to accept uncertainty, pessimism, unrealistic expectations, perfectionism etc. • Locus of control: whether you feel your life is controlled by your or by forces outside yourself. • Hardiness: some people are more resistant to stress and better able to cope with it than others. • Type A / Type B personalities o Type A personality generally lives at a higher stress level. Individuals can be described as impatient, controlling, concerned about their status and competitive. o Type B individuals are described as patient, relaxed and easy-going. Life Changing Units Adults Non-Adults Life Event LCU Life Event LCU 1. Death of a spouse 100 1. Death of a parent 100 2. Divorce 73 2. Unwed pregnancy 100 3. Imprisonment 95 63 3. Getting married 4. Death of a close family member 63 4. Divorce of parents 5. Personal injury or illness 53 5. Acquiring a visible deformity 80 6. Marriage 50 6. Unwed pregnancy 90 70