DOCUMENTATION du DOCIP - Centre de documentation


DOCUMENTATION du DOCIP - Centre de documentation
a. European Working Group on Amazonia. Amsterdam : Netherlands committee for IUCN
the world conservation union, 1996, [4 p.]
b. Report of the meeting of the European Working Group on Amazonia (EWGA). Brussels,
30 May 1997, 20 p. + letter
c. European Working Group on Amazonia. Amsterdam : Netherlands committee for IUCN
the world conservation union, 1997, [4 p.]
d. European Working Group on Amazonia : report of the meeting of the Europan Working
Group on Amazonia (EWGA). Brussels, 24 May 1996, 19 p.
e. Report of the meeting of the European Working Group on Amazonia (EWGA). Brussels :
EDRC, 2-3 March 1995, 16 p.
f. European Working Group on Amazonia. Brussels, Amsterdam, 1996, [6 p.]
g. European Working Group on Amazonia : report of the meeting of the Europan Working
Group on Amazonia (EGWA). Brussels, 14 November 1996, 19 p. + letter
h. Report of the 23 April, 1993 Meeting of the “European Working Group on Amazonia”.
Brussels : Environment & Development Resource Centre, 1993, 17 and 5 p. (+ letter)
i. Under the sign of convergence : Amazon watershed roundtable 1 : European-Amazonia
relations : towards integration of policies : organized by the European Working Group on
Amazonia, with the Environment & Development Resource Centre and IUCNLedencontact. Brussels : European Parliament, november 25-27, 1993, 5 p.
j. European Working Group on Amazonia. Amsterdam : Netherlands committee for IUCN
the world conservation union, 14 June 1996, [1 p.]
BRASILIENSE Ronaldo. Diário narra toda a violência dos garimpeiros com os índios.
Journal do Brasil : Amazônia, 12.02.1990, pp. [39-46]
a. Respuesta de COICA a FIA. Quito, 1998, [14 p.]
b. Oil companies threaten Indian communities and the Amazon rainforest. Treaty Council
News, Spring 1991, [1 p.] (3)
c. 1998 Annual Meeting Report : the coalition for Amazonian peoples and their
environment. Caracas, 1998, 33 p.
d. Terra demarcada vida preservada : campanha pela demarcação das indigenas na
Amazonia. Manaus : Fórum permanente da Amazônia, [1993], [2 p.]
e. ZORMAN Alda. Demora na demarcação de áreas indígenas preocupa. Gazeta,
26.01.1992, [5 p.]
BROOK James. A lax system let Amazon hero’s killers escape. The New York Times, [1 p.]
Reunion regional sobre propiedad intelectual y pueblos Indígenas (texto preliminar). Santa
Cruz : COICA, 28-30 sept. 1994, 40 p.
Mind the gap ! : the draft pilot program for the Brazilian Amazon : considerations and
recommendations. Summit of the Sevent Most Developed Countries, London, July 15-17
1991, 40 p.
Peuples menacés : Yanomami. La Chaux-de-Fonds : Société pour les peuples menacés,
1990, 24 p. (2)
HECHT Suzanne. Arbres, vaches et culture : dossier Amazonie. 23 p.
a. Informativo da COIAB. Manaus, no 26, ano VI, mai-Jun 95, pp. 1-8
b. Informativo da COIAB : noticiários de jornais : mês de Outubro. Manaus, Outubro 1994,
[20 p.]
c. Informativo da COIAB : noticiários de jornais : Outubro-Novembro. Manaus, OutubroNovembro 1992, [18 p.]
d. CAVUSCENS Silvio. Relatório de atividades da assessoria tecnica da COIAB : Janeiro
de 1993 a abril de 1994. Manaus : COIAB, 1994, 9 p.
e. Relatório de atividades COIAB : Marco 93 a Abril 94. Manaus : COIAB, 1994, 32 p.
f. COIAB : coordenação das organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira : rela tório do
encontro de Avaliação. Manaus : COIAB, 22-25 nov. 1993, 30 p.
A summary of a fact-finding mission to three Guiana shield countries – Brazil (Amapa),
Suriname and Guyana – within the context of a « Guiana shield approach ». [1997], [3 p.]
Cut and run : conclusions of the project on illegal logging and timber trade. Sao Paulo :
Friends of the Earth International, [1995?], [3 p.]
COLACE Marco. Tsamaren : el orgullo de ser Indigenas muestra Amazonica intercultural.
Roma : Terra Nuova, [1993?], [1 p.] (3)
CCPY update 59. Comissão pela criação do Parque Yanomami, August 13, 1992, 4 p.
ESTEVES DE OLIVEIRA Carlos, ALVES FRANCISCO Deise. IV report on health activities
in the Yanomani area : Demini-Toototobi-Balawaú : December 1993-September 1994. São
Paulo : CCPY, 1994, 20 p.
After Rio ’92 : striking a green deal between Europe and Amazonia : prepared for the
Amazon Watershed Roundtable I, Brussels 25-27 November 1993. Amsterdam, Brussels :
EWGA, 1993, 10 p.
KNIGHT Danielle. Battle over Amazon plant patents. RAN News, 1999, [18 p.
a. Faut-il internationaliser l’Amazonie? C’est la question que pose le Docteur Aeberhard, de
Médecins du Monde, témoin du génocide des Yanomamis. Document Paris Match, pp. 3-8
b. BIRRAUX Pierrette. Brésil : les Indiens Yanomamais décimés : un génocide cousu d’or.
L’Hebdo, 10 août 1989, pp. 22-25
c. HEBERT JOSEF H. Hopi may get 400,000 acres in Arizona. The Buffalo News, Thursday
November 26, 1992, [1 p.]
ERKMAN Suren. Peuples indigènes : Evaristo Nugkuag Ikanan, leader amazonien. Journal
de Genève, 20.07.1992, [1 p.] (5)
Situación de los derechos humanos en el Estado Amazonas. Oficina de derechos
humanos, Informe anual 1997, 121 p.
Depuis presque 30 ans, RAONI est à l’avant-garde de la lutte pour la survie de notre
planète, il est temps désormais que le monde entier prenne le relais. Paris : Association
pour La Forêt Vierge, 18 p.
a. Amazon Forum IV Report : the Coalition for Amazonian Peoples and their Environment.
Washington : CAPTE, May 27-29 1999, 43 p.
b. Resource guide : organizations of the Coalition for Amazonian Peoples and Their
Environment. Washington : CAPTE, 1999, 66 p.
a. Les Enawene nawe ont besoin de vous : un projet de barrages menace des Indiens
d’Amazonie. Paris : Survival, 2007, [7 p.]
b. Golpe contra os povos Indígenas : Decreto 1.775/96 ameaça 70% das terras indígenas
na Amazônia. COIAB, CAPOIB, CIMI, [1996], [6 p.]
c. Campanha de demarcaçao das terras Indígenas. Fórum em defesa dos direitos
Indígenas, 1993, [2 p.]
d. COICA : coordinating body for the Indigenous organizations of the Amazon basin : for
the life, the territory and the culture of the Amazon Indigenous peoples. COICA, [1997], [6
p.] (2)
e. El pueblo Aguaruna Huambisa marcha a su desarrollo sostenible! Lima : Consejo
Aguaruna-Huambisa, [6 p.]
Mining in tropical regions : ecological Impact. Amsterdam : Committee for IUCN, 1 p.
NAGAN, Winston P. Misappropriation of shuar traditional knowledge (TK) and trade
secrets: a case study on biopiracy in the Amazon: Journal of technology law and policy, vol.
15, 2010, [53p.]