MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTURE ET DE LA SAUVEGARDE DU PATRIMOINE AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA AN ISLAND THROUGH TIME: JERBA STUDIES Volume 1 THE PUNIC AND ROMAN PERIODS by E. Fentress, A. Drine, and R. Holod with contributions by A. Aït Kaci, R. Bagnall, S. Ben Tahar, K. Brown, C. Capelli, M. Fabis, N. Ferchiou, S. Fontana, M. Frachetti, T. Ghalia, A. King, T. Morton, A. Rabinowitz, Z. Várhelyi, & A. I. Wilson PORTSMOUTH, RHODE ISLAND 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables and Figures 7 Preface: The Jerba Project E. Fentress, R. Holod & A. Drine 11 1: INTRODUCTORY 1. Introduction E. Fentress & R. Holod 15 Questions and research objectives Jerba and N African surveys: chronological issues 2. Methodology E. Fentress, M. Frachetti & K. Brown 21 Field survey (E.F.) Fieldwalking and recording (E.F.) The cartography and database management (M.F.) The magnetometry (K.B.) The excavations (E.F.) Note on the names for historical periods, and on our dating of sites (E.F.) 3. Sources A. Drine & E. Fentress 37 Classical and epigraphic sources for the island of Jerba La recherche archéologique dans l’île de Jerba (A.D.) Les travaux récents (A.D.) 4. Geography M. Frachetti 55 An island geography: connected and isolated The physical landscape Land use and agriculture Urban development and tourism Maritime resources 2: JERBA IN THE CLASSICAL AND PUNIC PERIODS 5. The Classical and Early Punic periods E. Fentress 72 6. The towns and ports E. Fentress 75 E. Fentress & S. Fontana 86 A. Aït Kaci, A. Drine & S. Ben Tahar 96 Meninx B ū rgū Haribus Ghī zin Other ports 7. The productive landscape Farms and villas (E.F.) Villa plans (E.F.) Construction techniques (E.F.) Distribution (E.F.) Trade and production (S.F.) The economy of pre-Roman Jerba (E.F.) 8. The sacred landscape The tumulus of Sī dī al-Sā .tū rī (A.A.K.) The sanctuary of Tā la (A.D.) The Punic and Libyan cemeteries (S.B.T.) 9. Recherches sur le mausolée hellénistique d’Hinshī r Bū rgū Le caveau Hypothèses de restitution Ornementation de la tour Métrologie et tracé Chronologie Rites funéraires N. Ferchiou 107 Localisation La place du mausolée dans le paysage funéraire de l’Afrique pré-romaine 3: ROMAN JERBA 10. The towns and ports E. Fentress, A. Drine, T. Morton & T. Ghalia 131 B ū rgū /Thoar (E.F.) Meninx (E.F., A.D., T.M., T.G.) Girba (A.D., E.F.) The ports and landings (E.F.) 11. Water supply in the Roman period: aqueducts and cisterns A. Wilson 177 The water supply of Meninx The urban distribution network and reservoir cisterns The baths and their storage cisterns Domestic and industrial rainwater collection cisterns Conclusions: the water supply 12. The rural landscape and economy E. Fentress & S. Fontana 188 13. The forts E. Fentress 201 14. Conclusions E. Fentress 206 The Early Roman period The Middle Roman period The late-antique period 4: THE DATA 15. The excavations A. Aït Kaci, A. Drine, E. Fentress, T. Morton A. Rabinowitz, & A. Wilson 212 Excavations at Meninx Meninx I: a house and a murex-dye workshop (A.R.) Meninx II: a house (E.F.) A preliminary report on Meninx III; the horrea (A.D.) Meninx IV: sondage next to basilica stylobate Meninx V: the basilica (A.A.K., T.M.) Meninx VI: sondage across the line of aqueducts 1 and 2 (A.W.) T ā la (A.A.K.) 16. La ceramica tra l’età punica e la tarda antichità S. Fontana, S. Ben Tahar & C. Capelli 241 Introduzione (S.F.) Le ceramiche fine (S.B.T., S.F.) Le anfore (S.F.) La ceramica comune (S.F.) Produzione ceramica e insediamenti (S.F.) Analisi in microscopia ottica (C.C.) 17. Other material A. Drine, N. Ferchiou, R. S. Bagnall, Z. Várhelyi, M. Fabis & A. King 328 Stone objects: inscriptions, querns, cistern-head (A.D., N.F.) Ostraka (R.B., Z.V.) Faunal remains (M.F., A.K.) Bibliography 348 Appendix: Site and population numbers by period 361 Catalogue of sites: see
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