William Shakespeare`s Sonnets - University of the Free State


William Shakespeare`s Sonnets - University of the Free State
   SIGNAThUR SCHWEIZ CH-8582 Dozwil/TG Switzerland   
Literarische Vereinigung & Edition seit 1996 | www. signathur-schweiz.org |
Tel. = Fax 0041 – (0) 71 411 00 91 | E-mail: [email protected] | Sekretariat
und Auslieferung: Bruno Oetterli Hb. | REIHEN: Shakespeare’s Sonnets +
die kleine signathur + BLÄTTER AUS DER HINTERGASSE + HARASS Literaturmagazin
William Shakespeare’s Sonnets
for the First Time Globally Reprinted
A Quatercentenary Anthology
Edited and compiled by Manfred Pfister (Berlin) and Jürgen Gutsch (München)
It is with much gratitude to the two editors and the nearly two hundred contributors of this book that
we joyfully present the 752 pages of this opus magnum on the occasion of the four hundredth birthday of
Shakespeare’s Sonnets. An accompanying dvd showcases a host of additional material – nearly seven
hundred recitations from more than seventy languages, pictures, book covers, music, films and visual
sonnets. Delivery will start in September 2009. The price will be 100 sfr or € 63 for book and dvd.
Contents of the book:
“Shakespeare’s Sonnets Global – in states unborn and accents yet unknown” by Manfred Pfister
73 English Essays on the Sonnets in various languages – with anthologies
Detailed information on the contributors
The dvd adds:
Shakespeare’s original – in script and recital, with a word concordance
The complete text of the book for easy reference
All the translations recited by native speakers
A selection from covers of various international book editions between 1609 and 2009
A selection from illustration suites
A selection from musical compositions of all sorts
Filmclips to highlight certain aspects of the American reception
A comprehensive internet linklist
“Visual Sonnets” of various kinds
Please order from [email protected] or fax 0041-(0)71-411 00 91 (free shipping to Switzerland,
Austria and Germany) or at any book shop.
Unsere Bankverbindungen:
1. Unser Konto in der Schweiz: Raiffeisenbank Amriswil – Dozwil, Bankenclearing-Nr. 81373,
EDITION SIGNAThUR, Bruno Oetterli, Konto Nr. 26502.66
2. Unser Konto in der BRD: Postbank Essen, Bankleitzahl 360 100 43, Kto Oetterli Bruno, Nr. 731 099 433