Printed Version of Preliminary Programme


Printed Version of Preliminary Programme
[email protected]
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luftund Raumfahrt - LilienthalOberth e.V. German Society
for Aeronautics and
Astronautics (DGLR)®
Godesberger Allee 70
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0228) 30 805-0
Fax: +49 (0228) 30 805-24
Editorial Staff
Druckerei Thierbach
Elbestraße 32
D-45478 Mülheim/Ruhr
Dr. Irene Lopez
Ferdi Olbert
Phone: +49 (0208) 520 74/75
+49 (0208) 532 72
MACH8 media design group
Kohlenstraße 22
D-45468 Mülheim/Ruhr
Phone: +49 (0208) 35 58 767
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2007
CEAS 2007
1st European Air and Space Conference
Century Perspectives
Berlin, 10. – 13. September 2007
Index of Contents
Foreword by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Szodruch, President of the DGLR
Page 5
Foreword by Sir Colin Terry, President of CEAS
Page 7
Foreword by Klaus Wowereit, Governing Mayor of Berlin
Page 9
Programme Committee
Page 10
Young Professionals Conference (DGLR-Nachwuchstagung)
Page 11
Conference Overview
Page 12
Detailed Technical Programme
Page 14
Poster sessions
Page 38
DGLR-Short Course Aircraft Design
Page 41
General Information
Page 43
Social Programme and Accompanying Persons Programme
Page 47
Technical Tours
Page 49
Choice of pre-reserved Hotels
Page 50
City Map of Berlin with Hotels and Venue
Page 51
Supporter of the Congress
Page 52
Host and Organizer
Host of the Conference
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.
German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (DGLR)
Godesberger Allee 70
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0228) 3 08 05-0
+49 (0228) 3 08 05-24
Organizer of the Conference AG
Fahrenheitstraße 1
D-28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 (0421) 2208 266
+49 (0421) 2208 267
Register: Bremen, HRB 23746
Foreword by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Szodruch, President of the DGLR
It is a great pleasure for me to present you the first congress of the Council of the European Aerospace societies (CEAS). CEAS currently comprises the eight aerospace societies from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland with more than 25.000
individual members. Each society represents the leading national society in the field of aeronautics
and astronautics.
As the CEAS mission is to strengthen European alliances and working relationships between industries, universities and research establishments, the biannual European Air & Space Conference has
been founded to provide a forum for presentation and discussion of all scientific and technical areas
related to aeronautics and astronautics. CEAS wants to be a forum and as such would like to provide
opportunities for European scientists and engineers to learn and exchange about new discoveries in
aerospace science, technology and products. Furthermore we offer a place to discuss ideas and experiences and to develop a highly professional network free from cultural, political and ideological
constraints. As in 2007 the presidency of the European Commission is being held by Germany, CEAS
also wants to send out a signal in holding this first of a series conference in Berlin as a new start to
gather the European aerospace societies, while opening up globally as well.
In this context it is a great honour for the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics (DGLR),
which is – at 95 years – the second oldest aerospace society in Europe, to host this conference as the
local organizer. In order to demonstrate the very close relation between the DGLR and CEAS, we
integrated our annually national aerospace conference this year into CEAS. Berlin was chosen as the
place of the conference because of its long tradition in aeronautics. Otto Lilienthal did his first steps in
aeronautics in and near Berlin, and the German institutional aeronautical research started about at the
same time in Berlin and Göttingen exactly 100 years ago. In the beginning of the modern era of flight,
several European companies settled in Berlin Adlershof to use the then recently founded research
facilities. Also the first steps in rocket technologies have been taken in Berlin.
As we continue into the 21st century, the aeronautical and space technologies will significantly contribute to evolution and growth within an evolving and changing global environment. Therefore, the
2007 Congress in Berlin will have the theme:
The focus of the presentations will follow the five goals of our Congress:
• Access to space and future space utilization,
• Innovative concepts for future air transport,
• Environment and technologies for environmental aspects in aeronautics and space,
• International cooperation among academia, research and industry,
• Education and training for aeronautics and space; attracting young engineers.
As this is the first Congress of CEAS, the prestigious event is gaining increasing recognition in the field
of aeronautics. We are therefore very proud to present a technical program with more than 500 highquality papers and a series of lectures held in 12 parallel sessions. A speciality about this congress will
be a short course about aircraft design held on three days, several workshops about astronautics, and
a symposium for young scientist. I have no doubt that, for everyone participating in the Congress, it
will be a valuable meeting to remember.
This congress would not have been possible without your engagement, so I would like to extend my
sincere thanks to the Programme Committee, the local organizers, to all authors who are sharing their
work and ideas with us as well as to all session chair persons who are bringing in their expertise, and
especially also to you, the participants.
I wish you all a very successful and fruitful meeting within a truly European and international environment.
Foreword by Sir Colin Terry, President of CEAS
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the first European Air and Space Conference in Berlin – the first
conference organised by the newly constituted Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS). The
Council brings together the major aerospace societies from across Europe and today is comprised of
the Societies from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United
The conference here in Berlin is focussed on the technological challenges facing aeronautics in the
coming years and brings together experts from a wide range of technical disciplines. I hope that the
presentations of subsequent discussions will provide an ideal platform for Europe to build upon its
previous successes in this important industry. In particular the focus on the current challenges including the environment and future space utilisation mean that there is much for delegates to digest.
I would like to thank the DGLR for their organisation of the conference and also to thank the Programme Committee whose substantial efforts have made this event possible.
I hope that you enjoy your time in Berlin and it proves to be a valuable meeting that shapes the future
of aeronautics in Europe.
Intentionally left blank
Foreword by Klaus Wowereit, Governing Mayor of Berlin
I am delighted to welcome all of you attending the 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference to Germany’s
capital city. It is a great honor for Berlin, as an international trade fair and congress venue, to be hosting your
important conference. I also regard your choice as a tribute to Berlin-Brandenburg as a business and science
location with much expertise in the area of aeronautics and astronautics.
After all, the capital city region was not only the birthplace of German aviation, but has also been able to continue this tradition. Today the aeronautics and astronautics industry is among the most promising sectors in our
region. A number of global players are active here, along with many small and medium-size businesses and
countless research institutes focusing on areas important to aeronautics and astronautics. In addition, Berlin is
home to one of the world’s biggest air shows, the international aerospace exhibition ILA. With the opening of
our new major airport, Berlin Brandenburg International, planned for 2011, the region’s aviation industry will
take off to new heights.
I am thus all the more pleased that the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) has chosen Berlin as
the venue for this conference. With the 1st CEAS European Air and Space Conference, you are underscoring our
reputation as an aeronautics and astronautics location with excellent prospects.
I wish all of the participants a productive meeting and a very pleasant stay in Germany’s capital city. I hope you
will also find the time to explore Berlin’s cultural treasures and some of its many other sightseeing attractions.
In this spirit, let me say once again: Welcome to Berlin!
Programme Committee
Board of Programme Committee
Dr.-Ing. Detlef Müller-Wiesner, France (Chair)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schmitt, France
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Brieß, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner, Germany
Dr. Constantinos Stavrinidis, United Kingdom
Mr. Alain Garcia, France
Dr.-Ing. Dietrich Knoerzer, EC
Members of Programme Committee
Dipl.-Ing. Jan Schumacher, Germany
Dr. eng. Ryszard Szczepanik, Poland
Mr. Jean-François Georges, France
Mr. Claude le Tallec, France
Mr. Angel Luis Arias, Spain
Prof. V. E. Fortov, Russia
Dr. Andreas Geisler, Austria
Manned Aircraft
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, Germany
Dr. eng. Tomasz Goetzendorf-Grabowski, Poland
Mr. Francois Jouaillec, France
Mr. Yaakko Hoffren, Finnland
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Engelhardt, Germany
Prof. Dr. Zdobyslaw Goraj, Poland
Dr. Jan-Floris Boer, The Netherlands
Mr. Floor Pieters, The Netherlands
Mr. Manuel Mulero, Spain
Dr. Georges Bridel, Switzerland
Space Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Brieß, Germany
Prof. Zbgniew Klos, Poland
Mr. Christophe Bonnal, France
Mr. Paul Kamoun, France
Mr. Pat Norris, United Kingdom
Mr. Koos Prins, The Netherlands
Mr. M. Bandecchi, The Netherlands
Mr. E. Kircher, The Netherlands
Prof. P. Gaudenzi, Italy
Mr. Thierry Leveugle, Spain
Utilization of Space Environment
Dr. rer.nat. Peter Vits, Germany
Mr. Zeholij Pronk, The Netherlands
Prof. C. Buongiorno, Italy
Dr. G. Schwehm, The Netherlands
Prof. O. Alifanov, Russia
Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics
Dipl.-Ing. Gregor A. Dirks, France
Prof. Piotr Doerffer, Poland
Prof. Piotr Wolanski, Poland
Mr. Jean Delery, France
Dr. W. Kordulla, The Netherlands
Prof. M. Onofri, Italy
Dr. Salvatore Borrelli, Italy
Mr. Sergely Leonidowitsch Chernyshev, Russia
Aerospace Propulsion
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Walther, Germany
Prof. Rudolf Klemens, Poland
Mr. Pierre-Guy Amand, France
Mrs. Isabelle Dubois, France
Mr. Denis Arrat, France
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Staudacher, Germany
Prof. Jim McGuirk, United Kingdom
Mr. Oscar Kogenhop, The Netherlands
Mr. G. Saccoccia, The Netherlands
Mr. U. Palmnas, Sweden
IInformation´s Technology and Electronics
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wittig, Germany
Dr. eng. Andrzej Homziuk, Poland
Mr. Gilles Moury, France
Mr. J. Bosma, The Netherlands
Flight Guidance and Control Flight Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Luckner, Germany
Prof. Janusz Narkiewicz, Poland
Mr. Angel Mateo, Spain
Mr. Uwe Feucht, Germany
Dr. Jörg Wildi, Switzerland
Spacecraft Structures, Materials & Mechanical Testing
Prof. Dr. Michael Sinapius, Germany
Prof. Dr. Horst Baier, Germany
Prof. (em) Dr. Michael Link, Germany
Dr. Michael Gaedke, Germany
Dr. Jean Noel Bricout, France
Mr. Torben Henriksen, The Netherlands
System Management and Electronics
Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Majus, Germany
Prof. Cezary Szczepanski, Poland
Mr. Brian Perry, United Kingdom
Mr. Philippe Guay, France
Mr. Pierre Tastet, France
Mr. A. Massoni, France
Air and Space Law
Prof. Dr. jur. Stephan Hobe, Germany
Prof. Kowaleczko, Poland
Mr. Alexandre Korakis, France
Aviation and Space Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Helmut Landgraf, Germany
Dr. hab. med. Wieslaw Kowalski, Poland
Mr. Claude Alexandre, France
Aircraft Cabin and Cargo Systems
Dr. K. Dieter Kricke, Germany
Prof. Helen Muir, UK
Mr. Lars Jonson, Sweden
Dr. Gordon Konieczny, Germany
Mechanical Flow Technology Study Group (STAB)
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Heinemann, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz G. Hönlinger, Germany
Dr. eng. Cezary Galinski, Poland
Mr. P. M. Hutin, France
Mr. Jean-Noel Bricout, France
Dr.-Ing. Jaap F. M. Wiggenraad, The Netherlands
Mr. Henk Jan ten Hoeve, The Netherlands
Mr. M. Lacoste, France
Mr. Olli Saarela, Finnland
Prof. Dr. Antonio Viviani, Italy
Aviation and Space History
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Schubert, Germany
Dr. eng. Piotr Zalewski, Poland
Mr. Philippe Jung, France
First CEAS European Air and Space Conference –
Century Perspectives
On the 11th of September the German Society for Aeronautic
and Astronautics (DGLR) invites groups from grammar schools,
Secondary Schools or technical colleges to join the Deutscher
Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress / 1st European Air and Space
Interested parties please contact:
Carsten Holze
c/o AG
Fahrenheitstraße 1
28359 Bremen
Tel.: 0421 / 2208-266
Fax.: 0421 / 2208-267
E-Mail: [email protected]
Conference Overview
Monday, September 10th
Press Conference
Opening Ceremony
Room Paris
ECC Hall A
Congress Reception of the Senate
Rathaus Berlin
19:00: Bus shuttle
from Estrel-Hotel
Tuesday, September 11th
Plenary Session
ECC Hall C
09:40-18:10 Lectures: Detailed technical programme see page 14 ff
Parliamentary Evening
ECC Hall A
Wednesday, September 12th
Plenary Session
ECC Hall C
09:40-18:10 Lectures: Detailed technical programme see page 14 ff
19:30-24:00 Conference Dinner
ECC Hall A
Thursday, September 13th
Plenary Session
ECC Hall C
09:40-18:10 Lectures: Detailed technical programme see page 14 ff
Public Lecture by ESA Astronaut
ECC Hall C/D
and Member of DGLR Board: Thomas Reiter
Lunch Arrangements
Tuesday, 11.09.2007, to Thursday, 13.09.2007,
Lunch is available (not included in registration fee) in the Estrel Hotel
You can choose to eat à la carte in one of the 4 Restaurants belonging to the Estrel Hotel:
"- Sun Thai, - Portofino, - La Patisserie, - Sansoucci"
or have a small snack in the foyer of the lecture halls
Coffee Breaks
Tuesday, 11.09.2007, to Thursday, 13.09.2007,
- Morning:
11:00 hrs
- Afternoon: 16:30 hrs
Those refreshments (Coffee or tea and cookies in the afternoon) are included in the congress fee.
The Estrel-Hotel will offer additional soft drinks and pastries/snacks (not included in registration fee).
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
08:30- Space Agencies Forum (Programmes)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Detecting and Characterising Aircraft Wake Vortices
Chair: F. Holzäpfel, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, DE
Acoustic Characterisation and
Localisation of Aircraft Wake
U. Michel, Deutsches Zentrum für
Luft- und Raumfahrt, DE;
P. Böhning, Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE
Comparison Between Arrival
and Departure Wake Vortex
Statistics Near the Ground
F. Wang; S. Mackey; USDOT
Volpe Center, US
Magnesium for Aeronautic
E.H. Hombergsmeier, EADS
Deutschland GmbH, DE
Ground-based and Air-borne
LIDAR for Wake Vortex
Detection and Characterisation
A. Wiegele; S. Rahm; T. Gerz;
German Aerospace Center, DE
Potential Benefits of Integrally
Stiffened Aircraft Structures
L.U. Hansen; S. Häusler; P.
Horst; Inst. für Flugzeugbau und
Leichtbau, TU Braunschweig, DE
Autonomous UAV Refueling
B. Landkof; R. Zickel; D.
Weinstein; V. Niazov; Technion,
Faculty Aerospace Engineering,
Control Laws for UAV
Formation Flying
M. Chiaramonti; G. Mengali;
University of Pisa, IT
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
Controlling and Attenuating Wakes and Wake Encounters
Chair: S.R.L. Lang, Federal Aviation Administration, US
Wake Vortex Data Collection
and Analysis Using X-Band
U. Meier, THALES Defence
Deutschland, DE
Automated Pilot Assistance for
Wake Vortex Encounters
C.W. Schwarz; K.-U. Hahn; DLR,
ECC Hall D
Flight Guidance and Control: UAV Formation Flight & Refueling
Chair: J. Wildi, RUAG Aerospace, CH
Validierung der
Modellierung einer Luft-zuLuft-Betankung mittels
J.F. Beck¹; O.H. Heller,
Eurocopter, FR; E. Özger¹;
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Hall C
Advanced Metallic Aerostructures
Chair: P. Horst, TU Braunschweig, DE
Development of Short Distance
Welding Concepts for
Airframes - WEL-AIR
D. Alléhaux¹; F. Palm¹; I.
Bordesoules, ALCAN, FR; M.
Kocak, GKSS, DE; E. Gratiot,
Dassault Aviation, FR; G.
Troiano, ALENIA, IT;
10:40 – 11:00
Wake Vortex Alleviation by
Differential and Oscillating
Flap Setting: A Comparative
Numerical and Experimental
G. Voß; E. Stumpf; R. Konrath;
C.F. v. Carmer; DLR, DE
Fundamental Vortex
Phenomena: Instabilities and
Interactions with Jets and
H.T. Schoenfeld¹; J.F.
Boussuge¹; S. Le Dizès²; T.
Structures: Aeroelastics
Chair: P.M. Hutin, ONERA, FR
Calculation of Unsteady Loads
for the F/A-18 Vertical Tail
M. Guillaume, RUAG Aerospace,
CH; J. Vos, CFS Engineering,
Laser Beam Welding for A380
family – From the first idea to
an industrial process
T. Behrens, Airbus Deutschland,
Estrelsaal B
Design and Analysis of an
Aeroelastic Validation
Experiment for Moving Flexible
R. Unger; J. Kleinert; M.C. Haupt;
P. Horst; J. Windte; S. Bansmer;
C.J. Kähler; R. Radespiel;
TU Braunschweig, DE
Method for Optimizing the
Man-Machine Interface at
C.J. Szczepanski, Air Force
Institute Of Technology, PL
Simulation and Optimisation of
Cockpit Display Visibility
D.D. Dreyer, EADS Innovation
Works, DE
ECC Hall C
Wake Vortex Results from the
A.C. de Bruin, NLR, NL; G.
Schrauf¹; J. König¹;
¹Airbus, DE
ECC Hall D
Untersuchungen an
nachgiebigen Tragflächen
G. Thwapiah; L.F. Campanile;
Empa, CH
HMI - Displays
Chair: V. Gollnick, TU Hamburg-Harburg, DE
Fuel Consumption Reduction
for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
by Preplanned Formation
Flights Using Mixed Integer
T. Kopfstedt; J.W. Vervoorst;
Diehl BGT Defence, DE
12:20 – 12:40
New Aerodynamic Modelling
for Aeroelasticity in an
Industrial Environment
N. Forestier, Dassault-Aviation,
Estrelsaal B
Enhanced Airport Situational
Awareness by Airport Moving
Map and Electronic Pre-Flight
Information Bulletin
C. Vernaleken; C. Urvoy; K.
Koch; U. Klingauf; Technische
Universität Darmstadt, DE
The new Tornado Mission
Support System in the
Context of Network Centric
G. Gorgon, EADS, DE
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
08:30- Space Agencies Forum (Programmes)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Aerodynamics Aero-Engine Components
Chair: R. Walther, MTU Aero Engines, DE
New Concept of Test Section
for Modeling of Flow on the
Suction Side of Gas Turbine
P. Flaszynski, Gdansk University
of Technology, PL; P. Doerffer,
Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery
Combustor Liner Temperature
Prediction: A Preliminary Tool
Development and its
Application on Effusion
Cooling Systems
A. Andreini, Università di Firenze,
The On-Orbit-Verificationprogramme of the German
Space Agency
P.G. Willemsen, M. Turk;
R. Dittmann;
German Aerospace Center Space Agency, DE
Young Professional Conference I
Chair: TBD
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Room 2
Determination of Aerodynamic
Damping from AxialCompressor-Blades Using a
Bidirectional Fluid-StructureSimulation
S. Schrape; A. Kühhorn; J.
Nipkau; BTU Cottbus, LS
Strukturmechanik, DE
Space Systems-Programmatic Aspects
Chair: TBD
Aligning Strategy with
Capabilities: Towards a
European Space Research
A. Boese, DLR, DE
10:40 – 11:00
New Cooperation Methods
between Industry and
Academia: The Research
Training Group
(Graduiertenkolleg) - Aspects
of Future Satellite
Reconnaissance Missions S. Fasoulas¹; K. Janschek¹; K.
Schönherr²; G. Willich²; A.
¹TU Dresden, DE; ²EADS
Astrium GmbH, DE
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
Space Propulsion I
Chair: O. Haidn, DLR Lampoldshausen, DE
Numerical Validation of
Unsteady Transonic Blade
Row Interaction in a 1½ Stage
HP Turbine
J. Dähnert, Technical University
Berlin, DE; L. Willer, RollsRoyce Deutschland, DE
An Experimental Study on the
Base Flow Plume Interaction of
Booster Configurations
A. Henckels¹; A. Gülhan¹; D.
Neeb, RWTH Aachen, DE;
ECC Room 3
Launcher Technologies I
Chair: TBD
Overview of the Soyuz at CSG
H. Arend¹; J.M. Astorg, CNES,
FR; B. Gerard, Arianespace, FR;
D. Coulon¹; D. Crowther¹; J.
Donadel¹; E. Lefort¹; J. Pascual¹;
N. Pottier¹;
Enabling Technologies for the
Next Generation Reignitable
Cryogenic Upper Stage
M. Müller; J. Krüger; EADS
Astrium, DE
ECC Room 1
Experimental Investigation of
Coking Characteristics of
Kerosene Jet A-1 with Respect
to Practical Applications
J. Meinert, TU Dresden, Institute
of Thermodynamics and Building
Energy Syst, DE
ECC Room 2
Comparison between Real and
Ideal Sub and Supercritical
Combustion Simulations for
LO2-CH4 LRE at 15MPa
A. Minotti; C. Bruno; University of
Rome La Sapienza, IT
Preliminary Characterisation
of Solar Sailing Materials
C.O.A. Semprimoschnig; A.W.
Polsak; S. Heltzel; M. Gaud;
ECC Room 3
PRORA-USV: the First
Dropped Transonic Flight Test
G. Russo, CIRA, IT
Young Professional Conference II
Chair: TBD
12:20 – 12:40
Trends in the Use of Solid
Rocket Motors and Effects on
the Space Debris Environment
S. Stabroth¹; M. Oswald¹; C.
Wiedemann¹; H. Krag²; H.
Klinkrad²; P. Vörsmann¹;
¹Institute of Aerospace Systems,
TU Braunschweig, DE; ²Space
Debris Office, ESA/ESOC, DE
TICTAC - Technology of Insert
Conductive Thermally and
Attenuator of Shock
FR; L. Mallet, SMAC, FR; R.
Redondo, CNES, FR
ECC Room 1
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
08:30- Space Agencies Forum (Programmes)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Korean Session
Chair: TBD
Development and Simulation
of Nonlinear Aeroelastic
Analysis System for Advanced
Transonic Aircrafts
I. Lee; J.-Y. Kim; K.-S. Kim;
Korean Society for Aeronautical
and Space Sciences, KR
Satellite Development Status
of Korea
J.-J. Lee; I.-M. Jin; S.-W. Rhee;
Y.-S. Kim; Korea Aerospace
Research Institute, KR
Introduction of Korean
Aerospace Industry and T-50
Advanced Trainer
A. Jun, Korean Aerospace
Industry, KR
Advanced Coatings for
Rotating Aero Engine
M. Peters¹; U. Schulz¹; B.
Saruhan-Brings¹; M. Fröhlich¹; R.
Braun¹; A. Flores Renteria²; C.
¹DLR, DE; ²Technical University
of Brandenburg, DE
Influence of Air Flow on Blisk
Vibration Behavior
B. Beirow; A. Kühhorn; S.
Schrape; BTU Cottbus, DE
Supersonic Combustion in
Ram Accelerator and Scramjet
Engine Combustor
I.-S. Jeung; J.-Y. Choi; Seoul
National University, KR
Toward ACARE 2020:
Innovative Engine
Architectures to Achieve the
Environmental Goals?
S. Dron, Snecma, FR
Sind die Flügel von Raffaels
Amor in seiner Freske - Die
drei Grazien - hochgeschwindigkeitstauglich?
H.-U. Meier, TU Clausthal, DE
12:00 – 12:20
The Geared Turbofan
Technology - Opportunities,
Challenges and Readiness
C. Riegler; C. Bichlmaier; MTU
Aero Engines, DE
Filament Winding Technology
- Example of an Integral
Engine Nose Cone
O. Lenk¹; M. Dieling¹; R.
Grothaus, East4D Lightweight
Structures, DE;
¹Rolls-Royce Deutschland, DE
New Fibre Reinforced
Ceramics - A Technology
Driver for New Products
H. Voggenreiter; B. Heidenreich;
J. Göring; German Aerospace
Center (DLR), DE
Innovative Manufacture of
Aerospace Structural
Composites Applying the out
of Autoclave Quickstep
C. Weimer, Eurocopter
Deutschland, DE; M. Kaiser¹; C.
Garschke²; B. Fox²; K.
¹Institut für Flugzeugbau Universität Stuttgart, DE; ²Deakin
University Geelong, AU
Active Core Technology within
the NEWAC Research Program
for Cleaner and More Efficient
Aero Engines
S. Bock; J. Sieber; G. Wilfert;
MTU Aero Engines, DE
Unterstützte Fertigung von
M.P. Podkorytov; T. Stroehlein;
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt e.V., DE
Aerospace communications
Chair: T. Wittig, Euro Telematik, DE
Statistical Investigations
about Pioneers of Rocketry
and Space Travel
D.B. Herrmann, ASTW, DE
Broadband Communications
for Aeronautical Networks: The
ATENAA Outer Optical Link
C. Fuchs¹; H. Henniger¹; B.
Epple¹; D. Giggenbach¹; M.
Amirfeiz²; M. Jentile²; G. Di Nepi²;
G. Martini³; F. Mazzi³;
¹German Aerospace Center
(DLR), DE; ²Selex
Communications, IT; ³INSIS
S.p.A., IT
A Comparison of Estimation
Methods for the VHF Voice
Radio Channel
M. Gruber, Eurocontrol
Experimental Centre, AT; K.
Hofbauer, Graz University of
Technology, AT
12:20 – 12:40
Room Paris
Structures - CF Manufacturing
Chair: J.F.M. Wiggenraad, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, NL
ECC Room 4
Albatros- und HeinkelFlugzeuge bei der
Fliegerschule der Reichswehr
in Lipezk
P. Korrell, DE
11:40 – 12:00
Advanced Aero-Engine Concepts
Chair: I. Dubois, Snecma, FR
Estrelsaal A
Chair: W. Heinzerling, DE
Historical Review and Analysis
of Santos Dumonts 14-Bis
F.M. Catalano; P.S. Greco;
Aerodynamic Laboratory University of Sao Paulo, BR
11:20 – 11:40
Room Paris
Structures: Turbo Machines
Chair: C. Galinski, PL
Damping of a Compressor
Vane Cluster
A. Hartung; U. Retze; MTU Aero
Engines, DE
10:40 – 11:00
Nacelle Lines for Small Next
Generation Engines
R. Schweikhard; J.A. Lieser;
Rolls-Royce Deutschland, DE
Estrelsaal A
Combineded Prepreg and
Infusion Technology
R. Kaps; L. Herbeck; German
Aerospace Center, DE
ECC Room 4
The SANTANA Project
A.F. Jacob, Institut für
Technische Universität Hamburg,
DE; S. Holzwarth, IMST GmbH,
DE; A. Dreher, DLR, DE; C.
Hunscher, EADS Astrium GmbH,
B-AMC - Aeronautical
Broadband Communication in
the L Band
C.H. Rokitansky¹; M. Ehammer¹;
T. Gräupl¹; S. Brandes²; S.
Gligorevic²; M. Schnell²; C.
Rihacek³; M. Sajatovic³;
¹University of Salzburg, AT;
²German Aerospace Center
(DLR), DE; ³Frequentis GmbH,
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
08:30- Space Agencies Forum (Programmes)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering 1
Chair: H. Baier, TU München, DE
Deployment Analysis of Solar
Arrays and Model Correlation
A. Carpine; G. Laduree; Thales
Alenia Space, FR
The Influence of Load and
Deformation on the Fracture
Behavior of Specimens and
G. Schullerer; M. Windisch; MT
Aerospace AG, DE
Short Course 1
Chair: TBD
11:20 – 11:40
Estrelsaal C1
Functional Membranes - a
Basis for Satellite
Architectures of the Future
H.J. Baier; L. Datshvili; S. Rapp;
TU Muenchen, DE
Random Vibration and Acoustics 1
Chair: N. Wijker, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Vibroacoustic Study of Corot:
Analysis and Test Correlation
R. Redondo; A. Pradines; CNES,
10:40 – 11:00
Simulation of a Spacecraft
Acoustic Test by Hybrid
FEM/SEA Method: Application
to the CALIPSO Spacecraft and
Comparison with Experimental
R. Knockaert, Alcatel Alenia
Space, FR; S. Frikha, ESI Group,
12:00 – 12:20
Inflatable / Deployable Structures 1
Chair: J. Block, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Slotted Thin Shell Deployable
Reflector Antennas
L.T. Tan; S. Norager; University
College London, GB
Efficient Mechanism
Simulation for Solar Array
Deployment Analysis
Estrelsaal C3
Vibro-Acoustic Response
Analysis of the Planck Internal
Solar Array Panel Applying
Boundary Element Analysis
P. di Francescantonio, STS, IT;
J. Wijker, Dutch Space BV, NL
11:40 – 12:00
Self-deployed Structures and
Polymer Material with Shape
G.A. Pavlov, IPCP RAS, RU
Estrelsaal C1
The Innovative Deorbiting
Aerobrake System IDEAS: the
Gossamer Technology for
Micro-satellite Deorbiting
B. Santerre¹; O. Le Couls¹; C.
Dupuy, CNES, FR;
¹EADS Astrium, FR
Random Vibration and Acoustics 2
Chair: M. Link, Universität Kassel, DE
Introduction of JAXA Tool for
Random Vibrations Prediction
and Its Recent Upgrading
Q. Shi; S. Ando; M. Tsuchihashi;
Herschel SVM STM VibroAcoustic Test / Prediction
L. Trittoni; P.C. MarucchiChierro; Alcatel Alenia Space Italy, IT
ECC Room 5
Vibration Response of
Spacecraft under Fill Effect
S. Ando; Q. Shi; K. Nagahama;
M. Tsuchihashi; Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency
Pressure Restraint Design for
Inflatable Space Habitats
M.L. de Jong, Thin Red Line
Aerospace Ltd., CA; A.B.
Andrew Lennon, ABL
Engineering Ltd., IE
Estrelsaal C3
Level Homogenity versus
Frequency in a Reverberant
A. Girard; E. Cavro; Intespace,
Short Course 2
Chair: TBD
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will be published on
12:20 – 12:40
Insights into the Equipment
Random Vibration
Environment based on
Simulations of an Acoustic
Test Bench
B.J. Brevart, Thales Alenia
Space, FR; A. Pradines, CNES,
ECC Room 5
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
14:00- Airbus A380 Forum
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Air Transport and Environment
Chair: J. König, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Aviation and Climate Change:
A Comparison of the
Overflights of the Belgian
Territory and the Local
Aviation Activities
L.E. Matheys¹; T. Festraets²; A.
Ferrone, Université Catholique
de Louvain - ASTR, BE; J. Van
Mierlo¹; C. Macharis²;
¹Vrije Universiteit Brussel ETEC, BE; ²Vrije Universiteit
Brussel - MOSI-T, BE
The Variability of Air
Transports Specific CO2
Emissions and its Implications
for Airline Strategies
M. R. Schaefer; W. Grimme;
German Aerospace Center
Design and Implementation of
an Integrated Wind-/Airdataand Navigation System Based
on Low-Cost Sensor
S. Myschik, IABG mbh, DE; G.
Sachs, Technische Universität
München, DE
Investigations of Atmospheric
Conditions Influence on Sonic
S. Chernyshev; A.P. Kiselev;
P.P. Vorotnikov; TSAGI, RU
Angles of Attack and Sideslip
Reconstruction Using Neural
V. Poggi; A Calia; F Schettini;
University of Pisa, IT
Future Simulation Technology
Centers in Europe
K. Becker, Airbus Deutschland,
The Concept of Operations for
the Future European Air Traffic
Management System being
Defined by SESAR
J. R. F. Guy, Air Traffic Alliance,
Reinhardt Abraham - Lufthansa
Stiftungspreis für die
Studienarbeit zum Thema:
Entwurf eines
Simulationsmodells zur
Ermittlung des
wirtschaftlichen Potentials
von Fluglärmreduzierungsmaßnahmen
E. Anton, RWTH Aachen, DE
17:30 – 17:50
An Airports View on the
SESAR Operational Concept
M. Huhnold, Fraport AG, DE
QNET-CFD Knowledge-Base A Platform for the Preservation
of Knowledge Generated by EU
Funded Projects
J.B. Vos, CFS Engineering, CH;
A,G. Hutton, Qinetic, GB; C.
Hirsch, NUMECA, BE
Zeppelin-Stiftungspreis der
Stadt Friedrichshafen für die
Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Development of a
Microcontroller Based Sensor
Aquisition System for
Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles
D. Höse, UniBw München, DE
Reynolds Number Effects on
Blunt Leading Edge Delta
S. Crippa; A. Rizzi; KTH, Dept. of
Aeronautical and Vehicle
Engineering, SE
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung
GmbH Aligning their Research
& Development Needs for the
Single European Sky Air
Traffic Management Research
Programme (SESAR)
T. Bierwagen, DFS Deutsche
Flugsicherung GmbH, DE
Nonlinear Flight-Path Control A Flight Dynamics Perspective
F. Holzapfel, IABG mbH, DE; L.
Höcht¹; F. Schuck¹; G. Sachs¹;
¹Lehrstuhl für Flugmechanik und
Flugregelung, TU München, DE
Advanced Gust Load
Alleviation System for Large
Flexible Aircraft
S.L. Hecker; K.-U. Klaus-Uwe
Hahn; DLR, DE
European Research Center
Position and Contribution in
European R&D for Single
European Sky Air Traffic
Management Research
Programme (SESAR)
K.-H. Keller, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), DE
ECC Hall D
Inlet Boundary Conditions for
Embedded LES
L.J. Davidson, Chalmers
University of Technology, SE
Flight Control - Functions and Control Laws
Chair: S. Levedag, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Challenges for Development
of Numerical Simulation
N. Kroll, Airbus Deutschland, DE
17:50 – 18:10
ECC Hall C
Flow Simulation and Validation
Chair: T. Schönfeld, CERFACS, FR
Estrelsaal B
Future Design Concept
M. Cross; M. Aston; Airbus, GB
17:10 – 17:30
Chair: T. Mühlhausen, DLR Braunschweig, DE
ECC Hall D
Numerical Simulation
Chair: C. Rossow, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Future Simulation Concept
J. Klenner, Airbus SAS, FR
16:50 – 17:10
ECC Hall C
Air Data and Navigation Sensor Systems
Chair: H. von Viebahn, Diehl Aerospace, DE
A Precision, Time-Relative
GPS Approach for Measuring
Kinematic Trajectories Using
Miniaturized L1 GPS Receivers
J.P. Traugott¹; O. Montenbruck,
DLR, DE; G. Sachs¹;
¹ Technische Universität
München, DE
16:10 – 16:30
CFD Validation of Unsteady
Installed Propeller Flows
Using the DLR TAU-Code
A. Stuermer, DLR, DE
Estrelsaal B
Direct Force Control Using
Brake Flaps for Improving
Flight Path Control
G. Sachs, Institute of Flight
Mechanics and Flight Control of
TU München, DE
Aircrafts Control Systems
Design: An H_infinity LoopShaping Approach
R. Panesi; G. Mengali;
University of Pisa, IT
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
14:00- Airbus A380 Forum
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Aerodynamics 1
Chair: TBD
Further Investigation on Vortex
Turbulent Characteristics in
Pattern Transition of a SFRJ
S.C. Lee, Yung Ta, Institute of
Technology and Commerce, TW
R. Mattei, Institut für Raumfahrttechnik, UniBw, DE; B. Häusler¹;
M. Pätzold²; S. Remus, VEGA, DE;
W. Eidel¹; S. Tellmann²; T. Andert¹;
J. Selle¹; M.K. Bird, Argelander Institut für Astronomie, Universität
Bonn, DE; R.H. Simpson³; G.L.
¹Institut für Raumfahrttechnik,
UniBw, DE; ²Rheinisches Institut für
Umweltforschung, Universität Köln,
DE; ³Department of Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University,
16:50 – 17:10
ECC Room 2
Active flow Control on the
Simplified Flapped Airfoil
M. Matejka¹; N. Souckova¹; L.
Popelka, Academy of Science of
the Czech Republic, Institute of
Thermomechanics, CZ; J.
¹CTU in Prague, FME, CZ
Numerical Investigation of
Upstream Moving Wave
Phenomenon in Unsteady
Transonic Airfoil Flow
V. Hermes,
ShockWaveLaboratory/RWTHAachen University, DE; I.
Klioutchnikov¹; A. Alshabu¹; H.
¹ShockWaveLaboratory, DE
Planetary Exploration
Chair: TBD
The Radio Science Experiment
“VeRa” onboard ESA´s Venus
Express Spacecraft
16:10 – 16:30
Young Professional Conference III
Chair: TBD
Regenerative Fuel Cells for
Mars Missions
M. Hörenz; S. Fasoulas; T.
Schmiel; K. Zajac; TU Dresden,
17:30 – 17:50
Optimisation of Aerodynamic Aircraft Configurations
Chair: TBD
Towards Aerodynamic Design
by Optimisation of Transonic
Transport Aircraft in an MultiDisciplinary Environment
G. Carrier; S. Mouton; M.
Marcelet; C. Blondeau; ONERA,
Steady Longitudinal Vortices
in Separated Turbulent Flows
E. Schülein, DLR, DE; V.
Trofimov, NSPU, RU
ECC Room 3
The Stuttgart Moon Orbiter
R. Laufer; H.-P. Roeser; - Lunar
Mission BW1 Project Team;
Institute of Space Systems (IRS),
Universitaet Stuttgart, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Multi-objective Optimisation of
Aircraft Range and Fuel
W.J. Vankan; M. Laban; E.
Kesseler; NLR, NL
ECC Room 2
VEGA RACS Waterhammer
F.J. Dengra; M. Gralher; B.
Behrens; Astrium ST, DE
New Space Missions
Chair: P. Hofmann, Kayser-Threde, DE
Probenhandling und
Nutzlastaspekte für die
Europäische ExoMars Mission
P.H. Hofmann, Kayser-Threde
GmbH, DE
Lunar Infrastructure for
Exploration - European
Roadmap and Reference
H.-J. Heidmann, Astrium ST, DE
ECC Room 1
A Scientific and Technological
Lunar Lander Mission
D. Wilde; P. Kyr; Astrium ST, DE
Young Professional Conference IV
Chair: TBD
17:50 – 18:10
Next Generation Missile
Aerodynamic Visualisation
with CFD
K. Weinand; D. Stern; MBDA
ECC Room 3
KAP - An In-Orbit Test Facility
for Technology Demonstration
and Scientific Use
C. Kaiser¹; G. Pont¹; A. Conde
¹Kayser-Threde GmbH, DE
Time Resolved Measurement
of Atomic Oxygen in Low
Earth Orbit and its Benefits
for Future Spacecraft Design
T. Schmiel; S. Fasoulas; J.
Heisig; O. Przybilski; TU
Dresden, DE
ECC Room 1
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
14:00- Airbus A380 Forum
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Environment and noise
Chair: M. Pfitzner, UniBw München, DE
On the Development of
Combustion Systems and their
Design Methodologies for the
Reduction of Pollutant
Emissions from Aero-Engines The European Project
R. von der Bank, Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE; N. Savary,
Turbomeca, FR; M. Alden, Lunds
Universitet, SE; M. Zedda, RollsRoyce, GB; J. McGuirk,
Loughborough University, GB; G.
Cinque, AVIO, IT
Strategy for Environmentally
Friendly Low Emissions
Combustion Development in
European Aeronautics
R. von der Bank, Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE; M. Cazalens,
SNECMA, FR; C. Berat,
Turbomeca, FR; S. Harding,
Rolls-Royce, GB
Influence of the Bypass Ratio
on Low Altitude NOx
H. Hemmer; T. Otten; M. Plohr;
M. Lecht; A. Döpelheuer; DLR,
Untersuchungen zum
Biegeeinfluss an Flachproben
mit Nähten unterschiedlicher
Parameter unter Einsatz von
optischen Messverfahren
F. Kruse; H.-G. Reimerdes;
RWTH Aachen, DE
Ludwig Bölkow-Stiftungspreis für
die Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Untersuchung der Interaktion
benachbarter Schichten bei
schwingender Beanspruchung
von Faser-KunststoffVerbunden
T. Hensel, TU Darmstadt, DE
Software: The Underestimated
Component in Space Missions
S. Montenegro, Fraunhofer
Institut FIRST, DE
Topological Design of a High
Altitude Platform using a
System Design Language
M. A. Haq, TAO-Technologies
GmbH, DE; B. Kröplin, Institute
for Statics and Dynamics of
Aerospace Structures, DE
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
Aero-Engine Components: Turbines / Combustors
Chair: H. Knittel, MTU Aero Engines, DE
Preparation of Aero
Technology for New
Generation Aircraft Engine LP
J. Gier; T. Schröder; I. Raab;
MTU Aero Engines, DE
Noise Radiation through AeroEngine Exhausts - Large
Scale Model Experiments
F. Arnold, Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE; U. Tapken,
DLR, DE; J. Zillmann, EADS
Corporate Research Center, DE
Estrelsaal A
Aerospace Information Technologies and Electronics
Chair: P. Stütz, ESG Elektroniksystem- und Logistik-GmbH, DE
Challenges for IT Infrastructure
Supporting Secure NetworkEnabled Commercial Airplane
R.V. Robinson¹; R. Krishna
Sampigetha¹; M. Li¹; S.A.
Lintelman¹; D. von Oheimb,
Siemens, DE; R. Poovendran,
University of Washington, US;
¹Boeing, US
16:50 – 17:10
Room Paris
Structures - CF Application
Chair: TBD
Walther Blohm-Studienpreis für
die Studienarbeit zum Thema:
Vergleichende Analyse der
Einzelkrafteinleitung in eine
Rechteckscheibe mittels
kontinuumsmechanischer und
FEM-Berechnung sowie
R. Basan, TU Berlin, DE
16:10 – 16:30
Numerical Modeling of
Aviation Gas Turbine Cooled
A. Sadiqov; A. Pashayev; D.
Askerov; A. Samedov; R.
Mamedov; National Academy of
Aviation, AZ
Room Paris
Passive Shroud Cooling
Concepts for HP Turbine
E. Janke, Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE
Structures - Miscellaneous
Chair: A. Viviani, IT
The Delamination Behaviour of
Carbon Composite Structures
Manufactured with the Vacuum
Assisted Process (VAP)
G. Spenninger, EADS Military Air
Systems, DE; H. Bansemir¹; M.
¹Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH,
Willy Messerschmitt-Preis für die
Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Deformation Fields Estimation
Using Fibre Bragg Gratings
St. Rapp, TU München, DE
ECC Room 4
Calibration of the MicroNewton Propulsion System for
the LISA Pathfinder Drag-Free
T. Ziegler¹; M. Göbel²; A.
Schleicher¹; W. Fichter²;
¹EADS Astrium GmbH, DE;
²University of Stuttgart, DE
Parametric Study of Soot
Formation in an Aeroengine
Model Combustor at Elevated
Pressures by Laser-Induced
Incandescence: Effect of the
Fuel Phase
U.E. Meier¹; C. Hassa¹; K.P.
Geigle²; O. Lammel²; P. Kutne²;
¹DLR Inst. of Propulsion
Technology, DE; ²DLR Inst. of
Combustion Technology, DE
Estrelsaal A
Numerical Simulation of
Advanced Folded Core
Materials for Structural
Sandwich Applications
S. Heimbs¹; P. Middendorf¹; S.
Kilchert²; A.F. Johnson²; M.
Maier, Institute for Composite
Materials (IVW), DE;
¹EADS Innovation Works, DE;
²German Aerospace Center
Finite Elemente Simulation
einer Notwasserung eines
Transportflugzeugs zur
Ermittlung der dabei
auftretenden Lasten
T. Schmid-Fuertes; R. Curtius; J.
Mendler; EADS Military Air
Systems, DE
Space Control and Simulation
Chair: M. Bandecchi, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Extension of EDA Toolbox for
VHF Data Link System
H. Flühr, FH JOANNEUM Graz,
17:50 – 18:10
Orbital Maneuvering of the
VEGA Launcher
G. Martens; P. Bini; I. Cruciani;
C.R. Roux; ELV, IT
EMI Control in the Presence of
Composite Materials
F. Thurecht¹; M. Leininger,
Kayser-Threde GmbH, DE; C.
Schöppinger, INVENT GmbH,
DE; L. Trougnou, ESA-ESTEC,
NL; E. Pfeiffer¹;
ECC Room 4
Flight Software Driven Rigid
Body - Computational Fluid
Dynamics Closed Loop
M.I. Panevsky; B.J. Pataky; P.T.
Than; The Aerospace
Corporation, US
Analytical Approach for the
Solution of Super-/
Hypersonic Flow Fields
B. Thorwald; C. Mundt;
Universität der Bundeswehr,
München, DE
Tuesday, 11th September 2007
14:00- Airbus A380 Forum
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Inflatable / Deployable Structures 2
Chair: S. Langlois, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Large Deployable Membrane
M. Straubel¹; C. Sickinger¹; S.
Langlois, ESA/ESTEC, NL;
¹DLR - Institut für
Faserverbundleichtbau und
Adaptronik, DE
Characteristics of the Inflated
H. Tan¹; C. Wang¹; J. Yang,
China Academe of Space
Technology, CN; X. Du¹; H. Tan¹;
¹Harbin Institute of Technology,
The Application of Shape
Memory Polymer Composite to
Deployable Hinge for Solar
J. Leng, Harbin Institute of
Technology, CN
Shock 1
Chair: A. Capitaine, Astrium EADS SAS, FR
Statistical Processing of Shock
Test Data
G. LADUREE, Thales Alenia
Short Course 3
Chair: TBD
16:10 – 16:30
16:50 – 17:10
Estrelsaal C1
Main Outcomes of CNES
Launcher Directorate Research
Group on Shock Propagation
into Launcher Structures
P. Roux, CNES, FR
17:30 – 17:50
Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering 2
Chair: T. Henriksen, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Failure Testing and Test
Simulation of the ARIANE 5
EPC-BME Actuator Brackets
J. Hoogendoorn; J.F. Koorevaar;
Dutch Space, NL
Design and Analysis of FullScale Stiffened-Spring Back
O. Soykasap, Afyon Kocatepe
University, TR; L.T. Tan,
University College London, GB
Estrelsaal C3
Herschel SVM Shock
Qualification Test / Prediction
Comparison - An Industrial
P.C. Marucchi-Chierro, Thales
Alenia Space, IT
17:10 – 17:30
Finite Element Based Initial
Post-buckling Analysis of
Conical Shell Structures
T. Rahman; E.L. Eelco Jansen;
Delft University of Technology,
Testing of Flexible
Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells for
Space Applications
K. Zajac¹; S. Brunner, HTS
GmbH, DE; K. Otte, Solarion AG,
DE; S. Fasoulas¹;
¹Technische Universität Dresden,
Shock 2
Chair: P. Camarasa, EADS-ASTRIUM, FR
Reliability Demonstration of
the Pyrosoft Release Nut
P. Thebault, Etienne LACROIX
Tous Artifices S.A., FR
Shock Inputs Derivation to
G. Ladurée, Thales Alenia
Space, FR; J.B. Bernaudin,
EADS Astrium, FR; S. Kiryenko,
ESA, NL; S. Mary, CNES, FR
ECC Room 5
Shock Propagation in
Spacecraft Structure
J.B. Bernaudin¹; E. Courau²; S.
Mary²; J.B. Verniaud¹;
¹EADS Astrium, FR; ²CNES, FR
Estrelsaal C1
Reliability of Shell Structures
Through Sensitivity Analysis
M.B. Oberguggenberger; B.
Schmelzer; J. King; Universität
Innsbruck, AT
Estrelsaal C3
Qualification to Shock
Environment in VEGA
Program, by Full Scale Tests,
Models and Similarity
R. Manchini; M. Fragnito; ELV
SpA Mechanical System
Development, IT
Short Course 4
Chair: TBD
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will bepublished on
17:50 – 18:10
HSS3-An Improved Concept
for the Horizontal Separation
System of the Ariane5
Payload Fairing and its
Qualification Status
P.R. Bodagala, CNES, FR; M.
Rendina, Oerlikon Space, CH
ECC Room 5
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
08:30- ATM Forum
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Wake Vortex Advisory Systems
Chair: T. Rötger, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Wake Vortex Advisory
Systems USA, SOIA
S.R.L. Lang¹; J.A. Tittsworth¹;
W.H. Bryant, NASA, US; J.P.
Nicolaon, National Institute for
Aerospace, US;
¹Federal Aviation Administration,
Wake Turbulence Mitigation for
Departures from Closely
Spaced Parallel Runways: A
Research Update
J.A. Tittsworth¹; S.R. Lang¹; D.A.
Domino²; G. Lohr, NASA, US;
C.R. Lunsford²; D.A. Clark³; F.M.
¹Federal Aviation Administration,
US; ²The Mitre Corporation, US;
³MIT Lincoln Laboratory, US
Insertion of Unmanned Aircraft
Systems in Non-Segregated
Airspace: A Combined
Technological and Regulatory
G. Mardiné, SAFRAN-Sagem
Défense Sécurité, FR
The Wake Vortex Prediction
and Monitoring System
WSVBS - Part I: Design
F. Holzäpfel¹; T. Gerz¹; M.
Frech¹; A. Tafferner¹; F. Köpp¹; I.
Smalikho¹; S. Rahm¹; K.-U.
Hahn²; C. Schwarz²; W. Gerling²;
¹DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen, DE;
²DLR-Braunschweig, DE
Miniature UAVs Concepts for
Outdoor Missions
A. Joulia; S. Bertrand; ONERA,
Comparison of Classical to
H∞-Norm Optimal Robust
Autopilot Design
J.E. Misgeld; A. Reindler; T.
Kuhn; Diehl BGT Defence, DE
Wake Vortex R&D in the USA A Status of Current Progress
and Plans
W. H. Bryant, NASA, US; J.P.
Nicolaon, National Insititute for
Aeronautics, US; S.L. Lang¹; J.A.
The Wake Vortex Prediction
and Monitoring System
WSVBS - Part II: Performance
and ATC Integration
T. Gerz¹; F. Holzäpfel¹; W.
Gerling¹; A. Scharnweber¹; M.
Frech, Deutscher Wetterdienst,
DE; A. Wiegele¹; S. Rahm¹; K.
12:00 – 12:20
Parametric Study & Simplified
Approach to Wake Vortex
Encounter Offline-Simulation
D. Bieniek, Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Conceptual Design
Methodology for High Altitude
Long Endurance UAV
S. Defoort¹; J. Hermetz¹; N.
Berend¹; C. Le Tallec¹; R. Bec,
Cnes, FR;
¹Onera, FR
EVTS Enhanced VFR Transport
J. Groeneweg, NLR, NL; R. van
Gent, TNO, NL; W.R. Berkouwer,
Level of Service for Aviation
Infrastructure Markets?
E. Grunewald, DLR e.V., DE
Investigation of Four Vortex
System Wake Characteristics
A. Allen; C. Breitsamter; TU
München, Institute of
Aerodynamics, DE
Helicopter Noise and Vibration
Reduction with Adaptive Fiber
T. H. Brockmann, Eurocopter
Deutschland GmbH, DE
Structural Design and
Optimization of the Integrated
Active Trailing Edge Concept
for a Helicopter Rotor Blade
E.A. Ahci¹; R.P. Pfaller¹; A.S.
Schuld, Bundeswehr, DE;
¹Eurocopter, DE
A Comparison between CFD
and Wind Tunnel
Measurements for Wake
Vortex Prediction
S. Melber-Wilkending, DLR
Braunschweig, DE; A. Allen¹; C.
¹TU München, DE
ECC Hall D
Defining the Future European
Air Traffic Management
System for 2020 and Beyond :
The Vision from SESAR
S. Reed, Air Traffic Alliance, FR
Chair: B. Gmelin, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Multi-spectral Image
Generation for Real-time
R.G. Wiedemann; P. Schätz;
K.M. Wanie; LFKLenkflugkoerpersysteme, DE
12:20 – 12:40
ECC Hall C
Air Transport System
Chair: B. Kiefner, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Estrelsaal B
Nonlinear Missile Guidance
Laws Based on Lyapunov
R.T. Yanushevsky, Research &
Technology Consulting, US
11:40 – 12:00
Wake Vortex R&D
Chair: A. Reinke, Airbus Deutschland, DE
ECC Hall D
Flight Control for Missiles
Chair: K.U. Hahn, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Case Study: TAURUS
KEPD350 Integration on
Tornado Fighter Aircraft
D. Fasol; H. Neubauer; MBDA
Deutschland, DE
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Hall C
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Chair: C. Le Tallec, Onera, FR
A Solar Powered HALE-UAV
for Arctic Research
H. Runge¹; W. Rack, University
of Canterbury, NZ; A. Ruiz-Leon¹;
M. Hepperle¹; M. Hanke¹; D.
10:40 – 11:00
Aviation Safety Plans - The
Total Systems Approach and
the Way Forward
F. Böhm; T. Mickler; BMVBS Bundesministerium für Verkehr,
Bau und Stadtentwicklung, DE
Estrelsaal B
Crash Analysis of the “High
Cabin”-Version of the NH90
Transport Helicopter Fuselage
J.O Majamäki, Eurocopter
Deutschland GmbH, DE
Piezoceramic Actuators for
Morphing Helicopter Rotor
B.A. Grohmann; C.K. Maucher;
P. Jänker; EADS Innovation
Works, DE
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
08:30- ATM Forum
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Transport aircraft Aerodynamics
Chair: G.A. Dirks, Airbus S.A.S, FR
Parametric Effects on Spoiler
Geometry Assessment with
Chimera Technique
X. Bertrand, Airbus SAS, FR
On the Comparison of Stalling
Flow-Through Nacelles and
Powered Inlets at Take-Off
S. Schulze; C. J. Kähler; R.
Radespiel; Institute of Fluid
Mechanics, TU Braunschweig,
ZARM-Preis für die Diplomarbeit
zum Thema:
LISA Thermal Control Analysis
in Context of the BayernSat
S. Höfner, TU München, DE
Computations of Unsteady
Aerodynamics due to Body
H. Berglind, FOI, SE; L.
Djayapertapa, Airbus UK, GB; N.
Ceresola, Alenia, IT; R. Heinrich,
DLR, DE; S. Leicher, EADS-M,
DE; N. Caballero Rubiato, INTA,
ES; B. Prananta, NLR, NL; V.
Brunet, ONERA, FR
Simulation of the Attitude
Behaviour and Available Power
Profile of the Delfi-C3
Spacecraft with Application of
the EuroSim Platform
F. te Hennepe; B.T.C.
Zandbergen; R.J. Hamann; Delft
University of Technology, NL
The Capability of Influencing
Secondary Flow in
Compressor Cascades by
means of Passive and Active
A. Hergt¹; R. Meyer¹; K. Engel,
MTU Aero Engines, DE;
Requirements and Results of
Wake Vortex in-flight
Measurements in AWIATOR
J. König, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Ferdinand Schmetz-Preis für die
Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Investigation of Boundary
Layer Transition for Small
Reynolds Numbers in Free
Flight and Wind Tunnel
B. Kobiela, University Stuttgart,
12:00 – 12:20
Forward Looking Clear Air
Turbulence Measurement with
N.P. Schmitt¹; W. Rehm¹; T.
Pistner¹; H. Diehl¹; P. Nave¹; G.
Jenaro-Rabadan²; P. Mirand²; M.
¹EADS, DE; ²Airbus, FR
Payload Adaptor System of
High Performances and LowShock
M. Lancho; E. Grande; J. Rivas;
Imaging Radiometer
METimage for Future
Operational Earth Observation
Platforms in Polar Orbits
A. Pillukat, Jena-Optronik
GmbH, DE; H.-P. Nothaft, AIM
GmbH, DE; C. Brüns, DLR, DE
Shock Attenuator System for
Spacecraft and Adaptor
P. Camarasa, EADS-ASTRIUM,
Validation of Low Noise
Procedures in Simulator and
Flight Tests
B. Boche¹; N. Kulwatz, Airbus,
DE; R. Luckner¹;
¹TU Berlin, DE
Multi-objective Blade Design
Using a Quasi-3d Nondimensional Parameterization
A. K. Dutta; P. M. Flassig; D.
Bestle; Brandenburg University of
Technology Cottbus (BTU
Cottbus), DE
Multi-Objective Compressor
Blade Optimisation Using a
Parameterisation Approach
P.M. Flassig, BTU Cottbus, LS
Technische Mechanik und
Fahrzeugdynamik, DE
Results of Large Winglet
ground and flight testing in
the European Integrated
Platform AWIATOR
N. Wijker, Airbus Deutschland,
ECC Room 3
Payload Adaptor System for
James Webb Space Telescope
J. Vilanova; R. Rosa; EADS, ES
Aero-Engine Components: Compressors II
Chair: A. Kühhorn, BTU Cottbus, DE
Der Axialverdichter im
Flugtriebwerk - gestern, heute
und morgen
L.H. Schmidt-Eisenloher; O.E.
Kosing; Atena Engineering
GmbH, DE
12:20 – 12:40
ECC Room 2
Space Systems: Launcher Technologies II
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 1
A Feature Based Approach to
High Pressure Compressor
Pre-Design for Civil Aircraft
Propulsion Systems
S. Bretschneider; S. Staudacher;
Institut für Luftfahrtantriebe (ILA),
Universität Stuttgart, DE
11:40 – 12:00
Advanced Wing Technologies and Flight Testing
Chair: J. König, Airbus Deutschland, DE
ECC Room 3
Aero-Engine Components: Compressors I
Chair: U. Wenger, Rolls-Royce Deutschland, DE
Influence of Blade Mistuning
on Blisk Vibration
T. Klauke; A. Kühhorn; B. Beirow;
BTU Cottbus, DE
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Room 2
Space Systems: Spacecraft Technologies
Chair: TBD
A Fleet Management System
for Commercial Spacerafts in
C. Kaiser, Kayser-Threde GmbH,
DE; F. Sjöberg, SSC, SE; J.-M.
Del Cura, Sener, ES; B.
Eilersten, OSSL, GB
10:40 – 11:00
Shock Attenuation System for
Spacecraft and Adaptor
M. Lancho; A. Fernandez;
ECC Room 1
Multi Disciplinary Blading
Design by Means of Multi
Objective Optimisation
D. Otto; D. Bestle; Chair of
Engineering Mechanics and
Vehicle Dynamics, BTU, DE
Comparison of different
Parameterization and
Optimization Approaches in
the Field of Aerodynamic
Compressor Blade Design
A. Keskin; M. Swoboda; RollsRoyce Deutschland, DE
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
08:30- ATM Forum
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Air and Space Medicine and Law
Chair: TBD
Aircraft Noise Effects on
Sleep: DLR Research and
Application to a German
A. Samel; M. Basner; U.
Isermann; H. Maaß; U. Müller; J.
Quehl; DLR, DE
Medical Emergency Area for
Long-Haul Flights
J. Heuser, AIDA Development
GmbH, DE; J. Cremers, Airbus,
Thermal Qualification of
Transpiration Cooling for
Atmospheric Entry
B. Esser; A. Gülhan; M. Kuhn;
ICAO for Space 1
Coordinator: T. Sgobba, ESA/ESTEC, NL
11:20 – 11:40
Room Paris
Noise-Reduced Landing
Approaches and Pilots
E.-M. Elmenhorst; H. Maaß; M.
Vejvoda; A. Samel; German
Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
Supersonic/Hypersonic: Thermal Protection
Chair: J.M. Longo, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Tunnel: Aerothermodynamic
Performances Analisys and
Comparison with the
P. Carlo¹; F. De Filippis¹; E.
Graps¹; M. Marini¹; E.
Bucchignani¹; R. Savino²; S.
¹CIRA, IT; ²University of Naples,
10:40 – 11:00
12:00 – 12:20
UAS: Innovative Concepts
Chair: W. Engelhardt, MBDA Deutschland, DE
EADS Technology Activities in
D. Hoffmann, EADS, DE
Perspectives for the Network
of Centres in the Space
W. Rathgeber, European Space
Policy Institute (ESPI), AT
Estrelsaal A
In Flight Research on
Aerothermodynamics (ATD)
and Thermal Protection
Systems (TPS) for Space
Transportation Systems
J.M. Muylaert; J. Gavira; H.
11:40 – 12:00
Cost Appreciation of Morphing
UAV Projects at a Conceptual
Design Stage.
T. Melin; A. T. Isikveren; M. I.
Friswell; University of Bristol, GB
Room Paris
Motivation der Notwendigkeit
adaptiver Flugsteuerungen am
Beispiel der Reglerentwicklung
für den ARTIS
S. Lorenz, DLR, DE
Structures - Optimisation
Chair: H. Hönlinger, DLR Göttingen, DE
Aerodynamic Analysis of
Computed Plate /Jet Interactions for Blunted ConeCylinders in Hypersonic Flow
S. Zahir, Computer & IT Centre,
PK; Z. Ye, Northwestern
Polytechnical University, CN
Multidisciplinary, Large Scale
Optimization of Composite
Aircraft Structures
G. Schuhmacher; F. Daoud; J. D.
Wagner; R. Zotemantel; EADS
Military Air Systems, DE
ECC Room 4
Structural Optimization of
Adaptive Airfoils Using
Evolutionary Algorithms
J. Seeger; K. Wolf; TU Dresden,
Institute of Aerospace
Engineering, DE
ICAO for Space 2
Coordinator: T. Sgobba, ESA/ESTEC, NL
12:20 – 12:40
Designing Future Unmanned
Combat Air Systems From the
Effector Point of View
J. Engel, MBDA/LFK, DE
Estrelsaal A
Claudius Dornier Jr.Stiftungspreis für die
Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Implementierung eines
Präprozessors zur Erzeugung
eines Balkenmodells für die
multidiziplinäre Optimierung
G. Wellmer, RWTH Aachen, DE
GA Optimization of Straight
and Curved Laminated
Composites in Presence of a
A. Gorjipoor, Sharif University of
Technology, IR
ECC Room 4
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
08:30- ATM Forum
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Columbia Accident
Chair: T. Henriksen, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
The Space Shuttle Columbia Accident Investigation: Forensic
Tools, Techniques, and Results
S. J. McDanels, NASA, US
Short Course 5
Chair: TBD
11:20 – 11:40
Estrelsaal C1
Verification Methodology for
Self-Deploying Support
C. Sickinger; H. Assing; H.
Koeke; M. Straubel; DLR German Aerospace Center, DE
Estrelsaal C3
Development of Ariane 5
Vehicle Equipment Bay
Structure in Fiber Placement
L. Escudero, EADS - CASA
Espacio, ES; P. Pablo Lario¹; V.
Victor Bautista¹;
¹EADS-CASA Espacio, ES
Mechanical and Physical
Evaluation of a New Carbon
Fibre/ PEEK Composite
System for Space Applications
J.P. Kilroy¹; C.M. Ó Brádaigh¹;
C.O.A. Semprimoschnig,
European Space Agency (ESA),
¹Composites Testing Laboratory,
11:40 – 12:00
12:00 – 12:20
Inflatable / Deployable Structures 3
Chair: J. Santiago Prowald, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia Reconstruction and Investigation
M. Solomon, Boeing, US
Composite Structures 1
Chair: R. Usinger, Oerlikon Space AG, CH
Design of Multifunctional
Folded Core Structures for
Aerospace Sandwich
Y. Klett, Institut für Flugzeugbau,
Universität Stuttgart, DE; K.
Drechsler, Institut für
Flugzeugbau, Uni Stuttgart, DE;
M. Kolax¹; H.P. Wentzel¹; R.
Kehlre, Foldcore GmbH, DE;
¹Airbus Deutschland GmbH, DE
10:40 – 11:00
Mechanical and Environmental
Validation of a Spherical
Multipurpose Inflatable
S. Mileti; G. Bitetti; M. Marchetti;
University of Rome La Sapienza,
Topology Optimization Studies
for a Contoured Beam
Deployable Micro-Satellite
N. Fazli, Sharif Univ. of Tec., IR
Composite Structures 2
Chair: A. Obst, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
qualification of Ultra High
Temperature Ceramic
structures for space
R Gardi¹; G. Marino¹; S. Di
Benedetto¹; M Marini¹; E Trifoni¹;
R Savino, DIAS (univ. of naples),
¹CIRA scpa, IT
Compression Strength: The
Key to Future CFRP
C. Arlt; D. Röstermundt; T.
Mahrholz; U. Riedel; L. Herbeck;
German Aerospace Centre
ECC Room 5
Increase of Bolted Joint
Performance by Means of
Local Laminate Hybridization
A. Fink, German Aerospace
Center DLR, DE; P. Camanho,
INEGI, Instituto de Engenharia
Mecânica e Gestão Industrial,
Espacio, ES; A. Obst, European
Space Agency, NL
Estrelsaal C1
Lessons from Structural
Design of a Highly-Flexible
Space Structure: the SpaceTow Solar Sail
B.A. Lennon, ABL Engineering
Ltd, IE; G. Tibert, KTH (Royal
Institute of Technology), SE
Estrelsaal C3
Bioinspired Self-Healing
Composite Materials for Space
and Aerospace Applications
R.S. Trask¹; I.P. Bond¹; C.O.A.
Semprimoschnig, ESA, NL;
¹Department of Aerospace
Engineering, University of Bristol,
Short Course 6
Chair: TBD
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will be published on
12:20 – 12:40
Composite Fasteners for
Aerospace Applications
J.W. de Haan, icotec, CH; M.
Barbezat, EMPA, CH; A. Obst,
ECC Room 5
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
14:00- Objectives of the Bologna Process and effects on aerospace engineer education
15:10 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
16:10 – 16:30
Poster Session 1
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 2
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 3
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Chair: K. Burkhardt, Diehl Aerospace, DE
The European Research Project FLYSAFE:
Evaluation of Novel Traffic Functionalities for
Future Airliners
N. Barraci¹; C. Vernaleken¹; C. Urvoy¹; K. Koch¹;
A. Andreas, Sindlinger, DE; G. Heidelmeyer¹; U.
¹TU Darmstadt, Institut für Flugsysteme und
Regelungstechnik, DE
High Lift Aerodynamics 1
Chair: R. Rudnik, DLR Braunschweig, DE
An Overview on recent High-Lift Research
Achievements from Airbus Aerodynamics
D. Reckzeh; H. Hansen; M. Sutcliffe; K.
Bohannon; S. Galpin; Airbus, DE
Aviation Safety
Chair: K. Burkhardt, Diehl Aerospace, DE
Parametric Aircraft Trajectory Model for Takeoff and Departure
S. Amelsberg, TU Berlin, DE
ECC Hall C
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
Operations (Air and Ground)
Chair: T.M. Cerbe, Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel, DE
FLYSAFE - Design of the Next Generation
Integrated Surveillance System
M. Jirsch, Diehl Aerospace, DE
Optimised Minima Information
on Data Driven Aeronautical
T. Grasse; P.R. Wipplinger; T.
Wiesemann; J. Schiefele;
Jeppesen GmbH, DE
ECC Hall D
Highly Efficient Civil Aviation An Opportunity for Present & A
Vision for Future
R. Nangia, Nangia Aero
Research Associates, GB
The Impact of High Speed
Intercity Train Access on
Airport Choice in Germany
M.C. Gelhausen, German
Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
High Lift Aerodynamics 2
Chair: R. Rudnik, DLR Braunschweig, DE
CFD Prediction of the Maximum Lift Effects on
Realistic High Lift Commercial Aircraft
Configurations within the European Project
H. von Geyr; N. Schade; DLR, DE
High Lift Aerodynamics at
NASA Part 1
Leavitt; Washburn; Wahls;
Estrelsaal B
High Lift Aerodynamics at
NASA Part 2
Leavitt; Washburn; Wahls;
EC 135 System Identification
for Model Following Control
and Turbulence Modeling
S.A. Seher-Weiss; W. von
Gruenhagen; DLR, DE
Coriolis Force Radial Damper
Y. Gourinat; J. Morlier; G.
Michon; IGM - SUPAERO - LMS,
ECC Hall C
Standardized Concept for
Passenger Guidance Systems
at Aerodromes
M. Schultz; A. Wachtel; H.
Fricke; TU Dresden, DE
ECC Hall D
Overview of Current
Achievements and Future
Challenges for High Lift
Integration R&T Projects
S. Bauß; B. Kiefner; Airbus
Deutschland, DE
Rotorcraft Flight and Structural Dynamics
Chair: TBD
Safety in the Terminal Area - An Approach for a
Quantitative Assessment
M. Kietzmann; H. Fricke; Institut für Luftfahrt und
Logistik, TU Dresden, DE
17:50 – 18:10
Validation of in-Tunnel High
Lift Computations
T. Delille; J.C. Courty; DassaultAviation, FR
Estrelsaal B
Prediction of Rate Limiter
Effects on Rotorcraft Stability
P.W. Gollnick, German
Aerospace Centre, DLR, DE; C.
Gudrian, Fluidon, DE
Helicopter Rotor Blade
Integrated Turbulence
Detector for Noise and
Vibration Reduction
C. Gradolph, DE; T. Ziemann¹;
G. Müller¹; W.J. Wagner²; V.
Klöppel²; A. Friedberger¹; J.
Wilde, University of Freiburg,
DE; M. Knecht³; C. Breitsamter³;
¹EADS Innovation Works, DE;
²Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH,
DE; ³Technical University of
Munich, DE
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
14:00- Objectives of the Bologna Process and effects on aerospace engineer education
15:10 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
16:10 – 16:30
Poster Session 4
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 5
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 6
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Education 1
Chair: J. Thorbeck, TU-Berlin, DE
EPMA - European Postgraduate Master in
Aeronautical Engineering
D. Scholz, HAW Hamburg, DE
ECC Room 2
Space Transportation Systems - Missions &
Operations (incl. Ground Infrastructure)
O. Kalden, Vega IT, DE
Challenges of Test Facilities for Space
K. Schäfer, DLR, DE
An Implementation of an
Aircraft Flight Mechanics
Model for Flight Control Law
L.R.S. Cruz, EMBRAER Empresa Brasileira de
Aeronautica S.A., BR; K.H.
Kienitz, ITA (Instituto Tecnologico
de Aeronautica), BR
ECC Room 3
17:30 – 17:50
Space Transportation Systems
- Projects / Programmatics
(Development &
R. Pernpeintner, MT-Aerospace
AG, DE; D. Sygulla, MT
Aerospace, DE
ECC Room 1
IFSys- A TU-Berlin UAV
Student Project
A. Hoffmann, TU -Berlin Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
A Strategy for Management
and Leadership Training for
the European Defence
Aerodynamic Technology
Integration on the TP400 and
E3E Core Compressors
H. Gümmer; R. Digele; T. Gietl;
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. &
Co. KG, DE
Information Management vs.
Education and Training: CIRA,
Italian Aerospace Research
Centre, Expertise and Future
F. Diozzi; R. Sannino; CIRA, IT
ECC Room 3
Space Transportation Systems
- Cost (Development,
Production & Operation)
D. Koelle, TCS, DE; R. Janovsky,
OHB-Technology, DE
Space Transportation Systems
- System Concepts & Subsets
J. Kauffmann, ESA, FR; M.
Sippel, DLR, DE
Aero-Engine Components: Compressors III
Chair: A. Kühhorn, BTU Cottbus, DE
Multidisciplinary Simulation at the Ariane 5 Nozzle
J. Bartolome Calvo; H. Lüdeke; DLR (German
Aerospace Center), DE
17:50 – 18:10
ECC Room 2
Space Transportation 2
Chair: TBD
Space Transportation Systems - Propulsion,
Structures & Subsystems
R. Lo; H. Adirim; AI: Aerospace Institute, DE
Space Propulsion II
Chair: O. Haidn, DLR Lampoldshausen, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Education 2
Chair: TBD
Education, projects and other aerospace activities
on Brno University of Technology (Czech Rep.)
A. Pistek; J. Hlinka; Brno University of Technology,
Institute of Aerospace Engineering, CZ
Space Transportation 1
Chair: TBD
16:50 – 17:10
Multi Objective Optimization of
a Fan Blade Using an
Advanced Parameterization
M. N Diaye¹; S. Aubert¹; G.
Grondin¹; S. Moreau, VALEO,
FR; P. Ferrand, LMFA, FR;
Space Transportation
Systems - Demand / Market
Ch. Gritzner¹; U. Block¹; M.
Obersteiner, Astrium Space
Transportation, DE;
ECC Room 1
Upgrading of Analytical
Equations for Adiabatic
Supersonic Flows
F. Steinmetz; E. Rosenko; ITLR Universität Stuttgart, DE
Hypersonic Nozzle Flow
Analysis Using Equilibrium
Chemistry Model
I. Mahmood; M.Z. Bashir; S.
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
14:00- Objectives of the Bologna Process and effects on aerospace engineer education
15:10 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
16:10 – 16:30
Poster Session 7
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 8
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Development Perspectives for Civil Aviation (Bauhaus Luftfahrt)
Chair: TBD
Implication of Ultra High Bypass Engines on
Aircraft Design Features and Mission
A. Seitz; S. Donnerhack; J. Seifert; Bauhaus
Luftfahrt e.V., DE
Chair: TBD
History and Lessons Learnt From the
development of Mechanical Systems for
Different Launch Vehicles
V. Gomez Molinero, EADS Casa Espacio, ES
Climatic Aspects 1
Chair: TBD
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
Chair: A. Schöttl, MBDA/LFK-Lenkflugkörpersysteme, DE
Perspectives of Vertical / Short Take Off and
Landing in Commercial Aviation
C. Gologan; C. Heister; A. Kuhlmann; C. Kelders; J.
Seifert; Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V., DE
Certification of Small UAV
C. Battaglia¹; A. Grasso²; R.
Querzoli¹; G. Orsini²;
¹Alenia Aeronautica S.p.A., IT;
²Ministry of Defence, D.G.A.A., IT
Estrelsaal A
An Efficient Approach to
GPS/INS Integrity Monitoring
J. Wendel¹; G. Herbold¹; J.
Dambeck¹; R. Mönikes²; O.
Meister²; S. Kiesel²;
¹MBDA Systems, DE; ²Universität
Karlsruhe (TH), DE
Room Paris
Flight Control for Micro Aerial
Vehicles Using a Modular
Neural Network Approach
T. Krüger, Institut für Luft- und
Raumfahrtsysteme - TUBraunschweig, DE; L. Krüger,
Mavionics GmbH, DE; A. Kuhn,
Andata Development
Technologies, AT; J. Axmann,
Volkswagen AG, DE; P.
Vörsmann, Institut für Luft- und
Raumfahrtsysteme, DE
Estimating Modification
Efforts for New Aircraft
Development Projects
C. Manz, University of Applied
Siences, DE
ECC Room 4
Climatic Aspects 2
Chair: TBD
Aerodynamic Analysis and
Design of a Future Air-Speed
Transit Flying Over the
Nonplanar Ground Surface
J. Cho; J. Jeonghyun Cho;
Hanyang University/School of
Mechanical Engineering, KR
Plasma Flyer - The First
MiniUAV with Plasma Flow
B. Göksel, Electrofluidsystems
Ltd. Holding, DE
Estrelsaal A
Aircraft Concepts - Future Projects
Chair: F. Jouaillec, Aerospace Valley, FR
FLACON: Future high-altitude Flight - an attractive
commercial niche?
J. Starke, Astrium, DE; J.-P. Belmont, DE; J. Longo,
DE; Ph. Novelli, DE; W. Kordulla, DE
17:50 – 18:10
The Constant g Stability
D. F. Reid, NZ
Configuration Design of a
Roadable Aircraft fixed a Ring
M. Nakajima; Y. Nishimiya; H.
Kikukawa; Kanazawa Institute of
Technology, JP
ECC Room 4
Wednesday, 12th September 2007
14:00- Objectives of the Bologna Process and effects on aerospace engineer education
15:10 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
16:10 – 16:30
Poster Session 9
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Poster Session 10
Details for
poster session
please find at
the end of this
Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering 3
Chair: N. Gualtieri, Thales Alenia Space, IT
Development of a Dimensionally Stable CFRP
Structure for Supporting Optical Instruments
in a Laser Communication Device
A. Di Carlo; R. Usinger; Oerlikon Space AG, CH
Composite Structures 3
Chair: H.J. Baier, TU München, DE
Polymerisation of Composite Structures in
Free Space Environment
G. Nechitailo, Institute of Biochemical Physics,
Russian Academy of Science, RU; A. Kondyurin,
University of Sydney, AU
Short Course 7
Chair: TBD
Estrelsaal C1
16:50 – 17:10
17:10 – 17:30
17:30 – 17:50
Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering 4
Chair: N. Gualtieri, Thales Alenia Space, IT
Development of a Dimensionally Stable
Lightweight Structure for the LISA Pathfinder
Science Module
H.P. Gröbelbauer; M. Heer; Oerlikon Space AG, CH
A Hierarchical Approach for
the Buckling Analysis of the
Vega 1/2 Interstage
E.L. Jansen¹; J.J. Wijker, Dutch
Space BV, NL; J. Arbocz¹;
¹Delft University of Technology,
Estrelsaal C3
The Primary and Secondary
Structures of ALADIN
C. Kaiser¹; C. Widani¹; K. Härtel¹;
P. Haberler¹; O. Lecrenier, EADS
Astrium SAS, DE; G. Labruyere,
¹Kayser-Threde GmbH, DE
Estrelsaal C1
Efficient Structural-ThermalOptical Performance Analysis
B. Messerschmidt; B. Specht;
EADS Astrium, DE
Stochastic Analysis
Chair: J.N. Bricout, CNES, FR
Development and Verification of a High
Temperature Solar Array Structural Technology
D. Petry; R. Krautwald; H.G. Schnell; Astrium GmbH,
Probabilistic Methods Applied
to Fracture Control of
Spaceflight Structures.
G. Sinnema, ESA, NL; C.
Mattrand, IFMA, FR; F. Marques
ECC Room 5
PLEIADES HR SATELLITE Mechanical and Thermal
V. Albouys, CNES, FR; P.
Corberand, EADS Astrium, FR;
L. Larue, EADS, FR; S. Andre¹;
A. Soler¹;
¹Thales, FR
Development of a 3D Finite
Element Model for Distortion
and Gravitational Analyses of
a Dimensionally Stable
Satellite Structure like the
LISA Pathfinder Science
D. Kaiser; T. Pagano; Oerlikon
Space AG, CH
Estrelsaal C3
Identification of Numerical
Modelling Uncertainty Based
on Dynamic Fuzzy Finite
Element Analysis
D. Moens; M. De Munck; D.
Vandepitte; K.U.Leuven, BE
Short Course 8
Chair: TBD
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will be published on
17:50 – 18:10
Stochastic Simulations for the
Robust Design of Space
Optical Instruments
W. Konrad¹; C. Mottl,
Technische Universität Berlin,
DE; A. Weber, Technische
Universität Dresden, DE; S.
¹EADS Astrium GmbH, DE
ECC Room 5
Thursday, 13th September 2007
08:30- Technology Forum (Space)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Air Traffic Management 1
Chair: A. Geisler, Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft, AT
The Air Traffic Management
System for 2050: Virtual Global - Automated
M. B. Brochard,
Part 2
M. Roeder, DLR, DE
Augmented Reality
Technology for Control Tower Analysis of Applicability Based
on the Field Study
Experimental Centre, FR; C.
Tijus, FR
Flight Mechanics: Handling Qualities
Chair: H.-C. Oelker, EADS Military Air Systems, DE
Aircraft Flying Qualities And
Flight Safety
A.V. Efremov; A.V. Koshelenko;
A.V. Ogloblin; Moscow aviation
institute, RU
Optimizing Motion Cueing for
Research Flight Simulation
L. Fucke, TU Berlin, DE
Knowledge Space Model
N. McDonald; R. Morrison; P.
Grommes; Smiths Aerospace,
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Hall C
Fine-Tuning Handling Qualities
on High Performance Fighter
Aircraft: Maximising Roll
Acceleration while Avoiding
M. Hanel, EADS Deutschland
GmbH / EF2000 FJT, Ottobrunn,
DE; S. Fallon, BAE Systems /
EF2000 FJT, Ottobrunn, DE
Reliable Traffic Scenarios for
Very Light Jets and their
Impact onto the Air Traffic
Control System
G. Naumann; T. Guenther; H.
Fricke; Dresden University of
Technology, DE
ANASTASIA : Airborne New
and Advanced Satellites
techniques and Technologies
in A System Integrated
J.Y. Catros, THALES-Avionics,
12:00 – 12:20
NEWSKY – Networking the Sky
for Aeronautical
F. Schreckenbach; M. Schnell; S.
Scalise; German Aerospace
Center (DLR), DE
A Method for Investigation of
Pilot-Vehicle System
Dynamics in Wake Vortex
A. Schönfeld¹; A. V. Efremov,
Moscow Aviation Institute, RU;
R. Luckner¹;
¹ILR, Technical University of
Berlin, DE
Noise Source Location in
Closed Test Sections with
Acoustic Arrays
L. Koop, DLR, NL; P. Sijtsma¹; S.
Benchmarking Pressure
Sensitive Paint Measurement
D. Hurst, ARA, NL
A Generic Platform for
Building Air Traffic
Environmental Internet
J.E. Weggemans; J.F.H.W. van
Weert; National Aerospace
Laboratory NLR, NL
Condition based Operational
Risk Assessment An
Innovative Approach To
Improve Fleet And Aircraft
Operability, Part 1
A. Arnaiz, Tekniker, ES; A.
Schirrmann, EADS Deutschland,
DE; Z. Papachatzakis, University
Patras, GR
Condition based Operational
Risk Assessment An
Innovative Approach To
Improve Fleet And Aircraft
Operability, Part 2
A. Schirrmann, EADS
Deutschland, DE; A. Arnaiz,
Tekniker, ES; Z. Papachatzakis,
University Patras, GR
NEWSKY - Novel Simulation
Concepts for Future Air
C.H. Rokitansky; M. Ehammer;
T. Gräupl; University of
Salzburg, AT
ECC Hall D
Model Deformation
Measurements in Wind
D. Hurst, ARA, NL
Advanced Maintenance Technologies 2
Chair: M. Worsfold, Smiths Aerospace, GB
Landing Gear Health
A. Mortimore, Airbus, GB
12:20 – 12:40
ECC Hall C
Advanced Wind Tunnel Testing
Chair: J. Kooi, DNW, NL
Estrelsaal B
Hydraulic Actuation Loop
Degradation Diagnostic and
E. Diez-Lledó¹; J. Aguilar-Martin¹;
J.R. Massé, Hispano-Suiza, FR;
Griful, Eulàlia, ES;
11:40 – 12:00
Air Traffic Management 2
Chair: M. Schnell, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, DE
ECC Hall D
Advanced Maintenance Technologies 1
Chair: M. Worsfold, Smiths Aerospace, GB
On-Board Health Assessment
of an Electro-Mechanical
Actuator Using Wavelet
J. Schaab, TU Darmstadt, DE; U.
Klingauf, TU-Darmstadt, DE
10:40 – 11:00
Development of RemoteControls for Movable
Surfaces of Wind Tunnel
J. van Twisk, NLR, NL
Estrelsaal B
Condition based Operational
Risk Assessment An
Innovative Approach To
Improve Fleet And Aircraft
Operability, Part 3
Z. Papachatzaki, University
Patras, ES; A. Schirrmann,
EADS Deutschland, DE; A.
Arnaiz, Tekniker, ES
Cost Benefit Analysis of a
Health Management System
H. Fromm; M. Buderath; EADS
Deutschland GmbH / EF2000
FJT, Ottobrunn, DE
Thursday, 13th September 2007
08:30- Technology Forum (Space)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Aircraft Composite Structures
Chair: S. Pantelakis, University of Patras, GR
ALCAS - Advanced Low Cost
Aircraft Structures
D. Phipps, Airbus, GB
ALCAS Centre Wing Box - Low
Cost LCM Stringer
M. Kleineberg, DLR, DE; M.
Schradick, Airbus, DE; E.
Sperlich, ZIM, DE
Die Modellierung der NatriumKaliumtropfen als Beitrag zu
orbitalen Objektpopulation
C. Wiedemann, TU
Braunschweig, DE
The Advanced ISS Air Monitor
ANITA - In Orbit Operations
T. Stuffler¹; G. Tan, ESA, NL; A.
Honne²; H. Mosebach¹; D.
Kampf¹; H. Odegard²; N. Henn,
¹Kayser-Threde GmbH, DE;
Crashworthiness of Composite
Aircraft Structures
G. Labeas, University of Patras,
Spacecraft Disturbances
Induced by Hypervelocity
Impacts - Application to GAIA
J.B. Vergniaud¹; M. Guyot¹; M.
Lambert, ESA, NL; F. Schafer²;
S. Ryan²; S. Hiermaier²; E.
Taylor, Open University, GB;
¹EADS Astrium, FR; ²EMI, DE
Dynamische Modellbildung
und Reglerentwurf für ein
Hybridsystem bestehend aus
Mikrogasturbine und SOFCBrennstoffzelle
F. Kroll; A.E. Nielsen; S.
Staudacher; Institut für
Luftfahrtantriebe, Universität
Stuttgart, DE
New Challenges in Structural
Design and Analysis of
Composite Structures
C. Petiot, EADS France, FR
Experimental and
Computational Studies of
Mechanically Fastened Joints
in Composite Aircraft
M. McCarthy, University of
Limerick, IE
12:00 – 12:20
Finite Element Unit Cell Based
Strength Prediction of Stitched
CFRP Laminates
H. Heß; N. Himmel; Institut für
Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW),
Orbit Error Estimations for
ESA’s Collision Risk
Prediction Service
H. Krag¹; H. Klinkrad¹; J.-R.
Alarcón-Rodríguez, GMV S. A.,
Landing Pallet: a Crushable
Mission to Mars
P. Palmieri, Thales Alenia Space,
MT Aerospace Innovationspreis
für die Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Untersuchung neuartiger,
im Vergleich zur
konventionellen rechtwinkligen
S. Kébreau, TU Braunschweig,
Recent Progress in
Scramjet/Rocket based
Combined Cycle Engines at
JAXA, Kakuda Space
Propulsion Center
S. Ueda; S. Sato; K. Itoh; K. Tani;
S. Tomioka; T. Kanda; JAXA, JP
Innovative Approaches for
Integration of Functions in
Composite Sandwich
Structures by the Example of
Cabin Interior
M. Pein; D. Krause; T.
Gumpinger; TU HamburgHarburg, DE
ECC Room 3
The Hypersonic Drag Balloon
Research and Testing Program
H.S. Griebel¹; B. Häusler¹; C.
Mundt, Institute of
Thermodynamics, UniBw
München, DE; H. Rapp, Institute
of Light Weight Structures,
UniBw München, DE; H.J.
Gudladt, Institute of Material
Sciences, UniBw München, DE;
¹Institute of Space Technology,
UniBw München, LRT9, DE
Landing Impact Simulation and
Testing Approaches-alcatel
Alenia Space Experience
P.C. Marucchi-Chierro, Alcatel
Alenia Space-Italy, IT; R. Riva,
Alcatel Alenia Space-Italy, IT; F.
Quagliotti, Alcatel Alenia Space Italy, IT
Hypersonic Propulsion Systems
Chair: J. von Wolfersdorf, Universität Stuttgart, DE
Winfried Bierhals-Stiftungspreis
für die Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Anwendung der
Schallemissionsprüfung an
thermisch hochbelasteten
F. Meinl, University Karlsruhe,
12:20 – 12:40
ECC Room 2
Reentry and Landing
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 1
Installation Effects
Characterisation of a Typical
High Bypass Ratio Engine
Using Numerical Simulations
and Particle Image Velocimetry
A. Vuillemin, Snecma, FR; O.
Piccin, ONERA GMT, FR; R.
Crosta, Airbus France, FR
11:40 – 12:00
Aircraft Composite Structures / Structures - Analysis 1
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 3
Aero-Engine Control and Measurement Techniques
Chair: S. Staudacher, Universität Stuttgart, DE
Application of Fuzzy-Logic
Controller in Gas Turbine
Speed Control and Surge
Control on Transient
A.A. Torghabeh; A.M. Tousi;
Amirkabir University, IR
11:20 – 11:40
ECC Room 2
Space Systems: Technology Aspects
Chair: TBD
Reinhard-Furrer-Preis für
eine herausragende
Dissertation zum Thema:
10:40 – 11:00
Non-Deterministic Analysis of
a Scramjet Propulsion System
G. Schütte; S. Staudacher;
Institute of Aircraft Propulsion
Systems/University of Stuttgart,
Re-entry Risk Assessment for
Launchers - Development of
the New SCARAB 3.1L
T. Lips¹; B. Fritsche¹; M.
Homeister¹; G. Koppenwallner¹;
H. Klinkrad, ESA/ESOC, DE; M.
Toussaint, ESA/HQ, FR;
ECC Room 1
Experimental Study of the
Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle
Flow Properties and its
Interaction with the External
C. Hirschen; A. Gülhan; German
Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
Optimizing Aircraft
Maintenance Efficiency in
Global Start-up Support
S. Hollmeier, C. Winck,
F. Mayer, Lufthansa Technik,
Frankfurt, DE
Thursday, 13th September 2007
08:30- Technology Forum (Space)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
UAS - Sensors and Signal Processing
Chair: G. Trommer, Universität Karlsruhe, DE
Optimal Manoeuvre ChangeDetection of Agile Aerial
A. Schöttl, MBDA/LFKLenkflugkörpersysteme, DE
Implementation of a Sense and
Avoid System for Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles
J.-B. Park; P. Vörsmann; Institute
of Aerospace Systems, TU
Braunschweig, DE
11:20 – 11:40
Room Paris
Sensor Suites for Future
Autonomous Unmanned Aerial
T. Rapp; D. Hoffmann; EADS,
Aerodynamics 2
Chair: TBD
Numerical Simulation of the
Flow around Circulation
Control Airfoils
K.-C. Pfingsten; C. Jensch; R.
Radespiel; TU Braunschweig, DE
10:40 – 11:00
Micro – Nano Technologies 1
Coordinator: E. Kircher, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Analysis of Plume Impact on
Launch Tower During Lift Off
R. Sala¹; M. Galeotta¹; A.
Veneziani²; L. T. De Luca²;
¹Carlo Gavazzi Space, IT;
²Politecnico Milano, IT
12:00 – 12:20
Flight Control - Actuation
Chair: D. Scholz, HAW Hamburg, DE
Stereo-Based Obstacle
Mapping from a Helicopter
F. Andert; L. Goormann;
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt, DE
Servounterstützte Steuerung
von Segelflugzeugen (ServoBoosted Control Elements for
A. Gäb; J. Nowack; W. Alles;
RWTH Aachen University, DE
Estrelsaal A
Airbus-Preis der EADS Airbus
GmbH für die Dissertation zum
Experimentielle Untersuchungen zur Effizienz der aktiven
Strömungskontrolle an einer
R. Petz, TU Berlin, DE
11:40 – 12:00
Adaptive Internal Model
Control Using Laguerre Series
Representation for a Decentral
Flap Actuation System
O. Meckel, Flugsysteme und
Regelungstechnik, TU
Darmstadt, DE
Room Paris
Position and Load Control for
Hybrid Primary Flight Controls
with Electromechanical and
Electrohydraulic Actuators
O. Cochoy; U. B. Carl;
F. Thielecke; Hamburg
University of Technology, DE
Cabin architecture
Chair: L. Jonson, SAS, SE
DLR-Technologiepreis für
Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der
Segelflugtechnik für die
Studienarbeit zum Thema:
Bestimmung des laminarturbulenten
Grenzschichtumschlags auf
Tragflügeln im Windkanal und
im Freiflug mittels
A. Wagner, TU Dresden, DE
Airbus Innovative Cabin
K.D. Kricke; I. Wuggetzer; Airbus
Deutschland, DE
ECC Room 4
The Power Electronic
Environment on More Electric
Aircrafts A Way to Improve
Signal Integrity by means of
Shielded Cables
R. Tiedemann; D. Giugno; RollsRoyce Deutschland, DE
Estrelsaal A
Electrical Passenger Door
W. Buchs; J. Margraf; Eurocopter
Deutschland, DE
Micro – Nano Technologies 2
Coordinator: E. Kircher, ESA/ESTEC, NL
12:20 – 12:40
Movement Behaviour Model for
Future Passenger-orientated
Long-haul Aircraft Cabin
K.O. Ploetner, Institute of
Aeronautical Engineering - TU
München, DE
RODON®’s Diagnostic
Methods for New Generic
System BITE Architectures
B. Kadmiry, Soerman
Information & Media AB, SE;
D. Geiter, Airbus Deutschland,
avionic dept., DE
ECC Room 4
Thursday, 13th September 2007
08:30- Technology Forum (Space)
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 10:40
Mechanical Architecture, Design and Engineering 5
Chair: P. Mourey, CNES, FR
AlphaBus, the European High
Capacity Platform for SatComs
S. Massier¹; G. Lubrano¹; P.
Belliol, EADS Astrium, FR; A.
Petitjean, CNES, FR;
¹Thales Alenia Space, FR
Stiftungspreis der IABG für die
Diplomarbeit zum Thema:
Untersuchung und Anwendung
der Monte Carlo Simulation zur
Auslegung robuster
A. Weber, TU Dresden, DE
Short Course 9
Chair: TBD
11:20 – 11:40
Estrelsaal C1
Thermal Management Issues
for Multifunctional Solar
J.A. Foster; G.S. Aglietti;
University of Southampton,
School of Engineering Sciences,
Materials and Active Structures 1
Chair: H.J. Baier, TU München, DE
High-Temperature Oxidation of
SSiC in Plasma Flows
T. Laux, German Aerospace
Center, DE
10:40 – 11:00
Strength Aspects for the
Design of ZERODUR Glass
Ceramics Structures
S. Lucarelli¹; P. Gath¹; P.
Hartmann²; K. Nattermann²; T.
¹EADS Astrium GmbH, DE;
²Schott AG, DE
12:00 – 12:20
Structural Dynamics & Microvibrations 1
Chair: M. Sinapius, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Innovation in Structures
Engineering for Future
Launch Vehicles - Facing the
21st Century Challenges
J. Martin, EADS CASA Espacio,
Micro-Vibration Measurements
on Thermally Loaded MultiLayer Insulation Samples
A. Grillenbeck, IABG, DE; B.
Pouilloux, CNES, FR
Estrelsaal C3
Active Flatness Control Of
Membrane Structures With
Consideration Of Nonlinear
Y.-R. Hu; X. Wang; W. Zheng;
Canadian Space Agency, CA
11:40 – 12:00
A Process with Quantified
Accuracy for Predicting
Electronic Equipment Vibration
R. A. Amy¹; G. S. Aglietti¹; G.
Richardson, Surrey Satellite
Technology Limited, GB;
¹School of engineering sciences,
University of Southampton, GB
Estrelsaal C1
Aeroelastic Prediction and
Validation Methods for USV1
M. Belardo; L. Di Palma; M.
Pecora; CIRA Scpa, IT
Mechanical Testing 1
Chair: J.B. Bernaudin, EADS Astrium, FR
On the Design of Active
Mirrors with PZT Bimorph
A. Preumont¹; G. Rodrigues¹; R.
Bastaits¹; Y. Stockman, Centre
Spatial de Liège, BE; P. Villon,
Université de Technologie de
Compiègne, FR;
¹Active Structures Laboratory Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Mechancial Qualification of the
Herschel Satellite
M. v. Alberti, EADS Astrium, DE;
Y. Roche, Alcatel Alenia Space,
FR; W. Teichert, European
Testing Services, NL; A.
Schnorhk, European Space
Agency, NL
Optical Methods for Non
Contact Measurements of
Membranes Space Structures
S. Roose¹; Y. Stockman¹; T.
Kuhn²; H. Baier²; S. Langlois,
ESTEC, European Space
Agency, NL; G. Casarosa, AOES
Group BV, NL;
¹Centre Spatial de Liège, BE;
²Lehrstuhl für Leichtbau,
Technische Universität München,
Recent Achievements for the
Mechanical Data Handling at
A. Grillenbeck; S. Dillinger; S.
Prause; IABG, DE
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will be published on
Local Damping Identification
from Spacecraft Sine Test
G. Ladurre¹; A. Carpine¹; R.
Redondo, CNES, FR;
¹Thales Alenia Space, FR
Estrelsaal C3
Short Course 10
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 5
12:20 – 12:40
SmosPlm Mechanical
Qualification Tests
M.A. Gil; J.M. Bajo; M.A. Plaza;
ECC Room 5
Thursday, 13th September 2007
14:00- Aeronautical Orientation and Technology Needs
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Air Transport Research and Technology
Chair: J. Reichmuth, DLR Köln, DE
Thinking Out of the Box
A. de Graaff, AD Cuenta, NL
Multiobjective Particle Swarm
Optimization Technique as an
Effective Tool for Aircraft
Requirements Analysis
L. Blasi; S. Barbato; L. Iuspa;
Second University of Naples DIAM, IT
Development of MDO
Techniques for the Design of a
M. Ravachol, Dassault Aviation,
FR; K. Giannakoglou, NTUA, GR
CELINA - Fuel Cell Application
In A New Configured Aircraft
C. Schilo, Airbus Deutschland,
The Challenges of an
"Acceptable" Sonic Boom
F. Coulouvrat, CNRS, FR
Fault Detection and Isolation of
Actuator Failures for a Large
Transport Aircraft
A. Varga, DLR, DE
Trajectory Optimization of a
Solar Aircraft for Performance
G. Sachs¹; J. Lenz¹; H. Ross,
¹Institute of Flight Mechanics
and Flight Control of TU
München, DE
EREA, the association of
European Research
Establishments in Aeronautics
F.J. Abbink, EREA, NL
17:30 – 17:50
GARTEUR: Long Term R&T
collaboration in Europe
L. Vecchione; V. Puoti; CIRA,
Italian Centre for Aerospace
Research, IT
Alternative Engine
Technologies for Supersonic
A. Vuillemin; P. Coat; Snecma,
Climate Impact of a Potential
Supersonic Fleet
V. Grewe, DLR
Oberpfaffenhofen, DE
Supersonic Laminar Flow
Control Investigations within
the SUPERTRAC Project
D. Arnal, ONERA, FR
Aerospace Valley: The Cluster
Effect Applied to the
Aerospaec Industry in South
Western France
F. Jouaillec, Aerospace Valley,
The TELFONA Pathfinder Wing
for the Calibration of the ETW
Wind Tunnel
G. Schrauf, Airbus, DE; K.H.
Horstmann¹; T. Streit¹;
Stereo-PIV and Hot-Wire
Investigations on Delta Wing
A. Furman; C. Breitsamter;
Technische Universität München,
Development of Principles
and Rules for Sustaining
Aircraft Airworthiness in
Developing Countries
MFA. Odutola; C.O. Edeh;
Nigerian College of Aviation
Technology, NG
ECC Hall D
Automatic Shape Design for
Low Boom and Low Drag High
Speed Transport
V. Selmin, Alenia Aeronautica, IT
Measurement Methods for Aerodynamics
Chair: TBD
Predictive Maintenance in
S. Ghelam; M. Feuillebois; M.
Glade; J.P. Derain;
17:50 – 18:10
ECC Hall C
Technologies for Highspeed Transport 2
Chair: M. Mallet, Dassault Aviation, FR
Estrelsaal B
Model-Based Failure Detection
of a Trimmable Horizontal
Stabilizer Actuator with Two
Primary Load Paths
N. Wachendorf; U.B. Carl; F.
Thielecke; TUHH/FST, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Industrial and Research Cooperations
Chair: S. Eelman, TU München, DE
ECC Hall D
Fault Detection in A/C Systems
Chair: F. Thielecke, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Performance Degradation
Analysis of Fault Tolerant
Aircraft Systems
C. Raksch; R. van Maanen; D.
Rehage; F. Thielecke; Hamburg
University of Technology, DE
16:50 – 17:10
ECC Hall C
Technologies for Highspeed Transport 1
Chair: M. Mallet, Dassault Aviation, FR
Noise Prediction for SSBJs
R.H. Self, University of
Southampton, GB
16:10 – 16:30
Solution of the Euler
Equations for the Prediction
of the Sonic Boom
A. Dervieux, INRIA, FR
Estrelsaal B
Aerodynamic Optimization and
Boundary Layer Control
L. Popelka, Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic, CZ; M.
Matejka, Czech Technical
University in Prague, CZ
Wolfgang Heilmann-Preis der
MTU GmbH für die
Studienarbeit zum Thema:
Background Oriented
Schlieren - Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen des optischen
Verfahrens zur quantitativen
T. Nafz, University Karlsruhe,
Thursday, 13th September 2007
14:00- Aeronautical Orientation and Technology Needs
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Structures: Buckling
Chair: TBD
Buckling analysis and
Qualification static load testing
of VEGA Interstage 1/2
J.F. Tyrrell; J.W. Cremers; Dutch
Space B.V., NL
Probabilistic Approach for
Improved Buckling KnockDown Factors of CFRP
Cylindrical Shells
R.D. Degenhardt¹; A. Bethge¹; A.
Kling¹; R. Zimmermann¹; K.
Rohwer¹; J. Tessmer¹; A. Calvi,
Buckling of Multilayered Metal
Composite Domes
J. Blachut; P. Smith; The
University of Liverpool, GB
The GIOVE-A Mission - A Major
Step Towards Galileo
B. Kleine Schlarmann; M.
Falcone; J. Hahn; M. Hollreiser;
BayNavTech - Monitoring
GNSS Performance for
Demanding Applications
C. Schäfer; J. Vilzmann; M.
Söllner; R. Kohl; EADS Astrium,
Experimental and Numerical
Investigations of the Mixing
Flow in Turbofan Engines in
the Sub-Idle Operating Range
B. Banzhaf; S. Staudacher;
Institut für Luftfahrtantriebe,
Universität Stuttgart, DE
Efficient Buckling Analysis of
Stiffened Composite Airframe
C. Mittelstedt, AIRBUS
Deutschland GmbH, DE
FEA Approach for the
Prediction of the Void’s Effects
on the Elastic Properties of
Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced
L. Mormile¹; F. Romano²; A.
Riccio²; L. Iuspa¹;
¹Second University of Naples, IT;
17:30 – 17:50
First Outdoor Positioning
Results with Real Galileo
Signals by Using the German
Galileo Test and Development
Environment - GATE
G. Heinrichs¹; E. Löhnert¹; E.
Wittmann¹; R. Kaniuth,
University FAF Munich, DE;
In flight Aerodynamic
Experiment for the Unmanned
Space Vehicle FTB-1.
G. C. Rufolo; M. Marco; R.
Pietro; B. Salvatore; CIRA, IT
Postbuckling Modeshapes of
Composite Stiffened Fuselage
Panels Incorporating
Stochastic Variables
M.C.W. Lee, University of New
South Wales, AU; D.W. Kelly,
University of New South Wales
School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, AU;
A.C. Orifici, School of Aerospace,
Mechanical & Manufacturing
Engineering, RMIT University,
AU; R.S. Thomson, Cooperative
Research Centre for Advanced
Composite Structures Limited,
FEM Simulation of the Inflicted
Delamination to IMC Laminated
Composites during
Manufacturing Process
S. Khosoussi; M. Rezaei; A.
Abedian; Sharif University of
Technology, IR
Aero(thermo)dynamic CFD
Analyses of Various Re-Entry
Capsule Shapes in
Comparison to Recent Test
H.P. Noeding, EADS Astrium,
DE; R.C. Molina, ESA-ESTEC,
Advanced Aerothermodynamic
Analysis of SHEFEX
T. Barth, DLR, DE
Aero-Engine Economic Design, Manufacturing and Maintenace
Chair: S. Staudacher, Universität Stuttgart, DE
Aerodynamic Analysis and
Design of a Propeller for MAV
J. Cho, Hanyang
University/School of Mechanical
Enginnering, KR; S. Lee¹; L.
¹Hanyang University/Department
of Mechanical Enginnering, KR
Empowering Engine
Engineers: Advancing the
State-of-the-Art in
Collaborative Multi-National
Multidisciplinary Engine
E. Kesseler¹; P. Arendsen¹; M.H.
van Houten¹; R. Parchem²; B.
Meissner²; M. Nagel³; J. Barner³;
H. Wenzel, Engineous, DE;
¹NLR, NL; ²Rolls Royce, DE;
³MTU Aero Engines, DE
17:50 – 18:10
ECC Room 2
Supersonic/Hypersonic Flow: Reentry
Chair: W. Kordulla, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
ECC Room 1
Thrust Reverser Aerodynamic
Design: CFD Analysis and
Comparison with Experiments
D. Kliche¹; R. Spieweg²; R.
Schweikhard²; C. Mundt¹;
¹Universität der Bundeswehr
München, DE; ²Rolls-Royce
Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Structures: Analysis 2
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 3
Aero Engine Components Exhaust System / Propeller
Chair: R. Lederer, MTU Aero Engines, DE
Numerical Simulation of Mixed
Jet Exhaust System and its
J.A. Lieser; B. Deinert; C. Möller;
F. Müller; Rolls-Royce
Deutschland, DE
16:50 – 17:10
ECC Room 2
Chair: TBD
Galileo Evolution: Enhanced
Error Correction Strategies
and Integrity Assessments
B. Belabbas¹; S. Graf, TU
München, DE; P. Rémi¹; M.
16:10 – 16:30
Production Cost Estimation of
the aeroengines in VITAL
O.M.F. Arago; S. Bretschneider;
S. Staudacher; Stuttgart
University, DE
Market-oriented Blisk
A Challenge for Production
E. Bayer; M. Bußmann; MTU
Aero Engines GmbH, DE
Finite Element Analysis of
Superplastic Behavior of
MMCs in Presence of Some
Manufacturing Defects
A. Barakati; A. Abedian; M.A.
Kouchakzadeh; Sharif University
of Technology, IR
ECC Room 3
The Pre-x Lifting Body
Computational Fluid
Dynamics and Wind Tunnel
Test Campaign
P. Baiocco¹; S. Guedron¹; J.
Oswald¹; D. Ponziani¹; F.
Delattre²; E. Cosson²; J.P.
Tribot³; A. Bugeau³;
³Dassault Aviation, FR
ECC Room 1
Global Trends in the Industry
of Commercial Aircraft Engine
P. Schumacher, MTU
Maintenance BerlinBrandenburg GmbH, DE
Thursday, 13th September 2007
14:00- Aeronautical Orientation and Technology Needs
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
UAS - Unmanned Helicopters
Chair: F. Thielecke, DLR Braunschweig, DE
ARTIS - An Interdisciplinary
Unmanned Rotorcraft Flight
Test Demonstrator
J.S. Dittrich, DLR Institute of
Flight Systems, DE
UAV VTOL-Research Testbed SHARC’
O. Heinzinger; R. Arning; EADS
Germany Innovation Works, DE
Dynamic Simulation of
Innovative Aircraft Air
D. Scholz¹; C. Müller¹; T. Giese,
Airbus Deutschland GmbH, DE;
M. Haaren, CeBeNetwork GmbH,
¹HAW Hamburg, DE
VTOL-MAV for Security and
Rescue Operations with
Enhanced Geo-Positioning
R. Mönikes; N. Frietsch; O.
Meister; G.F. Trommer;
University of Karlsruhe, DE
A Flexible Toolkit for the
Design of Environmental
Control System Architectures
M. Sielemann, DLR, Institute of
Robotics and Mechatronics, DE
New Technologie for Earth Observation
Chair: K. Brieß, TU Berlin, DE
The Rubin Testbed for In-Orbit
Verification of Micro- and
B. Ziegler, B. Penné, OHB
Systems, Bremen, DE; I. Kalnin,
University Bremen, DE
Very High Resolution SAR &
Optical Missions for Future
Earth Observation
B. Penné, C. Tobehn, M.
Kassebom, S. Mahal, R.
Greinacher, OHB Systems,
Bremen, DE
16:50 – 17:10
Room Paris
Cabin Enviromental Control System Simulation and Test
Chair: G. Konieczny, Airbus Deutschland, DE
Stability of the Air Flow in a
Two Aisle Cabin Model
C. Wagner; M. Kühn; J. Bosbach;
German Aerospace Center, DE
16:10 – 16:30
17:30 – 17:50
UAS - Autonomous Flight
Chair: U. Klingauf, TU Darmstadt, DE
A Sequence and Supervisory
Control System for Onboard
Mission Management of an
Unmanned Helicopter
F.M. Adolf, German Aerospace
Center (DLR), Institute of Flight
Systems, DE; F. Thielecke,
Hamburg University of
Technology, Institute of Aircraft
Systems Engineering, DE
GARTEUR FM AG14 Autonomy in UAVs - A
Collaborative Research Forum
J.T. Platts, QinetiQ, GB
Estrelsaal A
Development of an
Autonomous Avoidance
Algorithm for UAVs in General
J. van Tooren, EADS MAS, DE;
M. Heni, ATENA, DE; J. Beck¹;
A. Knoll¹;
The New Pressurised
Fraunhofer Flight Test Facility
Offered to the Scientific Cabin
Environment Network
E. Mayer; G. Grün; R. Hellwig;
A. Holm; Fraunhofer-Institut für
Bauphysik, DE
High Soundproofing Ability of
Porous Materials under Stress
Using 4S Technology
K.E. Thorbeck, TU-Berlin, DE; D.
Rakov, Russian Academy of
Science / IMASH, RU
Chair: TBD
Very High Resolution SAR &
Optical Missions for Future
Earth Observation
B. Penné, C. Tobehn, M.
Kassebom, S. Mahal, R.
Greinacher, OHB Systems,
Bremen, DE
Mock-up of a Loadmaster Area
for Acoustic Ground Tests
S. Böhme¹; D. Sachau¹; T.
Kletschkowski¹; H. Breitbach,
Airbus Germany GmbH, DE;
¹Helmut-Schmidt-University, DE
17:50 – 18:10
Room Paris
UAV/UCAV Navigation
Systems - Present and
Potential Future
R.K. Arning; A. Langmeier; E.
Stenzel; EADS Germany
Innovation Works, DE
Cabin - Acoustics
Chair: K.-D. Kricke, Airbus Deutschland, DE
ECC Room 4
The Rubin Testbed for In-Orbit
Verification of Micro- and
B. Ziegler, B. Penné, OHB
Systems, Bremen, DE; I. Kalnin,
University Bremen, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Fast Image Based Landing
Field Detection
R.M. Leitner; O. Heinzinger;
EADS Germany Innovation
Works, DE
Estrelsaal A
Influence of noise and
vibration on the perception of
the ambience inside the cabin
V. Mellert, University Oldenburg,
Audio Interior for Light
O. Pabst; F.T. Tsafak; T.
Kletschkowski; D. Sachau;
Helmut-SchmidtUniversity/University of the
Federal Armed Forces, DE
ECC Room 4
Thursday, 13th September 2007
14:00- Aeronautical Orientation and Technology Needs
15:10 – 15:30
15:30 – 15:50
15:50 – 16:10
Structural Dynamics & Microvibrations 2
Chair: A. Grillenbeck, IABG, DE
The Integration of Modal
Analysis in Vibration
Qualification Testing
L. Britte¹; B. Peeters¹; J. M.
Komrower, LMS North America,
US; M. O’Grady²; R. Singhal²;
¹LMS International nv., BE;
²Canadian Space Agency, CA
Short Course 11
Chair: TBD
16:50 – 17:10
Estrelsaal C1
Feasibility Study of
Acceleration Limit Substitution
of Force Limit Vibration Test
K. Nagahama, Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency, JP; S. Shi¹;
T. Iwasa¹; M. Saitoh¹;
Non-Linear Dynamics on Space
Structures at Low Frequencies
O. Eygonnet, EADS Astrium
Satellites, FR; R. Redondo,
Mechanical Testing 2
Chair: P. Mourey, CNES, FR
New Large Mass Property
Measurement Facility:
Experience with First Three
Test Specimens
W.H. Teichert; G. Slagter; ETS,
16:10 – 16:30
Qualification Tests of Eurostar
3000 XL Central Tube
P. Luengo; P. Brotons; EADS
CASA Espacio, ES
17:30 – 17:50
Materials and Active Structures 2
Chair: M. Klein, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, NL
Development of Failsafe and
Vibration Damping Flexural
Feet for Sensitive Space
E. Bigot; A. Di Carlo; Oerlikon
Space AG, CH
Development of Electro Active
Polymers Configurations to
Monitor and Control
Deployable Space Structures
S. Baldacci¹; F. Thurecht²; E. K.
Pfeiffer²; P. Sommer Larsen,
RISOE National Lab., DK; F.
Carpi³; D. De Rossi³; L. Lampani*;
P. Gaudenzi*; L. Serafini¹; V. S.
¹Kayser Italia srl, IT; ²HIGH
DE; ³Centro Piaggio - Pisa
University, IT; *DIAA - University
of Rome La Sapienza, IT
Production of Gamma Tial
Based Alloys by Combustion
Synthesis+Compaction Route
for Space Rocket Engine
Complex Parts
J. Coleto¹; I. Agote¹; M. García de
Cortazar¹; M. Lagos¹; L.
Pambaguian, ESA-ESTEC, NL;
A. Sargsyan¹; V.L. Kvanin²; N.T.
Balikhina²; I.P. Borovinskaya²;
S.G. Vadchenko²; A.E. Sytschev²;
²Institute of Structural
Macrokinetics and Materials
Science Russian Academy of
Sciences, RU
Phase Change Materials and
Thermosensitive Painting:
Application on Smart Thermal
Protection Systems
J. Coleto¹; J. Maudes¹; T.
Salmon, EADS-ST, FR; L.
Martinez, LISAP, FR; A. Passaro,
Composite Structures 4
Chair: H. Bansemir, Eurocopter Deutschland, DE
Estrelsaal C3
Mechanical Testing on Large
Aircraft Structures:
Possibilities - Limits Examples
R. Baumgartl, IABG, DE
17:10 – 17:30
Alphabus Central Tube Development and
Manufacturing of the Bread
Board Model
Application of Component
Notching and Force Limiting
Techniques in FORMOSAT-3
J.C. Kuo; M.C. Cheng; C.W.
Chou; L.C. Yen; National Space
Organization, TW
Faserverbundwerkstoffe für
hergestellt in DP-RTM
H. Assing; M. Kleineberg; C.
Sickinger; L. Herbeck; DLR, DE
Radiation Attenuation of CFRP
Wolfram Laminate Structures
T.J. Brander, Helsinki University
of Technology/Laboratory of
Lightweight Struktures, FI; F.
Garcia, Helsinki Institute of
Physics (HIP), FI
Short Course Aircraft Design
Details will be published on
Estrelsaal C1
Time Influence on Viscoelastic
Materials: Experience
Feedback on Applications in
the Space Field
M. Lathuiliere¹; D. Martin de
Argenta¹; D. Givois¹; R.
Redondo, CNES, FR;
Estrelsaal C3
Short Course 12
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 5
17:50 – 18:10
Passive Damping of
Spacecraft Sandwich Panels
M. Romberg, OHB-System AG,
DE; C. Pereira, RUAG
Aerospace, CH; M. Kröger, IDS
Hannover, DE
ECC Room 5
Poster Session 1
Chair: TBD
Poster Session 2
Chair: TBD
ECC Hall C
ECC Hall D
CEAS-2007Identification System of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine's Temperature Condition
A. Sadiqov; M.P. Arif; D.A. Djahangir; S.A. Parviz; National Academy of Aviation, AZ
CEAS-2007Improving runway safety through airborne traffic conflict detection and alerting
D. Zammit-Mangion, Cranfield University, GB; A. Sammut¹; B. Zammit¹; ¹University of Malta, MT
CEAS-2007Experimental Investigation of Frontal Device for Perspective Combustors
V.B. Rutovskiy; I.V. Kravchenko; D.P. Tkachenko; M.N. Boulaeva; Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University),
CEAS-2007Enhancing the Dynamic System Simulation of an Aircraft Cabin Climate for Comfort-Improved Climate Control
using 1D/3D Coupling
H. Knigge, TUHH, DE; A. Joos, DE; G. Schmitz, DE
CEAS-2007Terrain Following Minimum Time Trajectory Design for UAV Swarms Using Mixed Integer Programming
J.W. Vervoorst; T. Kopfstedt; Diehl BGT Defence GmbH & Co. KG, DE
CEAS-2007Efficient Double Root Optimal Path Determination
P.H. Richter, O & S Consultancy, DE
CEAS-2007Cabin Electrical Installation for BWB Aircraft
O. Zysk, QualityPark AviationCenter, DE
CEAS-2007Optimal Path Determination Observing Turn Restrictions
P.H. Richter, O & S Consultancy, DE
CEAS-2007Garteur Action Group 28
B. Falzon, Imperial College London; GB
CEAS-2007An e-Learning System for Polish Aviation Training Center
P. Michalowski; P. Madrzycki; D. Karczmarz; Air Force Institute of Technology, PL
Poster Session 3
Chair: TBD
Poster Session 4
Chair: TBD
Estrelsaal B
CEAS-2007Attitude and Heading Reference System for an Integrated Stand-by Display Incorporating Solid State Sensors
M. Carminati¹; G. Ferrari¹; M. Sampietro¹; R. Grassetti, Logic S.p.A., IT; ¹Politecnico di Milano, Dip. di Elettronica e
Informazione, IT
ECC Room 2
CEAS-2007Trailing Edge Treatment to Enhance High Lift System Performance
F.M. Catalano; G.L. Brand; R.C. Lemes; Aerodynamic Laboratory - University of Sao Paulo, BR
CEAS-2007In-House Integration of Space Payloads: CNES Facilities and Activities in Progress
V. Dubourg; C. Escande; P. Agogue; O. Maes; CNES, FR
CEAS-2007How to Avoid Contrail Cirrus
H. Mannstein; K. Gierens; DLR, DE
CEAS-2007Concept of an Autonomous Telepresence Module for Inter-Satellite Communication
R. Lundin; E. Stoll; U. Walter; Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrttechnik, Technische Universität München, DE
CEAS-2007Aerodynamically Induced Formation of Contrails
H. Mannstein; K. Gierens; B. Kärcher; B. Mayer; DLR, DE
CEAS-2007FDMP - Concept of an Improved Flight Data Analysis Methodology
H. Flühr¹; S. Sporer¹; G. Knoll¹; M. Haider¹; D. Reisinger, Austrian Airlines, AT; ¹FH JOANNEUM Graz, AT
CEAS-2007Advanced GPS/INS Integration for Autonomous Mini and Micro Aerial Vehicle Navigation and Scientific Payload
A. Heindorf¹; T. Martin¹; M. Buschmann, Mavionics GmbH, DE; P. Vörsmann¹; ¹TU Braunschweig, DE
Poster Session 5
Chair: TBD
Poster Session 6
Chair: TBD
ECC Room 3
CEAS-2007Resistance of Composite Tank Structures to the Hydraulic Ram Generated by the Impact and Penetration of a
Ballistic Projectile
J. Dupas; J. Fabis; J.M. Mortier; A. Deudon; ONERA, FR
ECC Room 1
CEAS-2007Study of Flowfield around Truncated Square Obstacle in Hypersonic Flow
A. Ahmed; A. B. Ajmal Baig; S.B.H.S. Syed Bilal Hussain Shah; S.Z. Salimuddin Zahir; NESCOM, PK
CEAS-2007Design of Stable Fuzzy Controller for a Flight Based on Popov-Lyapunov’s Method
Z.Q. Li; Y. Zhang; J. Deng; College of Aeronautics Northwestern Polytechnical University, CN
CEAS-2007Stochastic Approach For The Sizing Of Space Launchers Components
E. Gery, CNES, FR
CEAS-2007Effects of Angle of Attack on a Swept-Back Wing
S.C. Yen, National Taiwan Ocean University, TW
CEAS-2007Optimization of Bolted Joints Connecting Honeycomb Panels
G. Bianchi¹; G. S. Aglietti¹; G. Richardson, Surrey Satellites Technologies Ltd. (SSTL), GB; ¹University of Southampton,
CEAS-2007Process-automation and Support of the Model-based Function Design for the IMA-Technology
M. Lehmann, University Stuttgart, DE; E. Kleemann, Airbus-Germany, DE; A. Maier¹; K. Klaubert¹; M. Vernov¹; ¹ILS,
University Stuttgart, DE
CEAS-2007Biomechanics of the Cervical Spine and Helmet Mounted Display
A. Guillaume, J. Lecompte, E. Chavary-Bernie, A. Laville, R. Portero, W. Skalli, S. Laporte, IMASSA, FR
CEAS-2007Using of Artificial Neuron Network to Approximation Program Function, Operating of Launch Vehicle Flight
O. Lukyanovych; O. Kirichenko; O. Ivanov; RPI Hartron-Arkos ltd, UAger, Austrian Airlines, AT; ¹FH JOANNEUM Graz,
Poster Session 7
Chair: TBD
Poster Session 8
Chair: C. Sickinger, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Room Paris
Estrelsaal A
CEAS-2007Maintenance Credits, from the Monitoring of Helicopter Mechanical Parts to a Dynamic Maintenance Planning
M.G Mathieu¹; J.-P. Derain¹; P.-l. Maisonneuve¹; S. Ghelam¹; P. Lyonnet, LTDS - ENISE, FR; ¹Eurocopter, FR
CEAS-2007Comparison of Tensile Properties of Two NiCoCrA / YSZ Microlaminates Produced by EB-PVD
J. Liang; G. GuoDong Shi; Center for Composite Materials, Harbin Institute of Technology, CN
CEAS-2007Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Helicopter Blades Vibration Transition
A. Gorjipoor, Sharif University of Technology, IR
CEAS-2007Cesic - A Mature SiC Composite Technology For Space Applications
M.R. Kroedel, ECM, DE
CEAS-2007Application of Composite in next Generation of Airbus Long Range Aircraft especially in Fuselage Structures
M. Kurzawa, Airbus Deutschland GmbH, DE
CEAS-2007Fatigue Damage Simulation in Hybrid Titanium-PEEK /AS4 Composite Laminates
P. Naghipour; J. Hausmann; M. Bartsch; H. Voggenreiter; DLR, DE
CEAS-2007Application of fibre metal laminates to aircraft structures
F. Hashagen, Airbus Deutschland GmbH, DE
CEAS-2007A New Concept for Testing Fatigue and Damage Tolerance at Aerospace Structure
B. Zapf, RUAG Aerospace Structures GmbH, DE
CEAS-2007SAND-MESH Plus - A Parameter Controlled Finite Element Pre-processor for Composite Sandwich Structures
M. Streubig; K. Wolf; TU Dresden, Institute of Aerospace Engineering, DE
CEAS-2007Shock and Elastic Waves in Space Structures: Simulation, Attenuation and Usage for Monitoring
C. Zauner¹; H. Baier¹; M. Reindl, KRP Mechatec, DE; ¹TU Muenchen, DE
Poster Session 9
Chair: J. Block, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Poster Session 10
Chair: M. Gädke, DLR Braunschweig, DE
Estrelsaal C1
CEAS-2007System-Level Mass Savings from a Multifunctional Powerstructure
S.C. Roberts; G.S. Aglietti; University of Southampton, GB
Estrelsaal C3
CEAS-2007Prediction of the Pointing Stability from Ground Test and Its Initial In-orbit Evaluation of the Solar Observation
Satellite SOLAR-B
O. Takahara¹; K. Ichimoto, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, JP; T. Shimizu, Institute of Space and
Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JP; Y. Sakamoto, University of Tokyo, JP; S. Nagata,
Kyoto University, JP; N. Yoshida¹; S. Shimada¹; ¹Mitsubishi Electric Corp., JP
CEAS-2007The Effects of Microstructure on Cavity Nucleation and Propagation for UHTCs Used in HCV
J. Liang, Harbin Institute of Technology, CN; C. Wang, Center for Composite Materials,Harbin Institute of Technology, CN
CEAS-2007Robustness of Numerical Predictions of Clamp Band (C/B) Release Shocks
J. Kasper, EADS Astrium GmbH, DE
CEAS-2007Development of a Class of Shell Finite Elements for Nonlinear Applications
R.G. Winkler, Unit of Engineering Mathematics, University of Innsbruck, AT
CEAS-2007USV1 In-Flight Loads Evaluation by Means of Strain Gauge Instrumentation
L. Di Palma; M. Belardo; M. Pecora; CIRA Scpa, IT
CEAS-2007Mechanical Behaviours and Fracture Mechanisms of Rigidifiable Composites for Inflatable Structures
V. Calard, Austrian Research Centers GmbH, AT; B. Defoort, Astrium Space Transportation, FR; S. Langlois,
CEAS-2007Conception and Validation of a Two High Level Axes Set-up for Pyroshock Qualification of Space Electronic
C. De Fruytier¹; F. Dell Orco¹; D. Wattiaux, Faculté Polytechnique de Mons, BE; ¹Thales Alenia SPace ETCA, BE
DGLR Short Course Aircraft Design, 11.-14. September 2007, Berlin, Germany
The DGLR Short Course is arranged for graduated engineers, equivalent professionals and/or managers. It is likewise suitable for specialists in search of a broader perspective as for newcomers to the
The Short Course gives an insight into the procedures and the multidisciplinary interactions of aircraft
conceptual design. The process of iterative synthesis and analysis in aircraft design is illustrated. A
software tool for preliminary sizing is demonstrated. Methods and data to enable case studies of subsonic aircraft design are provided.
The Short Course Aircraft Design will cover following topics:
Development Process
Certification Standards
Aircraft Configurations
Engine Integration
Preliminary Sizing
Fuselage Design
Wing Design (including High Lift)
Empennage Design
Prediction of Mass and CG-Location
Landing Gear Design and Integration
Drag Prediction
Design Evaluation / DOC
Military Aircraft Development
On completion of the Short Course, delegates will
• know aircraft design parameters and methods
• know the fundamental relationship of aircraft design parameters
• be able to size and design an aircraft to the detail as covered during the Short Course
• have a capability to structure aircraft design activities systematically and efficiently.
Estrel Hotel, Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME, Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering and Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and Leader of the
DGLR Specialist Committee Manned Aircraft.
COURSE INSTRUCTORS (to be completed)
Prof. Dipl-Ing. Erhard Rumpler (FH Munich), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schmitt (TU Munich), Prof. Dr.-Ing
Dieter Scholz (HAW Hamburg), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Thorbeck (TU Berlin), Dipl.-Ing. Hannes G. Ross
(TU Munich)
Professor Erhard Rumpler
Professor at FH Munich for construction design
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schmitt
Nominated Professor (Ordinarius) at the Institute of Aerospace at the Technical University in Munich/Germany, (Chair for Aeronautical Engineering). Airbus Vice President „Research & Future Projects (retired)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Scholz, MSME
Professor at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Teaching and leading research in the area of
Aircraft Design, Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Thorbeck
Professor TU Berlin, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; former Senior Manager Fleet Development Deutsche Lufthansa
Dipl.-Ing. Hannes G. Ross
TU Munich, Lecturer Advanced Design & Technology, Bundesakademie für Wehrtechnik und Verwaltung, Mannheim, Lecturer Military Aircraft development
The costs for the DGLR Short Course will be 650 €, incl. 19% VAT.
The fee includes coffee/tea and biscuits during the breaks, participation at the Parliamentary Evening
on the Tuesday, 11th, September and the Conference Dinner of the 1st European Air and Space Conference on Wednesday, 12th, September. Registration Forms are available at
After successful participation of the DGLR Short Course each delegate will receive a DGLR certificate
signed by the president of the DGLR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Szodruch and Course Leader Prof. Dr.-Ing
Dieter Scholz, MSME.
General Information
The 1st CEAS European Air & Space Conference
is hosted by the DGLR (German Society for
Aeronautics and Astronautics) in conjunction with
its annual national conference: Deutscher Luft–
und Raumfahrtkongress 2007. In addition and
only for this special occasion the biannual
Conference on Spacecraft Structures, Materials
and Mechanical Testing will be embedded in
CEAS 2007 (
The 1st CEAS Conference will be held at the
Estrel Convention Center (ECC) Berlin, Germany
from Monday, 10 September to Thursday, 13
September 2007.
Registration fee includes:
Full Delegates – Attendance at the Congress
sessions, coffee/tea during the breaks, Opening
Ceremony on Monday Afternoon, Welcome
Reception on Monday Evening by the Senate of
Berlin, Parliamentary Evening on Tuesday, Final
Programme, Proceedings on DVD, Congress bag
and name badge.
Students – Same as Full Delegates.
Accompanying Persons – Attendance at
Opening Ceremony on Monday Afternoon,
Welcome Reception on Monday Evening,
Parliamentary Evening on Tuesday Evening,
Conference Dinner on Wednesday evening and
the possibility to book organized Social
Conference language is English – presentations
are preferred in English but also permitted in There are two ways of registration:
1) Participants are required to complete the
programme*. AG is responsible for all aspects
concerning registration and payment. The
complete registration form must be faxed or mailed
directly to
Member - early registration
450 €
Member - normal and on-site
registration 3
Non-Member - early registration
Non-Member - normal and on-site
Student 4 Member - early registration
Student Member normal and on-site
Student Non-Member - early Registration
Student Non-Member - normal and
on-site registration
Retired Member 5 early registration
Retired Member normal and on-site
Accompanying Person 6
For all prices VAT is included
550 €
580 €
680 €
90 €
190 €
190 €
* An electronic version of the registration form is
available on the website (
When using this form, it is appreciated if the
registration form is downloaded and filled in by use
of a PC.
on If you choose this option,
online payment by credit card is required.
For further information, please contact:
290 €
190 €
DGLR – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luftund Raumfahrt Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.
Mr. Peter Brandt
Godesberger Allee 70
D - 53175 Bonn
Telephone: +49 (0) 228-30805-0
+49 (0) 228-30805-24
E-Mail: [email protected]
290 €
80 €
Members of any CEAS Member Society.
Early registration means including 31 July.
For further information concerning registration
Normal registration means after 31 July.
and payment, please contact:
Until completion of the 28th year. Reduction is
not obtained for presenters. The student AG
verification section of the registration MUST be
Mr. Carsten Holze
completed and signed. Student registrations
Fahrenheitstr. 1
without this section completed will be returned to
28359 Bremen
the applicant.
+49 (0) 421-2208-266
Retired person and after completion of the 65th
+ 49 (0) 421-2208-267
E-mail: [email protected]
Any accompanying person must be registered.
form, will send you a confirmation.
Your receipt is handed out at the congress
registration desk (if an invoice is desired in
advance, please contact AG).
Please choose and indicate one of the two
methods of payment noted in this section. All
payments must be in EURO. If you choose to pay
by credit card, the full amount will be charged to
your credit card prior to the congress date.
Cheques are not accepted.
Bank Transfer:
Sparkasse Bremen
Account name: AG
Account No: 1046853
(IBAN DE49 290501010001046853)
Bank Code: 29050101
booked, an alternative reservation has to be made
at another hotel. You have to refer your hotel
reservation directly to the desired hotel naming
the KEYWORD “CEAS 2007”.
Any hotel expenses are to be paid directly at the
hotel by the guests themselves.
To provide inexpensive accommodations for the
Congress delegates and students of CEAS 2007
we advise to search for Youth Hostels in Berlin.
For reservation please contact directly the desired
Youth hostel.
After you have received the confirmation notice
from AG, cancellation is subject
to the following charges. Bank charges will be
deducted from any refund. Notification of
cancellation must be made to
Credit Card:
American Express, Visa and Master Card are
accepted. For those paying by credit card, the Registration fee
total cost for registration and tours will be charged Cancellations must be reported in writing to
to your credit card. AG. It must be received by
1 August 2007 in which case registration fees will
be refunded except for a cancellation fee of EUR
40. In case the cancellation is received after 1
The registration desk, situated in the rotunda, the August 2007, no refund would be given.
pass way from the ECC to the Estrel Hotel, will be This includes also the costs of the conference
open during the following hours:
Monday, 10. September
Tuesday, 11. September Wednesday, 12. September
Thursday, 13. September
12:00 - 18:00 hrs
07:30 - 18:00 hrs
08:00 - 17:00 hrs
ConTour GmbH has arranged the accompanying
person´s programme listed on the following
pages. Participants who wish to book these tours
should complete the accompanying person´s
programme section in the registration form. Tour
reservations will be confirmed when tour charges
are paid in full. Credit card payments for
accompanying person’s tour charges will be
deducted in full by AG.
DGLR has reserved blocks of rooms at the hotels
listed on the following pages from Monday, 10.
September to Thursday, 13. September where
rates have been especially negotiated for CEAS
2007 delegates.
Accompanying Persons Programme
Cancellations must be received by 1 August 2007
in which case the tour fees will be refunded. In
case the cancellation is received after 1 August
2007, no refund would be given.
The CEAS 2007 Congress proceedings are
available on CD-ROM, which are included in the
registration fee where indicated. Additional CDROM can be ordered with the registration form at
a cost of 90 EUR.
For viewing the CD-ROM computers will be
available in room 8 (Straßburg) on the ground floor
at the ECC venue. If you require hard copies of
single papers, they are available for purchase onsite (papers in the CD-ROM only). Orders are
made at the registration desk at a cost of 2 EUR
per paper (black & white copy only). Ordered hard
copies will be available at the registration desk by
the following morning.
Bookings will be taken on a first-come, firstserved basis. If the hotel of your request is fully
approximately 80 meters to the left until you reach
the Hotel.
The DGLR has arranged an internet cafe with five
PC-stations. The internet cafe is located on the
ground floor of the ECC venue in room 8
(Straßburg). Internet access is free of charge for
registered persons.
Airport Tempelhof: approximately 22 min, EUR
2,10 (fare zone AB, ticket has to be stamped
before entering or rather in the bus), undergroundstation “Platz der Luftbrücke” take line U6
(destination Alt Mariendorf) until “Tempelhof”.
Change to tramway line 42 (circle line) until
“Sonnenallee”. At Sonnenallee go approximately
Participants are advised to take out their own 80 meters to the left until you reach the Hotel.
travel insurance and to extend any private
policies for personal possessions they may be Airport Schönefeld: approximately 30 min, EUR
bringing with them. The Congress does not cover 2,10 (fare zone AB, ticket has to be stamped
participants against travel, cancellations or before entering or rather in the bus). Bus 171 until
tramway station “Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld”.
bookings or loss/theft of belongings.
Tramway line 9 until “Treptower Park”, transfer to
line 41 (circle line) until “Sonnenallee”. At
Sonnenallee go approximately 80 meters to the
left until you reach the Hotel.
Berlin, the capital of Germany, is dynamic,
cosmopolitan and creative, allowing for every kind
of lifestyle. East meets West in the metropolis in
the heart of a changing Europe. Germany’s
largest city is a city of opportunities waiting to be
sized in all areas, like entertainment, recreation,
economy, science and academic life, as well as in
politics. The Estrel Berlin is said to be Europe’s
largest convention, entertainment and hotel
complex. With 1,125 rooms and suites, five
restaurants, two bars, a beer garden, the Estrel
has plenty to offer to every guest. Beside the
Estrel Hotel accommodation will be available in
various prize categories.
Airport Tegel:
Motorway 100/102, exit Grenzallee (approx. 30
Airport Tempelhof:
Motorway 102, exit Grenzallee (approx. 10 min.)
Airport Schönefeld:
Exit B96a to crossroad Baumschulenstraße, then
Sonnenallee (approx. 20 min.)
Main station Berlin
Bus No. M41 (until Ziegrastrasse)
Airport Tegel: The costs for a taxi taking you to Eastern Station
the ECC venue are about 30 EUR and it takes Tramway S5, S75 or S9 to Ostkreuz, transfer to
S41 until “Sonnenallee”, at Sonnenallee go
approximatly 30 minutes.
approximately 80 meters to the left until you reach
Airport Tempelhof: It takes approximately 10 the Hotel.
minutes and the costs are about 12 EUR.
Airport Schönefeld: From this airport it takes PASSPORT AND VISA
approximately 20 minutes and the costs are about
22 EUR.
In Germany, everyone must have a valid identity
card or passport. It is the responsibility of each
delegate to obtain all the necessary documents,
including visa if necessary. Participants requiring
visas should apply to a German consular office or
diplomatic mission in their respective country well
Airport Tegel: approximately 50 min, EUR 2, 10, in advance to departure. Participants are advised
(fare zone AB, ticket has to be stamped before to contact their local travel agencies or airline
entering or rather in the bus). Bus X9 or 109 until companies for assistance. Details and an
“Jungfernheide”, change to city train line 42 (circle application form for Schengen Visa in several
line) until “Sonnenallee”. At Sonnenallee go
languages can be found on:
Ö “Willkommen in Deutschland”
Ö „Überblick“
Ö „Einreisebstimmungen“
220-230 volts AC, 50-60 Hz
Business Hours
If you need any assistance for visa acquisition
(like a special invitation letter) after you have
contacted your local travel agencies or airline
companies, please feel free to contact the DGLR
Office. Timely visa acquisition should be not later
than 30 June 2007.
Mo + Thu 9:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 18:00
Tue + Wed 9:00 – 13:00 / 14:00 – 16:00
9:00 – 13:00
Closed on weekends and holidays
Post Office
DGLR – Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Luft- und Raumfahrt
Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.
Godesberger Allee 70
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: (+49) 228-3 08 05 10
Fax: (+49) 228-3 08 05 24
e-mail: [email protected]
Mo – Fri
8:00 – 18:00
8:00 – 12:00
10:00 – 20:00 (typical time)
11:00 – 23:00 (typical time)
CET with daylight saving time at this period.
The currency used in Germany is European
EURO (EUR, €). Notes are available in units of
EUR 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and coins in units of
Cent 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and EUR 1 and 2.
Traveler´s checks and currencies from most
countries can be exchanged for European EUR at
major banks and hotels. Only European EUR is
accepted at regular stores and restaurants.
Mobil phones
For the use of mobile phones in Berlin, Germany,
they must be designed for the GSM frequencybands 900 MHz or 1800 MHz. Additionally the use
of UMTS mobile phones in the area of the venue
is possible but there is no coverage guaranteed all
over Germany.
Credit Cards
International credit cards such as Master Card,
Visa, American Express and Diners Club are
widely accepted at hotels, department stores,
large shops and restaurants.
Tax and Tipping
In Germany there is the custom of paying 10
percent of the amount of the bill as tipping in
restaurants. A 19% sales tax applies to almost all
consumer goods sold in Germany.
Berlin is located in between the changeover of
oceanic and continental dominated climate. In the
month of September the average daytime
temperature in Berlin a comfortable 65°F (18° C).
The average number of rainy days is 14 and days
of sun 5,2. Participants are therefore
recommended to bring normal summer clothing
with adequate clothings for cooler and rainy days
and evenings.
Social Programme
Monday 10 September
Congress Reception by the Senate
19:00 - 21:30 hrs
(login in registration form is necessary to receive ticket, included in Delegate, Student and
Accompanying Person´s fee)
Delegates, Students and Accompanying Persons are invited to attend the Congress Reception in the
Town Hall. A bus shuttle from the Estrel to the Town hall is organised (start of transfer 18:30).
Complimentary light snacks and drinks will be served.
Tuesday 11 September
Parliamentary Evening
(login in registration form is necessary to receive ticket, included in Delegate, Student and
Accompanying Person´s fee)
Delegates, Students and Accompanying Persons are invited to attend the Parliamentary Evening in
the Estrel Convention Hall A.
Wednesday 12 September
Conference Dinner
19:30 - 24:00 hrs
55 € per person
(included in Accompanying Person´s fee)
The Congress Banquet will be held in the pleasing Hall A of the Estrel Convention Center. The Dinner
will serve a buffet-type dinner including beverage (except for hard liquors) until 24:00. Guests must
present purchased tickets for entry.
Accompanying Persons Programme
(subject to minimum numbers of participants, english speaking guides)
10:00 – 13:00 hrs
Big Berlin Tour
20 € per person
Highlights of the capital with the Government area
In the morning a bus will be waiting for you in front of the Estrel hotel. Sitting in a comfortable seat, you
will start to discover the capital. This bus tour with English and German speaking guides will give you
an overview of the well known sights of Berlin: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Memorial Church, Europe Centre,
Bauhaus Museum, New National Gallery, Philharmonic Hall, Potsdamer Platz/Sony Centre, Jewish
Museum, Checkpoint Charlie – Wall Museum, Gendarmenmarkt, Alexanderplatz, St.-Nicolai Quarter,
City Hall of Berlin, TV-Tower, Berliner Dom, Zeughaus, State Opera, Boulevard Unter den Linden,
Brandenburger Tor, Holocaust memorial, Berlin central station, Reichstag, Government Area
Chancellery, Tiergarten, Bellevue Palace, Siegessäule, Charlottenburg Palace, Olympic Stadium,
Grunewald Forest, Radio Tower, ICC, Kurfürstendamm and more.
After this bus tour you will have the opportunity to have lunch in a nice little restaurant at the
Gendarmenmarkt (not included in the tour fee).
14:30 – 17:30 hrs
Historical Berlin Walk including a trip to the Pergamon Museum
20 € per person
Our afternoon´s programme offers a walking tour through the history of Berlin. Meeting Point is the
Gendarmenmarkt, starting from the there, you will discover the capital where it is most beautiful:
between Gendarmenmarkt, St.-Nikolai Quarter and Schloßplatz, Boulevard Unter den Linden and
Friedrichstraße. An English and German speaking guide will report about the foundation of Berlin in
the 13th century and its development to one of Europe’s most exciting capitals. Here, in Berlin Mitte,
many great kings of the past have left their marks on the metropolis.
The tour will end on the Museumsinsel (museum island). There you will have the opportunity to visit
the world-famous Pergamon Museum (included in the tour fee).
10:00 – 16:00 hrs
Guided tour to Potsdam / Sanssouci - including Palace of Sanssouci
40 € per person
The former Royal City of Potsdam, an UNESCO world heritage site with its unique collection of
palaces and parks, is located just an hour away from the centre of Berlin. The rococo Palace of
Sanssouci became the favourite refuge of Prussia’s greatest King, Friedrich II. Here, the Philosopher
of Sanssouci entertained some of the most educated men of his time, among them the French poet
Voltaire who was a frequent guest over many years.
Our excursion - starting from Estrel Hotel - takes you on an extensive tour of Sanssouci Palace with a
stroll through the magnificent gardens, and a city tour of Potsdam during which you discover the heart
of the baroque city with its Dutch Quarter and Russian Colony Alexandrovka. A lunch break in
Potsdam is included. The bus tour ends again at the Estrel Hotel.
9:30 – 13:00 hrs
Berlin from the water site - River Cruise on Landwehrkanal and Spree
20 € per person
We invite you to a special event – a beautiful boat trip through the water ways of the capital.
Experience the variety of architectural styles on our city cruise and discover that Berlin has more
bridges than Venice. You will see Oberbaum Brücke, Oberschleuse, Science Museum, Charlottenburg
Palace, Spreebogen, Bellevue Palace, Government Quarter, Reichstag (Seat of the German
Government), Charité, Museum Island, Berliner Dom, St.- Nikolai Quarter, Palast der Republik and
more. On board, you will have the opportunity for having lunch (not included in the tour fee).
The boat trip will finally take you to the well-known Friedrichstraße. Here, you can go on your own
individual shopping tour or join us in the afternoon`s programme: a guided tour to the famous
Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) at the Boulevard Kurfürstendamm.
14:00 – 16:00 hrs
The famous KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens) – a guided tour through
the Palace of Shopping
5 € per person
The Kaufhaus des Westens (Department store of the West, commonly abbreviated KaDeWe) is a
department store in Berlin and the second largest in all of continental Europe.
Its sheer size, large selection and fame for excellent quality as well as its central location in the heart
of Berlin at the famous Boulevard Kurfürstendamm makes it a must for every tourist visiting Berlin.
On this tour, we would meet at 14:00 h at the Information Point on the groundfloor in the entrance hall
of the KaDeWe, directly behind the main entrance. The 5,00 € fee has to be paid on-site and will be
given back to you in the form of a coupon (“Wunschkarte”).
Technical Tours Friday 14 September
Following Technical Tours at a cost of 10 Euro per person are possible to attend for Full Delegates
and Students (subject to availability) – due to the limited capacity, reservations will be taken on a firstcome, first served basis. A refund of the cost sharing is not possible. Only registered persons can
participate these tours.
These technical tours have been arranged by the DGLR. The tours include coach transfers.
Please indicate your preference in the registration form.
10:00 – 16:00 hrs
Participants will visit Kummersdorf with its historical missiles - after that you will have the opportunity
to see the construction site of the airport Schönefeld.
10:00 – 15:00 hrs
Participants will visit Berlin-Gatow and the Air Force Museum, the way back leads through the Airport
Berlin Tegel.
10:00 –13:00 hrs
Participants will visit the construction site of the airport Schönefeld.
10:00 – 14:00 hrs
Participants will visit Berlin-Adlershof (DLR) with its planet research and satellites, after that they will
see the historical examination ground (GBSL).
10:00 – 13:00 hrs
Participants will visit the Technical University of Berlin and have the opportunity to see the flight
simulator A330.
10:00 – 16:00 hrs
Participants will visit Stölln, the place of death during a flight experiment of Lilienthal Fliegeberg and
they will also see the inauguration of the Lilienthal memorial.
10:00 – 16:00 hrs
Participants will visit the museum of transportation and technics with its exhibition of aeronautics and
Choice of pre-reserved Hotels
Hotel reservation by use of the KEYWORD “CEAS 2007”, prices are inclusive breakfast (except for
Estrel and Ellington, see table below)
Estrel Hotel Berlin****
Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 - 6831 - 0
+49 30 - 6831 - 2345
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 9th August
Ellington Hotel Berlin (designer hotel)
Nürnberger Str. 50-55, 10789 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 - 6831 - 52 303
+49 30 - 6831 - 55 555
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 9th August
7 km
public transport
available / bus
shuttle against
cost sharing is
Single / €
Double / €
(excl. breakfast, (excl. breakfast,
15,50 € pP)
15,50 € pP)
if avail. Deluxe
if avail.Deluxe
(excl. Breakf. (excl. Breakfast,
15,50 € pP)
15,50 € pP
16- 20 m2
16- 20 m2
20-25 m2
20-25 m2
25-30 m2
25-30 m2
2,8 km,
Park Hotel Blubb****
Buschkrugallee 60 – 62, 12359 Berlin
public transport
Phone: +49 30 - 600 03 716
+49 30 - 600 03 777
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 16th July 2007
3,5 km
Best Western Euro-Hotel Berlin***+
Sonnenallee 6, 12047 Berlin
public transport
Phone: +49 30 - 61 382-0
+49 30 - 61 382 - 222
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 16th July 2007
5 km
Best Western Hotel Ravel ****
Rudower Str. 80 - 82, 12351 Berlin
public transport
Phone: +49 30 - 666 80 - 0
+49 30 - 666 80 - 800
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 30th July 2007
one night
from two nights
8 km
Tulip Inn Berlin-Friedrichshain***+
Gürtelstraße 41, 10247 Berlin
public transport
Phone: +49 30 - 29 383 - 0
+49 30 - 29 383 - 222
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 30th July 2007
7 km
A&O Hostel**
Köpenicker Str. 127 – 129, 10179 Berlin
public transport
Phone: +49 30 – 80 947 – 14
+ 49 30 – 80 947 – 20
E-Mail: [email protected]
Special conditions available until 16th July 2007
is supported by
[email protected]