Utilization of Unmined Coal – Centennial of the Invention
Utilization of Unmined Coal – Centennial of the Invention
University of Wyoming (1) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Utilization of Unmined Coal – Centennial of the Invention International Advanced coal Technologies Conference 2010 by A.Y.Klimenko Div. of Mechanical Eng. The University of Queensland Dept. of Mechanical Eng., University of Wyoming; University of Wyoming (2) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 OUTLINE UCG becomes widely known Early mentions of UCG Invention of unmined coal utilization and UCG A.G.Betts and his inventions Ramsay’s experiment First Soviet UCG experiments Conclusion (3) University of Wyoming Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 UCG becomes widely known Sir William Ramsay (1852 –1916) Ramsay spoke at •Dinner of International Smoke Abatement Exhibition, March 1912 •Dinner of the Institution of Mining Engineers, June 1912 (4) University of Wyoming Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Early mentions of UCG Sir William Siemens (1823 –1883) Placing gas producers into mines J. Chemical Society, 1868 Prof. Dmitri Mendeleev (1834 –1907) Collected Works, 1888-1999 “… a time will come when coal will not be taken out of the earth but converted into flammable gases underground and distributed by pipes over long distances " Siemens Gas Producer University of Wyoming (5) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Invention of utilisation of unmined coal by Anson G. Betts Three patents were granted to A.G.Betts 100 year ago in 1910 The US (first) patent claims 1)invention of utilisation of unmined coal and 2) its specific implementation through underground gasification The UK (last) patent claims only improvements of utilisation of unmined coal and explicitly excludes CBM production as a previously suggested technology •Method of utilizing buried coal, U.S. Patent 947,608, filed 1906, issued 1910. •Process of gasifying unmined coal, Canadian Patent 123,068, filed 1909, issued 1910. •An improved process for utilizing unmined coal, UK Patent 21674, filed 1909, issued 1910. University of Wyoming (6) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Invention of utilisation of unmined coal by Anson G. Betts Gasification in a channel Blind borehole method University of Wyoming (7) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Who is Anson G. Betts ? Born 1876 in upstate NY into Betts Family of first Connecticut settlers from UK: •Great Grandfather: Capitan in the War for Independence •Grandfather Henry Betts: inventor (printing, steel making) •Father and younger brother: businessmen Education Ph.B (Chem) Yale (1897), AM Columbia U. (1898) 1900s and 1910s Staying with his family, author of one book (1908) more than 20 inventions 1910s and 1920s establishing his consulting business (A.Betts &Co) and travelling over US (California, North Carolina, …) 1930s – settling in Massachusetts A.G.Betts died in 1976 University of Wyoming (8) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Ramsay’s planned experiment With support of Sir Hugh Bell, Ramsay prepared 1st UCG trial at Tursdale mine near Durham UK; coal seam 0.6m thick and 40 m deep 2m 0.6m 40m Widely reported “Ramsay Scheme” As recalled by Sir Maurice Bell: 6 feet shaft connected to a drift University of Wyoming (9) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 First Soviet UCG experiments Krutova (Moscow coal basin), March 1933 Shahty (Donetsk coal basin), Nov 1933 University of Wyoming (10) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 First Soviet UCG experiments Lisichansk (Donetsk basin) experiment lead by Kirichenko: •began Feb, 1934 •June, 1934 producing gas 1300kcal/m3 from a borehole for 15 days Two DICC experiments in Lisichansk (Donetsk Institute of Coal Chemistry, Skafa, …) •April 1934 •September 1934 60m Outlay of Lisichansk experimental facility University of Wyoming (11) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 DICC experiments in Lisichansk (Skafa, Matveev, etc) Gasification in a channel experiment April 14/1934, O2, 2700 kcal/m3 Figures as mentioned by Kirichenko 1936 Blind hole / fire drilling experiment Sept 5-8/1934, O2→air, 600 kcal/m3 Date time University of Wyoming (12) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 First Soviet UCG Pilot DICC Pilot operation in Gorlovka (Donetsk coal basin) commenced February, 1935 Method according to USSR Patent 947608, (Skafa et al) filed 1934, issued 1938. The method improves gasification in a channel by considering the effect of subsidence. University of Wyoming (13) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Conclusion UCG as a method of utilizing of unmined coal was invented by A.G. Betts 100 years ago The patents by Betts represent first know mention of the principle of utilisation of unmined coal in a patented document although these ideas were contributed by Siemens, Mendeleev and also by someone (most likely from UK) who introduced the concept of CBM recovery and utilisation. Ramsay can be credited only with planning first UCG experiment in UK that followed Betts ideas Betts ideas are visible in first successful Soviet UCG experiments University of Wyoming (14) Advanced Coal Technologies 2010 Utilisation of unmined coal and its impact today Utilisation of unmined coal Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) Recovery of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) CO2 sequestration into coal seams Associated technologies: Other areas: • Directional drilling (oil industry) • Oil shale • Combustion linking and combustion drilling • Shale gas • Coal hydro-fracturing • Geo-sequestration • Coal electro-linking • Geothermal • Underground measurements, imaging and control ●●●