Who was John F. Kennedy?
Who was John F. Kennedy?
DOWNLOAD Jessica Gherri Who was John F. Kennedy? Übungen zu Wortschatz, Textverständnis und Grammatik . 0 1 8.– e s s a l K Das Werk als Ganzes sowie in seinen Teilen unterliegt dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Der Erwerber des Werkes ist berechtigt, das Werk als Ganzes oder in seinen Teilen für den eigenen Gebrauch und den Einsatz im eigenen Unterricht zu nutzen. Die Nutzung ist nur für den genannten Zweck gestattet, nicht jedoch für einen schulweiten Einsatz und Gebrauch, für die Weiterleitung an Dritte (einschließlich aber nicht beschränkt auf Kollegen), für die Veröffentlichung im Internet oder in (Schul-)Intranets oder einen weiteren kommerziellen Gebrauch. Eine über den genannten Zweck hinausgehende Nutzung bedarf in jedem Fall der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung des Verlages. Verstöße gegen diese Lizenzbedingungen werden strafrechtlich verfo verfolgt. John Fitzgerald Kennedy – Origins and Life Write the verbs in brackets in the simple past form. The Kennedys originally __________ (come) from Ireland. It __________ (be) John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s great-grandfather Patrick Kennedy who __________ (flee) from Ireland during the Great Famine of 1845 to 1849. Patrick __________ (meet) his wife Bridget on the ship to America. They had four children. Their grandson was Joseph Patrick Kennedy – John F. Kennedy’s father, who ______________ (become) a big politician. sac Since 1927 the Kennedy family has been living in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. Their ates of America. house is next to the Atlantic Ocean in the northeast of the United States ers. He was born on 29th John F. Kennedy __________ (have) three brothers and five sisters. May 1917. John Fitzgerald Kennedy __________ (study) at Harvar Harvard University. In his military service mande on a ship du ring W –1945). he _____________ (serve) as a commander during World War II (1939–1945). mocra ic politicia ather. During g his In 1947 John F. Kennedy became a De Democratic politician – like his father. nnedy _______ ___ (w te and was e cted political career John F. Kennedy __________ (work) for the U. S. Senate elected anuary 19 1. At the ag s the second cond y ungest Presi President on 20th January 1961. age of 43 he was youngest President of ates. Only Theod ger when he became P the United States. Theodore R Roosevelt was younger President. 3 John F. Kennedy __ ueline L. Bouvi In 1953 __________ (marry) Jacqueline Bouvier. They had four child en, one of w ella) and o ne (Patric children, which was stillborn (Arabella) one (Patrick Bouvier) __________ (die) fter ttwo wo days after days. John F. Kennedy – also known as Jack Ken nedy or simply as JFK – met a tragic death Kennedy n2 vember 19 when he was killed on 22nd November 1963. a) True e or false? Pleas Please tick. true false 1. It was JFK’s grandfather who came from Ireland. 2. Th e family fam has a house in Massachusetts. The 3. J JFK had eight brothers and sisters. 4. JFK was born on 29th March 1917. 5. He studied at Cambridge. 6. The F in his name stands for “Fitzpatrick”. 7. JFK was the second youngest President of the United States ever. 8. He was elected President in 1960. 9. His wife was Jacqueline L. Bouvier. 10. JFK was only 46 when he died. b) Correct the wrong sentences. Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag 1 The myth of the doughnut-speech On 26th June 1963, during his election period, John F. Kennedy visited West-Berlin. The Berlin wall was built in 1961 and Communism dominated the East of Europe including the East of Germany. John F. Kennedy criticized Communism and one million citizens assembled at the “Rote Rathaus” in Berlin to listen to the President’s speech. His words “Ich bin ein Berliner” (“I am a citizen of Berlin”) went around the world and English speaking people understood his words meaning “I am a doughnut”. Why? This is simply because the grammar in the German sentence was said to be wrong. He should have said “Ich bin Berliner”. as k It was only much later that the “Pfannkuchen” (doughnut) as which it was known at that time was called “Berliner” and the myth of the doughnut was born. However – these words will never die. Answer the questions: 1. When did John F. Kennedy visit Berlin? d his spe 2. What was the name of the place where he he held speech? n wall buil 3. When was the Berlin built? 4. How many citizen merican President? citizens asse assembled to see the American 5. What made the sentence “Ich bin ein Berli er” so famous? Berliner” Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag 2 The murder of the President Please fill in the gaps with these words: cancer – Cemetary – coffin – days – gun – killed – limousine – plane crash – President – Texas – wife – 46 – 2017 John F. Kennedy – accompanied by his _______________ Jacqueline (better known as Jackie) – was on a political trip through Dallas, _______________ when he was shot at 12.30 p. m. on Friday, 22nd November 1963. He was sitting in a cabriolet _______________ when the first bullet hit h him in the shoulder. Another shot in the head killed him. At the age of _______________ President Kennedy died in Parkland Hospital. and Hospita Lee Harvey Oswald was suspected to have _______________ ______ the e President. Oswald had worked at the Texas School Book Deposito Depository, y, were the deadly shots were supposed to have been fired from. A _____ _______________ found there and Lee Harvey _________ was w fou Oswald was arrested. Lee Harvey Oswald denied shooting anyone. hooting anyo ne. But he himself was shot Jack ot by J ack Ruby two _______________ ____ after er the assassination and before his trial could get starte started. Jack Ruby was but died of _______________ y wa s arrested too, b ______ _ in n 1967 196 before his trial. So the Who killed the _______________? e question is still: W __________? It will probably be will be kep kept secret until b a secret forever. er. The case files wi _______________! ____ John F. Kennedy’s burial was on 25th Novem November mber 1963 in Arlington National _______________. His son John F. Kenne Kennedy jr. was only three years old when his father was killed and the s on little boy’s at his ffather’s _______________ was heartbreaking and memorable. John y’s salute a F.. Kenn Kennedy edy jr. died in i a _______________ in 1999. Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag 3 The murder of the President Match the sentence parts and write them down: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. John F. Kennedy was shot The President was sitting JFK was Lee Harvey Oswald was A gun was found Jack Ruby shot Jack Ruby died The assassination was John F. Kennedy jr. was The files of the Kennedy murder a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Lee Harvey Oswald. only 46 years old when he died. on a Friday. of cancer. in November 1963. at the Texas School Book Depository. in a cabriolet limousine. will be kept secret until 2017. d whe only three years old when he lost his father. supposed to be the murde murder. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Some of these sentences are wro wrong. Please correct them. entenc You can work group. rk in a gro John F. Kennedy – also known as Jack Kennedy or JFK – was in Dallas, Massachusetts nF when he h was shot. was sitting next to him in the car. It was a Monday in November 1961. His wife wif w as sitt Lee e Harvey Oswald was arrested as the murderer of the President. But he was never tried because caus he was shot by James Ruby. Ruby died of cancer. John F. Kennedy’s murderer was perhaps never found and the files of this case will be kept secret until 2019. Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag 4 More activities Write the words correctly. dnalerI _____________________ nilreB _____________________ tnediserP _____________________ sallaD _____________________ yratemec _____________________ sttessuhcassaM _____________________ noitanissassa _____________________ tunhguod _____________________ naicitilop _____________________ yrotisoped _____________________ niffoc _____________________ reredrum _____________________ __ Now find these words in the grid and mark them. S T T E S S U H C A S S A M P O L I T I C I A N P S M K C R Z Y Y M N B S J S G V J E E E L R X N A P A R M R R M R D S D O L I S W N B D M E E J P I L T S F T W N J T T D V D A D I I U F A M B L A R N D J N E N S L O E N Z R U R K A G H N E O R C N P Y M D T Z G D R T L P T P T D M I Y U P I W I L W E N V V O Y O V Q L N K W M T D L N L D K W T M N X M M Z J N Make you yourr own wordsearch. Find d tthe hidden sentence in the wordsnake. Can you make your own wordsnake? STHECNMUR DE RER ENTMSWASXB VG! PER PRESID N B E UND H HAP O LKOFBKT F K V SGNEVER Write a newspaper article on the death of President John F. Kennedy. Find out about other tragic deaths in the Kennedy family. Use the internet for more information. Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag 5 Lösungen Seite 1: John Fitzgerald Kennedy – Origins and Life Seite 6: More activities adnlreI – Ireland reilBn – Berlin Peedsntri – President saDlla – Dallas materyec – cemetary chMauttsseass – Massachussetts 1. It was JFK’s grandfather who came from Ireland. issanassnotia – assassination ghudnuot – doughnut 2. The family has a house in Massachusetts. litiponaic – politician pisotodeyr – depository foncif – coffin rumdeerr – murderer came – was – fled – met – became – had – studied – served – worked – married – died a) true false 3. JFK had eight brothers and sisters. 4. JFK was born on 29th March 1917. S T T E S S U H C A S S A M 5. He studied at Cambridge. P O L I T I C I A N P S M K 6. The F in his name stands for “Fitzpatrick”. C R Z Y Y M N B S J S G V J 7. JFK was the second youngest President of the United States ever. E E E L R X N A P A R M R R M R D S D O L I S W N B D M 8. He was elected President in 1960. E E J P I L T S F T W N J T T D V D A D I I U F A M B L A R N D J N E N S L O E N Z R U R K A G H N E O R C N P 4. JFK was born on 29th May 1917. Y M D T Z G D R T L P T P T 5. He studied at Harvard. D M I Y U P I W I L W E N V V O Y O V Q L N K W M T D L N L D K W T M N X M M Z J N 9. His wife was Jacqueline L. Bouvier. 10. JFK was only 46 when he died. b) 1. It was JFK’s great-grandfather who came from Ireland. erald”. 6. The F in his name stands for “Fitz “Fitzgerald”. dent in 1961. 961. 8. He was elected President Seite 2: The myth y of the doughnut-s doughnut-speech 1. He visited d Berlin on 26th June ne 1963 during his election period. 2. It was th e “Rote Rathau the Rathaus” in West-Berlin. 3. The Berli Berlin wall was built in 1961. 4. About on he American one million people assembled to see the Preside President. 5. This Th sentence was said to be grammatically am rong. The wrong. e been “Ich bin Berliner”. rliner The correct sentence should have ound like “a doughnut”. t”. indefinite article made it sound Seite 3/4: The murder of the P President wife – Texa Texas – limousine – 46 – killed – gun – days – cancer – P President dent – 201 2017 – Cemetary – coffin – plane crash 1c, 2g, g, 3b, 4j, 5f, 6a, 7d, 8e, 9i, 10h John F. Ke Kennedy – also known as Jack Kennedy or JFK – was in Dallas, Texas when he was shot. His wife was sitting next to him in the car. It was a Friday in November 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as the murderer of the President. But he was never tried because he was shot by Jack Ruby. Ruby died of cancer. John F. Kennedy’s murderer was perhaps never found and the files of this case will be kept secret until 2017. Jessica Gherri: Who was John F. Kennedy © Persen Verlag Individuelle ividuelle Lösungen ösungen STHECNMURDERERLKOFBKTHEBNPRESIDENTMSWASXB THECNMURD RERLK PE RHAPSGNEV V PERHAPSGNEVERVKFOUNDVG! Individuelle Individuelle Lösungen – Rose M. Kennedy ließ 1941 eine Gehirnoperation durchführen und blieb ihr Leben lang behindert. Rose M. Kennedy had a brain operation and stayed disabled for the rest of her life. – 1944 explodierte das Flugzeug von Joseph Patrick Kennedy jr. über dem Ärmelkanal. Er starb. Joseph Patrick Kennedy Junior’s plane exploded above the Channel in 1944. He died. – Die Schwester von JFK Kathleen Kennedy starb 1948 bei einem Flugzeugunglück über Frankreich. JFK’s sister Kathleen Kennedy died in a plane crash over France in 1948. – Jackie Kennedy erlitt 1956 eine Totgeburt. Das Mädchen sollte den Namen Arabella tragen. Jackie Kennedy’s daughter Arabella was stillborn in 1956. – Im August 1963 starb das jüngste Kind von JFK zwei Tage nach seiner Geburt. JFK’s youngest child died two days after his birth in August 1963. – Im November 1963 wurde John F. Kennedy in Dallas ermordet. JFK was murdered in Dallas in November 1963. – Der jüngste Bruder Edward Kennedy überlebte 1964 nur knapp ein Flugzeugunglück. The youngest brother Edward Kennedy survived a plane crash in 1964. – Robert Kennedy wurde 1968 in Los Angeles ermordet. Robert Kennedy was murdered in Los Angeles in 1968. – Edward Kennedy verursachte 1969 einen Autounfall mit einer Toten und überlebte erneut. Edward Kennedy caused a car crash and again survived whereas a woman drowned. 6 ® Bergedorfer Weitere Downloads, E-Books und Print-Titel des umfangreichen Persen-Verlagsprogramms finden Sie unter www.persen.de Hat Ihnen dieser Download gefallen? Dann geben eben Sie S e jetzt hre Bewertung Bewertung auf www.persen.de direkt bei dem Produkt Ihre en Ihree Erfahrungen Erfahrungen mit. mi ab und teilen Sie anderen Kunden Quellen: www.wikipedia.de www.alessi-jfk.ch Fotos: Cover und Seitenkopf: pf: John F. Kennedy, gemeinfrei. gemeinfrei http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/John_F._Kennedy_-_NARA_-_518134.jpg http://u oad.wikim ohn_F._Kenn dy_-_N S. 2: Kennedy in Berlin, gemeinfrei. gemein http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AJFK_speech_lch_bin_ein_berliner_1.jpg http://com mons.wikimed _spe h_bin_ein_berline _1.jpg S. 3: Kennedy in Dallas von Victor Hugo King, gemeinfrei. infrei. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AJohn_F._Kennedy_motorcade%2C_Dallas_crop.png http://com ohn_F._Kennedy motorc © 2013 3 Persen Verlag, Ve , Hambur Hamburg AAP Lehrerfachverlage achverlage GmbH Alle Rechte vorbehalte vorbehalten. Das Werk als Ganzes sowie in seinen Teilen unterliegt dem deutschen Urheberrecht. 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