sonderausstellung »picasso und seine frauen


sonderausstellung »picasso und seine frauen
WEB – Sonderausstellung
»Picasso und seine Frauen«
anläßlich der Wiedereröffnung
Museum Bergruen
Berggruen Holdings GmbH
KaDeWe Berlin
Zeitraum: Planung 2011,
Eröffnung Herbst 2012
Leistung: Ausstellungskonzept,
500 qm
»Picasso war wie die Sonne«, schrieb Genevieve
Laporte in ihren Memoiren. »Er entflammte,
verbrannte, zerstörte und verwandelte jeden, der
sich ihm näherte, in einen Haufen Asche.«
dora maar
Dora Maar
Poem, March 1942
Dora Maar (November
22, 1907 – July 16, 1997)
was a French photographer, poet and painter, best
known for being a lover
and muse of Pablo Picasso.
Dora Maar - Nusch Eluard
She was born Henriette Theodora
Marković in Paris, France. Her father,
Josip Marković, was a Croat architect,
famous for his work in South America;
her mother, Julie Voisin, was from a
Catholic family from Touraine, France.
Dora grew up in Argentina.
Man Ray - Dora Maar
Mougins - Dora Maar,
Picasso & Lee Miller 1937
By the 1980s she had few friends left, but
still wrote poetry and returned to photography. An exhibition of her paintings
in 1990 at the Marcel Fleiss gallery was
a success, as was another in Valencia,
Spain in 1995, just two years before her
death. She died 89 years of age in
Paris on July 16, 1997.
To the end of her life, she treasured
all that she had preserved of him.
Dora Maar
Lorem ipsum dolor
Before meeting Picasso, Maar was already famous as a photographer. She also painted. She
met Picasso in January 1936 on the terrace of
the Café les Deux Magots in Saint-Germaindes-Prés, Paris, when she was 29 years old and
he 54. Picasso was attracted by her beauty and
self-mutilation (she cut her fingers and table
playing »the knife game«; he got her bloody
gloves and exhibited them on a shelf in his
Maar became the rival of Picasso‘s blonde
mistress, Marie-Thérèse Walter.
Dora Maars Beziehung, die sich aus Liebe zu
Pablo Picasso von der Fotografie hin zur Malerei wandte, hielt acht Jahre und zerbrach 1943,
als er die 21-jährige Françoise Gilot kennenlernte After her long relationship with Picasso
ended, Maar struggled to regain her emotional
footing, she was in such a mental state that she
cried so much that she needed crying tablets.
Today it’s another
landscape in this
Sunday at the end
of the month of March
1942 in Paris
the silence is so great
that the songs of the
tame birds are like little
flames you can see.
I am desperate
But let it be
Projektauswahl 2008–2012