Atex Certifications - CONTA-CLIP
Atex Certifications - CONTA-CLIP
Obersetzung, Originalsprache: Englisch BESCHEINIGUNG EG-Baumusterprufung 1 < > (2) Gerate und Schutzsysteme zur bestimmungsgemal!en Verwendung in explosionsgefahrdeten Bereichen - Richtlinie 94/9/EG (3) EG-BaumusterprOfbescheinigung Nummer: DEKRA 12ATEX0039 U (4) Gerat: Durchgangs-Reihenklemmen SRK (B)2,5/2A(IZ); SSL 2,5/2A; SRK (B)4/2A(/Z); SSL 4/2A; SRK (B)6/2A(/Z); SSL 6/2A; SRK (B)10/2A(/Z) und SSL 10/2A mit optional Brucke SQI (5) Hersteller: CONTA-CLIP Verbindungstechnik GmbH (6) Anschrift: Otto-Hahn-5trasse 7, 33161 Hovelhof, Deutschland Ausgabe Nr.: 1 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Diese Bescheinigung ist erstellt am 1. Marz 2013 und ist, soweit zutreffend, zu revidieren vor dem Datum der Beendigung der Annahme der Konformitatsvermutung (einer) der oben erwahnten Normen, wie angekOndigt im Amtsblatt der Europaischen Union. DEKRA Certification B.V. セ@ Q Certification Manager PRODUCTS RvAC 001 " lntegrale Veroffentlichung dieser Bescheinigung und zugehorigen PrOtberichte ist erlaubt. Diese Bescheinigung darf nur ungekiirzt und unverandert vervielfaltigt werden. DEKRA Certification B.V. Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem Postfach 5185, 6802 ED Arnhem Niederlande T +31 26 3 56 20 00 F +31 26 3 52 58 00 Registriert Arnhem 09085396 Seite 1/2 J> DEKRA (13) ANLAGE (14) zur EG-Baumusterprufbescheinigung DEKRA 12ATEX0039 U (15) Beschreibung Ausgabe Nr. 1 Die Durchgangs-Reihenklemmen (alle Farben) SRK (8)2,5/2A(/Z); SSL 2,5/2A; SRK (8)4/2A(/Z); SSL 4/2A; SRK (8)6/2A(/Z); SSL 6/2A; SRK (8)10/2A(/Z) und SSL 10/2A mit optional BrOcke SQI mit Zubehor dienen zum Anschlier1en oder Verbinden von Kupferleitungen in Gehausen der ZOndschutzart Ex e, oder Ex t. Die Montage erfolgt aut Tragschienen Typ TH 35 nach EN 60715-TH 35. Einsatztemperaturbereich -40 oc ... +85 oc. Elektrische Oaten Siehe Annex 1. (16) Prufbericht Nr. Test Report NUDEK!ExTR12.0008/xx (17) Liste der Einschrankungen Die Durchgangs-Reihenklemmen undSchutzleiter-Reihenklemmen sind geeignet zum Einsatz in Gehausen zur Verwendung in Bereichen mit brennbaren Gasen und brennbarem Staub. FOr brennbare Gase mossen die Gehause den Anforderungen gemar1 EN 60079-0 und EN 60079-7 entsprechen. For brennbaren Staub mossen die Gehause den Anforderungen gemar1 EN 600790 und EN 60079-31 entsprechen. Bei Mischung mit anderen bescheinigten Baureihen und -gror1en und Verwendung von deren ZubehOr ist aut die Einhaltung der erforderlichen Luft- und Kriechstrecken zu achten. BezOglich der Verwendung von Abschlussplatten, Querverbindungen und Endhaltern sind die Anweisungen des Herstellers zu beachten. Bei Verwendung von Querschnitten kleiner als Nennquerschnitt ist der zugehOrige niedrigere Strom in der EG-BaumusterprOfbescheinigung des vollstandigen Gerates festzulegen . Die Durchgangs-Reihenklemmen und Abgriffklemmen dOrfen aut Grund der betriebsmar1igen Eigenerwarmung bei dem vorgenannten Bemessungsstrom und bei Umgebungstemperaturen von -40 oc bis +40 oc an der Einbaustelle in Betriebsmitteln, vorwiegend in Abzweig- und Verbindungskasten, fOr die Temperaturklasse T6 eingesetzt werden. Bei Einsatz der Reihenklemmen in Betriebsmitteln der Temperaturklassen T1 bis zu T5 ist sicherzustellen, dass die hochste Temperatur an den lsolationsteilen den Hochstwert des Einsatztemperaturbereiches nicht Oberschreitet. (18) Grundlegende Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsanforderungen Von den Normen unter (9) abgedeckt. (19) Prufungsunterlagen Wie erwahnt in PrOfbericht Test Report NUDEK!ExTR12.0008/xx. Seite 2/2 Form 103 Version 3 (2012-12) CERTIFICATE セ@ セ@ (1) EC-Type Examination (2) Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres - Directive 94/9/EC (3) EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: DEKRA 12ATEX0039 U (4) Component: Terminal Blocks SRK (8)2,5/2A(/Z); SSL 2,5/2A; SRK (8)4/2A(/Z); SSL 4/2A; SRK (8)6/2A(/Z); SSL 6/2A; SRK (B)10/2A(/Z) and SSL 10/2A with optional bridge SQI (5) Manufacturer: CONTA-CLIP Verbindungstechnik GmbH (6) Address: Otto-Hahn-Strasse 7, 33161 Hovelhof, Germany (7) This component and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to. (8) Go 1ncil Directive 9419/EC DEKRA Certification B.V., notified body number 0344 in accordance with Article 9 of of 23 March 1994, certifies that this component has been found to comply With ,the e セ ウ jョエゥ。ャ@ Health and sセヲ・ エ ケ セ@ Requirements relating to the design and construction of N・アオ ゥ ー イャI ・ョ ヲ 。ョ セ ャ セ エゥ L ケ ・@ sist s intended for use I [ゥセ@ セ@ lj % potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex 11 to the1iirecyve. Ll.l c L\ Issue Number: 1 セ ・@ The examination and test results are recorded in confiden' (9) Compliance with the Essential Health and Safetv EN 60079-U·· · 」・イエゥセ。@ reス。オ repJ?oiW./itEセQス[N Q@ BO P セ@ ゥ イ・ ャェ ョ・ ェ AsGィ。 O Bj ji[セ@ "_ 11 1 1 /lj /!) fJ I! 1// If j/ ,ijio lance Ynth 1, , uj (1 1) This EC-Type Examination Certificate relates only' to th / according to the Directive 94/9/EC. Further イ・アオゥュョエウ ャ 」ゥ ャ エャ ・G セ@ セ Qァ _ セ jQWNゥ セ UQエゥ Y@ 。 ョ L セ@ ctiv'e" 。pL e ts 0f the specified c ュ ー セ ョ・ セ エ@ セ i ケ O エッ ャ エ@ セ@ fn anufacturing process and (12) 11 2 GD Ex e IIC Gb This certificate is issued on 1 March 2013 and, as far as applicable, shall be revised before the date of cessation of presumption of conformity of (one of) the standards mentioned above as communicated in the Official Journal of the European Union. DEKRA Certification B.V. Page 1/2 Q PROOUCIS AvAC 001 1, ゥ ョ、 ゥ 」。エ・ ケヲ イケ。 ー Qj セ YWN ウ セ ゥャェ^ G セ@ flo ponents and ヲ_セ セエ@ ot J エャ」セ セイ Q セヲQVエt ljZセュ G@ Iセ Oi t セ セ@ Examination P セ@ ' ficate Pjjj;jj///)i./1;1/;;////[ The sign "U" placed after the number be mistaken for a certi_ficate for an may be used as a bas1s for certification of an eqUipment/or ・ᆱjオゥセュョ セ@ セ@ セ@ 8/xx. 1/!tJrll!!llilll (10) ゥョエセ、・@ I ·n /jj c Integral publication of this certificate and adjoining reports is allowed . This Certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change. DEKRA Certification B.V. Utrechtseweg 310, 6812 AR Arnhem P.O. Box 5185, 6802 ED Arnhem The Netherlands T +31 26 3 56 20 00 F +31 26 3 52 58 00 Registered Arnhem 09085396 J> DEKRA < SCHEDULE (14) to EC-Type Examination Certificate DEKRA 12ATEX0039 U (15) Description 13> Issue No. 1 The Terminal Blocks (all colours) SRK (B)2,5/2A(/Z); SSL 2,5/2A; SRK (B)4/2A(/Z); SSL 4/2A; SRK (B)6/2A(/Z); SSL 6/2A; SRK (B) 10/2A(/Z) and SSL 10/2A with optional bridge SQI and accessories are intended for the connection of copper conductors in enclosures in type of protection Ex e or Ext. Fixing is made on mounting rails type TH35 according to EN 60715. Operating temperature range -40 oc to +85 °C. Electrical data See Annex 1. (16) Report No. NLIDEK/ExTR12.0008/xx (17) Schedule of limitations The Terminal Blocks, the Protective Conductor Terminal Blocks are suitable for use in enclosures in atmospheres with flammable gases and combustible dust. For flammable gases these enclosures must satisfy the requirements according to EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-7. For combustible dust these enclosures must satisfy the requirements according to EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-31 . When assembling with other certified series and sizes and using the associated accessories, the required creepage distances and clearances have to be observed. Regarding the use of covers, jumpers and end brackets the instructions of the manufacturer must be followed . If smaller cross sections as the rated cross section are used, the associated lower current has to be laid down in the EC-Type Examination Certificate of the complete equipment. The Terminal Blocks may be used, based on the self-heating when used at the above mentioned rated current and at ambient temperatures of -40 oc to +40 oc at the mounting position in apparatus, e.g . connection and junction boxes, for temperature class T6. If the Terminal Blocks are used in electrical apparatus of temperature classes T1 up to T5, the highest temperature of the insulating material shall not exceed the maximum value of the operating temperature range. (18) Essential Health and Safety Requirements Covered by the standards listed at (9). (19) Test documentation As listed in Test Report NLIDEK!ExTR12.0008/xx. Page 2/2 Form 116 Version 2 (2011-01) Page 1 of 3 PROD 001 [1] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE [2] Equipment or Protected System Intended for use in Potentially explosive atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC [3] EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: Nemko 06ATEX1136U [4] Equipment or Protective System: Terminal blocks [5] Applicant/ Manufacturer: CONTA-CLIP Verbindungstechnik GmbH [6] Address: Otto Hahn Strasse 7 D-33161 Hövelhof GERMANY [7] This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to. [8] Nemko AS, notified body number 0470 in accordance with Article 9 of Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive. [9] Issue 1 The examination and test results are recorded in confidential report no. 191159 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with: CENELEC EN 60079-0: 2009, CENELEC EN 60079-7: 2007 and CENELEC EN 60079-31 : 2009 [10] If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective system is subject to special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate. [11] This EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to the directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certificate. [12] The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following: II 2 GD Ex e IIC Gb Oslo, 2012-09-13 This is a re-issued version of certificate dated 2011-07-23. Asle Kaastad Certification Manager, Ex-products This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Postal address: P.O.Box 73 Blindern N-0314 OSLO, NORWAY Office address: Gaustadalléen 30 0373 OSLO Telephone: +47 22 96 03 30 Fax: +47 22 96 05 50 Enterprise number: NO 974404532 Nemko 06ATEX1136U Issue 1 Date: 2012-09-13 Page 2 of 3 [13 ] Schedule [14] [15] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No 06ATEX1136U Issue 1 Description of Equipment or Protective System This Certificate covers a range of terminal blocks Type Designations Rated cross section Voltage Max. load current Mounting rail Colour RK 2,5 E beige RK 2,5 E blau RK 2,5-4 E beige RK 2,5-4 E blau RK 6-10 E beige RK 6-10 E blau RK 16 E beige RK 16 E blau RK 35 E beige RK 35 E blau RKD 2,5 E beige RKD 2,5 E blau RKD 4 E beige RKD 4 E blau RK 1,5-4/15 E beige RK 1,5-4/15 E blau SL 2,5/35 E SL 4/35 E SL 10/35 E SL 16/35 E SL 35/35 E 2,5mm2 2,5mm2 4,0mm2 4,0mm2 10,0mm2 10,0mm2 16,0mm2 16,0mm2 35,0mm2 35,0mm2 2,5mm2 2,5mm2 4,0mm2 4,0mm2 4,0mm2 4,0mm2 2,5mm2 4,0mm2 10,0mm2 16,0mm2 35,0mm2 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 690V 400V 400V 400V 400V 400V 400V 26A 26A 34A 34A 61A 61A 82A 82A 135A 135A 26A 26A 34A 34A 34A 34A TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 35 TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 32 / TS 35 TS 15 TS 15 TS 35 TS 35 TS 35 TS 35 TS 35 Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Y/G Y/G Y/G Y/G Y/G The maximum admissible temperature in continuous service is 100°C Accessories: End plates, Mounting rail TS 15 (DIN EN 50045), TS 32 (DIN EN 50035) or TS 35 (DIN EN 50022) Terminal blocks with type designation SL. are protective conductor terminal blocks This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Postal address: P.O.Box 73 Blindern N-0314 OSLO, NORWAY Office address: Gaustadalléen 30 0373 OSLO Telephone: +47 22 96 03 30 Fax: +47 22 96 05 50 Enterprise number: NO 974404532 Nemko 06ATEX1136U [16] Issue 1 Date: 2012-09-13 Page 3 of 3 Report No. 191159 Certificate History and Associated Nemko Reports Issue Date Report Description 2006-08-04 62341 0 Prime certificate released 1 2012-09-13 191159 Upgraded to EN 60079-0:2009, EN 60079-7:2007. EN 60079-31:2009. Descriptive Documents Title/Description NEMKO-ATEX 2012 Rev. 02 Date Name/Number 08.06.2012 NEMKO 01/2012 Sheets 3 The insulation housing of the terminal blocks are made of thermoplastic material polyamide PA 6.6 Routine test A routine test shall be carried out on each terminal block according to clause 7 of CENELEC EN 60079-7. Each terminal block shall be submitted to an electric strength test with a voltage of (2 U + 1000)V, U being the rated voltage. [17] Special Conditions for Safe Use [18] None Essential Health and Safety Requirements See item 9 This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included. Postal address: P.O.Box 73 Blindern N-0314 OSLO, NORWAY Office address: Gaustadalléen 30 0373 OSLO Telephone: +47 22 96 03 30 Fax: +47 22 96 05 50 Enterprise number: NO 974404532 Nemko 06ATEX1135U Issue 1 Date: 2012-12-07 Page 1 of 3 [1] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE [2] Equipment or Protected System Intended for use in Potentially explosive atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC [3] EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: Nemko 06ATEX1135U [4] Equipment or Protective System: Terminal blocks [5] Applicant/ Manufacturer: CONTA-CLIP Verbindungstechnik GmbH [6] Address: Otto Hahn Strasse 7 D-33161 Hövelhof GERMANY [7] This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to. [8] Nemko AS, notified body number 0470 in accordance with Article 9 of Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive. [9] Issue 1 The examination and test results are recorded in confidential report no. 191180 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with: CENELEC EN 60079-0: 2009 and CENELEC EN 60079-7:2007 [10] If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective system is subject to special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate. [11] This EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified equipment or protective system in accordance to the directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not covered by this certificate. [12] The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following: II 2 GD Ex eb IIC Ex tb IIIC Oslo, 2012-12-07 Asle Kaastad Certification Manager, Ex-products Nemko 06ATEX1135U Issue 1 Date: 2012-12-07 Page 2 of 3 [13 ] Schedule [14] EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No 06ATEX1135U Issue 1 [15] Description of Equipment or Protective System This Certificate covers a range of terminal blocks Type Designations Rated cross section Voltage Max. load current Mounting rail Colour BKA 2,5/1 E beige BKA 2,5/1 E blau BKA 4/1 E beige BKA 4/1 E blau BKA 10/1 E beige BKA 10/1 E blau SL 4/15/1 E 2,5mm2 2,5mm2 4,0mm2 4,0mm2 10,0mm2 10,0mm2 4,0mm2 275V 275V 275V 275V 275V 275V - 24A 24A 32A 32A 57A 57A - (None) (None) (None) (None) (None) (None) TS 15 Beige Blue Beige Blue Beige Blue Y/G The maximum admissible temperature in continuous service is 100°C Certified accessories: End plate AP 2,5-10. AP 1,5-4. AP 4. AP 16. AP 35. End holder EH 2, EH 3. SL 4/15 can be mounted on rail TS 15 (DIN EN 50045). Terminal blocks with type designation SL are protective conductor terminal blocks The quantity of poles for BKA 2,5/*, BKA 4/* and BKA 10/* indicating the number of poles from 1 to 24, but on both sides an end bracket is necessary to mount. (Direct mounting) [16] Report No. 10034 Certificate History and Associated Nemko Reports Issue Date Report Description 2006-08-04 62341 0 Prime certificate released 1 2012-12-07 191180 Upgrade of existing ATEX certification for compliance to EN 600790:2009, EN 60079-7:2007 and EN 60079-31:2009 and minor changes of the descriptive documents. The changes do not alter the safety characteristics of the equipment. Nemko 06ATEX1135U Issue 1 Date: 2012-12-07 Page 3 of 3 Descriptive Documents Title/Description NEMKO-ATEX 2012-1135U Rev. 02 Date 22.10.2012 Name/Number NEMKO 02/2012 Sheets 1 The insulation housing of the terminal blocks are made of thermoplastic material polyamide PA 6.6 Routine test A routine test shall be carried out on each terminal block according to clause 7 of CENELEC EN 60079-7. Each terminal block shall be submitted to an electric strength test with a voltage of (2 U + 1000)V, U being the rated voltage. [17] Special Conditions for Safe Use [18] None Essential Health and Safety Requirements See item 9