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CV_Tim W Dornis_web - Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 PROF. TIM W. DORNIS PH. D. (TUEBINGEN), JSM (STANFORD) Email: [email protected] EDUCATION Stanford Law School, Palo Alto/USA J.S.M. (SPILS Fellow) Scholarship award: German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) 2009 Eberhard-Karls-University, Tuebingen/Germany Ph.D. (= Dr. iur.), highest distinction (summa cum laude) Prizes awarded: Reinhold-und-Maria-Teufel Award; Deutsche Bank AG/db real estate & Society for Real Estate Scholarship, Real Estate Scholarship Award 2005 Columbia University School of Law, New York/USA LL.M., highest distinction (James Kent Scholar) Scholarship award: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Alfred-Gleiss-Foundation 2003 Circuit Court of Stuttgart/Germany Second State Exam (bar equivalent), highest distinction, top 1% state-wide 2001 Eberhard-Karls-University, Tuebingen/Germany First State Exam (J.D. equivalent), highest distinction, top 1% state-wide 1999 WORK EXPERIENCE Leuphana University Lüneburg/Germany Professor of Law: Chair of Private Law, International Private and Economic Law, and Comparative Law 2011- District Court of Stuttgart/Germany Judge Special competence: IP, banking, and insurance law 20062011 Gleiss Lutz Lawyers, Stuttgart Attorney-at-law (IP law and litigation) 20042006 University of Augsburg/Germany Assistant professor of law (contract law & civil procedure) 20032004 1 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 Clayton Utz Lawyers, Sydney/Australia Legal intern (international product liability & insurance law) District Court of Tuebingen/Germany Law clerk (“Referendar”) 2001 19992001 OTHER ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES University of Augsburg/Germany Adjunct professor (private international law) T-Online International AG, Darmstadt/Germany Corporate counsel, IP & unfair competition law 2005 Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York/USA New York Bar Exam, admitted since May 2004 2003 Alpmann & Schmidt, Repetitorium, Tuebingen/Germany Bar exam preparation courses (“Barbri” equivalent) Instructor/lecturer 2001 Eberhard-Karls-University, Tuebingen/Germany Research/teaching assistant and lecturer in private law, European private law, civil procedure 2011- 2 19972000 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (IN ENGLISH & GERMAN) Books Kaufpreiszahlung auf Notaranderkonto – Erfüllung, Pfändung, Insolvenz (Payment on a Trust Account – Performance, Seizure, Insolvency), Ph.D. thesis, 209 pages, published by Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne/Germany 2005 Current Project (Habilitation thesis): Transnational Goodwill, Transnational Policy – International Trademark Law in Historical, Economic, and Doctrinal Perspective Treatises Honsell (ed.), Kommentar zum UN-Kaufrecht (Treatise on the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)), 2nd edition, Artt. 14-24 2009 Erman, Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch (Treatise on the German Civil Code), 13th edition, §§ 677-687 (negotiorum gestio) 2011 Articles (in English) Contribution and Indemnification among Joint Tortfeasors in Multi-State Conflict Cases – A Study of Doctrine and the Current Law in the US and under the Rome II Regulation, Journal of Private International Law (JPrivIntL) 2008, 237-277 2008 ”When in Rome, do as the Romans do?“ – A Defense of the Lex Domicilii Communis in the Rome-II-Regulation, The European Legal Forum (EuLF) 2007, 152-159. 2007 Articles (in German) Current project: Das Dilemma der Erbensucher – Versuch der ökonomisch-analytischen Befreiung aus einer dogmatischen Sackgasse (The heir searcher’s dilemma – An economic analysis of doctrinal cul-de-sacs) 3 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 Current project: Die auftragslose Geschäftsführung – Rechtsinstitut zwischen privater Selbstbestimmung und Wohlfahrtsmaximierung (The law of rescue and salvage (negotiorum gestio) in historical and economic analysis – The Good Samaritan in German private law) Die „bestmögliche Rückläuferverwertung“ – der Anfang vom Ende des Fahrzeugleasing, ZGS 2010, 1009-115 (Contractual risk allocation – a particular view on leasing contracts under a law & economics perspective) 2010 Der „Anschein eines besonders günstigen Angebots“ im Sinne des § 16 Abs. 1 UWG, GRUR 2008, 742-749 (Unfair Advertising under § 16 German Unfair Competition Act) 2008 „Phishing“ im Marken(straf)recht, C&R 2007, 642-646 (with Simon Markus Beck) („Phishing“ as Trademark Infringement) 2007 Der „Schenkkreis“ in der Strafbarkeitslücke? – Zum Tatbestandsmerkmal des „geschäftlichen Verkehrs“ in § 16 Abs. 2 UWG, WRP 2007, 1303-1307 (The Requirement of “Acting in Commerce” for Unfair Competition Crimes) 2007 Die Unterwerfung: Rechtsnatur und Rechtsnachfolge, GRUR 2006, 195-201 (with Achim Förster) (Cease-and-Desist-Declaration: Legal Doctrine and Succession) 2006 „Umfassender und andauernder Rechtsfrieden“ in Versicherungssachen von Holocaust-Opfern nach der Entscheidung des U.S. Supreme Court vom 23.06.2003?, VersR 2003, 1235-1238 (Complete and Enduring Legal Certainty in HolocaustInsurance-Claim Matters after the Supreme Court Decision of June 23, 2003?) 2003 U.S. Supreme Court entscheidet über „Mickey Mouse Protection Act“, ZUM 2003, 517-521 (U.S. Supreme Court decides on ”Mickey Mouse Protection Act“) 2003 Europäische Versicherer im Visier amerikanischer Bundesgerichte, VersR 2003, 570-574 (European Insurance Companies and Holocaust Liability) 2003 4 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 Annotations/Commentaries/Reviews Review of Jürgen Basedow, Toshiyuki Kono & Axel Metzger (eds.), Intellectual Property in the Global Arena (Max-PlanckInstitut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Mohr Siebeck 2010), in: The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law (RabelsZ) 2011 (forthcoming) 2011 Annotation: OLG Stuttgart, Beschluss vom 12.02.2008 – 2 Ws 328/07, Urheberrecht und Internet: Öffentliche Zugänglichmachung von Audiodateien bei Music-on-Demand-Diensten, C&R 2008, 319-322 (Copyright and the Internet: The Right of Making Available and Music-on-Demand-Services) 2008 Annotation: BGH, Urt. v. 11.11.2004, I ZR 182/02 („Testamentsvollstreckung durch Steuerberater“), EWiR 2005, 405-406 (Annotation to the Federal Court of Justice Decision I ZR 182/02) 2005 Conference Papers (in English) Extra-Territoriality and Trans-National Goodwill – An Empirical Study of United States Case Law from 1952 until 2008 2009 “Building Bridges Between the Islands” – Why Separate Conventions Lead Separate Lives, Against an Undifferentiated Application of the 1980 UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the 2006 Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications in International Contracts by an “Interpretation in Context” 2009 5 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 SELECTED PRESENTATIONS (IN ENGLISH & GERMAN) 2011 Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany), 9 May 2011, Topic: ”A Historical and Comparative Analysis of German and United States Trademark and Unfair Competition Conflicts Doctrine“ 2010 Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany), 9 September 2010, Topic: “An Economic Analysis of Moral Rights in Civil Law Copyright Protection” Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany), 8 September 2010, Topic: “The Process of Trans-Nationalization in European Business Law” 2009 Bay Area Fellows Technology & Intellectual Property Law Workshop, Berkeley University School of Law, Boalt Hall, 7 May 2009 Topic: “Extra-Territorial Trademark Protection in United States Federal Courts, 1947-2008” Stanford Law School, Stanford, USA, JSD Research Colloquium, 7 April 2009 Topic: “Extra-Territorial Trademark Protection in United States Federal Courts, 1947-2008” 2008 Conference of the Department of Justice, State of BadenWuerttemberg, Titisee, 20 June 2008 Topic: “§ 16 UWG – Werbung zwischen Vermögens- und Wettbewerbsschutz“ (Section 16 German Unfair Competition Act – Advertising between Competition and Fraud) 6 Tim W. Dornis Curriculum Vitae October 20, 2011 2007 Department of the Interior, State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Boeblingen, 24 October 2007 Topic: “Internationale Produktpiraterie in Theorie und Praxis“ (International Product Piracy – Current Developments in Doctrine and Practice) 7