April 2010 - the Schwaben Club!
April 2010 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community April 2010 www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com Osterzeit 2010 WICHTIGE DATEN 2010 17/18 Apr All Halls 02-May Landestrachtenfest Transylvania Hofbrau Mother’s Day Luncheon Main Hall Dance Groups Main Hall Variations All Halls Transylvania Hofbrau 29-May 05-Jun 13-Jun Vienese Ball Gala Evening KW Trachtenfest Picnic Wilmot Rod & Gun Club 6,7,8 Aug Tag Der Donauschwaben 14-Aug Schnitzengiggle 11-Sep Kirchweih Philadelphia, Pa Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys Oct 8-16 All Halls 30-Oct Oktoberfest The Golden Keys/Schwaben12 Halloween Party Schwabenhalle The Golden Keys 20-Nov Ladies Gründungsfest Main Hall The Golden Keys Main Hall Christmas Show /Choir Main Hall Saxons 12-Dec 31-Dec Christmas Luncheon New Year’s Eve Nachtenrichten donations Katie Becker $20.00 Donations by Herman Becker to dance groups: Donau Dancers Schwaben Dancers Jugendgruppe Kindergruppe $25.00 each Vielen Dank für die Spenden. IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Berichterstatterin Wera Dennis Telephone (519) 894-6695 or [email protected] Guests: $30 Dancers/Trachtenträger: $25 Children (6-14yrs): $10 Bericht des Präsidenten Während ich diesen Bericht schreibe genieße ich die Wärme der Sonne, die durch unsere Fenster dringt. Es scheint, als ob es schon bald Frühling wird, besonders, wenn man die Wanderdrosseln im Grass hüpfen sieht. Man kann nur hoffen. Die Feste für den Monat März begannen für Betty und mich mit dem Präsidenten Ball des Concordia Klubs am 13. März. Wiederum ein herrlicher Abend mit Darbietungen des Chors und dem Spielen der Swiss Bells durch die Enzian- und Tanzgruppe. Betty und ich bedanken uns bei Werner Schlueter und dem Concordia Klub für die Einladung. Wir schätzen und genießen eure Gastfreundschaft. Danach feierten wir am 20. März unser jährliches NACHRICHTEN ONLINE IN PDF FORMAT Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten 2 Schlachtfest, was wieder einmal ausverkauft war. Wir bedanken uns für die Unterstützung der Alliance of German Clubs Bowlers, die wiederum ihr Bankett zusammen mit unserem Schlachtfest feierten. Unsere Jugendgruppe tanzte für uns zum ersten Mal und gemeinsam mit unserer Kindergruppe, deren Eltern, Großeltern und Freunden erreichten wir diese große Teilnehmerzahl. Ein Dankeschön geht an all die Mütter die uns halfen unsere Halle zu füllen. Besonderen Dank geht an die Damen, die beim Backen der berühmten schwäbischen Krapfen mitgeholfen haben. Die Krapfen waren vorzüglich und eure Hilfe wissen wir zu schätzten. Herzlichen Dank auch an alle, die bei der Vorbereitung des Saales am Freitag mithalfen. Zum Schluss möchte ich mich noch bei allen Mitgliedern für deren Unterstützung bedanken und wünsche allen ein Frohes Osterfest. Phil Neidert for us for their first time and combined with our “Kinder Gruppe” their parents and grandparents and friends helped to also swell our numbers. Thank you to all you “Moms” for helping us to fill our hall. A special thank you also to all the ladies who helped with the baking of our famous “Schwaben Krapfen”. They were delicious and your help is appreciated. Also thank you to all those who helped with our hall set-up on the Friday. In closing, I thank all our members for supporting our functions and I wish everyone a “Happy Easter”. Philip Neidert President Heffner Lexus, Heffner Toyota ... moving forward ... our family continues to grow, Be a part of it! Präsident Neue Mitglieder/New Members Ein herzlich willkommen. Mieter Hoffmann & Margarete Hoffmann Monika Stone President’s Report As I am writing my report I am enjoying the warm sunshine coming through our windows. It would appear that spring is here early, confirmed by the robins that are hopping on the grass. One can only hope. Festivities for March started for Betty and I with the President’s Ball at the Concordia Club on March 13th. Once again a very beautifully arranged evening with entertainment by their choir and the Enzian and dance group playing their “Swiss Bells”. Thank you Werner Schlueter and the Concordia Club for the invitation for Betty and myself. We very much enjoyed and appreciated your hospitality. Next up on March 20th was our “Annual Schlachtfest” and once again a complete sellout. The Alliance of German Clubs Bowlers again had their banquet here, combined with our Schlachtfest and we thank them for their patronage. Our Youth Group Dancers performed Proudly Partnering with our community since 1960 3121 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario N2A 1B1 (519) 748-9666 www.heffner.ca This is an ANNOUNCEMENT from Mrs. Kaethe Braunsar, “Landesmutter” I am appealing to all Clubs to collect TOMBOLA DONATIONS for the LANDESTRACHTENFEST In Kitchener on April 17, 2010 Your co-operation is very much appreciated. Manager’s Report Geburtstage Für April Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat April Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Geburtstag Dahm, Olga Stuetz, Adele Grau, George Kniess, George Dyck, Henry Orsan, James Kreitzer, Heinz Adam, Christopher Schachinger, Jeff Sertic, Anton Konarski, Adelheid Ungar, Katharina Schlupp, Peter Speckner, Peter Schwager, Eva Adam, Jakob Beiler, Franz Schnautigel, Eva Otterstein, Juergen d’Entremont, Carrie Henn, Rose Schaman, Magdalena Bromberg, Alice Skoritsch, John Ungar, Heinrich Schuster, Katharina Wideman, Joel Farkas, Theresa Tillich, Paul Piller, Cecilia Kahnke, Michael Hohnsbein, Elisabeth Adam, Johanna Savulesa, Mihaela Groh, Paul 01 02 02 03 03 03 08 09 11 12 12 12 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 27 27 27 29 30 30 30 30 Revised date: 1960 - Thank you to the hundreds of readers who pointed out this error Mary & John Hild on their 50th Wedding Anniversary They were married Feb 4.1962. “What’s Going On” Spring is definitely in the air. Very soon it will be the time to clean and spruce up the Schwaben Club inside and out. It’s that time of the year to make sure all the air-conditioners are working properly and make repairs to whatever needs to be done. Keeping our fingers crossed hopefully there won’t be much. Business has been a little slower that I would like so far this year but things are picking up and we look forward to a good year as we try to keep revenues coming in and expenses down. There are many great events planned and coming up this year and I hope you attend as many as you can. Festivals and Dinner Shows, Concerts and Dances; we will keep you informed as dates get closer. Until next time, enjoy the nice spring weather. Don Egley Manager Schlachtfest “We are gathered here today to celebrate … eating pig”. That was the line that opened the annual Schlachtfest celebration, and it was a prelude to what was to come. Once again the banquet was a complete success, with everything being wellreceived throughout the evening. The evening began with a short speech by Peter Speckner, briefly describing the history and significance of Schlachtfest. Following grace by Miss Schwaben, the kitchen staff promptly started bringing out the food. And boy the kitchen really did do a great job this year. The salad was delicious; the three Pork meats were perfectly cooked (roast, sausage, and schnitzel); the sides of potatoes, sauerkraut and vegetables were mouth-watering. Dessert was of course, the Krapfen (homemade donuts), and they were amazing. Our sincerest thanks go out to the volunteers who came in early to bake the donuts that Saturday morning. It is no wonder they disappear so quickly every year! After dessert, the first of 4 performances took place. The Kindergruppe again captured our hearts with their dancing. Following the Kindergruppe, we had a special treat. For their continued on page 6 3 4 s e f t h c a l h S c Vienese Ball Gala Evening 0 1 s t 2 0 May 29, 2010 Come..enjoy the elegance Come Dance With Us... No Experience Necessary! Kindergruppe 3 - 8 years old Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 pm Jugendgruppe 9 - 14 years old Practice is Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 pm Everyone Welcome at the Schwaben Club! For more information, email Lisa Schaadt, President of both groups, at: [email protected] Heritage Room Schwaben Club 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Our books in the Heritage Room are available to all members. It is asked that the books remain in the building (they shouldn’t be taken home), but members are invited to come and read them on-site if interested. If a member wishes to take a book home for reading or research, please submit your written request to the Cultural Director’s mail slot in the office. 519-742-7979 5 continued from page 3 6 first performance ever; out came the new Jugendgruppe. Under the direction of Kirk Hanke and Brandy Chapman, these dancers had been working hard for 2 months in preparation for this night; they did not disappoint us. Their inaugural dance was fast-paced, exciting, and well-executed. We look forward to many more wonderful performances. Following the two children’s groups, Club president Phil Neidert gave a brief speech, congratulating the dance groups, and welcoming the bowlers who join us every year. After a short break, to give everyone a chance to relax and digest, the band A Trio+ took to the stage and carried us through the evening. The Schwaben Dancers were the next group to perform, and ended with the thundering heavy metal Rammertanz. The final performance went to the Donau Dancers, who also ended on a high note, with their energetic Viva dance. The band played until the wee hours of the morning, much to the appreciation of the people who stayed until the end. It was a fantastic evening, and I’m sorry it had to end. I’m even more sorry that we have to wait a whole year until we can get Krapfen again. But I’m sure it will be worth the wait. What will next year bring? Being our 80th anniversary, I am sure it will be special. Peter Speckner Cultural Director Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe Our Club’s Schlachtfest Celebration on March 20, 2010 was a success with our Kindergruppe and Jungendgruppe representing over 10 tables. Our Jugendgruppe performed for the first time and did an astonishing job. Thank you to all parents, instructors; Brandi Chapman and Kirk Hanke and committee members for pulling this together so gracefully. Our Jugendgruppe is already practicing a new dance together and continues to grow in dancers. Our Kindergruppe’s performance was amazing. The children continue to get better and better. They too are learning a new polka dance with the hope of having it ready for Landestrachtenfest. Both groups have a few fundraising ideas for the next few months as we are saving up for our trip to Philadelphia and new dirndls. We have and will continue to collect Zehrs Tapes, a plant sale on our Mother’s Day Celebration at the Schwaben Club (May 2, 2010) and starting the beginning of April we are selling Epicure (herb and fruit) dips. If you are interested in supporting any of these fundraisers please feel free to contact me for more information. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter and we look forward to seeing you all at Landestrachtenfest and Mother’s Day! Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President Frauengruppe Spring is here! We have been enjoying some pleasant weather. In April we will be celebrating Landestrachtenfest at our club. We need lots of donations of raffle prizes for this event as well as Mother’s Day. You may also still bring recipes to the meeting for the cookbook. We will be taking the Frauengruppe picture on Wed April 21st at the birthday meeting. Everyone should wear dirndls or dirndl-blouses and skirts. Also keep in mind the Mother’s Day lunch is Sunday May 2nd and we would appreciate a large turnout. Also we hope everyone had a Frohe Ostern! Susan Cook Schwaben Club Frauengruppe Endres, Irmgard Passed away peacefully at Freeport Health Centre on Friday, March 26, 2010 at the age of 83. Beloved wife to the late Michael (1995). Loving mother of Renate (Fernando) Miranda of Kitchener, and Maria Isolde (John) Orsan of St. Clements. Special and loving Oma to grandchildren Wesley (Leigh) Rosa, John (Lisa) Orsan, Michael Orsan and his companion Jen, and Christopher and his companion Monica. Sadly missed by her dear friend Joe “Sepp”. www.pillers.com http://www.cookingwithnana.com/ Nana’s Spaetzle Maker Ltd. Toll-Free: 1-866-868-2820 Phone: 250-868-2820 Fax: 1-250-868-2817 E-mail: [email protected] Schwartz, Jakob Passed away peacefully on Sunday, March 7, 2010 at Freeport Health Care Centre following a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 86. Beloved husband of Karola for 57 years. Devoted father of Hardy and his wife Dianne. Cherished Opa of Courtney Fewster (Kris), Jonathan and Whitney. Jakob will be missed by his nephew Gunther and his wife Helga, his sisterin-law Katharina and his niece Helga and her family of Germany. 7 8 Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com