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Underground the Dancing Dancing the Underground. Psychedelic, Poesie, Politik Disco aus den 1960/70er Jahren mit DJ Glasmeier Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2016, 19 Uhr Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Raum 01/304 mit Syd Barrett, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Big Brother & The Holding Company, Edgar Broughton Band, Eric Burdon And The Animals, The Byrds, Can, Captain Beefheart, Chamber Brothers, Colosseum, Country Joe & The Fish, The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown, Cream, Cuby & The Blizzards, Deep Purple, The Doors, Bob Dylan, The Electric Prunes, The Fugs, Grateful Dead, Hapshash And The Coloured Coat, -LPL+HQGUL[,URQ%XWWHUÁ\-HIIHUVRQ$LUSODQH-DQLV Joplin, King Crimson, The Kinks, Led Zeppelin, Lol Coxhill, Lothar & The Hand People, Love, MC 5, Monks, The Mothers Of Invention, The Nice, Nico, Pink Floyd, The Pretty Things, The Red Krayola, The Rolling Stones, Grace Slick, Small Faces, Soft Machine, The Stooges, Ten Years After, The Thirteenth Floor Elevators, The United States Of America, Vanilla Fudge, The Velvet Underground, The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, The Who, The White Noise, The Yardbirds, The Zombies u.a. Mit Prof. Heike Kati Barath und Prof. Dr. Michael Glasmeier, Hochschule für Künste, Bremen Eine Veranstaltung des Instituts für Kunstwissenschaft ÀQDQ]LHUWDXV6WXGLHQTXDOLWlWVPLWWHOQ