Exchange Synchronization


Exchange Synchronization
Exchange Synchronization
AX 2012
Autor ................................ Pascal Gubler
Dokument ........................ Exchange Synchronization 2012 (EN)
Erstellungsdatum ............. 25. September 2012
Version ............................. 2 / 17.06.2013
Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG................................................................... FEHLER! TEXTMARKE NICHT DEFINIERT.
OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................ 3
FEATURES............................................................................................................................................. 3
SETTINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
EXCHANGE PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................... 4
CATEGORIES.......................................................................................................................................... 5
EMPLOYEES .......................................................................................................................................... 5
USING EXCHANGE SYNCHRONIZATION IN AX 2012 ................................................................................. 6
CONTACTS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Private contacts ............................................................................................................... 6
Public contacts ................................................................................................................. 7
Employee-Contacts .......................................................................................................... 7
Contacts and mobile devices ........................................................................................... 7
Photos .............................................................................................................................. 8
Deleting private contacts ................................................................................................. 8
Deleting public contacts ................................................................................................... 8
E-MAILS IMPORT ................................................................................................................................... 9
SEND E-MAILS .................................................................................................................................... 10
APPOINTMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 11
TASKS ................................................................................................................................................ 13
DELETED ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................. 14
ACTIVE DIRECTORY INTEGRATION IN AX 2012 ..................................................................................... 15
EMPLOYEE CONTACTS ........................................................................................................................... 15
INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................... 16
Pascal Gubler
Pascal Gubler
Mitarbeiter-Kontakte, Active Directory
Martin Abrle
Translation, more details
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Axperience AG • Gewerbestrasse 12 • 8800 Thalwil
Telefon 044 722 59 60 •
Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Product description
«AXP-Exchange Sync» Dynamics AX module supports a seemles integration between Exchange objects and
their Dynamics AX counterparts.
One integration example could the usage of your tablet to input data (into the calendar and contacts) while
on the go. There is no online requirement here – data will be automatically synchronized with Exchange and
therefore also with Dynamics AX the next time you connect to the network.
Following AX and Exchange objects can be synchronized:
Private contacts / AX Contacts
Contacts in public folders / AX Contacts
Contacts in public folders / AX Employees (Export only)
Appointments and meetings / AX Activities
Tasks / AX Activities
E-Mails / AX Activities (Import)
E-Mails distribution
Additionally, employee information can be synchronized into the active directory to keep AD objects up to
date with HR Information.
Version 2
Compatible with all recent AX versions (AX 4.0, AX 2009, AX 2012, AX 2012 R2)
Compatible all Exchange version from Exchange Server 2007SP1 (latest CU recommended) upwards
Compatible with Office 365, regardless of where the servers are hosted
E-Mail integration for CRM Activities allows for better Exchange and AX CRM Activities integration
Supports a centralised contact data management in AX
Supports a centralised contact and employee data management in AX
Organization of customer related activities (tasks, meetings)
Always up-to date info about your CRM activities in AX
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Exchange Parameters
Exchange Parameters form is used to set general integration parameters.
Exchange Server: Exchange Webservices URL – typically it’s
Admin E-Mail address: This is the mailbox address of the person with a full access to the public folder
containing Contacts and Employee contacts. Typically this is the Exchange Administrator
Domain, synchronization account and the password identify the user who will connect to the Exchange
server to perform synchronization tasks. This account must have impersonation permissions to all user
mailboxes you want to synchronize with.
Exchange protocol – used to decide, whether Categories will be synchronized using Exchange. Exchange
2007 does not support the Category synchronization, all newer versions do. If you are using Exchange
2007, Categories will need to be deployed using GPOs.
The rest oft he parameters is used to set a recipient of batch processing errors, synchronization window for
meetings and appointments and E-Mail import details (what type of CRM activity should be created when
importing emails).
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
«ExchangeSync > Setup > Categories» Form is where Exchange categories are centrally managed. These
categories will be automatically deployed to all mailboxes which are synchronized and can be chosen to
classify AX CRM activities, AX Employees and AX Contacts. Categories are also used to decide which objects
can be synchronized – in case of E-Mails, Appointments, Meetings Tasks and private contacts. You can also
use this form to export categories to selected mailboxes. This is being done automatically, but «Export
categories» can serve as a troubleshooting tool to prove that Connection settings and impersonation rights
are setup correctly.
Note: Please restart the AX Client each time you modify categories, as they are cached in clients memory for
performance reasons.
Employee’s mailbox is defined here. There is also a setup for each Exchange object type which is going to be
synchronized. Settings here are overriding the setup in categories – for example, Tasks will not be
synchronized unless it’s explicitelly allowed here. This feature can be used to limit synchronization with
sensitive mailboxes (CEO, HR). To disable the synchronization with sensitive mailboxes completely, do not
give the impersonation permission for these mailboxes to the synchronization account.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Using Exchange Synchronization in AX 2012
There are two approaches to contact synchronization – one is to synchronize AX contacts with Exchange
(Outlook) Private contacts and the other one is to synchronize AX contacts with contacts in an Exchange’s
public folder.
In order to make both approaches to work, communication types need to be configured first in «Exchange
Synch > Setup > Communication methods ». Typically, all Exchange Email-Types (1..3), address types
(Business, Private, Other) and phone number types need to be covered.
Private contacts
Private contacts are managed using the «Exchange Sync > Common > Private contacts» form.
User can choose, which contacts to synchronize with his mailbox using the the «Choose contacts » button,
import contacts using the import button (based on categories assigned to his contacts) and export modified
contacts. Contacts, which have been imported, can be assigned to a vendor, customer or prospect if the
exchange contact’s company name was not unique (e.g. there is only one global address book company
entry with this name).
First time the user starts this form, he can change the contact directory if there is a need to use a different
contacts sub-directory. Some users might want to use this feature to separate their own contacts and
company contacts.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Public contacts
Public folders to synchronize contacts with can be setup using the form «Exchange Sync > Setup > Public
contacts folders». Here you define the Exchange path, separated using the „/“ sign as a delimiter (for
example „Axperience/Global Contacts”. Assigned to each Exchange path is a query, selecting a set of
contacts which are going to be synchronized (based for example on a region). Query selection is the selection
and filtering mechanism here – not the Category as is the case with private contacts.
Export and import can be started using «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Export > Contacts > Exchange public
contacts» and «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Import > Contacts > Exchange public contacts». AX Contacts,
linked to exchange public folder contacts, can be maintained using the form «Exchange Sync > Common >
Public contacts»
Export is exporting only recently modified contacts. Recently modified objects can be viewed using the form
«Exchange Sync > Inquiries > Synchronization log»
Employee contacts work the same way as public contacts – with the only difference, that there is no import
functionality. Public folder setup is to be found under «Exchange Sync > Setup > Public employee contacts
folders». Links between exchange public contacts and AX employees can be viewed using the «Exchange
Sync > Common > Employee contacts» form.
Export batch job is located under «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Export > Export employee contacts».
Contacts and mobile devices
Public contacts are not usually directly available from mobile device email clients (iPhone, iPad, Android).
However, there are dedicated applications, which allow you to browse and modify (and cache) public
folders. One example is the Public Folders application for iPhone we’re using.
Private contacts are directly synchronized with all mobile devices, which can connect to Exchange. Many
email clients also allow for an extra search/verification of contacts against the active directory (often called
global contacts or global address book in mobile email clients).
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Photos can be assigned (in Microsoft Dynamics AX standard) to employees; «AXP-Exchange Sync» extends
this functionality to AX contacts as well. Employee and contact photos will be then synchronized with
Deleting private contacts
When deleting an AX contact, Exchange contact will not get deleted automatically; only the link between
these two (in «Exchange Sync > Common > Private contacts») will be removed.
When an Exchange (private) contact gets deleted, the link between AX and exchange contacts gets removed
as well.
Deleting public contacts
When deleting an AX contact, the link between these two (in «Exchange Sync > Common > Public contacts»)
will be removed and the Exchange contact will be removed during the next synchronization.
When an Exchange (public) contact gets deleted, the ling (to be found in «Exchange Sync > Common > Public
contacts») gets the flag «Skip synchronization» set. Later, the AX contact can be either manually deleted, or
the Skip synchronization flag can be removed using the butting «Activate synchronization».
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
E-Mails import
Die E-Mails aus Outlook, resp. Exchange, werden in Microsoft Dynamics AX als Aktivität importiert. Es
können empfangene oder gesendete E-Mails importiert werden. Dies wird in den Parametern (Absatz 2.1)
To import an email into Dynamics AX, the email should have the right category set, e.g. a category, for which
the email import has been activated (see 2.2)
Email import can be started from «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Import > Import Emails» and it will search
mailboxes defined in the import batch job’s query. E-Mails found will be used to create AX activities; AX
Activity will be assigned to the contact, with the sender’s E-Mail address (in case of incoming E-Mails) or
recipient’s E-Mail address (in case of outgoing E-Mails) . If the contact with this E-Mail address doesn’t exist,
E-Mail will not be imported.
On the following picture, you can see the link between the contact (sender/recipient) and the imported
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
E-Mail attachements are imported into document management (Attachments, see below). Document types
for attachments have to be defined in «Sales and Marketing > Setup > Sale and marketing parameters >
Documents ».
Send E-Mails
«AXP-Exchange Sync» can be used to ditribute emails through Exchange. The advantage (compared to using
the SMTP) is, that the user can see sent emails in his mailbox.
Exchange E-Mail distribution ist o be found under «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Export > Send emails»; source
for the query are the AX standard outgoing emails «System administration > Periodic > E-mail processing > Email sending status».
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
In order for an Exchange appointment or a meeting, it needs to be created by a mailbox owner, which is an
AX employee with enabled appointment synchronization. Appropriate category needs to be assigned, as
discussed in 2.2.
The import is performed by the «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Import > Import appointments » job. Import job
will then create an activity of the category „Appointment“. All exchange data are mapped to AX data; most
important data for thy synchronization can be found in the «Exchange Synchronization» tab.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Meeting attendees (if they exist) will be imported into AX and can be viewed or modified using the Button
«Attendees» in AX activities.
In order to export an AX appointment, this AX activity of category „Appointment“ should have the
appropriate category assigned and the responsible worker needs to have the appointment synchronization
enabled. When the activity gets saved, an entry in the „synchronization log“ is created.
Export is performed using the «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Export > Export appointments » batch job. If you
want to export all, and not only modified AX apointments, select the checkbox «Export all appointmentd ».
If you assign attendees to an AX appointment, these will be created as attendees in for the Exchange
appointment and they will be invited to this (newly created) meeting.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Task import works similar to E-Mail and calendar apointments/meetings import. Task needs to have a
synchronizable category (see 2.2).
After starting the job «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Import > Import tasks», Tasks will be imported into AX as
and activitiy with the category Task.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
To export an activity with the category Task into AX, Um eine Aktivität aus AX an Exchange zu exportieren,
wird eine Aktivität mit der Kategorie „Aufgabe“ und der entsprechenden Exchange Kategorie angelegt. Beim
Speichern der Aktivität wird dieser im Exchange Synchronizationsprotokoll vermerkt.
Der Export wird über die Funktion «Exchange Sync > Periodisch > Export > Aufgaben exportieren» gestartet.
Sollen alle Aufgaben und nicht nur die geänderten exportiert werden, kann der Parameter „Alle Aufgaben
exportieren“ gewählt werden.
Deleted activities
When the user deletes an activity, a backup of of all relevant information (the activity itself, attendees,..) is
made. «Exchange Sync > Periodic > Deleted activities» form can be then used to view these activities and
restore them if needed.
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Active Directory Integration in AX 2012
Employee contacts
«AXP-Exchange Sync» can be used to synchronize employee information into the active directory using the
«Exchange Sync > Periodisch > Export > Kontakte > Mitarbeiter-Kontakte» nach Active Directory
exportieren» batch job. Employees, which are assigned to a a user in AX, can be (based on a query) searched
for and updated in an OU, described with the parameter «LDAP Path users». «LDAP Path contacts» is an
optional parameter. If used, employees which do not have an AX user, will be exported as contacts into this
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Exchange Synchronisation / AX 2012
Installation is described in the install.txt file in the installation archive.
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