Prairie Island 40th


Prairie Island 40th
Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Prairie Island Nuclear
Generating Plant
40 Powerful Years 1 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Letter from Kevin Davison Forty years of genera on — that is a proud accomplishment for any sta on! It is an honor to lead Prairie Island Nuclear Genera ng Plant at this point in the site’s history. What I have learned in my me here is that our power isn’t only in our reactors — it is in every corner of our sta on. The power that has made Prairie Island successful is every person who has supported its safe, reliable opera on since the day our predecessors first broke ground by the river. Without the dedica on, hard work and passion for nuclear that we all bring to Prairie Island, we would not have our strong history. Site Vice President and
Director of Site
Operations Team
A lot has changed since 1974. You can see that just in the popula on explosion that we’ve experienced moving from 150 employees running our sta on, to more than 700 today. You can see it in the investments that are being made here — including new steam generators, a new site office building and a con nued capital commitment to ensuring we operate for the dura on of our license. That kind of growth shows that we have the skills, flexibility and determina on to run a nuclear plant that is in tune with what today’s consumers are looking for — an energy source that is safe, clean and reliable, and compe vely and predictably priced. Cathy McEathron and Janet Swanson, Execu ve Assistants; Sco Sharp, Director of Site Opera ons; Kevin Davison, Site Vice President Thank you for your work here every day. You — and all those who have come before us — are the reason that we are able to keep the power coursing through our lines. Warm regards, As you leaf through the pages of this book, know that we all share a common purpose, not simply to run a great plant, but also a shared commitment to each other, our community and our customers. Kevin Davison Site Vice President The 40th Anniversary Celebra on team would like to thank the following individuals for their contribu ons to this
publica on:
Janet Daley, for championing the idea, maintaining comprehensive archives and coordina ng photo submissions
Frank Spurlock, for the new photos taken from atop containment
Astrid Sandell, for book produc on
2 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
13 Wide Clan
Front: Gary Downing, Fred Arant, Mark Stevens, Jon Taylor, Jay Kane, Cheryl Fox, Lori Anderson, Tim Morrison, Jim Salisbury, Jody Olson, Kassandra Guse, Phil Lindberg, Turney Hazlet, Dolly Newberg 2nd Row: Brad Ellison, Terri Ryan, Kari Gunhus 3rd Row: William Staggers, Ma Gorden, John Walters, Rick Hughes, Mike Hendricks, Eli Lamb, Ted Williams, Duane Johnson, Warner Andrews, Wayne Hunt, Joe Ruether, Sco Onnen, Jason Loeffler, Jeremy Baker, David Reed, Roth Trulson, Jimmy Bridges, Sco McCall 4th Row: John Riedner, Cliff Lang, Randy Baud, Jim Owen, Brian Greenhoe, Greg Ridder, Jon Harlander, Mike Staley, Brad Scheidecker, Sam Chestnut Not pictured: Sco Marty, Gene Eckholt
Access Authorization &
Fitness for Duty
Back: Jessica Jensen, Terry Sande, Gina Cowles, Tasha Stephens Accounting
Be y Humphrey, Diane VanDeWalker, Linda Erickson, Mark Aeling, Jim Johnson, Deanna Nichols Front: John “Randy” Pullen, Laura Harrington
3 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
API Insulators
Tom McNamara, Chad Dircks, Joe Corbe Balance of Plant
Front: Jenny Sablak and Ryan Cox Back: Ben Alkhas, Dick Peterson, Sco Ferguson Business Planning
Mike Kelly, Denise Swanson, Mike Conner 4 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Business Support Team
Back: Lori Fox, Pam Friedrich, Angela Krause, Melinda Anderson, Lynne e Sweet, Lauren Dargus, Diane Behnke, Cheri Cur s, Kathy Valleau, Janet Hall, Sheri Mader Front: Courtney Harris, Cyndi Reese, Stephanie Hayes, Courtney Murphy, Alicia Grave, Beverly Grieger, Julie Atsa , Melissa Rehder, Ryan O edahl, Theresa Priem Not pictured: Allison Boyer, Karen Coulson, Sheryl Schuetzle, Vicki Borst, Linda Reinhart,
Sheila Ki leson and Karen Stein
Not pictured: Nolan Douglas, Timi Nelson, Jim Payton, Jason Romfo, Sean Tanner
Back: Joan Neubauer, Sco Pelot, Jon Hauschildt, Bri any Brenner, Curt Stupak, Skipp Lee Front: Shawn Parisian, Wendi Winkler, Rich Lockwood, Frank Sperlak
Ma Heinen, Mike Dyas, Patrick Davis, Mike Jagusch, Adam Bigalk, Trinh Nguyen, Adam Ebert, Nathan Leitner 5 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Chemistry — continued
Danelle Kinney, Ann Rahn, Eric Baker, Gregg Beck Dave Gauger and Dave Shields Collins Day
Collins Night
6 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Design Engineering —
Back: Keith Friesen, Dave Baltos, L es Borchardt, Jim Krause, Karl Wegler, Joe Mathew Front: Chuck Rizzo, Janet Daley, Robbie MilesBoysen and Bill Scholberg Not pictured: Linda Whipple and Russ
Design Engineering —
Electrical / I&C
Back: Joe Mathew, Franklyn Hernandez, Aaron Schiller, Neil Albares, Craig Wrisley, Ricardo Pino Front: Ryan Cook, Paul Zamarripa, Jeff Khanpour, Jamila Smith-McCall Not pictured: Erik Hanson, BinhAn Ta,
Hughes Wike
Design Engineering —
Back: Salvador Suarez, Tim LaHann, Bill Partridge, Patrick Bent Middle: Joe Mathew, Travis Dendinger, Nate Adams, Dileep Cherlopalle, Doug Johnson Front: Richard Anderson, Tim O’Connor, Ben Wegner, Hassan Khanpour Not pictured: Bill Gehn, Kyle Kriesel
In March 1982, the Prairie Island Training Center (PITC) was completed. The building housed both training facili es and Emergency Off-site Facility. The simulator was installed in October 1983. 7 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Document Control and Records Management
Sheri Olesen, Andrea Harmon, Jean Miller, WendyJo Mehrkens, Cheryl Domino, Mary Niebeling, Bruce Loesch, Lisa O man, Cathie Jo Van Houten, Becky Oakland, Tammy Rieck Not pictured: Lori Peine
Electrical Shop
Back: Dick Knoblach, Kurt Friedrich, Jim Beeler, Jim Edlund, Doug Laabs, Tom Kirchner, Steve Burt, Denny Bogan, Bruce Schiller, Mark Borst, Ron Loge Front: Bill Fuechtmann, Steve Gerdes, Brandon Napper, Heather Thielbar, Travis Edquist, Mike Anderson, Bryan Banks, Kelly McCabe 8 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Human Resources
Jake Davisson, Liz Tyger
In 1975, Prairie Island had 152 employees. At the plant’s 20th anniversary, there were 450. Today, there are more than 700 employees on site. Information Technology
Back: Mike Pfeffer, Vicki Borst, Bob Pate, Rick Schuster, Ron Goggin, Melanie Schoepp, Dick Allen, Jim Hill Front: Karissa Holt, Paul Berger, Mike McGuire Sco Greenslit, Todd Strom, Bryan Bluske, Royce Bo n, Kevin Fairbanks, Dan Roff 9 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Instrumentation & Control Back: Chris Mundt, Mike Mimbach, Dan Trout, Jack Harrison, Ed Tomaszewski, Rob Tracy, Dan Richter, Steve Richter, Ryan Bernt, Paul Deschand, Tom Tingo Front: Mike DeConinck, Pat Brandt, Mike O’Brien, Jim Breden, Pat Mathena, Linda Reinhart, Jayme Har ield, Jim Sands Not pictured: Mike Chapeau, Kyle Farrell, Chris Haglund, Dan Robinson, Joe Milos
Tom McCorison, Jason Ashlock, William Haskins, Steve Rudd Lifeworks
Denise McCofferty, Jennifer Pap, Tina Parry, Jen Ziemer, Janet Palek 10 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Maintenance Production
Back row: Don Safe, Jerod Thomforde, Jordan Lundquist, Jeff Veenendall, Paul Flynn, Mark Fitzsimmon, Craig Conklin, Mike Thom, Paul Bute, Chris Carlson, Brad Poppe, Jon Mar nen, Kevin Noll, Adam Snyder, Jim Brown, Rob Skoog, Haven Hadler, Marlene Halvorson, Chris Wilson Front row: John Winkelman, Mike Rhodes, Bill Prigge, Colin Graves, Tim Morth, Randy Niebeling, Franz Tezel, John Linder Not pictured: Ole Aarness, Josh Angel, Sco Johnson, Dave Carlstrom, Russ Nichols, Bob Holub, Dave Pemble, John
Flatjord, Jesse Fox, Dan Brehmer, Steve Vold, Sco Labine, Sco Mullaney, Don Marte, Ann Wilkens, John Alpers, Josh
Bierbrauer, Jerry Pribyl, Ma Schmidt, Jeff Mann, Adrian Gosse , Sco Pherne on, Becky Bru, Lynn Carigiet
On July 16, 2014, Prairie Island Unit 1 (pictured at right during construc on) hit a new online record with 560 consecu ve days. Unit 2 held the previous record of 559, which was set in 2004. As of this prin ng, Unit 1 remains online! 11 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Maintenance Support
Bevin Eichhorn, Lynn Johnson, Courtney Loosbrock Maintenance Planning
Dan Jenson, Joel Lashomb, Nathan Fedora, Kyle Eastling, Chase McCray, Sco Baird, Greg Fitschen, Jim Rehdantz, Lee Wallerich, Dus n Schulenberg, Corey Kuehni, Jon Vander Pol, Doug Rupp, Jony Allen, Mike Spangle, Jeff Lucas, Jimmy Sullivan, Mike Kremer, Tom Smith, Bill Syring, Ray Jick, David Rutkoff, Mike Smallpage, Sco Feuerhelm, Lonnie Jenson, Steve Belflower, Chris Sloop Not pictured: Tom Demma, Jeff Rossman
In1982,Julie(Kulzick)Pedersonwasthe irstfemaleengineer
onsight—andthe irstpregnantemployeewhohadjob
12 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Maintenance and Technology Instructors
Front: Henry Raway, George Medina, Jeremy Carda, Mark Anderson, Teresa Dorsey, James Wright, Steve Hintz, Steve Benson Back Dave Mead, Jamie Gore, Julie Peterson, Tom Wadley, Pam Flacksbarth, Bill Zaspel, Arle e Gensmer Not pictured: Kevin Grote, Mark Jones, Mitch Mar novich, Art McLeran, Josh Price, Prokosch Seija,
George Schaus, Lisa VanBoxel, Jus n Wick
Back: Ma Anderson, Joe Fox, Shane Eckhoff, Randy Nichols, Rick Epich, Randy Stein Middle: Mary Anderson, John Gorman, Ron Gilbertson Front: Kevin Johnson, Marty Lyons, Leann Keepers, Brandon Cavness, Sco Wi l Not pictured: Cody Mundt, Deb Johnson,
Troy Balster, Nick Jacobson
Unit 1 reached 100% power on July 16, 1974. Unit 2 reached 100% several months later on February 5, 1975. 13 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Nuclear Steam
Systems Supply
Back: Rebecca Bader, Ryan DenHerder, Philip Snider, Jeremiah Smith, Jeremy Koenig Front: Robert Gassis, Nathan Roark, Jennifer Sablak Nuclear Oversight
Front: Tom Taylor, Luke Seidling, Kevin Goebel, Hank Bu erworth, Steve Mar n, Hamilton Bishop, James Sieh, Jeff Kivi Back: Paul Huffman, Chris Pecore, John Oelkers, Randy Garding, Rick Rother, Dave Pfaff, Bill Kappes, Chris Baartman Not pictured: Dave Corbesia,
Joesa Olson, Sheryl Schuetzle
Operations Crew 1
Front: Mike Pauzauskie, Jesse Mickelson. Middle: Wayne Sexson, Mark Jenkin, Mark Loosbrock, Wes Kochendorfer, Dan Lindner. Back: Kevin Bach, Dick Meyer, Steve Jones, Ron Chris anson, Mike Rupp, Ma Wilson 14 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Operations Crew 2 with Prairie Island Plant Manager
Back: Dean Simonson, Jared Hollister, Kevin Kehn, Tom Pa tz, Dean Zadra, Todd Strain. Middle: Brad Churchill, Bruce Fauver, Jeff Hanson. Front: Wayne Eppen, Chris Younie (Plant Manager)
Operations Crew 3
Seated: Bruce Herling and Chad Enerson. Standing: Tom Holt, Ka e Hopfauf, Ma Angerman, Bob Carlson, Nick Moody, Brent Walker, Kyle Herling, Gene Dammann. Not pictured: Michael Murphy, Jason Fox and Steve Arndt Operations Planning
Front: Jason Crowley, Alain Guelbart, Kirk Phillips, Bill Mather, Tom Thelen. Back: Joe Julian, Mike Helland, Mike Rough, Tim Hendel, Jeff Baartman. 15 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Operations Training
Back: Mike Fish, Josh Brown, Don Anderson, Trent Larson, Mark Humphrey, Jesse Maunu, Joe Gorman, Sam DiPasquale Middle: Rick Wirkkala, Shawn Sarrasin, Nic Abney, Gerry Gore, Zach Elbert, Sco Whitson, Amanda Bierbrauer Front: Jus n Hasner, Corey Schoo, Chad Boegeman, Ross Lexvold, Travis Ouret Not pictured: Andrew Ahern, Fred Collins, Steve Flanders, Jeff Gehlhar, Chris Gregson,
Mike Halverson, Ben Hessenius, Tony Short
Operations Training Crew 2
Front: Tim Borgen, Brad Churchill. 2nd row: Jim Carver, Jim Camber, Tom Pa tz, Rich Haley, Chris Marker, Bruce Fauver, Wayne Eppen. 3rd row: Mark Girdeen, Dean Simonson, Ryan Borklik, Jared Hollister, Bre Cummings, Kevin Kehn, Dean Zadra, Jeff Hanson. Not Pictured: Todd Strain
16 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Outage Management
Front: Jeff Helgeson, Mike Heller, Tom Hilla, Julie Engleman, Carolyn Seemann, Gene Painter Back: Eric Johnson, Nick Ferdelman, Terry McDaniel, Doug Zweerink Plant Management
Chris Younie, Plant Manager; Brad Boyer, Radia on Protec on Manager; John Boesch, Produc on Planning Manager; Tim Allen, Assistant Plant Manager; Joe Ru ar, Opera ons Manager; Brian Meek, Safety/Human Performance Manager; Chris Childress, Maintenance Manager; Dave Gauger, Chemistry Manager; Susan Kocur-Wedrickas, Execu ve Assistant On-line Scheduling
Front: Mark Smutny, Lauren Dargus, Sco Guse, Kris Chezick, Jason Tribe, Kevin Jensen Back: Chuck Kurle, Randy Lawrie, Bjorn Soderlund, Geoff McRandall, Brent Seely, Paul Hellen Below: Jane Rogers, Sco Lappegaard, Warren Wertman
17 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Performance Assessment
Performance Improvement
Front: Melinda Anderson, Lisa Jenson, Tori Blomgren. Back: Meggan Markley, Heidi Maynard, Angela Schulenberg, Betsy Rogers Gary Andrews, Art Coulson, Dominique Hanson, Mike Snyder, Mark Unger
Procedure Group
Troy Maher, Mark W. Johnson, Paul Pink, Dennis Herling, Lynn Lowery, Brian Konz, Chuck Goranowski, Ron Holthe, Ken Kruse Program Engineering
Front: Sco Redner, Dean Schantzen, Sco Reed, Al Shams, Patricia Arredondo, Lora Drenth, Betsy Moenkedick, Kamini Balakrishnan, Karen Hernandez, Heather Sturgeon, Ron Clow, Jerry Wren, Paul Taylor. Back: Roger Sagmoe, Luke Farrell, Dale Wickman, Mike Brown, Pete Brunsgaard, Greg Kvamme, Mark Gruber, Stephen Pronovost, John Whi ield, Bill Gehn (Design), Tom Downing, Kajan Gajenetharan, Sam Schibonski, Dylan Sylvester, Bruce Sinn-Brown 18 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Radiation Protection
Front: Doug McLaren, Doug Warren, Ben Russell, Mike Hovis 2nd row: Sue Moldenhauer, Frank Rodriguez, Tim Scherer, Karl Klotz 3rd row: Dan Allison, Rod McIntyre, Pete DeAngelis, Johnny Maish, Penny Girdeen, Bre LaVigne 4th row: Christopher Naplorkowski, Peter Wildenborg, Eric Prince, Gary Andry, Joshua Rogers, Clay Sweet, Steve Derleth Regulatory Affairs
Front: Frank Sienczak, Penny Oleson Middle: Dale Vincent, Stephanie Hayes, Ben Hammargren, Bryan Willard Back: Jon Anderson, George Gabrielson
Safety & Human
Back: Brian Meek, Paul Schmidt, Trent Noecker Front: Gretchen Thom, Alicia Grave, Gary Anderson
19 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Security Staff
James Bremer, Jared Prink, Dan Strauss, Skyler Teigen, Robert Erickson, Louie Jensen, Tom Sco , Darren Karnes, Jonathan Corwin Security Bravo Team
(alphabe cal order) Cody Anderson, Thao Cheng, Brandon Christofferson, Peter Cook, Daniel Cox, Daniel Fle , Lee Gransee, Chris Gustafson, David Han , Sco Hosfield, Tim Hinz, David Klindworth, Tang Lee, Joe Mrozek, Jarrod Matsch, Ryan Raymond, Sean Roach, Anthony Ross, James Salmon, Christy Samu, Stephen Stork, Joshua Thornburg, Stuart Wood, Cole Wulff Security Charlie Team
Standing: Daniel Schumacher, Cory Woodford, Stephan Schmidt, Jason Chris anson, Craig Lidgerding, Lori Holt, Joshua Berndt, Rich Mamer, Micah Moore, Michael Olson, Lynne Bangasser, Cameron Thompson, Sco Kuehl. Seated: Christopher Nelson, Dylan Duden, Tyson Wolfe 20 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Security Delta Team
Standing: Jeffrey Hendel, Michael Flom, Nicholas King, Timothy Prazak, Nicholas O o, Sarah Kloncz, Jay Lucht, Mathew Kohner, Blake Mamer, Mitchell Woodwick, Webster Cox, Colin Wulff, Ash Miller, Jason Bournes, Patrick Broveleit, Clifford Kronebusch. Seated: Donald Osbourne, Lori Holt, Lucas Keenan, Travis Taverna, Joshua Gernentz Security Echo Team
Standing: Aus n Engen, Jason Slack, Jeremy Yaeger, Jack Kostreba, Michael Bach, Thomas Dickson, Jordan Safe, Trent Blazek, James Schuh, Michael Larson, Ryan Bangasser, Michael Leflay. Seated: William Hose, Rusty Davis, Nicholas Gillespie, Joseph Braunreiter, Benjamin Ueland Security Trainers
Front: Dan Strauss, Tiffany Hughes, Trever Harfield Back: Jim Gates, Steve Bangasser, Al Uebel 21 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Simulator Training
Sco Whitson, Tony Short, Jeff Gehlhar
Steam Generator Project Team
Francois Mar neau, Ray Rosten, Eric Bermaud, Jeff Sme ers, Shandra Barnes, Cheryl Fox, John Walters, Tina Lindell, Marty Lee, Richard Pearson Not Pictured: Sco Marty
whentherewerenoPCsatall!The irstPCarrivedatPrairieIslandon
22 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Special Construction Teams
Carpenters — Days
Back: Steve Hagen, Roger Sabby, Lucas Moldenhauer, Lee Ludwig, Cole Anderson, Don Forsberg, Greg Carlson, Jeremy Stephens, Burt Aikin Front: Jeff Ma hees, Geno Caputo, Andy Delong, Eric Hawkenson, Sco Anderson, Lucas Stumpf Carpenters and
Laborers — Nights
Josh Kiefer, Wendy Thompson, Joe Patrow, Tim Schilling, Jim Mann Laborers — Days
Back: Alvin Bachel, Ma Mears, Gerald McEathron Middle: Trent Knowlton, Jason Anfinson, Lance Place, Dustyn Jarmuz, Bill Jordan, Jason Kalstabakken, Wes Hammond, Steve Hinsch, Steve Salkowicz Front: Jon Westerberg, Joe Montey, Keith Kochar, Sco Shellum, Adam Reinhart, Terry Stuhr, Megan Stockwell, Mike Stewart, John Nafus 23 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Special Construction Teams
Iron Workers —
Patrick Johnson, Jim Allan, Clint Levy, Nate Swanson, Damon Stusek Painters — Days
Lance Aus n, Ed Ogden, Dave Peterson, Randy Griffin In November 1991, the First Technical Exchange Agreement was put in place between Prairie Island and Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. of Japan, which has a similar design to Prairie Island. On August 15, 2008, the Technical Exchange Agreement was renewed to share technical informa on and exper se. Operating Engineers
Josh Neisinger, Nate Neisinger 24 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Special Construction Supervisors
Brad Hovland, Brian Peters, John Fondren, Joe Henrion, Mike Powell, Charlie Prahl, Mike Hanson, Mike Lescarbeau Supply Chain
Front: Barb Novek, Jeanne Peterson, Rhonda Beck, Debbie Stewart, Bonnie Guelbart, Sheila Ki leson, Grace Kunesh-Majerus, Dolly Peckman Back: Dwight Krueger, Brent Williams, Jerry Stehr, Doug Johnson, Mike Mitchell, Brian Rogers, John Ramstad, Dan Dancer, Sco Northey, Elmer Pagel, Dennis Price, Mitchell Johnson, Joe Bocanegra, Ma Tutewohl Not Pictured: Jerry Quam, Sco Kerins, Larry Erickson, Pat Vancampen, Don Pribyl, Paul Hajovy, Kip Zach,
Tim Engleman, Randy Olson, John Maze
In June 1999, Prairie Island Unit 1 became the world’s first 562 megawa
reactor to generate 100 million megawa s of power
25 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Front: Binhan Ta, Kory Kreisler, Shari Schnell Back: John Erickson, Rachael Zebro, Adam Annis Sco Hughes, Kevin Holmstrom, Ed Sweeney, Dwain Lambert, Lucas Carlson, Nithiya Gajanetharan Front: Steve Flanders, Wendy Peterson, Hughes Wike Back: Jon Kvamme, Bill Findlay ThePrairieIsland
SocialClubof icially
Ben Horner Bob Euer, Krystyn Kono, Lori Peine 26 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Friends we will miss
These former Prairie Island employees live on in the memories of many who s ll work here. Charles Agan, August 2013 Daniel Kenny, April 2002 Dale Althaus, August 2001 Joe Kirchner, February 2009 Max Balk, September 2006 Earl Kruse, April 2012 Dick Baringer, March 2011 Mike Ladd, November 2003 Sal Baringer, May 2011 Patsy Larimer, January 2004 Thomas Barry, August 2007 Walt Lucking, August 1985 Eugene Bengtson, January 2004 Jim Meath, November 2007 Dale Brenner, September 1992 Joe Militello, February 2014 John Bierbrauer, November 2007 Bob Mrozek, October 2013 Don Brown, November 2012 Bob Olson, November 2008 Lloyd Brunner, January 2012 Art Oxfurth, March 2007 John Bystrzycki, December 2013 Don Parrish, September 2003 Richard Clark, September 2009 Eric Phaneuf, December 2010 Don Cragoe, August 2011 LeRoy Rapp, May 2009 Rose Douglas, January 1993 Mark Resong, November 2005 Norbert Ewals, February 2010 Gary Secrist, March 2011 Bill Gauger, April 2014 Keith Spriggle, January 2008 Harold Grunenewald, July 1992 Sam Spurr, August 1992 Bob Hagerty, March 2006 Don Swenson, June 2006 Rich Hammel, December 2013 Dick Te , January 2012 Ray Hanson, May 2014 Lance Vale, November 2004 Don Haugland, November 1981 Pete Valtakis, July 2013 Jean Jaenicke, July 2008 Duane Wagenmann, December 2008 Odean Jensen, April 1983 Robert Warren, May 2001 Elmer Jenson, June 2009 Thomas Williams, September 1987 James Jeunemann, September 2003 27 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Prairie Island Retirees
Aeling, Mark , 2014 Carlson, Dennis, 2013 Goldsmith, John, 2003 Jenson, Elmer, 1992 Agen, Mel, 2010 Carlson, John, 2014 Gonyeau, Joe, 2000 Jeunemann, James, 1992 Albrecht, Ken, 2011 Chezick, Steve, 2007 Gosman, Jerry, 2010 Joachim, Jerry, 2002 Alexandar, Bob, 2007 Chi y, Joyce, 2004 Goudy, Brad, 2012 Johnson, Al, 2004 Allar, Wayne, 2004 Christensen, Dave, 2010 Gould, Denny, 2006 Johnson, Duane, 2006 Althaus, Dale, 1988 Cole, Bob, 2009 Graupman, Steve, 2013 Johnson, Herb, 1990 Anderson, Blaine, 2013 Coleman, Randy, 2003 Green, Bill, 1997 Johnson, Jack E., 1999 Anderson, Bruce, 2007 Conklin, Rolly, 1993 Grizzle, Jim, 2010 Johnson, Jack N., 1998 Anderson, Dan, 2004 Cragoe, Don, 1991 Groh, Steve, 2003 Just, Mike, 2010 Anderson, Gary, 2014 Daley, Janet, 2014 Gruenewald, Harold, 1988 Kelly, Mike, 2001 Anderson, Jerry, 2012 Daley, Oscar, 2013 Hager, Chris, 2011 Kenny, Daniel, 2002 Anderson, Joyce, 2002 Davis, Marlys, 2013 Hagerty, Bob, 2004 Kieffer, Bob, 2004 Anderson, Larry, 2009 DeLong, Keith, 1998 Hall, Mike, 2013 Kirchner, Joe, 1994 Anderson, Les, 2005 Dietz, Ed, 1996 Halverson, Dan, 2010 Klee, Ma , 2010 Anderson, Vic, 2012 Doyle, Bob, 2011 Hammel, Rich, 2013 Klopf, Phil, 2006 Andrews, George, 2013 Dreyling, Art, 1997 Hanson, John, 2010 Knievel, Chris, 2007 Andrews, Warner, 2008 Dugstad, Dale, 2012 Hanson, Ray, 2010 Kolle, Gary, 2006 Balk, Max, 1987 DuRen, Marge, 2001 Hanson, Ron, 2010 Konkler, Lowell, 1998 Baltos, Chuck, 1998 Edon, Gil, 1991 Harvey, Ken, 2010 Kontzelman, Fred, 2009 Baringer,Dick, 2006 Ellison, Brad, 2006 Hasselblad, Bill, 2008 Korsten, Lance, 2005 Bengtson, Eugene, 1983 Engeltjes, Dave, 2011 Hawkenson, Jeff, 2008 Kremer, Harlan, 2000 Berghammer, Bob, 1997 Eppen, Debbie, 2013 Hedman, Joel, 2001 Kruse, Earl, 1991 Bichel, Jon, 1996 Ewals, Norbert, 1982 Held, Bob, 2003 Kuhl, Cathy, 2013 Biegler, Don, 1993 Finholm, Lee, 2004 Heller, Mike, 2014 Kuroyama, Al, 2000 Bierbaurer, John, 2006 Fitch, John, 2006 Henry, Larry, 2005 Laberee, Bill, 2000 Birk, Gary, 2011 Flack, Dick, 1997 Hoffman, Jim, 2001 LaCore, Marcia, 1999 Bjerk, Gordie, 2003 Fosberg, Charlie, 1999 Holmgren, Larry, 2013 LaLone, Doug, 2013 Black, Jerry, 2009 Fossum, Dave, 2010 Holthe, Ron, 1996 Lang, Cliff, 2010 Boland, Mike, 2007 Franek, Joe, 1996 Hopkins, John, 2013 Larimer, Denny, 2006 Book, Perry, 2003 Fredrickson, John, 2009 Hovde, Sandy, 2013 Larimer, Patsy, 1997 Bremer, Karen, 2010 Fricke, Don, 2013 Huikko, Stan, 2010 Larson, Dave, 2005 Brokaw, Jarl, 1984 Furlong, John, 2011 Hunstad, Arne, 1995 Larson, Keith, 2000 Brown, Dave , 2011 Gardzinski, Mike, 2006 Huppert, Kevin, 2006 Lawrence, Vicki, 2014 Brown, Don, 1991 Gauger, Bill, 1991 Hutchson, Dave, 2004 Lee, Jim, 2000 Brunner, Lloyd, 1994 Geisler, John, 2013 Irvin, Wayne, 2006 LeFebre, Bill, 2007 Buermann, Don, 1996 Gheen, Steve, 2008 Jacobson, Peggy, 2011 Lemmerman, Jerry, 1999 Busdosh, Chuck, 2013 Glebe, Donna, 2012 Jaenicke, Jean, 2004 Lenertz, George, 2007 Cady, Jim, 2006 Goering, Gerard, 1995 Jensen, Odean, 1976 Leveille, Jack, 2006 28 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Prairie Island Retirees
Liebeg, Emmery, 1984 Mueller, Ken, 2005 Reynolds, Dave, 2009 Swenson, Don, 2004 Lillehei, Tom, 2006 Muhlhausen, Mel, 1991 Riedner, John, 2005 Tapanila, Judy, 2001 Lindsey, Dick, 1999 Nash, CW, 1996 Ryan, Pat, 2000 Tapanila, Ted, 2002 Li erer, Pat, 2004 Nelson, John, 1986 Sabai s, Gene, 2001 Teff, Dick, 2006 Lommel, Joe, 2004 Norwick, Mike, 2014 Safe, Rich, 2005 Thomas, Tom, 1996 Losinski, Tim, 2009 Oelschlager, Roger, 2003 Samson, Lee, 2014 Tierney, Pat, 1991 Lotscher, Denny, 2004 Olson, Bob, 1981 Sandstrom, Denny, 2008 Timmer, Ervin, 2001 Lucking, Walt, 1983 Olson, Mike, 2011 Schmidt, Mike, 2009 Underwood, Be y, 2012 Ludwig, Dan, 2006 Osgood, Bob, 2011 Schumacher, Al, 1992 Valtakis, Pete, 2001 Lund, Dale, 2011 Page, Dan, 2005 Schutz, Bob, 2008 Wagenmann, Duane, 2002 Lundberg, Bob, 2014 Page, Stuart, 2011 Secrist, Gary, 2001 Waldron, Willy, 2004 Lundquist, John, 2006 Pasch, Bill, 2014 Showers, Phyllis, 2005 Walker, Don, 1996 Lyons, Jerry, 1988 Pemble, Harold, 1998 Silverberg, Terry, 2007 Walther, Ron, 1997 Malinowski, Jerry, 2011 Peterson, Bob, 2011 Silvers, Dave, 2006 Warren, Robert, 1987 Marotz, Mike, 2005 Peterson, Keith, 2014 Slingsby, Ken, 2012 Watzl, Ed, 1999 Mar n, Gerry, 2003 Pe nger, Daryl, 2013 Smith, Al, 2012 Wegner, Steve, 2014 Mather, Bill, 2007 Pfeffer, Mike, 2009 Smith, Bob, 2005 Werner, Mike, 2010 Maurer, Joe, 2005 Phillips, Bill, 1993 Smith, Doug, 2013 Westphal, Dennis, 2000 McCarty, Mel, 2002 Phillips, Cliff, 2006 Snowberg, Paul, 1999 White, Mick, 2005 McVay, Dave, 2012 Pierson, Rick, 2012 Solymossy, Joe, 2005 Williams, Thomas, 1987 Meath, Jim, 1984 Pletcher, Glen, 2000 Spriggle, Keith, 2003 Wilson, Rod, 2007 Mendele, Dave, 2013 Pond, Russ, 2005 Stember, Dan, 1997 Windberg, Paul, 2010 Meyer, Tom, 2011 Propst, Chuck, 2006 Stenroos, Rodney, 2012 Wolford, Larry, 2004 Militello, Joe, 2004 Quade, Jerry, 2005 Stephens, Ben, 2010 Woodhouse, Gene, 2010 Miller, Gary, 1999 Rankin, Mike, 2001 Sundberg, Gary, 2001 Woodling, Bob, 2008 Montey, Darnell, 2012 Rapp, LeeRoy, 1993 Sutherland, Rick, 2008 Wurst, James, 2012 Mossberg, Donna, 2013 Reckner, Dale, 2013 Swan, Marilyn, 2002 Zimmerman, Don, 1998 Mrozek, Bob, 1987 Reuter, John, 2006 Swanson, Mark, 2013 Provided for informa onal use only
29 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Prairie Island 360
Around our world from the top of containment in 1972
Photo credit: Lloyd Brunner, courtesy of Mary Brunner
30 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
Prairie Island 360
Around our world from the top of containment in 2014
© 2014 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a
registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc.
Photo credit: Frank Spurlak
Northern States Power Company‐ 31 Prairie Island: Genera ng Xcellence Together for 40 Years
© 2014 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of
Xcel Energy Inc.
Northern States Power Company‐ 32