App: Highway Cannabis Quiz Selling price: 2,30 € Germany, 2,60
App: Highway Cannabis Quiz Selling price: 2,30 € Germany, 2,60
E-Paper: 1,89 € You can download an e-paper version of Highway via, Germany‘s biggest online newspaper stand, or directly at – the pricing is even more competitive (1,89 €/issue or 9,99 €/6 issues). Distribution: Germany, Austria, Switzerland Main selling points are newspaper stands, station book stalls, and airports, which will be supplied through IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH. Also Highway will be available in numerous Growshops and Headshops. Size: 76 to 84 pages Circulation: 20.500 Paper weight: 70 g/m2 inside, 150 g/m2 cover Publication frequency: bi-monthly www.highway Times are changing! Also the cannabis industry changes at the moment. So this is the perfect time for Highway – Das Cannabismagazin. Highway is a lifestyle magazine with one ruling topic: Cannabis. A young and professional team of journalists and designers are pushing Highway. This magazine doesn‘t serve prejudices – it washes them away! Selling price (2017): 2,60 € Germany, 2,99 € Austria 4,20 SFr Switzerland In case of Highway, high quality doesn‘t have to mean high pricing: Highway has the lowest selling price of cannabis magazines with costs. App: Highway Cannabis Quiz Website and Facebook No print magazine can stand without a website nowadays. Our web presence is a big success so far: Our website has far more than 50.000 page views monthly and our Facebook page has more than 24.000 fans. And these are just the results of our first eight months of activity. Download our quiz app Cannaquiz and enjoy 500 informative and funny questions about your favourite herb. Cannaquiz can be downloaded for free at Google Play Store. It is used to promote Highway magazine. Four Twenty Solutions GmbH Obergrünewalder Str. 3, 42103 Wuppertal Tel.: +49 (0)202 37909957 Mobil: +49 (0)172 3429934 E-Mail: [email protected] Highway print magazine (online since February 2016) Pageviews: +50.000 per month SYSTEMVERGLEICH U NE € ,30 AND USA VS. HOLL SORTENPORTRAIT AMERICAN KUSH 0 2,3 W WO SPAREN, WO BESSER NICHT? MR NICE H o wa r d MONEY MAKER MONEY MAKER OUTDOOR GROWING SCHÄDLINGE SCHÄDLINGE INTERVIEW DOMINIQUE SARRES VON MARLENE MORTLER ABSETZEN DOMINIQUE SARRES VON MARLENE MORTLER ABSETZEN DER CANNAINDEX E Z LI G A FUSSBALL-EM SPORTLICH SKUFF/KIEF LE ST A GROWING EINFACH ERNTEN RECHT HAUSDURCHSUCHUNG DEMO GLOBAL MARIJUANA MARCH ER DIE CANNABISARTEN IT E B SG A GELD VERDIENEN MIT CANNABISAKTIEN? U DAS MILLIONENGESCHÄFT MIT MARIHUANA ! HIGH FINANCE BLICKPUNKT USA CANNABIS LEGAL? MEDICAL GROWING M a r k s Er war Großbritanniens meistgesuchter Mann. Er war sieben Jahre in Amerikas härtestem Knast. Wir werden ihn vermissen. 2 GROWING EED -C HEC K U NE € Dates 2017 ISSUE AD/OD 01/2017 02/2017 03/2017 04/2017 05/2017 06/2017 ALLE LÄNDER IM CHECK DOPING MIT DOPE? DAS GEWISSE EXTRA GROWING GROWING RECHT DÜNGUNG BEIM OUTDOOR-ANBAU ALLES WICHTIGE ZUM PH-WERT SIND GROWER AUTOMATISCH DEALER? Visitor information (Google Analytics): 81 % Cell/Tablet, 19 % Desktop 80 % GER, 13 % AUT, 4 % CHE 15 % female, 85 % male 44 % 18-24 years old 33 % 25-34 years old 14 % 35-44 years old 8 % 45-64 years old 1 % 65+ years old DR 20th December 2016 28th February 2017 25th April 2017 27th June 2017 29th August 2017 24th October 2017 1st December 2016 9th February 2017 6th April 2017 8th June 2017 10th August 2017 5th October 2017 AD = Advertisement deadline OD = Overall deadline DR = Date of release TOP BANNER PREMIUM BANNER BIG BANNER Pricing Advertisements (print) Banners (web) Jacket 1 Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues Banner 12 Months 6 Months Back Cover 2.200 € 2.100 € 2.000 € Top 1.999 € 1.299 € Jacket 2 1.900 € 1.800 € 1.700 € Premium 1.499 € 999 € Jacket 3 1.900 € 1.800 € 1.700 € Big 999 € 699 € Inside 1 Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues Whole Page 1.500 € 1.400 € 1.300 € 1/2 Page 750 € 700 € 650 € 1/3 Page 500 € 460 € 420 € 1/4 Page 390 € 360 € 330 € 1/6 Page 260 € 240 € 220 € All prices are net prices. Payment issue per issue possible. Partner link (web) 12 Months 6 Months 999 € 699 € All banners in rotation with four other advertisments PARTNER LINKS • Veritable Google-Backlink • Your own text (up to 35 characters) • No rotation = maximum visibility • On every page = maximum visibility • Resistant to Adblocker = maximum visibility From August 2017: In rotation with six other advertisements Highway on Facebook (online since January 2016) Fans: +24.000 Likes Visitor information: 81 % GER, 15 % AUT, 3 % CHE 15 % female, 85 % male 51 % 18-24 years old 33 % 25-34 years old 10 % 35-44 years old 6 % 45+ years old Statistics from 21th September 2016