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outsourcing journal
www.outsourcing-journal.org OJ Q2/3-2012 - Deutsch / English THE OUTSOURCING JOURNAL EUROPA Outsourcing von IT-Services und Geschäftsprozessen in Europa - Ein unabhängiges Informationsangebot für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. Auf mehr als 90 Seiten Wissen, Hintergründe und Kontakte, inklusive der Themen: Outsourcing - division of labour gives competitive edge by Deutsche Bank Research Structural quality metrics in SLA’s by Jay Sappidi, CAST Research Labs Service integration & management in multisourcing by ISG (TPI) Weitere Beiträge: Germany - Lucrative sourcing market; Bulgarien; Polen; Corporate & competition law in outsourcing; Rumänien; Innovation in Outsourcing; Cloud im Mittelstand; Stop shouting - Marketing and Communication; Belarus; BPM & BPO, Ausschreibungsverfahren und mehr Copyright @ Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. - Deutsches Outsourcing Journal Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Verteilung ohne vorherige Zustimmung untersagt INHALT / CONTENT 4 - Outsourcing - Division of labour gives competitive edge Dr. Thomas Meyer, Florian Schüler, Deutsche Bank Research, Germany 10 - Restrukturierung und Sourcing Governance Branimir Brodnik, microfin Unternehmensberatung, Germany 16 - Corporate and competition law - legal and contracting aspects of outsourcing in Romania BPV Grigorescu Stefanica, Romania 20 - Ein Schritt näher an morgen. Vom Outsourcing zur Innovation Mihaela Rosca, Remus Pereni, Yonder, Rumänien 25 - Assembling the Jigsaw - Service Integration and Management in a Multisourced IT-Operating Model Hannah Patterson, Information Services Group (ISG), United Kingdom 29 - Germany - Lucrative sourcing market and top location for shared services and BPO delivery Josefine Dutschmann, Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI), Germany 34 - Stop Shouting Christopher Butler, USA 40 - Bulgaria - Destination for IT-Services in Europe Ivaylo Slavov, BulPros, Bulgaria 45 - Sirma Group - a global outsourcing developer with successful projects on five continents Sirma, Bulgaria 48 - Sourcing: Der Mittelstand und die Cloud - Hybridmodellen gehört die Zukunft Dr. Heiner Diefenbach, TDS AG, Germany 54 - Poland – an experienced provider of services for business Anna Zawadzka, OEX Group, Poland 58 - Business- und Knowledge Process Outsourcing in Polen CERI International, Poland 62 - Incorporating Structural Quality Metrics into Outsourcing SLAs Jay Sappidi, CAST Research Labs, France, Germany 68 - BPM enabled BPO: foundations for long term success Pietro Casella, Safira, Portugal 70 - Die Kluft zwischen Geschäftsprozessen und Strategie Dr. Clemente Minonne, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Schweiz 74 - Does project development proficiency matter for technology startup efficiency? Mike Grebennikov, Migrate2mobile, Belarus & Fabian Oliva, Fiverun Inc., USA 77 - Belarus’ Potential of becoming Europe’s Silicon Valley by 2015 A market review by Viktor Bogdanov, Ciklum, Ukraine 82 - Das Ausschreibungs- und Auswahlverfahren Sabrina Hahn, matrix technology AG, Germany 86 - Organizations Corporate profiles and contacts Page 2 EDITORIAL Shared Services, Business-Process- & ITOutsourcing in Europa Eine Sonderausgabe des Outsourcing Journals mit Fachbeiträgen führender Organsationen, Unternehmen und Branchenexperten Der Markt In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz blicken wir heute auf einen Markt für Outsourcingleistungen von ca. 22 Mrd. EUR mit einem potenziellen Wachstum von ca. 7 Mrd. EUR bis 2015. (Lünendonck, Ende 2010). Zu der Frage welchen Stellenwert IT-Sourcing im Unternehmen einnimmt geben in einer aktuellen Studie (DACH) der ZHAW Zürich 56% der Befragten an, dass bestimmte Leistungen ausgelagert und weitere 14% geben an, dass IT-Dienste weitgehend ausgelagert seien. Im Pan-European IT Outsourcing Intelligence Report 2011, durchgeführt von IT Sourcing Europe, geben mehr als 35% der Befragten in Deutschland an, Nearshore bzw. mehr als 20% Onshore auslagern zu wollen. Mit diesem Trend der Auslagerung von IT- und Geschäftsprozessen in Deutsch- Page 3 land, Österreich und der Schweiz, erleben wir gleichzeitig einen wachsenden Bedarf an Fachwissen, Informationen zu Outsourcing-Standorten sowie an Kontakten zu qualifizierten Anbietern. unabhängige Referenzen und Tipps für die Evaluierung von Outsourcing-Projekten und -Providern sowie die Transformation von IT- und Geschäftsprozessen innerhalb Europas. Diese Ausgabe Auf mehr als 90 Seiten geht diese unabhängige Sonderausgabe des Outsourcing Journals auf wichtige Aspekte der Auslagerung von IT- und Geschäftsprozessen innerhalb Europas ein. Experten geben Einblicke in die europäische OutsourcingIndustrie und liefern Informationen zu ausgewählten Outsourcingstandorten, Lösungen, Zahlen und Fakten sowie zu rechtlichen und interkulturellen Aspekten. Nutzer von Outsourcingleistungen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz erhalten zum ersten Mal Stephan Fricke Herausgeber des Outsourcing Journals und Vorstand sowie Vorsitzender des Beirates des Deutschen Outsourcing Verbandes e.V. RESEARCH Outsourcing - Division of labour gives competitive edge A briefing by Deutsche Bank Research, Dr. Thomas Meyer and Florian Schüler Division of labour and specialisation are rightly regarded in economic research as the cornerstones of productivity and prosperity. In keeping with this idea, European firms reduced their degree of vertical integration by about 1.5 percentage points between 2003 and 2007. Recent research has, however, found a supposedly negative correlation between the degree of division of labour (in the form of outsourcing, for example) and productivity at the company level, meaning that more outsourcing allegedly hurt productivity. This would fundamentally contradict standard management practices. In our opinion, this supposed contradiction is based on a misleading interpretation of empirical findings which overlooks important effects. Performing a dynamic analysis reverses the picture: a vertical integration that was 1 percentage point lower in 2003 is statistically associated with 5-10 percentage points higher earnings growth (cumulative) in the following four years. Disintegrated production thus delivers a competitive edge. The decisive factor, of course, is the optimum degree of vertical integration for each individual company, which can be derived for example from the firm’s level of specialisation, the sector in which it operates, its market position and management capacities. Outsourcing and offshoring are highly discussed management practices since the dawn of the new millennium. This form of division of labour promises major efficiency benefits because companies can concentrate on their core competencies and get help with their weaknesses from suppliers and business partners. Economic research has accordingly been largely positive in its assessment of the trend towards outsourcing and offshoring. This view is supported by extensive literature stretching back to the founding fathers Adam Smith (1776) and David Ricardo (1817). With outsourcing it is also a matter of the right degree, striking the right balance between specialisation benefits on the one hand and transaction costs on the other. The maximum possible degree of outsourcing is usually not efficient. Nevertheless, companies have in recent years evidently become both more inclined and more able to specialise and divide work: export ratios are rising and the degree of vertical integration is falling. The outsourcing wave in the service sector has played a major part in this ; after all, technological progress has facilitated various new forms of division of labour. This also applies to manufacturing firms Page 4 RESEARCH that outsource services such as IT management, bookkeeping or call centres to other companies. Trend towards division of labour and specialisation The trend towards division of labour and specialisation is easily illustrated by looking at the growing volume of trade flows. The world has grown closer together economically over the last 50 years (see chart 1). The export ratio had doubled from 12% of global output in 1960 to over 24% in 2009. If there had not been a financial and economic crisis the figure would probably be as much as 30% – an increase of 2 ½ times. This is perhaps less dramatic than the globalisation debate would suggest occasionally; after all, numerous changes in the global economy have strengthened trade relations: advances in communication and informa- Page 5 tion technology, the lowering of tariffs (e.g. via GATT/WTO or bilateral trade agreements), better infrastructure (e.g. container shipping), as well as the increasing integration of the former Warsaw Pact countries and the aspiring emerging markets in the global economy. ment (the reason for the current account surplus): they rose from 25% of GDP in 1980 to 35% in 2009. Companies in Germany have not ignored this trend. The figures clearly show how the German economy has stepped up export activity: up until the early 1980s the German export ratio was only minimally higher than the average of other rich countries, of late it has been almost twice as high (41% of GDP). The increasingly integrated global economy corresponds to growing division of labour at the company level in Germany: between 1999 and 2008 the degree of vertical integration (measured in terms of value added relative to sales) fell for example by 22% in mechanical engineering, by 12% in the auto industry and by 8% in the chemicals industry (see chart 2). More recent figures are less meaningful as they are distorted by the financial and economic crisis. The interesting thing is that this decoupling evidently did not commence until after the actual economic miracle. Only reunification was able to briefly slow the surge in exports. German imports have not quite managed to keep pace with this develop- An ever smaller share of value added is generated in-house – upstream and downstream companies are becoming more important in the production chain. Overall, German companies occupy a mid-table position in the European rankings (see chart 3). RESEARCH A low value-added ratio is ultimately also an indicator of a disintegrated production chain. In light of the trend described above the question arises as to whether the degree of vertical integration has a systematic impact on corporate performance metrics, that is whether the degree of division of labour has a measurably positive or negative influence on productivity, returns or profits. Is outsourcing “a load of rubbish”? One obvious approach is to set the degree of vertical integration against productivity. Such a comparison across different sectors and countries does in fact reveal a systematic correlation, however, it is the opposite of what we expected. The greater the degree of vertical integration in the sector (meaning more in-house production, less division of labour), the higher labour productivity appears to be (see also model 1 in table 6 below). For this com- parison we always use wage-adjusted labour productivity since a key factor for a company is that potentially higher productivity is not eaten up by higher wages. Chart 4 illustrates this relationship using the example of mechanical engineering in Europe. It would represent a clear contradiction to the prevailing view to date. cance for economic policy and management consultancy. The findings of the Fraunhofer Institute are ultimately interpreted by the public as making a case for more in-house manufacturing and insourcing (“outsourcing is a load of rubbish”). This analysis comes to a similar conclusion as previously reached by Broedner et al. (2009) and Lay et al. (2009). The scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute analysed a random sample of nearly 500 German manufacturing firms in 2003 to identify “instruments for boosting productivity”. This also included testing the influence of the outsourcing ratio, which they define as the difference between the degree of vertical integration level and 100%: hence, the lower the level of vertical integration, the higher the outsourcing ratio. Contrary to their own hypothesis, the authors also found that less vertical integration is accompanied by lower productivity. In other words: the higher the outsourcing ratio, the more inefficiently that companies produce. According to the authors, the specialisation benefits must be outweighed by the growth in transaction costs. In a first step, our own analysis does indeed serve to back up this conclusion (which we found surprising) with a new data set. However, this correlation could be distorted by other factors, which would alter the interpretation of the results. The level of vertical integration and labour productivity are influenced by many factors that are not directly related to outsourcing decisions. Profits play a pivotal role in this respect since profits make up a portion of value added. The important thing is that this view is not based on erroneous individual entrepreneurial decisions – mistakes are made again and again – but on a systematic negative correlation between division of labour and productivity. This would have major signifi- Right calculation, wrong interpretation? The average degree of vertical integration among European firms in 2003 was about 30%, while the average gross operating rate (i.e. operating surplus relative to sales) was around 11% (both unweighted). Variations in the gross operating ratio alone account for some 20-30% of the differences in degree of vertical integration (see chart 5). The probability is thus very high that the correlation between vertical integration and productivity is decisively influenced by other factors. The opposite effect applies to inputs: if prices rise for inputs, the degree of vertical integra- Page 6 RESEARCH tion falls – all other things being equal. This is definitely a relevant factor; after all, material costs as a share of gross production value in the German manufacturing sector rose by 5.8 percentage points (to 48%) between 2003 and 2007. The rise in steel prices could, for example, partly explain why specifically the share of value added in engineering has fallen sharply. manufacturers often operate in lucrative niche markets in which correspondingly high margins are to be earned. The observable outcome at these manufacturers would thus be high productivity (on account of the margins) combined with a high degree of vertical integration (on account of the specialisation). This correlation would not, however, be the result of the outsourcing decision, but of the market positioning. The management recommendation derived from this observation would thus be completely different. Dynamic instead of static analysis Market positioning also plays an important role. It could influence both productivity and degree of vertical integration. After all, with outsourcing the objective is not to achieve an absolute figure but to determine the optimum outsourcing ratio for each individual company: the more specific the production, the lower the optimum outsourcing ratio as a rule. Specific production is often associated with specialised products. It would therefore be normal to expect that for example a manufacturer of highly specialised products would tend to have a larger share of in-house production than other firms. At the same time such specialist Page 7 We use three different empirical approaches to isolate the influence of vertical integration on productivity and other metrics. All models are based on a sample at sector level (15 manufacturing sectors) in 25 European countries. First, we construct a model that uses dynamic instead of static performance metrics. This reduces static distortions such as differences in market position. The premise here is that the market position does not change fundamentally in a short space of time. The dependent variables are the changes in productivity, return on sales and profit between 2003 and 2007. The dynamic approach also takes better account of the fact that outsourcing decisions can only pay off over time. Secondly, we supplement the static model with gross operating ratio as an explanatory variable. It serves as a direct indicator of market position. Thirdly, we use a two-stage statistical estimation method that helps to isolate the observation of the influence of other endogenous variables (IV method). The instrument used is the number of people worldwide that speak the respective language. This instrument is based on the premise that language has no direct influence on productivity (an English-speaking worker is just as productive as a Germanspeaking worker ceteris paribus). However, offshoring is made a lot easier if the local language is spoken worldwide (English, for example), since this enables straightforward communication with foreign suppliers. We were able to identify clear evidence of this effect specifically for the IT outsourcing field. Of course, only a fraction of outsourcing is international in nature. This fraction is, however, sufficient as a statistical instrument. Table 6 provides a summary of the results – as well as a simple statistical analysis (model 1) as a reference point. The coefficients of degree of vertical integration (2003) are negative in all the other models (2-10). This means that the greater the vertical integration, the poorer the performance metrics the sectors achieve. None of these estimates is perfect, but they all point in a similar direction. The only exception is the model in the first column which replicates the simple RESEARCH static approach described above. The augmented models thus generate more differentiated outcomes than the static analysis. For example, model (6) shows that statistically speaking for each additional percentage point of vertical integration in 2003 earnings growth was 7 percentage points lower (cumulative for 2003-2007). This is obviously an economically relevant figure. The reaction is particularly sensitive in the glass industry; for plastics makers the degree of vertical integration has less of an influence (see chart 7). Not a fair-weather effect The generally positive business trend between 2003 and 2007 – profits and productivity rose for the majority of companies – could arouse suspicions that it is a fair-weather effect: that outsourcing only helps when the economy is booming. Comparable results can, however, also be achieved if the sample is limited to sectors where profits declined. Models (7) and (8) factor in not only the level of vertical integration in 2003, but also the change in vertical integration between 2003 and 2007. This ensures that the relationship is not based solely on the adjustment following a potential shock in some sectors. Although the effect is weaker in models (7) and (8) it retains its direction and statistical significance. The positive correlation between the change in degree of vertical integration and earnings growth in model (7) does not contradict the message. Rather, it reflects the fact already shown in chart 5 that earnings are part of added value. Rising profits thus also boost added value, all other things being equal. Overall, the results are robust when set against numerous difPage 8 RESEARCH ferent specifications. The twostage estimations (IV, models 4 and 10) back up the findings and result in higher coefficients. Smart outsourcing delivers a competitive edge Outsourcing on the increase The trend points towards falling vertical integration levels: of the 375 sectors analysed here 241 reduced their vertical integration between 2003 and 2007 while only 93 increased it (there is no data for the other cases). Overall, the levels of vertical integration throughout Europe have fallen by an average of around 1.5 percentage points. It would be very astonishing if a management practice were to be so widely deployed even if it systematically destroyed productivity. Static analyses, however, show a positive correlation between the level of vertical integration and productivity. This observation prompts some people to call for a revision of current outsourcing practices because transaction costs or other problems appear to be systematically higher than the potential profits from specialisation. However, this is not necessarily the right interpretation in our opinion as the static relationship is biased by other factors. No hard-and-fast rules Our dynamic analysis shows the opposite: sectors which make stronger use of division of labour in the production process tend to boast better performance metrics. This also applies to static observation in cases where different market positions are taken into account. The basic idea of division of labour and specialisation thus still appears to have something going for it. There are, however, no hard-and-fast rules. Maximum outsourcing does not necessarily result in the optimum degree of vertical integration. The production depth must suit the corporate strategy, sector and market position. 1 Broedner, Peter; Steffen Kinkel and Gunter Lay (2009). Productivity effects of outsourcing: New evidence on the strategic importance of vertical integration decisions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Vol 29. No 2. pp. 127-150 and Lay, Gunter; Steffen Kinkel & Angela Jäger (2009). Stellhebel für mehr Produktivität: Benchmarking identifiziert Potenziale zur Steigerung der Produktivität. Mitteilungen aus der ISI-Erhebung zur Modernisierung der Produktion. Number 48. 2 Auer, Josef and Oliver Rakau (2011). Commodity boom: More than just risk for German industry. Current Issues. September 20, 2011. Deutsche Bank Research. Frankfurt am Main. 3 See Meyer, Thomas, 2007. India’s specialisation in IT exports: Offshoring can’t defy gravity. Research Notes 27. Deutsche Bank Research. Frankfurt am Main. Authors: Thomas Meyer and Florian Schüler +49 69 910-46830 [email protected] Editor Antje Stobbe Technical Assistant Sabine Kaiser Deutsche Bank Research Frankfurt am Main Germany Internet: www.dbresearch.com E-mail: [email protected] Fax: +49 69 910-31877 Editors message We like to thank all authors, companies and partners who contributed to this edition. If you would like to contribute to one of our next publications, please get in touch with us: [email protected] Page 9 MANAGEMENT Restrukturierung und Sourcing Governance Von Branimir Brodnik, microfin Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Das Rennen im Wertschöpfungsmanagement geht in die nächste Runde. Viele Unternehmen haben in den vergangenen Jahren erste Erfahrungen mit der Auslagerung von IT-Dienstleistungen an externe Provider gesammelt. Auf Grundlage der Erkenntnisse, die sie dabei gewonnen haben, werden die Modelle der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kunde und Provider nun überdacht und der Zuschnitt der auszulagernden Leistungen neu strukturiert. Dabei ist für eine erfolgreiche Neuausrichtung eine funktionierende Governance unabdingbar. Compliance und die ihr zugehörige Governance werden durch Gesetze, Richtlinien und Standards vorgegeben. Das Ziel ist dabei immer eine größere Transparenz und Kontrolle in der Unternehmensführung – erst wenn diese gegeben ist, lässt sich kontrolliert restrukturieren. Auch wer IT-Leistungen auslagert, darf dabei keinen Zentimeter seiner Unternehmensführung und -kontrolle aufgeben. Im Gegenteil: Die Sourcing Governance dient der Steuerung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem auslagernden Unternehmen und dem beauftragten IT-Provider in der Sourcing-Beziehung. Denn Corporate Governance Regeln, die für das gesamte Unternehmen gelten, sollten natürlich ebenso in der IT allgemein und schließlich auch in der Steuerung von Sourcing-Beziehungen angewandt werden. Sourcing Governance steht als das logisch letzte Glied in der Kette von New Corporate Governance und IT-Governance. Dies gilt insbesondere dann, wenn das Outsourcing dazu dient, operationelle Risiken zu optimieren oder aber Restrukturierungen einzuleiten. Was bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang aber Transparenz der Steuerung? Transparenz und Beherrschbarkeit fundieren zum einen auf einer anforderungsgerechten Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation – den Gremien bzw. Prozessen – und zum anderen auf definierten, objektivierbaren Leistungen und deren Qualitäten – den Verträgen. Spielregeln im Umgang mit externen Dienstleistern festlegen der Service-Erbringung. Da man Dritte außerhalb des eigenen Unternehmens jedoch nicht disziplinarisch über die unternehmenseigene AufbauOrganisation steuern kann, muss man Spielregeln und Gremien der Zusammenarbeit einrichten. Wenn Leistungen an einen externen Provider vergeben werden, verändern sich die Anforderungen an die handelnden Personen und Strukturen sehr stark – fort von der operativen Ausführung hin zur Steuerung Dabei liegt der primäre Fokus darauf, die bedarfsgerechte Leistungserbringung zu steuern. Dies entbindet eine IT jedoch nicht von ihrer internen Verantwortung den Fachbereichen gegenüber – und davon, die interne Page 10 MANAGEMENT Akzeptanz der Dienstleister zu sichern. Insbesondere bei der Auswahl der Dienstleister ist der Cultural Fit zu berücksichtigen. In einem Multiprovider-Umfeld – oder bei einem Provider-Wechsel – hat Sourcing Governance die Harmonisierung bzw. Angleichung in Richtung aller Dienstleister zu gestalten. Transparenz und Steuerungsmöglichkeit durch objektive Leistungsdefinition Voraussetzung für eine durch Kennzahlen gestützte Steuerung eines IT-Dienstleisters – Kernelement einer IT-Governance – ist die objektive Vereinbarung der zu erbringenden Serviceleistungen und die Definition von Zielqualitäten für den Betrieb: in Form von Outsourcingverträgen und den damit verbundenen Service Level Agreements. Jede Leistung, die zuvor innerhalb des Unternehmens erbracht wurde, die intern gelebte Praxis, ist zu formalisieren, in Verträgen festzuhalten und in Form eines Vertragsmanagements kontinuierlich zu adjustieren. Ein effizient und koordiniert aufgestelltes Anforderungsmanagement hilft, mögliche Kostenüberschreitungen und Leistungsverfehlungen zu verhindern und für jedes Leistungsbündel ein geeignetes Preismodell zu entwickeln. Die reine IT-Governance ist also ebenso um nach außen wirkende Elemente des Provider-Managements wie um formalisierte Page 11 Elemente des Vertragsmanagements zu ergänzen. Analog einer IT-Governance wird eine Sourcing Governance in der Regel in drei Ebenen unterteilt. Strategische Ebene – Alignment zur Unternehmensstrategie Auf der strategischen Ebene ist ein wichtiges Kernelement des Wertschöpfungsmanagements und damit einer Sourcing Governance die Ausformulierung einer Sourcing Strategie – eingebettet in die Gesamtunternehmens- und IT-Strategie. Sind die Business-IT-AlignmentDiskussionen abgeschlossen, ist die Ausrichtung über die Priorisierung im IT-Projektportfolio zu operationalisieren. Taktische Ebene - Sicherstellung des Business Case und der Compliance Die taktische Ebene einer Sourcing Governance überbrückt das Spannungsfeld zwischen Preis und Leistungen und deren Beschreibung in der Außenwirkung. Unabdingbar sind dabei ein Benchmarking zur Prüfung der Marktkonformität und ein Compliance Alignment Audit zur Regelausrichtung an Gesetzesvorgaben. Dies bedeutet, in der Praxis kontinuierlich die gesetzlichen, regulatorischen und sicherheitsrelevanten Anforderungen zu prüfen. Aus dieser Motivation heraus und aus dem Drang nach einer Industrialisierung der IT im Sourcing-Umfeld bilden sich derzeit entsprechende Commu- nities. Durch überlappende Wirkbereiche zwischen der strategischen, taktischen und operativen Ebene kann ein Unternehmen es verhindern, von einem Dienstleister ausgespielt zu werden. (vgl. Grafik 1, S.12: Wirkbereiche einer Sourcing Governance). Dabei kommt es insbesondere darauf an, wie die Dienstleister gesteuert werden. In der Vergangenheit wurde in Ermangelung geeigneter Governance-Strukturen und wegen eines eindimensionalen Verständnisses der Zusammenarbeit allzu oft primär sanktionsorientiert gesteuert, während heute der erfolgsversprechendere, kooperative Ansatz überwiegt. Die Maxime „Kooperation statt Konfrontation“ wird als Provider-Management-Stil immer beliebter und führt immer häufiger zu erfolgreichen IT-OutsourcingBeziehungen, in denen beide Partner aktiv die Kongruenz ihrer Interessenslagen abstimmen. Operative Ebene IT-Kundenbetreuung Auf der operativen Ebene ist der Support der IT-Kunden sicherzustellen. Idealtpyisch wird auf operativer Ebene ein Krisen- und Problem-Management sowie ein Anforderungsmanagement in Form von Fachbereichsbetreuungen geleistet. Auf operativer Ebene sorgt das Prozessmanagement für eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Ablauforganisation, die Si- MANAGEMENT cherstellung der Leistungsüberwachung und für die IT-Security. Institutionalisierung in Gremien In Ausschreibungs- bzw. Transitionsprojekten muss die Rol- lenverteilung auf Kunden- und Dienstleisterseite in Form von Gremien institutionalisiert werden. Dies hat im Zusammenhang mit dem Umfang der internen Retained Organization zu erfolgen und sollte die neuen Skillprofile berücksichtigen. Den Gremien sind hierbei klare Aufgaben und Ziele zuzuordnen, deren Erreichung durch entsprechende Steuerungswerkzeuge nachgehalten wird. (Vgl. Grafik 2 : Steuerungsmechanismen in einer Sourcing Beziehung) Grafik 1 Rahmenbedingungen zur Gestaltung einer Sourcing Governance Die Determinanten einer Sourcing-Strategie wirken sich unmittelbar auf die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten einer Sourcing Governance aus. So bestimmt die Wahl einer Multi-, Dual- oder Single-Provider-Strategie unmittelbar die Skalierung der Sourcing Governance. Ebenso beeinflussen die Shoring-Konzepte unmittelbar die Ausgestaltung der Sourcing Governance. Aus einer aktiv gelebten Outsourcing Governance resultieren für Unterneh- Page 12 MANAGEMENT men gleich drei zentrale Vorteile: die Geschäftsanforderungen können auch in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Partnern schneller und besser bedient werden, die stetige Kontrolle von Prozessen und ComplianceRichtlinien führt zu mehr Qualität und damit zur Risikominimierung und schließlich erfolgen die operative Zusammenarbeit und mögliche Anpassungen gesteuert und nicht eskalationsgetrieben. Grafik 2 Der Autor: Branimir Brodnik ist Gründer und geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der microfin Unternehmensberatung GmbH, die sich seit 2002 erfolgreich am Markt positioniert hat. Der Diplom-Informatiker, der im Nebenfach Medizin studierte, weist eine über 20-jährige Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen Financial Services und Consulting auf. Seine Kompetenzen liegen vor allem in den Themen IT-Sourcing, IT-Kostenoptimierung sowie Projektmanagement. Als zertifizierter Projektmanager und Management Coach beriet Branimir Brodnik in den letzten Jahren nicht nur zahlreiche Unternehmen und Manager, sondern gab sein Wissen und seine Erfahrung auch in vielfältigen Veröffentlichungen weiter. Kontakt: Tel: +49 (0) 6172-17763 0 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.microfin.de Page 13 Advert micron Unternehmensberatung: Wir gestalten Vorsprung! micron Unternehmensberatung GmbH Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 59a 61348 Bad Homburg T: +49 (6172) 17763 0 E: info@micron.de www.micron.de Page 14 NETWORK Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. The German Austrian Swiss Outsourcing Association r.s. Independent knowledge and business network for the DACH-region and Europe - An introduction The German Austrian Swiss Outsourcing Association (GASOA) is the leading organization fostering the market development for businessand IT-services in the DACHcountries. With its initiatives the association supports directly service buyers and providers active on the DACHmarkets. The Outsourcing Journal As the leading news and information service about BPO, ITO & SSC the journal provides insights in the business- & ITservice industry, solutions & organizations. The Journal is independent and focusing on non-commercialinformation. It is available for free online as well as in regular PDF/print editions. find information about service providers, destinations, solutions and more. Open Network Knowledge-Partnership The association maintains and grows a regional and international community of outsouricng professionals using open network groups on Xing and LinkedIn The association offers knowledge carrieres such as universities, consultants, providers and other organizations to share their knowledge and best practices as knowledgepartnters. EUBIS - European Business- & IT-Services Eubis is a free and independent corporate and knowledge directory. Global service providers present corporate information and expertise - entirely free of charge. Service buyers In return the Knowledge Partnership includes unique publication, presentation and communication opportunities. www.outsourcing-verband.org www.outsourcing-journal.org www.eubis.org Members - corporates and professionals from (excerpt): TSystems International, Hewlett Packard, Infosys, Cognizant, Unisys Outsourcing, Tata Consultancy Services, Deloitte, Northgate Arinso, Oracle, SAP, Wiener Städtische, ZHAW Zürich, Swiss IT bridge, Safira, BulPros, BUW, Siemens AG und mehr www.outsourcing-verband.org Page 15 LEGAL Legal & Contracting Aspects in Outsourcing - Corporate and Competition Law in Romania By Alexandru Rusu (Partner), Alina Melcescu (Senior Associate), Cristina Mihai (Managing Associate), Iulia Cojocaru (Associate) at bpv GRIGORESCU STEFANICA, Romania An outsourcing transaction, by which a business activity undertaken by a company is transferred to an external provider, usually has as driving force the financial component. Although outsourcing transactions can bring major financial benefits to the involved companies, in order for the outsourcing to turn up successful, the transaction has to be closely analysed from all related perspectives, and not just the financial one. Corporate Law in Romania Lately, the Romanian market has become particularly interesting for outsourcing companies, due to the friendly tax regime as well as the qualified work force and the reduced logistic costs, compared to other European Union markets. The main corporate issues related to outsourcing consist, on the one hand, in the conditions necessary for a global outsourcing company to establish a local outsourcing subsidiary (external provider) in order to satisfy the needs of its local or regional customers or, on the other hand, on the requirements of a regular foreign company, to establish an outsourcing division (external provider), in the form of a local subsidiary. A local outsourcing subsidiary (“Subsidiary”) may be incorporated under the Corporate Law 31/1990 (“Corporate Law”), in the form of a private company, mainly as a limited liability company (“S.R.L.”) or as a stock company (“S.A.”). As a rule, no special requirements or corporate restrictions are provided by the law for such Subsidiary. The minimum number of shareholders in an S.R.L. is of one shareholder while in an S.A. is of two shareholders. In case of S.A. companies, they may be listed on the Stock Exchange, in Romania or abroad. The shareholders may be both Romanian or foreign private individuals or private entities. The minimum share capital of the Subsidiary is of RON 200 (EUR 46) for an S.R.L. and of RON 90,000 (EUR 20,674) for an S.A. In both cases, the share capital may be contributed in cash or in kind. Additionally, in S.A. the public subscriptions are permitted. The management of the Subsidiary shall be organised by one or more directors, being Romanian or foreign private individuals or legal entities. In the S.A. companies, the number of directors must be uneven. These directors may be granted full or limited powers to manage the Subsidiary and to represent it in relation Page 16 LEGAL with the third parties. What is important for the operation of the Subsidiary is its line of business. This will be determined in compliance with the provisions of Order 337/2007 regarding the classification of activities in the national economy. According to this classification and considering the actual object of the outsourcing activities of the Subsidiary, the line of business shall mainly consist in: Other information technology and computer service activities, Data processing, hosting and related activities, Other information service activities n.e.c., Fund management activities, Activities of centralised head offices, Public relations and communication activities, Business and other management consultancy activities, Market research and public opinion polling, Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c., Activities of call centres, Combined office administrative service activities and Other business support service activities n.e.c. The actual operation of some of the activities of above may be subject to prior authorisation from different national bodies. Documents to be provided by the shareholders for the incorporation of the Subsidiary consist of resolutions regarding the establishment of the Subsidiary, the articles of incorporation, affidavits letters of financial good standing and trade registry except. The incorporation of the Subsidi- Page 17 ary is under the competence of the Trade Registry. Normally, the incorporation formalities take three (3) business days. Within 24 hours as of the finalization of these formalities, the Subsidiary is registered with the official database of the Trade Registry and receives a registration number (i.e. the Sole Registration Number). erations within the EU Member States, it shall also register in the Register of Intra-community Operations, before initiating such operations. Additionally, the Trade Registry takes care of officially communicating all necessary documents, including the fiscal registration application (in Romanian: Vector Fiscal), to the fiscal authorities for the fiscal registration of the Subsidiary. The costs of incorporation of the Subsidiary are of around RON 500-800 (EUR 115-185). Upon request, immediately after the incorporation, the Subsidiary may apply for registration as a VAT payer, under the provisions of the Order 1976/2011 regarding registration for VAT purposes. This procedure implies documentary and factual verifications regarding fiscal background of the shareholders and of the directors, as well as of the characteristics of the headquarters and of the type of authorised activities. If these verifications are successful, a VAT certificate is issued to the Subsidiary. This registration is free of charge and under normal conditions is finalised within 15-30 days as of the submission of the application. Further in case the Subsidiary will undertake intra-community op- Competition Law in Romania Outsourcing transactions may raise competition concerns in case they involve the transfer of assets and/or employees to the external provider, or joint-ventures (“JVs”) established by the outsourcing company and the external provider for the purpose of undertaking the outsourced activities. These concerns arise in relation to merger control regulation and are dealt with both at European level as well as under the Romanian competition legislation. In Romania, competition aspects are governed in particular by Competition Law no. 21/1996 (“Competition Law”) and by the LEGAL secondary legislation issued by the Romanian Competition Council (“RCC”), the authority having supervisory, prevention and corrective prerogatives in the competition field, enforcing and ensuring the application of the national and Community rules on competition. Romania also applies and has mainly approximated its legislation with the relevant European legislation in the competition field. Outsourcing transactions may raise competition concerns from a Romanian competition law perspective in case such transactions represent economic concentrations under the Romanian law, have an impact on the Romanian market or part thereof and do not have a Community dimension (in the latter case being assessed based on the specific European legislation). When outsourcing involves the transfer of assets and/or employees to the external provider together with the outsourced services, this can lead to a change of control of the company outsourcing the services. According to the Romanian legislation, transactions which have as effect a change of control of undertakings on a lasting basis and as a consequence thereof a change of control in the market structure, comprising also the transactions which lead to the establishing of JVs which fulfil on a lasting basis all functions of an autonomous economic entity (i.e. fully functional JVs) are deemed as economic concentrations. The change of control on a lasting basis may incur either as a result of a merger or as a result of individual or joint acquisition of the direct or indirect control over an undertaking or parts thereof, by way of purchase of securities or assets, by way of contract or any other means. The Romanian law defines the concept of “lasting basis” by referring to the Community practice (Cases COMP/M.2903 – Daimler Chrysler/Deutsche Telekom/ JV and COMP/M.2632 – Deutsche Bahn/ECT International/United Depots/JV), according to which periods of 12 (twelve) and respectively 8 (eight) years have been deemed sufficient for meeting the requirement of change of control on a lasting basis. In Romania, economic concentrations are subject to control and have to be notified to RCC prior to their implementation, only in case the turnovers of the involved parties exceed certain thresholds (i.e. the worldwide aggregate turnover of the companies involved in the transaction exceeds EUR 10,000,000 and at least two of the involved companies have each obtained in Romania an individual turnover exceeding EUR 4,000,000). The turnover refers to the amount of revenues obtained from the sale of products and/or supply of services achieved within the last financial year prior to the transaction, exclusively the fiscal related obligations and the exports’ bookkeeping value (including deliveries with the European Community), by the involved companies (including their groups). When establishing whether an outsourcing transaction involving a transfer of assets and/or employees to the external provider may be deemed as an economic concentration, certain specific aspects have to be considered. According to the RCC’s regulations, in case the external provider acquires the assets and/ or related employees from the outsourcing company in addition to the outsourced activity, an economic concentration shall be deemed to be realised provided that the assets represent the whole or a part of the outsourcing company, having a market presence (i.e. to which a market turnover can be attributed). Additionally, the assets transferred to the external provider under the outsourcing transaction have to allow the external provider to supply services not only to the outsourcing company, but also to third parties, either immediately or shortly after the transfer. Even in case the transferred assets do not have a market presence, it might suffice for the purpose of deeming the transaction as an economic concentration that the assets include at least those core ele- Page 18 LEGAL ments which would allow the external provider to develop a market presence within a timeframe which, in principle, should not exceed 3 (three) years. However, in case the transferred assets do not even allow the external provider to at least develop a market presence, it is likely that the assets shall be used only for providing services to the outsourcing company. In this case, the outsourcing transaction shall not lead to a change of the market structure on a lasting basis and thus, the transaction shall not be deemed as an economic concentration. As regards the establishing of a JV Alexandru Rusu, Partner He is one of the founding partners of bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ and his areas of expertise are Corporate, Mergers and Acquisitions, Taxation and Dispute Resolution. Alexandru’s experience includes projects in connection with the acquisition of large companies in the IT, transport and oil and gas industries. Alexandru Rusu strategically combines his Mergers and Acquisitions and Corporate Law expertise with thorough knowledge of and experience in Page 19 by the external provider together with the outsourcing company for the purpose of undertaking the outsourced activities, attention should be paid, when determining whether or not the transaction can be deemed as an economic concentration, to the following: (i) whether the parties have joint control over the JV and (ii) whether the JV is a fully functional JV. Only outsourcing transactions which involve both the joint control and the full functionality of the JV may be deemed as economic concentrations. The analysis of outsourcing transactions from a competition perspective allows the parties to avoid the fines potentially ap- Tax Law. He also has extensive experience in the IT sector, having coordinated a wide range of notable local and international IT projects. Alexandru Rusu is a law graduate of the University of Bucharest. Languages: Romanian, English Alina Melcescu, Senior Associate Alina Melcescu is one of the Senior Associates of bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ. Alina is a graduate of the Law Faculty of Bucharest University and also holds a Master in Banking and Finance from the Bucharest University plied for failure to notify such transaction to the competent competition authority prior to implementation, when such notification is required under the merger control regulations. In Romania, the fines which may be applied by RCC for failure to notify an economic concentration which has to be notified under the Competition Law or for implementing an economic concentration prior to it being declared compatible with the normal competition environment can vary from 0.5% to 10% of the total turnover obtained by the involved parties in the previous financial year to the sanctioning on a case by case basis. of Economic Studies. Alina has joined the team in 2008 and she has gained a rich and in-depth experience in Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Insolvency and Competition Law, while being involved with a large number of projects with local and inter-national major clients. Alina Melcescu is a member of Bucharest Bar since 2004. Languages: Romanian, English Cristina Mihai, Managing Associate Cristina Mihai is a graduate of the Law Faculty of Bucharest University and holds a Master in International and European Business Law with Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne University. Cristina Mihai’s main areas of expertise are Competition Law, Commercial Law, Banking and Finance Law, Construction and Industrial projects law, all of these being practices in which Cristina Mihai has gained a wide experience, while providing consultancy and legal advice in a wide range of transactions with local and international impact, with important clients, most of them leaders of the markets they operate on. Languages: Romanian, English and French. MANAGEMENT Iulia Cojocaru, Associate Iulia Cojocaru is a law graduate of the University of Bucharest since 2008 and a member of Bucharest Bar since 2009 and has also graduated the International Business and Economics Studies from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Being part of bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ team since 2010, Iulia has previously worked in the legal department of a reputable multinational accounting company where she specialised in expatriate legal matters, commercial, fiscal and labour law. Iulia provides legal advice in the areas of Employment, Taxation, Public Procurement and Concessions and Competition Law, while also being actively involved with a wide variety of projects with local and international clients. Languages: Romanian, English Contact: bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ, 33 DionisieLupu Street, RO-020021 Bucharest - Phone +40 21 264 16 50, Fax +40 21 264 16 60 [email protected] - www.bpv-grigorescu.com Case - Healthcare Solutions Ein Schritt näher an morgen. Vom Outsourcing zur Innovation Von Mihaela Rosca und Remus Pereni, Yonder in Rumänien Die demografischen Veränderungen bringen im Gesundheitsmarkt Forderungen nach erhöhtem Leistungsumfang und gesteigerter Qualität mit sich. Diese bewirken ihrerseits den Bedarf nach Kostensenkung, die Nachfrage nach einer schnelleren und besseren Versorgung samt wenigeren ärztlichen Behandlungsfehlern. Diese Impulse haben den Softwareanbieter PinkRoccade Healthcare dazu bewogen, innovative Lösungen anzubieten. Sowohl die Innovation als auch die Ausführungsfähigkeit ergeben sich aus dem Outsourcing. Page 20 CASE - HEALTHCARE 07:00 Uhr. Dr. Hansen stoppt den Alarm seines Smartphones und geht seinen Terminkalender für den Tag durch. Wie an jedem anderen Morgen überprüft er um 7:00 Uhr seinen Terminplaner. Er vergisst nicht, er verspätet sich nicht, ihm sind die Informationen, die er braucht, per Klick sofort verfügbar. In einer halben Stunde empfängt er seinen ersten Patienten. Ein Antippen, Anklicken und es öffnet sich die Patientendatei. Ah, er kennt Frau N. gut. Sie ist seit mehr als zwei Jahren seine Patientin. Er hat hier die gesamte Geschichte ihrer Erkrankung, die Behandlungen und Verfahren, denen sie sich unterzogen hat, und er kann sich an ihr letztes Treffen gut erinnern. Er hat sich damals alles aufgeschrieben: Heute endet ihre Behandlung und er muss ihr ein anderes Rezept ausstellen. Er lächelt, steckt sein Handy in die Jackentasche und macht sich auf den Weg ins Krankenhaus. Heute ist wieder ein ruhiger Tag: Alles, was er über seine Patienten zu wissen braucht, der Tagesplan, liegt bequem in seiner Hand. Per Klick sofort verfügbar. Vor zwei oder drei Jahren benutzte er den Bürocomputer und musste jedes Mal seine Sprechstundenhilfe um Informationen bitten oder selbst einen kleinen Ausflug bis zur Patientenakte unternehmen. In der gleichen Zeit besucht Frau Pettersen am andern Ende der Stadt einen neuen Patienten, der seit kurzem am Programm für ältere Menschen teilnimmt. Sie hat keine Patienteakten mitgebracht und sie braucht weder Papier noch Stift. Sie trägt alle Informa- tionen in ihr Smartphone ein. Sie erstellt eine Datei für den neuen Patienten in Echtzeit, indem sie alle nötigen Informationen eingibt. Nur ein einziges Mal. Sie muss nicht ihren ganzen Nachmittag mit dem Ausfüllen von Patientenakten mit den einschlägigen Informationen, die sie im Laufe des Tages herausgefunden hat, verbringen. Zudem hat sie die Gewissheit, dabei nichts zu vergessen. Und das nur durch bloßes Antippen des Touchscreens ihres Handys. Bis vor zwei Jahren verbrachte sie mehrere Stunden am Tag mit der Eingabe der Daten ins System. Jetzt steht ihr das gesamte Programm zur Verfügung, sodass sie sich der medizinischen Handlung und Ihren Patienten widmen kann. Als hätte sie ein papierloses Krankenhaus zur Verfügung. Das ist kein Ausschnitt aus einem Film und wird sich nicht irgendwann in der Zukunft ereignen. Es passiert jetzt. Für das niederländische Gesundheitssystem ist dies das technologische Momentum. Die zunehmende Bedeutung der IT im medizinischen Bereich Wir beobachten weltweit das größte Wachstum der Informationstechnologie im klinischen Bereich des Gesundheitswesens. Der IT-Gesundheitsmarkt wird voraussichtlich von $99.6 Milliarden (in 2010) auf $162.2 Milliarden (in 2015) ansteigen. Ein herausfordernder Wachstums- Page 21 CASE - HEALTHCARE markt infolge fortschrittlicher medizinischer Entdeckungen in Verbindung mit der Unterstützung und dem Bedarf an hochleistungsfähigen Technologiesystemen. Der Gesundheitsmarkt in den Niederlanden folgt auch dem internationalen Trend. Die demografischen Veränderungen in den Niederlanden bringen im Gesundheitswesen Forderungen nach erhöhtem Leistungsumfang und gesteigerter Qualität mit sich. Diese bewirken ihrerseits einen großen Bedarf an Kostensenkung, die Nachfrage nach einer schnelleren und besseren Gesundheitsversorgung samt wenigeren ärztlichen Behandlungsfehlern. Dies führt zur Einführung computerisierter Systeme, die nicht nur zur Reduzierung der Behandlungsfehler, sondern auch zur Verbesserung der Verwaltung gesundheitsbezogener Daten verhelfen. Der Aufstieg der Wireless-Technologie und die Einführung der Mobilgeräte verändern die Natur des Gesundheitswesens sogar mehr und eröffnen neue Horizonte. “Diejenigen Unternehmen werden wettbewerbsfähig gut aufgestellt sein, die mobile Gesundheitsfürsorge in Gesundheitsversorgung integrieren und im Gesundheitssystem Wertschöpfungspotenzial aufweisen können, indem sie den Ärzten und Ihren Patienten zu einer besseren Verwaltung von Gesundheit und Wellness durch Massenpersonalisierung verhelfen“, stand in einer Studie des PricewaterhouseCoopers Ge- sundheits-Forschungsinstituts. Am Ende des vergangenen Jahres wurden 490 Millionen Smartphones verkauft, und laut IMS Research ist es absehbar, dass der Smartphone-Markt im Jahr 2016 einen Jahresumsatz von 1 Milliarde (die Hälfte des Marktes für Mobilfunkgeräte) erreicht. Morgan Stanley Research sagt sogar voraus, dass der Absatz von Smartphones den Verkauf von PCs im Jahr 2012 übertreffen wird. Angesichts des exponentiellen Wachstums des Schwellenmarktes haben PinkRoccade Healthcare das durch die Smartphones gebotene Potenzial erkannt. Mobilität, sofortiger Zugang zu Informationen, Interkonnektivität mit anderen Ärzten, Zeitersparnis, Abschaffung der Bürokratie im Zusammenhang mit der Verwaltung von Akten und Papieren – diese sind nur einige der Vorteile, die sich bei der Nutzung von Smartphones in der medizinischen Grundversorgung ergeben. Innovative Lösungen Anfang 2011 hat PinkRoccade Healthcare das Unternehmen Yonder um Zusammenarbeit gebeten, um zwei seiner Hauptprodukte im Zeichen der neuesten Markttrends, der MobilWelt, aufzurüsten. Sowohl Caress als auch Quarant sind elektronische Patienten-Dateisysteme konzipiert für Altenpflegeheime, beziehungsweise für den Sektor der geistigen Gesundheit. Caress und Quarant sind bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Gesundheitswesen für Tausende von Nutzern bereitgestellt worden. Neue Technologien und Prozesse verändern weiterhin die tägliche Arbeitsweise der Organisationen. Aus diesem Grund müssen Unternehmen wie Yonder den Überblick über die TechnologieTrends behalten und innovieren, um die Neuerungen und die neuen Technologien auf die individuellen Problemräume der Kunden übertragen zu können. Für ein umfassendes Verständnis der Komplexitäten und der hohen Kosten der Entwicklung für jede einzelne Plattform (IOS/Android/ Blackberry/WindowsPhone) sowie der großen Vorteile, die die mobilen Web-Anwendungen den Unternehmenskunden durch die Überbrückung der Lücke zwischen den Faktoren und den Mobilgerät-Betriebssystemen bieten können, bedarf es tiefgreifender Eingriffe in die Entwicklungen des Mobilsektors. Demzufolge wurde außer den Teams, die für die Entwicklung nativer IOS- und Android-Anwendungen zuständig waren, auch ein sehr stark enagagiertes Team für mobile Web-Anwendungen gegründet. Durch die Nutzung von Wrapper-Frameworks (wie das PhoneGap Open-Source-Projekt) können mobile Web-Anwendungen genau wie die nativen Anwendungen auf multiplen Plattformen laufen und dabei eine einheitliche, auf allen Plattformen gemeinsame Benutzererfahrung bieten, und all das unter Nutzung eines einzigen Entwicklungsteams und eines Entwicklung- Page 22 CASE - HEALTHCARE szeitplans. Im Gegensatz dazu würden native Entwicklungsprojekte auf dem Mobilsektor – auf Grund verschiedener Eigenschaften und Entwicklungssprachen der Plattformen – ein engagiertes Team mit zugehörigen Entwicklungs-Tools je Plattform erfordern, was eine Erhöhung der Entwicklungskosten bedeuten würde. Pflegebeziehungen zu einem oder mehreren Patienten hergestellt hat, Basisdienstleistungen zu bieten. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung war, diese Projekte unter Nutzung von HTML5 zu entwickeln und dafür das JQuery Mobile Open Source Framework sowie ein intern entwickeltes und auf mobile WebAnwendungen spezialisiertes Programmiergerüst als Grundlage zu haben. Die Endanwendungen sollten unter Nutzung des PhoneGap Open-Source-Projektes als native Anwendungen verpackt und über die spezifischen Geschäfte und Märkte der gemeinsamen Plattform oder durch andere betriebsorientierte Lösungen geliefert werden. Die resultierenden iQuarant- und iCaress-Lösungen richten sich vorwiegend an die Version 4 von iPhone und an die Version 2.2 der Android-Geräte. Dies ist sowohl aus der Perspektive des UI-Designs als auch aus der Perspektive der Qualitätskontrolle von Bedeutung. Die Caress-Teams von PinkRoccade haben sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihre mobile Anwendung mit der Bezeichnung MCA, die auf dem Windows Mobil-System 6.5 lief, auf eine mobile HTML5Anwendung, die auf modernen Smartphones läuft, zu übertragen, während das Quarant-Team mit dieser ersten Anwendung von iQuarant das Ziel verfolgte, dem ganzen Fachpersonal für psychische Erkrankungen, das Page 23 Da die mobilen Anwendungen lediglich Portale in die komplizierteren Unternehmensanwendungen sind, mussten auch die zur Einspeisung von Informationen in die mobilen Anwendungen erforderten Sammelpunkte und Backend-Lösungen entwickelt werden. Dies basierte auf Standard-Servlet Java-Backend Technologien, welche das bereitgestellte und bereits vorhandene Java-Modell und das PersistenzFramework benutzen, um dem Mobile Client die Daten und Di- enstleistungen zu bieten. Das Problem der meisten Unternehmen ist zu untersuchen, welche Eigenschaften wirklich wichtig und welche ablenkend sind. Moderne, sogenannte agile Methoden für das Projektmanagement wie Scrum, die während der Entwicklung eingesetzt wurden, sind für die Versicherung der Tatsache, dass das Endergebnis den Bedürfnissen der Endbenutzer genau entspricht, grundlegend. Auch ermöglichen die agilen Methoden frühzeitiges Feedback während der Entwicklung, sodass erforderliche Verlaufsänderungen früher im Entwicklungsverlauf getroffen werden können und dadurch ein reiferes und funktionelleres Produkt mit niedrigeren Entwicklungskosten verwirklicht werden kann. Die Kosten konnten auch dadurch gesenkt werden, dass bereits in einer frühen Projektphase ein engagiertes Team von Entwicklern zur Entwicklung der wichtigsten Screen-Designs für das Produkt eingesetzt wurde. Dies ermöglichte außer einer einheitlichen und schönen Erfahrung der Endbenutzer auch eine klare Übersicht über die Funktionalitäten des Produktes und ein gemeinsames Verständnis zwischen dem Implementierungssteam und dem Product Owner darüber, was getan werden musste. Neue Maßstäbe im niederländischen Gesundheitswesen Demzufolge kann Dr. Hansen von seinem Mobilgerät aus die Datei CASE - HEALTHCARE seiner Patienten anklicken, für sie einen Termin bei anderen Ärzten festlegen, indem er deren Terminkalender und Verfügbarkeit online überprüft. All das kann bei einem entspannten Frühstück und bei einem Tee am Morgen geschehen. Oder es könnte effizienter während der Versorgung eines Patienten durchgeführt werden, indem man den ganzen Papierkram beiseite legt. Oder indem man den Terminkalender und die Verfügbarkeit anderer Arbeitskollegen überprüft und ein interdisziplinäres Team bildet, um dem Patienten die richtige Diagnose zu stellen. All das erfolgt in Echtzeit durch das Antippen des Touch-Screens. “Wenn die Gesundheitsdienstleister von überall Zugang zu den erforderlichen Informa- tionen und Funktionalitäten haben, bietet dies wertvolle Vorteile in der indirekt mit der Versorgung verbrachten Zeit, und zwar eine Erhöhung von bis zu 40%. Durch ein Mobilgerät wie iPhone oder Android wird die Behandlung effizienter, sodass mehreren Patienten geholfen werden kann.”, erklärte Huub Deterd, Geschäftsführer bei PinkRoccade Healthcare. www.tss-yonder.com Die Autoren: Mihaela Rosca Ist seit über 17 Jahren für Kommunikation zuständig, wobei sie der Reihe nach verschiedene Ämter bekleidet hat, als Journalistin, PR-Fachfrau und neulich als Kommunikationsberaterin für Yonder in Rumänien. Remus Pereni Nachdem er vor fast 15 Jahren die erste Site erstellt hat, ist er vom Web und Internet derart abhängig geworden, dass alle Projekte, an denen er sich seither beteiligt hat, in irgendeiner Art mit diesen beiden Medien in Verbindung stehen. Zurzeit versucht er, so viele der neuen und gesunden Technologien und Verfahren wie möglich in mobile Anwendungen und Web-Anwendungen für die Kunden des Unternehmens Yonder umzusetzen. Advert EUROPEAN BUSINESS & IT-SERVICES - EUBIS An independent corporate directory & knowledge base. Full corporate profile & content upload - entirely free. www.EUBIS.org Page 24 MULTI-SOURCING Assembling the Jigsaw - Service Integration and Management in a Multisourced IT Operating Model By Hannah Patterson, Principal Consultant, ISG (previously TPI and Compass Management Consulting) Recent developments in utilitybased IT contracts, standardized services and cloud computing are driving considerable savings out of IT budgets. ISG analyses of large global organizations have identified potential savings exceeding 40 percent. Additional benefits include the ability to address specialized needs of different business models and to integrate best-of-breed providers. However, to sustain these benefits, strong operational and com- Page 25 mercial governance processes are essential. Indeed, the benefits achieved through leveraging a service provider’s standard service offerings can be rapidly undone without effective controls in place. In multisourced IT operating models, where technology services are provided by myriad teams or organizations, ensuring seamless delivery presents a challenge. One way to address this chal- lenge is through contracting for a discrete Service Integration and Management (SIAM) function. An effective SIAM function enables organizations to take advantage of the flexibility and innovation of multisourcing and standard services while delivering integrated services to the business. This ISG white paper discusses the challenges and key success factors related to service integration and governance functions within multisourced IT operating models. MULTI-SOURCING The need for service integration Multisourced IT operating models are increasingly common and offer many potential benefits. Single-sourced models provide little flexibility in addressing rapidly changing business objectives. Multisourcing allows a client to move from “indispensible” single providers to take advantage of competitive provider behaviors that drive down costs and incentivize deployment of innovative industry developments such as cloud services. In multisource arrangements clients can select a “best of breed” provider for each of their bundles of IT services. Introducing numerous providers into an operating model also introduces challenges, as individual teams (both in-house and outsourced) can act autonomously and lack coordination across the enterprise. providers can focus on attributing blame rather than identifying the root cause. Lacking incentives to collaborate, service providers can become focused on competition to the detriment of providing services to the client. The resulting fragmentation of service delivery complicates the task of integration and governance, which is essential to delivering effective services. Issues can fall into the gaps between providers, leading to finger-pointing behavior and poor overall performance. Service restoration times can suffer while providers determine which component service is down and who is responsible. During problem analysis, service Governance must address both the supply and demand of IT services. Highly disparate IT requirements create complex and heterogeneous IT estates with poor value for money. Meanwhile CIOs today face increasing pressure to demonstrate cost efficiency. Cost savings realized through standardization of IT estates are therefore at risk if demand for nonstandard services is not managed. That said; legitimate busi- Businesses forecast their demand requirements SIAM aggregates demand from separate businesses within the organization, assisting the client with prioritization SIAM disseminates the information to the service providers Service providers translate the business demand into resource requirements and produce capacity plans to address the demand SIAM assures the plans and communicates the end-to-end consolidated enterprise capacity plan to the client Figure1: An example of IT-service management across the operating model Page 26 MULTI-SOURCING ness requirements for specialized services must be provided efficiently by the component providers in a multisourced operating model. The role of SIAM One possible solution to meet this need for service integration involves the creation of a Service Integration and Management (SIAM) function. The SIAM function specifies the service management processes and procedures to be deployed across the enterprise and ensures they are followed. It ensures multiple service providers (internal and/ or external) deliver services to multiple businesses in a cohesive and efficient manner. An effective SIAM can maximize the performance of end-to-end IT services to the business in the most costeffective manner. ITIL V3 provides a strong basis for implementing SIAM, as it covers the complete lifecycle of services and is recognized by most IT suppliers. Because ITIL is not prescriptive in its application, a service management structure such as SIAM is needed to translate the ITIL framework into working practices with clear bounds of responsibility. Effective service management requires the governance and control mechanisms and the roles and responsibilities of all parties to be clearly defined and unambiguous. Common IT service management processes and supporting tooling should be in place, which all providers (internal and external) and con- Page 27 suming businesses should interface with. SIAM acts as the central point of control between demand and supply. Figure 1 demonstrates, using Demand and Capacity Management as an example, how IT Service Management (ITSM) is in place across the enterprise, under the control of SIAM. SIAM performs a similar coordination and governance role for all SIAM processes. Further examples include the delivery of new crosssupplier services, the resolution of incidents affecting services across multiple service providers and coordinated disaster recovery. Symptoms of ineffective SIAM function The symptoms of an ineffective SIAM function are numerous and varied and may include: • Releases made into the live estate prior to passing sufficient testing and accreditation • Services in use without sufficient controls, such as agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) or invoicing mechanisms • Ineffective or incomplete understanding of interdependencies between each component service, resulting in poor risk management (e.g., security, resilience, availability) and irrelevant SLA reporting with a failure to meet required business outcomes • Poor coordination between providers for incident resolution and disaster recovery • Having numerous Help Desks for users to call or a single Help Desk that offers little more than call-logging • Businesses holding direct relationships with service providers, resulting in heterogeneous estates and limited cost effectiveness • Complicated procurement processes and extended delivery timescales SIAM success factors Key success factors of effective service integration and management are similarly varied. An effective SIAM provider should demonstrate mature service management processes and capabilities and alignment to the client’s service management standards, such as ITIL. The integrator should be accredited to ISO 20000. Their service management toolsets should have clearly articulated interface definitions for other service providers to integrate their tooling into (note that the interface should be defined rather than prescribing the other provider’s tooling which would increase constraints and costs for those providers). The integrated toolsets will support information flow between SIAM and the other service providers e.g. availability alerts, incident tickets, change requests and management information relating to consumption of services. Objectivity is essential. The integrator should act as the agent of the client, providing services in- MULTI-SOURCING dependently from the other service providers. Independence can be achieved by selecting a different provider for SIAM services to those of other service towers or through the establishment of Chinese walls between the teams of a provider delivering both. The integrator should demonstrate a good understanding of the businesses supported. Success of an outsourced SIAM function is heavily dependent on the retained organization which needs to enforce adherence to SIAM’s processes and empower the SIAM provider in their management of the other providers. Retaining accountability and control Clients who move to an outsourced multi-supplier model often wish to retain the SIAM function due to a fear of losing control. Where the client’s IT department retains key controls and decision rights, that fear is unfounded. The client’s IT department will always remain accountable to the business for providing the required IT services. The client’s IT department should retain the role of setting policies and standards, e.g. for Security, Enterprise Architecture and Service Design. Business relationship management can be enabled by outsourcers but ultimately sits with the retained function. They will also own overall risk management and make decisions based on acceptable risk exposure for the client. They will own and manage the contracts with the Providers, making decisions such as when Service Credits will apply, invoices are paid or Exit is invoked. They must act in an assurance role above SIAM ensuring that the SIAM provider is delivering the contracted SIAM services and provide the point of escalation for SIAM, where SIAM is unable to resolve issues or disputes directly with the other providers. The SIAM function therefore acts as the client’s agent whilst the client retains control and accountability. in service integration. Given the numerous Service Integration options ISG recommends an assessment of a client’s business drivers, maturity and capability in order to determine the model which best fits their organization. The author: Hannah Patterson, BSc Alternative models The Service Integration challenge is common to almost all organizations and can be wider than just IT. Given the investment required to design and build SIAM processes and toolsets; leveraging the previous work of outsourcers often makes sense. However, implementation of an outsourced SIAM function is one of several potential models to address service integration. For example, Service integration is “built-in” to single or prime supplier models. Organizations with mature retained functions and significant supplier management expertise may be better suited to perform more elements of Service Integration in-house, potentially with some resource augmentation. For some organizations service integration is a key differentiator over competitors and is core to their success as a business; these organizations are choosing to not only retain, but to specialize Ms. Patterson is a leading expert in IT service delivery and specialist in Service Management and Integration (SIAM) in multi-sourced IT operating models. Over the last 7 years she has guided clients from various industry sectors through the lifecycle of defining and implementing IT sourcing transformations, including the design of operating models, construction of change plans and contract negotiation. In particular she is known for architecting and successfully delivering standard service solutions resulting in significantly reduced operating costs and improved service quality. Contact: [email protected] www.isg-one.com Page 28 MARKETS / GERMANY Markets Germany: Lucrative sourcing market and top location for shared services and BPO delivery By Josefine Dutschmann, Senior Manager, Germany Trade & Invest Germany as a lucrative sourcing location? Indeed! Germany is home to a significant domestic market which needs to be served. Moreover, business cases covering EMEA consider Germany to be Europe’s largest market. When thinking about Germany, one might first think of worldclass cars, German precision, Oktoberfest and a beer and Bratwurst; but Germany as a sourcing location? International companies typically shortlist locations in Asia such as India or the Philippines. When it comes to near shore locations, countries in central and Eastern Europe are typically first on the list. guage in Europe spoken by more than 80 million people in Germany alone? What is the best way to serve b2b and b2c customers in Europe’s largest market? Is it really an option to operate from Eastern European near shore countries with young, non-native speaking graduates in business climates with high attrition rates and annual salary inflation rates in double digits? This approach is tried and tested for general transactional processes. But how do you handle processes, which require that language and cultural issues also be addressed? Asia and South America might be fine for English and Spanish, but what about German: the most widely spoken lan- Germany is the optimal location for delivering both captive of outsourced services to serve Europe largest business market. The “Made in Germany” seal of quality continues to be a globally recognized benchmark of excellence not only in traditional heavy industries, but also in Germany’s thriving service sector. Could captives or vendors successfully deliver from German production sites? Certainly if service delivery from Germany really was so fraught with difficulties, would companies like BASF, Page 29 Daimler or Deutsche Bank host their shared services in Germany or vendors like Sitel, ADP or HP really run deliveries from German locations? Indeed why deliver or source from a country with a fairly poor reputation in matters of labor regulations and costs? Germany’s advantages hold true not just for German business. BASF has established its European Shared Service Center in Germany: With approximately 1,000 employees from 45 nations, it delivers F&A and HR services for more than 180 companies in the BASF group from over 25 countries in Europe. The establishment of its shared services center in Berlin was made possible thanks to specially negotiated collective agreements. PAREXEL International, a leading global biopharmaceutical services provider headquartered near Boston with 71 locations in 50 countries has also chosen MARKETS / GERMANY Germany. In addition to comprehensive clinical research operations in Berlin, PAREXEL operates one of its global financial shared services centers, which provides supporting services to other offices in over 15 European countries. PAREXEL’s global operations, such as its financial shared service center, benefit from several advantages including a combination of low turnover rates, affordable office space and a broad range of available language skills. Another case of multicultural and multilingual services is Deutsche Bank: DB HR Solutions GmbH is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Deutsche Bank Group with sites in Berlin and Frankfurt. The group’s HR shared services center is responsible for all HR processes including administration, recruitment, payroll, and employment references. Part of the shared service center, forms the service line and first point of contact for all HR issues for group employees in Europe and the Americas. Services are provided in German, English, French, Spanish and other European languages. In addition to big global players, such as Siemens, Daimler and Deutsche Bank – who have the size and capacities to establish their own captive shared services center, the German economy is characterized by a strong small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector. Growing demand for business services in Germany is driven in part by the country’s economic structure. German SMEs are typically innovative family-owned businesses, which are normally not large enough to establish their own shared service centers. Hence, these companies constitute a significant outsourcing potential of non-core processes, many of whom have been hesitant to outsource back-office processes due to the absence of “onshore” German market service providers. Essentially more conservative in nature, German businesses with outsourced process require- Business Services — Made in Germany A Selection of International Players: Contact Centers in Germany Contact Center—Service Provider Contact Center—Captive No Company Locations 1 AIDA Kundencenter GmbH Rostock 2 Cortal Consors Nuremberg 3 Dell Halle GmbH Halle/Saale, Frankfurt/Main, Munich 4 Direct Line Versicherungs AG Teltow 5 Ebay Dtschl. GmbH Kleinmachnow 6 Healthways Hennigsdorf 7 IBM Deutschland Customer Support Services GmbH Berlin, Erfurt, Leipzig 8 ING Diba Nuremberg, Hanover, Frankfurt/Main 9 Oracle Potsdam 10 Telefonica Rostock 11 Avocis AG Kiel, Rostock, Anklam, Berlin, Leipzig, Krefeld, Duesseldorf, Mannheim 12 CCC Leipzig, Berlin, Dresden 13 First Data International Nuremberg, Bad Vilbel 14 Sitel GmbH Wittenberg, Krefeld, Duesseldorf, Dessau, Potsdam, Berlin 15 SNT Berlin, Potsdam, Essen, Frankfurt/Main, Chemnitz, Greifswald, Neubrandenburg 16 Stream International Berlin 17 Sykes Berlin, Pasewalk, Bochum, Wilhelmshaven, Frankfurt/Main 18 Teleperformance Goerlitz, Zweibruecken, Neubrandenburg, Dortmund, Erlangen, Greifswald, Hamburg, Munich 19 Transcom Halle, Rostock, Toenisvorst 20 Walter Services Luebeck, Emden, Bremen, Berlin, Magdeburg, Frankfurt/Oder, Cottbus, Halle, Dresden, Aachen, Suhl, Frankfurt/Main, Mannheim, Ettlingen, Offenburg Source: Germany Trade and Invest, October, 2011 Page 30 MARKETS / GERMANY ments prefer that their service provider be ‘locally’ based. The need for German cultural affinity creates major market opportunities within Germany for international and domestic players alike. A number of leading companies have already recognized this fact and are currently serving the German market, either with their own subsidiary activities in Germany or in close strategic partnerships with local players. The local BPO and ITO market is currently being served by German companies and international players running their own delivery. For front-office services, approximately 6,800 contact centers operate in Germany with more than 520,000 employees. Current expected growth rate is 10 percent with an increase in staff of around 100,000. Companies such as Sitel, Sykes, SNT, and Teleperformance have production sites in different German cities. For back-office services, global players such as ADP, HP, and TCS have recognized the advantages of onshore delivery centers and have opened their own production sites in Germany to serve the large domestic market. Of course, BPO providers do not base their global delivery centers in Germany, but instead base regional hubs here to serve either the large German domestic market alone or in combination with other, smaller European markets. The following are some prominent corporate examples: ADP concentrates on HR solutions, payroll and travel services, operating at four locations in GerPage 31 many. The company currently performs 2.5 million postings per year; one in every five payrolls in Germany is produced using ADP products and services. According to Andreas Kiefer, Regional General Manager ADP Europe, highly qualified labor was central to ADP’s location decision. “We decided on a location in Germany because of its labor market. People are well-trained thanks to the special German system of ‘dual professional education.’ Itella Group. In 2011, Itella Group acquired NewSource, a Hanover based company specialized in finance and accounting that is one of the leading providers of BPO services in Germany. With its entry into the Germany BPO market, Itella Information is taking an important step towards becoming the European market leader in financial transaction processes. With NewSource, Itella is now able to offer the entire service chain for financial management. Therefore, we do not need to hire graduates as with other nearshore locations, but have access to a large and highly qualified labor pool. We find motivated people with high loyalty levels and all of the necessary qualifications at a moderate wage level. It really worked out for us.” All the BPO providers mentioned and a growing number of domestic and international players have recognized the enormous market potential the German market has to offer. According to PAC, one of the leading BPO analysts, the BPO market in Germany is expected to have reached an estimated volume of EUR 3.6 billion by 2015. The highest growth rates are predicted in the F&A and the procurement areas. The overall annual growth rate in the BPO industry is expected to reach more than 12 per cent. HP is another case in point. The company took over the financial shared services center of German company SCHOTT, a multinational, leading technology-based group developing and manufacturing specialty materials, components and systems, to provide onshore BPO services for the German market. HP established its German F&A BPO services delivery center in northern Bavaria near the Czech border. While offering BPO services from a local center, HP also enjoys a competitive advantage over international BPO providers delivering from offshore location using non-native speakers. Another M&A approach was performed by the Finnish company Itella Information, which is part of Whether captive or vendor - business service companies have similar location criteria and roughly ask the same questions regarding future locations. Foremost, it is all about labor – size of the labor market, qualification of the people and of course, labor costs. Factors such as real estate or technical infrastructure are mostly considered secondary or are taken as given. This is not surprising since labor costs constitute approximately three quarters of a service center’s total costs. Factors such as worker’s motivation, MARKETS / GERMANY Business Services — Made in Germany Business Process Outsourcer– Vendor Shared Service Center — Captive A Selection of International Players: Shared Service and BPO Delivery Centers in Germany No Company Locations 21 ABB (ABB PersonalDirekt) Mannheim 22 ABB (Shared Accounting Services) Mannheim 23 Accon-RVS Accounting & Consulting GmbH Berlin 24 ARGE GSV e.V. Schwerin 25 Axel Springer Medien Accounting Service GmbH Berlin 26 BASF Services Europe GmbH Berlin 34 38 43 49 27 Bayer (Bayer Business Services GmbH) Leverkusen 53 55 56 62 28 comdirekt bank Aktiengesellschaft Quickborn 63 66 29 Continental Service Center Hanover, Nuremberg 30 Daimler Stuttgart, Woerth 31 Daimler (Daimler Group Services Berlin GmbH) Berlin 32 Deutsche Bahn Berlin, Hanover, Leipzig, Frankfurt/Main, Duisburg, Karlsruhe, Munich 33 Deutsche Bank (DB HR Solutions GmbH) Berlin, Frankfurt/Main 34 Deutsche Lufthansa (HR Financial Center) Hamburg 35 Deutsche Lufthansa (HR Service Center) Frankfurt/Main 36 Deutsche Lufthansa (Shared Services International; Global Accounting Services) Cologne 37 Deutsche Telekom (DeTeAccounting GmbH) Bonn, Berlin, Dortmund, Fulda, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Weingarten 38 E.ON Energie (E.ON Best Service GmbH) Hamburg, Helmstedt, Herford, Potsdam, Wunstorf 39 E.ON Energie (E.ON Service Plus) Bayreuth, Kassel, Schwerin North Sea Baltic Sea SchleswigHolstein 54 54 28 MecklenburgVorpommern 24 39 40 54 63 Hamburg 55 33 37 38 Gruner + Jahr Schwerin 41 HeidelbergCement Leimen 57 38 44 54 42 HUK-Coburg Coburg 43 HypoVereinsbank - Member of UniCredit Group Munich, Hamburg 44 IKEA Potsdam 45 Merck KGaA Darmstadt 46 Nordson Deutschland GmbH Erkrath 47 Parexel Berlin 48 Ricoh Deutschland GmbH Hanover 49 Vattenfall Europe Business Services GmbH Berlin, Hamburg, Cottbus 50 Visteon Kerpen 51 W. L. Gore Munich 52 Accenture Hof, Berlin, Kronberg 53 ADP Dresden, Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Simmern 54 arvato Guetersloh, Dortmund, Muenster, Munich, Baden-Baden, Neubrandenburg, Cottbus, Stralsund, Schwerin, Chemnitz, Stuttgart, Wilhelmshaven, Springe, Korbußen, Rostock 55 32 46 49 54 66 Poland 37 60 32 27 39 North Rhine- 36 60 Westphalia Saxony Thuringia Hessen 37 Belgium Berlin SachsenAnhalt 37 54 55 65 32 49 52 29 32 48 Niedersachsen 60 54 40 47 56 57 60 66 68 38 56 23 25 26 31 Brandenburg Bremen The Netherlands 54 54 54 53 54 37 50 64 Frankfurt/ 52 53 Luxembourg 55 Atos Origin Essen, Hamburg, Frankfurt/Main, Munich, Meppen, Duesseldorf 56 BCB Dortmund, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg 57 Bosch Communication Center Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, Magdeburg 58 CSC Wiesbaden 59 Fondsdepot Bank Hof, Munich 60 HP Munich, Frankfurt/Main, Dortmund, Berlin, Cologne, Bielefeld, Mitterteich 61 IDS Scheer Saarbruecken 62 Paychex Hamburg 63 Steria Willstaett, Wilhelmshaven, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg 64 Steria/HPI Sulzbach/Ts. 65 Tata Consultancy Services Duesseldorf 66 Vattenfall Europe Information Services Berlin, Hamburg, Cottbus 67 Xchanging Transaction Bank Frankfurt/Main 68 Xerox Berlin, Groß-Gerau RhinelandPalatinate Main 38 60 45 29 21 61 32 BadenWürttemberg 54 63 37 22 41 30 32 33 35 53 55 56 57 Czech Republic 39 Saarland 60 63 67 52 59 42 58 63 Bavaria 30 53 54 32 43 51 55 54 Munich France 59 56 60 37 Switzerland Austria Source: Germany Trade and Invest, February, 2012 loyalty, and efficiency are rarely criteria found in fact finding questionnaires. Nonetheless, these factors could significantly affect the cost structure of a center. bining the benefits of classroombased and on-the-job training over a period of two to three years is specifically geared to meet industry needs. One of the major standard questions asked by international consulting companies concerns the quantity of universities students and graduates. Here, Germany can offer abundant numbers. Nonetheless, this totally neglects the backbone of the German professional education system, known as the “dual system”. The country’s dual education system – internationally unique in com- There are currently around 350 occupations recognized by the system. Approximately 480,000 young professionals successfully pass their certified exams annually; with two thirds of them specially trained in administrative functions. This model provides companies with access to a broad array of highly trained and motivated employees – even without university degrees and at com- petitive costs. More than half of the German working population has at least such certified training qualifications. Over time, many of these young professionals gain some university training. Germany has 105 universities, 102 colleges and 211 universities of applied sciences with 2.2 million students. Annually, more than 360.000 university graduates enter the labor market and compete for highly qualified middle management or first leading positions. In total, Germany has a population of 82 million – which is more than the popu- Page 32 MARKETS / GERMANY lation of Poland (38m), Romania (21m), Czech Republic (11m) and Hungary (10m) combined. Moreover, German wages are generally very stable. The German call center industry association, “Call Center Verband Deutschland” (CCV) reports the following annual average salaries: agents vendor: € 16,262/ year; agents captive: € 22,253/ year; team leader vendor € 30,400/year, team leader captive € 38,900/year; call center manager vendor € 54,000/year; call center manager captive € 63,500/ year. At 1.8 %, Germany’s annual wage inflation rate is the lowest compared with Poland (6.3%), Czech Republic (6.7%), Romania (19.9%) and Hungary (7.9%) for all ages in Europe. In addition, labor turnover rates are as low as only five to ten percent according to the industry. Due to this low attrition rate, necessary substitute recruitment and training costs are kept to an absolute minimum. Today’s German labor regulations currently deliver the required flexibility. Trial periods of up to six months help identify the most suitable candidates. Limited contracts are also an option for employing students or creating other “mini-jobs.” The system of part-time work in recent years has also become well established in Germany. vorable cost-quality relationship: Higher wages are offset by more effective work flow systems due to lower attrition, loyalty, motivation and qualification of the staff. Thanks to the highly qualified work force, more integrated processes can be implemented to offer the entire value chain of services. This cost-quality relationship offered by German towns and cities is significantly better than that of similar locations in pan-European comparison. If future European service centers are on your radar screen, Germany as an excellent business location to consider! www.gtai.com Germany is very competitive in terms of delivering a very fa- Author: Josefine Dutschmann is Senior Manager at Germany Trade & Invest, the foreign trade and inward investment agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization promotes Germany as a business and technology location, supports companies based in Germany with global market information and advises international companies interested in establishing business operations in Germany. Josefine is responsible for the Business Services industry and supports international companies with their investment plans for Germany. Before she joined Germany Trade & Invest in 2008, she held similar responsibilities at Berlin Partner, the regional inward investment agency for the German capital Berlin. Josefine holds a Ph.D in business administration from the University of Rostock. Germany Trade & Invest is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organization promotes Germany as a business and technology location and supports companies based in Germany with global market information. Page 33 MARKETING Marketing & Communication Stop SHOUTING By Christopher Butler, Vice President of Newfangled Imagine you are in a classroom. Let’s say a high school classroom. You’re sitting at your desk, listening to your favorite teacher—the one who inspired you, the one who got you excited about that thing you love for the first time. You’ve stopped taking notes because your body just can’t quite function normally when your mind is being blown. You don’t feel the pen in your hand, or the surface of the desk under your arms. You’re somewhere in between your body and the blackboard. That’s the magic of learning; it’stransportational. Now, deep breath. Back to reality. Perhaps your learning experiences were not like this, but I hope they were. And if they were, did it ever occur to you in those moments that you were being sold something? That the moment was approaching when you’d be asked to sign on the dotted line or open your wallet? When you’d kick yourself for being fooled into thinking that your teacher was offering something to you for free? When you’d learn to stifle the desire and ability to trust someone? Of course not. What you received came without strings attached; it was a free gift of knowledge to change you, to shape you, to edify you. Not to compel you to buy something. After all, your teacher wasn’t a marketer. It’s worth asking at this point: What, exactly, is marketing? Here I won’t quote a definition—not just because we’re all capable of looking it up ourselves, but because it really doesn’t matter anymore what the “official” definition of marketing is. Marketing, in its ubiquity, is something we all live and breath. We know what it is, though we may struggle with articulating it with any meaningful precision. In our culture, the distance between marketing and creativity is virtually nonexistent. Every bit of that space has been filled with the promotional. What were once barely overlapping magisteria have become fully integrated. It’s not enough that we make beautiful things, or have brilliant ideas, or even have powerful experiences anymore; they’re hardly real to the world until they’ve been shared in some digital burst of “Here I am, you should pay attention to me.” Right? Or, was he? Life and work has become noisy with marketing. And the noisier it gets, the noisier it gets, because we’ve bought into the lie that nothing cuts through noise better than the right kind of noise. But noisy marketing—of the parade for a naked emperor kind— is cheap; there is no there there, and we all end up feeling cheap for looking, anyway. There is a better way, of course. But the better way requires that we get as far away from this sort of marketing as possible. In fact, it might be better that we call it something else entirely, because no one ever says, “I want to be a marketer when I grow up.” So, why not call it education? If you ever experienced the free gift of education - whether or not as I dramatized it above - let that be your model for marketing. For your sake; for the sake of all of us. Inception - Disparaging marketing is easy, isn’t it? What I just wrote came naturally; it flowed out of Page 34 MARKETING my experience struggling with my own value for privacy and the frequency with which it is violated, coupled with my job representing a company and the frequency with which I have to market our services. I know the kind of marketing I don’t like, and to do it differently is easier said than done. Frankly, it’s just far easier to do marketing than to have marketing done to you. Yet, there is no Golden Rule for marketing—market unto those as you would have them market unto you. Shouldn’t there be such a rule? There can be. It starts with doing something good. Quality There is nothing wrong with selling things, or even with making lots of money selling things. There is something wrong, though, with selling a product or service that you know isnot worth its price. So there are some questions we must ask if we are to follow any “golden rule” of marketing: Do I believe in what I’m selling? Is it good for people? Is it worth what I am asking people to pay for it? Could you imagine a teacher answering “No” to any of these questions? “No, I don’t believe in what I teach.” “No, what I teach is not good for people.” “No, what I teach isn’t worth the time my class requires.” Could any teacher with integrity answer no to these questions and still manage to show up for class every Monday morning? I doubt it. Alan Jacobs, writing for The Atlantic about the role of quality Page 35 in the shifting sands of business success, had this to say: “What goes around comes around; what goes up must come down. Microsoft has been gradually drifting to the margins of our tech consciousness; Google is scrambling to find a way to compete with Facebook. Everything moves faster in a wired world, including the pace of change in business… A decade from now the landscape of the technology business will sure look very different than it does today. Maybe by 2022 Apple and Amazon will be marginal companies once again—underdogs that I can feel good about supporting.” What shifts the sands of the business landscape isn’t marketing, it’s quality. Apple rose to the top because it made outstanding products, not “just fine” ones with outstanding advertising. Microsoft, on the other hand, stumbled not because its advertising is terrible - though it really is - but because its products weren’t very good, either. And as for Amazon, Amazon rose to the top by offering a level of service that shocked shoppers: an easy to navigate store, with an unfathomably large inventory, and delivery that exceeded anyone’s reasonable expectations for speed. It reset those expectations. If Amazon fails, it will fail because either someone else comes along who can do better - unlikely as that may be - or because we decide that we don’t feel comfortable with the costs of the level of service they offer. Many right now are already questioning that, whether inexpensive and immediate delivery are worth the working conditions that make it possible. Marketing will probably try to change our minds. It may even work on some of us, for a little while. But if failure is to be avoided, marketing will have little to do with it. If you can do something truly good, you won’t have much of a marketing challenge. If you can keep doing something good without something bad subsidizing it, marketing will take care of itself. Positioning But what if someone else does exactly the same thing you do? What if you can’t beat their price? What if you can’t outserve them? This is typically where “savvy” marketing comes in. When labels carry claims that either overemphasize a non-differentiator so that it seems like one, or straight up lie. MARKETING Imagine the educational corollary: “The same easy A, now with twice the History!” or “Become a Quantum Physicist, Results Guaranteed!” Preposterous. It’s a whole lot easier to avoid resorting to manipulation if you don’t have any real competitors. Competitors force each other to make less meaningful but more manipulative distinctions between one another. If you think you’ve got the “good” thing down, consider your positioning. Are you actually different? If not, how will you survive without being sleazy? Attract, inform, engage So, let’s say you’ve got the quality and positioning stuff worked out. You do something good that nobody else does. Fantastic. That is, assuming people know about you. Taking aField of Dreams approach - if you build it, they will come - won’t work. If you build it, and they know about it, they will come. But even if they come, you’ve got to make sure they understand what it is that they’re coming for. And then you’ve got to make them want to stick around. This is a three-step process: attracting prospects, properly informing them, engaging with them. That is what marketing should be all about. Attract, inform, engage; not attract, mislead, compel. If you are well positioned, attraction is much easier. Imagine three hot-dog vendors at a baseball game. Two wander up and down the stands, shouting, “Hot dogs! Get your delicious hot dogs here!” Their success is going to come down to luck - who happens to be closest to the right people. But the third vendor sticks to the low seats. He’s shouting, too, except he’s got different dogs to sell: “Low-fat hot dogs! Eat two for the fat of one!” Now who do you think will have an easier time selling hot dogs? The more specific your audience is, the easier it is to attract them. If you can attract a specific audience, informing is easy, too. You already know something about them and what they need. If you have a worthy solution to that need, all you have to do is tell them about it. That’s where the teaching comes in: Start generally - Introduction to Your Problem, then Our Solution 101 - and be prepared to give them more detail as they need it. Incrementally informing, by the way, will also take care of engagement. Give them some, they’ll want more. Ask any engaged student sitting in Advanced Trigonometry 3 why they are there and you’ll likely hear many similar answers, all having to do with being attracted and informed by someone special back in their beginner days. Know your role If you make things, it’s difficult to avoid marketing. But if you can do it the good way - attracting, in- forming, and engaging - to serve that good thing you do, then that thing we’ve wanted to avoid no longer looks so bad. And even then, “marketer” is just one of many roles that people who make things play in some capacity. But it’s a role that should always be subservient to your primary one: making and doing good things. To keep that role connected to the good things we do, I’ve used teaching as a metaphor. I know it’s abstract, but if there is one single characteristic of good teachers that could stand to make everything we do - as well as how we market it - better, it’s caring. Good teachers care. They care about the material. They care about how they teach it. They care about their students. If we care too - about what we do, how we do it, and who we do it for - then we’ll be OK. Resisting the Dark Side That’s the setup, anyway. But caring is hard. Caring requires a commitment to resisting the very things that currently seem to drive the culture of marketing - things like haste, deception, and even your own ego. Page 36 MARKETING Slow down Slow down, please. Not everything needs to be right now. One thing I like to say that usually riles people up is that there are no marketing emergencies. Really. If there are, it’s because somebody screwed up or somebody’s expectations are out of whack. But that doesn’t change the fact that other people feel differently. Open your email account and watch it fill before your eyes. Open Twitter and watch the nonstop flow of information push down your timeline. It’s incredible how rapid-fire online culture has become, and naturally, how marketing has followed suit. As marketing has become so predominantly digital, speed has become a defining characteristic of the experience. But when your blood pressure rises and you feel the anxiety of falling behind - that you should be blogging more, tweeting more, posting more on Facebook, Pinterest, and the like - ask yourself this: How good can it be if you’re producing so much of it so often? Honesty Honesty is the enemy of traditional marketing. It’s sad but true. It’s not because honesty isn’t possible in marketing, but that if companies were completely honest about their products and services - about how they’re made, what they do, their flaws, their shelf life, etc. - fewer people would buy them. That’s why creating illu- Page 37 sions is so essential to marketing. But it only takes a tiny crack in the surface to destroy an illusion. As a colleague pointed out to me recently, a supermodel only has to stumble once before the illusions so central to fashion fall away and you are left with just people wearing clothes. If the quality is there, there is nothing to hide. That’s the big-picture, but I think most honesty-erosion tends to happen on a smaller scale, where the line between truth and fiction can be pretty blurry. There’s a general impulse toward bending that line intentionally, one often motivated by our desire to bring attention to something we believe deserves it. Whether it’s a product, a service, or even a cause, we might be willing to “sex up the story” if doing so means bringing greater awareness to it. This isn’t just a marketing problem, by the way. We do it when we believe the attention garnered by a thing or an idea or an injustice isn’t as big as it should be. Listen to theretraction issued by This American Life of Mike Daisy’s account of working conditions in Apple’s factories in China. Pay attention to how uncomfortable you feel. That discomfort is a measure of the distance between truth and fiction. For the first year after graduating from college, I did freelance design work. I registered a business, created business cards, set up a website, the works. I wasn’t alone, either. Several classmates did the same thing, and we would often compare notes and even help each other get work from time to time. We learned all kinds of things by trial and error back then, but the one thing that left the greatest impression upon me had to do with how honest we were in describing ourselves. Every one of us made heavy use of the word “we” on our websites - though “we” was almost always just one person working from a room in a shared apartment - because we feared we wouldn’t be hired if it was clear that “we” was really “I,” a freelancer flying solo. We believed that no matter how good our work was, we’d be ignored as individuals. So we created an illusion that we thought looked strong. “I” was just a kid on my laptop at a desk in his bedroom; “We” was a company, confident, experienced, secure. But that, of course, wasn’t true. I learned that there was no point in trying to convince potential clients of something other than that which would quickly become clear to them if they hired me. So, a simple rule: If you’re one person, never refer to yourself as “we”. That’s the kind of small-scale honesty we need to take seriously. MARKETING In, but not of Ground control to ______ But let’s be realistic. Even if you change, you can’t expect everyone else to change too. It’s certainly possible that if enough people embrace a new way of doing things, the culture might shift overall, but that is unlikely to happen overnight. Remember those clumsy supermodels? They do us a favor when they stumble. They bring us back down to Earth, where we’re all just people wearing clothes. No matter how important we think we are, or how important we think the things we make or do are, we could all stand to stumble down the runway every once in a while. Especially when it comes to marketing. The culture of online marketing is unhealthy - the lack of criticism of it is pretty astonishing to me but the real tragedy is watching the forces of self preservation turn good people with good intentions into obnoxious, self-aggrandizing loudmouths that collect into BS echo chambers. Sometimes what you see accepted or celebrated around you is exactly what you shouldn’t do. I liked how Oliver Reichenstein put it in a post-SXSW tweet: “Studied the SXSW talks to find out what not do as a speaker: 1. Don’t think you’re cool 2. Don’t preach 3. Don’t sell. 4. No false modesty.” A great example of this came in the recent blow-up over “Homeless Hotspots,” a campaign created by BBH (a marketing firm) that turned the homeless of Austin into roaming internet access points available to the throngs attending the South by Southwest conference. Why do we feel that the only way to survive is to do things like everyone else does? There’s no good reason for it. In fact, we’re all waiting for someone to pave the way for us by having the courage we don’t have, the courage to do something different. Needless to say, it was controversial. Plenty has been said about it - both in support and in criticism - but amidst the noise, one comment written by Thomas Wendt resonated most for me: Why can’t you be one of those people? When it comes to doing the right thing, don’t wait for someone else’s courage to stand in for your own. “In the end, everyone is full of shit supporters and detractors - and it’s all a result of spectacle and denial. The entire system creates such dissonance that we lash out against it. We’re unable to reconcile the differ- ences between image and the real, altruism and self-interest, trust and deception. So we gravitate toward poles: BBH is a charitable company or BBH is a lying capitalist institution. Of course, the truth in somewhere in between, but denial and self-deception keeps us from admitting it.” Wendt’s post was titled, Staring Down the Spectacle, which really gets at the point: It is the culture and the spectacle it creates - that is your adversary, not any specific action per se, nor any other person. Yet culture has a profound power to shape each of us, so just as much as we should scrutinize what we observe around us, we should bring equal scrutiny to what we observe within ourselves. When it comes to marketing, the most meaningful question I can ask at any point is, just how full of shit am I? Guilty as charged I wrote this as an act of resistance, as a way of keeping myself from disappearing into the “dark side,” not as a prophet condemning from atop a mountain. I see myself struggling to maintain the integrity of an educational marketing model and I often don’t like what I see. But, I’ve also discovered that we must intentionally learn from examples - both good and bad ones. The bad ones are easy to study. We’re all close enough to them to do it. We’re among them. We may Page 38 MARKETING even be one of them. The question is whether we’re willing to do something about it. The author: Christopher Butler is the Vice President of Newfangled, a Web development firm specializing in agency partnerships. He has written articles on the the current and future state of the web for Print Magazine, Imprint, HOW, Newfangled, and is the author of the forthcoming book, The Strategic Web Designer: How to Confidently Navigate the Web Design Process with HOW Books. You can follow Christopher on Twitter @chrbutler or visit: www.newfangled.com This article is provided by Smashing Magazine, an independent information service for designers and web developers. Please visit: www.smashingmagazine.com Advert Your Expertise in Focus Turn your public communication into a source of information for your target market. Include response options and concur with social media, network building and lead generation. We show you how to create awareness and acknowledgement of your expertise and services. Public Relations Marketing Market www.outsourcing-marketing.org Page 39 Publications BULGARIA Nearshoring Bulgaria - Destination for IT-Services in Europe By Ivaylo Slavov, BulPros, Bulgaria Bulgaria has traditionally strong cultural and geographic links with Europe, Russia, Middle East which positions the country as the “door” to these regions. Geographical proximity Bulgaria is situated in the SouthEastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The country’s population is about 7.7 million people and its territory spans 110,912 sq.km. Bulgaria borders Greece and Turkey to the South, Macedonia and Serbia - to the West. The Danube River to the North is our natural border with Romania; the Black Sea is situated to the East. Bulgaria is in the center of a region, which is undergoing dynamic transition. Within 500 km of our capital city, Sofia (1.4 million people), a population of over 90 million lives in 9 countries that have recently embarked on their way to a market economy. This is a large market with a rapidly increasing purchasing power. of Western Europe, Russia, Minor Asia, the Adriatic, the Aegean and the Black Sea. Both sea and river transport (the Black Sea and the Danube River) facilitate the trade with the region. A network of international motorways crosses the country, making vital connections to the countries Page 40 BULGARIA Bulgaria in numbers as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, SAP, Siemens, Software AG, etc. Area: 110,910 sq. km. / 42,822 square miles Population (31/12/2011): 7 327 224 ( 3 566 767 - males / 3 760 457 - females) Real GDP growth rate: 2,2% (2011) Economy (GVA, 2010): 63.6% services, 30.4% industry and 6.0% agriculture University degrees: 22% of population Native language: Bulgarian Foreign languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian Religion: 83% Eastern Orthodox Government: Parliamentary democracy Currency: BGN pegged to EUR at 1.95583:1 Affiliations: EU, NATO, WTO Varna Main cities Sofia Population: 1 296 615 Employable population: 668 200 Unemployed population: 17 000 Unemployment rate: 1.3% Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city by population in the European Union with population of 1.2 million people and 1.4 million metropolitan population. In Sofia are concentrated all state power - legislative, executive and judiciary (National Assembly, the Presidency, Council of Ministers and the Ministries, etc.). Our transportation system is higly developed. Sofia is on the crossroad of three trans - European transport corridors: Corridor IV, Corridor VIII and Corridor X; Air transport is represented by the largest airport in Page 41 Bulgaria - the center for air traffic; The Sofia Underground is the first one and only in Bulgaria at this stage. Sofia is also the center of education in Bulgaria with its 42 vocational gymnasiums, 12 vocational colleges, 16 language specialized schools with business curriculum, 18 language specialized schools with IT curriculum and 20 universities and equivalent higher schools. Sofia is the major economic centre of Bulgaria, financial hub and home to most major Bulgarian and international companies operating in Bulgaria. Sofia has attracted many IT companies who took the decision to set up their operations in Bulgaria, open global centers to support their activities or clients, outsource projects, develop products such Population: 343 643 Employable population: 207 000 Unemployed population: 9 400 Unemployment rate: 4.3% Varna is our marine capital. Varna is the third largest city in Bulgaria with population of 343 643. It is a Major tourist destination, business and university centre, seaport, and headquarters of the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine, as well as the centre of Varna Province and Bulgaria’s North-Eastern planning region. The city is considered as natural crossroad between Western Europe and the Middle East. The city lies 470 km (292 mi) north-east of Sofia. Varna is accessible by air (Varna International Airport), sea (Port of Varna Cruise Terminal), railroad (Central Train Station), and automobile. Major roads include European routes E70 to Bucharest and E87 to Istanbul and Constanta, Romania. The economy of Varna region produces 5.4% of the GDP of Bulgaria. The province is third in the country as to the foreign investments per capita. Varna is considered as the second best IT/Outsourcing destination in Bulgaria with its 2 000 university graduates from technical science programs and language schools respectively each year, 10 language specialized schools with IT curriculum. With 5 Univer- BULGARIA sities, 4 language institutions and 18 technical educational institutions Varna produces in excess of 34 000 graduates annually. About 25% of the economically active population, or 83 000 people have higher education. About 50% of the economically active population, or 165 000 people have secondary education. Moreover, Varna attracts talents from nearby locations of Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo, Dobrich and Bourgas. The labor costs are low and favorable for IT investments. More than 1 500 people are employed in the BPO sector in Varna (approximately 7% of the total industry in Bulgaria). Currently, three companies have their main BPO operations for Bulgaria in Varna –Keppel Fels Baltech, SysMaster, TaxBack. Other BPO operations in Varna include: OPI, HP, AT Consult. Plovdiv Population: 338 184 Employable population: 309 500 Unemployed population: 12 500 Unemployment rate: 5.1% Plovdiv is one of the oldest cities in Europe. Plovdiv is the second - largest city in Bulgaria and a major tourist center. Its geographical position makes it an international transport hub: three of the ten Pan-European corridors run into or near the city - Corridor IV (Dresden-BucharestSofia-Plovdiv- Istanbul), Corridor VIII (Durrës-Sofia-Plovdiv-Varna/ Burgas) and Corridor X (SalzburgBelgrade-Plovdiv-Istanbul). Around two thirds of the citizens (62,38%) have secondary, specialized or higher education. Plovdiv has 78 schools including elementary, high, foreign language, mathematics,technical and art schools. There are also 10 private schools, 6 universities and a number of state and private colleges and branches of other universities with total number about 43 000 students. Burgas Population: 212 032 Employable population: 182 300 Unemployed population: 7 466 Unemployment rate: 3.4 % Burgas is the second largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and the fourth-largest by population in the country, after Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. Burgas is located at 389 km of Sofia, 272 km of Plovdiv and 350 km of Istanbul; with the Burgas Airport and Pan-European Corridor VIII passes through the city. Industry is the main branch, which makes 86,2% of the production, engaged 81,9% of the long term assets and 50,6% of the employed individuals in material production, as this is due to the petrochemical production. The city hosts 2 universities and 4 colleges with about 11 000 students. Ruse Population: 175 210 Employable population: 115 800 Unemployed population: 9 600 Unemployment rate: 8.3% Ruse is the fifth largest city in Bulgaria, 300 km far from the national’s capital Sofia. The city is only an hour away driving from Bucharest International Airport allowing to evaluate recruiting talent from Romania. It has a well - developed educational network: 15 state vocational schools and The University of Ruse, named Angel Kanchev. Sofia and Varna still remain the two distinctive leading locations in Bulgaria for ITO/BPO business, able to accommodate relatively large operations in terms of talent pool, language capabilities, infrastructure and other factors. All other cities can accommodate specific niches of BPO/ITO. University capabilities Bulgaria is a recognized partner for companies in Automation, Chemical industry, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, ICT & BPO, Mechanical Engineering. We differentiate with highly qualified workforce with strong technical and engineering background. Bulgaria has a very well-developed educational system specializing in electronics, engineering, and computer sciences. The universities and colleges in the country are more than 53, located in 26 different towns. According to the National Statistics Institute the total number of university and college students in Bulgaria for the study period of 2010/2011 – including the students in the four educational Page 42 BULGARIA degrees (professional bachelor, bachelor, master and doctor) – is 281 170. Language capabilities Bulgaria is a very attractive outsourcing destination, when it comes to delivering services in any of the following languages: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Serbian, Greek, Turkish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, Slovak, Czech, Ukrainian etc. Why Bulgaria? Bulgaria is among the top preferred offshore and nearshore destinations in Europe due to its unique combination of political and business stability, highly educated and skilled workforce, excellent business environment, relatively low cost of doing business and cultural and geographical proximity to Western Europe. Geographical proximity and cultural Bulgaria has traditionally strong cultural and geographic links with Europe, Russia, Middle East which positions the country as the “door” to these regions, moreover our territory is in the center of a network of international motorways crosses the country, making vital connections. Political and business stability • Bulgaria enjoys one of the most stable political and economic environments in Southeastern Europe Page 43 • Government financial indicators are remarkable not only in the region, but on a pan-European scale • Bulgarian economy maintains its excellent performance de spite global challenges • Bulgaria is the only country in Europe with a credit rating upgrade by Moody’s since the beginning of 2010 • Bulgaria is a member of the European Union (since 2007), the NATO (2004) and the WTO (1996) • Stable currency --Bulgarian Lev has been pegged to the Euro since the adoption of the cur rency in 2002 University education is linked with business needs, offering a sufficient pool of IT & BPO resources: • 60 500 graduates from 53 uni versities and colleges • 10,200 foreign students en rolled in Bulgarian universities • About 70% of Bulgarian stu dents study English • Classes in 100+ “language high schools” are taught in foreign language • Returning students add diver sity and skills to the labor pool EU most favorable taxes Competitive cost of doing business Bulgaria possibly is one of the most favorable locations in the EU in terms of doing business: • Bulgaria has a 0% tax rate for re gions with high unemployment • VAT rate is 20% • Dividend taxation rate is 5% • Bulgaria has signed over 50 Double Tax Treaties Bulgaria has a highly skilled workforce in key areas such as computer science. Bulgaria has one of the most competitive costs of labor in Central and Eastern Europe. The cost of electricity is 67% of the European average while Bulgaria has top-quality office space at competitive rental cost level Highly qualified and talented workforce Country Corporate Tax VAT Bulgaria 10% 20% Romania 16% 24% Slovakia 19% 20% Croatia 20% 22% Slovenia 22% 20% Greece 24% 23% BULGARIA High growth potential • Consistent GDP growth of above 5% prior to the financial crisis • Convergence potential in many sectors vs. Western and CEE levels • Increasing export levels, especially in sectors such as agriculture, food, chemicals, electronics • Preferred location for IT and BPO from both European and international players Strategic geographic location • Strategically located to serve Europe, Russia, the CIS countries, the Middle East and North Africa • Bulgaria is only 3 hours flight from all major destinations in Europe, Russia and the Mediter- ranean region • Five Pan-European corridors pass through the country, linking Northern Europe to Middle East and Northern Africa • Schengen entry is expected in 2012 • Direct access to the fastest growing and biggest market in Europe – 150 mn in Southeast Europe • 68 bilateral treaties for avoidance of double taxation Transport infrastructure and modern connectivity Bulgaria has a very comprehensive infrastructure that is being improved constantly, with: • 6 Motorways (some under con- struction) • 230 Railway stations with capability of loading/unloading cargo • 5 international airports • 7 major river ports on the Danube • 6 major seaports on the Black Sea Further Bulgaria has over 60 industrial zones and logistics centers and better developed logistics than most Balkan countries.Sofia is among the top ten worldwide leaders in broadband quality, according to Cisco and has one of the fastest household download speeds worldwide. Sources: National Statistical Institute, Invest Bulgaria Agency The author: Mr. Ivaylo Slavov is a highly qualified senior executive with more than 18 years of general management, business and product development, large project management experience within the HR and ICT-services industry. He has very good knowledge of the Banking, Financial Services, Manufacturing and ITC markets with well-established relations network within EMEA. His business expertise includes Business Process & IT-Outsourcing, Process Engineering and Reengineering, Operations Start-up and Turnaround management, Strategic planning, Business Development etc. For the past eighteen years Ivaylo Slavov has been working for SEB, Unisys, Microsoft, PC-WARE and Adecco in Europe in various executive management and project management roles. Currently holding the position of CEO at Bulpros Consulting – a company focused on providing the best value projects in Software development, Web & Mobile development, Customer Service, Technical Support & System Integration and Professional Staffing. Contact: [email protected] Visit: www.bulpros.com Advert Services for members & partners: information about markets, segments and target groups, publishing, pressenting, networking, branding & advertising, consulting, public relations, marketing, communication and more. ----------- Become part of our network ! Visit www.outsourcing-verband.org --------Page 44 BULGARIA Advertorial Sirma Group - a global outsourcing partner with successful projects on five continents Bulgarian software enterprise Sirma Group Holding (www.sirma.com) has celebrated 20 years since its establishment. The company has met its anniversary as one of the largest software groups in Southeastern Europe, with approximately 400 employees and hundreds of successful projects in Europe, United States, Latin America, Asia and Africa. Sirma has developed own expertise and long-term relationships with customers in some of the most advanced areas of software innovation: semantic technologies, mobile applications, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), BI (Business Intelligence), finance, Page 45 banking and payment services, egovernment etc. What led to this success? The combination of a strong focus on innovation as a core added value to its customers, our commitment to the highest quality standards and Bulgaria’s exten- sive traditions in software engineering are the foundation of our holding’s development. Sirma Group is the largest Bulgarian software company. Bulgaria is one of the few countries with traditions in the field of computer BULGARIA manufacturing and software development of over 40 years. Throughout the years the country has founded and developed a large-scale infrastructure and educational system in this sector. This foundation enabled our company to attract a sufficient number of high-quality professionals to expand its growing operations. Today, the software industry in Bulgaria has one of the highest quality-performanceprice ratios in the world. According to the “Bulgarian IT industry Barometer” prepared by the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies (BASCOM), the sec- tor reported an annual growth of 5.3% during 2010, and in 2009 this indicator was 2.6%. Similar to previous years, about 50% of the sales of the surveyed companies have been carried out abroad. Bulgaria’s success as a destination for software outsourcing is a combination of highly qualified specialists, competitive prices, a stable macroeconomic framework, geographical and cultural proximity to Western European countries (Bulgaria is an EU member). Accordingly, Sirma Group is growing as a global software enterprise with solid experience and know-how in both outsourcing services and developing own solutions with an added value. The backbone of the holding is Sirma Solutions ( information at: www.sirmasolutions.com), which is the oldest company with hundreds of successful projects in Europe, the Americas and Asia. Its expertise in software development and project management is the basis of success for all other subsidiaries. The company represents a new generation of outsourcing organizations where cost effectiveness is only one of the competitive advantages, along with innovative potential, quality management and a strong background and expertise in the hottest sub-segments of software engineering. With its teams working in the fields of business software, mobile applications, banking and payment systems, semantic technologies, educational products and content, Sirma Solutions is among the few players in the region, capable to implement complex software projects “from A to Z”. The Group has a proven experience in creating new businesses of knowledge and many of its divisions are among the world leaders in their segments. The BBC website for London Olympics 2012 for example, is based on semantic technologies devel- Page 46 BULGARIA oped by Ontotext ( information: www.ontotext.com), which is a part of Sirma Group. The UK National Archives, The British Museum, AstraZeneca, Raytheon, Press Association etc. are also customers of this company. EngView Systems (www.engview.com) – a CAD/CAM systems company, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of packaging design solutions, selling on five continents and receiving awards from prestigious international competitions. Another subsidiary - Sirma Business Consulting ( information at: www.sirmabc.com) – is a major banking system provider with customers in Europe, Americas and Asia . Sirma Mobile ( visit: www.sirmamobile.com) is a winner in the “Best Mobile Internet Security Award” category (Best achievement in the field of security of mobile internet) of the prestigious international mobile innovation competition SIMagine Awards 2011. The company develops not only own globally recognized software applications, but also customized software solutions. Sirma Group incorporates its own highest Tier 4 data center according to the classification of TIA - Page 47 Daticum ( more information at: www.daticum.com ). Among its customers are the network giant Cisco Systems, the French einvoicing supplier B-Process and the American company Synergy Sports Technology, which processes and distributes basketball statistics of the National Basketball Association in the US (NBA). Each of the businesses of Sirma combines flexibility and competence in the corresponding area with the support and infrastructure of the entire holding, which provides additional benefits for its customers. The holding has an extensive tradition in launching new innovative businesses, and recently is also developing own technology start-up incubator. Today the group is managed by the same people, who created and developed it throughout the years, which ensure high continuity and long-lasting vision for successful business growth. Additionally, many of the employees who have contributed to the success of Sirma Group’s companies with their work and creativity are also stakeholders. The headquarter of Sirma Group is located in Bulgaria’s capital – Sofia (a few flight hours away from all European capitals). The group has offices and partners in Germany, Norway, USA, Canada, UK, Brazil and Turkey, enabling it to be close to its customers and to operate more efficiently, considering the specific needs of each local market. Contact: [email protected] www.sirmasolutions.com CLOUD Cloud Der Mittelstand und die Cloud Hybridmodellen gehört die Zukunft Von Dr. Heiner Diefenbach, Vorstand, TDS AG Die wenigsten Private Cloud Services sind heute schon so ausgeprägt, standardisiert und automatisiert, dass sie alle „harten“ Kriterien der Cloud-Definition erfüllen. Stattdessen befinden sich die Anbieter in einer Übergangsphase. Die Möglichkeit, Unternehmensaufgaben und -strukturen kostengünstig auszulagern, spielt für mittelständische Unternehmen gerade im Bereich der IT eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Unter dem Schlagwort „Cloud“ stehen ihnen Lösungen zur Verfügung, mit denen sie ihre interne IT effizient entlasten können. Wichtig ist dabei, dass diese Services aber auch die individuellen Merkmale des Unternehmens abbilden und seine spezifischen Wettbewerbsvorteile unterstützen müssen. Dem widerspricht allerdings das Prinzip des Cloud Computings, denn die Leistungen aus der Wolke erzielen ihre Kostenvorteile gerade durch eine konsequente Standardisierung, weitgehende Automatisierung und umfangreiche Self-Service-Funktionalitäten. Wie können mittelständische Unternehmen also von der Cloud profitieren, ohne ihre Individualität zu verlieren? Hier zeigt sich, dass klassische IT-Konzepte mit ihren Vorteilen, wie zum Beispiel der individuellen Anpassbarkeit, noch lange nicht ausgedient haben. Um die Vorzüge beider Ansätze zu verbinden, rücken zunehmend hybride Modelle in den Fokus des Mittelstandes. Mit einer maßgeschneiderten Kombination aus Cloud Services und etablierten IT-Konzepten eröffnen sich für Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen neue Möglichkeiten in Sachen Kosteneffizienz und Flexibilität. Doch wo liegen die Grenzen der Cloud und worauf müssen Unternehmen bei ihrer IT-Strategie achten? Klassisches Outsourcing, Private Cloud, Public Cloud und Hybridmodelle Zunächst einmal müssen sich Unternehmen klar darüber sein, was hinter den unterschiedlichen Begrifflichkeiten und Konzepten steckt. Mit dem Begriff „Out- sourcing“ ist beispielsweise die grundlegende strategische Unternehmensentscheidung gemeint, Anwendungen, Daten, Infrastruktur oder Dienste an einen externen Partner auszulagern. Dies allein sagt jedoch noch nichts über die Art und Form der Auslagerung und Zusammenarbeit aus. So gibt es in der Praxis verschiedene Möglichkeiten und Konzepte. Beim klassischen Outsourcing handelt es sich etwa um ein strategisch ausgerichtetes Modell, bei dem eine vertraglich festgelegte und individuell auf das jeweilige Unternehmen abgestimmte Beziehung zwischen einem Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer entsteht, die über Dienstgütevereinbarungen (Service Level Agreements, SLAs) genau definiert ist. Im Gegensatz dazu führt zwar auch der Bezug von Cloud Services zu einer auf Outsourcing basierenden Geschäftsbeziehung zwischen Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer, es Page 48 CLOUD handelt sich dabei aber eher um eine taktische Sourcing-Variante. Cloud Services können in zwei wesentliche Sourcing-Modelle unterteilt werden: private und public. Beim privaten Cloud Service besteht eine vertragliche Geschäftsbeziehung zwischen einem Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer, die die wichtigsten Belange und Gewährleistungen regelt. Dazu zählen beispielsweise Service Level Agreements oder Sicherheitsaspekte. Bei meist ungesichert über das Inter- Page 49 net genutzten Public Cloud Services wird der Service hingegen in der Regel anonym und ohne Gewährleistungen erbracht. Im geschäftskritischen Umfeld kommt daher meist nur die Private-Variante in Betracht. Merkmale von Cloud Services • Standardisierter Service • Keine individuelle Abstimmung und Mitsprache bei Dienstgütevereinbarungen, Tools, Prozessen und dem Sicherheitsniveau des Dienstleisters bzw. des angebotenen Service • Meist Verzicht auf einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner (Service Manager) • Stattdessen Einstellungen über Self-Service-Portale • Hohes Maß an Automatisierung • Verzicht auf individuell abgestimmte Downtimes CLOUD Zu Beginn der Cloud-Diskussion wurde meist allgemein von Cloud Computing gesprochen. Dabei handelt es sich um den Bezug von IT-Kapazitäten wie etwa Serverleistung oder Speicherkapazitäten über das Netz. Auch der Begriff „Infrastructure as a Service“ (Iaas) wird in diesem Zusammenhang oft verwendet. Dagegen handelt es sich bei Cloud Services um einen weiter gefassten Begriff, der auch den Bezug von Software über das Netz beinhaltet (Software as a Service, SaaS). Die Ziele des Einsatzes von Cloud Services sind es, Kostenvorteile durch eine konsequente Standardisierung, weitgehende Automatisierung und umfangreiche Self-Service-Funktionalitäten zu erreichen. So stehen bei Cloud Services statt eines persönlichen Ansprechpartners wie beim klassischen Outsourcing oftmals SelfService-Portale zur Verfügung, über die die Nutzung und Einstellungen selbst vorgenommen werden. Ein - zumindest begriffstechnisches - Paradoxon sind „individuelle Angebote aus der Cloud.“ Da die Standardisierung ein elementarer Aspekt der Cloud ist, werden diese Angebote häufig rein aus Werbezwecken als „Cloud“ propagiert. Faktisch verbirgt sich dabei dahinter oft das seit langem etablierte Application Service Providing. In der Branche wird in diesem Zusammenhang von „cloudwashing“ gesprochen. Sourcing-Modell abhängig von Applikation Um die Vorteile beider Welten optimal zu nutzen, kann es für den Mittelstand sinnvoll sein, klassische Outsourcing-Modelle, welche die individuellen Wettbewerbsvorteile des Unternehmens unterstreichen, um Cloud Services zu ergänzen. In diesem Falle spricht man von HybridVarianten. Das bedeutet: Entweder ergänzt ein Anbieter seine herkömmlichen OutsourcingDienstleistungen um Cloud Services oder kombiniert diese. Oder aber ein Unternehmen bezieht von verschiedenen Dienstleistern unterschiedliche SourcingModelle und setzt diese für sich in einem hybriden Modell um. Welche Sourcing-Option für welches Unternehmen die richtige ist, hängt im Wesentlichen von der Art der Applikation ab, für die der Service erbracht werden soll. Bei unternehmenskritischen Anwendungen wie etwa dem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) scheidet die Public Cloud beispielsweise aus, da sie weder Sicherheit noch Hochverfügbarkeit gewährt. Angebracht ist hier mindestens ein privater Cloud Service. Letztlich bestimmt die Komplexität und der Grad an Individualisierung der Applikation, ob hierfür ein standardisierter Cloud Service umsetzbar ist. Bei komplexen oder sehr individuellen Anwendungen ist das klassische Outsourcing meist die sinnvollere Entscheidung, da es sich speziell auf die Unternehmensanforde- rungen anpassen lässt. Unternehmen erreichen damit ein wesentlich höheres Maß an Flexibilität bei der Unterstützung ihrer Geschäftsprozesse. Mit Sicherheit kein Problem Konsequent betrachtet ist es in der Cloud irrelevant, wie und von wo ein Service erbracht wird. Denn das Konzept der Cloud ist es ja gerade, Ressourcen dort zu nutzen, wo sie gerade zur Verfügung stehen oder - im Fall der Public Cloud - wo sie am kostengünstigsten sind - unabhängig also von einem Ort oder einem bestimmten Rechenzentrum. Dem entgegen stehen jedoch Sicherheitsanforderungen von Unternehmen für ihre unternehmenskritischen und sensiblen Anwendungen, beispielsweise aufgrund individueller, allgemeingültiger oder gesetzlicher Vorgaben, die häufig unter dem Stichwort Compliance zusammengefasst sind. Für unternehmenskritische Applikationen, bei denen auch entsprechende gesetzliche Bestimmungen und Regularien eine Rolle spielen, müssen Firmen daher besonders vorsichtig sein und ihren Anbieter genau prüfen. Eine Frage lautet zum Beispiel: Wo werden die Services erbracht, erfüllt das Rechenzentrum die erforderlichen Sicherheitsstandards und ist der Anbieter entsprechend zertifiziert? Hinzu kommt, dass Daten – etwa Page 50 CLOUD von Mitarbeitern oder Kunden entsprechend geltender Vorschriften oder jeweiliger Nutzungsvereinbarungen - häufig nicht die Landesgrenzen überschreiten dürfen. Anbieter zertifizierter SAP Cloud Services geben beispielsweise oftmals die Gewähr, dass die Services ausschließlich aus den eigenen, hochgradig sicheren Rechenzentren in Deutschland erbracht werden. Um für Unternehmen mit ihren individuellen Anforderungen dabei unter Einhaltung aller Sicherheitsanforderungen den optimalen Kosten-/Nutzeneffekt zu erzielen, können hybride SourcingModelle oftmals die gewünschten Ergebnisse liefern: Neben dem hochgradig sicheren Outsourcing für unternehmenskritische Applikationen mit einer sehr hohen garantierten Verfügbarkeit, lassen sich weniger sensible Services kostengünstiger erbringen. Sei es aufgrund eines hohen Standardisierungs- und Automatisierungsgrad und einer geringeren garantieren Verfügbarkeit oder gleich über andere Niederlassungen oder Rechenzentren im Cloud-Verbund, die über geringere, aber dafür ausreichende Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen. Standard für den Mittelstand? Die wenigsten Private Cloud Services sind heute schon so ausgeprägt, standardisiert und automatisiert, dass sie alle „harten“ Kriterien der Cloud-Definition er- Page 51 füllen. Stattdessen befinden sich die Anbieter in einer Übergangsphase. Es müssen noch einige wichtige Fragen geklärt werden, beispielsweise ob Unternehmen bei der Nutzung von SaaS-Angeboten (SaaS = Software as a Service) ihre vorhandenen Lizenzen weiter verwenden können. Dies gewährleistet ihnen einen optimalen Investitionsschutz und versetzt sowohl den Anwender als auch den Dienstleister in die Lage, gemeinsam wertschöpfende Cloud-Angebote bereitzustellen und zu nutzen. Sofern die Lizenzpolitik der Softwareanbieter dies zulässt, sind daneben jedoch auch Modelle möglich, bei denen Kunden keine eigenen Lizenzen benötigen. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass die Weiterentwicklung der CloudDienste noch mehr Standardisierung bringen und auch einige klassische IT-Angebote, insbesondere das Hosting, ablösen wird. Wenn Unternehmensverantwortliche bereit sind, diese Entwicklung mit allen ihren Konsequenzen mitzugehen, können durch „Cloud-Sourcing“ deutliche Kosteneinsparungen realisiert werden. Sie müssen sich dabei allerdings bewusst sein, dass sie einen standardisierten Service nutzen und somit die Dienstgütevereinbarungen, also die Service Level Agreements, Tools, Prozesse und das Sicherheitsniveau des Dienstleisters beziehungsweise des angebotenen Service ohne Einschränkungen oder Mitsprachemöglichkeiten akzeptieren müssen. Dazu gehört gegebenenfalls auch der Verzicht auf einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner (Service Manager) und die Bereitschaft, Einstellungen über Self-Service-Portale selbst vorzunehmen sowie auf individuelle Downtimes zu verzichten. Die Frage, wie stark ein reduzierter Service oder das Fehlen individuell zugeschnittener Dienste an anderer Stelle negativ zu Buche schlagen, muss im Einzelfall betrachtet werden. Bei Anwendungen, die keinen unmittelbaren Wettbewerbsvorteil im Kerngeschäft darstellen, können Mittelständler von den niedrigeren Kosten standardisierter Angebote – inklusive Self-ServiceFunktionalitäten – hervorragend profitieren. Daher ist mit einem kontinuierlich anhaltenden Trend in Richtung standardisierter und automatisierter Dienste zu rechnen, bei denen Kunden aller Größenordnungen stärker als heute Self-Services nutzen werden. Es wird jedoch auch weiterhin – insbesondere im Mittelstand – Fälle geben, in denen individuell gestaltete Leistungen und ein persönlicher Support deutliche Wettbewerbsvorteile des Kunden ermöglichen. IT-Dienstleister sollten es daher als ihre Aufgabe sehen, ihren Kunden ein breites Spektrum an verschiedenen Services anzubieten – von stark standardisiert und automatisiert bis hin zu individuell zugeschnitten. Ein entscheidender Mehrwert für Unternehmen ist dabei eine kompetente Beratung, wie CLOUD sie von einer maximalen Standardisierung profitieren, ohne ihre Wettbewerbsvorteile zu verlieren. Individualität und Standard in der Praxis In der Praxis werden – insbesondere von Mittelständlern – derzeit häufig Services nachgefragt, die faktisch Mischformen aus klassischem Application Service Providing sind: TDS betreibt die SAPSysteme für zahlreiche Kunden bereits jetzt auf standardisierten Plattformen mit einem hohen Automatisierungsgrad. Die darauf laufenden SAP-Anwendungen sind jedoch individuell angepasst. Gleichzeitig bieten hoch qualifizierte Mitarbeiter in Deutschland dafür fachspezifischen Service & Support – auch auf die Schnelle am Telefon. Durch diesen Ansatz profitieren Kunden – soweit es für sie sinnvoll ist – von den (Kosten-)Vorteilen der Cloud, ohne sich deren Zwängen hinsichtlich Standardisierung und Self Service auch in den Bereichen fügen zu müssen, in denen es ihre Wettbewerbsvorteile schmälern würde. Individualität und Cloud-Ansatz widersprechen sich also nicht unbedingt, da es letztendlich um die Frage geht, welchen Cloud Service Level ein Kunde nutzen möchte. abbilden lassen. IT-Dienstleister für den Mittelstand sind daher gefordert, Kunden sowohl klassische Outsourcing-Angebote als auch Cloud Services zu offerieren. Dadurch können Mittelständler einerseits so viel günstigere Cloud Services wie möglich und andererseits so viel klassisches „Cloud-Baukästen“ machen Cloud Services maßgeschneidert Bei einem Cloud-Baukasten können sich Unternehmen aus standardisierten Diensten ihre benötigten Parameter zusammenstellen. Dazu zählen beispielsweise: • Art der Lösung (u. a. SAP ERP, SAP HCM, SAP BW/BI) • Anzahl der Stufen der SAP-Landschaft (1-3) • Garantierte Verfügbarkeit • Katastrophenfall-Absicherung • Datenbanktyp • Anzahl der Anwender • Art der Implementierung (neues System oder Übernahme eines bestehenden Systems in die Cloud) Ist sein Individualitätslevel hoch, so muss zwangsläufig der „Cloud Level“ sinken. In der Regel sollten sich auch im Rahmen eines Hybrid-Ansatzes die unterschiedlichsten Kundenanforderungen Outsourcing beziehen, wie es für die optimale Unterstützung ihrer Geschäftsprozesse und Einhaltung der Compliance-Vorgaben nötig ist. www.tds.fujitsu.com Advert 7. Jahresforum & OUTSOURCING WOCHE 2012 20. – 23. November 2012 Estrel Hotel Berlin, Germany 4-tägige Konferenz, Workshops, Site Visits Die Shared Services & Outsorcing Woche 2012 findet vom 20. – 23. November zum 7. Mal in Berlin statt – ein Ort an dem die Zukunft der deutschsprachigen Shared Services und Outsourcing Welt Gestalt annimmt. Die wichtigste Veranstaltung in Deutschland für die Shared Services Industrie bietet mehr als 50 Case Studies für Fachkräfte und Führungspersonen auf allen Ebenen von Shared Services und Outsourcing. Erfahren Sie mehr auf www.sharedserviceswoche.de Page 52 SERVICE Advert EUROPEAN BUSINESS & ITSERVICES - EUBIS NEW An independent corporate & content directory Company directory - find information about service providers, consultants and other organizations Knowledge base find articles, studies, white papers and more Contacts - get in touch with industry experts, providers and other organizations EUBIS is a FREE service for service buyers and the Global IT- & business service industry. www.EUBIS.org Page 53 POLAND Poland Poland – an experienced provider of services for business By Anna Zawadzka, Outsourcing Experts Group, Poland Although the derogatory term “Polnische Wirtschaft” is still sometimes used by the Germans to refer to Polish economy, it cannot be denied that Poland has changed beyond recognition in the last few years. It is the country that avoided recession in the years 2009-2011, has almost two times lower debt than the Eurozone and excellent prospects for the year 2012. It is one the five best offshoring locations in the world and a country with the most comprehensive business processes outsourcing offer in the Central and Eastern Europe. Page 54 POLAND The stereotype about the bad quality of Polish roads, which not long ago seemed eternal, is becoming a thing of the past. And very fast at that thanks to the efforts of thousands of workers building expressways all across Poland. Couple months ago crowds of Germans came to Poland to cheer on their team during European Football Championships EURO 2012 and will see with their own eyes the progress that has been made in this area. They will not see, however, that which is hidden behind glass facades of elegant office buildings and in spreadsheets on modern computers of finance directors. This is because while roads in Poland will be ready in a moment, the outsourcing business infrastructure has been already functioning very well for years. In 2011, the total value of the outsourcing sector in Poland exceeded 3 billion euros . The Business Process Outsourcing sector created the most jobs (c. 2.5 thousand) of all projects represented by new foreign investors. 16 new centers were created, their total number exceeded 300 and the number of employees – 80 thousand . What is more, Everest analytical group in the report “Market Vista Location Heatmap” (October 2012) listed Poland as one of the countries which are ready for offshoring investments. Apart from it, this prestigious title is held only by Brazil, China, Philippines and India. Attractive geographic location, cultural closeness to Western European countries and significant experience in the area of modern business services cause Page 55 more and more companies to create their branches and customer service centers in Poland or simply to use services of Polish companies. The Promised Land All this causes Poland to attract large quantities of new outsourcing investments. Investors who created new service centers include McKinses in Poznań, BNP Parbis in Warsaw, PwC in Katowice, Credit Suisse in Wrocław or Tate&Lyle and Nordea in Łódź. Processes which are in any way threatened by an uncertain social, political or economic situation in other countries are also more and more frequently relocated to centers in Poland. For example, according to data of Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, Central and Eastern Europe is one of the regions which benefitted the most from the withdrawing of business from North Africa (mainly Egypt) or the Middle East in the first half of 2011. This is becasue the political destabilization in that region, social unrests and the resulting danger of the disruption of business continuity of current investment projects. Processes withdrawn from the countries of the Latin America, mainly due to the increasing crime rate, are also relocated to this region. Bigger entities, better offer All of this makes Poland a global player. The rise of competitive- ness on a global scale and the expansion of well-known outsourcing brands on local markets forced many Polish companies to implement consolidation strategies. On one hand, this is a part of global trends in the sector and the search for new distinguishing features of the offer on the market. On the other hand, this is an answer to the growing needs of customers who are becoming more and more aware of available outsourcing solutions and benefits of this business model. Consolidation makes it possible to combine various competences and to handle the client’s business processes even more comprehensively. A good example of changes on the local market is the formation of the Outsourcing Experts Group in 2011. It was the biggest merger in outsourcing sector of that year. “There have been talks about consolidations in this sector of economy for many years, but until now they have only led to small and simple transaction”, says Konrad Rochalski, President of the Board of Outsourcing Experts. “Now, thanks to the merger, a new and strong group was formed with greater operational capacity, more extensive financial options and more reliability in the talks with clients”, he adds. Consolidation trends of this type in Poland reflect global strategies. According to the data of PwC 13% of global outsourcing companies envisage acquisitions of external entities in their development strategies and 74% plan to expand the portfolio of ser- POLAND vices they provide. In the opinion of Konrad Rochalski, the President of Outsourcing Experts, this trend will continue in the near future, mainly due to economic slowdown and the even tougher fight for clients. Direction: specialization According to the analyses of the Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), centers which provide financial and accounting as well as IT services predominate in Poland. In 2011, however, new R&D projects, advanced IT services and KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) started arriving. As indicated by the research conducted by PwC and Duke University’s Offshoring Research Network, it is these areas that gain the most in significance on the global market of modern services for business. Poland, according to experts, showed in 2011 that it can become not only a European, but also a global center of advanced services. The R&D segment has been developing particularly rapidly. In the latest ranking of The Economist Intelligence Unit “2011 IT Industry Competitiveness Index”, there is a clear progress of Poland in the area of R&D base development (an increase from 6.6 points in 2009 to 18.1 points in 2011). Furthermore, apart from the growing number of KPO centers, a great majority of sector’s companies added knowledge-based services to their offer as a complement to implemented financial and accounting as well as IT or HR processes. In addition, busi- ness services centers in Poland are more and more frequently starting to perform the function of centers of centralization of processes from many countries. Today, Polish companies from this sector more and more frequently offer solutions dedicated to particular industries and adjusted to unique needs of clients. This trend will be growing in strength, especially in the face of economic slowdown and the necessity to offer clients a certain added value, among others at the level of additional contract securities. Better times According to the research of Instytut Outsourcingu (The Outsourcing Institute) , the Polish internal BPO market is now worth almost a billion euros. Although as late as in the years 2007-2009 it covered mainly simple services (such as cleaning and security), an increased interest in BPO services can be observed from the beginning of 2010. The outsourcing sector in Poland is currently entering its maturity phase. The times when similar outsourcing services were sold en masse to different clients are long gone. More than 60% of companies estimate that the interest in BPO services will be also growing in the next year – the income of Polish outsourcing companies may increase by up to 35%. The research of Instytut Outsourcingu show that the majority of Polish outsourcing companies have more than 25 clients and 33% of them continuously service more than 50 other entities. These are both Polish and foreign units. Apart from that, it could have been observed throughout the previous year that the expenditures on innovations were multiplied. From June 2010 to June 2011 46% of Polish outsourcing companies implemented innovations and 60% declared that they would introduce innovations in 2012. What next? This year, the outsourcing sector will be one of few to maintain positive growth dynamics. Outsourcing companies with Polish equity declare that their work places are stable and that are going to employ more people. Already more than 75% of employees are persons no older than 35 and 66% of them have higher education. According to the estimates of ABSL representatives, to 2013 business services centers in Poland will have in total more than 100 thousand employees and the value of the sector will exceed 4.5 billion dollars. The predictions of ABSL also indicate that in the next months the centers of modern business services will on one hand continue to expand their offers in order to be able to provide more and more comprehensive services to their clients and on the other hand will be moving towards more and more specialist IT and KPO processes. The segment of ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing) will grow particularly fast, which is caused among others by the rapidly increasing amount of information. Ac- Page 56 POLAND cording to IDC, it is precisely the technologies that analyze the socalled big data (large quantities of data) that will be the driving force of the development of the IT sector to 2020. What is more, specialist technological devices like Business Intelligence will be more commonly used. This is corroborated by recent IBM research (June 2011) which indicate that as many as 83% of IT directors in the world consider the implementation of analytical tools and BI solutions a priority for their companies. As indicated by the Polish edition of the research (September 2011), the direction of actions of Polish CIOs is the same. This in turn will increase the demand for science graduates – engineers who have developed excellent analytical skills. Experts predict that the handling of processes connected with the management of big data will be necessary to gain competitive advantage on the market. So what is the real condition of “Polnische Wirtschaft”? It turns out to be quite efficient and that it may support and complement German economy in the future. So is the next India growing just beyond river Oder, but without risks and imperfections related with investing along the Ganges? The answer is, to a certain degree, yes. However, Guten Tag here is not “Namaste”, but “Dzień dobry!” Article based on the Report of Instytut Outsourcingu and the Associations of Business Service Leaders in Poland (ABSL) “Outsourcing in Poland 20112012”. 1 The sum of the values of the internal and external market (for the sales of services of abroad). Data of ABSL i IO 2011. 2 Data according to the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency . 3 The report “Sector of modern business services in Poland” (2011). Authors: Janusz Górecki (an ABSL exspert ), Anna Bartoszewicz-Wnuk (Jones Lang LaSalle), Łukasz Karpiesiuk (Baker & McKenzie), Rafał Kijonka (Manpower Polska). Coordinator: Marek Grodziński (Capgemini). 4 PwC and Duke University’s Offshoring Research Network, September 2011. 5 “Outsourcing market in Poland”. The report of Instytut Outsourcingu and MillwardBrown SMG/KRC (June 2011). 6 Report “IDC Predictions 2012: Competing for 2020” (2011). Author: Anna Zawadzka, Director of Marketing and PR. Anna Zawadzka works in the BPO industry for last 7 years. Currently responsible for PR & marketing field in Outsourcing Experts Group (OEX) and four of its subsidiary companies: ArchiDoc, Cursor, Galposter and Voice Contact Center. Before OEX she worked for ArchiDoc. She is active in communication area since 2001. Visit: www.outsourcingexperts.pl Advert Page 57 POLEN Outsourcing für Banken Advertorial Business- und Knowledge Process Outsourcing in Polen Ein Beitrag von CERI International, Polen Branchenanalysten und Investoren sind sich einig, dass Polen eine führende Rolle im Bereich der IT- und Business-Services innerhalb Europas übernehmen kann. Ein deutlicher Indikator dafür sind zum Beispiel die fast 300 Shared Service Center und Business-Process-Outsourcing-Dienstleister, die sich in den letzten Jahren erfolgreich in Polen etablieren konnten. Polen ist aus mehreren Gründen die richtige Wahl für die Auslagerung von Geschäftsprozessen und wissensintensiven Aufgaben. Geringe Personalkosten sowie die hohen Qualitätsstandards polnischer Serviceprovider sind nur zwei von vielen Faktoren, die Polen zu einem bevorzugten Standort für westeuropäische und globale Unternehmen machen. Mitarbeiter, Ausbildung und Verfügbarkeit Neben diesen Vorteilen spielt auch die Verfügbarkeit von gut ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidung für Polen als Outsourcingstandort. Denn in Polen haben es Unternehmen relativ einfach, vakante Positionen kompetent zu besetzen. An den polnischen Hochschulen studieren etwa 2 Millionen junge Leute, womit jährlich circa 400.000! neue Fachund Hochschulabsolventen auf den polnischen Arbeitsmarkt drängen. Die Quote der Mitarbeiter mit Hochschulabschluss beträgt bei polnischen Serviceprovidern durchschnittlich 90%. Auch bei den Sprachkenntnissen und der damit verbundenen Flexibilität, globale Unternehmen zu betreuen, können polnische Serviceprovider punkten. Heute werden in Polen IT- und Geschäftsleistungen in 31 Sprachen erbracht. Polen profitiert von seinen 10 Universitätszentren, womit Unternehmen bei der Standortwahl nicht allein auf die meist kostenintensivere Hauptstadtregion angewiesen sind. Geographische und kulturelle Aspekte Gerade für westeuropäische Unternehmen ist die zentrale, geographische Lage und damit gute Erreichbarkeit Polens ein wichtiges Argument. Gegenseitige Besuche, Meetings und Mitarbeitertrainings sind so schnell und unkompliziert möglich. Aber nicht nur die geographische sondern auch die kulturelle Nähe Polens zum Westen Europas wie z.B. zu Deutschland bildet eine gute Voraussetzung für erfolgreiche Geschäftsbeziehungen. Denn wenn die Kommunikation zwischen den Partnern stimmt, sind in aller Regel auch die Geschäftsbeziehungen erfolgreicher. Page 58 POLEN Beispiel Lodz Lodz mit ihren 700 Tsd. Einwohnern, ist die im Moment drittgrößte Stadt Polens und bietet all die genannten Vorteile. Mit 100 Tsd. Studenten und somit 20 Tsd. Absolventen jährlich ist Lodz eines der größten Bildungszentren im Land. Damit finden Unternehmen in Lodz und Umgebung einerseits sehr gut ausgebildete und andererseits jederzeit genügend Mitarbeiter. Erfolgsgeschichte im Bankensektor Bereits seit den 90-er Jahren nutzt auch die BRE Bank Gruppe, die polnische Tochter der Commerzbank, die Standortvorteile in Lodz. Die Bank begann hier ihre Back-Office-Tätigkeiten abzuwickeln. Heute ist CERI International ein multifunktionales BPO- Page 59 CERI’s langjährige Branchenerfahrung, die umfassenden Prozesskenntnisse sowie die Vorteile des Standortes Polen garantieren Kunden nicht nur kompetente Lösungen, sondern auch signifikante Effizienz- und Qualitätssteigerungen. Insbesondere in Sachen Kosten und Effizienz profitieren CERI -Kunden von Prozessoptimierungen, der Nutzung von Synergieeffekten sowie einem ausgezeichneten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Auch die gute Ve r f ü g b a r k e i t von modernen Bürogebäuden und die zentrale Lage innerhalb Polens machen Lodz als Standort für Business Process Outsourcing und Shared Service Center sehr interessant. Im Vergleich zu den etablierten Outsourcingzentren wie Kraków oder Wrocław haben Unternehmen darüber hinaus hier noch wenige Probleme mit der Fluktuation von Mitarbeitern. Denn Lodz wird von der Outsourcingindustrie eben erst entdeckt. schiedliche Prozesse. Die Leistungen reichen von der Abwicklung einzelner Prozesse für einen begrenzten Zeitraum bis hin zur Übernahme kompletter Prozessbündel in einem dauerhaften Outsourcing-Verhältnis. Unternehmen, dass sowohl für seine Muttergesellschaft, die Commerzbank AG, als auch für polnische und internationale Drittkunden Geschäftsprozesse übernimmt. Die mittlerweile fast 600 Mitarbeiter bearbeiten an zwei Standorten ca. 400 unter- CERI arbeitet mit bewährten Methoden und entwirft zusammen mit dem jeweiligen Kunden die bestmögliche, individuelle Lösung – und das zu festen Terminen und festem Budget. CERI stellt einen Komplettservice für alle Bereiche des Kundenmanagements bereit. POLEN Das Leistungsspektrum umfasst u. a. die Dateneingabe und -verifizierung, die Abwicklung von Kundenanträgen, das Reklamationsmanagement sowie den Druck und Versand von erforderlichen Schriftstücken. Das branchenspezifische Knowhow und die Compliance mit allen notwendigen Bankenstandards machen CERI zu einem der wenigen Serviceprovider, der Vertrauens und der Sicherheit. Daher erfüllen die eingesetzten Verfahren stets die aktuellen internationalen Anforderungen in puncto Datensicherheit und Per- Prozesse für die sehr anspruchsvolle Finanzwirtschaft bearbeiten kann. sonendatenschutz. Das bezeugen sowohl die Referenzen als auch mehrere Preise, die das Unternehmen in den letzten Jahren erhalten hat. Dazu können die Kunden bei CERI beispielsweise die gesamte papierhafte und digitale Dokumentenverwaltung auslagern und somit neben geringeren Kosten auch von Qualitäts- und EffizienzSteigerungen profitieren. Neben der mehrfach gesicherten Verwahrung und Archivierung von Dokumenten zählen auch umfassende Digitalisierungsservices zu den Leistungen – egal ob laufende Prozesse und Dokumente digitalisiert oder ein Datenbestand elektronisch verfügbar gemacht werden soll. Last but not least: CERI ist Spezialist für Banken. Neben all den Prozessen im Dokumenten- und Kundenmanagement, hat das Unternehmen langjährige Expertise in bankspezifischen Dienstleistungen wie z.B. Kontopfändungen, Kreditadministration oder Transaction-Banking. Eine langfristige und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit hat bei CERI erste Priorität. Alle Lösungen werden in engem Austausch mit dem Kunden erarbeitet. Autor: CERI International Sp. z o.o., Polen, Bilder: Gregor Helms (S.59), CERI (S.60) www.ceri-international.de Geschäftsprozesse auszulagern ist immer auch eine Frage des Ansprechpartner für Unternehmen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz: Herr Tomasz Królik E-Mail: [email protected] Mobil: +48 662 161 458 Gerne beraten wir Sie in allen Fragen zu Prozessen, deren Optimierungen und Auslagerung. Besuchen Sie uns auf: www.ceri-international.de Page 60 The NEW Outsourcing Journal ONLINE coming soon more topics - more information - new design better accessible - increased reach out bi-lingual - German, English www.outsourcing-journal.org Page 61 QUALITY Advertorial Quality Management in Outsourcing Incorporating Structural Quality Metrics into Outsourcing SLAs By Jay Sappidi, Sr. Director of CAST Research Labs With recent trends in the reduced accessibility of skilled resources, the continued drive to improve the bottom line, and the growing new breed of mainland, near shore and offshore outsourcing options, the selection of an IT vendor is becoming increasingly critical. Yet outsourcing inherently carries with it a certain relinquishment of control—and when the outsourced project has an off-shored element, the potential increase in benefits is met with an equivalent increased set of risks. This paper focuses on incorporating Structural Quality Metrics derived from static code analysis into outsourcing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to build a transparent and healthy relationship with the service providers, while maintaining visibility and control over the outsourced applications to mitigate any potential risks. Content of the document may be used to build a technical addendum as part of a Master Agreement “Software Quality of Deliverables” or “Acceptance Criteria” section. Software Structural Quality Metrics For SLAs Companies have historically made services providers accountable for the quality of delivered products and services, primarily by incorporating metrics on project quality (schedule adherence, change management, etc.) and process quality (methodologies) into their SLAs. While it might seem obvious to hold outsourced teams accountable for the intrinsic quality of the product itself, this measure has typically been ignored in SLAs, primarily due to the lack of effective tools to measure product quality in a comprehensive way. Static code analysis enables automated, continual and objec- tive assessment of the structural quality of applications being delivered from service providers. There are primarily three categories of outputs, representing a combination of higher-level and lower-level structural quality metrics of software that can be incorporated into SLAs to achieve a specific business need or objective: Quality Indices, ApplicationSpecific Rules and Productivity. Quality Indices Static code analysis solutions parse source code and identify code patterns (rules) that could lead to potential defects. By categorizing these improper code patterns into application health factors such as Security, Perfor- mance, Robustness, Changeability and Transferability, you can aggregate the results and assign a specific value to each category. Figure 1 provides an example of how rules can be aggregated to form meaningful metrics. Ideally, you should analyze your applications for a minimum of two to three releases and use the average scores as a baseline for each of these health factors. You can then set targets to monitor the overall health of the application over time. Application Health Factor Indices assess the risk of code patters or rules that could affect: • Robustness: making the application unstable in production • Performance: resulting in po- Page 62 QUALITY tential performance issues in an application • Security: causing security breaches in an application • Transferability: making it difficult for a new team or team member to work on the application • Changeability: risking technical regressions when modifying the application also often specific code patterns (rules) that you want to avoid. For example, if the application is already suffering from performance issues, you want to make sure to avoid any rule that would further degrade performance. These specific rules should be incorporated into SLAs as “Critical Rules” with Zero Tolerances. Productivity Application Specific Rules The Quality Indices described above provide a macro picture of the structural quality of an application. However, there are Page 63 Static code analysis solutions should provide the size of the code base that is added in a given release. Along with KLOC (kilo lines of code), some advanced so- lutions like CAST Application Intelligence Platform (AIP) provide data on the number of Function Points that have been modified, added and deleted in a release. This information can be combined with the amount of development hours spent for a given release to develop productivity metric like KLOC/hour or an estimated IFPUG FP/hour. This is a very relevant metric to track, especially in a multi-vendor scenario, so you can see how different service providers are charging you and can set targets and monitor productivity for each vendor. However, care should be taken QUALITY to put productivity metrics into context since the amount of time spent on a given release can’t be fully derived only from the actual source code delivered. For example, the configuration tasks related to a software package cannot be derived from the source code, neither can the time spent on understanding existing code itself as it can be quite different from one technology to another, from one architecture to another, from one team to another. Moreover, quite often service providers have their own proprietary packages or components that static code analysis solutions are not able to access and are therefore not reflected in quantity-related outputs. This type of productivity information can be very useful when monitoring an outsourcer or software vendor, and combined with quality outputs and other indicators such as the amount of hours spent, it can provide some insights into why a specific release took more man hours / KLOC than other releases and help identify key areas for improvement in overall productivity. Best Practices for Incorporating Structural Quality Metrics into SLAs In this section we will discuss some common best practices to ensure that the deliverables from your service providers meet the overall quality objectives of the organization by using Structural Quality Metrics in SLAs. Definitions You should explicitly define quality and how it will be measured using a static code analysis solution. You can refer to Consortium of IT Software Quality (CISQ’s) “Measuring Application Structural Quality and Size” document. CISQ is an independent organization sponsored by Object Management Group (OMG) and Software Engineering Institute (SEI) to define standards around structural quality of software. Here are some suggested definitions that you might consider: a) Software Quality: For the purposes of SLAs, software quality is measured and defined by a series of indices, indicators and metrics generated by the static code analysis solution, an automated solution that will analyze the delivered source code b) Quality Model: A collection of rules that can be aggregated (with different contributing weights) into quality characteristics as defined by Health Factors and Quality Indices c) Health Factors: The Quality Model aggregates rules into five main quality characteristics called “Health Factors” - Robustness, Performance, Security, Transferability and Changeability. These health factors are measured on scales 1 – 4 (1 = poor and 4 = excellent) or A -E (E=poor and A=excellent) d) Violations: Improper code pattern or application source code that does not follow a specific rule as defined in the Quality Model e) Critical Rules (Violations): Any violation of the “Most important rules”, as identified by the company, which can have detrimental effect on overall application quality objectives or business objectives f ) Threshold Target: Minimum grade, as established under the SLA, that should be attained for various Health Factors and Critical Rules for acceptance of each release g) Expected Target: The target grade, as established under the SLA, that should be attained for various Health Factors and Critical Rules for each release Introducing Structural Quality Metrics into an SLA Of course, the best time to introduce Structural Quality Metrics into SLAs is at the beginning of the contract, when it is the easiest to set expectations on quality objectives based on the static analysis solution outputs. However, if you are in the middle of a long-term contract with a vendor, you can try to make changes to the existing SLAs. A situation like this will require collaboration with the vendor to define common goals on why, how and when to use a static code Page 64 QUALITY analysis solution and what kind of metrics make the most sense in the context of those goals. Roles and Responsibilities It is vital to clearly define the roles, responsibilities and expectations from the vendor and the client. The Company’s Responsibility: a) For each application under contract, the company should clearly define the threshold and expected target (in consultation with the Service Provider) for Quality Indices. b) Critical Rules: Baseline compliance ratio, Threshold and Expected Target scores The Service Provider Responsibility: a) Upon request, the Service Provider should deliver complete snapshots of the whole source code (and SQL structure definition files) of the application to make a static analysis audit, even if the new release doesn’t modify all components of this application. b) The Service Provider should only refer to results of the static analysis audit carried out by the Company. Any result produced outside the scope of the Company’s static analysis reference database should be ignored. c) The Service Provider should commit to meet, for each appli- Page 65 cation, the Threshold Target and to provide a preventive action plan to improve the quality of the code in order to achieve the Expected Target scores as defined in the Implementation Scope of Work. Measurement Process a) Establish a Baseline: All the quality indicators should be baselined, by analyzing the applications with a static code analysis solution, before the Expected and Threshold Targets are set. b) Set Expected and Threshold Targets: Based on the baseline Quality Indicators and requirements of the business, Expected and Threshold Targets will be agreed upon by the Company and the Service Provider. As mentioned earlier, these should be set on a per application or team basis, taking into account the baseline scores and overall business objectives. c) Monitor and Review Results: Static analysis should be done on an agreed upon cadence (once every week, month or release) by the Company and the Service Provider as outlined in the Implementation Scope of Work. Quality Indicators will be reviewed to determine action/remediation plan. d) Determine Remediation: For each release of the application, the Service Provider should commit to meet the Threshold Target score and to provide a preventive action plan to improve the qual- ity of the application source code to achieve the Expected Target score. Quality Model Change Management Process Three different events may impact the score of Quality Indicators provided by the static code analysis platform: a) An addition to the set of rules or a modification of an existing rule to the Quality Model b) Adoption of a new version of a technology or a new technology in the application that will directly impact the measure of a Health Factors or Quality Indices c) Adoption of a new release of static analysis platform Although it’s always better to not change the measurement referential during a project, it may occasionally become impossible to avoid. In this case, a formal process should be put in place to address the impact on the Threshold and Expected Target scores. In the event of one of the three scenarios outlined, the source code of each application analyzed with the static code analysis platform should be measured before and after the event. The difference between the two results will be presented to the Service Provider and if necessary the Expected and Threshold Target scores should be updated with mutual consent. QUALITY Review and Update Thresholds and Objectives The Thresholds and Expected Target scores should be reviewed and updated annually, or in conjunction with any of the events described in the last paragraph “Quality Model Change Management Process “. Selecting the Right Static Code Analysis Platform Measuring the structural quality of software applications is evolving from an art to a science with the availability of software tools that automate the process of code analysis. However, it is important to understand that there are two broad categories of solutions to measure software structural quality. The first category measures code quality of individual components, which are language-specific and narrowly focused. The second category measures application quality, in addition to analyzing the code at component level. This second category of solutions also analyze how components interact with one another across multiple layers (UI, logic and data) and multiple technologies. The exact same piece of code can be safe and excellent quality, or highly dangerous, depending on its interaction with other components. Mission critical applications must be analyzed in the context of the numerous interconnections among code components, data- bases, middleware, frameworks and APIs. This results in a holistic analysis of the structural quality of an application. In summary, code quality tools help developers, while application quality solutions provide visibility for architects, managers and executives into the quality of applications. The two solutions are complementary and address different needs. In the context of measuring Structural Quality for introducing metrics into SLAs, it is important to choose a platform that analyzes application-level structural quality, as they provide an accurate and holistic view of the entire system. With that in mind, here are some key characteristics of an enterprise level static code platform that should be taken into consideration when evaluating a solution to introduce structural quality metrics into outsourcing SLAS: • Scope of Coverage: As mentioned earlier, for the purposes of introducing structural quality metrics in SLAs, the solution should provide application level analysis that provides a holistic view of the quality of entire system and not just individual code components. • Breadth of Coverage: Make sure the static code analysis solution covers all the technologies in your portfolio. Most of the solutions cover only one or few technologies. • Depth of Coverage: Ensure solutions analyses all the different layers in your application stack from user interface to all the way to data logic and database. • Executive Level Insights: Solution should not only identify anti-patterns but aggregate the results and provide insights that help managers prioritize issues, make resource allocation and investment decisions. • Third-party Integration: Should integrate into any existing Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools or defect tracking systems. • Scalability: Should be able to analyze multiple applications and provide integrated dashboards to provide comprehensive visibility and ease of use. Conclusion Effective SLAs are extremely important to assure successful outsourcing engagements. The indices, indicators and metrics used to measure and manage performance against SLA requirements are at the heart of a successful agreement and are critical to the long term success of outsourcing relationships. By using relevant static analysis outputs that are properly aligned with the overall business and IT organization objectives, you not only ensure higher quality of deliverables, but also a healthy win-win relationship between the Company and Service Provider. Page 66 QUALITY The author: Jay Sappidi is a Sr. Director of CAST Research Labs at CAST and is responsible for researching industry trends in application structural quality and benchmarking services. He has over 15 years of experience focusing on product management, consulting, outsourced and off-shore application development. Prior to CAST, Jay worked at Deloitte Con- sulting as a management consultant in the Strategy and Operations group where he helped companies with their corporate, marketing, operations, and IT strategies. Jay earned his bachelor’s degree from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, and an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management. Visit us at: www.castsoftware.com 1 “Measuring Application Structural Quality and Size” – Consortium for IT Software Quality (CISQ) http://www.it-cisq.org/) Infographic Unemployment rates Europe. Quelle: Eurostat Page 67 BPM & BPO Business Process Management BPM enabled BPO: foundations for long term success By Pietro Casella, Safira, Portugal On recent insights, Gartner reported the benefits of BPM technology applied to BPO organizations. On this article we bring forward practical BPM implementation guidelines that will ease your path through maturity. The applicability and benefits of Business Process Management approach to improve BPO providers’ performance have been widely pointed out by analysts such as Gartner. The main highlight of this research is the impact that BPM can have on the client experience (improve service quality and client performance) and on your internal performance (reduce costs, increase scale). An important point is that BPM initiatives on both ends can be a key driver for the maturity of the relationship. Despite intuitive, the practical side of implementing such initiatives poses serious challenges. On this article we provide some advice to ensure a smoother adoption of BPM on your BPO centers. Whether you’re at an early stage of BPM adoption or already at a later stage, we highlight the fol- lowing aspects as key to future success: Prepare performance monitoring from start Most if not all BPMS vendors advertise some sort of outstanding out of the box capabilities. From our experience though, to fully leverage those features, performance monitoring requires proper design and if not addressed at an early stage, design decisions may impair your future ability to capitalize the monitoring benefits. Implement and verify reusability Reusability is another big tenet of BPM platforms. If your strategy includes providing per-customer process customization, you need to ensure that the bits and pieces of your actual processes are reus- able and ready to cope with different but compatible process models. Not only should you design for change but it’s equally important that you test and promote reusability on your projects. Prepare to manage and deploy change One of the biggest challenges of BPM projects is the management of constant changes. In particular if you follow an agile methodology, multiple versions of the same process must coexist. When you are running several customers, this complexity is even higher. Your BPM architecture must be prepared for this constant change. Make sure your BPMS features migration and version management mechanisms and that they are robust and tested at early stages of your program (first month). Page 68 BPM & BPO Mind the User experience Leading BPMS provide UI building capabilities which are designed for implementation speed and flexibility. This means that those out of the box features should be privileged as a way to ensure future change bandwidth, even if at cost of a modern more flashy approach. From our experience, a moderate investment, at early stages, to align the out-of-the-box UI with your usability standards, also with reusability in mind, renders outstanding satisfaction in the long run. From our experience, if UI is not addressed early, the later modification effort can be overwhelming and a pose a serious risk to adoption, satisfaction and continuity. Support is critical When you rollout BPM on your organization, specialized support needs arise. The standardfaq based approach must be replaced by process-minded resources with business specific knowledge and cross application knowledge. Conclusion When preparing for BPM-enabling your BPO secure and test the major tenets of BPM from start. Creating a strong foundation of reusable blocks, performance metrics and change ready teams and infrastructure is what ultimately give you the flexibility to evolve your processes, and collect the promise to increase efficiency and add value to your clients. The author: Pietro Casella is an experienced BPM Manager at Safira. With an eclectic IT consulting background delivering Process Reengineering, Corporate Performance Management and Business Process Management programs on the Financial Services, Health and NGO Sectors, he focuses on improving customers’ business performance through smart BPM enablement, development and servicing initiatives. You can reach him by email on [email protected] www.safira.pt Page 69 BPM & BPO Business Process Management Die Kluft zwischen Geschäftsprozessen und Strategie Von Dr. Clemente Minonne, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Schweiz Nur sieben Prozent der deutschsprachigen europäischen Unternehmen verfügen über ein umfassendes und aus der Unternehmensstrategie abgeleitetes Prozessmanagement. Dies zeigt eine aktuelle Studie der ZHAW. Viele Unternehmen streben an, ihre Geschäftsprozesse mittels eines bewussten, strukturierten und konsequenten Prozessmanagements zu optimieren und dadurch die Qualität ihrer Dienstleistungen und Produkte, die organisationale Produktivität sowie ihre Innovationsfähigkeit zu steigern. Eine empirische Studie des Zentrums für Wirtschaftsinformatik der ZHAW bestätigt diese Aussage insofern, als dass die befragten Unternehmen als Hauptziel angaben, die Qualität Ihrer Prozesse zu optimieren sowie ihre organisationale Produktivität zu verbessern. Lediglich ein Fünftel der befragten Unternehmen sieht in der Anwendung von Prozessmanagement einen Ansatz, um ihren Innovationsgrad zu steigern. Interessanterweise spielen das Auffinden prozessualer Engpässe sowie die Unterstützung von In- und Outsourcing-Entscheidungen bei der Zielformulierung Page 70 BPM & BPO eine untergeordnete Rolle. Knapp zwei Drittel der Befragten gaben an, ihre Organisation erfülle die Reifegradstufen 1 und 2 (vgl. Grafik auf Seite 43). Dies bedeutet, dass einzelne Aspekte des Prozessmanagements durchaus thematisiert werden. Rund ein Drittel der Unternehmen erklärte, bestimmte ProzessmanagementMethoden seien zwecks kontinuierlicher Prozessverbesserungen bereits eingeführt worden. Doch nur 7 Prozent der Befragten bestätigten, dass in ihrem Unternehmen Methoden und Richtlinien für das Prozessmanagement eingeführt wurden. Eine branchenbezogene Betrachtung zeigt, dass die Reifegradstufen 3 oder 4 insbesondere bei Organisationen des Bankenund Informatiksektors erreicht werden. Abgesehen von diesen beiden Spitzenreitern entsteht somit ein ernüchterndes Bild zur Umsetzung von Prozessmanagement im deutschsprachigen Europa. Im Einklang mit der Betrachtung des Reifegrades zeigt sich auch, dass Unternehmen, die über eine dedizierte (interne) Stelle für Prozessmanagement verfügen, am weitesten entwickelt sind. Hindernisse und Herausforderungen Bei der Transformation in eine prozessorientierte Organisation stellen die mangelnde Unterstützung seitens des Führungsteams sowie fehlende beziehungsweise ungenügende Vorgaben aus der Unternehmensstrategie die grössten Hindernisse dar. Als weiteres Hindernis wurden fehlende Zahlen zum finanziellen Nutzen von Prozessmanagement erwähnt. Zu wenig Fachkompetenz im Prozessmanagement respektive mangelnde Ressourcen stellen weitere Hinderungsgründe dar. Die in diesem Kontext ste- henden Kosten (Investitionen, operatives Management, etc.) scheinen dagegen kein besonderer Hinderungsgrund zu sein, um Prozessmanagement einzuführen. Erstaunlicherweise leiten 78 Prozent der Organisationen die Geschäftsprozesse nicht oder nur teilweise aus der Organisationsstrategie ab. Dies, obwohl für die Umsetzung von Organisationsstrategien vielerorts das Instrument der Balanced Scorecard eingesetzt wird, das – zumindest methodisch betrachtet – diesbezüglich Hilfe leisten sollte. Lediglich 14 Prozent der befragten Unternehmen leiten Geschäftsprozesse mehrheitlich oder vollständig aus ihrer Strategie ab. Eine mögliche Erklärung für diese Diskrepanz könnte die vielerorts mangelnde Feinkörnigkeit strategischer Vorgaben im Sinne von Zielformulierungen und konkreten Massnahmenbeschreibungen sein. Das Bewusstsein für die Wichtigkeit von Prozessmanagement besteht, mit der Umsetzung hapert es. Quelle: Minonne, C. et al. (2011) Page 71 BPM & BPO Als Funktionsbereiche, die aufgrund eines eingeführten Prozessmanagements den höchsten Nutzen erzielen, wurden die (interne) Beratung und Dienstleistungserbringung sowie die Informatik und die Beschaffung bezeichnet. Betrachtet man die unterschiedlichen Branchen vertiefter, so treffen die Antworten mehrheitlich auf den Banken- und Informatiksektor zu. Zögerliches Outsourcing Bei der Frage nach der Auslagerung von Geschäftsprozessen gaben knapp über ein Viertel der befragten Unternehmen an, dass sie heute schon Geschäftsprozesse oder Teile davon auslagern. Lediglich 7 Prozent erklärten, sie würden sich in naher Zukunft mit der genauen Analyse und Auslagerung ihrer Geschäftsprozesse befassen. Fast die Hälfte der Umfrageteilnehmer hat bis heute noch keine Prozesse ausgelagert und auch keine Pläne, dies in naher Zukunft zu tun. Für lediglich 5 Prozent kommt Outsourcing generell nicht in Frage. Für mehr als die Hälfte der befragten Unternehmen scheint die potenzielle Auslagerung der internen Informatik grossen Nutzen darzustellen. Auch wird die Auslagerung von Teilprozessen oder einzelnen Tätigkeiten aus den Bereichen Human Resource Management sowie der Logistik und der internen Dienstleistungserbring- ung so eingeschätzt. Nur 4 Prozent gaben an, dass sie im Bereich von Forschung und Entwicklung und bei Stabsstellen einen Nutzen von Outsourcing sehen. Offensichtlich scheint in diesem Kontext die Sorge nach dem Verlust von Kernkompetenzen hoch zu sein. Dedizierte Softwarewerkzeuge für Prozessmanagement werden von knapp der Hälfte der befragten Unternehmen heute schon eingesetzt. Dies unterstreicht, dass softwarebasierte Werkzeuge für die Umsetzung von Prozessmanagement von einem grossen Teil der befragten Unternehmen akzeptiert sind und vielerorts aktiv und auch nutzenbringend eingesetzt werden. Page 72 BPM & BPO Auf die Fragen nach den Zielen, die durch den Einsatz von Softwarewerkzeugen für Prozessmanagement erreicht werden sollen, steht die Antwort «Erhöhung der Effektivität der Geschäftsprozesse» an erster Stelle. Davon abgeleitet folgt die Er-höhung der Qualität der angebotenen Dienstleistungen, respektive Produkte. Dies lässt vermuten, dass sich diese Unternehmen stark auf sogenannte Kernprozesse konzentrieren. Solche Softwarewerkzeuge werden von den befragten Unternehmen mit Abstand am häufigsten (81 Prozent) für die Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen verwendet. Weitere Verwendungszwecke sind die Prozessanalyse (55 Prozent) sowie die Unterstützung von Aspekten in den Bereichen Governance, Risk und Compliance (46 Prozent). Zusätzlich resultierte, dass die Automatisierung (41 Prozent) und das Monitoring (38 Prozent) von Prozessen im Vergleich zu deren Simulation (17 Prozent) mehr Bedeutung haben. Letzteres könnte mit den vielfach fehlenden Funktionalitäten der am Markt erhältlichen Softwarewerkzeuge erklärt werden. Ungenutzte Möglichkeiten Aufgrund der Studienresultate zeigt sich, dass sich insbesondere die strategische Perspektive des Prozessmanagements in der Praxis wesentlich komplexer gestaltet, als dies auf den ersten Blick zu vermuten ist. Vielerorts scheinen Unternehmen das Potenzial noch nicht vollumfänglich zu nutzen, das ihnen Methoden und unterstützende Werkzeuge für das Prozessmanagement bieten. Eine reine Automatisierung von bestehenden Geschäftsprozessen wird dem Grossteil der Unternehmen im deutschsprachigen Europa kaum gerecht und greift zu kurz, da damit hauptsächlich der Produktivitätsfaktor (zeitliche Dimension) erhöht wird. Qualitäts- oder auch Innovationssteigerungen werden hierbei kaum erreicht. Automatisierung im herkömmlichen Sinne bedeutet die Ausgestaltung von konkreten Elementarprozessen in einer möglichst effizienten Form. und ausführbaren Generell zeigt der Marktspiegel, dass der Reifegrad von Prozessmanagement in Unternehmen noch keine signifikante Stufe erreicht hat; dies unabhängig ihrer Grösse. Es besteht jedoch ein generelles Bewusstsein für diese Managementdisziplin. Doch Bewusstsein allein wird kaum genügen, um die Anforderungen an die Unternehmen erfolgreich zu meistern. Ein erster Schritt in Richtung Aufklärung und Verstehen scheint vielversprechend zu sein. Wer Prozessmanagement vernünftig angeht, wird von Anfang an darauf bedacht sein, die Zielvorgaben für die betroffenen Umsetzungsmassnahmen in entsprechender Detaillierungstiefe zu erarbeiten. Literatur: Minonne, C.; Colicchio, C.; Litzke, M.; Keller T. (2011): Business Process Management 2011 - Status quo und Zukunft: Eine empirische Studie im deutschsprachigen Europa, vdf Hochschulverlag, 1. Aufl., Zürich. Kaplan, R. S.; Norton, D. P. (1997): Balanced Scorecard. Strategien erfolgreich umsetzen, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart. Der Autor: Clemente Minonne, Dr., ist Leiter der Research Group for Knowledge and Information Management sowie Organisationsberater und Dozent an der School of Management and Law der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW). Dr. Minonne ist General Chair des Schweizer Councils des Outsourcing Verbandes. Kontakt: [email protected] Page 73 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Product Development Does project development proficiency matter for technology start-up efficiency? By Mike Grebennikov, Migrate2mobile & Fabian Oliva, Fiverun Inc. According to a recent survey, performed by the U.S. Commerce Department, of every 10 start-ups 7’ll survive their 1st year, 3’ll still be going after 3 years and only 2 will remain after 5 years. These are quite startling numbers and really beg the question: “Why do start-ups fail?” Obviously, the success of a start-up depends on development of a project on time and within budget; focus on your potential customers, proper targeting and marketing, ability to demonstrate real competitive advantages, time-to-market speed and many others that each start-up CEO must take into account. However, if you do not have a product by the day X or your product development has eaten your entire budget you will definitely fail. That’s why product development management is one of the key elements for survival for start-ups at any period of their existence. On this same point, entrepreneurial visionary, Steve Blank famously stated in 2009 that one of the leading causes of “death” for a start-up is the Product Development Diagram. Everyone knows the model: Concept/Business Plan > Product Development > Alpha/Beta Test > Launch / 1st Ship. From the very first time you speak with a customer, you realize your previous assumptions on needs and requirements were incorrect and thus the product development model goes out the window. Simply put, that model is great for an existing product, but simply does not work for a startup. In a rapidly evolving start-up, ideas and thoughts about customer require fluid thinking and evolution from all teams, most importantly product development. How to cope with a product development hassle? There are several “must do” steps we recommend to perform: - Find the best product development manager with experience in your product niche you can afford. - Find the best product development team with successful track records you can afford. - Clearly discuss with the product manager and the team your goals, timeframes, budget and priorities. - Become a part of the development team as a product owner. Your task is to answer questions, listen to and discuss new ideas, provide vision and customers’ feedback. - Employ lean start-up principles A properly chosen product development manager together with a proficient product development team might became your long term technology partner that will take all technology burden away from your shoulders and let you concentrate on your core business. During the early stages of your venture, a properly selected technology partner plays a key role in your future business success. An ideal technology partner is an advocate, industry watcher and Page 74 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Most common pros are: a. Cost effective resources; b. Availability of resources; c. Proficiency in software development. Most common cons are: a. Language barriers and (or) cultural differences; b. Time zones difference (this may work as a pros and provide you with up to 24h a day non stop development). c. Lack of control over the whole process when you haven’t prepared for this type of collaboration. 2. Regardless of the stage at which your project currently is, is it documented well enough? It might be WIKI page, word document, a fully written set of napkins, and whatever else, but your idea must be documented. expert in its field, but above all, should truly get into your business and join his own interests with your business interests. Possessing development experience, technology excellence, budget and time fits, a technology partner is a “single point of accountability and contact for all technology issues”, says Dan Blumenthal, executive vice president of Miller Systems, a Boston-based technology concern. It sounds good in a theory, but is it possible to find such a successful combination of product management and project execution skills in practice? Page 75 Sure it is possible. There are many IT companies (really there are tons of them!) around offering IT products and IT projects development services. To select the right one you need to answer several questions to yourself first: 1. Are you ready to work with a foreign company? Local companies might look more attractive but if your budget is modest you may find locals a bit too expensive. There are a number of well-known and new outsourcing destinations; each has its pros and cons. 3. Do you have a set of formal documents like NDA, Product development Agreement, RFI ready? 4. Do you know what part of the whole project you are ready to outsource? It might be a tight question if you have some know-how you are not ready to share with anyone yet. 5. Are you ready to work more and work longer hours? It may sound strange but you will PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT need to spend a lot of time discussing your project and ideas once again (we presume that you have already discussed it internally… at least once…) with a new team, probably adjust your initial idea according to your technology partner input. A strong technology partner company will provide you with thoughtful feedback proposing enhancements, optimal approach to a product development, risks mitigation plan and overall technology solutions. Bad developers will just do what you said them to do with no responsibility for you business results. Longer hours sometimes required when you work with a company that has at least 7 hours difference with your time zone. 6. Are you organized enough to work under process? It might be old-fashioned Wa- terfall, fancy Agile (and alike), a mixed one, but it will require a certain level of discipline at your end. NB: sometimes you need to be flexible and adopt the best from their processes. • Can both of you manage to have at least 4 hours of joint work time per day? Now you need to develop a kind of a selection What’s next? procedure. To build one you may need to take into account the following questions to candidates: • Do they have positive track records? • Do they have positive references? • Do they have the right technology expertise? • Do they show a long-term partnership approach? • Are they ready for a full involvement into the project develop ment as your business partner, not just as a third party developer? • Are they flexible enough to work under your processes? The goal of this article is to provide enough information for you to ask more questions and look for more answers on the subject. We believe you might want to know more about: • What country to choose as an outsourcing destination? • What business model to use for your project? • What about IP rights protection? • What is a reasonable monthly/ hourly payment amount? • Is everything above applicable for your company and/or project? Mike Grebennikov, outsourcing expert, a managing partner of a full service digital agency Migrate2mobile, UK and Belarus. www.migrate2mobile.com. Fabian Oliva, successful serial entrepreneur and CEO at Fiverun Inc, a San Francisco, CA startup that provides a tablet-based social product catalog that helps high value brick and mortar retailers improve the in-store shopping experience and reduce inventory. www.fiverun.com Page 76 BELARUS Eastern-Europe Belarus’ Potential of becoming Europe’s Silicon Valley by 2015 A market review by Viktor Bogdanov, Ciklum, Ukraine While being one of the most controversial countries in Europe, oftentimes referred to as a “dictatorship”, over the past few years Belarus has managed to become one of the most powerful hotspots for the outsourced Research and Development (R&D) and IT, even though it is rarely mentioned in the official global industry ratings. The Belarusian government has repeatedly announced its ambitious goal of converting Belarus into the European “Silicon Valley” by 2015. To reach it, the country’s policy makers have already made some significant steps aimed to: - Better promote Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education among today’s students and graduates - Re-train and upgrade the existing pool of specialists with science, technology, economics and math (STEM) skills to meet the future internal and external demand for ICT professionals - Align ICT educational programs with the real-life needs of the business and technology environments - Innovate and modernize ICT infrastructure - Attract more foreign investors by offering favorable taxation and pricing conditions The 2012 review Ciklum has reviewed recent Belarus ICT and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) achievements as well as plans for the future industry development in order to assess the feasibility of its strategic goal. In particular, the research has focused on the three key areas, which are: education, Technology Parks, and competences and costs of IT resources. In the recent years the Belarusian ITO market has been developing at a fast pace, with: 24%-28% growth rate on a year-on-year (YOY) basis (since 2009), a 25% revenue increase and market volume assessed at $384 million (as of 2011) (1 ) In the 2011 “Analysis of Belarus Page 77 as an Offshoring Destination” Gartner concluded: “A strong education system and cost-competitive salaries, together with a reasonably strong workforce, have enabled Belarus to develop a mature IT outsourcing industry, supporting the country as an alternative destination for offshore activities, especially software development.” (3) BELARUS Minsk The current state of the Belarus ICT industry While being one of the most controversial countries in Europe, oftentimes referred to as a “dictatorship”, over the past few years Belarus has managed to become one of the most powerful hotspots for the outsourced Research and Development (R&D) and IT, even though it is rarely mentioned in the official global industry ratings. Since 2005 Belarus has made and continues to make important steps towards becoming a true e- country with a well-developed ICT infrastructure, well-promoted ICT education, best-on-market IT resources and innovative ICT projects for both private and public sectors – steps that other officially recognized Central and Eastern European (CEE) hubs have not even planned yet. to the Forbes Magazine, per capita income from IT services export in Belarus exceeds that of Russia and Ukraine (7). The fact that many international giants such as Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Siemens, T-Mobile, Alcatel, Coca-Cola, Philips, SAP as well as leading innovative niche players such as eBuddy and Steely Eye have entered the Belarusian ITO market in recent years proves Belarus’ ability to offer robust technology solutions and qualified resources comparable to the leading recognized ITO hubs. Belarus is ranked 56 by the ICT price basket, leaving behind such EU states as Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, and Czech Republic and countries like Argentina, Brazil, India, China, and Mexico (8). In the 2011 Ease-of- Doing-Business Rating Belarus has climbed up by 22 positions from 2010 (9). These and other indicators already put Belarus in an equal position with other CEE ITO leaders such as Ukraine, Hungary, Romania or Poland. The Belarusian government has ambitious goals of expanding the pool of ICT resources from today’s 25,000 up to 300,000 and increasing significantly the ICT Today’s Belarus ICT Talent pool is assessed at 25,000 specialists, which makes it one of the largest pools in the Central and Eastern European region (6). According Page 78 BELARUS readiness by 2015. Initiatives, education and benefits When the Belarusian government initiated the first High-Tech Park (see p. 6 “Technology Parks”) in the mid-2000s, it launched a massive promo campaign under the slogan “Silicon Valley of Belarus” (10). After the respective Decree “On Belarus High-Technology Park” had been signed by the President in 2005, the government announced its ambitious plans to gradually convert the entire country into the European “Silicon Valley”. Belarus has a favorable geographical location, especially for the European customers. It takes only 2 hours to get to Minsk from Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and less than 3 hours from Rome, London and Madrid by air (11). Foreigners visiting Belarus require a visa (only the CIS countries’ residents are exempt from it): a single entry visa can be obtained right at the airport upon arrival, while a multiple entry visa (up to 12 months) should be obtained at the Belarus Embassy beforehand. Back in the USSR times, Belarus was a hotspot for civil and military software development, robotics, artificial intellect, distributed computing networks and Page 79 other high-tech solutions. As a result, the independent Belarus has inherited an excellent technical education system which is being strongly supported by the government. As of today, Belarus has 34 universities and higher degree institutions that graduate 16,000 ICT specialists annually (12). Country” project is to re- train people with engineering and accounting backgrounds to gain the most demanded technology skills. This initiative is supposed to add value to other projects (listed below) aimed to provide a sufficient workforce supply level for the future ITO industry (16). In an effort to modernize the technical education system and align educational programs with the real-life business needs, in 2010 the Belarusian government together with the state telecom companies initiated the ambitious project called “IT Country”. The project’s key goal is to boost the development of the Belarusian ICT market by creating a pool of over 300,000 IT specialists and generating around $7 billion in annual profit by 2015 (13). 2. A huge milestone achieved within the “IT Country ”Project is the establishment of the IT Academy, an international training and R&D center. The Center determines the future strategy of the ICT market development, requirements for knowledge levels and skills, and also ensures an appropriate knowledge exchange among national and foreign students and certified specialists. Today, the IT Academy is the only educational center in Belarus that prepares business analysts for ICT sphere (17). The following are some of the most robust initiatives under the “IT Country” Project aimed at improving and fostering ICT education among the Belarusian youth. 1. To create a vast pool of ICT resources, the project initiators are attracting more students and graduates to get / improve the required ICT skills by offering innovative short-term training and retraining programs (one to eight weeks in duration) as well as longer-term modular programs. They also foster competition among different higher degree institutions to ensure a better quality of the obtained expertise. Another step planned by the “IT 3. The prospective milestone to be met in the near future within the “IT Country” Project is the establishment of the IT Test Center that will develop special tests and metrics to better determine IT specialists’ levels of qualification as well as solutions to effectively re-direct them to innovative areas and technologies. BELARUS vestments here. There is a strong culture of IT development and innovation and that is the most valuable asset a company can have in the IT business (26).” 4. In October 2011 the Belarusian Ministry of Education and QAI Global Institute (Orlando, USA), the world’s leading provider of express IT training programs, joined forces to create conditions for introduction and implementation of the leading international ICT training programs and certifications. The agreement signed by both parties envisions joint seminars and other educational events dedicated to software development project management, QA and testing, business analysis, processes’ maturity, competence assessment, teamwork and collaboration, and other important topics (18). It is expected that these and other initiatives will help promote ICT education among the Belarusian youth and significantly increase the supply of qualified IT resources for both domestic ICT and ITO industries in the years to come. Belarus is currently home to two Technology Parks: the High-Tech Park and the Infopark. They both aim to provide a solid legislative, administrative and economic base for the future development of the national ICT and IT Outsourcing industries. Technologies, knowledge and qualification In 2010 Belarus ranked 13th in the Global Services List of Top 20 Locations for ITO and High-Tech Services by the number of developers employed by the ITO sector (25). Belarus is rich in all of the mainstream technologies as well as some rare ones, such as SAP and Lotus. According to Ilya Yuriev, Managing Director of SAP Belarus, “SAP has a strong position on the Belarusian market and continues to see benefits from the in- The qualification of the Belarusian IT talent is undisputable and globally recognized. According to the 2012 Bench Games, an international online intellectual competition conducted by Brainbench, one of the world’s leading providers of skills assessment solutions, Belarus ranks 6th out of 50 countries by the number of the most certified specialists leaving behind such Western European countries as the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden and Norway, and it ranks 4th out of 50 countries by the number of the most Master-Level certified specialists (27). Overall, Belarus ranks 4th globally (together with India) by the number of IT certificates granted in 2012, following Ukraine, the United States and Russia. Employment in the ITO sector also offers a significantly lucrative salary for the ICT specialists in Belarus, the average being around 1,400 USD (28) (while the overall average monthly salary in Belarus is only 330 USD, as est. in 2011) (29). Though this is high for Belarus, it is still three or four times lower than in Western Europe or the USA. Salary-wise, the cost of the ICT Page 80 BELARUS resources depends on a seniority level and technology skills. Android and iPhone developers are some of the most demanded ones nowadays due to an increasing number of the outsourced mobile projects, and their salary can reach up to $2,000 USD per month or even more. The next in demand are JAVA developers. The ones with more than 2 years of experience cost nearly 1,800 USD per month, while senior de- velopers (more than 6 years of experience) may cost up to 2,300 USD per month. The experienced (over 3 years) .Net and PHP developers cost 1,600-1,700 USD per month, which is around 75% less than in Western Europe (30). Resources: 1 ITO News, 2012, 2 Analysis Case Study 2011, 3 Park. By 2012, 6 IT Strana 2011, 7 Park. By 2012, 8 SBBA 2012, 9 DoingBusiness.org 2012 10 Belarus Time 2006, 11 High-Tech Park 2012, 12 GoalEurope 2012, 13 IT-Strana.By 2012, 14 Brainbench 2012, 15 Ibid. 2012, 16 Lenta.Ru 2012, 17 Park.By 2012, 18 IT-TUT.By 2012, 25 IT-TUT.By 2011, 26 ITO News 2012, 27 Brainbench 2012, 28 ITTUT.By 2012, 29 GoalEurope 2012, 30 Ciklum Statistics 2012 Pictures: Ciklum, factbook CIA World- The Author: Viktor Bogdanov, IT outsourcing consultant and blogger, former MD at IT Sourcing Europe (UK), currently - PR Manager at Ciklum (Ukraine). www.ciklum.com Advert Page 81 AUSSCHREIBUNG Management Das Ausschreibungs- und Auswahlverfahren Ein Beitrag von Sabrina Hahn, matrix technology AG, München Zu Beginn des Ausschreibungsverfahrens legt das auslagernde Unternehmen fest, welche der oben genannten Ziele durch das geplante IT- Outsourcing erreicht werden sollen. Ist dies geklärt, dann folgt der so genannte Request For Information (RFI), bei dem das auslagernde Unternehmen zunächst unverbindlich die grundsätzliche Leistungsfähigkeit und -bereitschaft möglicher Provider erfragt. Zusätzlich füllen die potentiellen Anbieter in der Regel einen Fragenkatalog aus. Dieser enthält sowohl Fragen zum Unternehmen des Providers, als auch eine Skizze des geplanten Outsourcing-Vorhabens. Das auslagernde Unternehmen sollte im Rahmen des RFI zunächst nur grobe Informationen über das eigentliche Outsourcing-Projekt bekanntgeben, aber schon an dieser Stelle umfassende Informationen über die Geschäftspolitik sowie Referenzen der in Frage kommenden Provider einholen. Ziel des RFI ist es, diejenigen Anbieter zu selek- tieren, die im nächsten Schritt in die eigentliche Ausschreibung mit einbezogen werden. Diese erhalten anschließend einen Request For Proposal (RFP), also eine offizielle Aufforderung, sich auf die Ausschreibung des Outsourcing-Gebers zu bewerben. Der RFP beschreibt ausführlich das geplante OutsourcingVorhaben und liefert detaillierte Informationen zu gewünschten Services, Mengengerüsten und Service Level Agreements (SLAs) sowie einen detaillierten Zeitplan für die Migration und die spätere Betriebsphase. Die potentiellen OutsourcingNehmer reichen im Rahmen dieses RFP-Prozesses ein verbindliches Angebot, einschließlich ausführlicher Leistungsbeschreibung und detaillierter Preiskalkulation ein. Die einzelnen Angebote werden anschließend im direkten Vergleich bewertet. Neben den beiden Hauptfaktoren Preis und Leistung spielen dabei auch Qualität, Erscheinungsbild und Detaillierungsgrad des Angebots eine Rolle. Der Bewertung folgt meist eine Vor-Ort-Präsentation der drei vielversprechendsten Angebote, bei der es neben harten Fakten auch auf weiche Faktoren wie Kommunikation und Methodenkompetenz ankommt. Auf dieser Grundlage fällt der Kunde schließlich seine finale Auswahlentscheidung. Auch wenn viele Unternehmen heute auf den RFI verzichten und gleich einen RFP an die potentiellen Provider versenden, empfiehlt es sich dringend, an dem beschriebenen zweistufigen Verfahren aus RFI und RFP festzuhalten. So lässt sich das Auswahlverfahren deutlich übersichtlicher und nachvollziehbarer gestalten, was sowohl auf Kunden- als auch auf Providerseite beträchtliche Ressourcen spart. Ist die Entscheidung für einen Provider gefallen, so steht im nächsten Schritt der tatsächliche Vertragsabschluss an. Hierbei ist es wichtig, Missverständnissen, die aus unterschiedlichen Interpretationen von Vertragsklauseln resultieren können, von vornherein vorzubeugen. Zu diesem Page 82 AUSSCHREIBUNG Zweck sollten sich alle Projektbeteiligten an einen Tisch setzen und gemeinsam eine detaillierte Leistungsbeschreibung formulieren. Darüber hinaus regelt der IT-Outsourcing-Vertrag unter anderem folgende Punkte: • Vertragslaufzeit • Grundlagen der Zusammenarbeit, einschließlich Vorgehensweise bei Interessenkonflikten • Qualität und Servicelevel der Dienstleistungen (so genannte Service Level Agreements) • Art der Leistungsverrechnung (zum Beispiel pro Betriebssyteminstanz oder pro Client-Arbeitsplatz) • Leistungsverzugsstrafen • Mitwirkungspflichten des Page 83 Kunden • Datensicherheit und Datenschutz • Handhabung von Risiken (zum Beispiel Haftung, Mängelbeseitigung) • Hard- und Softwareübergang • Überleitung von Arbeitsverhältnissen • Änderungsverfahren für Vertragsanpassungen Von zentraler Bedeutung sind hierbei die Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Sie beschreiben die Leistungseigenschaften, die dem Kunden von Seiten des Providers zugesichert werden, zum Beispiel Leistungsumfang und Reaktionszeit. Der Provider bietet dem Kunden jeden Parameter in verschiedenen Gütestufen (Levels) an, unter welchen dieser frei wählen kann. Zum einen schaffen SLAs Preis-/Leistungs-Transparenz für Kunden und Provider. Zum anderen dienen sie der Streitvermeidung beziehungsweise Streitschlichtung, da die kritischen Punkte der Zusammenarbeit schon bei der Ausarbeitung der SLAs diskutiert und geklärt werden. Zum Nachhalten der SLAs werden im IT-Outsourcing-Vertrag Kennzahlen der Erfolgskontrolle und Zielerreichung – so genannte Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – festgehalten. KPIs werden in der Regel dreidimensional ausgestaltet. Das bedeutet, dass die erwarteten Ziele hinsichtlich Zeit, Menge und Qualität definiert werden. Im Rahmen der Leistungsbewertung wird schließlich überprüft, ob diese KPIs auch tatsächlich eingehalten wurden. Dabei handelt es sich nicht selten um ein AUSSCHREIBUNG Spiel ohne Schiedsrichter, denn natürlich beharren beide Seiten – sowohl Kunde als auch Provider – auf ihrer eigenen Auslegung der Service Level Agreements und Key Performance Indicators. Leider gibt es bisher keine offizielle neutrale Instanz, die sich auf die Vermittlung zwischen beiden Parteien in solchen Fällen spezialisiert hat. Öffentliche Einrichtungen haben zwar versucht, eine Schiedsstelle aufzubauen, die als Anlaufstelle bei Schwierigkeiten mit IT-Serviceverträgen dienen soll. Diese Organisation hat jedoch den Betrieb bisher noch nicht aufgenommen. Bereits heute gibt es aber externe Unternehmen, die in solchen Streitfällen Unterstützung anbieten. Auf Providermanagement spezialisierte Unternehmensberatungen fungieren teils auch als Schlichter bei Streitigkeiten über IT- Outsourcing-Verträge. Gefahren vermeiden Im Rahmen des IT-Outsourcings lauert eine ganze Reihe von Gefahren. Wer im Zusammenhang mit der Auslagerung von IT-Services einige Kernpunkte beachtet, kann diese Stolpersteine aber ganz einfach umgehen. Schon im Rahmen der Ausschreibung muss die Motivation des auslagernden Unternehmens eindeutig kommuniziert werden. Das hilft den Anbietern, sich für die Aufgaben richtig aufzustellen. Von zentraler Bedeutung ist außerdem eine möglichst klare Definition der vertraglichen Leistungen. Dazu gehört zum einen eine detaillierte Leistungsbeschreibung und zum anderen unmissverständliche Regelungen bezüglich der Pflichten des Erbringers und des Empfängers der Leistungen sowie der Verfügbarkeit der IT-Services. Fehlen hier eindeutige Definitionen, kann es schnell zu Missverständnissen kommen. Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen: Bei einem Online-Shop wird als Messkriterium eine Verfügbarkeit des Shops von 99,9 Prozent vereinbart. Die Art der Messung bleibt aber laut Leistungsbeschreibung offen. Später stellt sich heraus, dass der Shop für die Gesamtzeit zu 100 Prozent aus dem Internet erreichbar war. Allerdings konnte über einen längeren Zeitraum keine bestätigte Bestellung angenommen werden, weil keine Verbindung zum Lagersystem des Anbieters hergestellt werden konnte. In einem solchen Fall sind Reibereien zwischen Kunde und Provider hinsichtlich der Auslegung der Vertragsvereinbarungen vorprogrammiert. Halten Sie zudem im IT-Outsourcing- Vertrag klare Kennzahlen (KPIs) fest, anhand derer die Einhaltung oder Nichteinhaltung der Service Level Agreements transparent gemacht werden kann. Schwammige Formulierungen helfen hier nicht weiter! Darüber hinaus sollte der Vertrag ein „Change-Management“ festlegen. Der IT-OutsourcingVertrag muss sich ohne Schwierigkeiten an wechselnde Gegebenheiten anpassen lassen. Wenn der Auftragnehmer zum Beispiel neue Mitarbeiter einstellt und deshalb mehr IT-Arbeitsplätze benötigt, muss das gewährleistet werden, ohne dass dazu ein neuer Vertrag aufgesetzt werden muss. Außerdem muss geregelt sein, wer Regeln ändern kann. Empfehlenswert ist, dass beide Seiten den Vertrag in regelmäßigen Abständen überprüfen. Halten Sie im Vertrag in jedem Fall auch Art und Weise des Monitorings und Reportings sowie eine Eskalationsstrategie fest. Für jeden IT-Service, den Sie auslagern, müssen auf Seiten des Anwenders und des Providers Kommunikationsschnittstellen, also die richtigen Ansprechpartner, zur Verfügung stehen. Das verhindert , dass sich der Dienstleister oder auch die interne IT-Abteilung nach dem Motto „Wir wurden darüber nicht Page 84 AUSSCHREIBUNG rechtzeitig informiert“ aus der Pflicht stehlen kann. Es wird empfohlen, schon vorab zentrale Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten zu definieren. Diese können je nach Größe des OutsourcingDeals von einer oder mehreren Personen übernommen werden. dass sich die Vertragsvereinbarungen nicht nur auf die technischen Leistung-en konzentrieren, die vom Provider bereitgestellt werden sollen. Die damit gekoppelten IT-Prozesse finden in der Praxis fälschlicherweise oft zu wenig Beachtung. Ein weiterer Punkt, der in keinem IT-Outsourcing-Vertrag fehlen darf: eine klar definierte Preisgestaltung inklusive Sanktionen bei der Nichterbringung von Leistungen. Hier können unter Umständen auch Sonderzahlungen für den Fall festgelegt werden, dass ein Service- Anbieter umfangreichere Leistungen erbringt, als vertraglich vereinbart wurde (Bonus-Malus-System). Weiterhin ist darauf zu achten, Viele Unternehmen wissen auch nicht um das Einsparpotential variabler Modelle und zahlen ihrem Provider daher mehr Geld als nötig. Viele Service-Pakete umfassen auch Services, die gar nicht ständig benötigt werden, im Rahmen von Pauschalvereinbarungen aber trotzdem bezahlt werden müssen. Stattdessen empfiehlt es sich, Leistungen, die keine täglichen Grundanforderungen darstellen, sondern nur in bestimmten Situationen eine Rolle spielen, als On-DemandLeistungen zu definieren, die vom Provider nur bei Bedarf erbracht und in Rechnung gestellt werden. Auch das Fehlerkosten-Management wird in vielen IT-Outsourcing-Verträgen vernachlässigt. Kosten, die durch Prozess- oder Servicefehler des Providers entstehen, werden nicht detailliert und systematisch dokumentiert. So gehen die internen Aufwände für Korrekturen oder Doppelarbeit durch solche Providerfehler meist vollständig zu Lasten des Anwenders. Die Autorin: Sabrina Hahn ist studierte Kommunikationswissenschaftlerin und seit 2010 Online-Redakteurin bei der matrix technology AG. Das mittelständische IT-Beratungs- und Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit Sitz in München und Stuttgart unterstützt Unternehmen bei IT-Outsourcing-Vorhaben – von der Ausschreibung bis zum IT-Betrieb. www.matrix.ag Advert Outsourcing News and Information for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Sign up for free under: w w w. o u t s o u r c i n g - ve r b a n d. o rg Page 85 ORGANIZATIONS CERI International Sp. z o.o. wurde 2003 als einer der ersten Outsourcing-Anbieter auf dem polnischen Markt gegründet. Heute sind wir ein dynamisch wachsendes Unternehmen im Bereich Business Process Outsourcing. Einer unserer Schwerpunkte ist die Abwicklung von Geschäftsprozessen für Banken und Finanzdienstleister. Durch die Optimierung von Betriebsprozessen erzielen wir signifikante Qualitätssteigerungen für unsere Kunden. Der alleinige Inhaber der Gesellschaft ist seit März 2012 die Commerzbank AG, die zweitgrößte Bank Deutschlands. CERI International bietet eine umfassende Betreuung von Geschäftsprozessen an, die sowohl einzelne Dienstleistungen als auch komplexe Leistungspakete enthält. Diese schneiden wir individuell auf Ihre jeweiligen Bedürfnisse zu. So finden Sie in unserem Angebot die beste Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen. CERI International Sp. z o.o. Traktorowa Str. 148/158 91-204 Lodz, Polen Tel.: + 48 42 203 42 05 Fax: +48 42 270 49 03 www.ceri-international.de Ansprechpartner: Tomasz Krolik - Business Development Manager Mobile: +48 662 161 458 E-Mail: [email protected] CodeIT provides quality web development and consulting services. We use PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, Flash, Flex, MySQL, Prototype, Zend Framework, jQuery and other web programming technologies and platforms. Websites, mobile native and web apps, Facebook and other social network applications - that’s what we can create for you. Recently our company started providing game development services as well. CodeIT pulled 25+ people together since 2005 to work on challenging projects as the web and software development outsourcing company. Company’s office is located in Kharkiv, Ukraine. The main focus of CodeIT is a client and project’s goal. From the very beginning our software development process was built to support crystal clear communications between every customer and our team. We do understand what does Service mean and do our best to provide it with a decent quality and in time. Feel free to check the list of services our team provides and contact us to get a quote - sales@ codeit.com.ua Internet Solutions E-Commerce Solutions, Portals & Directories, Marketplaces, Social Network systems, Dating Websites, Corporate Websites, Web Crawlers, CMS, Tracking & Statistics-Gathering Systems, File Sharing Applications, Facebook Applications, Social Games Development. Web Design Design Concept, Flash animation, 3D Modeling, Banners, Logos and Game Art. Related services Game design, Business Analysis, Project Requirement Gathering, Project Specification Creation, Project Management and Support. www.codeit.com.ua Page 86 ORGANIZATIONS We at Bulpros are a young, dynamic team, who have done many successful projects and achieved incredible results together. We are focused on providing the best value projects in Software development, Web & Mobile development, Customer Service, Technical Support & System Integration and Professional Staffing. We pride ourselves in our tailored approach to each customer and in our inner drive to always achieve better and better results and exceed our clients’ expectations. We work together every day with the mission of delivering higher outsourcing value added and innovation to the businesses of our customers. We are dedicated to quality and overall customer care and to officially prove that, we have successfully gone through ISO 9001:2008certification for our Business Processes Framework for IT services and support. Our ambitions reach beyond the Bulgarian borders, but for now we are located in the Bulgarian market; with our services covered by the main Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Varna, and Plovdiv. Although our operations are located in Bulgaria, we have extensive experience in the setup, transition, and management of large-scale outsourcing projects, supplying multi-language, multicultural delivery for global clients. The solutions we provide are not constrained to industry – we have clients in the automotive, IT, Telecommunication, Financial services, and many other areas and strive to provide the best cost/ quality ratio every day of our work with them. Web: www.bulpros.com Contact: [email protected] bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ is an independent Romanian full service law firm established since 2006. The firm comprehensively advises in the areas of Anti-trust and Merger Control, Banking and Finance, Corpo-rate and Commercial, Dispute Resolution, Employment and Pensions, Energy, Environment and Regulatory, EU Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Public Procurement, PPP and Concessions, Real Estate and Construction, Taxation. bpv GRIGORESCU ŞTEFĂNICĂ is founding member of bpv LEGAL, an alliance of independ-ent commercial law firms operating in Bratislava, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Prague and Vienna, render-ing cross-border legal advisory services to clients in Central and Eastern Europe. For further information, please contact us: Christina Costa, Communication and Public Relations Manager Tel: +40 730 61 47 46 Email: [email protected] Web: www.bpv-grigorescu.com SAFIRA is at the forefront of Business Process Management and Operational Decision Management service delivery, changing the game of modern process management in leading organizations across the globe. SAFIRA drives global companies to achieve top business process performance, through unique blend of BPM and ODM. We’ve assisted customers in the Financial Sector to reach the champion’s league of Operational Excellence by driv- Page 87 ORGANIZATIONS ing down the cost-to-income ratio, we’ve helped setup pan-european level BPM Centers of Excellence, we’ve made processes mobile, we’ve provided full 360° business visibility by automating 800+ processes in a single program, and we helped saving human lives. SAFIRA differentiates by focusing, outranking competition in business value propositions, innovation and domain expertise. With this focus customers leverage our more than 250.000h of project experience with Magic Quadrant leaders, a team of 120 professionals, BPM project assets and lessons learned from more than 5 BPM programs over the last 6 years. Having been awarded Best Place to Work by Heidrick & Struggles for 4 consecutive years, we’re able to attract, develop and retain top talent, and put it to our client’s service. Founded in 1997, we have offices in Lisbon, Warsaw and Barcelona and deliver solutions On-site, Near/Offshore and Mixed Shore to more than 10 countries in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Contact: Pietro Casella Email: [email protected] Web: www.safira.pt Advert Present your company with a sophisticated profile on EUBIS - the new platform for the global outsourcing industry. It’s free, independent, modern and cross-media. Visit: www.EUBIS.org Binary Studio is a dynamically growing Ukrainian IT nearshoring company. The essence of our business is to create long-term dedicated teams of software developers working as a part of your company’s team and developing your software products on such technologies as Microsoft .Net, LAMP, Java and low-level programming (C++). The company showed double growth in 2011 and is expected to exceed this result in 2012 due to significant increase in nearshoring services among west European IT companies. We have recently launched an affiliate service company www.mobilexdevelopment.com to serve increased clients’ demand for mobile app. development (Android, iPhone and WindowsPhone7). Our clients are mostly from EU with more than half located in DACH region. Taking the best from the benefits Eastern Europe offers as a nearshoring location, we at Binary Studio add to this our management experience in this area. We know how software development process works, what the risks are and how to manage them, how developers feel about their work and what to do to make them available for our client’s projects in a long run. Having gathered a profound experience of cooperation within different markets, Binary Studio is looking forward to expand its business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and is open for partnership offers from DACH-region. Offices: Bratislava, Slovakia and Donetsk, Ukraine Contact: Ms. Antonina Yakovleva Tel: +380., Email: [email protected], Web: www.binary-studio.com Page 88 ORGANIZATIONS Vorsprung durch Sourcing - Leistungsqualität hoch, Kosten runter: Vor dieser Herausforderung stehen heute viele Unternehmen. microfin, als unabhängige Beratung für Outsourcing & Sourcing, Prozessoptimierung und Restrukturierung, hilft diesen Spagat zu schaffen. Mit Erfolg, wie Dutzende Projekte bei namhaften Finanzdienstleistern, Pharma- und Industrieunternehmen beweisen. In den Themenfeldern Sourcing & Outsourcing, Governance, Risk & Compliance, IT-Management und Banking Transformation liegt der Schwerpunkt der Beratung durch microfin. Dabei berät microfin auf Managementebene mit einem Spezialisten-Team aus Betriebswirten, Informatikern und Juristen, das sich durch langjährige Erfahrung in Sourcing-Projekten auszeichnet. Die Leistung endet jedoch nicht bei der Beratung, sondern reicht bis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung – in time, in budget und in quality. Kernkompetenz des Bad Homburger Unternehmens, das sich seit 2002 erfolgreich am Markt positioniert hat, ist die Unterstützung von Outsourcing-Projekten: mit Preis-Benchmarks, Leistungszuschnitten, bereits ausformulierten Leistungsbeschreibungen, Preismodellen und SLAs. Vorhandene Outsourcing-Verträge und Vergütungsmodelle wurden durch mehrere Evolutionszyklen stets verbessert und erfüllen die regulatorischen Anforderungen von BaFin und Bundesbank. microfin-Beratungsschwerpunkte im Überblick: - Sourcing-Beratung (Internal Sourcing und Outsourcing) - Outsourcing-Beratung (Strategie, Ausschrei- Page 89 bungen, Transitionsbegleitung, Mediation) - IT-Einkaufsoptimierung (Services, Lizenzen und Wartung) - Preis- und Qualitäts-Benchmarks - IT-Verträge und Claims Management - Outsourcing-Governance und ProviderSteuerung - Post Merger Sourcing Integration Unternehmer und Entscheider profitieren von der Erfahrung der microfin-Mitarbeiter und nutzen so Sourcing als Instrument zur Konzentration auf ihr Kerngeschäft. Mit microfin realisieren sie Wettbewerbsvorteile, denn: Wir gestalten Vorsprung. microfin Unternehmensberatung GmbH Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 59a D-61348 Bad Homburg Tel: 06172 / 177 63 0 Fax: 06172 / 177 63 200 [email protected] www.microfin.de OutCome - Public Relations & Communications in Outsourcing - We are specialized in public communication for the business- & IT-service industry. Experience, network and presence enable us to support local and global organizations to market their brands, expertise and solutions in the German speaking and European markets. Know your business and your markets. We have many years of experiences in marketing, public relations and business development as well as in the service industry. We know the market, the business mentatlity, ORGANIZATIONS the languages, local expectations and business procedures. Creative & independent perspective. Since 2010 we are managing communication and marketing activities of the German Austrian Swiss Outsourcing Association, incl. websites, broshures, social media, direct marketing, publications and content production. Leading publications. As publisher of the Outsourcing Journal we own one of the most influencial media for the service industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The Outsourcing Newsletter is a direct messaging service we maintain for the German Austrian Swiss Outsourcing Association in co-operation with the Outsourcing Journal. Contact us for free consultation and further information via: [email protected] www.outsourcing- marketing.org Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. Die weitere Entwicklung des Marktes für Outsourc i n g - Leistung-en in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zählt zu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des Deutschen Outsourcing Verbandes e.V. Unabhängig und relevant Seit 2010 ist der Verband unabhängiges Informations- und Kontakt-Netzwerk zu den Themen Business Process Outsour- cing, IT-Outsourcing und Shared Services in der DACH-Region. Der Verband unterhält darüber hinaus auch aktive Beziehungen zu den führenden Organisationen, Medien und Unternehmen an den wichtigsten Outsourcingstandorten weltweit. Leistungsstark und Kompetent Der Verband bietet seinen Partnern und Mitgliedern aktive Unterstützung bei Informationsgewinnung und -Verteilung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Networking. Dabei geht es insbesondere darum Wissensträger und Marktteilnehmer mit in die Arbeit des Verbandes einzubeziehen - durch Veröffentlichungen, Informationsangebote, Kooperationen, Präsentationsmöglichkeiten und mehr. Publikationen und Initiativen Mit dem Outsourcing Journal bietet der Verband heute das führende, unabhängige Informationsmedium zu den Themen BPO, ITO und SSC in der DACH-Region. Das Journal ist online verfügbar und erscheint in regelmässigen PDF/Print-Ausgaben. www.outsourcing-journal.org Eine weitere Initiative zur Förderung des Informations- und Wissenstransfers ist EUBIS - European Business- & IT-Services. EUBIS ist ein kostenloses Unternehmens- und Wissensverzeichnis. www.eubis.org Kontakt: Stephan Fricke, Vorstand +49 911 30844 -91570 [email protected] wwww.outsourcing-verband.org Page 90 ORGANIZATIONS Migrate2Mobile is a Full Service Mobile Agency based in Minsk, Belarus with representative offices in Weymouth, Dorset, UK and San Francisco, CA, USA. Founded by experts in IT outsourcing, the company offers a fully comprehensive mobile service portfolio including development for iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry; integration with social platforms; HTML5 expertise; the establishment of a client’s own IT Development Team in Eastern Europe. Migrate2Mobile’s mission is to assist Clients as their long-term technology partner. Contact: Michael Grebennikov E-mail: [email protected] Skype: michael.grebennikov www.migrate2mobile.com Die InterVenture GmbH ist ein Schweizer Nearshoring Unternehm e n , spezialisiert auf den Aufbau kundeneigener Entwicklerteams in Serbien. Wir bieten Zugriff auf einen grossen Pool von erfahrenen Entwicklern im Bereich von Java, .NET, LAMP, Web- und Mobile-Applikationen. Ihr eigenes Nearshore-Team - Mit dem Aufbau kundeneigener Entwicklerteams in Serbien beschreitet InterVenture einen effizienten und zukunftsweisenden Weg des Page 91 Software-Outsourcings. Gemäss Ihren Anforderungen stellen wir ein auf Sie zugeschnittenes Team von Entwicklern zusammen. Das Team integriert sich nahtlos in Ihre bestehende Projekt- und Teamorganisation und erbringt seine Leistungen gemäss Ihren fachlichen und planerischen Vorgaben. Dadurch behalten Sie die volle Kontrolle über die Arbeitsabläufe und stellen gleichzeitig einen nachhaltigen Wissensaufbau sowie eine hohe Effizienz sicher. Die All-Inclusive-Lösung - Beginnend mit der Bedarfsanalyse und der Beratung hinsichtlich der geeigneten Nearshoring-Strategie, über die Rekrutierung der geeigneten Mitarbeiter, den Teamaufbau, die Bereitstellung der gesamten Infrastruktur, bis hin zur operativen und administrativen Betreuung der Mitarbeiter bietet InterVenture die Komplett-Lösung aus einer Hand. So erhalten Sie praktisch Ihr eigenes Nearshore-Center und überlassen uns die gesamte Administration und Infrastruktur. Warum Serbien? - Serbien ist uns geografisch und kulturell sehr nahe. Es verfügt dank seiner traditionell stark verankerten Naturwissenschaften über einen grossen Pool an qualifizierten Hochschulabsolventen und bietet damit eine Top-Verfügbarkeit an IT-Fachkräften. Ein gut verflochtenes Beziehungsnetz aus qualifizierten SoftwareSpezialisten garantiert uns den Zugang zu allen gängigen Programmiersprachen und Entwicklungs-Technologien. Kontakt: Dejan Dojcinovic, Managing Partner, Telefon: +41 43 299 69 70, InterVenture GmbH, Luegislandstrasse 105, CH-8051 Zürich E-Mail: [email protected] www.inter-venture.ch ORGANIZATIONS Unternehmen und Projekt individuell erstellt. 3. Pilotprojekt durchführen Intellias bietet die Möglichkeit, die Zusammenarbeit in einem 1-2-monatigen Pilotprojekt zu testen. Wie kann man das Problem des Entwicklermagels lösen? Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, um die unverbindliche Beratung zu bekommen: Sich für einen passenden Nearshore-Partner entscheiden: Ansprechpartner: Michael Puzrakov 1. mit dem richtigen Fokus Seit 2002 ist Intellias auf deutschsprachige Märkte spezialisiert (über 95% vom Umsatz). 2. an einem günstigen Standort Lwiw ist eines der wichtigsten OutsourcingZentren in Europa, dem Mittleren Osten und Afrika (KPMG). 3. mit den besten Entwicklern Intellias wurde von der größten Entwickler-Community der Ukraine (DOU) in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren 2010 und 2011 zum beliebtesten Arbeitgeber in Lwiw gewählt. 4. in der richtigen Größe Intellias beschäftigt über 100 Mitarbeiter und bietet eine individuelle Betreuung 5. mit dem richtigen Prozessmanagement Intellias hilft den Kunden effiziente Softwareentwicklungsprozesse für Nearshore-Outsourcing aufzubauen. Wie kann man einfach und risikolos mit einem Nearshore-Partner starten? 1. Kontakt aufnehmen Intellias hat deutschsprachige Mitarbeiter, die Sie gerne zurückrufen. 2. Individuellen Plan für die Gestaltung der Outsourcingprozesse bekommen Ein Projektleiter von Intellias erstellt gerne für Sie einen Vorschlag, in dem Teamstruktur, Kommunikationsprozesse, Methodologie sowie Lieferungsansatz detailliert beschrieben werden. Dieser Vorschlag ist kostenfrei und wird für Ihr E-Mail: [email protected] Skype: mpuzrakov Web: www.intellias.com Tel:+380 677777 268 Russian Union of Innovation and Technology Centers (RUITC) was established in 1998 in the heart of the Russian microelectronics - Zelenograd city, also named “Silicon Valley of Russia” or “satellite of Moscow.” The main direction of RUITC activities - providing an integrated infrastructure supporting to Russian high-tech companies, universities, etc. Also, RUITC promotes transfer and commercialization of Russian organizations’ technologies; long-term relationships establishment with European partners in the field of scientific, technological and business cooperation and joint participation in FP7 and other international bilateral Programmes. In 2007 RUITC initiated the Gate to Russian Business Innovation Networks (Gate2RuBIN) Project, which is in March 20, 2008 was officially Page 92 approved by the European Commission to participate in the European Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP). «Gate2RuBIN» - is a large-scale project of Russian organizations participation in the largest European network of entrepreneurship support - Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). Currently, RUTC is the official center of the EEN-Russia and coordinates the activities of more than 20 Russian Regional ITCs. Due to RUITC activities was reached more than 100 international partnerships. Russian ITCs’ clients submitted more than 50 joint proposals with European companies on the international scientific and technological Calls. Contact: Dmitry Petryaev, Head of international technology cooperation development department at RUITC (Moscow, Zelenograd, Tel: +7(499)720-69-17, Email: [email protected] www.eng.unitc.ru www.gate2rubin.ru/en/ All presented companies and organizations are active on the German and European market. If you are looking for external partners in IT or business services, please get in touch with the respective contacts for more information. Page 93 IMPRINT Publisher Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Austrian Swiss Outsourcing Association r.s.), and Outsourcing Journal Editorial office Stephan Fricke [email protected] Concept, realization & design OutCome – PR & Communications in Outsourcing [email protected] www.outsourcing-marketing.org Advertisement contact [email protected] Im Auftrag des Deutschen Outsourcing Verbandes e.V. Lumumbastr 14 39126 Magdeburg [email protected] www.outsourcing-verband.org Copyright information Deutscher Outsourcing Verband, e.V. (DOV), Outsourcing Journal Copying, republishing or use of any contents is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. 2012 The Outsourcing Journal independent - informative - relevant German / English Online under: www.outsourcing-journal.org