Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Rebecca Cors, M.S. Wissenschaftliche Assistentin Institut Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaften Schwerpunkt Kompetenzzentrum Forschung, Entwicklung, Beratung +41 (0)71 243 94 80 [email protected] Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen Institut Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaften Notkerstrasse 27 CH-9000 St.Gallen Aus- und Weiterbildung 2002-2004 M.S. in Land Resources Management, University of Wisconsin–Madison Thesis: Small group and organizational learning strategies for improving agency-business cooperation. 1993-1995 B.S. in Geology, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee 1985-1989 B.A. in Journalism, Technical Communications Certificate, University of Wisconsin–Madison Berufliche Tätigkeit 9/2012-present Research Associate, University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland - Evaluate mobiLLab science education program - Investigate human perceptions of nature - Dissertator: informal science learning/ environmental science 11/2011-8/2012 Assistant Teacher, English and Bilingual Geology, Liechtenstein Gymnasium. − Develop and design lesson plans for students ages 13 to 19. − Design rubrics to grade presentations; diagnose student problems. − Lead administration of standardized testing for 3rd grade spoken English. − Editor and pedagogic advisor: UN Comenius Self-Organized Learning Project, Vorarlberg, Austria. 9/2009-9/2011 Editor & Research Assistant, Natural and Social Science Interface, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. − Lead editor of a 660-page book, “Environmental Literacy in Science and Society.” − Coached researchers’ writing of proposals, reports, and research articles. − Evaluated the Global TraPs transdisciplinary case study project through event surveys. − Advised masters degree students on research plan designs, thesis writing, and survey research. 1/2009-7/2009 EFL and Sustainability Learning Specialist, Klarlegen Consulting. − Taught English as a Second Language in the U.S., Liechtenstein and Czech Republic. − Employed surveys to evaluate sustainability education programs at Common Threads Farm. 8/2007-1/2009 Education Program Evaluator, Applied Research Northwest, Bellingham, Washington State, US. Served as the internal evaluator for Building Bridges Between Science and Math, a Washington State professional development program for teachers. − Employed surveys, interviews, and observation to collect data about teachers’ skills development. − Interpreted data, reported findings, and offered recommendations for improvements. − Coached the training team on refinement of training goals and pedagogic strategies. Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen I CV Rebecca Cors Seite 1 6/2004-7/2006 University Faculty, U.S. Peace Corps, Sichuan, China Served as faculty in the Environmental Engineering Department at a University, Sichuan Province, China. − Taught courses: Life-cycle Assessment, Human Health & Environment, Promoting Sustainable Behavior, English Writing and Listening courses, Teaching English as a Foreign Language. − Advised students: Advisor to English and Environmental Engineering Student Associations. − Trained Teachers: Delivered workshop to university teachers about classroom assessment techniques. − Led Women-in-Development team: developed workshops for cross-cultural exchange regarding gender issues. 5/2002-5/2004 Research Associate/ Learning Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, − Guided WDNR in designing trainings/ interventions to prepare staff members to collaborate with businesses. − Facilitated workshops that enabled organizational learning practitioners to advise the WDNR. 6/1999-5/2002 Brownfields Redevelopment and Outreach, Vandewalle & Associates, Madison, Wisconsin − Managed projects, wrote successful funding proposals and managed grant funding. − Co-authored reports including Opportunity Analysis and Economic Development Strategy documents. − Engaged stakeholders through public meetings, newsletters, newspaper columns, and surveys. 5/1993-4/1999 Air and Water Resources Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 5/1993-4/1999 − Trained air monitoring site operators; Revised and maintained training handbook. − Promoted public awareness of Air Program mission through public speaking and site tours. − Wrote and managed river basin planning documents; Conducted air, stream and lake monitoring. Thematische Interessen und Schwerpunkte • • • • • • Instruction and communication for Science, English language learning Science-society collaborations that promote sustainability learning Using evaluation and assessment to improve learning experiences Informal learning environments (e.g. museums, nature centers) Understanding how human perceptions of nature relate to education and actions Democracy in the classroom Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen I CV Rebecca Cors Seite 2 Publikationen und Referate Book Chapter, Thesis, Articles • Cors, R., Müller, A., Robin, N. (2015). Advancing Informal MINT Learning: Preparation and Novelty at a Mobile Laboratory. New Perspektives in Science Education, 53-58. • Cors, R., Matsubae, K., & Street, A. (in press). P is for process and parity: How MFAs, transdisciplinarity, complex adaptive systems thinking and education reform are keys to better managing phosphorus. In K. A. Wyant, J. R. Corman, and J. Elser (Eds.), Phosphorus, Food, and Our Future. Oxford Press. • Ulrich, A.E. & Cors, R. (2011). Global TraPs: An international effort to promote sustainable use of phosphorus. In: Ecoregion Perspectives. Sustainable Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Region in times of peak phosphorus and global change. Baltic 21 Series No. 4/2011.26-28. • Cors, Rebecca. 2004. “Improving U.S. State Agency Environmental Management through Organizational Learning, Action Research, and International Exchange,” Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Land Resources. Program Thesis, University of Wisconsin – Madison. • Cors, Rebecca, Sandy Courter, et al. 2003. “An International Case for Sharpening the Focus on Facilitation Skills in Undergraduate Engineering Curricula.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings. • Cors, Rebecca, Sandy Courter, et al. 2003. “Promoting Environmental Protection Through Collaborative, Learning-Based Approaches.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings. • Eagan, Patrick and Rebecca Cors. 2003. “An Organizational Change Strategy to Improve Environmental Protection.” International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment in conjunction with the IEEE Electronics and Recycling. Summit Proceedings, Boston, MA. • “Industry and Ecology, a Partnership that Works,” Wisconsin Academy Review, Madison, Wisconsin. Authored by Rebecca Cors and Pat Eagan. Winter 2003. • Cors, Rebecca and Craig Rendahl. 1994. “Detectability of Vehicle Emission Hydrocarbons: The Wisconsin Inspection/Maintenance (I/M) Analyzer and the Remote Vehicle Emissions Sensing (RVES) System.” Optical Sensing for Environmental and Process Monitoring Conference Proceedings. McLean, VA. Reports • Cors, R. (2013). MobiLLab Program Background Investigation: Directions for Program Improvement and Evaluation Research (Verschaffen eines Überblicks des mobiLLabs) (pp. 32). St. Gallen, Switzerland: University of Teacher Education (Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen). • Global TraPs event feedback and evaluation survey, ETH Zurich. Zurich, March 2011, September 2011. • Parent Satisfaction Survey, Common Threads Farm, Lummi Island, Washington. May 2009. • Observation Instrument (used to evaluate 2008 summer institute training), Building Bridges Between Science and Math, Educational Services District 189, Washington. July 2008. • Observation Findings, 2008 summer institute training, Building Bridges Between Science and Math, Educational Services District 189, Washington. July 2008. • Results of a Web-Based Teacher Survey, Building Bridges Between Science and Math, Educational Services District 189, Washington. October 2008. • Summary of Peace Corps China Experience. August 2007. • “We’re testing a new method to measure emissions,” Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. I produced this fact sheet to inform the public about research my team was conducting to test and Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen I CV Rebecca Cors Seite 3 evaluate Remote Vehicle Emissions Sensing equipment (infrared remote sensing technology for on-road measurement of vehicle emissions). 1996. Lectures and Workshops Delivered • Cors, R. (2014, September). Preparation and learning at a mobile laboratory - Pilot study results. Paper presented at the GDCP-Jahrestagung, Bremen, Germany. • “Engaging under-represented groups in Global TraPs,” a transdisciplinary research effort led by ETH Zurich and the International Fertilizer Development Center. Zurich, Switzerland. August 2011. • “Academic writing in English for non-native speakers,” An Appreciative Inquiry workshop for the Natural Social Science Interface group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. March 2011. • „Warum schützen meine Nachbarn die Umwelt nicht?“ (Why don’t my neighbors live sustainably?), facilitated discussion about behavior change campaigns, Liechtenstein Verein Welt und Heimat, March 2010. • “Focus Group Research Methods,” Sociology Department, Western Washington University Sociology Department, Bellingham, Washington. Fall 2008, Winter 2009. • “Encouraging Pro-Environmental Behaviors and Lifestyles,” Society for Human Ecology International Conference: Community Based Social Marketing (Session Coordinator), Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USA. September 2008. • “China and Global Population Issues,” Sociology Department, Western Washington University Sociology Department, Bellingham, Washington. Spring 2008. • “Peace Corps Service in China,” Fairhaven College, Bellingham, Washington, USA. Fall 2007. • “The Great Turning,” Facilitated a public meeting discussion of this book by David Korten for the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, Green Sanctuary Program, Washington. Fall 2007. • “Effective Technical Presentations,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Engineering, Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems course. Spring 2003, Spring 2004. • “A Conversation about Organizational Learning,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Fall 2003. • “Appreciative Inquiry: Building on Success Stories.” Facilitated an Appreciative Inquiry Session with Mary Buchel, for the American Society for Training and Development Exposition, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2003. Pädagogische Hochschule St.Gallen I CV Rebecca Cors Seite 4