Safety Data Sheet
Safety Data Sheet
EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 1/11 Safety Data Sheet SECTION 1 Identification of the substance/mixture and the of company/undertaking 1.1. Identification of the product Code: Product Name FR030 ® MONOART GHIACCIO SPRAY ICE SPRAY KÄLTESPRAY 1.2. Intended and unintended use of the substance or mixture Description/Use Dental prosthesis production aid 1.3. Information on the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet Company Name: Address City and Country EURONDA S.P.A. Via dell' Artigianato 7 Montecchio Precalcino (VI) 36030 tel. 0039 0445329811 email of the person in charge of the safety data sheet Product Marketing Manager: [email protected] EURONDA S.P.A 1.4. Emergency telephone number For urgent information please contact Poison Centres: 0039 0266101029 Ospedale Niguarda Ca’ Granda SECTION 2 Hazards Identification. 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture. The product is classified as hazardous under Council Directive 1999/45 and Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) (as amended). The product therefore requires a safety data sheet according to Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 as amended. Any additional information concerning risks for human health and/or the environment is included in sections 11 and 12 of this safety sheet. 2.1.1. Directive (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) as amended. Hazard classification and statements: Flammable Aerosol 1 H222 2.1.2. Directives 67/547/EEC and 1999/45/EC as amended. Hazard symbols: F+ R Phrases: 12 The complete text of the risk phrases (R) and hazard statements (H) are provided in section 16 of the sheet. EURONDA S.P.A. Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 ICE SPRAY Page No. 2/11 2.2. Label elements. Hazard labelling under Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 (CLP) as amended. Hazard symbols: Warnings: Hazard statements: H222 Hazard Highly flammable aerosol. Precautionary recommendations: No precautionary recommendations are applicable as they are redundant with the mandatory precautionary statements required by Directive (EC) 75/324. (see section 15.1) 2.3. Other hazards. Although the product does not contain irritant or corrosive substances, it can cause cold burns on the skin if sprayed from a short distance. SECTION 3 Composition/information on the ingredients 3.2. Mixtures. It contains: Identification. Conc.%. Classification under Directive 67/548/EEC. Classification under Directive 1272/2008 (CLP). 58 F+ R12, Note U Flammable Gas 1 H220, Note U 39 F+ R12, Note C U Flammable Gas 1 H220, Note C U 3 F R11 Flammable Liquid 2 H225 PROPANE CAS. 74-98-6 EC. 200-827-9 INDEX. 601-003-00-5 BUTANE CAS. 106-97-8 EC. 203-448-7 INDEX. 601-004-00-0 ETHANOL CAS. 64-17-5 EC. 200-578-6 INDEX. 603-002-00-5 The complete text of the risk phrases (R) and hazard statements (H) is provided in section 16 of the sheet. ( T+ = Highly Toxic(T+), T = Toxic(T), Xn = Harmful(Xn), C = Corrosive(C), Xi = Irritant(Xi), O = Comburent(O), E = Explosive(E), F+ = Extremely flammable(F+), F = Highly flammable(F), N = Hazardous for the Environment(N) ) EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 3/11 SECTION 4 First Aid Measures. 4.1. Description of first aid measures. The following general measures shall be adopted as necessary: INHALATION: Accompany the patient to an area with fresh air. Give artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Consult a doctor immediately. INGESTION: The product is not specifically hazardous, but the temperature in the zone exposed to sprayed gas could drop quite considerably generating cold burn risks. Seek medical advice immediately. Never give anything by mouth if the patient is unconscious. SKIN CONTACT: The product is not specifically hazardous, but the temperature in the zone exposed to sprayed gas could drop quite considerably generating cold burn risks. In cases of exposure it is recommended to irrigate the skin with warm water for 10 minutes. In case of irritation or burns, seek medical advice. EYE CONTACT: the product is not specifically hazardous, but the temperature in the zone exposed to sprayed gas could drop quite considerably generating cold burn risks. Irrigate copiously under warm running water holding the lids apart. Seek medical advice if irritation or sight problems persist. 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed. No episodes of damage to health have been attributed to the products. 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed. Information unavailable. SECTION 5 Fire-fighting measures. 5.1. Extinguishing media. SUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Traditional extinguishing media should be used: carbon dioxide, misted water/foam and powder if solid/liquid materials are involved in the fire. UNSUITABLE EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Water jets 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture. HAZARDS DUE TO EXPOSURE IN FIRE BREAKOUTS If the aerosol containers overheat, they can deform, explode and be hurled at a considerable distance. Wear protection helmets before approaching the fire. Do not inhale combustion fumes. 5.3. Special recommendations for fire-fighters. GENERAL INFORMATION Spray the containers with water to cool them down and prevent decomposition of the product or the development of substances which are a potential health hazard. Always wear complete fire protection equipment. EQUIPMENT Standard fire-fighting attire, self-contained open circuit compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (EN 317) flameproof overalls (EN 469) flameproof gloves (EN 659) and fire-fighter boots (HO A29 or A 30) SECTION 6 Accidental release measures. 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures. For those who do not intervene directly: evacuate the incident zone immediately and wait for the emergency squad to cordon off the release area. For those who intervene directly: eliminate all sources of heat and ignition (cigarettes, flames, sparks etc.) from the accidental release area. Wear the protective equipment listed in section 8.2 of this document before commencing any form of intervention. Ventilate the incident area until the air is clean. Revision No. 2.0 EURONDA S.P.A. Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 ICE SPRAY Page No. 4/11 For those who do not intervene directly: evacuate the incident zone immediately and wait for the emergency squad to cordon off the release area. For those who intervene directly: eliminate all sources of heat and ignition (cigarettes, flames, sparks etc.) from the accidental release area. Wear the protective equipment listed in section 8.2 of this document before commencing any form of intervention. Ventilate the incident area until the air is clean. 6.2. Environmental precautions. Prevent dispersion into the environment. 6.3. Methods and materials for containment and collection. Ventilate the area of accidental release. Disposal of the contaminated material must be performed in accordance with the provisions under section 13. 6.4. Reference to other sections. Any information concerning personal protective equipment and disposal procedures are illustrated in sections 8 and 13. SECTION 7 Handling and storage. 7.1. Precautions for safe handling. Avoid any electrostatic charge accumulation. Do not spray on flames or incandescent objects. Vapours can explode and ignite. It is therefore necessary to prevent any accumulation by opening doors and windows to create a draught. Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst using the products. Do not inhale the aerosols. 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities. Store in well ventilated place, away from direct sunlight at temperatures below 50°C and away from sources of ignition. 7.3. Particular end use Information unavailable. SECTION 8 Exposure control/personal protection 8.1. Control parameters. Reference Standards: Italy OEL EU TLV-ACGIH Legislative Decree No. 81 of April 9, 2008 Dir. 91/332/EC; Dir. 96/94/EC; Dir. 2000/39/EC; Dir. 2004/37/EC; Dir. 2006/15/EC; Dir. 2009/161/EC ACGIH 2012 PROPANE Threshold limit value. Type Form TWA/8h mg/m3 TLV-ACGIH STEL/15min ppm 1000 mg/m3 ppm Revision No. 2.0 EURONDA S.P.A. Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 ICE SPRAY Page No. 5/11 BUTANE Threshold limit value. Type Form TLV CH TWA/8h STEL/15min mg/m3 ppm 1900 800 TLV-ACGIH mg/m3 ppm 1000 ETHANOL Threshold limit value. Type Form TWA/8h mg/m3 STEL/15min ppm TLV-ACGIH mg/m3 ppm 1884 1000 Key: (C) = CEILING ; INALAB = Inhalable fraction ; RESPIR = Breathable fraction ; TORAC = Toracic Fraction. VND = hazard identified but no DNEL/PNEC available ; NEE = no exposure envisaged ; NHI = no hazard identified. 8.2. Exposure controls. Given that the use of suitable technical measures should always have priority over personal protective equipment, the workplace should always be well ventilated with an effective air exchange system. All personal protective equipment must meet the requirements of the regulatory standards indicated below. HAND PROTECTION Not specifically necessary due to the type of use. However, if there is a risk of cold burns caused by contact with the sprayed product, use the special category lll diathermal gloves (ref. Standard EN 511). EYE PROTECTION It is recommended to wear airtight protective goggles (ref. Standard EN 166) SKIN PROTECTION Not specifically necessary due to the type of use. However, if there is a risk of cold burns caused by contact with the sprayed product, use long-sleeved work overalls. Where foreseen by the Risk assessment at the workplace, wear work overalls for protection against category lll cryogenic risks (EN 511 420 - 388) and category lll professional safety boots (ref. Directive 89/686/EEC and Standard EN 344). Wash with soap and water after removing all protective clothing. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION If the limit values (were available) are exceeded by one or more of the substances present in the product, referring to daily exposure at the work place or a fraction established by the protection and prevention service, wear a category Ill type A semi-facial filter (ref. standards EN 141/EN 143). The use of respiratory protection equipment, such as masks as indicated above, is necessary if there are no technical means used to limit occupational exposure. The protection provided by masks is rather limited. If the substance in question is odourless or its odour detection threshold is above the relative exposure limits and in all emergency situations, or when the exposure levels are unknown or the concentration of oxygen in the work environment is below 17% in volume, always wear self-contained open circuit compressed-air-operated breathing apparatus (ref. standard EN 137) or external air breathing apparatus for use with full-face masks, half-face masks or a mouthpiece (ref. standard EN 138). EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 6/11 SECTION 9 Physical and chemical properties. 9.1. Main information on physical and chemical properties. Physical Form: aerosol Colour Not available. Odour characteristic Odour detection threshold. Not available. pH. (Not applicable (given it is an aerosol). Melting point or freezing point. Not available. Initial boiling point. -161°C (registration dossier available on the ECHA site) Boiling point range. Not available. Flash point. -97°C. Evaporation rate Not available. Flammability of solids and gas Not available. Lower flammability limit. 1.5% (V/V). Upper flammability limit. 10.9% (V/V). Lower explosive limit. Not available. Upper explosive limit. Not available. Vapour pressure. Not available. Vapour density. Not available. Relative density. Not available. Solubility Slightly soluble in water. N-octanol/water partition coefficient: Not available. Auto igniting temperature. 365°C. Decomposition temperature. Not available. Viscosity Not available. Explosive properties Not available. Oxidising properties Not applicable (no chemical groups associated to oxidising properties present in the Molecule. See Annex I reg. 1272/2008 section 9.2. Further information. VOC (Directive 1999/13/EC) VOC (volatile carbon): 100.00% 81.12% SECTION 10 Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity. The product is mainly composed of gaseous hydrocarbons. They have exothermic and violent reactions in the presence of a comburent and an igniter. 10.2. Chemical stability. The product is stable under normal handling and storage conditions. EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 7/11 10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions. No hazardous reactions are contemplated under normal handling and storage conditions. 10.4. Conditions to avoid. Avoid overheating and physical shaking of the product container as it is pressurised. 10.5. Materials to avoid. Strong reducers and oxidising agents, strong acids and base agents, high temperature materials that can compromise the integrity of the aerosol container and allow the flammable content to escape. 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products. Combustion of the product mainly releases carbon dioxide and water, but in incorrect combustion conditions, it can also release toxic pyrolysis products and carbon monoxide. SECTION 11 Toxicological information. 11.1. Information on toxicological effects. There is no toxicological information available on the product itself. However, the toxicological information on the individual components can be found below. PROPANE CL50 (Inhalation). 1237 mg/l/2h (species: mouse) BUTANE CL50 (Inhalation). 1237 mg/l/2h (species: mouse) Source: Aviado DM, Zakheri S and Watanabe T, Non-Fluorinated Propellants and Solvents for Aerosols, chapter 6 pp 61-72. CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 1977 ETHANOL DL50 (Oral). 1501 mg/kg (species: rat) CL50 (Inhalation). 5,9 mg/l/6h (species: rat) SECTION 12 Ecological Information Apply standard practices for good workmanship when using the product, preventing its dispersal into the environment. There is no toxicological information available on the product itself. However, the toxicological information on the individual components can be found below. 12.1. Toxicity. Information unavailable. 12.2. Persistence and biodegradability. Information unavailable. 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential. Information unavailable. EURONDA S.P.A. Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 ICE SPRAY Page No. 8/11 12.4. Mobility in soil. Information unavailable. 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment. Based on the data available, the product does not contain PBT or vPvB substances in percentages over 0.1%. 12.6. Other adverse effects. Information unavailable. SECTION 13 Disposal considerations 13.1. Waste treatment methods. Reuse where possible. Residual products are classified as hazardous special waste. The hazardous level of the waste that this product contains must be assessed according to applicable regulations in force. Authorised waste management enterprises shall be appointed to dispose of waste, in accordance with all national and local regulations in force. Waste transportation may be subject to ADR requirements. CONTAMINATED PACKAGING Contaminated packaging must be sent for recovery or disposal in accordance with national waste management regulations. SECTION 14 Transport Information. Transport is to be provided by vehicle authorised to transport hazardous waste in accordance with the requirements of the ADR in force and the national provisions in force. Products shall be transported in their original packaging and, in any case, in packaging consisting of materials that are resistant to the contents and will not generate hazardous reactions with the same. Operators assigned to loading and unloading hazardous goods must receive suitable training on the risks of the specific substance or mixture and any special procedures to be implemented during emergency situations. Road or rail transport: ADR/RID Classification: 2 Packing Group: - Label: 2.1 Kemler No.: -- Limited Quantity. 1L Restriction code in tunnels. (D) Technical name: AEROSOL UN: 1950 UN: 1950 Sea transport: IMO Classification: 2.1 Packing Group: - Label: 2.1 EMS: F-D, S-U Marine Pollutant. NO Proper Shipping Name: AEROSOLS EURONDA S.P.A. Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 ICE SPRAY Page No. 9/11 Air transport: IATA: 2 UN: 1950 Packing Group: - Label: 2.1 203 Maximum quantity: 150 Kg Packing Instructions: 203 Maximum quantity: 75 Kg Specific instructions: A145, A167, A802 Proper Shipping Name: AEROSOLS, FLAMMABLE Cargo: Packing Instructions: Pass.: SECTION 15 Regulatory information. 15.1. Safety, health and environmental standards and regulations specific for the substance or mixture. Hazard level for waters Class 1 (D) (Self-classification): slightly hazardous Seveso category. 8 Restriction applicable to the product or substances contained in accordance with Annex XVIII to EC regulation 1907/2006. Point 40 (substances that comply with the flammability requirements of Directive 67/548/EEC and are classified as flammable substances, highly flammable or extremely flammable, even if not listed in part 3 of Annex VI to Regulation (EC) no. 1272/2008. Directive (EC) no. 75/324 (aerosols) Mandatory warning label phrases: Pressurized container. Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from heat / sparks / open flames / hot surfaces. No smoking. Substances in the Candidate List (Art. 59 REACH). None. Substances subject to authorisation (Annex XIV REACH). None. Substances subject to export notification obligations Regulation (EC) 689/2008: None. Substances subject to the Rotterdam Convention: None. Substances subject to the Stockholm Convention: EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 10/11 None. Health Checks Information unavailable. Italian Leg. Decree 152/2006 as amended. Emissions: TAB. D Class 5 42.00% 15.2. Chemical safety assessment. No chemical safety assessment was performed on the mixture and substances contained in the product. SECTION 16 Further information. Text for (H) Hazard statements cited in sections 2-3 on the sheet: Flammable. Gas 1 Flammable gas, category 1 Flammable. Aerosol 1 Flammable aerosol, category 1 Flammable. Liquid 2 Flammable liquid, category 2 H220 Extremely flammable gas. H222 Extremely flammable aerosol. H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Text for (R) risk phrases cited in sections 2-3 on the sheet: R11 HIGHLY FLAMMABLE. R12 EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE. NOTE C: In this case, the supplier must indicate on the label if the substance is a specific isomer or a mixture of isomers. Some organic substances can be marketed as specific isomer or as a mixture of several isomers. NOTE U At the time this product is marketed, the gases are classified as "Pressurised Gases" in one of the pertinent groups of compressed gas, liquefied gas, refrigerated liquefied gas or dissolved gas. The group depends on the physical state in which the gas is packed and is therefore assigned case by case. KEY: - ADR: European agreement concerning the carriage of hazardous goods by road - CAS NUMBER: Chemical Abstract Service Number - CE50: Concentration that has an effect on 50% of the tested population - CE NUMBER: ESIS identification number (European Chemical Substances Information System) - CLP: Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 - DNEL: Derived No Effect Level - EmS: Emergency Schedule - GHS: Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals - IATA DGR: International Air Transport Association Dangerous Goods Regulations - IC50: Concentration of immobilisation that has an effect on 50% of the tested population - IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code - IMO: International Maritime Organization - INDEX NUMBER: Identification number in Annex VI to the CLP - LC50: Lethal concentration 50% - LD50: Lethal dose 50% EURONDA S.P.A. ICE SPRAY Revision No. 2.0 Revision date 28/05/2013 Printed on 28/05/2013 Page No. 11/11 - OEL: Occupational Exposure Level - PBT: Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic according to REACH - PEC: Predicted environmental concentration - PEL: Predicted exposure level - PNEC: Predicted no-effect concentration - REACH: Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 - RID: International carriage of dangerous goods by rail - TLV: Threshold limit value - TLV CEILING: Concentration that must not be exceeded during any part of the working exposure. - TWA STEL: Short term exposure limit - TWA: Time weighed average exposure limit - VOC: Volatile organic compounds - vPvB: Very persistent and very bioaccumulative according to the criteria set out by Reach. GENERAL REFERENCE INFORMATION: 1. Directive (EC) 1999/45/EC as amended 2. Directive (EC) 67/548/EEC as amended 3. European Parliament Directive 1907/2006 (REACH) 4. European Parliament Directive 1272/2008 (CLP) 5. European Parliament Directive 790/2009 (l Atp. CLP) 6. European Parliament Directive 453/2010 7. European Parliament Directive 286/2011 (lI Atp. CLP) 8. The Merck Index. Ed. 10 9. Handling Chemical Safety 10. Niosh - Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances 11. INRS - Fiche Toxicologique 12. Patty - Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology 13. N.I. Sax - Dangerous properties of Industrial Materials-7 Ed., 1989 14. ECHA Agency Website Note for users: The information provided in this Safety Sheet is based on our knowledge at the time the most recent revision was drafted. The user is required to ensure that the information is complete and appropriate according to the specific use he makes of the product. This document shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features. As we are unable to control how the product is actually used, the user is obliged to and responsible for complying with all health and safety laws and regulations in force. All liability and responsibility is disclaimed concerning misuse of the substances. Appropriate training shall be provided to all workers using chemical products. SECTIONS AMENDED COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS EDITION: ALL SECTIONS