Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java
Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java
Heilbronn, 23.05.05 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 1 von 8 Differences between C# and Java in terms, keywords and syntax Stand: 23. Mai 2005 Literature: • Deitel et al.: C# how to program, Prentice Hall, 2002. • Hanisch, A.: GoTo C# (in German). Addison-Wesley, 2002. (€ 40) • Mössenböck, H.: Softwareentwicklung mit C# (in German). dpunkt.verlag, 2003 (€ 29) Ch. Ch. Java Java sources (.java) 1 Ch. 2 compile C# C# sources (.cs) (or other language) "javac" compile "csc" Java Bytecode (.class) MS Intermediate Language (MSIL) + Java foundation class library (JFC) + Framework class library (FCL) [ optionally: compress to .jar ] link into => executable file (.exe) Java Virtual Machine Common Language Runtime (CLR) processor processor Visual Studio .NET Overview, ch. 2.2, p. 34 - (classpath with several entries) - "solution" = group of projects ("Projektmappe") - project pane in JBuilder, on left - "Solution explorer"= tree view of solutions, projects, and files on right side - component palette in JBuilder ASimpleProject ch. 2.6 p. 44, Form1.cs - JLabel, define an ImageIcon in - "Toolbox" = palettes of controls for GUI constructor - Images go in "picture box control": PNG, GIF, - Ch. 3 JPEG, BMP or ICO formats JBuilder: [Design] tab: construct forms visually - [design] mode: construct forms visually [Source] tab: view Java source - [run] mode: build, then execute Program Case Sensitive! Case Sensitive! Ch 3.2, Welcome1, Fig. 3.1,p. 60 convention: class names in upper case, class names and methods start with upper case, fields and methods in lower case fields in lower case | Create Console App, p. 65 namespace (as in ANSI/ISO C++) package package xyz; // at beginning of file import : import classes fr. other package System.out : output channel to console namespace xyz { ... } using (as for namespaces in C++) System.Console print, println Write, WriteLine static void main(String[] args) static void Main(string[] args) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 2 static main()in any class file just one Main() allowed in any project comments for javadoc: documentation comments: /** Description... /// <summary> */ /// Description... /// </summary> MSDN Doc (Help | Index in MS Visual Studio .NET) JDK API documentation set classpath env. var. to include libraries 1. add reference to library to project; use import statement 2. use using statement reading input string from console: reading input string from console: new BufferedReader prog. Addition, ch. 3.3, fig. 3.11, p. 72 (new InputStreamReader(System.in)) System.Console.ReadLine() .readLine() Ch. 4, 5 converting to number: converting to number: Integer.parseInt(String s) Int32.Parse(String s) C# keywords on Deitel p. 98 f. Control structures as in C, C++ Control structures as in C, C++, Java post-/prefix operators a--, ++i as in C++, Java JBuilder X code editor does that, too MS Visual Editor structures code in segments, can open and collapse them (as in tree view) Ch. 6 Math class static methods, Math class static methods: see list Java1.5: import static java.lang.Math.*; double click on GUI control à ch.6.5, fig. 6.3 add listener with actionPerformed(…) to empty handler method is created and added component (JBuilder) e.g. calculateButton_Click JDK API classes and interfaces 6.7 Predefined namespaces, classes primitive data types 6.8 'value type' data, including 16 bit and 8 bit list call by value for primitive variables, 6.9 explicit call by reference call by reference for objects only cbref.: for 'ref', 'out' parameters of value type see list ('out' need not be initialized before) fig. 6.8, p.198 Ch. 7 Enumeration types, constants (Java 1.5): Enumeration types, constants: ch. 6.11, fig. 6.12 enum Color { BLUE, // = 0 RED, // = 1 GREEN = 3} if (c == Color.RED) … enum Color { BLUE, // = 0 RED, // = 1 GREEN = 3} if (c == Color.RED) … Method overloading (different signatures) as in Java float[] myArray = new float[12]; as in Java Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 3 myArray[6] = 66.6; // write ch. 7.4, fig. 7.3, p. 240f. float f = myArray[2]; // read int[] x = {32, 27, 90}; // initialize as in Java // two-dim. array: // two-dim. array: float[][] matrix = new float[3][12]; float[,] matrix = for (float nbr : myArray) {...}//J1.5 foreach (float nbr in myArray) {...}fig7.16 myArray.length; // no. poss. elements // ch. 7.10, fig 7.13 new float[3, 12]; myArray.Length; // no. of possible elements Arrays are passed by reference (as pointers) Ch. 8 from C, C++, [Java]: ch8.7,f.8.6:(expression) ? trueVal:falseVal printf("the %s is %d2", str, nr) String.Format("the {0} is {1:D2}", str, nr) this in method: handle to present object public/protected/private/[in package] as in Java public/protected/private/ internal = in same assembly (see ch. 9.3) class XYZ { // initialize field as in Java (unlike C++) int firstAtt = 45; } bean properties: setter and getter methods ch. 8.7; properties: set and get accessor class OurBean { private int myProp; public void setMyProp(int val) { myProp = val; } int getMyProp() { return myProp; } } class OurClass { ch8.7,fig. 8.6, p.298f. private int myProp; public int MyProp { set { myProp = value; } // 'value' is get { return myProp; } // a keyword! } OurBean myBean = new OurBean(); myBean.setMyProp(6); int x = myBean.getMyProp(); OurClass myObj = new OurClass(); myObj.MyProp = 6; // property set int x = myObj.MyProp; // property get Garbage collection (automatic) ch 8.10: as in Java myObj.finalize() // finalize() method ~OurClass() is called on removal of object as in Java static memb. variables: one val per class final member variables: value invariable ch. 8.11: as in Java ch. 8.12: const member variables: are static, initialize in declaration statement readonly member variables: initialize in declaration statement or in any constructor ch. 8.12, fig. 8.15, p. 318f. ch 8.13: "Indexer property" fig. 8.16, p. 320 ff. import java.util.HashMap; //Java1.5 class Whole { private HashMap<String, Part> parts = new HashMap<String, Part>(); public void addPart(String partId, Part newPart) { parts.put(partId, newPart); } public Part getPart(String partId) { // Destructor = Finalizer class Whole { private Part[] parts = new Part[MAX_PARTS]; private string[] allIds = {"id1", "id2" }; public Part this[string partId] { get { int i = 0; while(i < allIds.Length && partId != allIds[i]) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 4 return parts.get(partId); } } UML: qualified association Whole partId Part } set { int i = 0; while(i< allIds.Length && partId != allIds[i]) i++; // linear search if (i != allIds.Length) // found! parts[i] = value; // keyword } ------------------------------------Whole myWhole = new Whole(); Part aPart = new Part(); myWhole.addPart("id2", aPart); Part thePart =myWhole.getPart("id2"); } ------------------------------------Whole myWhole = new Whole(); Part aPart = new Part(); myWhole["id2"] = aPart; //"id2" must exist! Part thePart = myWhole["id2"]; Packages ch 8.16: Namespaces package de.fhheilbronn.se.timelib; public class Time3 { ... } one (public) class per file Building .jar archives from .class files: jar cf lib.jar Foo.class Bar.class class browser in JBuilder, Eclipse JDK API documentation Ch. 9 i++; // linear search if (i == allIds.Length) return null; else return parts[i]; namespace TimeLib { // in UML: package public class Time3 { ... } // more classes in namespace } // end of namespace New Project | Class Library // UML: component creates a DLL, one type of "assembly". Only public classes are accessible from outside. ch 8.17: Visual Studio Class View: tree view with nodes for project, class, "instance variables", methods, Bases and Interfaces. Object browser (right click on any built-in class) list all classes from FCL with prop's & methods Every class inherits from 'Object' non-defaultInheritance: Every class inherits from 'Object' ch 9.4, fig. 9.10: Inheritance: ':' (colon) as in C++ class SubClass extends SuperClass class ChildClass: BaseClass Point3 Prohibit overriding of method: fig. 9.10: Allow overriding of method: public final String myMethod(); public virtual double Area(); x : int y : int calling superclass method: fig. 9.13: calling base class method: super.toString(); base.ToString(); Circle4 Override: fig. 9.13: Override base class method: public String toString(); public override string ToString(); radius : float y : int Default constructor is called implicitly As in Java ch. 9.6, fig. 9.18: Use non-default constructor of superclass: Use non-default constructor of base class public ChildClass(int x, float f) { super(x, f); // must be first stmt ... // more constructor code public ChildClass (int x, int y, float f) : base (x, f) { ... // more constructor code Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 5 Constructor of subclass may call Constructor of derived class calls constructor of constructor of superclass in first statement base class first fig. 9.17..9.19 Finalizer calling finalizer of superclass: super.finalize() ?? Destructor of derived class calls destructor of base class last Explicit start of garbage collection: System.GC.Collect(); Ch. 10 Polymorphism: ch. 10.2, fig. 10.1 .. 10.3 Shape subclass object can fill superclass handle class Circle: Point { … }; Area = 0 Vol = 0 anytime (implicit upcast) Point p = new Circle (); superclass object can fill subclass handle only if it is an instance of the subclass Point (explicit downcast) : Area Vol if (p instanceof Circle) …println((Circle)p).toString(); if (p is Circle) WriteLine((Circle)p).ToString(); Abstract class: cannot be instantiated ch. 10.5..6, fig. 10.4: abstract class Shape Abstract method: has no body, as in Java. Abstract property: no body. fig.10.4..8 allowed only in abstract class or interface as in Java. (virtual method/property: see ch. 9 !) final class: not to be used as superclass ch. 10.7: sealed class: do not use as base class final method: not to be overridden sealed method: not to be overridden static and private methods implicitly sealed "Interface" = like an abstract class with [ch. 10.9]: "Interface" = like an abstract class with abstract methods and final attributes only abstract methods and abstract properties only interface Employee { // method signatures; final atts. int calculateSalary(); final int maxSalary = 1000000; } public interface IEmployee { // method and property signatures int CalculateSalary(); int MaxSalary { get; } // read only } class Worker implements Employee class Worker : IEmployee A contract with the compiler: "this class will define all the methods and properties specified by the interface" Multiple inheritance: • • extend one superclass, implement several interfaces class Amphibean extends Car implements IBoat Worker IEmployee Multiple inheritance: • • derive from one base class, implement several interfaces (with ',') class Amphibean : Car, IBoat, ISubmarine Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 6 Ch "Delegates": for passing methods as arguments 10.6 Delegate = class that encapsulates reference(s) to method(s) (see 'command' design pattern) Receiver of a delegate can call the method contained in the delegate. Delegate with one method: derive from base class System.Delegate Delegate with several methods: derive from base class System.MulticastDelegate. Step 1. Declare delegate with method signature public delegate bool Comparator(int element1, int element2) Methods compatible to Comparator must have identical parameters & return type Step 2: Implement one or several methods compatible to delegate method, e.g. private bool SortAscending( int element1, int element2 ) { return element1 > element2; } private bool SortDescending( int element1, int element2 ) { return element1 < element2; } Step 3: Declare Method with delegate method in its arguments that calls the delegate method public static void SortArray( int[] array, Comparator Compare ) { ... if Compare(int1, int2) ... } Step 4: Call this Method passing a delegate instance as an argument SortArray( elementArray, new Comparator(SortAscending) ); Example: fig. 10.24 - 10.25 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 7 Ch. Operator Overloading: (as in C++) 10.11 possible in user defined classes for many unary and binary operators Example: Complex numbers, overloading +, -, * operators Fig. 10.26 - 10.27 // a = 5+7i, b = 1-8i; compact notation for subtraction wanted: ComplexNumber c = a – b; // (5+1) + (7-8)I = -2 + 15i, need operator- Operator Overloads must be public static , take matching number of parameters. Note: Overloading binary operator+ also overloads unary operator += ! (Own experience) "C# lässt zu, dass benutzerdefinierte Typen durch Definition statischer Memberfunktionen und Verwendung des operator-Schlüsselworts Operatoren überladen. Es können jedoch nicht alle Operatoren überladen werden, und bei anderen bestehen Einschränkungen, wie in der folgenden Tabelle aufgelistet ist: Operatoren Überladbarkeit +, -, !, ~, ++, --, true, false Diese unären Operatoren können überladen werden. +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >> Diese binären Operatoren können überladen werden. ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= Die Vergleichsoperatoren können überladen werden (siehe aber unten stehenden Hi nweis). Hinweis Wenn Vergleichoperatoren überladen werden, dann müssen sie paarweise überladen werden, was Folgendes bedeutet: Wird == überladen, dann muss auch != überladen werden. Das Umgekehrte trifft ebenfalls zu, und Ähnliches gilt für < und > und für <= und >=. " (Quelle: Hilfe in MS Visual Studio .NET zu Operator Overloading) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected] Heilbronn, 23.05.2005 Unterschiede zwischen C# und Java.doc Seite 8 Ch. 11 Exception Handling (mostly as in Java) ch. 11.3, fig. 11.1 try { // normal processing that may cause an exception } catch (XxxException e) { // error handling, may use // e.ToString(), e.Message, e.StackTrace, // e.InnerException (original exception before rethrow in catch clause) } [ finally { // cleaning up in any case, release resources } ] Throwing an exception: if (...) throw new XxxException("Exception message") ch. 11.5, fig. 11.2 Note: unlike Java, a method throwing an uncaught exception does not have a throws XxxException clause in its signature! Ch. 11.4: A hierarchy of C# Exceptions exists, starting with Exception. Application-specific exception classes should be based on ApplicationException, need three constructors MyException(), MyException(string message), MyException(string msg, Exception inner) all of which use the constructor o f the base exception class int sum = checked (x + y) will throw OverflowException ch. 11.7, fig. 11.4 if overflow for int type occurs (> 2 31 -1) aus Folien von Mössenböck, Uni Linz (A). aus .ix Attribute [Serializable] class C {...} // macht C serialisierbar [Conditional]-Attribut : Neue Gestalt der C-Makros und –Switches #define debug // Präprozessor-Anweisung class C { [Conditional("debug")] static void Assert (bool ok, string errorMsg) { if (!ok) { Console.WriteString(errorMsg); System.Environment.Exit(0); } } Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerald Permantier, Fachbereich T2, Fachhochschule Heilbronn Max-Planck-Str. 39, 74081 Heilbronn ) 07131/504- 251/265 4 07131/25 24 70 - [email protected]