Swiss Synchro Test 11


Swiss Synchro Test 11
Member of Swiss Olympic Association
Swiss Synchro Test 11
Schweizerischer Schwimmverband
Fédération Suisse de Natation
Federazione Svizzera di Nuoto
(Note zum Bestehen: 58P = ø 5.8)
300m Crawl, jede vierte Länge
(20m Becken:
300m Crawl, jeweils die erste von 4
Längen tauchen)
300m am Stück schwimmen, ohne anzuhalten oder abzustehen. Die ganze
Strecke ist zügig, rhythmisch und ohne Unterbruch zu schwimmen
Tauchstart: Am Rand untertauchen und unter Wasser abstossen!
Tauchende: Wand berühren, dann auftauchen. Brustwende (ein- oder
Ariana Rotation
Starting in a Split Position
Maintaining the relative position of the legs to the surface, the hips rotate
Gestreckte Arme, schulterbreit. Füsse ebenfalls schulterbreit. Gesäss
möglichst in der Mitte von den Händen und Füssen.
Nur Zeitnote
-> Penalty von 5 Sekunden pro unkorrekte
Ausführung von Tauchstart/Tauchende oder
< 4.30
Note 6.5
4.31 – 5.00
Note 6.0
5.01 – 5.30
Note 5.5
5.31 – 6.00
Note 5.0
Note 4.5
Gesamtnote = Durchschnitt von Spagat und
Für Spagat:
Durchschnittliche Distanz zwischen
Wasseroberfläche und hinterer Gesässmuskel.
Flat, but slight wash-over crotch = 8
Wash-over up to 10 cm = 6
Wash-over up to 20 cm= 4
Wash-over up to 30 cm = 2
>30cm = 1
Für Brücke:
Messstrecke = Distanz zwischen Fersen und
<0cm = Note 8
bis 5cm = Note 7
bis 10cm = Note 6
bis 15cm = Note 5
bis 20cm = Note 4
bis 25cm = Note 3
bis 30cm = Note 2
>30cm = Note 1
Seite 1
Version 2010
Copyright by Swiss Synchro (Kopieren für interne Zwecke ist erlaubt)
Member of Swiss Olympic Association
Swiss Synchro Test 11
435 Nova (from beginning until Bent
Knee Position)
150 Knight (from beginning until Bent
Knee Position)
Full Twist followed by a continuous
spin of 720°
355b Porpoise Full Twist
313 Kip Split Closing 180
112f Ibis Continuous Spin
Seite 2
With the head leading a Dolphin is initiated until the hips are about to
submerge. The hips, legs and feet continue to move along the surface as
the back is arched more as one knee is bent to assume a Bent Knee
Surface Arch Position. The legs are lifted to a Bent Knee Vertical Position.
A Ballet Leg is assumed. Maintaining the position of the legs, the head
moves downward as the lower back arches to a Knight Position. The body
straightens as the non-ballet leg is lifted to vertical and as the ballet leg
bends, the foot follows a vertical line through the hips, to assume a Bent
Knee Vertical Position.
A Full Twist is executed, and without a pause, is followed by a Continuous
Spin of 720° (2 rotations until the heels reach the surface and continue
through submergence).
From a Front Layout Position, a Front Pike Position is assumed. The legs
are lifted to Vertical Position. The designated Twist is executed to complete
the figure. A Vertical Descent is executed.
A Kip Split is executed to a Split Position. During a 180° rotation, the legs
are closed symmetrically to Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is
A Ballet Leg is assumed. Maintaining this position, the body is rotated
backwards around a lateral axis through the hips to assume a Crane
Position. The designated Spin is executed to complete the figure.
Version 2010
Schweizerischer Schwimmverband
Fédération Suisse de Natation
Federazione Svizzera di Nuoto
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Gemäss FINA: Kontrolle und Ausführung
Copyright by Swiss Synchro (Kopieren für interne Zwecke ist erlaubt)
Member of Swiss Olympic Association
Swiss Synchro Test 11
Routine Set
Kür ab DVD
Seite 3
 20m swim underwater
 Thrust to Vertical Position - Twirl - sink and tuck
 2 Body Boosts both arms vertical: First with a rapid half twist at maximum
height, second with no turn
 8m double arm eggbeater, arms vertical (starting 2nd length): 2m
forward, 2m right side, 2m backward, 2m left side
 Kick to side flutter, both arms horizontal, one backstroke pull and turn to
back layout position
 Straight leg lift to left leg Ballet Leg Position - right leg Bent Knee Position
- right leg Ballet Leg Position - right leg Flamingo Position - left leg
Flamingo Position - right leg Flamingo Position - Double Ballet Leg
Position - right leg Flamingo Position - Double Ballet Leg Position - Tub
Position - Tuck
 Surface with Kick Pull Kick Over (two times)
 Kick to Side Flutter - Transition into Front Layout Position and execute a
front pike pull down - left leg Crane Position - left leg Vertical Bent Knee
Position - right leg Vertical Bent Knee Position - left leg Vertical Bent Knee
Position - Twirl to Vertical Position - Vertical descent - Tuck
Kür lernen ab DVD: Test 11
Version 2010
Schweizerischer Schwimmverband
Fédération Suisse de Natation
Federazione Svizzera di Nuoto
Gemäss FINA:
-Manner of Presentation
(zackige Ausführung)
Gemäss FINA:
-Manner of Presentation
Copyright by Swiss Synchro (Kopieren für interne Zwecke ist erlaubt)