der Vater Unser Krug The “Our Father” Stein Not the Lord`s Prayer
der Vater Unser Krug The “Our Father” Stein Not the Lord`s Prayer
Page 11 der Vater Unser Krug The “Our Father” Stein Figure 1 shows a stein featuring the Lord’s Prayer. Designed by Fritz Hellmut Ehmcke in 1909 for the firm of Reinhold Merkelbach, it is commonly known as the Vater Unser Krug (the “Our Father” stein). 1 Prosit, March 2012 the 16th century known as a Schnelle. The glaze color, known as kölnischebraun, was a very popular treatment for “modern” steins in the first decade of the 20th century. And of course, the Lord’s Prayer, Vater Unser and the Pater Noster (Latin) are timeless. A correction Not the Lord’s Prayer After All In a recent installment of “Photos From the Road” (June 2011) one of the steins depicted (figure 2) was brought to a chapter meeting of the Golden Gate Zechers. Its owner, Jim Stoner, had concluded that the verse on this stein, actually a six-liter size, was the Lord’s Prayer. 2 Page 11 Doch wird’s nicht ausgeplaudert; Denn ist das Mittel erst bekannt, Dann nimmt das Saufen über hand, Es säufther nach Alt oder Jung Und uns trifft die Verantwortung. The first word in this verse plays a crucial role in understanding its meaning. The old German word Kather (and its modern counterpart, Kater) has a double meaning, translating both as “tom-cat” and “hangover”. That bit of knowledge explains why we so often see a cat depicted on beer steins, especially those which depict a drinker suffering from over-indulgence. With his head bandaged and a sorrowful howl emitting from his mouth, the Schierholz Drunken Cat (figure 3) drives home the symbolic relationship between the cat and the hangover. 3 The words on the stein read as follows: VATER UNSER, DER DU BIST IM HIMMEL GEHEILIGET WERDE DEIN NAME ZU UNS KOMME DEIN REICH, DEIN WILLE GESCHEHE, WIE IM HIMMEL, ALSO AUCH AUF ERDEN. UNSER TÄGLICH BROT GIEB UNS HEUTE. UND VERGIEB UNS UNSERE SCHULD, WIE AUCH WIR VERGEBEN UNSERN SCHULDIGERN. UND FÜHRE UNS NICHT IN VERSUCHUNG, SONDERN ERLÖSE UNS VON DEM ÜBEL. DEN DEIN IST DAS REICH UND DIE KRAFT UND DIE HERRLICHKEIT IN EWIGKEIT. AMEN Produced from the height of the Jugendstil or Art Nouveau era until very recently, this stein shows an unusual blend of modern, historical and timeless elements. The tall, tapered shape of this stein is a form used in The verse on Jim Stoner’s six-liter stein can be roughly translated as: Roy De Selms soon realized that the stein in fact shows a different verse entirely, one which is very much in keeping with the Germanic sense of the relationship between drinking and humor. The verse on the stein reads as follows: Der Kather ist ein Leid für wahr. Vordemes Jedem schaudert, Ein Mittel gibt’s dagegen zwar. The tom-cat is unpleasant for sure. Everyone shudders when facing him, on the other hand a remedy is available, which should not be a secret; for the medicine is well known, just get the upper hand of drinking, of boozing by old or young and the answer will come to us. In other words, instead of drinking from the six-liter stein, consider switching to the 1¼liter Vater Unser stein, or better yet, from the ½-liter Drunken Cat.