We make the difference


We make the difference
We make the difference
Innovative solutions for product and brand protection
A tesa company
»Our brand will only stay successful
if we keep counterfeiters and greymarket dealers at bay.«
tesa scribos® – Reliable solutions which build trust
Customers’ trust is the basis of branded products’ success. Security solutions from
tesa scribos® protect and strengthen this trust, since they make it possible to distinguish
between originals and counterfeits, prevent unauthorised access and track a product’s
path through the entire distribution chain.
Brand loyalty is a treasured commodity –
Integrated security strategies from tesa
which is why there are many copycats who
scribos® dependably protect brand loyalty
try to exploit this loyalty for their own inter-
from such attacks in the long term – with
ests. From counterfeits, theft and tampering
customer-specific concepts which are
to trade on the grey market: Trust is always
ideally adapted to the challenges of the
being abused and thus weakened.
market in question.
Brand loyalty demands that it is easy to tell originals
apart from counterfeits without any doubt.
Focus on counterfeits: Product pirates
Focus on warranty protection:
can only be overcome in the long term
Goods which should be unmistakeably
by marking the original product using a
identified as originals after years of use
method which is technologically supe-
require markings which withstand exter-
rior, but reliable and easy to check. tesa
nal forces. tesa scribos® marks original
scribos® offers effective protection from
products permanently.
Focus on tampering and theft:
Focus on grey markets: It happens all too
Unauthorised access and theft during
frequently that unprotected original prod-
storage or transport cause unnecessary
ucts stray from sales channels and reap-
losses. Intelligent seals provide security.
pear far away from the intended distribution
tesa scribos® prevents unauthorised
chain. The solution is seamless traceability.
tesa scribos makes products traceable.
tesa scribos®
• Maximum counterfeit protection – Confidence in original products
• Seamless traceability – Distribution chain monitoring
• Permanent product marking – Proof of originality for years
• Protection from unauthorised access – Tampering and theft prevention
»I expect highperformance protection
from counterfeiting.«
tesa scribos® – Security through leadership in technology
Every company has specific security requirements. tesa scribos® has a broad portfolio of
in-house developed, patent-protected security technologies and efficient security concepts
in order to be able to offer a tailor-made solution for every challenge. These worldwide unique
solutions are exclusively offered by tesa scribos®, produced in Germany and designed solely
for trademark owners.
Security products from tesa scribos® are
As a specialist for security and identification
equipped with overt and covert features
solutions with long-term experience in the
on multiple levels of authentication, all of
design, development and implementation
which have variable, item-unique contents.
of protective measures, tesa scribos® also
This enables combination with data-matrix
provides database solutions and services
codes and RFID chips as well as the
which can optimise the security marking’s
integration of serial numbers and industry-
effectiveness even further.
specific identification standards.
tesa scribos® products provide particularly
Whether as a single solution or in the scope
effective security when the entire supply
of security concepts – all security products
chain is incorporated in the security con-
boast a wide spectrum of performance
cept. Sales partners and consumers can
features which only tesa scribos has. This
then verify the item-unique product code
means that they can be used for discretely
online or using a smart phone. If this check
monitoring distribution channels just as
was successful, you will receive instruc-
effectively as for generating attention in the
tions on the additional inspections of the
scope of customer retention programmes.
counterfeiting protection features. This can
Product-specific instructions for inspecting the
safety features can be displayed on devices
such as smart phones.
greatly increase the number of inspections
in the market.
tesa scribos®
• In-house developed, patent-protected security solutions
• Individual counterfeit protection features for each item
• Safeguarding for serial numbers, matrix codes and product data
• A broad spectrum of applications in the supply chain
»We need
security concepts
which fit to us.«
tesa scribos® – Tailor-made security concepts
A security strategy’s success largely depends on how it can be applied in practice – and every
brand product has security requirements all of its own. That’s why consultation at tesa scribos®
begins with a thorough analysis of the industry, brand and distribution-specific environment and
the technical circumstances.
Individual security concepts which can be
In order to guarantee the security strate-
seamlessly integrated into operation are
gies’ success in the long term, the trade-
developed in close coordination with the
mark owner has an internationally operat-
trademark owner. This enables tesa scribos
ing team at his disposal which handles
to use its competitive edge in developing
project management, keeps the customer-
particularly innovative and reliable solutions
specific solution up to date in the long term
which can be implemented flexibly and
and provides the necessary support and
tesa scribos® also guarantees worldwide service
after implementation.
Focus on analysis: In order to pre-
Focus on project management: For
cisely define the security requirements
each project, there is a technical project
of the customer, risk and effectiveness
manager (TPM). In the implementation
analyses are conducted which take the
phase, they are in charge of following
cost-benefit dimension into account
schedules, compliance with technical
from the very beginning.
requirements and customer-specific
conditions as well as seamless inte-
Focus on strategy implementation:
gration in the production and logistics
The experienced customer advisors at
tesa scribos know how to successfully
After implementation, the TPM is re-
implement product and brand protec-
sponsible for technical functioning and
tion concepts in practice. Continuous,
the further development and adaptation
sustainable teamwork is the key to
of the solution if desired.
success in the process.
tesa scribos®
• Comprehensive support: Analysis, design, implementation
• Flexible development of customer-specific security solutions
• Efficient technical project management
• Worldwide infrastructure, complete availability, prompt reaction
tesa scribos, tesa SE and Beiersdorf AG –
Brand protection and brand management under one roof
As a brand and product protections specialist, tesa scribos benefits from decades
of experience of one of the most successful trademark owners in the world:
Beiersdorf AG (NIVEA®, Eucerin®), parent company of tesa SE (tesa®).
tesa SE is a leading global supplier
security and identification, with focuses
We will be glad to send you further
of adhesive tape and label solutions
on counterfeit protection, product track-
information on our solutions and tech-
with subsidiaries in over 50 countries
ing, document protection and anti-
nologies upon request!
and extensive, certified experience in
tampering devices. As a tesa sub-
manufacturing and marketing security
sidiary, tesa scribos has a worldwide
identification systems.
distribution network and has 75 years
tesa scribos GmbH is subsidiary of
of experience in the field of sophisti-
tesa SE and has become synony-
cated adhesive solutions for industrial
mous with expertise in the fields of
tesa scribos GmbH and tesa SE are certified in
accordance with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001.
tesa scribos
tesa scribos GmbH
tesa UK Ltd.
Quickbornstraße 24, D-20253 Hamburg
Yeomans Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK14 5LS
Phone: +49 (0)40 4909 6330, Fax: +49 (0)40 4909 2670
Phone: +44 (0)1908 500311, Fax: +44 (0)1908 211555
E-Mail: [email protected], www.tesa-scribos.com
E-Mail: [email protected], www.tesa-scribos.com
A tesa company
12. 2011
tesa SE