Uitnodiging - Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in
Uitnodiging - Ambassade van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in
Uitnodiging D-NL Bedrijvenmatchmaking ENERGIETECHNOLOGIE Global Challenges - Smart Solutions Dinsdag, 14 april 2015, 11.30 uur - 18.00 uur Holland Energy and E-Mobility House, Hal 27, Stand M 20, Hannover Messe Geachte dames en heren, In het kader van de Hannover Messe worden Duitse en Nederlandse ondernemers op 14 april 2015 uitgenodigd voor de D-NL bedrijvenmatchmaking “ENERGIETECHNOLOGIE”, inclusief Kickoff-bijeenkomst en afsluitende netwerkreceptie. Het doel van deze matchmakingbijeenkomst is de bevordering van samenwerking tussen Duitse en Nederlandse ondernemers en grensoverschrijdende netwerkvorming. Bij de matchmaking ligt de nadruk op de volgende thema’s: •Smart Grids •Energieopslag •E-Mobility •Energie-Efficiency (o.m. warmtepomp-technologie en gebruik restwarmte) •Geothermie Deelname aan de bijeenkomst is kosteloos. Het aantal plaatsen is echter gelimiteerd. Na ontvangst van uw aanmelding krijgt u uw kosteloze persoonlijke entreekaart per e-mail toegestuurd. Aanmelding is tot uiterlijk dinsdag 31 maart 2015 mogelijk onder vermelding van uw bedrijfsprofiel. (Voor details en programma zie volgende pagina) Locatie Holland Energy and E-Mobility House op de Hannover Messe Hal 27, Stand M 20, 30521 Hannover Programma D-NL bedrijvenmatchmaking ENERGIETECHNOLOGIE Global Challenges - Smart Solutions Dinsdag, 14 april 2015, 11.30 uur - 18.00 uur Holland Energy and E-Mobility House, Hal 27, Stand M 20, Hannover Messe Programma c 11:30 uur - 11:45 uur Aankomst gasten en registratie 11:45 uur - 12:30 uur Kick-off, begroeting door Rogier Blokdijk, Business Development Manager, FME Keynote Frits Verheij, Voorzitter, Top Consortium for Knowledge and Innovation - Switch2Smart Grids “Kondenswärme im Abgas ist Gold wert!” Okan Kaja, Directeur, Thermicon GmbH “The Ecovat Smart Energy Storage System!” Aries de Groot, Directeur, Ecovat Werk BV en Ecovat IP BV 12:30 uur – 12:50 uur 12:50 uur – 13:00 uur 13:00 uur – 16:00 uur 16:00 uur – 18:00 uur Broodjeslunch Uitleg over procedure matchmakingbijeenkomst Vooraf ingeplande matchmakinggesprekken (per gesprek 15 minuten) Holland Energy and E-Mobility House – Receptie: gelegenheid tot netwerken onder het genot van een hapje en een drankje Programmänderung vorbehalten. Details i.v.m. de aanmelding voor de D-NL bedrijvenmatchmaking • Meldt u zich alstublieft aan tot uiterlijk 31 maart 2015 via www.dus-ea.nl/matchmaking en geeft u uw bedrijfsprofiel op. • Benodigde gegevens in het Duits of Engels voor opname in de matchmakingcatalogus zijn: - volledige bedrijfsnaam als ook naam en functie van de deelnemer - volledig ingevuld bedrijfsprofiel “Firmenprofil/Company profile” (max. 1000 tekens) - volledig ingevulde rubriek „Wir suchen”/„We are looking for“ (max. 250 tekens) - volledig ingevulde rubriek „Wir bieten“/„We are offering“ (max. 250 tekens) • Na ontvangst van de aanmeldingen worden regelmatig updates van de matchmaking-catalogus met bedrijfsprofielen samengesteld en zowel u als de andere deelnemers alsmede overige potentiële gesprekspartners toegestuurd. • S.v.p. uiterlijk 7 april 2015 via [email protected] aangeven met welke bedrijven uit de matchmakingcatalogus u gesprekken wilt voeren. U kunt maximaal 4 gesprekswensen kenbaar maken. Daarmee zal vervolgens bij de programmering van de gesprekken zo veel mogelijk rekening worden gehouden. Contact Consulaat-Generaal van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in Düsseldorf Patrick Janßen E: [email protected] T: 0211 – 179 30 148 Matchmaking - Catalogue German-Dutch SME Matchmaking: „Energy technology“ __________________________________ Tuesday, 14 April 2015 Holland Energy and E-Mobility House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Hannover Messe Version 4.0 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Participants page GWE Pumpenboese GmbH, Peine (D) 3 Flexiva, Amtsberg (D) 4 Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Karlsruhe (D) 5 GeoClimaDesign AG, Fürstenwalde (D) 6 ASPIDER M2M Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart (D) 7 Trikke Europe b.v., Den Haag (NL) 8 BOSAL Energy Conversion Industry, Vianen (NL) 9 HeatMatrix Group, Vianen (NL) 10 secunet Security Networks AG, Berlin (D) 11 GSW NRW e.V., Düsseldorf (D) 12 Public Security, Troisdorf (D) 13 Fotolight, Zwanenburg (NL) 14 Diamond Power Germany GmbH, Zörbig (D) 15 AHP International/AHP Group, Berlin (D) 16 Nomadic Power, Darmstadt (D) 17 MAIS Projektentwicklung GmbH, Sögel (D) 18 enwitec electronic GmbH & Co. KG, Wurmannsquick (D) 19 Datawatt B.V., Steenwijk (NL) 20 GoGaS Goch GmbH & Co. KG, Dortmund (D) 21 IFZW, Zwickau (D) 22 Leclanché, Willstätt (D) 23 2 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company GWE pumpenboese GmbH Represented by / position Jannik Rohling Assistant Business Development Company profile Die GERMAN WATER and ENERGY GROUP (GWE) ist Hersteller bewährter und richtungsweisender Produkte für Brunnenbau und Geothermie mit über 70-jähriger Tradition. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern haben wir in den letzten Jahren mehrere 1.000 Brunnen- und Geothermie-Projekte erfolgreich realisiert. Als Unternehmen der BAUER Resources GmbH kann die GWE auf ein weltweites Netz zurückgreifen. Die Unternehmen der BAUER Gruppe sind mit über 100 Tochterunternehmen und Niederlassungen in rund 70 Ländern der Erde präsent. Seit 2007 ist die GWE ein Teil der BAUER Resources GmbH, des dritten Segments der BAUER Gruppe, das sich auf die Felder Wasser, Umwelt, Bodenschätze und Energie konzentriert. Zu diesem Segment gehört auch die BAUER Water GmbH. Ob Erkundung neuer Wasserreserven, der Bau von Brunnen der die Wiederaufbereitung von Prozess- und Industriewässern – die BAUER Gruppe ist für all diese Aufgaben optimal gerüstet und bietet ihren Kunden das komplette Leistungsspektrum in den Bereichen Wasser, Umwelt und Energie We are looking for: Partnerschaften und Geschäftskontakte in den Bereichen: -Brunnenbau, Anlagenbau, Bau, Handel, Planung. We are offering: -Filter- und Vollwandrohre, Steigleitungen und Verbindungstechnik aus Edelstahl, PVC, PEHD, GFK, Stahl und HAGULIT® -Schächte, Abdeckungen, Einbauwerkzeuge und Zubehör -Spülungsmittel und Dichtungsmaterial -Sonderbauteile und Spezialanfertigungen 3 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Flexiva Represented by / position Christopher Lange, Sales and Marketing Company profile More than 20 years of know-how and experience: Ever since our company was founded; we have been a competent, innovative and loyal partner to our customers. The core area of FLEXIVA mainly deals with technical services in the field of robotics, automation and software development whereas the former research and development department of FLEXIVA brings their own production to the market - the ZEMIS ENERGY KIT. The ZEMIS ENERGY KIT is a DC/DC & DC/AC converter suitable for several application fields. Furthermore, we are offering our experiences and know how in research and development of power electronics. We are looking for: We are interested in sales partnerships and to get in contact with companies and institutions which need our product in mentioned fields and which are interested in development services of power electronics. We are offering: We develop and manufacture converter systems (DC/DC & DC/AC) for use in combination with: - renewable energies - storage solutions - fuel cells and electrolysis - integration of power supply for e-mobility main advantages: modular, bidirectional and parameterizable in a system up to 10kW 4 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Represented by / position Samantha Michaux, Project Manager Company profile SEZ offers first-hand solutions to companies, research institutions and universities as well as to public authorities in Baden-Württemberg. We give advice regarding European funding and entrepreneurship as well as regional futures strategies and are competent in the organization of European events. At the same time we cooperate with regional business development agencies, ministries of Baden Württemberg (Ministry of Finance and Economics and Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts) and federal ministries (BMBF, BMWi). We link Baden-Württemberg with European regions and, thereby, support in a qualified way the work of the Commissioner for Europe of Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Finance and Economics. Since 2008, SEZ is partner in the Enterprise Europe Network of the European Commission. SEZ is partner in the Baden-Württemberg consortium together with Handwerk International, the Ministry of Finance and Economics and seven Chambers of Industry and Commerce. Before that, from 1993 until 2008, SEZ has been one of eight Innovation Relay Centers in Germany (71 in Europe). Between 2000 and spring 2008 it has been consortium leader of the IRC Stuttgart Erfurt - Zürich, the Innovation Relay Centre for the German regions Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia as well as for the German speaking part of Switzerland. SEZ is Contact Point for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg. At the same time it acts as EU-Contact Point for Universities in Baden-Württemberg. For the benefit of its clients, SEZ is involved in different cooperation networks – in particular the Steinbeis transfer network with more than 850 Steinbeis Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg and beyond and the Enterprise Europe Network with close to 600 participating organizations in over 50 countries. We are looking for: International cooperation partners for European Research and Innovation projects, cooperation opportunities with international stakeholders. We are offering: Consulting services related to EU-Funding, support by the elaboration and submission of proposals, support by the implementation of EU-projects (Project management, dissemination, exploitation of project results), technology transfer, support by the partner search for collaborative projects 5 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company GeoClimaDesign AG Represented by / position Antje Vargas, Vorstand Company profile Geoclimadesign AG is a producer of Capillary Tube Mats and Systems. These are radiant heating and cooling systems for integration into ceilings, walls or floor. The advantages are: Higher energy efficiency because of lower system temperature for heating and higher for cooling. Increase of Coefficient of performance of any heat pump. Cooling for free if geothermal source is combined. Best for retrofitting because of low weight and low high if the capillary mats. Double function heating and cooling and thus best price. We are looking for: Architects, civil engineers for heating and cooling, For all types of buildings: residential, official, commercial, office, production buildings. Specialists for retrofitting, specialists for green house energy efficiency. Project developers Project owners Specialists in heating and cooling system supply and installation Distribution partners in The Netherlands We are offering: GeoClimaDesign is producer of capillary tube mats and completed systems in one, including dew point controlled room temperature management. That means for the partner, that he can buy from producer directly including planning design. We also offer supervising for all project partners and are interested in long term partnership. 6 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company ASPIDER M2M Deutschland GmbH Represented by / position Frank Kiesewetter, CEO Company profile Die ASPIDER M2M Deutschland GmbH ist ein Joint-Venture des Mobilfunknetzbetreibers ASPIDER Solutions M2M B.V. aus den Niederlanden und einem deutschen IT-Systemhaus mit Spezialiserung auf IoT/M2M Themen der 4m2m GmbH. Die sich ergänzenden Stärken der beiden Unternehmen ermöglichen die Bereitstellung von kostengünstigen Managed-Connectivity Lösungen für IoT/M2M Anwendungen. Das Joint Venture erzielt dadurch eine einzigartige Positionierung im IoT/M2M Markt. ASPIDER M2M ist einer der größten Anbieter von Mobilfunkanbindungen im Energiemarkt, unter anderem zählt STEDIN in den Niederlanden zu den Kunden. We are looking for: Partner und Kunden im M2M/IoT Bereich. Projekte im Energiebereich z.B. Smartmeter oder andere Metering-Services. Partnerschaften We are offering: Managed Connectivity SIM based solutions secure M2M a End 2 End SIM based security solution Management Portals and Billing Solutions IT integration services and consultancy 7 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Trikke Europe b.v. Represented by / position Pieter Dekker, Managing Director Company profile We are a manufacturer of the Light Electric Vehicle "Trikke". A three-wheeled light weight foldable scooter, ideal for city use. Foldable and light enough to be put in the car, train or in your apartment. The vehicle is easy to ride and is driven in a standing position, as it does not have a seat. Thereby the rider has much more overview in traffic then riders of bikes or scooter/mopeds and you are more visible for others in traffic. Next to that the vehicle carves/leans into the turns, offering stability at all speeds. This makes the vehicle unique and fun to ride. The Trikke eV6.1 is TÜV approved and has a "Strassen Zulassung" for Germany. The riders need a Mofa drivers license and at 25km/h a helmet. The Trikke can also be limited to 19km/h and a helmet is then not required. Although our main focus lies on Urban Mobility, business users find Trikke as well. These businesses look for solution to help them cover more distance more efficient. Especially in the security market the need for a stable and stand-on vehicle is huge. Also airports, marinas, factories and large resorts can benefit from easy and efficient personal mobility, and Trikke offers this for a reasonable price. We are looking for: We are looking for pro-active distribution partners that can generate more sales in Germany. For the b2c market more retail channels are necessarily, to make consumers aware of Trikke as a serious vehicle to get to work and back quicker. But also to offer them test rides and after sales service and support. Next to that we look for dedicated partners who have the network to reach the b2b markets, such as security, leisure, airports etc. We are offering: We offer a unique patented product for resale at competitive pricing with a good margin. The Trikke Electric vehicles are made in Holland and are TUV approved. The Trikke is approved for use on public streets in Germany and can also be used without approval in Austria and Switzerland. 8 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company BOSAL Energy Conversion Industry Represented by / position Robert van Dorst, Director Company profile BOSAL Energy Conversion Industry (ECI) has the knowledge and industrial capability to get more from your Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units and other heat recovery systems. With 15 years’ experience in high-performance, welded stainless steel components, we develop advanced energy recycling modules and high-temperature heat exchangers customized to your needs. We are looking for: Global business partners requiring high-temperature heat exchangers and recycling modules. We are offering: BOSAL energy recycling modules with outputs ranging from 1 kWe to 250 kWe and beyond. Key specifications include: • Heat-to-power and heat-to-heat • High-temperature applications up to 1000° C • Uniform flow with low back pressure • Compact, modular architecture based on seven standard cell plate footprints • Interfacing tailored to your specifications • For Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems, micro CHP units, SOFCs, PEM reformers, Stirling engines, gas turbines and internal combustion engines • 40,000 field operating hours per module and counting 9 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company HeatMatrix Group Represented by / position Marco Oomen, Director, Global Sales & Marketing Company profile HeatMatrix is a technological company from The Netherlands which has developed an innovative polymer heat-exchanger which can be applied as an air-preheater for increasing the efficiency of industrial boilers (natural gas, biogas, oil, coal fired), (refinery) furnaces, biogas CHPs, biomass furnaces, industrial dryers (paper, textile, tile, ceramic, spraydryers), incinerators, etc. Due to the use of special high temperature and highly corrosive resistant polymer, the HeatMatrix LUVO system is ideally suited to work with flue gasses that are corrosive and/or have fouling in it. The HeatMatrix heat exchangers are very efficient due to their 100% counter-current flow set-up and typically have a very short payback period (Return on Investment) with a significant reduction in the exhaust of CO2. More information can be found via www.heatmatrixgroup.com We are looking for: Companies and/or partners active in various industries that have an interest in Waste Heat Recovery. Industries that we are active in include: Food, Feed, Chemical, Gas & Oil, Paper, Breweries, Textile, Ceramic, Incineration plants, BHKW, etc. Next to direct end-users we are looking for installation and engineering partners. We are offering: A fast growing company with a string international focus with Germany as it primary focus country for the next growth phase. 10 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company secunet Security Networks AG Represented by / position Steffen Heyde, Portfolio-Manager Company profile secunet ist einer der führenden deutschen Anbieter für anspruchsvolle IT-Sicherheit. Im engen Dialog mit seinen Kunden – Unternehmen, Behörden und internationale Organisationen – entwickelt secunet leistungsfähige Produkte und fortschrittliche ITSicherheitslösungen. Damit sichert secunet nicht nur IT-Infrastrukturen für seine Kunden, sondern erzielt intelligente Prozessoptimierungen und schafft nachhaltige Mehrwerte. Bei secunet konzentrieren sich mehr als 350 Experten auf Themen wie Kryptographie (SINA), E-Government, Business Security und Automotive Security mit dem Anspruch, dem Wettbewerb in Qualität und Technik immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein. Im Verhältnis mit seinen Kunden setzt secunet auf langfristige partnerschaftliche Beziehungen. Die seit 2004 bestehende Sicherheitspartnerschaft mit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland unterstreicht dies eindrucksvoll. We are looking for: Kunden, die Informationssicherheit u.a. im Umfeld Netzbetrieb, Smartgrid, Smartmetering umsetzen wollen We are offering: * * * * * * * IT-Sicherheitsprodukte IT-Sicherheitsberatung einschl. ISMS / ISO 27001 Management-Service von IT-Sicherheitsprodukten Integrationsleistungen von IT-Sicherheitslösungen Auftrags-Entwicklung von IT-Sicherheits-Lösungen Lösungen für sicheres Fern-Wartung und -Administration PKI-Lösungen u.a. auch im Umfeld Smartmetering 11 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company GSW NRW e.V. Represented by / position Hanswilm Rodewald, Geschäftsführer Company profile Ziel der Gesellschaft der sicherheitstechnischen Wirtschaft in NRW e.V. (GSW NRW e.V.) ist die Unterstützung der “Secure Societies (in Europe)” durch Forschung, Konzepte, Technologie/Produktion und Dienstleistungen unserer Mitglieder und deren Partner in den Säulen: • Innere und äußere Sicherheit • Bevölkerungsschutz / Katastrophenhilfe • IT / Cyber • Rohstoffe und Energie Komplementär bzw. querschnittlich gehören hierzu als Kernthemen auch: • Kritische Infrastrukturen • Nachhaltigkeit / Klima- und Umweltschutz • Arbeitssicherheit • Weltweite Logistik Zentrale Aufgaben der Gesellschaft der sicherheits-technischen Wirtschaft in NRW e.V. sind: • Gezieltes „Matchmaking“ in Richtung permanenter und/oder projektorientierter Kooperationen vorrangig für die Mitglieder und, wo es diesen nützt, auch darüber hinaus. • Vertretung der Interessen der Mitgliedschaft in der Gesellschaft, der Politik, den Regierungs- und Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen (NGO) sowie gegenüber anderen Unternehmungen und deren Vertretungen. • Netzwerkgestaltung zur Informationsversorgung, Hilfe bei Marketing und Personalgewinnung und weiteren wichtigen Belangen der Unternehmensführung. • Hilfe bei der Erschließung von Geschäftsfeldern/Märkten für die Mitglieder. We are looking for: Gute Geschäftspartner für unsere Mitglieder. Erweiterung der "Fähigkeits-und Produktpalette" unseres Vereins mit Zielrichtung der Kunden unserer Mitglieder. Eröffnung gemeinsamer Märkte in ganz Europa für KMU aus den Niederlanden und NRW. We are offering: Ein gutes "Business Network". Zugang zu unseren Mitgliedern als attraktive Geschäftspartner. Hilfe bei deutschen Behörden und in der Politik. Gezielte Partnersuche in Deutschland. 12 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Public Security Represented by / position Norbert Ziegert, Publisher Company profile PUBLIC SECURITY mit dem Supplement Energie & Rohstoffe (Printauflage 7.000 Stk.) ist eines der führenden Informationsmedien im deutschsprachigen Raum für Innere Sicherheit, Äußere Sicherheit, Bevölkerungsschutz. Katastrophenhilfe und Kritische Infrastrukturen und erreicht Entscheider in Politik, Behörden, F&E-Einrichtungen, Universitäten, Verbänden sowie der Industrie mit aktuellen Beiträgen, Analysen und Nachrichten. Das Supplement Energie & Rohstoffe unseres Magazins PUBLIC SECURITY berichtet über die Themen Rohstoffe, Ressourcen und Energieversorgung ebenso wir über alternative Energiegewinnung, regenerative Energien und neue Technologien. Diese Themen stellen weltweit eine der zentralen Aufgabenstellungen für die nächsten Jahre dar hinsichtlich der für unsere Wirtschaft und Bevölkerung nötigen nachhaltigen Sicherstellung der Energie- und Rohstoffversorgung. We are looking for: Companies and government agencies in the areas of energy, energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency. We are offering: Reporting and marketing (advertising and public relations) to issues of energy, energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency. 13 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Fotolight Represented by / position Tim van Iersel, CEO Company profile At Fotolight we produce visual communication products. Being a full-service production company, we have the ability to take a project from the design phase through development all the way up to installation. This, in combination with our ability to offer the latest technologies and a wide range of production disciplines enables us to solve any related problem for our customers. In sustainability we are leading in LED technology. In addition, in collaboration with Construction-Display we offer innovative and sustainable daylight-solutions. We are looking for: Partner companies to expand our business and continue the innovations in sustainable products. We are offering: The latest technology in the area of LED illumination. Needless to say, that LED is the sustainable illumination solution, but it also provides a stunning look. Furthermore, in collaboration with Construction-Display we offer innovative & sustainable daylight-solutions. 14 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Diamond Power Germany GmbH Represented by / position Wolfgang Sturm, Geschäftsführer Company profile Mittelständisches Unternehmen mit 30 Beschäftigen mit Sitz in Zörbig, Sachsen Anhalt. Die Gesellschafter des Unternehmens sind Diamond Power Specialty Ltd. Schottland und Wolfgang Sturm. Die Firma ist nach ISO 9001-2008 und SCC zertifiziert. We are looking for: Als Fachfirma in der Rußbläsertechnik suchen wir Partner für eine erfolgreiche Kooperation in der Kraftwerkstechnik, sowohl als Servicefirma als auch im Vertrieb unserer Produkte. Die neuen Kraftwerksblöcke in Eemshaven sind mit unserer Technik der Kesselreinigung komplett ausgerüstet. We are offering: Die Zusammenarbeit mit einem der Marktführer in der Kesselreinigungstechnik. 15 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company AHP International / AHP Group Represented by / position Stefan Peikert, Managing Director Company profile AHP International is one of Germany’s leading private sector service providers in the field of international business development, trade and foreign direct investment promotion. Energy Technologies are in the Focus of our global activities as is the Support in Dutch-German Business Relations. We are active in this field for more than two decades. En wij weten lekker zaken te doen in en met Duitsland! We are looking for: Innovative Providers of Technology & Solutions willing to Partner with / use our capacities for cross-border Business development in the European and global Energy markets We are offering: Business development Support as Enabler, so once the Job is done we leave it to you to execute the Business. Typical Services are market assessment, Client & Partner search, recruitment, sector specific M&A, door opening with key accounts and Players inclduing utilities or big industry players. 16 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Nomadic Power GmbH Represented by / position Dr. Manfred Baumgaertner, CEO Company profile Shared Mobility and Energy Provider We are looking for: Locations for fast charging, contact to Transmission System Operators in NL We are offering: - Doubling capacity of fast charger stations - Operating reserve for the grid transmission system by a virtual power plant of energy storage units 17 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company MAIS Projektentwicklung GmbH Represented by / position Ingo Meyer, Geschäftsführung Anno Immenga, Geschäftsführung Company profile We are a project development company which is located in Sögel (Emsland). We are aiming to built a deep geothermal power plant to produce electricity and heat for a local heat network. We already accomplished a feasibility study with a positive result. We are looking for: Strategical partners and investors to realize a deep geothermal (petrothermal) project in Germany (Lower Saxony). We are offering: A innovative and professional development team. 18 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company enwitec electronic GmbH & Co. KG Represented by / position Hans Wimmer, Geschäftsführer Company profile Als zertifiziertes Familienunternehmen im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien ist enwitec electronic GmbH & Co.KG in Rogglfing/Bayern ein führender Hersteller für die komplette Anschlusstechnik in der Photovoltaik, für Energiespeicherlösungen, Service & Wartung. Aufgrund jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und der Nähe zum Markt ist enwitec wertvoller Dienstleister und Partner für seine Kunden. Unser Systemhaus bietet Ihnen den Rundumservice. Alles aus einer Hand. Beratung, Planung, Entwicklung, Produktion, Wartung & Service und Schulungen. Zur Optimierung des PV-Eigenverbrauchs und für mehr Unabhängigkeit vom Energie-Versorger hat enwitec verschiedenste Energiespeicherlösungen im Angebot, die mehr Sicherheit durch Notstromversorgung geben. We are looking for: Großhändler, EPC, Energieversorger, Energieberater, Installateure, Solarteure welche Energiespeichersysteme im Residental und Projektbereich die Energiespeichersysteme verkaufen bzw. planen We are offering: Komplette Energiespeichersysteme für den Residental und Projektbereich. Komponenten wie Batteriewechselrichter, Li-Ion und Blei Batteriespeicher, Batterieschränke u. Gestelle, Batterieabsicherungen und Batterieanschlusskästen, Kabelsätze. Anschlusstechnik AC u. DC für Erneuerbare Energien 19 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Datawatt B.V. Represented by / position Jasper Arts, General Manager / Dep. Intelligent Energy Systems Company profile Datawatt is a well-established supplier of high end customer specific systems. We supply total-solutions (tailored) in the energy and water markets which contributes to higher standards in these markets. Our system contributes to a sustainable business for you. Our Software platform Stream can be used as an application, we deliver it as a service or as a standalone system, our hardware is complementary with our solutions. We are a solid partner for flexible solutions! We are looking for: Partners, system integrators, OEM We are offering: We deliver our products worldwide to grid managers in the water and energy markets. We dare to say that our systems is equal to larger systems such as ABB and Siemens but are easier to adapt to the market or the country and / or customer requirements. But mostly not unimportant, we want to add value with our knowledge and expertise for companies and their country. 20 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company GoGaS Goch GmbH & Co. KG Represented by / position Heiko Schneider, Geschäftsführer Company profile Die GoGaS Goch GmbH & Co. KG ist weltweit einer der größten Anbieter von dezentralen Heizsystemen. Wir entwickeln seit über 60 Jahren innovative Produkte im Bereich der Heizund Prozesswärme „Made in Germany". Unser umfangreiches Produktportfolio besteht aus gasbetriebenen Hellstrahlern, Brennwert-Dunkelstrahlern, Brennwert-Warmlufterzeuger sowie Solar-Luftsystemen. So können wir sowohl für Stadien und Produktionshallen als auch für Prozesswärme stets das optimale Heizkonzept liefern. Weitere Informationen im Internet unter www.gogas.com. We are looking for: Vertriebspartner in den Niederlanden We are offering: Energieeffiziente Lösungen für Hallenbeheizung und Prozesswärme: – – – – – – – Gas-Infrarot-Hellstrahler Brennwert-Dunkelstrahler Brennwert-Warmlufttechnik Solar-Luftsystem Trocknungstechnik Anwärmprozesse Speziallösungen 21 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company IFZW Represented by / position Dr. Christian Meyer, Forschung & Entwicklung Company profile Die Firma IFZW GmbH ist ein internationales Unternehmen im Bereich Einäscherungsanlagen. Zum Leistungsspektrum gehören Umbau- und Modernisierungsmaßnahmen für bestehende Anlagen oder die vollständige schlüsselfertige Abwicklung neuer Feuerbestattungsanlagen für Humankrematorien, Tierkrematorien oder Krankenhasuabfälle. We are looking for: Experten im Bereich: 1) Stromspeicher 2) Hochtemperaturprozesse We are offering: Das Portfolie umfasst von der Sargeinfahrmaschinen über die Kremationsöfen, alles rund ums Feuerfest, bis hin zur Rauchgaskühlung (Wärmetauscher, Kühlkreislauf) und Rauchgasreinigung (Filter, Emissionsüberwachung). Die Abteilung Wartung- und Service steht allen Kunden 24h zur Verfügung, um eine optimale Verfügbarkeit der Anlage sicherstellen. 22 „German-Dutch SME Matchmaking Energy technology“ Tuesday, 14 April 2015, 11:30 a.m – 06:00 p.m. Hannover Messe, Holland Energy House, Hall 27, Booth M 20 Name of company Leclanché Represented by / position Heiko Ross, Vice President Utilities and Grid Solutions, Geschäftsführer Leclanché GmbH Company profile Leclanché was founded in 1909 in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland, and has one of the strongest legacies in the field of battery manufacturing worldwide. Today Leclanché is a leading developer and manufacturer of Lithium-Ion energy storage technologies and the only European manufacturer supporting multiple Lithium-Ion technologies. In addition to its headquarters in Switzerland, the company has a state of the art, automated, industrial cell production facility in Willstätt/Germany. Leclanché, which is quoted on the Swiss stock exchange (SIX:LECN), transitioned from a manufacturer of Lithium-Ion batteries into a supplier of turnkey and custom-designed energy storage solutions. Across its business areas of “Stationary Storage Systems”, “Mobile Storage Systems”, and “Specialty Battery Systems”, Leclanché delivers energy storage solutions for a broad range of applications to several sectors, including energy, residential, renewable energy, medical technology, emobility and marine. We are looking for: Customers who have the need to store energy for various applications. Customers - who want to optimize self-consumption, - who look for island solutions, - who have the need for feed-in-regulation - who need peak shifting resp. peak shaving - who wish to have net-stabilization - who have to stabilize their grid frequency regulation We are offering: We offer stationary storage solutions, manufactured from our large format Lithium-Ioncells, for homes, industrial facilities, power grid operators and investors. Additionally, we also offer energy storage solutions for various applications in the sectors of e-mobility, medical technology and marine technology. 23