British Intelligence on Persia (Iran) 1900-1949
British Intelligence on Persia (Iran) 1900-1949
British Intelligence on Persia (Iran) 1900-1949 India Office Political and Secret Files and Confidential Print Editor: A.J. Farrington, Former Deputy Director, Oriental and India Office Collections (OIOC, now part of the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections), British Library, London Contents Introduction BIP-1 BIP-2 BIP-3 BIP-4 BIP-5 Index Gazetteers and Handbooks, 1906-1948 Internal and external Affairs, 1904-1949 Who’s Who, 1909-1947 Military Reports, 1900-1940 Routes, 1908-1942 2 5 8 16 18 20 22 British Intelligence on Persia (Iran) 1900-1949 Secret and confidential British intelligence and policy files The dominant theme of the collection is the position of Persia between two powerful neighbours, Russia in the north and the British Government of India in the east. British involvement in Persia dated back to the East India Company’s first trading contacts of the early seventeenth century. But by the late nineteenth century, when the country’s economic life was largely in the hands of Russian and British concessionaires, it seemed as if Persia might even become a Russian protectorate. Instead it became the playground of both interests for almost half a century, during which the British, with their immensely valuable oil concessions in the south, emerged as the dominant (though hardly ever welcome) foreign partner. British India and London’s strategic planning and policy formulation required information – intelligence on internal politics, tribal groupings, rivalries, personalities, resources, communications and the terrain – to provide ‘background’ for political relations and practical ‘know-how’ for military operations and clandestine activities. Information gathering devolved in the first instance upon British diplomatic representatives in Persia. There were four players on the British side – the Foreign Office and War Office in London, the Government of India Foreign Department, and the Indian Army General Staff. Personnel manning posts in Persia were drawn from the Londonbased Diplomatic and Consular Services and the British Army, or from the Indian Civil Service, the Indian Political Service and the Indian Army. Reflecting the perceived importance of Russian designs and of British strategic interests, the country was exceptionally well covered. In addition to a permanent British legation at Tehran from the 1850s (only raised to embassy status in 1944), there were Consuls-General at Bushire from 1878, Isfahan from 1891 and Meshed from 1889, and at varying dates Consuls in Ahwaz, Kerman, Kermanshah, Khorramshahr, Resht, Seistan and Shiraz. Each post maintained Special Secret Service funds. The present edition from IDC Publishers brings together the product of all this activity – ranging through British reporting, planning and thinking on the Persian revolution of 1905-09, the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907 which divided the country into informal spheres of influence, 1st World War intervention, the Communist threat, the reign of Riza Shah, 2nd World War intervention and the countering of German influence, and the succession of Muhammad Riza. Political Intelligence The two central series are the Government of India Foreign Department Printed Correspondence and the Foreign Office annual political reports 1910-1948. The first, some 5,000 pages in 44 parts, prints all incoming and outgoing papers relating to Persia between 1916 and 1940; the pagination is frequently erratic, but within each ‘part’ the documents are arranged in a continuously numbered sequence. There are also long runs of Consular diaries/summaries from the various posts, printed up either by the Foreign Office or the Government of India (though typescript became the norm from around 1933/34). The diaries have numbered sequences for each year or issue dates within the year, varying from monthly to weekly. Transmission was extremely cumbersome. Predominantly Foreign Office posts (eg. Tehran, Kermanshah, Khorramshahr, Resht, Shiraz) made their reports to the FO in London, from where copies were sent to the India Office. Government of India posts (eg. Ahwaz, Kerman, Meshed, Seistan) reported to Delhi, from where copies were sent to the India Office in London and from there forwarded to the Foreign Office. Military Intelligence A small Intelligence Branch was formed within the Quarter Master General’s Department at Army Headquarters, India, in 1878. The wide-ranging reforms of the Army in India Committee of 1912-13 established an Intelligence Section (M.O.3) within the Military Operations Directorate of the General Staff, divided into four geographical sub-sections (one of them responsible for Persia) and a fifth devoted to ‘special work of a confidential nature.’ The General Staff, India, was responsible for a stream of gazetteers, route books, military reports and who’s who compilations. Sources were the military attachés at the diplomatic posts and military officers in the field (particularly during the two World Wars), their Persian and other contacts, and clandestinely employed local agents. The military attachés also produced regular intelligence summaries. The Meshed consulate was an especially important listening post for developments across the borders in Russian Central Asia and Afghanistan. In 1913 the Foreign Office laid down that the collection of military intelligence was not part of the duty of British consulates, so that the task devolved almost entirely upon the General Staff, India, with some financial input from the War Office. The various volumes of gazetteers, route books, military reports and who’s who compilations have a roughly similar geographical coverage: Vol 1 North-east (Khorasan, Kain, Seistan) Vol.2 North & Central (incl Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Kermanshah, Tehran) Vol.3 South-west (Luristan, Bakhtiari, Isfahan, Arabistan, Khuzistan, Kughalu) Vol.4/1 South (Yazd, Fars, Laristan, Gulf Ports) Vol.4/2 South-east (Kerman, Persian Baluchistan) All the works were classifed Secret, Confidential or For Oficial Use Only, and were subject to strict rules of custody. It was also ordered that when a new edition of a particular work appeared all previous editions had to be destroyed. As a result these works survive in very few locations. The collection in the India Office Records at the British Library, now made available by IDC Publishers, is unique in its breadth and accessibility. Provenance and historical background The political reports, diaries and summaries produced in the diplomatic posts (including the military attaché materials) were received in the Political & Secret Department registry at the India Office and were given reference numbers within its annual file sequences. They were eventually brought together as ‘subject’ files up to 1931 (L/P&S/10) and as files within ‘external subject collection 28 – Persia’ (L/P&S/12) thereafter. The General Staff, India, secret and confidential works are located in two internal ‘reference libraries’ which were kept within the Military Department (L/MIL/17) and the Political & Secret Department (L/P&S/20) at the India Office. Items were received from India upon publication and were kept/disposed of according to the custody rules laid down by the originator. All the India Office departments were subsumed within the Commonwealth Relations Office (subsequently the Foreign & Commonwealth Office) after Independence in 1947. In 1982 the Foreign & Commonwealth Office transferred the administration of the India Office Library & Records to the British Library, where it now forms one part of the Library’s Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections (specifically, the former Oriental & India Office Collections (OIOC)). Organisation of the print For the present publication the material has been arranged in five subject groups, each in a roughly geographical sequence. BIP-1 Persia (Iran): Gazetteers and Handbooks, 1906-1948 BIP-2 Persia (Iran): Internal and External Affairs, 1904-1949 BIP-3 Persia (Iran): Who’s Who, 1909-1947 BIP-4 Persia (Iran): Military Reports, 1900-1940 BIP-5 Persia (Iran): Routes, 1908-1942 Within these groups the following information is provided for each item: • fiche number(s), • title, author/issuing body, publication details, pagination etc, • OIOC reference number, • original India Office registry reference (for BIP-2). A.J. Farrington Former Deputy Director Oriental & India Office Collections (OIOC, now part of the Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections), The British Library Fiche 1-68 PERSIA (IRAN), BIP – 1 GAZETTEERS AND HANDBOOKS 1906-1948 Fiche 1-9 Gazetteer of Persia. Volume I. Prepared by the General Staff, Headquarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1910 [1],758,v p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/2/1 Fiche 9-16 Gazetteer of Persia. Volume II. 1914. General Staff Branch, Army Headquarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1914 [2],ii,671,xiv p 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/3/1 Fiche 16 Corrections to the Gazetteer of Persia, Volume II. 1st Series, 1917. Index to the sub-tribes referred to in Gazetteer of Persia, Volume 2. General Staff, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1918 20p 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/3/2 Fiche 16-26 Gazetteer of Persia. Volume III. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the General Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotyype Press, 1910 [1],962p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/2/2 Fiche 26-28 Corrections to the Gazetteer of Persia, Volume III, 1910 Edition. 1913 (4th Series) General Staff, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, July 1913 88p 24cm Confidential L/P&S/20/143 Fiche 28-50 Gazetteer of Persia., Volume III. Provisional edition 1917 (Reprinted April 1918) Part I: A to K Part II: L to Z General Staff, India Calcutta: Superintendent, Government Printing, India, 1918 [1],625p map [1],626-1054p map 23cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/4/1-2 Fiche 50-51 Corrections to the Gazetteer of Persia, Volume III. (1st Series, 1918) Index to the sub-tribes referred to in Gazetteer of Persia, Volume III. General Staff, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1918 51p 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/4/3 Fiche 51-58 Gazetteer of Persia. Volume IV. Prepared by the General Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1910 [1],616,xviii p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/2/3 Fiche 58-59 Persia. Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign office – No.80 London, Jun 1919 vi,149p 22cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C188 Fiche 59-68 Persia. Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division Geographical Handbook Series B.R.525 [Oxford University Press], Sep 1945 xix,628p 337 illus 61 figs map 22cm Restricted – For Official Use Only L/P&S/20/C259 Fiche 68-95 Fiche 68-69 A note on communications and irrigation in the Persian province of Arabistan. Sir George Buchanan Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1917 6p 2 pl 4 maps 33cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C155 Fiche 69-73 Report on Fars Capt Arnold Talbot Wilson, Indian Political Department, 1916 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1916 376p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/17 Fiche 73-75 A report on the tribes of Fars Capt A.J.Christian, General Staff, Shiraz 1918 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1919 iv,79p 2 maps 24cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C185 Fiche 75-77 The tribes of Fars Lieut G.F.Magee, Intelligence Corps, Nov 1945 Simla: Manager, Government of India Press, 1948 v,202p 24cm Secret typescript addenda & corrigenda [1950] inserted 1p L/P&S/20/142 Fiche 77-82 Gazetteer of Kermanshah Hyacinth Louis Rabino Division of the Chief of Staff, Intelligence Branch, Quarter Master General’s Department Simla: Printed at the Government Central Printing Office, 1907 lxxxix,386p 24cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/19 Fiche 82-83 Report on the Kuhgalu tribes Lieut James Gabriel Lancaster Ranking, Indian Army, His Majesty’s Consul at Ahwaz, 1910 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1911 [1],51p 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/20 Fiche 83-86 Seistan. Revenue report and notes of the PersoAfghan Arbitration Commission, 1902-1905. Volume I. Part I – Persian Seistan. Part II – Afghan Seistan. Part III – Herd and flock-owners, saiyads, weavers and potters. Part IV – General information concerning the river and inundated area; the fords, roads across the Naizar; the floods; the bund, etc. Thomas Robert John Ward, Irrigation Officer Government of India Foreign Department, Aug 1906 Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1906 xvi,328p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/20 Fiche 86-90 Seistan. Revenue report and notes of the PersoAfghan Arbitration Commissioin, 1902-1905. Volume II. Part V – Appendices and glossary. Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1906 iv,329-689p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/23 Fiche 90-92 Seistan. Revenue report and notes of the PersoAfghan Arbitration Commission, 1902-1905. Volume III. Part VI – Revenue and population statements for Persian and Afghan Seistan Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1906 viii,185p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/24 Fiche 93-95 Seistan. Irrigation report of the Perso-Afghan Arbitration Commission, 1902-1905. Volume I. Report and appendices. Thomas Robert John Ward, Irrigation Officer Government of India Foreign Department, Apr 1906 Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1906 ix,231p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/21 Fiche 95-96 Fiche 95-96 Seistan. Irrigation report of the Perso-Afghan Arbitration Commission, 1902-905. Volume II. Statements and calculations. Simla: Government Central Printing Office, 1906 i,127p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/22 Fiche 97-128 (1-32) PERSIA (IRAN), BIP – 2 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 1904-1949 Fiche 97-98 (1-2) Memorandum of information received during the month of … regarding external affairs relating to Persia. Government of India Foreign Department Simla: Foreign office Press, 1904-06 23 monthly issues, Oct 1904-Aug 1906 [179]p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/MM9-10 Fiche 98-104 (2-8) Memorandum of information received during the month of … relating to affairs in Persia. Government of India Foreign Department Simla: Foreign office Press, 1906-09 28 monthly issues, Sep 1906-Dec 1908 [351]p 33cm Secret Sep 1907 issue title adds ‘ and of the course of the Anglo-Russian negotiations from April to the end of September 1907.’ L/P&S/20/MM10-11 Fiche 104-108 (8-12) Memorandum of information received during the month of … relating to affairs in Persia, and the Arabian shore of the Persian Gulf. Government of India Foreign Department Simla: Foreign Office Press, 1909-10 22 monthly issues, Jan 1909-Oct 1910 [338]p 33cm Secret L/P&S/20/MM11-12 [series discontinued] Persia. Government of India Foreign Department Printed Correspondence Secret/Confidential The series was continuously archived at the India Office from the second half of 1916 (Pt 8) only. Fiche 108-115 (12-19) Part VIII Jul-Aug 1916 232-73 & 303-47 Part IX Aug-Sep 1916 1-90 & 214-385 Part X Sep-Nov 1916 1-212 [32]p [82]p [84]p Part XI Nov-Dec 1916 1-133 & 168-204 [55]p Part XII Jan-Mar 1917 1-291 & 304-15 [145]p Part XIII Apr-May 1917 52-197 [113]p Part XIV May-Aug 1917 1-88,98-126 & 142-56 [68]p Part XV Aug-Nov 1917 1-12 & 38-150 [42]p Part XVI Nov 1917 1-18 [5]p L/P&S/10/612 Fle P.3360/1916 Pt 1 Fiche 115-122 (19-26) Part XVI [cont] Nov-Dec 1917 19-126 [55]p Part XVII Jan-Feb 1918 5-251 [78]p Part XVIII Feb-Mar 1918 2-162 [63]p Part XIX Mar-May 1918 1-292 [109]p Part XX May-Aug 1918 1-428 [148]p Part XXI Jul-Oct 1918 2-260 [84]p Part XXII Oct 1918 1-66 [28]p L/P&S/10/613 File P.3360/1916 Pt 2 Fiche 122-128 (26-32) Part XXII [cont] Oct 1918 67-243 [60]p Part XXIII Nov-Dec 1918 1-155 [69]p Part XXIV Jan-Mar 1919 4-203 [82]p Part XXV Mar-Jun 1919 1-249 [80]p Part XXVI Jul-Oct 1919 1-221 [71]p Part XXVII Nov 1919-Jan 1920 10-118 [37]p Part XXVIII Jan-Mar 1920 1-99 [38]p Fiche 128-179 (32-83) Part XXIX Part XXX MISSING Feb-Mar 1921 159-93 [6]p Part XXXI Mar-Apr 1921 1-21 & 207-32 [10]p Part XXXII Jun-Nov 1921 66,81-83 & 103-291 [51]p Part XXXIII Nov 1921-Feb 1922 2-85 [16]p L/P&S/10/614 File P.3360/1916 Pt 3 Fiche 128-137 (32-41) Part XXXIV May 1923-Apr 1924 1-301 284p Part XXXV Mar-Nov 1924 1-238 212p Part XXXVI Oct 1924-Oct 1925 1-275 223p L/P&S/10/1091 File P.3151/1923 Fiche 137-150 (41-54) Part XXXVII Nov 1925-Aug 1926 1-296 323p Part XXXVIII Jul 1926-May 1927 1-196 277p Part XXXIX May 1927-Jan 1928 1-185 253p Part XL Oct 1927-Nov 1928 1-216 212p Part XLI Dec 1928-Nov 1929 1-153 189p L/P&S/10/1169 File P.499/1926 Fiche 151-162 (55-66) Part XLII Nov 1929-Nov 1930 1-151 181p Part XLIII Dec 1930-Nov 1931 1-92 143p Part XLIV Dec 1931-Jan 1933 1-82 96p Part XLV Dec 1932-Jul 1934 1-168 201p part numbers abandoned 1934 1-146 182p 1935 1-119 155p 1936 1-106 190p L/P&S/12/3442 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 39 Pt 1 Fiche 162-166 (66-70) re-titled ‘Iran Series’ 1937 1-92 1938 1-83 114p 89p 1939 1-42 64p 1940 1-35 46p L/P&S/12/3443 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 39 Pt 2 [series discontinued] Persia.. Annual Report. Foreign Office, London, Confidential Print. Authors – Envoys Extraordinary & Ministers Plenipotentiary (Ambassadors from Feb 1944): Sir George Head Barclay 1908-12 Sir Walter Beaupre Townley 1912-15 Sir Charles Murray Marling 1915-18 Sir Percy Zachariah Cox 1918-20 Herman Cameron Norman 1920-21 Sir Percy Loraine 1921-26 Sir Robert Henry Clive 1926-31 Sir Reginald Hervey Hoare 1931-34 Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull Hugesson 1934-36 Sir Horace James Seymour 1936-39 Sir Reader William Ballard 1939-46 Sir John Haller Le Rougetel 1946-50 Fiche 166-173 (70-77) 1910 45p 1922 67p 1923 70p 1926 64p 1927 72p 1928 84p 1929 70p 1930 82p 1931 99p L/P&S/10/1097 File P.4282/1923 Fiche 173-179 (77-83) 1932 97p 1933 96p 1934 60p 1935 73p 1936 59p 1937 63p 1938 43p Political review of the year 1939 4p Annual political report for 1940 11p 1941 18p Report on political events of 1942 22p 1943 24p 1944 34p Review of the principal events in Persia, 1945 23p Fiche 179-234 (83-138) Annual political report on Persia, 1946 5p Events in Persia during 1947 and 1948 5p L/P&S/12/3472A Pol Ext Coll 28 File 67 British Legation/Embassy, Tehran. Military Attaché’s Intelligence Summaries. Foreign Office, London, Confidential Print. Authors: Lt-Col Macan Saunders 1921-24 Capt Robert Philip Lancaster Ranking 1924 Maj William Archbold Kenneth Fraser, IA, 1924-27 Maj Robert Francis Woodward, IA, 1928 Maj Percy Charles Russell Dodd, IA, 1929 Lt-Col Gilbert Douglas Pybus, IA, 1937 Lt-Col Herbert John Underwood, IA, 1938 Col William A.K.Fraser, IA, 1941 from 1941/No.24 the summaries are not signed Fiche 179-187 (83-91) 1921 1-8 & 11-35 May-Dec [115]p 1922 1-19 & 21-52 Jan-Dec [173]p 1923 1-39 Jan-Sep [128]p L/P&S/10/966 File P.566/1921 Fiche 187-194 (91-98) 1923 40-52 Oct-Dec [36]p 1924 1-52 Jan-Dec [161]p 1925 1-31 Jan-Dec [106]p L/P&S/10/1103 File P.111/1924 Fiche 194-202 (98-106) 1926 1-25 Jan-Dec 1927 1-26 Jan-Dec 1928 1-25 Jan-Dec 1929 1-26 Jan-Dec 1930 1-26 Jan-Dec L/P&S/10/1172 File P.631/1926 [74]p [69]p [93]p [77]p [65]p [summaries for 1931-1936, on Pol Ext Coll 28 File 40, were destroyed by mistake during India Office ‘weeding’] Fiche 202-210 (106-114) 1937 1-25 Jan-Dec [51]p 1938 1-27 Jan-Dec [87]p 1939 1-15 & 17-26 Jan-Dec [91]p 1940 1-26 Jan-Dec [105]p 1941 1-3,5-10 & 12-31 Jan-Dec [94]p 1942 1-23 Jan-Jun [77]p L/P&S/12/3503 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97 Pt 1 Fiche 210-218 (114-122) 1942 24-52 Jun-Dec [96]p 1943 2-49 Jan-Dec [135]p 1944 1-8,10-37 & 39-49 Jan-Dec [140]p 1945 1-50 Jan-Dec [163]p L/P&S/12/3504 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97 Pt 2A Fiche 218-221 (122-125) 1946 1-50 Jan-Dec [213]p L/P&S/12/3505 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97 Pt 2B Fiche 221-225 (125-129) 1947 1-51 Jan-Dec [177]p 1948 1-4 Jan-Mar [17]p L/P&S/12/3506 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97 Part 2C Fiche 225-227 (129-131) 1948 5-20 Mar-Dec [75]p 1949 1-7 Jan-May [44]p L/P&S/12/3507 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97 Pt 2D British Embassy, Tehran. Air Attaché’s Intelligence Summaries. Foreign Office, London. Secret Fiche 227-230 (131-134) 1946 3-7 & 29-36 Apr-Dec [34]p 1947 1-16,18-23 & 25 Jan-Dec [81]p 1948 1-6 Jan-Mar [16]p L/P&S/12/2508A Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97A Pt 1 Fiche 230-232 (134-136) 1948 7-17 Apr-Dec [48]p 1949 1-8 Jan-Aug [44]p L/P&S/12/2508B Pol Ext Coll 28 File 97A Pt 2 Fiche 232-233 (136-137) Persia intelligence report, May 1946. Naval Intelligence Division, Admiralty, London 75p 33cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/40 Fiche 233-234 (137-138) A précis of the relations of the British Government with the tribes and sheikhs of ‘Arabistan. Lt A.T.Wilson, Indian Army, Acting Consul Government of India Foreign Department Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, 1912 v,115p 33cm Very Confidential L/P&S/20/C108 Fiche 234-277 (138-181) Fiche 234-237 (138-141) Khuzistan affairs. Government of India Foreign Department Printed Correspondence Nov 1924-Nov 1926 nos 1-302 217p map Secret L/P&S/10/935 File P.7190/1920 Pt 4 Ahwaz (Khuzistan) Consular Diaries. Printed by the Government of India Foreign Department 1931-33. From 1934 in typescript and sent directly to the Foreign Office in London. Confidential Authors: Herbert Reginald Dauphin Gybbon-Monypenny 1925-31 Capt Arnold Crawshaw Galloway, IA, 1931 Maj Claude Edward Urquhart Bremner, IA, 1932-33 Arnold Edwards Watkinson 1933-36 Frank Henry Todd 1936 Alfred John Gardener 1936-37 John Gilroy Baillie 1942-43 Maj Arthur Ernest Henry Macann 1943 Lt-Col Arnold C.Galloway, IA, 1943-44 Alan Charles Trott 1945-46 William Mitchell Carse 1947 Fiche 237-252 (141-156) 1931 1-12 Jan-Dec [27]p 1932 1-12 Jan-Dec [26]p 1933 1-10 Jan-Dec [37]p 1934 1-12 Jan-Dec [141]p 1935 1-12 Jan-Dec [161]p 1936 1-12 Jan-Dec [186]p 1937 1-6 Jan-Jun [116]p L/P&S/12/3400 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 6 Fiche 252-259 (156-163) 1942 13 issues Jun-Dec [48]p 1943 24 issues Jan-Dec [103]p 1944 1-18 Jan-Dec [85]p 1945 1-21 Jan-Dec [86]p L/P&S/12/3533 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 120 Pt 1 Fiche 259-261 (163-165) 1946 1-12 Jan-Dec [69]p 1947 1-8 & 10-12 Jan-Dec [38]p L/P&S/12/3534 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 120 Pt 2 Sarhad series (Persian Baluchistan) Printed Correspondence. Government of India Foreign Department Confidential Fiche 261-262 (165-166) Part 1 Sep 1919-Jan 1920 1-8 pp.1-7 L/P&S/10/875 File P.7606/1919 Fiche 262-264 (166-168) Part 1 [cont] Oct 1923-Feb 1924 89-294 pp.59-164 Part 2 Feb-Oct 1924 1-176 pp.1-86 L/P&S/10/594 File P.1323/1916 Pt 1 Fiche 264-268 (168-172) Part 2 [cont] Nov 1924-Jun 1925 177-390 pp.87-170 Part 3 Jun 1925-Mar 1926 1-272 140p Part 4 Mar-Aug 1926 1-305 104p L/P&S/10/1135 File P.255/1925 Pt 1 Fiche 268-270 (172-174) Part 5 Sep 1926-Oct 1929 1-293 121p Part 6 Nov 1929-Mar 1931 1-118 36p L/P&S/11/272 File P.4435/1926 Fiche 270-272 (174-176) Bandar Abbas Consulate Diary. typescript Secret 1943 18 issues Mar-Dec [62]p 1944 1,3,4 & 11-22 Jan-Feb & Jun-Nov + Apr-Aug ‘appreciation’ [54]p 1945 2-18 & 20 Jan-Oct + 2 ‘appreciation’ issues [65]p 1946 2-10 Feb-Oct [28]p L/P&S/12/3535 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 121 Fiche 272-277 (176-181) Isfahan Consulate Diary. typescript Confidential Authors: Charles Alexander Gault 1942-46 John William Wall 1946 Roger Mervyn Savory 1947 1942 19 issues Mar-Dec [39]p 1943 1-3 & 5-24 Jan-Dec [49]p 1944 1-22 Jan-Dec Fiche 277-300 (181-204) + 2 half-yearly reports [57]p 1945 1-22 Jan-Dec + 2 half-yearly reports [60]p 1946 1-7 & 9-12 Jan-Dec + 2 half-yearly reports [45]p 1947 1-8 Jan-Aug + Jul-Dec half-yearly report [23]p L/P&S/12/3529 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 116 Fiche 289- 292 (193-196) 1942 13-15 & 17-24 Jul-Dec [31]p 1943 1-7,9-14 & 17-24 Jan-Dec [63]p 1944 1-21,23 & 24 Jan-Dec [60]p 1945 1,3-8 & 10-21 Jan-Dec [51]p 1946 1-9 & 11-12 Jan-Dec [34]p 1947 1 Jan [2]p L/P&S/12/3530 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 117 Kerman Consulate Diary. Government of India Foreign Department Confidential/ Secret In typescript from No.3/1934 Bandar Abbas is included between Aug 1938 and Feb 1943 Yezd is included from 1942 Kermanshah Monthly Diary. Received from the Foreign Office, London Confidential/Secret In typescript from Apr 1942 Authors: Lt-Col Trenchard Craven Fowle, IA, 1924 Henry Duncan Graves Law, ICS, 1924-27 John Hunter Davies, ICS, 1927-29 Maj Edward William Charles Noel, IA, 1929-31 Asst Surg George Alexander Richardson, IA, 1931-32 Maj Cecil Henning Lincoln, IA, 1933-37 Lt-Col George Arthur Falconer 1937-42 Henry Arthur Northey Barlow, ICS, 1942-44 Lt-Col Vere William Digby Willoughby 1944-45 Lt-Col Reginald George Evelin William Alban 1945-47 Fiche 277-282 (181-186) 1924 20-31 May-Dec [40]p 1925 1-18 Jan-Dec [37]p 1926 1-12 Jan-Dec [29]p 1927 1-12 Jan-Dec [36]p 1928 1-12 Jan-Dec [40]p 1929 1-12 Jan-Dec [40]p 1930 1-9 Jan 1930-Jan 1931 [37]p L/P&S/10/1117 File P.3030/1924 Fiche 282-289 (186-193) 1931 2-10 Feb-Dec [25]p 1932 1-12 Jan-Dec [30]p 1933 1-12 Jan-Dec [43]p 1934 1-10 Jan-Oct [57]p 1935 1-12 Nov 1934-Dec 1935 [91]p 1936 1-12 Jan-Dec [81]p 1937 1-10 & 12 Jan-Dec [74]p 1938 1-12 Jan-Dec [78]p 1939 1-7 Jan-Jul [49]p L/P&S/12/3413 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 17 Authors: John Francis Robert Vaughan-Russell 1941-42 Frank Allan Grafton Cook 1942-43 Albert Spencer Calvert 1943-44 Archibald William Davis 1945-46 Herbert Norman Pullar 1946-47 Fiche 292-296 (196-200) 1941 3 issues Oct-Dec [15]p 1942 10 issues Jan & Apr-Dec [49]p 1943 10 issues Jan-Aug & Oct-Dec [76]p 1944 12 issues Jan-Dec [149]p + ‘appreciation’ May-Oct [18]p 1945 12 issues Jan-Dec [67]p L/P&S/12/3522 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 111 Pt 1 Fiche 296-297 (200-201) 1946 12 issues Jan-Dec [50]p 1947 9 issues Jan-Sep [20]p L/P&S/12/3523 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 111 Pt 2 Khorramshahr Consulate Diary. Received from the Foreign Office, London Typescript Secret/Confidential Authors: Maj Frederick Charles Leslie Chauncy, IA, 1942-43 Maj Andrew Charles Stewart 1943-46 Lt-Col Vere William Digby Willoughby 1946-47 Fiche 297-300 (201--204) 1942 12-24 Jun-Dec [41]p 1943 1-11 & 13-24 Jan-Dec [72]p 1944 1-24 Jan-Dec [66]p 1945 1-7 & 9-21 Jan-Nov [54]p 1946 1-11 Dec 1945-Oct 1946 [34]p L/P&S/12/3528A Pol Ext Coll 28 File 115 Pt 1 Fiche 300-333 (204-237) Fiche 300 (204) 1946 12 & 13 Nov-Dec [4]p 1947 1-6 Jan-Jun [19]p L/P&S/12/3528B Pol Ext Coll 28 File 115 Pt 2 Fiche 300 (204) Half-yearly appreciations of the political situation in the province of Mekran. Issued by the British Consulate, Zahidan 3 issues covering May 1944-Dec 1945 Mekran and Seistan, Jan-Jun 1946 Seistan, Jul-Dec 1946 2 issues, Mekran, Jul 1946-Jun 1947 [31]p typescript Secret L/P&S/12/3548 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 132 ‘Persia Diaries’ Government of India Foreign Department Confidential/Secret Authors: Meshed Consuls Lt-Col Percy Molesworth Sykes 1906-13 Lt-Col Thomas Wolseley Haig 1914-16 Lt-Col William George Grey 1916-20 Lt-Col Trenchard C.W. Fowle 1919-20 Lt-Col Francis Beville Prideaux 1920-24 Lt-Col Lionel Berkeley Holt Haworth 1924-26 Lt-Col Hugh Vincent Biscoe 1926-29 Henry Duncan Graves Law, ICS, 1929-30 Lt-Col Cyril Charles Johnson Barrett 1930-32 Lt-Col Clive Kirkpatrick Daly 1932-36 Giles Frederick Squire 1936-41 Lt-Col R.P.Waters 1941-42 Clarmont Percival Skrine 1942-45 Lt-Col Daniel Richard Smith, IA, 1945-46 Lt-Col Everard Huddleston Gastrell 1947 Meshed Military Attachés Maj Ernest Arthur Frederick Redl, IA, 1911-13 Capt Frank Graham Marsh, IA, 1913-15 Lt-Col Ernest A.F.Redl 1917-22 Maj Henry Jocelyn Kennedy Wallis, IA, 1922 Capt G.M.Stratton 1922-23 Maj David Thompson, IA, 1923-26 Maj Geoffrey Edelston Wheeler, IA, 1926-28 Capt Leo Steveni, IA, 1928-31 Maj Richard Henry Stevens 1932 Maj Lancelot George Werge Hamber, IA, 1931-34 Seistan Consuls Maj William Frederick Travers O’Connor, IA, 1911-12 Maj Francis Beville Prideaux 1912-19 Clarmont Percival Skrine, ICS, 1927-29 Maj C.K.Dally 1929-33 Fiche 300-309 (204-213) Meshed Consular Diary 1911 46-52 Nov-Dec [11]p 1912 1-25 & 28-52 Jan-Dec [80]p 1913 1-24,26-29,31-46 & 48-52 Jan-Dec [63]p Diary of the Military Attaché, Meshed 1911 45-52 Nov-Dec [16]p 1912 1-25 & 27-49 Jan-Dec [93]p 1913 1-22,24-44 & 46-50 Jan-Dec [103]p Seistan/Sistan and Kain Consular Diary 1911 47-52 Nov-Dec [6]p 1912 1-9,11-27 & 30-52 Jan-Dec [49]p 1913 1-25 & 27-52 Jan-Dec [67]p 1914 1&2 Jan [4]p L/P&S/10/209 File P.52/1912 Pt 1 Fiche 309-322 (213-326) Meshed Diary 1914 1-8 & 10-52 Jan-Dec [108]p 1915 1-36 & 38-52 Jan-Dec [106]p 1916 3-52 Jan-Dec [149]p Diary of the Military Attaché, Meshed 1914 1-14 & 16-25 Jan-Dec [147]p 1915 2 Jan [1]p Meshed Intelligence Summary/Military Report 13 issues Oct-Dec 1916 [26]p Meshed Intelligence Report 16 Nov 1916 3p Sistan and Kain Consulate Diary 1914 3-52 Jan-Dec [79]p 1915 1-37 & 39-52 Jan-Dec [78]p 1916 1-10 & 12-53 Jan-Dec [82]p 1917 1 Jan [2]p L/P&S/10/210 File P.52/1912 Pt 2 Fiche 322-333 (326-237) Meshed Diary 1916 53 Dec 1917 1-52 Jan-Dec 1918 1-52 Jan-Dec Meshed Intelligence Summary 1917 1-52 Jan-Dec 1918 1-50 Jan-Dec 3p [158]p [160]p [169]p [144]p Fiche 333-402 (237-306) Sistan and Kain Consulate Diary 1917 2-52 Jan-Dec [67]p 1918 1-51 Jan-Dec [62]p 1919 1-5 Jan-Apr [7]p L/P&S/10/211 File P.52/1912 Pt 3 Meshed Diary. Government of India Foreign Department Confidential/Secret In typescript from Apr 1934 Fiche 333-337 (237-241) 1919 1-51 Jan-Dec [135]p 1920 2-51 Jan-Dec [99]p L/P&S/10/820-2 File P.1974/1919 Pt 2 Fiche 337-341 (241-245) 1921 1-9 & 11-53 Jan-Dec [112]p 1922 1-52 Jan-Dec [125]p L/P&S/10/972-2 File P.1341/1921 Pt 2 Fiche 341-348 (245-252) 1923 1-42 Jan-Dec 1924 1-24 Jan-Dec 1925 1-22 Jan-Dec 1926 1-12 Jan-Dec 1927 1-12 Jan-Dec 1928 1-15 Jan-Dec 1929 1-22 Jan-Dec 1930 1-22 Jan-Dec L/P&S/10/1087 File P.933/1923 [103]p [51]p [52]p [24]p [24]p [31]p [54]p [55]p Fiche 348-356 (252-260) 1931 1-24 Jan-Dec [68]p 1932 15 issues Jan-Dec [38]p 1933 12 issues Jan-Dec [29]p 1934 12 issues Jan-Dec [55]p titled Khorasan Political Diary from Apr 1934 1935 12 issues Jan-Dec [69]p 1936 12 issues Jan-Dec [58]p 1937 12 issues Jan-Dec [65]p 1938 12 issues Jan-Dec [87]p 1939 11 issues Jan-Aug & Oct-Dec [47]p + fortnightly reports 1-4 Sep-Nov [8]p 1940 1-11 Jan-May [42]p L/P&S/12/3406 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 10 Pt 1 Fiche 356-363 (260-267) 1940 12-24 Jun-Dec 1941 1-24 Jan-Dec 1942 1-25 Jan-Dec 1943 1-20 Jan-Dec 1944 1-3 & 5-16 Jan-Dec 1945 1-15 Jan-Dec 1946 1-12 Jan-Dec [41]p [78]p [79]p [80]p [53]p [46]p [35]p 1947 1-7 Jan-Aug [11]p + six-monthly situation reports 5 issues, Jul 1944-Dec 1946 [24]p L/P&S/12/3407 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 10 Pt 2 Meshed Intelligence Summary/Diary. Government of India General Staff/ Foreign Department Secret Fiche 363-372 (267-276) 1919 1-50 Jan-Dec [130]p 1920 1-52 Jan-Dec [258]p L/P&S/10/820-1 File P.1964/1919 Pt 1 Fiche 372-380 (276-284) 1921 1-19 & 29-53 Jan-Dec [597]p 1922 1-45 Jan-Dec [216]p L/P&S/10/972-1 File P.1341/1921 Pt 1 Fiche 380-384 (284-288) 1923 46-90 Jan-Dec [133]p 1924 1-49 Jan-Dec [147]p L/P&S/10/1086 File P.932/1923 Fiche 384-394 (288-298) 1925 1-39 Jan-Dec [124]p + summary of events 8 Apr-8 May 1925 4p 1926 1-8 & 10-35 Jan-Dec [81]p see L/P&S/10/1087 f.178 for No.9 1927 1-28 Jan-Dec [67]p 1928 29-68 Jan-Dec [108]p 1929 69-110 & 113-117 Jan-Dec [148]p see L/P&S/10/1087 ff.55-57 for Nos 111-112 1930 1-38 Jan-Dec [90]p L/P&S/10/1143 File P.1126/1925 Fiche 394-398 (298-302) 1931 1-23 Jan-Dec [65]p 1932 1-17 Jan-Dec [44]p 1933 1-10 Jan-Nov [27]p in typescript from No.10/1933 1934 1-5 Dec 1933-Jul 1934 [23]p L/P&S/12/3414 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 18 Fiche 398-402 (302-306) Sistan and Kain Consulate Diary. Government of India Foreign Department Confidential 1927 8 issues Apr-Dec [25]p 1928 10 issues Jan-Dec [33]p 1929 10 issues Jan-Dec [37]p 1930 11 issues Jan-Dec [42]p 1931 14 issues Jan-Dec [35]p Fiche 402-406 (306-310) 1932 12 issues Jan-Dec [37]p 1933 6 issues Jan-Jun [14]p L/P&S/12/3403 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 8 Fiche 402 (306) Resht Monthly Diary. Received from the Foreign Office, London Authors: Roger Mervyn Savory 1946-47 Lt-Col Robert Oswald Arthur Gatehouse, IA, 1947 13 issues Nov 1946-Nov 1947 Typescript [62]p Secret L/P&S/12/3549 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 133 Fiche 402-406 (306-310) Shiraz Diary. Received from the Foreign Office, London Typescript Secret/Confidential Authors: Terence Vincent Brenan 1942-43 Alfred John Gardener 1943-44 Herbert George Jakins 1944-47 G.F.Magee 1947 Frank Collinge Ogden 1947 1942 13-24 Jul-Dec [41]p 1943 1-24 Jan-Dec [96]p 1944 1-24 Jan-Dec [78]p 1945 1-7 & 9-20 Jan-Dec [59]p 1946 1-12 Jan-Dec [42]p 1947 1-7 Jan-Jul [20]p + six-monthly ‘appreciations’, 2 issues May 1944-Jun 1945 [7]p L/P&S/12/3531 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 118 Fiche 407-427 (1-21) PERSIA (IRAN), BIP – 3 Fiche 407-412 (1-6) Who’s Who in Persia. General Staff, India Calcutta; Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1916 476p 33cm Confidential L/P&S/20/223 Fiche 412 (6) Who’s Who in Persia (Volume I). Khorasan, Sistan & the Kainat. General Staff, India First edition, 1923 Delhi: Government Central Press, 1923 [1],60p 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/11/1 Fiche 412-413 (6-7) Corrections and additions to Who’s Who in Persia, Vol.I. General Staff, India. 1924 Simla: Government of India Press, 1924 12p 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/11/2 Fiche 413-417 (7-11) Who’s Who in Persia (Volume II). General Staff, India First edition, 1923 Simla: Superintendent, Government Central Press, 1923 viii, 431p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/3 Fiche 417 (11) Corrections and additions to Who’s Who in Persia Vol.II. General Staff, India. 1924 Simla: Manager, Government of India Press, 1924 11p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/4 WHO’s WHO 1909-1947 Fiche 417-418 (11-12) Who’s Who in Persia (Volume III). Arabistan, Luristan, Isfahan & Bakhtiari. General Staff, India First edition, 1922 Simla: Superintendent, Government Central Press, 1923 45p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/5 Fiche 418 (12) Corrections and additions to Who’s Who in Persia, Vol. III. General Staff, India. 1924 Simla: Manager, Government of India Press, 1924 5p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/6 Fiche 418-420 (12-14) Who’s Who in Persia (Volume IV). Persian Baluchistan, Kerman, Bandar Abbas, Fars, Yezd and Laristan. General Staff, India. First edition, 1923 Simla: Superintendent, Government Central Press, 1923 151p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/7 Fiche 420-423 (14-17) Additions and corrections to Who’s Who in Persia (Volume IV). General Staff, India. June 1924 Delhi: Government Central Press, 1924 151p 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C137/8 Fiche 423-427 (17-21) Persia: Who’s Who and Leading Personalities, 1929-1947 includes Foreign Office issues: Biographies of Leading Personalities in Persia [Jan 1929] 19p Confidential 18830 [Feb 1930] 22p Confidential 20718 [Jan 1931] 18p Confidential 5090 Fiche 427-432 (21-26) Report on Leading Personalities in Persia [Apr 1932] 20p Confidential 470-C.2 Report on Personalities in Persia, December 1943 64p Confidential 52-42 Report on Leading Personalities in Persia [May 1946] 38p Confidential 78-62 Personalities in Persia. Military Supplement (1947) vii,76 typescript Confidential L/P&S/12/3451 Pol Ext Coll 28 File 46 Fiche 427-430 (21-24) Personalities in Persia, 1930. General Staff, India Simla: Government of India Press, 1930 v,110p 17cm Secret L/P&S/20/C206 Fiche 430-431 (24-25) Biographical notices of Persian statesmen and notables, September 1909. Compiled by George P. Churchill, Oriental Secretary, His Britannic Majesty’s Legation, Tehran Government of India Foreign Department Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1910 xvii,120p 33cm Confidential L/P&S/20/227 Fiche 431-432 (25-26) Biographies of the notables of Fars and certain Persian officials who have served at Shiraz. Government of India Political Department Delhi: Government of India Press, 1925 i,76,xiv p map 33cm For Official Use Only L/P&S/20/C207 Fiche 433-448 (1-16) PERSIA (IRAN), BIP – 4 MILITARY REPORTS 1900-1940 Fiche 433-437 (1-5) Military report on Persia. Compiled by the General Staff, Army Headquarters, India. 1911 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1912 xvii,429p map 18cm Secret L/MIL/17/15/5 [covers Khorasan, Kain, Seistan] Fiche 437-439 (5-7) Military report on Persia. Volume I. 1930. General Staff, India Calcutta: Government of India Press, 1931 iii,115p 2 pl 6 maps 18cm For Official Use Only L/P&S/20/C80 Fiche 439-440 (7-8) Military report on Persia. Volume IV, Part I. Persian Baluchistan, Kerman and Bandar Abbas, 1922. General Staff, India Simla: Government Central Press, 1923 [1],137p 7 maps 18cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/6/1 Fiche 441-443 (9-11) Military report on Persia, Volume IV, Part II. Fars, Gulf Ports, Yazd and Laristan. 1922. General Staff, India Simla: Printed at the Government of India Press, 1924 [2],182p 4 [of 5] maps 18cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/6/2 Fiche 443-444 (11-12) Military report on Southern Persia. Compiled in the Intelligence Branch, Department of the Quarter Master General in India, by Captain G.S.F.Napier, 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire Light Infantry, Staff Captain Simla: Printed at the Government Central Printing Office, 1900 ii,x,119p 4 maps 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/8 Fiche 444-446 (12-14) Military report on S.W.Persia, Vol.I, Bakhtiari Garmsir. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1909 [2],ii,145p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/10/1 Fiche 446-447 (14-15) Military report on S.W.Persia, Vol II. Arabistan. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1910 [2],65,ix p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/10/2 Fiche 447-448 (15-16) Military report on S.W.Persia, Vol.III. Bakhtiari country north of Karun river. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at [the] Government Monotype Press, 1910 [1],iii,106,v p map + 4 sketches 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/1/5/10/3 Fiche 448 (16) Military report on S.W.Persia, Vol.IV. Kughalu country. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the Staff, Army Head Quarters, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1909 v,19p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/10/4 Fiche 449-466 (17-34) Fiche 449-450 (17-18) Military report on (S.-W.) Persia, Volume V. Luristan. By Lieutenant A.T.Wilson, I.A., Political Department [General Staff Branch, Army Head Quarters, India] Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1912 v,128p map 24cm Confidential L/MIL/17/10/5 Fiche 450-456 (18-24) Military report on Tehran and adjacent provinces of North-West Persia (including the Caspian littoral). General Staff M.E.F.Mesopotamia, 1921 Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1922 iii,553p 17 illus map 18cm For Official Use Only L/P&S/20/C200 Fiche 456-460 (24-28) Military report on ‘Arabistan (Area No.13). Compiled by Air Headquarters, Iraq Simla: Government of India Press, 1924 iii,344p map 18cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C205 Fiche 460-461 (28-29) Military report on the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company’s (South Iranian) oilfield area, 1940. General Staff, India Simla: Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, 1940 v,108p 7 [of 8] maps 18cm Secret L/MIL/17/15/24 Fiche 461-463 (29-31) Handbook of the Persian Army. General Staff, India, 1925 Delhi: Government of India Press, 1925 ii,110p 10 of 12] pl map 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/37 Fiche 463-464 (31-32) Notes on the Iranian Army. 1940. General Staff, India Simla: Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, 1940 vii,47,ii p 2 pl 18cm Security L/P&S/20/C255 Fiche 464 (32) Russian military designs in Persia. A strategical fragment. Division of the Chief of the Staff, Intelligence Branch Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1909 7p 33cm Secret L/MIL/17/15/26 Fiche 464-466 (32-34) A strategical study of Persia and the Persian Gulf. Prepared by the General Staff, Army Head Quarters, India, 1913 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1913 ii,132p 3 maps 21cm Secret L/MIL/17/15/27 Fiche 467-512 (1-46) PERSIA (IRAN), BIP – 5 ROUTES 1908-1942 Fiche 467-472 (1-6) Routes in Persia. (Volume I.) (Khorasan and Sistan.) General Staff, India, 1928 Calcutta: Government of India Press, 1928 [1],517p map 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/1 Fiche 489-492 (23-26) Routes in Persia. Volume III, Part 2. General Staff, India. 1916 Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1916 vi,328p map 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/6 Fiche 472-482 (6-16) Routes in Persia. Volume II. (North-Western Persia.) General Staff, India, 1922 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1923 [1],1000p map 18cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/12/2 Fiche 492-493 (26-27) Index to Routes in Persia. Vol.III. Part II. General Staff, India. April 1918 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1918 28p 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/7 Fiche 482-483 (16-17) Corrections to Routes in Persia. Volume II. (North-Western Persia.) (First Series, 1926.) General Staff, India Simnla: Government of India Press, 1926 27p 18cm For Official use Only L/MIL/17/15/12/3 Fiche 483-487 (17-21) Routes in Persia. Vol.III, Part I. General Staff, India, 1916 (Reprint April, 1918) Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1918 [1],iii,396,iv p map 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/4 [volume 3 covers South-West Persia] Fiche 487-489 (21-23) Index to the Routes in Persia, Volume III, Part I. Corrections to … General Staff, India, 1918 & 1919 Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1918 & 1919 55p & 31p 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/5 Fiche 493-500 (37-34) Routes in Persia. Volume IV, Part I. General Staff, India. 1918 Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India, 1918 [1],667p map 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/8 Fiche 500 (34) Corrections to Routes in Persia. Vol.IV. Part I. [General Staff, India]. February 1919 Simla: Government Monotype Press, 1919 10p 18cm Confidential L/MIL/17/15/12/9 Fiche 500-506 (34-40) Routes in Persia (Vol IV, Part II.) (Fars, Laristan, Kerman and Yazd.) General Staff, India. 1922 Simla: Printed at the Government of India Press, 1923 [3],595p map 18cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/12/10 Fiche 506-512 (40-46) M.T.Routes in Persia. Volume 1 – Main routes. 1942. General Staff, India [Lahore: Feroz Printing Works, 1942] 481p map 24cm Security L/MIL/17/15/13 Fiche 512-513 (46-47) Interim amendments to “M.T.Routes in Persia,” 1942. Vol.2. Minor routes. [General Staff, India] [48]p 18cm Security L/P&S/20/247 Fiche 513 (47) Duzdep to Meshed via Shusp, Birjand, Kain, Jumin and Turbat-i-Haidari. General Staff, India Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1919 16p 18cm For Official Use Only L/MIL/17/15/14 Fiche 513-514 (47-48) A note on the transport of Southern and Eastern Persia. Compiled in the Division of the Chief of the Staff Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1908 v,102p 25cm For Official Use Only L/P&S/20/236 Fiche 514-515 (18-49) Lines of communication between Turkey and Persia. General Staff, India. M.O.3 “W.” Simla: Printed at the Government Monotype Press, 1916 57p map 33cm Confidential L/P&S/20/C134 Fiche 512-515 (46-49) INDEX All references are to fiche numbers 1 through 515. All fiche (and the descriptions in this guide) have two numbering sequences: • Numbers 1 through 515 run through the whole series, BIP-1 through BIP-5; • In addition, each set (such as BIP-2), has an individual numbering system. Admiralty Naval Intelligence Persia handbook 59-68 Persia intelligence report 232-33 Ahwaz consular diaries 237-61 Air intelligence summaries 277-32 Alban, Lt-Col Reginald George Evelin William 289-92 Anglo-Iranian Oil Co’s oilfields military report 460-61 Annual report: Persia 166-79 Arabistan communications & irrigation 68-69 military reports 446-47,456-60 tribes 233-34 who’s who 417-18 Army handbook 461-64 notes on 463-64 Baillie, John Gilroy 252-59 Bakhtiari military report 444-46,447-48 who’s who 417-18 Ballard, Sir Reader William 173-79 Baluchistan military report 439-40 printed correspondence 261-70 who’s who 418-20 Bandar Abbas consular diaries 270-72,282-92 military report 439-40 who’s who 418-20 Barclay, Sir George Read 166-73 Barlow, Henry Arthur Northey 289-92 Barrett, Lt-Col Cyril Charles Johnson 341-56 Biographies of leading personalities 423-32 Biscoe, Lt-Col Hugh Vincent 341-48 Bremner, Maj Claude Edward Urquhart 237-52 Brenan, Terence Vincent 402-06 Buchanan, Sir George 68-69 Calvert, Albert Spencer 292-96 Carse, William Mitchell 259-61 Chauncy, Maj Frederick Charles Leslie 297-300 Christian, Capt A.J. 73-75 Churchill, George P. 430-31 Clive, Sir Robert Henry 166-73 consular diaries Ahwaz 237-61 Bandar Abbas 270-72 Isfahan 272-77 Kerman 277-92 Kermanshah 292-97 Khorasan 348-63 Khorramshahr 297-300 Khuzistan 237-61 Meshed 300-63 Resht 402 Seistan & Kain 300-09,322-33,398-402 Shiraz 402-06 Cook, Frank Allan Grafton 292-96 Dally, Lt-Col Clive Kirkpatrick 348-56,398-402 Davies, John Hunter 277-82 Davis, Archibald William 292-97 Dodd, Maj Percy Charles Russell 194-202 Falconer, Lt-Col George Arthur 282-92 Fars military report 441-43 report on 69-73 routes 500-06 tribes 73-77 who’s who 418-20,431-32 Fowle, Lt-Col Trenchard Craven W. 277-82, 333-37 Fraser, Col William Archbold Kenneth 187-202,202-10 Galloway, Lt-Col Arnold Crawshaw 237-52, 252-59 Gardener, Alfred John 237-52, 402-06 Gastrell, Lt-Col Everard Huddleston 356-63 Gatehouse, Lt-Col Robert Oswald Arthur 402 Gault, Charles Alexander 272-77 gazetteers Persia (general) 1-68 Kermanshah 77-82 Grey, Lt-Col William George 309-37 Gybbon-Monypenny, Herbert Reginald Dauphin 237-52 Haig, Lt-Col Thomas Wolseley 300-09 Hamber, Maj Lancelot George Wege 394-98 handbooks 58-68 Haworth, Lt-Col Lionel Berkeley Holt 341-48 Hoare, Sir Reginald Hervey 173-79 Hugesson, Sir Hughe Montgomery Knatchbull 173-79 irrigation 68-69,83-86,93-96 Isfahan consular diaries 272-77 who’s who 417-18 Jakins, Herbert George 402-06 Kerman consular diaries 277-92 military report 439-40 routes 500-06 who’s who 418-20 Kermanshah consular diaries 282-97 gazetteer 77-82 Khorasan consular diaries 348-63 routes 467-72 who’s who 412 Khorramshahr consular diaries 297-300 Khuzistan affairs 234-37 consular diaries 237-61 Kughalu military report 448 tribes 82-83 Laristan military reports 441-43 routes 500-06 who’s who 418-20 Law, Henry Dundas Graves 277-82,341-48 Le Rougetel, Sir John Haller 173-79 Lincoln, Maj Cecil Henning 282-89 Loraine, Sir Percy 166-73 Luristan military report 449-50 who’s who 417-18 Macann, Maj Arthur Ernest Henry 252-59 Magee, Lt G.F. 75-77,402-06 Marsh, Capt Frank Graham 300-22 Mekran political appreciations 300 Memorandum of information 97-108 Meshed consular diaries 300-63 military intelligence summaries 300-33, 363-98 routes 513 military intelligence summaries Tehran 179-227 Meshed 300-33,363-98 military reports 433-61 Napier, Capt George Samuel Frederick 443-44 Noel, Maj Edward William Charles 277-89 O’Connor, Maj William Frederick Travers 300-09 Ogden, Frank Collinge 402-06 Persia intelligence report 232-33 Perso-Afghan Arbitration Commission 83-96 Prideaux, Lt-Col Francis Beville 300-33,333-48 Printed correspondence Persia 108-62 Sarhad (Baluchistan) 261-70 Pullar, Herbert Norman 296-97 Pybus, Lt-Col Gilbert Douglas 202-10 Rabino, Hyacinth Louis 77-82 Ranking, Lt James Gabriel Lancaster 82-83 Ranking, Capt Robert Philip Lancaster 187-94 Redl, Lt-Col Ernest Arthur Frederick 300-09,322-33,363-80 Resht consular diaries 402 Richardson, Asst Surg George Alexander 282-89 routes 467-515 Arabistan 68-69 Fars 500-06 Kerman 500-06 Khorasan 467-72 Laristan 500-06 Meshed 513 Seistan 83-86,467-72 Yazd 500-06 to Turkey 514-15 Russia 98-104,464 Sarhad printed correspondence 261-70 Saunders, Lt-Col Macan 179-94 Savory, Roger Mervyn 272-77,402 Seistan communications 83-86 irrigation report 93-96 political appreciations 300 revenue report 83-92 routes 467-72 Seistan & Kain consular diaries 300-09,322-33,398-402 who’s who 412 Seymour, Sir Horace James 173-79 Shiraz consular diaries 402-06 who’s who 431-32 Skrine, Clarmont Percival 356-63,398-402 Smith, Lt-Col Daniel Richard 356-63 Squire, Giles Frederick 348-63 Stewart, Maj Andrew Charles 297-300 Steveni, Capt Leo 384-98 Stevens, Maj Richard Henry 394-98 A strategical study of Persia 464-66 Stratton, Capt G.M. 372-84 Sykes, Lt-Col Percy Molesworth 300-09 Tehran air intelligence summaries 227-32 military intelligence summaries 179-227 military report 450-56 Thompson, Maj David 380-94 Todd, Frank Henry 237-52 tribes 16,50-51,73-77,82-83,233-34 Trott, Alan Charles 252-61 Underwood, Lt-Col Herbert John 202-10 Vaughan-Russell, John Francis Robert 292-96 Wall, John William 272-77 Wallis, Maj Henry Jocelyn Kennedy 372-80 Ward, Thomas Robert John 83-86,93-96 Waters, Lt-Col R.P. 356-63 Watkinson, Arnold Edwards 237-52 Wheeler, Maj Geoffrey Edelston 384-94 who’s who compilations 407-32 Willoughby, Lt-Col Vere William Digby 289-92,297-300 Wilson, Capt Arnold Talbot 69-73,233-34 Woodward, Maj Robert Francis 194-202 Yezd military reports 441-43 routes 500-06 who’s who 418-20