Flirting with Invisibility
Flirting with Invisibility
Cloaking Own Research Outlook Flirting with Invisibility Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) March 28th 2013 . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook I What is this talk about? I Which ideas/approaches are there? Classification of them? I What is the level of cloaking? What are the outcoming problems? Which questions are still open? I Outlook of invisibility? . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Survey of Cloaking Szenario: Incident wave hits an obstacle. Figure: Incident, scattered and total fieled [] Ambition: Minimize the scattered field. Any idea? . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Survey of Cloaking - Any Idea? . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Survey of Cloaking - Any further Idea? . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Survey of Cloaking - One more idea? . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Survey of Cloaking - Ideas Principle 1: passive cloaking I Metamaterials Guiding the incident waves around the obstacle via transformation or change of variables for mapping the cloaked region to a point with vanishing scattering strength. This leads to anisotropic materials (metamaterials) [9] which can be approximated by bi-layered isotropic media. Isotropy is highly relevant for the praxis! I Scattering cancellation approach Idea: intelligent scattering [1, Chap.10] Principle 2: active cloaking I Apply additional wave-sources such that the total field features the desired property [15]. Principles 1 and 2 can be classified in exterior and interior cloaking. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Passive Cloaking via Metamaterials ( ϕ(x) := I I I 1+ ) 1 x |x| , 2 |x| for 0 < |x| ≤ 2 ϕ is smooth except at 0; ϕ blows up the point 0 to the ball B1 , while mapping the full domain B2 to itself; ϕ(x) = x at the outer boundary |x| = 2. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking Own Research Outlook Passive Cloaking via Metamaterials I One can show that if then 4u(x) = 0 0 in B2 \{0} 0 ∇ · (σ (y )∇u (y )) = 0 in B2 \B1 , where y = ϕ(x), u 0 (y ) = u(x), σ 0 denotes the 2 × 2 matrix σ 0 = σ 0 (y ) = evaluated at x = ϕ−1 (y ) and Dϕ(x) := I ( Dϕ(x)(Dϕ(x))> |detDϕ(x)| ∂ϕ1 ∂x1 ∂ϕ2 ∂x1 ) ∂ϕ1 ∂x2 ∂ϕ2 ∂x2 is the deformation gradient of ϕ, see Worksheet No. 1. One obtain similar results for Helmholtz Equation representing time-harmonic regime of wave equation. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Problems I Infinitely massive cloak, i.e. bad singularities in material parameters I Cloaking effect is frequency dependent I Manufacturing metamaterials is time- and money-consuming . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Chronologic Reference Guide The very first vanishing I 1963, RUS, Velesago: Cornerstone in theoretical investigation of negative permittivity and permeability I 1990-ies till now, USA, Vogelius, Sylvester, Uhlmann: Theory [5] I 2005, USA, Shalaev: Breaktrougth in creation of a cloak for microwaves [11] I 2006, UK, Leonhardt: Theory; Conformal mapping in electromagnetics I 2008, ESP, Torrent: Acoustics, Construction of a bilayered isotropic cloak [13] I 2009, UK, Movchan: Elastic waves [3] I 2011, GER, Wegener, KIT: Physik, Lithography of a cloak for electromagnetic field; construction of a cloak for elasic waves [12] I FIN, Lassas: Theory . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Acoustics - Bi-layered Approximation 2D time-harmonic case [13] ∇· ω2 1 ∇p + 2 p = 0 ρ ρc p: total acoustic pressure, ρ: material density, c: propagation velocity of the wave A suitable transformation of the coordinates applied on a ring and the PDE above affects only the material parameters [8]. The bi-layered isotropic construction leads to ρ1 (r ) = r + (2rR1 − R12 )1/2 ρb , r − R1 c1 (r ) = R2 − R1 r cb , R2 r − R1 ρ2 = ρb /ρ1 , c2 = c1 . Figure: Passive, interior cloak of 200 isotropic layers, [13]. The cloak is independent of the direction of the incident wave. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Acoustics Figure: Realized acoustic cloak (left); Rotator [6], Anti-cloak [7] (right) . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Active Exterior Cloaking in Acoustics Figure: Active exterior cloak on (left) and off (right) [15] . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Electromagnetics 3D cylindric, time-harmonic case [13]: In cylindric coordinates the Transformation Optics [9] and anisotropic materials permittivity , permeability µ lead to ( )2 r − R1 r R2 r − R1 r = µr = , φ = µφ = , z = µz = . r r − R1 R2 − R1 r The effect of the cloak is independent of the incident wave direction. Figure: Electromagnetic cloak, first realization, [11] . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Electromagnetics Figure: Generalization of the cloak geometry [10] . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Electromagnetics Figure: Cloaking ring for microwaves [11]; Cloaking carpet realized at KIT [4] . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Illusion in Electromagnetics Figure: A cloak that mimics a cup and hides a spoon [16] . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Cloaking in Elastodynamics Figure: Seismic metamaterial experiment, Grenoble France, August 2012, [2]. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Transformation Optics Acoustics Electromagnetics Elastodynamics Areas of Application I In general: Sensors disturb the field to measure by their presence. A partly cloaking could reduce this affect. I Electromagnetics: Minimizing the affect of metal implantats on electromagnetic measurements; Invisibility(?), ... I Acoustics: Acoustic dipole; architekture; automotive industry; better laudspeaker, ... I Elasticity: Earthquake-resistant buildings [3], ... I Thermodynamics: New cooling system e.g. on el. circuit board, Chip cooling; Routing or focusing of the heat, ... I Fluiddynamics: Reducing of turbulences [14], ... I Medicine: Acoustic metamaterial superlens for ultrasonic tomography (Shu Zhang, 2009) I Military: Marine; electromagnetic, acoustic, fluiddynamic cloaking, ... . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics Own Research - Ideas I The efficiency (i.e. the energy of the scattered field) is depending on the frequency of the incident field. Idea 1 Face this problem on different scales. Idea 2 Construct ρ = ρ(p) and c = c(p). Really challenging goal! I Cloaking is a very young research branch. Thus, general problem settings are not inverstigated yet (inhomogeneous background medium, tuning for practical problems, new application, ...). Idea Cloaking in a layered medium (i.e. inhomogeneous medium) . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics Own Research - Electrostatics I Passive Erdölexpolration aus der Luft. Diploma Thesis, A. Sommer, 2013 I Active Cloaking and Illusion in Electrostatics. Paper in work, Prof. A.Ismail-Zadeh (IAG), A.Sommer, and AHS I Cloaking in Electrical Impedance Tomography, Looking for Diploma Thesis Students . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics Own Research - Acoustics I Bachelor Thesis, Ph. Kaas, Acoustic Isotropic Cloaking in Layered Medium. Work in process Figure: Density of a bi-layered isotropic cloak for inhomogeneous background medium . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics Own Research - Electromagnetics I Cloaking in inhomogeneous media. Collaboration with Muamer Kadic (IAP) in process. Figure: Electromagnetic anisotropic cloaking in homogeneous (left) and inhomogeneous (right) background media. . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics Antonello Andreone (Editor), Selected Topics in Photonic Crystals and Metamaterials, Word Scientific, 2011 S.Brul, E.H.Javelaud, S.Enoch, S.Guenneau, Seismic metamaterials: how to shake friends and influence waves?, 2012 Brun, Guenneau, Movchan: Achieving control of in-plane elactic Waves, 2009 T. Ergin, J. Fischer, and M. Wegener, Optical phase cloaking of 700 nm light waves in the far eld by a three-dimensional carpet cloak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 173901 (2011) Greenleaf, Kurylev, Lassas, Uhlmann: Invisibility and Inverse Problems, 2008. (127 further references) Huanyang Chen and C.T.Chan, Acoustic cloaking and transformation acoustics, TOPICAL REVIEW, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010) 113001 (14pp) doi:10.1088/0022-3727/43/11/113001 Huijie Shen1, Michael P. Pädoussis, Jihong Wen1, Dianlong Yu1, Li Cai1 and Xisen Wen1, Acoustic cloak/anti-cloak device with realizable passive/active metamaterials, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 285401 (13pp) doi:10.1088/0022-3727/45/28/285401 Ward, Pendry: Refraction and geometry in Maxwells equations, 1996 J.B.Pendry, D.Schurig, and D.R.Smith, Science 312, 1780, 2006 Marco Rahm, David Schurig, Daniel A. Roberts, Steven A. Cummer, David R. Smith, John B. Pendry, Design of electromagnetic cloaks and concentrators using . . form-invariant . . . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . Cloaking Own Research Outlook Ideas Acoustics Electromagnetics coordinate transformations of Maxwells equations. Photonics and Nanostructures Fundamentals and Applications, Volume 6, Issue 1, April 2008, Pages 8795. Shalaev: Optical Cloaking with Methamaterials, 2007 (5th most cited paper among all OPTICS papers) N.Stenger, M.Wilhelm, M.Wegener, Experiments on Elastic Cloaking in Thin Plates, Physical Review Letters 108, 014301, 2012 Torrent, Sanchez-Dehesal: Acoustic Cloaking in two Diemensions: a feasible Approach, 2008 Y.A.Urzhumov and D.R.Smith, Fluid flow control with transformation media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 074501, 2011 F.G.Vasquez, Graeme W. Milton, and Daniel Onofrei, Active Exterior Cloaking, arXiv:0906.1544v1 [math-ph] 8 Jun 2009 Yun Lai, Jack Ng, HuanYang Chen, DeZhuan Han, JunJun Xiao, Zhao-Qing Zhang and C. T. Chan, Illusion optics: The optical transformation of an object into another object . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . . Cloaking Own Research Outlook . Andreas Helfrich-Schkarbanenko Flirting with Invisibility . . . . .