type of work Image campaign, Competition
type of work Image campaign, Competition
title x-cite Webzine type of work International Brandsite client Wrigley GmbH, Unterhaching appeared in 06/2002 design digital advertising AG, Unterhaching Horst Frankenberger, Markus Hofmeier title Familie ist das, was einen leeren Raum plötzlich mit Leben füllt (junior award) type of work Image campaign, Competition entry client VORWERK & Co. KG, Competition at the university Wuppertal, Kommunikationsdesign, Prof. H. G. Schmitz appeared in 12/2001 design Daniela Höhmann 54 55 title Greenpeace Magazin Own advertising title Elvis from the Audi Multitronic TV ad ”Der Fan” type of work Brochure type of work Elvis Doll client Greenpeace Media GmbH, Hamburg client Audi AG appeared in 01/2001 design Büro Hamburg, JK. PW. Gesellschaft für Kommunikationsdesign mbH Bettina Rosenow 88 appeared in 2001 design Saatchi & Saatchi GmbH 89 title Profit from Ideas type of work Company brochure client Media Lab Europe, Ireland appeared in 01/2002 design Mutabor Design GmbH Silke Eggers, Heinrich Paravicini, Axel Domke title 2002-Quersumme 4, Own advertising type of work Calendar and Quartett Memory game client Zimmermann & Jung, Visuelle Kommunikation, Stuttgart appeared in 03/2002 design Zimmermann & Jung, Visuelle Kommunikation, Stuttgart 98 99