Books and Book Chapters Anneliese Baldaccini, Extraterritorial


Books and Book Chapters Anneliese Baldaccini, Extraterritorial
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Books and Book Chapters
Anneliese Baldaccini, Extraterritorial border controls in the EU: The role of Frontex in
operations at sea. in Bernard Ryan and Valsamis Mitsilegas (eds), Extraterritorial Immigration
Control: Legal Challenges (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2010) 225-251
Federica Bicchi, European Foreign Policy Making toward the Mediterranean (1st edn, Palgrave
MacMillan 2008)
Marina Caparini, Border management as an element of security sector governance. in Marina
Caparini and Marenin Otwin (eds), Borders and security governance: managing borders in a globalised world
(Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces 2006) 281-288
Sergio Carrera and Florian Geyer, The Reform Treaty and Justice and Home Affairs:
Implications for the Common Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. in Elspeth Guild and
Florian Geyer (eds), Security versus Justice? Police and Judicial Cooperation in the European Union
(Ashgate 2008) 289-308
Serge Daniel, Les routes clandestines: L'Afrique des immigrés et des passeurs (1st edn, Hachette Littératures 2008)
Denise Efionayi-Mäder and others, Asyldestination Europa - Eine Geographie der Asylbewegungen (1st
edn, Seismo 2001)
Peter Futo, Yearbook: Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe
in 2007 - A Survey and Analysis of Border Management and Border Apprehension Data from 20 States (1st
edn, International Centre for Migration Policy Development 2008)
Anne T Gallagher and Fiona David, The International Law of Migrant Smuggling (1st edn, Cambridge
University Press 2014)
Guy S Goodwin-Gill and Jane Mcadam, The Refugee in International Law (3rd edn, Oxford University Press
Giovanni Grevi and others (eds), European Security and Defence Policy: the first ten years (1999-2009)
(1st edn, The European Union Institute for Security Studies 2009)
Elspeth Guild and Didier Bigo, The Transformation of European Border Controls. in Bernard
Ryan and DrValsamis Mitsilegas (eds), Extraterritorial Immigration Control: Legal Challenges, Leiden:
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Brill Academic Pub 2010) 257-278
Alexander King, The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome (1st edn,
Pantheon Books 1991)
Johannes van der Klaauw, Towards a Common Asylum Procedure. in Elspeth Guild and Carla Harlow
(eds), Implementing Amsterdam: Immigration and Asylum Rights in EC Law (Hart Publishing 2001) 165-193
Khalid Koser, Negotiating entry into fortress Europe: The migration strategies of ‘spontaneous’
asylum seekers. in Phillip Muus (ed), Exclusion and inclusion of refugees in contemporary Europe (European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University 1997) 157-170
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Idem, International Migration: A Very Short Introduction (1st edn, Oxford University Press 2007)
David Kyle and Rey Koslowski, Global Human Smuggling: Comparative Perspectives (2nd edn, John
Hopkins Unviersity Press 2011)
Ilse van Liempt, Navigating Borders: Inside Perspectives on the Process of Human Smuggling into the
Netherlands (1st edn, Amsterdam University Press 2007)
Derek Lutterbeck, Across the Desert, Across the Sea: Migrant Smuggling into and from Libya. in
Peter Seeberg and Zaid Eyadat (eds), Migration, Security, and Citizenship in the Middle East (1st edn,
Palgrave Macmillan 2013) 137-166
Patricia Mallia, Migrant Smuggling by Sea: Combating a Current Threat to Maritime Security through the
Creation of a Cooperative Framework (1st edn, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2010)
Nilufer Narli, Human trafficking and smuggling: the process, the actors and the victim profile. in
Nilufer Narli (ed), Trafficking in Persons in South East Europe: A Threat to Human Security (Study
Group Information; Vienna, National Defence Academy; Istanbul, Center for Strategic Research
2006) 7-35
Efthymios Papastavridis, The Interception of Vessels on the High Seas: Contemporary Challenges to the
Legal Order of the Oceans (1st edn, Hart Publishing 2014)
Joel Quirk, The Anti-Slavery Project: From the Slave Trade to Human Trafficking (1st edn, University of
Pennsylvania Press 2011)
K. Jack Riley, Border Control (1st edn, RAND Corporation 2006)
Anna Triandafyllidou and Thanos Maroukis, Migrant Smuggling Irregular Migration from Asia and
Africa to Europe (1st edn, Palgrave Macmillan 2012)
Akm Ahsan Ullah, Refugee Politics in the Middle East and North Africa: Human Rights, Safety, and
Identity (1st edn, Palgrave Macmillan 2014)
United States Department of State, Trafficking in Persons Report, Washington, D. C. (July 2015)
Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (1st edn, Collier Macmillan Publishers
Monika Wohlfeld, Is Migration a Security Issue?. in Omar Grech and Monika Wohlfeld (eds),
Migration in the Mediterranean: Human Rights, Security and Development Perspectives (MEDAC 2014)
Sarah Wolff, EU Integrated Border Management Beyond Lisbon: Contrasting Policies and
Practice. in Ricardo Zapata-Barrero (ed), Shaping the Normative Contours of the European Union: A
Migration-Border Framework (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) 2010) 23-36
Idem, The Mediterranean Dimension of the European Union's Internal Security (1st edn, Palgrave
Macmillan 2012)
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Jan Wouters, Stephanie Bijlmakers and Katrien Meuwissen, The EU as a Multilateral Security
Actor after Lisbon: Constitutional and Institutional Aspects. in Lucarelli and others (eds), The
EU and Multilateral Security Governance (Routledge 2013) 72 -103
Sheldon Zhang, Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: All Roads Lead to America (Greenwood
Publishing Group 2007)
Journal Articles/Reports
Roberto Aliboni and Abdallah Saaf, 'Human security: a new perspective for Euro- Mediterranean
cooperation' [February 2010] 1(3) EUISS 10 papers for Barcelona
Mehdi Alioua, 'Sub-Saharan cross-national migration to North-African countries the Moroccan
stage' [2005] 1(1) Maghreb-Machrek 37-85
Maybritt Jill Alpes and Ninna Nyberg Sørensen, 'Migration risk warning campaigns are based on
wrong assumptions' [May 2015] Danish Institute for International Studies Policy Brief
Amnesty International, 'Lives Adrift: Refugees and Migrants in Peril in the Central Mediterranean’ [September 2014]
Idem, ''Libya is full of cruelty:' Stories of abductions, sexual violence and abductions from
migrants and refugees' [May 2015]
Lisa Anteby-Yemeni, 'Migrations africaines et nouveaux enjeux de la frontière israélo-égyptienne'
[2008] 72 Cultures & Conflits 77-99
Alexis A. Aronowitz, 'Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings: The Phenomenon, The
Markets that Drive It and the Organisations that Promote It' [2001] 9(2) European Journal on
Criminal Policy and Research 163-195
Theodore Baird, 'Theoretical Approaches to Human Smuggling' [2013] 10(1) DIIS Working
Corinne Balleix, 'Border Control and the Right to Asylum: Where is the EU heading?' [June
2014] 1(114) Jacques Delors Institute - Policy Paper
Timo Behr et al., 'The maritime dimension of CSDP: geostrategic maritime challenges and their
implications for the European Union' [2013] 1(1) European Parliament, Directorate-General for
External Policies of the Union
Janos Bertok and others, 'Can we put an end to human smuggling?' [December 2015] (9) OECD
Migration Policy Debates
Jacqueline Bhabha, Human smuggling, migration and human rights. Working paper prepared for the
International Council on Human Rights Policy Review Meeting, “Migration: Human Rights
Protection of Smuggled Persons”, Geneva 25-26 July 2006
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Veronika Bilger and others, 'Human smuggling as a transnational service industry: evidence from
Austria' [2006] 44(4) International Migration 59-93
Hugo Brady, 'Mare Europaeum? Tackling Mediterranean Migration' [September 2014] (25)
Jørgen Carling and Maria Hernández-Carretero, 'Protecting Europe and Protecting Migrants?
Strategies for Managing Unauthorised Migration from Africa' [2011] 13(1) The British Journal of
Politics and International Relations 42-58
Jørgen Carling and others, 'Beyond Definitions: Global migration and the smuggling-trafficking
nexus' [November 2015] (2) Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS) Discussion Paper
Sergio Carrera, 'The EU Border Management Strategy FRONTEX and the Challenges of
Irregular Immigration in the Canary Islands' [March 2007] (261) CEPS Working Document
Sergio Carrera and Raül Hernández i Sagrera, 'The Externalisation of the EU’s Labour Immigration Policy: Towards Mobility or Insecurity Partnerships?' [October 2009] (321) CEPS Working
Sergio Carrera and Leonhard den Hertog, 'Whose Mare? Rule of law challenges in the field of
European border surveillance in the Mediterranean' [January 2015] (79) CEPS Paper in Liberty
and Security in Europe
Laura Chappell and others, 'The impacts of irregular migration' [2011] A Quel Prix les Tomates?
- Project by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Elizabeth Collett, 'The ‘Global Approach to Migration’: rhetoric or reality?' [November 2007]
European Policy Center Policy Brief
Salvatore Coluccello and Simon Massey, 'Out of Africa: The Human Trade between Libya and
Lampedusa' [2007] 10(4) Trends on Organized Crime 77-90
Jesús Díez Alcalde, 'EUBAM Libya: Seguridad fronteriza para la estabilización nacional y
regional' [June 2013] 39(1) Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos
Jeroen Doomernik, 'Migrant Smuggling between Two Logics: Migration Dynamics and State
Policies' [2013] 48(3) The International Spectator - Italian Journal of International Affairs 113129
Jeroen Doomernik and David Kyle, 'Introduction' [2004] 5(3) Journal of International Migration
and Integration 265-272
Catherine Dorgnach, 'Border Management and Visa Study Border Management (BM) in
AFRICA' [April 2013] ICMPD Report
Margriet Drent and others, 'The EU as a Security Provider ' [April 2014] Clingendael Report
Howard Duncan (ed.), Various Articles [2006] 44(1-5) International Migration
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Europol, ‘Irregular migrants from the Horn of Africa with European sponsors kidnapped for
ransom and held in Sinai’ [March 2014] Scan Policy Brief
Idem, ‘Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA)’ [September 2015]
European Migration Network, 'Ad-Hoc Query on communication strategies used for
sensitization and prevention campaigns in third countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovak Republic,
Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom' [Requested by BE EMN NCP on 15 October 2013] EMN
EU Naval Force med Operation Sophia, 'European Union Naval Force - Mediterranean
Operation Sophia' [December 2015] EEAS Missions and Operations
Financial Action Task Force (FATF), 'Money Laundering Risks Arising from Trafficking in
Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants' [July 2011]
Frontex, Annual Report [2006]
Idem, Risk Analysis [2015]
Idem, Programme of Work [2015]
Idem, Risk Analysis Network Quarterly Report Q2 [2015]
Idem, 'Detections of illegal border crossing - selected border sections and routes Jan-Nov'
[January 2016] Frontex Weekly Aggregated Baseline Data
Idem, 'Detections of illegal border-crossing between BCPs - Detections reported by routes and
top three nationalities at the external borders Jan-Nov' [January 2016]
Frontex and Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation,
‘Terms of Reference on the establishment of operational co-operation between the European
Agency for the Management of Operational Co-operation at the External Borders of the
European Union (FRONTEX) and the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security’ [2006]
Andrea Frontini, 'The European Union Maritime Security Strategy: sailing uncharted waters?'
[June 2014] EPC Commentary
Dr. Paula García Andrade and Prof. Iván Martín, 'EU cooperation with third countries in the
field of migration' [2015] European Parliament, Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and
Constitutional Affairs
Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime series on Human Trafficking, ‘Smuggled
Futures: The dangerous path of the migrants from Africa to Europe’ [May 2014]
Elie Goldschmidt, 'Storming the Fences: Morocco and Europe’s Anti-Migration Policy' [2006]
36(239) Middle East Report
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Elspeth Guild and others, 'Implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and its
Impact on EU Home Affairs Agencies Frontex, Europol and the European Asylum Support
Office' [2011] European Parliament, Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights and Constitutional
Idem, 'Enhancing the Common European Asylum System and Alternatives to Dublin'
[September 2015] (83) CEPS Paper in Liberty and Security
Tülin Günşen İçli and others, 'A Survey Study on the Profile of Human Smugglers in Turkey'
[2015] 5(1) Advances in Applied Sociology 1-12
Hein de Haas, 'The myth of invasion: Irregular migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and
the European Union' [2007] IMI Research Report
Idem, 'Turning the Tide? Why Development Will Not Stop Migration' [2007] 38(5)
Development and Change 819-841
Randall Hansen, 'Migration to Europe since 1945: its history and its lessons' [2003] 74(1) The
Political Quarterly 25-38
Randall Hansen and Demetrios G. Papademetriou, 'Securing Borders: The Intended,
Unintended, and Perverse Consequences' [January 2014] Migration Policy Institute
Friedrich Heckmann, Methodological Problems in the Study of Illegal Migration. 'Conceptual and
Methodological Developments in the Study of International Migration', Conference at Princeton
University May 24-25 2003
Idem, 'Towards a better understanding of human smuggling' [November 2007] (5) IMISCOE
Policy Brief
Emma Herman, 'Migration as a Family Business: The Role of Personal Networks in the Mobility
Phase of Migration' [2006] 44(4) International Migration 191-230
Raül Hernandez i Sagrera, 'Exporting EU integrated border management beyond EU borders:
modernization and institutional transformation in exchange for more mobility?' [2014] 27(1)
Cambridge Review of International Affairs 167-183
Christopher Horwood, 'In Pursuit of the Southern Dream: Victims of Necessity Assessment of
the irregular movement of men from East Africa and the Horn to South Africa' [April 2009]
International Organization for Migration
Human Rights Watch (HRW), 'Sinai Perils: Risks to Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers in
Egypt and Israel' [2008]
Comments by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), 'Migration
in a new European Neighbourhood Policy' [June 2015] Migration in a new European
Neighbourhood Policy - Consultation Paper
International Council on Human Rights Policy (ICHRP), 'Irregular Migration, Migrant
Smuggling and Human Rights: Towards Coherence' [2010]
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
International Crisis Group, 'The Central Sahel: A Perfect Sandstorm' [June 2015] 227 Africa
International Organization for Migration (IOM), 'Global Migration Trends: an overview' [2014]
Idem, 'Migration Trends across the Mediterranean: Connecting the Dots' [June 2015]
Idem, ‘Fatal Journeys: Tracking Lives Lost during Migration’ [2014]
Karen Jacobson, 'Livelihoods in Conflict: The Pursuit of Livelihoods by Refugees and the
Impact on the Human Security of Host Communities' [2002] 40(5) Internat. Migration 95-121
Michael Jandl, 'Irregular migration, human smuggling and the Eastern enlargement of the European Union', International Migration Review [2007] 41(2) 291-315
Christian Kaunert and Sarah Léonard, 'The European Union Asylum Policy after the Treaty of
Lisbon and the Stockholm Programme: Towards Supranational Governance in a Common Area
of Protection?' [2010] 31(4) Refugee Survey Quarterly 1-20
Donald Kerwin, 'Human Security, Civil Society and Migration' [2013] Journal on Migration and
Human Security: a publication of The Center for Migration Studies of New York
Khalid Koser, 'Irregular migration, state security and human security' [September 2005] Global
Commission on International Migration
Idem, 'Why migrant smuggling pays' [2008] 46(2) International Migration 3-26
Albert Kraler and Madaline Rogoz, 'Irregular Migration in the European Union since the turn of
the millennium - development, economic background and discourses' [October 2011] 10
Working Paper Clandestino Database on Irregular Migration
Katie Kuschminder and others, 'Irregular Migration Routes to Europe and Factors Influencing
Migrants’ Destination Choices' [July 2015] Maastricht Graduate School of Governance
Everett S. Lee, 'A Theory of Migration' [1966] 3(1) Demography 47-57
Lennart Landman, 'The EU Maritime Security Strategy Promoting or Absorbing European
Defence Cooperation?' [April 2015] Clingendael Policy Brief
Sarah Léonard, 'The Creation of FRONTEX and the Politics of Institutionalisation in the EU
External Borders Policy' [2009] 5(3) Journal of Contemporary European research 371-388
Idem, 'EU border security and migration into the European Union: FRONTEX and
securitisation through practices' [2010] 19(2) European Security 231-254
LIBE Committee of the European Parliament, 'News from the Agencies' [December 2014] 5(5)
LIBE Newsletter
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Ilse van Liempt and Jeroen Doomernik, 'Migrants’ Agency in the Smuggling Process: The
Perspectives of Smuggled Migrants in the Netherlands' [2006] 44(4) International Migration 165190
Gijsbert van Liemt, 'Human Trafficking in Europe: An Economic Perspective' [June 2004] 31
Working Paper International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Derek Lutterbeck, 'Policing Migration in the Mediterranean' [2006] 11(1) Mediterranean Politics
Patricia Mallia, 'The Challenges of Irregular Maritime Migration' [April 2013] (4) An evolving EU
engaging a changing Mediterranean region - Jean Monnet Occasional Paper
Manuel Manrique Gil and others, 'Mediterranean Flows into Europe: Migration and the EU's
Foreign Policy' [2014] In-Depth Analysis, European Parliament, Policy Department, DirectorateGeneral for External Policies
Otwin Marenin, 'Challenges for Integrated Border Management in the European Union' [2010]
(17) Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF) - Occasional
Philip Martin, 'Economic Integration and Migration: The Mexico-US Case' [April 2003]
2003/35(1) Discussion Paper prepared for the WIDER development conference on ‘Poverty,
International Migration and Asylum’ held on 27- 28 September 2002 in Helsinki, Finland
Jörg Monar, 'The External Dimension of the EU´s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice:
Progress, potential and limitations after the Treaty of Lisbon' [January 2012] Swedish Institute
for European Policy Studies
Gregory Mounier, 'Civilian Crisis Management and the External Dimension of JHA: Inceptive,
Functional and Institutional Similarities' [2009] 31(1) Journal of European Integration 45-64
Andrew Neal, 'Securitization and risk at the EU Border: the origins of Frontex' [2009] 47(2)
Journal of Common Market Studies 333-356
Matthias Neske, 'Human Smuggling to and through Germany' [2006] 44(4) International
Migration 121-163
Optimity Advisors, ICMPD and ECRE, 'A study on smuggling of migrants - Characteristics,
responses and cooperation with third countries Final report' [November 2015] European
Commission, DG Migration & Home Affairs/ European Migration Network
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 'OECD Handbook on Security
System Reform - Supporting Security and Justice' [February 2008]
Demetrios G Papademetriou and Elizabeth Collett, 'A New Architecture for Border
Management' [March 2011] Migration Policy Institute
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Roderick Parkes, 'Integrating EU defence and migration policies in the Mediterranean' [November 2014] 125 Working Paper Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo
Exterior (FRIDE)
Idem, 'Migration: new ‘push’ and ‘pull’ dynamics' [November 2015] (34) EUISS Brief
Yves Pascouau and António Vitorino, 'The EU’s migrant strategy: a welcome new impetus' [May
2015] EPC Commentary
Ferruccio Pastore and others, 'Schengen’s soft Underbelly? Irregular Migration and Human
Smuggling across Land and Sea Borders to Italy' [2006] 44(4) International Migration 95-119
Melanie Petros, 'The costs of human smuggling and trafficking' [April 2005] (31) Global
Migration Perspectives: Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM)
Pro Asyl, 'Pushed Back: Systematische Menschenrechtsverletzungen an den griechischtürkischen See- und Landgrenzen' [November 2013]
Margarita Puerto Gomez and Asger Christensen, 'The Impacts of Refugees on Neighbouring
Countries: A Development Challenge' [July 2010] World Development Report 2011, World
The Regional Mixed Migration Secretariat (RMMS), 'Migrant Smuggling in the Horn of Africa &
Yemen: the social economy and protection risks' [2013] (13) Mixed Migration Research Series:
Explaining People on the Move
John Salt and Jeremy Stein, 'Migration as a Business: The Case of Trafficking' [1997] 35(4)
International Migration 467-494
Amandine Scherrer and others, 'Developing an EU Internal Security Strategy, fighting terrorism
and organised crime' [2011] DG Internal Policies, Policy department C: Citizen's Rights and
Constitutional Affairs
Jeanette Schoorl and others, 'Push and Pull Factors of International Migration: A Comparative
Report' [July 2000] European Communities, Office for Official Publications
Mark Shaw and Fiona Mangan, 'Profits and Losses: Illicit economies and emerging patterns of
organized crime as obstacles to peace and state consolidation in Libya' [February 2014] United
States Institute for Peace (USIP)
Richard Staring, 'Facilitating the Arrival of Illegal Immigrants in the Netherlands: Irregular Chain
Migration versus Smuggling Chains', Journal of International Migration and Integration [2004]
5(3) 273-294
Marco Stefan, 'The Rabat Process from a Euro-Mediterranean perspective: what to expect from
the 24th-25th April 2014 Paris Thematic Meeting?' [April 2014] MEDEA Analysis
Thierry Tardy, 'CSDP in action - what contribution to international security?' [June 2015] (134)
EU Institute for Security Studies Chaillot Paper
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Idem, 'Operation Sophia: tackling the refugee crisis with military means' [September 2015] 30
THEMIS 2015 Competition, X Edition - Team ITALY 1 'Smuggling of migrants across the
Mediterranean: a EU-wide legal challenge' [2015]
Jacob Townsend and Christel Oomen, 'Before the Boat: Understanding the Migrant Journey'
[May 2015] Migration Policy Institute Europe
Florian Trauner, 'The internal-external security nexus: more coherence under Lisbon?' [March
2011] EUISS Occasional Paper 89
Idem, 'External Aspects of Internal Security: a Research Agenda' [September 2006] (382) EU
Consent Project: Wider Europe - Deeper Integration? Constructing Europe Network
Greta Uehling, 'Unwanted migration: combating and unwittingly creating irregular migration in
Ukraine' [2004] New Issues in Refugee Research UNHCR
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 'Mixed Migration: Libya at the
Crossroads' [November 2013]
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), 'The Globalization of Crime: A
Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment' [June 2010]
Idem, 'A short introduction to migrant smuggling' [April 2010] Issue Paper
Idem, 'Global Review and Annotated Bibliography of Recent Publications on Smuggling of
Migrants' [January 2011]
Idem, 'International Framework for Action: To Implement the Smuggling of Migrants Protocol'
[February 2012]
Idem, 'The Role of Corruption in Smuggling of Migrants' [November 2013] Issue Paper
Idem, 'Migrant Smuggling in Asia: Current Trends and Related Challenges' [April 2015]
United States House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations, 'A Line
in the Sand: Confronting the threat at the Southwest Border' [2006]
Dita Vogel et al, 'Policy Brief on the Size and Development of Irregular Migration to the
European Union' [2009] CLANDESTINO project 4
Michael D. Ward and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, 'Location, Location, Location: An MCMC
Approach to Modeling Spatial Context with Categorical Variables in the Study and Prediction of
War' [2000] (5) Working Paper Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences University of
Sarah Webb and John Burrows, 'Organised immigration crime: a post-conviction study' [2009]
(15) Home Office Research Report
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Sarah Wolff, 'Border management in the Mediterranean: internal, external and ethical challenges'
[2008] 21(2) Cambridge Review of International Affairs 253-271
The Wise Pen Team, 'Maritime Surveillance in Support of CSDP' [April 2010] The Wise Pen
final report to EDA Steering Board
Susan E Zimmerman, 'Irregular Secondary Movements to Europe: Seeking Asylum beyond
Refuge' [2009] 22(1) Journal of Refugee Studies 74-96
Online Resources
African Union, 'Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) ' (African Union,
2015) <> accessed 20 November 2015
Ansamed, 'Immigration: Italy launches Mare Nostrum, 400 more saved' (Ansamed General News,
15 October 2013) <
2013/10/15/Immigration-Italy-launches-Mare-Nostrum-400-saved_9466386.html> accessed 23
November 2015
Lizzie Arthur and David Nelsen, 'Italy: End of ongoing sea rescue mission ‘puts thousands at
risk’' (The Guardian, 31 October 2014) <> accessed 23 November 2015
Jacqueline Bhabha, ' Trafficking, Smuggling, and Human Rights' (Migration Information Source,
1 March) <>
accessed 20 November 2015
Veronika Bilger and Martin Hofmann, 'To be effective, measures to curb migrant smuggling
must be embedded in a broader strategy' (ICMPD - News Detail, 9 November 2015)
curb_migrant_smuggling_must_be_embedded_in_a_broader_strategy/> accessed 23 Nov. 2015
British Broadcasting Corp., 'Mediterranean 'a cemetery' - Maltese PM Muscat' (BBC News, 12
October 2013) <> accessed 20 Nov. 2015
Lachlan Carmichael, 'Africa's Lake Chad could fuel new migrant crisis: UN' (ReliefWeb, 8 Nov.
2015) <>
accessed 23 November 2015
Sergio Carrera, 'Whose European Agenda on Migration?' (CEPS, July 2015) <https://> accessed 22 November 2015
Elizabeth Collett, 'The European Union's Stockholm Program: Less Ambition on Immigration
and Asylum, But More Detailed Plans' (MPI Migration Information Source, 12 January 2010)
<> accessed 22 November 2015
Council on Foreign Relations, 'Global Conflict Tracker' (Council on Foreign Relations, 2016)
<!/> accessed 25 January 2016
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Jay Deshmukh and Abdelhalim Abdallah, 'Syrian migrants in Egypt undeterred by deadly
shipwreck off Malta' (Agence France Press, 20 September 2014) <> accessed 25 Nov. 2015
ECRE, 'Mare Nostrum to end: new Frontex operation will not ensure rescue at sea of migrants
in international waters' (ECRE Weekly Bulletin, 10 October 2014) < component/content/article/70-weekly-bulletin-articles/855-operation-mare-nostrum-to-end-frontextriton-operation-will-not-ensure-rescue-at-sea-of-migrants-in-international-waters.html>
accessed 7 January 2016
Sebastian Elischer, 'The EU's Migration Diversion Outsourcing the Refugee Crisis' (Foreign
Affairs, 15 September 2015) <> accessed 24 November 2015
Borut Erzen, 'Border Management and Visa' (ICMPD, 2016) <> accessed 23 November 2015
The EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies’ cooperation in 2014: working together to achieve
common EU objectives, 'Setting the scene: the EU Agencies as key actors in the JHA field'
(European Parliament, 4 November 2014)
EuroMed Migration, 'Overview' (Website EUROMED Migration III, 2013) <http://www.> accessed 20 November 2015
European Agenda on Migration Background Information, 'How does Frontex Joint Operation
Triton support search and rescue operations?' (European Commission, 2015) <http://ec.> accessed 22 November 2015
Idem, 'The Hotspot Approach to Managing Exceptional Migratory Flows' (European Commission DG Home Affairs, 2015) <
european-agenda-migration/background-information/docs/2_hotspots_en.pdf> accessed 21
November 2015
European Commission Memo, 'EUROSUR: new tools to save migrants' lives at sea and fight
cross-border crime' (European Commission, 19 June 2013) <> accessed 22 November 2015
European Commission Press Release, 'Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route:
Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action' (European Commission, 25 October 2015)
<> accessed 21 November 2015
European Council, 'Special meeting of the European Council, 23 April 2015 - statement' (Press
releases and statements, 23 April 2015) <> accessed 25 November 2015
European External Action Service, 'Statement of the HR/VP Federica Mogherini on the vote of
UN resolution 2240 on EU naval operation in the Mediterranean' (European Union External
Action, 10 October 2015) <>
accessed 23 November 2015
Ehler & von Martius LONG MARCH FOR EUROPE
Europol, 'Operation Archimedes' (Europol, 24 September 2014) <https://www.europol.> accessed 23 November 2015
Idem, 'Joint Operational Team launched to combat irregular migration in the Mediterranean'
(Europol Press Release, 17 March 2015) <> accessed 23 November 2015
Idem, Press Releases, ' INTERPOL-Europol forum outlines steps against people smuggling'
(Europol, 16 October 2015) <> accessed 21 November 2015
Evelyn Ersanilli, 'Netherlands' (Focus Migration) <> accessed 23 November 2015
Frontex, 'People smugglers: the latter day slave merchants' (Frontex, 30 September 2014)
<> accessed 23 November 2015
Idem, 'Third Countries' (Frontex Partners, 2015) <> accessed 20 November 2015
Idem, 'Frontex Budget 2015' (Frontex Governance, 7 January 2015) <http://frontex.> accessed 24 November 2015
Idem, 'Frontex expands its Joint Operation Triton' (Frontex, 26 May 2015)
<> accessed
23 November 2015
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