Rossa 2012 Effective Language Teaching


Rossa 2012 Effective Language Teaching
Forschungsergebnisse zur Effektivität von Lehr-/
Lernprozessen im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Dr. Henning Rossa
Fachdidaktik Englisch / Angewandte Linguistik
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Technische Universität Dortmund
Fremdsprachentag Münster, 19. September 2012
Professionelle Reflexivität von
Lehrerinnen und Lehrern
Denkbare Referenzpunkte für die Reflexion des eigenen Beitrags
zum unterrichtlichen Handeln:
Effektivität (Leistungsorientierung)
Orientierung am “state of the art“
(Innovation, empirische Validierung)
Curriculare Angemessenheit (Legitimation)
Schülerorientierung (Pädagogische Überzeugungen)
Selbstwirksamkeit, Wohlbefinden
(Persönliche, psychologisch motivierte Ziele)
The obvious: Top 3 (process-)factors that
support language learning in the classroom
Hohe Schüleraktivität 15
Alltagsrelevanz der Inhalte und der Umsetzung
Spannungsbogen, unterschiedliche Phasen/Anforderungen
S-S Interaktion in der Zielsprache 6
Lernzuwachs 10
Implizites Lernen, Anwenden, Einstellungen ändern 2
Weitergehendes Interesse der SuS an den Inhalten 2
Konzentration auf den Unterricht
Strukturierung, Transparenz
Affektive Dimension: Spaß, Zufriedenheit (SuS und L)
Arbeitsklima (Respekt, Ruhe)
SuS bringen Ideen ein
Das Empirie-Praxis-Problem:
What use are research results for
Borg 2010 (421):
There is a growing awareness that the contribution of SLA
research to what teachers do is at best facilitative rather
than determinative.
Larsen-Freeman 1998 (554):
Teachers who have been exposed to concepts and
research in SLA courses […] often become more
learning-centered. The benefit of this shift is two-fold:
Their responses to their students are more relevant,
and their own professional development is ensured,
for becoming fascinated with what learners do is an
excellent way of keeping one’s teaching practice vital.
Benefits of teacher-research
cf. Borg 2010 (414):
• make deeper sense of your work (new ways of seeing);
• identify ideas to experiment with in your classroom
(new ways of doing);
• extend your discourse for discussing teaching
(new ways of talking);
• validate with an empirical rationale what you already do
(new ways of knowing);
• examine your planning and decision-making processes
(new ways of thinking).
Das Empirie-Praxis-Problem:
The messy nature of language
teaching and learning
Kiely 2009 (114):
In the past, the search for effectiveness has been through grand
theories, branded methods, and passing trends. The search for
the secret of effectiveness has often focussed on the nature of
the programme inputs and the measurement of outcomes. […]
As well as inputs and outcomes, there is a need to examine the
interactions and the factors which shape input use and impact.
Educational settings
Effektivität von Lehr-/ Lernprozessen im
Fremdsprachenunterricht: Ausgewählte
Optimal Conditions for L2 Acquisition
Grammar Acquisition
Vocabulary Acquisition
Task-based Language Teaching
Content/Language Integrated Learning
Learning Strategies
Optimal conditions
for L2 acquisition
Zwei relevante Forschungsperspektiven aus Dixon et al. 2010
untersucht L2-Lerner und ihren fremdsprachlichen Wissens- und
Kompetenzerwerb, classroom interaction
Vornehmliches Ziel:
Entwicklung und Evaluierung von Lehr-/ Lernmethoden
untersucht kognitive Prozesse der Lerner beim
Vornehmliches Ziel:
Prozesse des Fremdsprachenerwerbs verstehen
Optimal conditions for L2 acquisition
Synthese der Forschungsergebnisse (71 empirische Studien 1997-2011):
L2 exposure (in der Schule und informell)
bilingual education programs
type of instruction
(inhaltliche Vorbereitung, comprehensible input, Vermittlung von
Lernstrategien, Anwenden/Üben/Wiederholen, assessment)
Erfolgreiche L2-Lehrkräfte
L2 proficiency
metalinguistisches Wissen
strukturierter Unterricht
Reflexivität, Selbstwirksamkeit
Optimal conditions for L2 acquisition
Explicit instruction
Content-based instruction
DESI Videostudie (DESI-Konsortium 2008)
Verwendung der Zielsprache im Unterrichtsgespräch
Interaktion: Wartezeit nach Lehrerfragen
Grammar Acquisition
Norris & Ortega 2000
meta-analysis (49 empirical studies, 1988-1998)
Spada & Tomita 2010
meta-analysis (30 empirical studies, 1990-2006)
Explicit instruction
(deductive and inductive, form focus and integrated meaning/form focus)
is more effective than implicit instruction.
Grammar Acquisition
Li 2010
meta-analysis (33 empirical studies, 1991-2009)
Corrective feedback supports grammar acquisition, the
effect is maintained over time.
The effect of implicit feedback is better maintained than
that of explicit feedback.
Corrective feedback is more effective in FL contexts than in
L2 contexts.
Grammar Acquisition
Akakura 2012
explicit instruction was effective in improving oral production of articles and
helped learners become better analysts of article errors.
Erlam 2005
explicit instruction + form-focused productive activities minimizes effect of
language aptitude on learning outcomes
Henshaw 2012
affective (meaning-focused) activities help learners maintain learning gains in
grammar acquisition
van Beuningen et al. 2012
Comprehensive corrective feedback helps L2 learners improve their written
Vocabulary Acquisition
Eckerth & Tavakoli 2012
processing words again after reading (input–output cycles) is superior to reading-only
Kim 2012
Writing short essays is more effective than reading and gap-filling exercises
Peters et al. 2009
making learners look up the meaning of unknown words, process their form-meaning
relationship elaborately, and process words again after reading is more effective than
“input only” reading activities
Tian & Macaro 2012
Lexical Focus-on-Form activities lead to higher vocabulary learning gains than mere
incidental exposure. Teacher codeswitching may be superior to the teacher providing
L2-only information.
Task-based Language Teaching
Hawkes 2011
Repeated performance of the task (after a form-focus phase) increases amount of
learners’ self-correction (i.e. attention directed at form).
Mochizuki & Ortega 2008
Guided planning including grammar handouts supports task completion and linguistic
accuracy in task performance.
Skehan et al. 2012
On-line and strategic planning as well as task repetition and a post-task phase have
positive effects on learner task performance (accuracy and fluency).
Shintani 2012
Listen-and-do tasks can create contexts for the incidental acquisition of both
vocabulary and grammar and are effective for implementing task-based instruction
for young beginner learners.
Content/Language Integrated
Lorenzo et al. 2009
Bilingual Sample N=1302
Ross 2005
longitudinal study (8 years, N= 2215) on formative vs.
summative assessment
“Assessment procedures shifting more of the locus of
control to the learners—through process oriented
portfolios, self-assessment, peer-assessment, group
projects, and cooperative learning tasks—may provide a
domain-specific stimulant to enhanced learner
engagement.” (337)
Learning Strategies
Vandergrift & Tafaghodtari 2010
Teaching metacognitive listening strategies has a positive
effect on learners’ listening skills, the largest effect can be
observed in less skilled listeners.
Effective Language Teaching?
Explicit form-focus
Wiederholung und Elaboration in der Wortschatzarbeit
Content- based teaching
Meaningful tasks, Planungsphase, Sprachmaterial
Formative assessment
Akakura, Motoko (2012): Evaluating the effectiveness of explicit instruction on implicit and explicit L2 knowledge. In: Language Teaching Research 16 (1), S. 9–37.
Borg, Simon (2010): Language teacher research engagement. In: Language Teaching 43 (04), S. 391–429.
DESI-Konsortium (Hrsg.) (2008): Unterricht und Kompetenzerwerb in Deutsch und Englisch. Ergebnisse der DESI-Studie. Weinheim: Beltz (Beltz Pädagogik).
Dixon, L. Q.; Zhao, J.; Shin, J.-Y; Wu, S.; Su, J.-H; Burgess-Brigham, R. et al. (2012): What We Know About Second Language Acquisition: A Synthesis From Four
Perspectives. In: Review of Educational Research 82 (1), S. 5–60.
Eckerth, Johannes (2008): Investigating consciousness-raising tasks: pedagogically targeted and non-targeted learning gains. In: International Journal of Applied
Linguistics 18 (2), S. 119–145.
Eckerth, Johannes; Tavakoli, Parveneh (2012): The effects of word exposure frequency and elaboration of word processing on incidental L2 vocabulary
acquisition through reading. In: Language Teaching Research 16 (2), S. 227–252.
Hawkes, M. L. (2012): Using task repetition to direct learner attention and focus on form. In: ELT Journal 66 (3), S. 327–336.
Henshaw, Florencia (2012): How effective are affective activities? Relative benefits of two types of structured input activities as part of a computer-delivered
lesson on the Spanish subjunctive. In: Language Teaching Research 16 (3), S. 393–414.
Kiely, Richard (2009): Small answers to the big question: Learning from language programme evaluation. Language Teaching Research 13: 99-116.
Kim, YouJin (2011): The Role of Task-Induced Involvement and Learner Proficiency in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. In: Language Learning 61, S. 100–140.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1998). On the scope of second language acquisition research: ‘the learner variety’ perspective and beyond-a response to Klein. In: Language
Learning, 48, 551–56.
Li, Shaofeng. (2010): The Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback in SLA: A Meta-Analysis. In: Language Learning 60 (2), S. 309–365
Lorenzo, F.; Casal, S.; Moore, P. (2009): The Effects of Content and Language Integrated Learning in European Education: Key Findings from the Andalusian
Bilingual Sections Evaluation Project. In: Applied Linguistics 31 (3): 418–442.
Mochizuki, Naoko; Ortega, Lourdes (2008): Balancing communication and grammar in beginning-level foreign language classrooms: A study of guided planning
and relativization. In: Language Teaching Research 12 (1), S. 11–37.
Norris, John M.; Ortega, Lourdes (2001): Does Type of Instruction Make a Difference? Substantive Findings From a Meta-analytic Review. In: Language Learning
51, S. 157–213.
Peters, Elke; Hulstijn, Jan H.; Sercu, Lies; Lutjeharms, Madeline (2009): Learning L2 German Vocabulary Through Reading: The Effect of Three Enhancement
Techniques Compared. In: Language Learning 59 (1), S. 113–151.
Ross, Steven J. (2005): The Impact of Assessment Method on Foreign Language Proficiency Growth. In: Applied Linguistics 26 (3), S. 317–342.
Shintani, Natsuko (2012): Input-based tasks and the acquisition of vocabulary and grammar: A process-product study. In: Language Teaching Research 16 (2), S.
Skehan, Peter; Xiaoyue, Bei; Qian, Li; Wang, Zhan (2012): The task is not enough: Processing approaches to task-based performance. In: Language Teaching
Research 16 (2), S. 170–187.
Spada, Nina; Tomita, Yasuyo (2010): Interactions Between Type of Instruction and Type of Language Feature: A Meta-Analysis. In: Language Learning 60 (2), S.
Tian, Lili; Macaro, Ernesto (2012): Comparing the effect of teacher codeswitching with English-only explanations on the vocabulary acquisition of Chinese
university students: A Lexical Focus-on-Form study. In: Language Teaching Research 16 (3), S. 367–391.
van Beuningen, Catherine G.; Jong, Nivja H. de; Kuiken, Folkert (2012): Evidence on the Effectiveness of Comprehensive Error Correction in Second Language
Writing. In: Language Learning 62 (1), S. 1–41.
Vandergrift, Larry; Tafaghodtari, Marzieh H. (2010): Teaching L2 Learners How to Listen Does Make a Difference: An Empirical Study. In: Language Learning 60
(2), S. 470–497.