there is something different in the air
there is something different in the air
THERE IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN THE AIR ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 contents 03 Corporate Boards 05 Organisation Chart 07 2007 Performance 08 Operating Activities 12 Commercial Activities 12 Aircraft Handling Activities 13 Maintenance Activities 14 Flight Operations 14 Quality and Security 15 Human Resources 20 Information Systems 22 Economic and Financial Performance 28 Proposal for Appropriation of Profit 29 Financial Statements 30 Balance Sheet 32 Profit and Loss Account by Nature 34 Profit and Loss Account by Function 35 Cash Flow Statements 36 Notes to the Financial Statements 57 Legal Certification of the Accounts 58 Report and Opinion of the Statutory Auditor 60 Legal Certification of the Accounts 62 Annual Report on the Audit Work Performed 64 Audit Report ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 03 CORPORATE BOARDS ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 CORPORATE BOARDS General Assembly Chairman: Ana Maria Soares de Albergaria Pacheco Gouveia Vice-Presidente: João Manuel Beliz Trabuco Ana Maria Furtado Soares Albergaria Pacheco Gouveia Secretaries: Mónica Silvia dos Anjos Vaz de Medeiros Fernandes Maria Alexandra Celorico Pacheco Vieira Board of Directors Chairman: António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes 14 Manuel António Carvalho Cansado 15 Members: Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl 16 António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira José Adriano Pires Ávila 17 Statutory Auditor: Manuel Herberto de Medeiros Quaresma (auditor no. 675) 14 Took up duties on 1 November 2007 15 Stepped 16 Took down on 31 October 2007 up duties on 1 November 2007 17 Stepped down on 31 October 2007 1947 | SATA IS BORN SATA Sociedade Açoreana de Transportes Aéreos is created and spreads its wings with a Beechcraft named Açor. The Azores are now closer to the rest of the world. | 04 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 05 ORGANISATION CHART OF SATA INTERNACIONAL, SA ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 ORGANISATION CHART OF SATA INTERNACIONAL, SA Board of Directors General Secretariat Management Control Office Image and Publicity Office Human Resources Division Finance Division General Commercial Division Planning and Operation Division Marketing and Sales Division Quality Office Legal Office Security Office Accident Prevention Office Information Systems Division General Operations Division Continuing Airworthiness Division Flight Operations Division 1957 | SATA HELPS VICTIMS OF THE CAPELINHOS TRAGEDY SATA in partnership with Slick Airways provides travel assistance to victims of the Capelinhos Volcano tragedy, flying them from the Lajes air base to the United States. | 06 Ground Operations Division ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 07 2007 PERFORMANCE ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Operating Activities 2007 was marked by further expansion of the company, with the arrival of a new Airbus 310-300 aircraft, in April. New routes such as Terceira Boston, Terceira Oakland, Terceira Oporto, Ponta Delgada Dublin and other charter operations to the Caribbean, Brazil, Sal and Porto Santo were added to the existing network. Overall, 641 more commercial flights were operated and 82,226 more passengers were carried compared with the previous year. However, the market did not react in the same proportion as the offer generated, and there was a fall of two percentage points in the load factor, compared with 2006. Year 2006 2007 Variation Flights Operated (No.) 6,498 7,139 +641 Passengers Carried (No.) 847,858 930,084 +82,226 Load factor RPK/ASK (%) 75,18% 73.08% -2,10 p.p. Network Scheduled Domestic There were two small changes in the scheduled domestic network compared with the previous year: 1) the Funchal Oporto Funchal route was discontinued from 24 January 2007; 2) during the period from 21 June to 30 August 2007 a new route was operated, Terceira Oporto Terceira, outside public service obligations. Otherwise, the same network pattern and operation rules were maintained, under the public service obligations and under a code-share arrangement with TAP Portugal, as was already the case in 2006. Lisbon Ponta Delgada Lisbon Lisbon Terceira Lisbon 1959 | SATA PURCHASES TWA STRUCTURE IN SANTA MARIA SATA acquires the TWA structure at the airport of Santa Maria, to realise its strategy of growth and expansion. | 08 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Lisbon Horta Lisbon Lisbon Santa Maria Lisbon Lisbon Funchal Lisbon Oporto Ponta Delgada Oporto Oporto Funchal Oporto (discontinued from 24 January 2007) Funchal Ponta Delgada Funchal Terceira Oporto Terceira (from 21 June to 30 August 2007, outside public service obligations) The national network reported growth of 4% in the number of passengers carried; however the load factor fell 1.29 pp. compared with 2006. Year 2006 2007 Variation Flights Operated (No.) 4,650 4,719 +69 Passengers Carried (No.) 574,034 594,299 20,265 Load factor (%) 69.84% 68.55% -1.29 p.p. European Among European routes, the destinations Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam and Madrid were maintained. In the case of London, an additional weekly flight during the period from June to September was introduced. The city of Dublin was added to SATA Internacional's map of scheduled routes, from Ponta Delgada, with a weekly flight during the IATA summer season. The Funchal Zurich Funchal route was discontinued at the end of the previous year and replaced by Funchal Paris Funchal, from the IATA summer season 2007, with great success. Overall, there was a significant increase in supply, but with modest results in terms of demand generated. Year 2006 2007 lights Operated (No.) 3163 96+ 80 6,5713 9,533+ 2,962 71.83%6 2.26%- 9.57 p.p. assengers Carried (No.)3 oad factor RPK/ASK (%) 1963 | SATA PURCHASES ITS FIRST DC-3 SATA receives its first DC-3 aircraft, from the Irish company Aer Lingus. | 09 Variation ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE North American In North America, there was also an increase in supply, with the expansion to two new routes during the summer period, Terceira Boston and Terceira Oakland. The operating model was maintained for charters, with the flights chartered by tour operators from the SATA Group, Azores Express and SATA Express respectively. This transatlantic operation comprised the following routes: Ponta Delgada Boston Ponta Delgada Ponta Delgada Toronto Ponta Delgada Ponta Delgada Providence Ponta Delgada Ponta Delgada Montreal Ponta Delgada Terceira Toronto Terceira Terceira Boston Terceira Terceira Oakland - Terceira Lisbon Boston Lisbon Lisbon Toronto Lisbon Oporto Boston Oporto (via Ponta Delgada) Oporto Toronto Oporto (or Faro) Overall, 155 more flights were operated than in the previous year and 16,868 more passengers were carried, a fall of 3 pp in the load factor having been reported, in comparison with the previous year. Year Flights Operated (No.) 2006 2007 Variation 811 966 +155 Passengers Carried (No.) 128,946 145,814 +16,868 Load factor RPK/ASK (%) 78.24% 75.46 -2.77 p.p. Charter For Charter operations in Europe, the traditional series from Funchal to English Provinces, the French Provinces, the island of Jersey and Dublin were maintained, with connections between Faro and Dublin during the summer. These operations were joined by two new routes: Lisbon Sal Lisbon, on an annual basis and reinforced in the high season, and 1968 | FRIENDLINESS IS IN THE AIR The Azorean spirit of the SATA service rides the skies, when in 1968 the company's flights begin to employ air hostesses, who impress passengers with their attention and friendliness. | 10 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Lisbon Porto Santo Lisbon, during the IATA summer season. In the Spring, there were a weekly operation, Ponta Delgada Vienna Ponta Delgada. Long-haul flights included the continuation of operation between Lisbon and Punta Cana, reinforced during the high season with two more connections, one to Punta Cana and the other to Samaná, also in the Dominican Republic. The Brazilian northeast, in particular the rotation between Porto Seguro and Salvador, from Lisbon, began to operate all year round. In comparison with the previous year, charter operations also reported a significant increase in activity, although the load factor recorded a fall of 5 percentage points. Year 2006 2007 Variation 721 1,058 +337 Passengers Carried (No.) 108,307 150,438 +42,131 Load factor RPK/ASK (%) 86.14% 80.89% -5.25 p.p. Flights Operated (No.) Fleet Since the introduction of a new A310-300 aircraft, in April 2007, SATA Internacional now has four Airbus 320-200 and three A310-300. Length Span Height Speed Airbus A310-300 46.66 m 46.90 m 15.80 m 900 km/h Airbus A320-200 37.57 m 34.10 m 11.76 m 900 km/h Altitude Range Fuel No. Passengers Airbus A310-300 11,900 m 9,200 km 68,260 Lt. 222 Airbus A320-200 10,600 m 4,400 km 23,859 Lt. 161 The A320 aircraft flew 4,026 flights, with a total of 9,155.35 block hours, while the A310 fleet flew 3,296 flights, with a duration of 12,041.52 block hours. These figures include position, training and experience flights. 1969 | SATA REACHES FLORES Slowly, SATA begins to interconnect the islands of the archipelago, and in 1969 starts scheduled flights to the island of Flores. | 11 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE ACMI charters, in situations of unforeseen immobilisation, totalled 38 flights, with 34.45 block hours. The following Figure summarises the Company's key performance indicators for the years 2006 and 2007, which illustrate its growth. Commercial Traffic 2006 2007 Variation Flights performed 6,498 7,139 +637 Km travelled 12,236,181 14,540,515 +2,304,334 ASK (million) 2332 2,818 +486 RPK (million) 1753 2,059 +306 Load factor RPK/ASK (%) 75.18 73.08 -2.10 p.p. ATK (million) 315 382 +67 TKP (million) 184 213 +29 Load factor TKP/ATK (%) 58.56 55.68 -2.88 p.p. Punctuality (%) 69.74 69.38 -0.36 p.p. Commercial Activities Continuing to pursue its expansion policy, SATA Internacional launched the scheduled routes Ponta Delgada/Dublin/Ponta Delgada and Funchal/Paris/Funchal. In the second case, it was a weekly flight throughout the year. In the case of Ponta Delgada/Dublin/Ponta Delgada, it was a weekly flight, but only during the IATA summer season. On the Funchal/Paris route the results were positive, suggesting a consolidation of the Company's position in the short term. Aircraft Handling Activities Self-Handling Coordination Lisbon/Funchal/Oporto The number of self-handled flights (supervision) was 4,987 departures, which corresponds to growth of 34.4% (including SATA Air Açores flights from Funchal): 1969 | AIRPORT OPENED IN PONTA DELGADA Nordela Airport, in Ponta Delgada, is opened, with a runway that is 1800 m long and 45 m wide. | 12 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE STOPOVERS 2005 2006 2007 % VAR-05 % VAR-06 Funchal SI 1,163 1,191 1,091 2.4% -8.4% Funchal SP 0 0 1,117 Lisbon 2,134 2,102 2,354 -1.5% 12.0% Oporto 380 418 425 10.0% 1.7% 3,677 3,711 4,987 0.9% 34.4% Total Training Various training initiatives were implemented: - Training at IATA on components for Apron, Dangerous Goods and Cargo Rates, in order to permit IATA certification. - Continuation of internal training for knowledge consolidation and refreshment,in order to contain costs, but including mandatory training in accordance with JAR OPS, IATA and new National regulations. - Training on Dangerous Goods in accordance with JAR OPS regulations - Initial training for contract workers. Hiring of Permanent Staff Staff were hired in the summer at some stopovers, to supplement the winter season staff. Maintenance Activities 2007 was another year of growth in the SATA Internacional fleet: the aircraft CS-TKN (MSN: 624) was phased in (April). This aircraft is equipped with 2 Pratt and Whitney PW4156A-1C engines. As these engines are from a different manufacturer to those in SATA Internacional's remaining A310 fleet, the Company itself and its line engineers were required to be certified in this type of engine, and this certification took place in stages throughout 2007. In addition to this activity, the following events occurred during 2007: * C Inspections by the maintenance Company hired of following aircraft: 1971 | FAIAL AIRPORT OPENED Castelo Branco airport opens on the island of Faial, with the first scheduled flights by SATA arriving in 1972. | 13 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE - C11 CHECK + 5 Y - APR07 - Aircraft CS-TGV - 4C CHECK + 5 Y APR07 - Aircraft CS-TKN at the same time as the aircraft's phase in - CS-TKJ Inspection C6 - OCT/NOV 2007 * Replacement / Removal of Engines/APU/Landing Gear - Replacement of CS-TGU landing gears in MAR07 due to end of life. - Removal, workshop repair of APU on CS-TGU in MAY07 and subsequent reinstallation. - Removal, workshop repair of engine #1 of the CS-TGV S/N: 695489 in MAY07 * MOD 4005-02-A-3101-R02 Replacement of all tourism class seats on CS-TKM JUN07 * Maintenance of the maintenance and engineering agreements with TAP-Air Portugal and line maintenance with SATA Air Açores, Swiss and Royal International. Flight Operations According to an overall analysis of 2007, the planned commercial network was successfully fulfilled in general. Nevertheless, with the network proposed, similar to that of 2006, this Department continued to experience crew planning problems, due essentially to staggered departures and arrivals between the airports of Oporto, Ponta Delgada and Terceira. To satisfy the increase in in-flight services in the IATA summer season, 50 new cabin crew members were hired. Following the commencement of the AIMS, a positive contribution was made to shared management in the planning of Crews with Sales Department. Quality and Security In order to offer a superior standard of service, in 2007 SATA Internacional invested in the area of quality and security. 1974 | SATA AND THE UNIONS After the April Revolution in Portugal, all SATA employees become union members. | 14 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Quality Management Bureau In February 2005, a Quality Management Bureau was set up for the General Directorate of Operations, with 2 qualified engineers from the Ponta Delgada and Terceira stopovers being assigned to, with advice from an external consultant, implement the new Project. Awareness-raising and training activities for various groups within the Company, to identify and describe existing processes and their interactions, as well as the creation of various manuals, characterised the activities of this bureau over the last year. Security Quality Activities In compliance with the provisions of the National Civil Aviation Security Quality Control Programme (PNCQSAC) and with Chapter 16 of the SATA Air Açores and SATA Internacional Security Manuals, it is reported that, in 2007, this Security Bureau monitored the security quality, as well as security training, which reveals the growing role of this area in the operations of the two SATA Group airlines. The initiatives that involved the various members of the security bureau are summarised under security, auditing and training activities. Human Resources growth of 28% in staff numbers in the last 4 years SATA Internacional, on 31 December 2007, had 527 employees, 11% more than in the previous year, and of these 42.3% are Ground Staff and 67.7% are Plane Staff (223 cabin crew and 81 engineers). The share of graduates in the company structure was 23.34%. The average age remained close to 34. 1976 | SATA PROVIDES GROUND HANDLING FOR CONCORDE The most advanced aircraft in the history of civil aviation, Concorde, makes a stopover at Santa Maria airport, with ground handling provided by SATA. | 15 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cabin Crew Flight Officers Ground Crew Total - Staff 31Dec 0 Staff Qualifications 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 2004 2005 Higher Education 2006 Secondary Education Basic Education 1977 | 1 MILLION PASSENGERS An increasing number of people use SATA flights to link what the sea separates, and in 1977 SATA welcomes its 1 millionth passenger. | 16 2007 0 Total as at 31 Dec CC FO GC Staff as at 31 December ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE SATA Internacional Recruitment Policy maintains the need to hire staff on fixed-term contracts to respond to the seasonality of the company's activity. In 2007 there was a considerable rise of 70% in the number of temporary staff, justified by the need to reinforce, during the IATA summer season, the crew base in Ponta Delgada, Lisbon and Funchal, with the seasonal recruitment of 76 cabin crew members. 23 operators were also hired for the Call Centre. However, there has been a significant increase of 40% in the number of contracts without term in the last 4 years (information from 31 December), increasing 6% in 2007 compared with 2006. Variation in Staff (Breakdown by contract type as at 31 Dec) 100% 100% 80% 80% 60% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 0% 2004 Fixed-Term Contract 2005 2006 2007 0% Contract without Term Training and Development Investment in human capital a constant effort is made to provide the company with the appropriate human resources, so that it can be a high quality, motivated workforce, with growing levels of productivity Selection and Recruitment in Ponta Delgada, Lisbon and Funchal. A significant increase compared with 2006. 1982 | PICO AIRPORT OPENED Continuing the process of interconnecting all islands by air, Pico airport is opened. | 17 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE In 2007, SATA Internacional organised 9 selection procedures (3 procedures in 2006), involving a total of 473 applicants (114 applicants in 2006). 116 trainees resulted from these procedures (43 trainees in 2006), and 51,447 were invested in initial training. This significant increase, compared with 2006, is justified by the need to implement 2 selection procedures for the Call Centre that involved a total of 145 applicants, of whom 32 were selected for Initial training and 23 were hired. 3 selection procedures for cabin crew were held, to be based at Ponta Delgada, Lisbon and Funchal, involving a total of 278 applicants, of which 88 were selected for training and 76 were hired. Vocational Training In its ongoing effort to maximise the efficiency of its human resources through the acquisition of knowledge and vocational skills, the company trained 1,532 employees in 2007, holding 336 training courses (22% more than in 2006), totalling almost 27,025 hours (44% more than in 2006). This increase occurred mainly in the area of Flight Operations. Since 2004 there has been a steady fall in training costs (50% less in 2006 compared with 2003). However, in 2007, justified by the increase of 20% in training courses compared with 2006, there has been a significant increase in Training costs of 71% compared with 2006. Training 30,000 25,000 1,500 20,000 1,000 15,000 10,000 500 0 5,000 2004 Courses held 2005 Participants 2006 2007 Hours of training 1983 | SÃO JORGE AIRPORT OPENED Another step in bringing together the whole archipelago with the opening of São Jorge airport. | 18 0 No. of Hours No. of Staff No. of Courses 2,000 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Total training costs thousand euros 1,500 1,000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Due to a consolidated practice of compliance with standards and legislation, the Flight Operations Division (DOV) and Continuous Airworthiness Division (DCA) are the two areas with the most significant investment in training, the DOV being responsible for 80% of total investment in training. To justify part of the increase in values in 2007, we have the initial qualification of 15 Airbus 310 pilots and 10 A320 pilots. The qualifications of these 25 pilots represented an investment of 376,450. The DCA, with investment of 36,900, is the second most represented area in total training costs, justified by the continuous effort to qualify Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (AMP) in A310 and A320 equipment. In the remaining areas, investment was made in training totalling 148,537, of which 118,998 were in Support Areas, in particular Human Resources, Tax, Accounting and Information Systems. Areas with highest Training costs (EUR) Other 118,998 13% DGC 25,239 3% DOT 4,300 0.5% DCA 36,900 4% DOV 740,565 80% 1987 | SATA RENAMED SATA AIR AÇORES SATA is renamed SATA Air Açores and in the same year it is awarded the silver medal for tourism merit. | 19 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Information Systems 2007 for Information Systems was marked above all by two different major projects, one focusing on administrative and financial procedures (MySAP ERP) and the other with a significant impact on the service provided to our customers, namely frequent flyers (Crane). The MySAP ERP project was soon established as a true process of change for SATA that can be considered quite ambitious, since its aim is to cover all the major functional back office areas: Financial (General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Treasury and Assets), Human Resources (Personnel Administration, Salary Processing, Training, Recruitment, Assessment and Performance and Occupational Medicine), Logistics (Supplies and Warehouse Management), Sales and Invoicing and Ground Equipment Maintenance, as well as advancing at the same time with a Document Management process (accounting documents) and an Attendance Management process. Decision taking for the implementation of MySAP ERP can be considered strategic, if not crucial, for the future of all the SATA companies, since, while it is not a business application, it can guarantee the proper functioning of business support processes. The first transaction using this new application was performed on 1 January 2007 and the remaining modules were phased into production over the following months. This process of change can be considered to have been successfully concluded, although there is still room for consolidation of processes in the future. Electronic Tickets were launched by SATA in 2005, initially introduced for travel agencies and then (last quarter of 2006) launched in full strength for all SATA agencies. During 2007 the Interline eTicket (IET) process was implemented with our main business partner, thus extending the services available associated with the existing code share. With the implementation of this functionality, SATA is now 100% eligible with regard to the IATA adoption of Electronic Ticketing under its Simplifying the Business (StB) initiative. No less significant was the expansion of eligibility to issue Electronic Tickets to routes to and from the United States of America, this market now enjoying all associated functionalities. 1989 | ATPs ARRIVE IN THE AZORES SATA acquires its first ATPs, which continue to guarantee air connections within the archipelago today. | 20 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE In May 2007 the Crane project went live and was soon introduced in all the areas of the company in a way that can be considered non-intrusive for business procedures in progress. This change resulted from the need felt to adapt the support application to the business procedures associated with the management of members of Clube SATA, and all the objectives of this project were achieved with the entry into production of this application. The value generated for members of the club is considerably higher than with the previous solution and a platform has been created for the progress and development of the club. Internet sales, as a direct sales channel, play an increasingly important role in the life of companies that seek to be competitive in their market, both as a matter of processing efficiency and as a means to achieve greater presence and market penetration. Airline companies are not uninvolved with this technology, and the success of both low-cost and traditional airlines is directly related to how they sell their products on the Internet. To provide SATA with an internet sales channel that allows it to achieve the group's sales objectives, a project is being organised that has been given the name SOBE SATA Booking Engine. The plan for this project was the execution of a series of activities with an expected duration of more than 1 year and the main functionalities are due to be made available in 2008. The first stage of this project was first developed in December 2007 and is expected to be concluded in May 2008. It will permit full online reservations and payments and the issuing of electronic tickets. 1990 | CHANGE AND EXPANSION SATA experiences a historical occasion: the era of the AVRO HS 748 comes to an end, twenty years later; it joins the International Air Transport Association IATA and the European Regional Airlines Association ERA; it acquires the Canadian Pacific Airlines offices in Lisbon; and receives two ATP aircraft. | 21 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Economic and Financial Performance Economic Situation Performance Net profit (k) 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Unit: k Operating income 2003 2004 2007 2005 2006 2006 2005 2007 2004 2003 167,407 143,647 131,004 119,897 108,662 (167,716) (142,682) (132,118) (117,565) (105,912) (309) 965 (1,114) 2,332 2,750 Financial profit (84) (330) 770 (584) (1,068) Current profit (393) 635 (344) 1,748 1,682 2,558 1,181 818 542 (114) Operating costs Operating profit Extraordinary profit Tax on profit for the year 498 (72) (69) (1) (1) Net profit for the year 2,663 1,744 404 2,289 1,567 1994 | SATA AIR AÇORES AWARDED MEDAL OF HONOUR As recognition for the quality of its flights and its operating method, SATA Air Açores is awarded a coveted medal of honour by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). | 22 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE For the sixth year running, the Company achieved a Net Profit (k 2,663), due essentially to the increase in revenue. Total operating income representing more than 95.65% of the Total Income was up k 23,760 on the figure for the previous year. This increase is due, in part, to the performance of Income generated by the growth in scheduled traffic and also by the significant increase in charter operations. The income structure highlights the growing importance of charter operations, representing around 48%, a fact that reflects in the strategic orientation of the Company aimed at improving and diversifying its operations, reducing dependence on the PDL/LIS/PDL route. Operating Costs and Income Unit: k (thousand euros) 2007 2006 2005 Scheduled Passengers and Cargo 75,705 70,523 68,636 Non-scheduled Passengers and Cargo 77,301 67,066 55,722 Total Passengers and Cargo 153,006 137,589 124,358 Compensatory payments 6,754 5,592 6,278 Other operating income 7,647 466 350 Operating income 167,407 143,647 131,004 External supplies and services 130,658 115,684 109,510 Personnel costs 20,276 17,001 16,011 Other operating costs 16,782 9,997 6,597 Operating costs 167,716 142,682 132,118 Operating profit (309) 965 (1,114) Operating Costs increased by 17.5% compared with the previous year, maintaining a level of activity around 9.6% higher of air transport operations. 1995 | SATA CONTINUES TO GROW SATA takes another step towards internationalisation, with its first charter flight outside Portugal. | 23 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Operating income 2007 Operating income 2006 4% 5% 4% 0% 91% Total Passengers and Cargo Compensatory payments Other operating income Operating costs 2007 96% Total Passengers and Cargo Compensatory payments Other operating income Operating costs 2006 12% 10% 4% 0% 78% External Supplies and supplies Personnel costs Other operating costs 96% External Supplies and supplies Personnel costs Other operating costs Given the realisation levels in 2006, External supplies and services recorded an increase of k 14,974, representing an increase of 12.9%, due above all to the variable component associated with operations. Personnel costs increased by k 3,275, 19.26% higher than the previous year, justified by the increase in activities and by salary increases. 1998 | SATA AWARDED AOC SATA Internacional, with a Boeing 737, begins to diversify SATA destinations and is awarded its AOC (Air Operator's Certificate), finally entering the competitive world of civil aviation. | 24 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Financial Profit/Loss The financial loss was k 84, k 246 less than in 2006. The performance of the financial function was motivated above all by the foreign exchange differences in payments and receipts in 2007. EBITDAR The free cash flow available for investments measured by the EBITDAR (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, Amortization, and Restructuring or Lease Costs) was k 15,853, higher than k 2,598 of the previous year. Unit: k (thousand euros) EBITDAR 2007 2006 2005 15,853 13,255 13,611 Financial Situation The Company's Net Assets reported an increase of k 16,539, which represented a positive variation of 28.9% reflecting to a great extent the effect of: iii) Increase of k 3,826 on Fixed Assets; iv) Increase of k 9,759 in bank deposits Changes in Net Assets 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1999 | SATA GUARANTEES NEW ROUTES SATA Internacional wins the concession for routes between Ponta Delgada and the cities of Lisbon, Oporto and Funchal, with a Boeing 737 and, subsequently, the new A310. | 25 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Changes in Net Worth 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS The analysis of economic and financial indicators shows once again a significant increase in the Net Worth of the Company which reached k 14,271 in 2007, a figure that represents an increase of around 22.9%, in other words k 2,663. Ratios 2007 2006 2005 Operating Profitability -0.18% 0.67% -0.85% Return on Equity 18.66% 15.02% 4.10% Return on Assets 3.62% 3.05% 0.79% Equity to Debt Ratio 24.04% 25.52% 23.82% Debt 80.62% 79.67% 80.76% Equity to Assets Ratio 19.38% 20.33% 19.24% Operating profitability fell due to the increase in Operating costs compared with Operating income. The Return on Equity shows an increase, affected by the high Net Profit for the year. 2000 | FLIGHTS TO NORTH AMERICA SATA starts scheduled flights to the United States of America and Canada, strengthening ties with the Azores Diaspora. | 26 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE The Equity to Assets Ratio was 19.38%, with a fall of 0.95 pp compared with 2006. Equally, the Equity to Debt Ratio of 24.04% shows a reduction of 1.48 pp. Changes in Liabilities 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 The Company's Liabilities increased by 30.5%, in other words, a further k 13,875, due essentially to the creation of Provisions for other risks and charges, to face future contingencies. Contribution to the Revenue of the State and the Region The contribution of SATA Internacional and its employees to the Revenue of the Autonomous Region of the Azores rose to 6,599,188 Euros, divided as follows: Social Security Contribution Company Employees Total 2,842,535 1,320,058 4,162,593 2,307,670 2,307,670 3,627,728 6,599,188 Personal Income Tax Corporation Tax 128,925 2,971,460 128,925 2004 | NEW EQUIPMENT SATA receives two new Airbus A320 with which it will increase flights to Europe. | 27 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 2007 PERFORMANCE Proposal for Appropriation of Profit In accordance with legal and statutory provisions, the following application of net profit calculated in the year of 2007, amounting to 2,662,895.74, is proposed. - Legal Reserve 133,144.79 - Retained Earnings 2,529,750.95 Ponta Delgada, 14 March 2008 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Chairman) Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Director) António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Director) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Director) 2005 | NEW ROUTES SATA launches new routes to Europe. London and Madrid are the airline company's new commitments for the IATA summer season. | 28 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 29 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 SATA - SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES AÉREOS, SGPS, S.A. (Amounts in euros) 2007 Assets FIXED ASSETS: Tangible fixed assets: Plant and machinery Vehicles Tools and utensils Fixtures and fittings Outras imobilizações corpóreas Other tangible fixed assets Advances on tangible fixed assets CURRENT ASSETS: Inventory: Raw materials and consumables Notes Gross Depreciation assets and adjustments 2006 Net assets Net assets 10 10 10 10 10 33,035,590 137,015 77,046 709,084 739,978 (14,649,209) (110,981) (64,473) (544,256) (526,001) 18,386,381 26,034 12,573 164,828 213,977 12,077,297 37,309 31,311 132,132 310,638 10 - - - 2,389,458 34,698,713 (15,894,920) 18,803,793 14,978,145 513,602 (103,753) 409,849 390,955 10,463,818 79,992 646,937 2,040,908 331,679 22,798,606 36,361,940 (79,992) (79,992) 10,463,818 646,937 2,040,908 331,679 22,798,606 36,281,948 8,719,360 213,300 3,545,260 1,049,042 22,180,690 35,707,652 21 e 41 Accounts receivable - Short term: Trade debtors Doubtful debts 21 e 23 Advances to suppliers Group companies 16 Taxes and contributions recoverable 48 Other debtors 49 Banks and cash: Bank deposits Cash in hand 55 55 14,611,142 98 14,611,240 - 14,611,142 98 14,611,240 4,852,291 9,143 4,861,434 ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS: Accrued income Deferred costs Deferred tax assets 50 50 6 837,688 813,154 1,829,814 - 837,688 813,154 1,829,814 115,520 1,035,135 - 3,480,656 (15,894,920) (183,745) (16,078,665) 3,480,656 1,150,655 73,587,486 57,088,841 Total depreciation Total adjustments Total assets 89,666,151 The notes form an integral part of the balance sheet as at 31 December 2007. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT António Jorge Ferreira da Silva | 30 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Equity and liabilities Notes 2007 2006 36, 37 e 40 5,000,000 5,000,000 Supplementary capital contributions 40 17,446,294 17,446,294 Legal reserve 40 358,478 271,294 Free reserves 40 329,178 329,178 Retained earnings 40 (11,525,643) (13,182,133) Net profit for the year 40 EQUITY: Capital 2,662,896 1,743,674 14,271,203 11,608,307 34 15,750,773 6,184,162 15 6,604,340 2,539,559 11,929,109 11,745,376 15 5,972,366 4,580,500 161,452 - Group companies 16 8,776,172 11,712,702 Taxes and contributions payable 48 1,653,942 435,261 Other creditors 51 1,567,472 2,743,297 Total equity PROVISIONS: Other provisions LIABILITIES: Accounts payable - Medium and long term: Trade accounts payable, fixed assets Accounts payable - Short Term: Trade creditors Trade accounts payable, fixed assets Advances from customers Advances from customers (tickets to be used) 3.e) 2,858,805 1,614,283 32,919,318 32,831,419 3,255,942 3,149,595 ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS: Accrued costs 50 Deferred income 50 785,910 775,799 4,041,852 3,925,394 Total liabilities 59,316,283 45,480,534 Total equity and liabilities 73,587,486 57,088,841 The notes form an integral part of the balance sheet as at 31 December 2007. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Chairman) | 31 Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Director) António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Director) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Director) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS BY NATURE FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 SATA - SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES AÉREOS, SGPS, S.A. (Amounts in euros) COSTS AND LOSSES Notes 2007 2006 Cost of materials consumed 41 972,600 823,703 External supplies and services 52 130,657,790 115,684,105 Personnel costs: Salaries 15,453,341 Social charges 4,822,545 13,152,743 20,275,886 3,848,738 Depreciation of tangible fixed assets 10 6,138,705 5,141,585 Adjustments 21 5,963 39,309 Provisions 34 9,630,602 Taxes 13,630 Other operating expenses 20,857 (A) Interest payable and similar charges 45 46 (E) Income tax for the year (G) Net profit for the year 6 3,951.10 9,132,001 30,470 34,487 167,716,033 (C) Extraordinary expenses 15,775,270 17,001,481 9,928 40,398 142,681,688 4,904,188 2,616,482 172,620,221 145,298,170 262,026 152,438 172,882,247 145,450,608 (497,462) 71,986 172,384,785 145,522,594 2,662,896 1,743,674 175,047,681 147,266,268 The notes form an integral part of the profit and loss account by nature for the year ended 31 December 2007. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT António Jorge Ferreira da Silva | 32 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCOME AND GAINS Services rendered Notes 2007 2006 44 160,310,989 137,589,731 Supplementary income Operating subsidies 323,789 409,589 3.f) e 53 6,753,981 5,592,447 21 18,604 Reversals of depreciation and adjustments (B) 55,076 6,057,112 167,407,363 143,646,843 4,820,390 2,286,753 172,227,753 145,933,596 2,819,928 1,332,672 175,047,681 147,266,268 (B) - (A) (308,670) 965,155 (D-B) - (C-A) (83,798) (329,729) Interest receivable and similar income 45 (D) Extraordinary income 46 (F) Operating profit/loss: Financial profit/loss: 7,096,374 Current profit/loss: (D) - (C) (392,468) 635,426 Profit before taxes: (F) - (E) 2,165,434 1,815,660 Net profit for the year: (F) - (G) 2,662,896 1,743,674 The notes form an integral part of the profit and loss account by nature for the year ended 31 December 2007. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Chairman) Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Director) 2005 | SATA AERÓDROMOS CREATED The latest SATA group company, SATA Aeródromos, is set up to manage and maintain 4 of the 9 aerodromes in the Azores. SATA Aeródromos designs and implements the new Aerodromes on the islands of Pico, Flores, São Jorge and Graciosa. | 33 António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Director) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Director) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS BY FUNCTION FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 SATA - SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES AÉREOS, SGPS, S.A. (Amounts in euros) Notes 2007 2006 Goods sold and services rendered 44 160,310,989 137,589,731 Cost of goods sold and services rendered 56 (138,444,101) (112,860,672) 21,866,888 24,729,059 Gross profit Other operating income 56 9,916,302 7,568,493 Distribution costs 56 (11,826,804) (18,283,901) Administrative costs 56 (1,649,001) (2,395,184) Other operating expenses 56 (16,074,088) (9,295,753) 2,233,297 2,322,714 (67,863) (507,054) 2,165,434 1,815,660 497,462 (71,986) 2,662,896 1,743,674 2,663 1,744 Operating profit Net interest Current profit Tax on current profit 6 Net profit Earnings per share The notes form an integral part of the profit and loss account by function for the year ended 31 December 2007. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT António Jorge Ferreira da Silva THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Chairman) | 34 Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Director) António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Director) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Director) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 SATA - SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES AÉREOS, SGPS, S.A. (Amounts in euros) OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the year Depreciation Changes in provisions and adjustments Financial profit Deferred taxes Gains on sales of fixed assets Losses on sales of fixed assets Increase in accounts receivable (Increase)/Decrease in inventory Increase in accounts payable (Increase)/Decrease in deferred costs (Increase)/Decrease in deferred income Increase in accrued income Increase/(Decrease) in accrued costs Net cash from operating activities (1) Notes 2007 2006 40 10 21 e 34 2,662,896 6,138,705 9,540,071 83,798 (1,829,814) (547,756) (18,894) 2,854,780 221,981 10,111 (103,023) 106,347 19,119,202 1,743,674 5,141,585 3,929,801 329,729 (1,164) 6,547 (5,461,516) 14,202 5,059,835 (158,137) (295,250) 89,928 943,734 11,342,968 312,308 312,308 1,117 171,381 172,498 (1,908,174) (1,595,866) (2,542,778) (2,370,280) (6,758,279) (999,316) (7,757,595) 9,765,741 15,935 4,861,434 14,611,240 (5,585,720) (679,819) (6,265,539) 2,707,149 (178,709) 1,975,576 4,861,434 INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Receipts relating to: Tangible fixed assets Interest receivable and similar income Payments relating to: Tangible fixed assets Net cash from investing activities (2) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Payments relating to: Depreciation of finance lease agreements Interest payable and similar charges Net cash from financing activities (3) Change in cash and cash equivalents (4)=(1)+(2)+(3) Effect of exchange differences Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 45 55 55 The notes form an integral part of the cash flow statements for the year ended 31 December 2007. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT António Jorge Ferreira da Silva THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Chairman) | 35 Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Director) António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Director) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Director) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 36 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 SATA - SOCIEDADE DE TRANSPORTES AÉREOS, SGPS, S.A. (Amounts in euros - ) INTRODUCTORY NOTE SATA Internacional Serviços e Transportes Aéreos, S.A. (Company or SATA Internacional) was incorporated on 10 December 1990, and was known as Oceanair Transportes Aéreos Regionais, S.A. until 20 February 1998. The Company is a limited company, with registered office at Avenida Infante D. Henrique, in Ponta Delgada, and has as its corporate purpose the operation of commercial, scheduled and non-scheduled air transport of passengers and their baggage, cargo and mail. In December 2006, the Company was awarded the contract for the operation of public service routes between the Mainland and the Autonomous Region of the Azores and between the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira, on a code share basis with TAP for the period between 1 January and 31 December 2007. As at 31 December 2007, the Company operated with four Airbus A310-304 aircraft, of which three under lease agreements and the fourth under an operating lease, as well as three Airbus A320 aircraft under operating leases (Note 54). The notes that follow are in keeping with the sequential numbering as set forth in the Official Chart of Accounts. Notes not included herein are not applicable to the Company or are not relevant to the understanding of the financial statements. 3. BASIS OF PRESENTATION AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES The accompanying financial statements were prepared on the going concern basis from the accounting books and records of the Company, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Portugal. 2007 SATA AND THE ARCHIPELAGO OF MADEIRA At the request of the Portuguese Government, SATA Air Açores increases the scope of its role in the Atlantic islands, ensuring the Funchal Porto Santo route. It will also offer charter flights to Las Palmas during the IATA summer season. | 37 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The main accounting principles used in the preparation of the financial statements were the following: a) Tangible fixed assets Flight equipment The flight equipment, acquired second hand, is recorded in the balance sheet at cost. Depreciations are calculated on cost less residual value (10% of the cost), on a straight-line basis and from the month of acquisition or commissioning, during the remaining useful life of the aircraft. Other tangible fixed assets Other tangible fixed assets are stated at cost. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis, from the month of acquisition or commissioning, and determined based on the estimated useful life of the assets, as follows: Years of useful life Plant and machinery 5-10 Vehicles 7 Tools and utensils 6 Fixtures and fittings 4 Other tangible fixed assets 3-8 Repairs and routine maintenance costs are recorded as costs of the financial year to which they refer. b) Leases Fixed assets acquired by way of finance lease agreements as well as the corre sponding liabilities are calculated using the financial method. According to this method the cost of the asset is recorded in tangible assets, the corresponding liability is recorded under liabilities and the interest included in the value of the lease 2007 | SATA ACQUIRES TWO NEW AIRCRAFT A British Aerospace ATP and one new Airbus A310 arrive at São Miguel and are named on 15 June, the day the company celebrates its 60th anniversary. | 38 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS payments and the depreciation of the assets are recorded as costs in the profit and loss account for the year to which they refer. Lease payments in respect of operating lease agreements are stated at cost as incurred. c) Inventory Goods are valued at cost, using the average cost method, which is lower than their market value. d) Accruals basis The Company records revenue and expenditure on an accruals basis whereby revenue and expenditure are recorded when generated, regardless of when they are received or paid. The differences between the amounts received and paid and the corresponding income and expenses are recorded under Accruals and deferrals (Note 50). e) Recognition of transport revenue The value of the sale of passenger transport is recorded as a liability at the time of sale in Advances from customers. When the transport is made, the sale revenue is transferred from Advances from customers to revenue for the year, if provided by the Company, or transferred to accounts payable, if the transport is made by another airline company. f) Financial compensation for public service obligations The financial compensation awarded by the Portuguese State for public service obligations are recognised in the period in which their entitlement originates and are recorded in operating subsidies. This financial compensation is calculated in accordance with the concession contracts for the scheduled airline services between Ponta Delgada and Lisbon, between Ponta Delgada and Oporto and between Ponta Delgada and Funchal (Introductory Note), by reference to number of passengers transported who are resident in the Autonomous Regions. 2007 | SHUTTLE SERVICE TO EUROPE Increase in the frequency of flights to London and new routes to Dublin and Paris. SATA Internacional links the Archipelagos of Madeira and Azores to Europe. | 39 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS g) Maintenance expenses The Company records as costs for the year expenses to be incurred in the future with general overhauls of aircraft, which are recorded in the profit and loss account for the years by reference to the flight hour costs of each aircraft, under the maintenance agreement, which establishes the payment of a fixed amount per flight hour for each aircraft (Note 34). h) Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies as at 31 December 2007 were converted into Euros using the exchange rates in effect on that date, as follows: USD 0.6798 GBP 1.3578 CAD 0.6944 Exchange rate differences, favourable and unfavourable, resulting from differences between exchange rates applicable at the transaction date and those at the date of collection, payment or on the balance sheet date are recorded as income and costs in the profit and loss account. i) Deferred taxes assets Deferred taxes refer to temporary differences between the values of assets and liabilities for accounting purposes and their respective values for taxation purposes. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated and evaluated annually using the taxation rates that are expected to be applicable on the date of the reversion of the temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are recorded exclusively when there are reasonable expectations of sufficient future taxable profit against which they can be utilised. At the end of each reporting period, a review is made of the temporary differences underlying deferred tax assets with a view to recognising deferred tax assets not previously recorded because the conditions to do so were not then extant and/or to reduce 2007 - SATA TODAY The SATA Group is today an air transport group comprising two companies: SATA Air Açores and SATA Internacional, two tour operators and a company that manages several aerodromes. It operates more than 18,000 flights a year, and takes the Atlantic spirit to 50 destinations throughout the world This is the result of the dedication of more than 1200 employees who work every day so that with SATA There is Something Different in the Air. | 40 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS the amount of deferred tax assets recorded in the light of present expectations for their future recovery. The main temporary differences and their effect on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 are described in Note 6. 6. TAXES According to legislation in force, tax returns are subject to review and correction by the tax authorities during a period of four years (ten years for Social Security until 2000, inclusive, and five years since 2001). Therefore the Companys tax returns for 2004 to 2007 may still be subject to review. The Company's Board of Directors believes that any corrections due to re views/inspections by tax authorities of those tax returns will not have a significant effect on the financial statements as at 31 December 2007. Corporation tax (IRC) recorded as costs for the year ended 31 December 2007 is corrected by the effect of accounting for deferred taxes, as referred to in Note 3.i). The main temporary differences between the values calculated and taxable on 31 December 2007 and the corresponding deferred tax assets and their effects on the profit for 2007 are as follows: Description (Note 34) Rate Tax Non-tax deductible provisions 9,630,602 19.00% 1,829,814 With the approval of the Portuguese Local Finances Act, municipalities may vote each year to charge Derrama (municipal surcharge), up to a maximum limit of 1.5% on the taxable profit not free from corporation tax (IRC). Given that approval shall take effect from 1 January 2007, the amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities is calculated based on a maximum rate of 19% (17.5% of taxable income and 1.5% of Derrama). As at 31 December 2007, the amount recorded in income tax is as follows: Current tax (Note 48) Deferred tax 1,332,352 (1,829,814) (497,462) | 41 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7. AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES During the years 2007 and 2006, the average number of employees working for the Company was 524 and 463, respectively. 10. CHANGES IN FIXED ASSETS During the year ended 31 December 2007, changes in the values of tangible fixed assets, as well as in their accumulated depreciation, were as follows: Gross assets Headings Opening balance Increases Disposals and write-offs Transfers Closing balance 20,795,291 9,870,376 (19,535) 2,389,458 33,035,590 Tangible fixed assets: Plant and machinery Vehicles 137,015 - - - 137,015 Tools and utensils 77,046 - - - 77,046 Fixtures and fittings 627,749 93,403 (12,068) - 709,084 Other tangible fixed assets 739,191 787 - - 739,978 2,389,458 - - (2,389,458) - 24,765,750 9,964,566 (31,603) - 34,698,713 Advances on tang, fixed assets Accumulated depreciation Headings Opening balance Increases Disposals and write-offs Closing balance 8,717,994 5,950,750 (19,535) 14,649,209 99,706 11,275 - 110,981 Tangible fixed assets: Plant and machinery Vehicles Tools and utensils 45,735 18,738 - 64,473 Fixtures and fittings 495,617 60,495 (11,855) 544,257 Other tangible fixed assets 428,553 97,447 - 526,000 9,787,605 6,138,705 (31,390) 15,894,920 The increase in Plant and machinery of 12,259,834, which includes additions for the year and transfers of fixed assets in progress of 9,870,365 and 2,389,458, respectively, refers essentially to the acquisition of an Airbus A 310-325 aircraft through a lease agreement, for the sum of 9,488,570 (Note 15) and major repairs to TGU and TGV aircraft engines, of approximately 2,630,000. | 42 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 15. FINANCE LEASES As at 31 December 2007, the Company held the following assets through lease agreements: Description Cost Depreciation Net Avião A310-304 (TGU) 12,239,775 7,240,413 4,999,362 Avião A310-304 (TGV) 9,484,338 4,733,369 4,750,969 Avião A310-325 (TKN) (Note 10) 9,488,570 1,423,285 8,065,285 31,212,683 13,397,067 17,815,616 As disclosed in Note 3.b), the Company uses the financial method to record finance lease agreements. As at 31 December 2007, the liabilities of the Company as lessee were as follows: Capital Interest due Total 3,175,880 336,641 3,512,521 2009 922,992 278,267 1,201,259 2010 965,346 235,913 1,201,259 2011 1,009,644 191,615 1,201,259 2012 and following 3,706,358 258,726 3,965,084 Short term: 2008 Medium and long term: 6,604,340 964,521 7,568,861 9,780,220 1,301,162 11,081,382 16. GROUP COMPANIES Balances and transactions with group companies in the year ended 31 December 2007 are as follows: | 43 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Balances Customers Group companies (debit balance) Accrued income Suppliers Group companies (credit balance) 115,253 - 716,199 156,379 8,776,172 Sata Gestão Aeródromos - 99,816 - - - Sata Express (EUA) - 247,782 - - - Sata Express (Canadá) - 1,693,310 - - - 115,253 2,040,908 716,199 156,379 8,776,172 Sata Air Açores Transactions External supplies and services Services rendered de serviços Financial income (Note 45) 7,471,026 696,868 716,199 Sata Gestão Aeródromos - 67,572 - Sata Express (EUA) - 16,078,977 - Sata Air Açores Sata Express (Canadá) - 20,242,868 - 7,471,026 37,086,285 716,199 21. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE VALUE OF CURRENT ASSETS In the year ended 31 December 2007, the following changes in adjustments to current assets occurred: Headings Opening balance Increases Reversals Closing Utilised Balance Ajustamentos de dívidas a receber 106,532 5,963 (18,604) (13,899) 79,992 Ajustamentos de existências 103,753 - - - 103,753 210,285 5,963 (18,604) (13,899) 183,745 23. DOUBTFUL DEBTS Em 31 de Dezembro de 2007, existiam dívidas classificadas como de cobrança duvidosa no montante de 79.992 totalmente provisionadas (Nota 21). | 44 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 25. CREDIT AND LIABILITIES WITH EMPLOYEES As at 31 December 2007, the Company had the following credit and liabilities with personnel: Debit balance 177,745 Credit balance 201,560 31. FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS ASSUMED AND NOT INCLUDED IN THE BALANCE SHEET The Company has liabilities with operating lease agreements not recognised in the balance sheet (Note 3.b) amounting to approximately USD 19,435,000 ( 13,211,913), due as follows: Amount (USD) Year Airbus A310 Airbus A320 Total Total 2,220,000 9,000,000 11,220,000 7,627,356 Short term: 2008 Medium and long term: 2009 1,850,000 5,325,000 7,175,000 4,877,565 2010 - 1,040,000 1,040,000 706,992 1,850,000 6,365,000 8,215,000 5,584,557 4,070,000 15,365,000 19,435,000 13,211,913 32. GUARANTEES PROVIDED As at 31 December 2007, the Company had assumed liabilities for bank guarantees provided to the following entities: | 45 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Amount in currency Beneficiary Euros Portuguese State 4,383,378 EUR 4,383,378 Gie Tutak 1,560,000 USD 1,060,488 Kinsale Limited 1,545,000 USD 1,050,291 Sata Express 1,415,000 CAD 982,576 ARC Airline Reporting Corporation 950,000 USD 645,810 AENA 120,202 EUR 120,202 Ibéria 120,202 EUR 120,202 87,000 SEK 92,394 101,750 CAD 70,655 Global Ground North America 90,000 CAD 62,496 Agência Aviação Civil Cabo Verde 36,500 EUR 36,500 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol 35,000 EUR 35,000 Sky Chefs 50,000 USD 33,990 Exeter and Devon Airport 25,000 GBP 33,945 Fraport AG Frankfurt Services wordline 30,000 EUR 30,000 Jet Aviation Handling AG 45,000 CHF 27,225 Government of Canada 30,000 CAD 20,832 20,3160 EUR 20,316 Luftfartseverket The Greather Toronto Airport Auth, ERA Rianta Outras 45,549 8,871,849 The guarantee in favour of the Portuguese State of 4,383,378 is related to the concession of the operation of scheduled air transport services on the Ponta Delgada-Funchal and Ponta Delgada-Lisbon-Oporto routes for the year 2007. The guarantees provided in favour of the entities GIE Tutack and Kinsale Limit, for USD 1,560,000 and USD 1,545,000 respectively, are related to the lease agreements for the two Airbus A310-304 aircraft, through finance leasing (Note 54). 34. MOVEMENTS IN PROVISIONS During the financial year ended 31 December 2007, the following movements occurred in provisions: | 46 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 Headings NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Opening balance Increases (Note 6) Deductions (Note 46) Utilised Closing Transfers Balance 476,000 562,602 - - - 1,038,602 2,113,712 - - - (1,204,006) 909,706 Provisions: Frequent Flyer Phase out and maintenance of aircraft Other provisions 3,594,450 9,068,000 (41,000) (22,991) 1,204,006 13,802,465 6,184,162 9,630,602 (41,000) (22,991) - 15,750,773 Frequent flyer refers to estimated expenses with the accumulation of points on Club SATA passenger cards, which allow holders to accumulate points for each journey made. Phase out and maintenance of aircraft refers to the estimated costs to be incurred by the Company on the preparation of the aircraft for delivery to their lessor entities and the cost of the next major aircraft overhauls. This amount was calculated based on the flight hours of each aircraft and taking into account an estimated average cost per flight hour. Other provisions amounting to 13,802,465 are intended to provide for contingencies resulting from the Company's normal operations. 36. CAPITAL STRUCTURE As at 31 December 2007 the Companys fully subscribed and paid up share capital consisted of 1,000,000 shares with a par value of five Euros each. 37. SHAREHOLDER As at 31 December 2007, the entirety of the subscribed capital was held by SATA Air Açores Sociedade Açoriana de Transportes Aéreos, S.A. 40. CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Changes in shareholders equity during the year ended 31 December 2007 were as follows: | 47 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 Heading Capital Supplementary capital NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Opening balance Net profit 2007 Appropriation of profit from 2006 Closing balance 5,000,000 - - 5,000,000 17,446,294 - - 17,446,294 Legal reserve 271,294 - 87,184 358,478 Free reserves 329,178 - - 329,178 (13,182,133) - 1,656,490 (11,525,643) 1,743,674 2,662,896 (1,743,674) 2,662,896 11,608,307 2,662,896 - 14,271,203 Retained earnings Net profit for the year Supplementary capital: By decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of 27 December 2001, the sole shareholder of the Company provided supplementary capital amounting to 17,446,294. Supplementary capital, under current legislation, can only be returned to shareholders provided the equity capital after its return is no less than the sum of the capital and of the legal reserve. Legal reserve: Commercial legislation establishes that at least 5% of the net annual profit must be used to increase the legal reserve until it represents at least 20% of the capital. This reserve may not be distributed except in the event of liquidation of the company, but may be used to absorb losses after other reserves have been exhausted, or may be incorporated into the capital. As deliberated at the General Meeting held on 31 March 2007, the net profit for the year 2006, amounting to 1,743,674, was applied as follows: Legal reserve Retained earnings 87,184 1,656,490 1,743,674 41. COST OF GOODS SOLD AND MATERIALS CONSUMED The cost of goods sold and raw material consumed in the year ended 31 December 2007 was determined as follows: Opening inventory 494,708 Purchases 991,494 Closing inventory (513,602) 972,600 43. REMUNERATION OF BOARD MEMBERS The remuneration of board members in 2007 and 2006 was 64,587 and 74,183, respectively. | 48 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 44. SERVICES RENDERED BY ACTIVITY AND GEOGRAPHICAL MARKET In the years ending 31 December 2007 and 2006, services rendered were as follows: Scheduled flights 2007 2006 75,760,553 72,296,447 77,245,934 62,283,442 7,304,502 3,009,842 160,310,989 137,589,731 Charter operations: - External market Other The increase in Services rendered for the external market continues, due essentially to the increase in the number of flights to Canada and the United States of America. As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, scheduled flights include the amounts of 4,998,084 and 4,785,356 (Note 49), respectively, concerning financial compensation for re-routing. The increase in Other essentially involves the charging of security and fuel charges. 45. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The financial performance for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 is as follows: 2007 2006 394,691 398,968 3,904,872 1,936,663 696 1,384 Costs and losses: Interest paid Foreign exchange losses Cash discounts granted Other financial expenses Financial profit/loss 603,929 279,467 4,904,188 2,616,482 (83,798) (329,729) 4,820,390 2,286,753 215,255 14,141 3,888,936 2,115,372 716,199 157,240 4,820,390 2,286,753 Income and gains: Interest earned Foreign exchange gains Other financial income (Note 16) | 49 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The amount of 716,199 recorded in Other financial income corresponds to income obtained by the Company in joint financial operations for the acquisition of currency (USD) with SATA Air Açores. 46. STATEMENT OF EXTRAORDINARY PROFIT OR LOSS The extraordinary profit or loss for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 are as follows: 2007 2006 Costs and losses: Donations Inventory losses Losses on fixed assets Fines and penalties Adjustments in respect of previous years Other extraordinary expenses Extraordinary profit/loss 1,000 1,000 51,415 7,714 - 6,547 10,780 2,599 165,994 133,869 32,837 709 262,026 152,438 2,557,902 1,180,234 2,819,928 1,332,672 2007 2006 51,275 299 - 1,164 41,000 - Income and gains: Inventory gains Gains on fixed assets Reductions of depreciation and provisions (Note 34) Adjustments relating to previous years Other extraordinary income 2,138,662 797,507 588,991 533,702 2,819,928 1,332,672 Extraordinary income Adjustments in respect of previous years includes: (i) the amount of 1,807,384 in respect of settlement of the credit balance of a supplier for the years 2003 and 2004; and (ii) the amount of 75,500 in respect of a settlement of the re-routings for the year 2006. As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, Other extraordinary income includes essentially 588,991 and 510,989 related to recognition of the bonus received from Airbus on signing of the finance lease agreements for two A310-304 aircraft (Note 50). | 50 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 48. TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS PAYABLE / RECOVERABLE As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, the balances of these headings were as follows: 2007 2006 331,679 926,330 - 153,839 Debit balance: Value Added Tax Corporation Tax IRC: Minimum corporation tax Tax deducted at source - 40,859 Tax estimate - (71,986) 331,679 1,049,042 - tax deducted at source 213,019 160,815 Social Security Contributions 343,734 274,446 Minimum corporation tax (195,000) - Tax deducted at source (40,169) - 1,332,352 - Credit balance: Personal Income Tax: Corporation Tax IRC: Tax estimate (Note 6) Other 6 - 1,653,942 435,261 49. OTHER DEBTORS As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, the balances of these headings were as follows: 2007 2006 Direcção-Geral do Tesouro (Directorate General of the Treasury): Scheduled flights and re-routings Code Share - TAP 17,155,330 18,115,758 2,731,781 1,651,858 19,887,111 19,767,616 ILFC (Note 54) Intracommunity VAT Other 1,612,114 1,610,439 158,995 134,999 1,140,386 667,636 22,798,606 22,180,690 | 51 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 December 2007, the amount to be received from the Direcção-Geral do Tesouro was as follows: Financial compensation for the public service provided in the year 2007: Re-routings (Note 44) Re-routing correction Scheduled flights (Note 53) Code Share TAP 4,998,084 (75,500) 6,753,981 883,452 12,560,017 Financial compensation for the public service provided in the years 2005 and 2006: Re-routings (Note 44) Scheduled flights Code Share TAP 4,785,356 693,409 1,848,329 7,327,094 19,887,111 50. ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, the balances of these headings were as follows: 2007 2006 Services to be invoiced 734,665 115,520 Other 103,023 - 837,688 115,520 Insurance paid in advance 481,397 650,991 Leases paid in advance 266,260 339,976 Accrued income: Deferred costs: Other 65,497 44,168 813,154 1,035,135 1,958,870 1,907,309 Accrued costs: Holiday pay and holiday bonuses Commissions paid to travel agents 654,498 533,596 Other 642,574 708,690 3,255,942 3,149,595 manufacturers 170,330 775,799 Invoicing of Charters 615,580 - 785,910 775,799 Deferred income: Bonuses received from equipment | 52 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Accrued costs Other, of 642,574, corresponds to unbilled third-party services. Bonuses received from equipment manufacturers of 170,330 corresponds to a bonus received from Airbus under the signing of the finance lease agreements for two A310-304 aircraft which is recognised as income in accordance with the estimated remaining useful life of those aircraft (Note 10). 51. OTHER CREDITORS As at 31 December 2007 and 2006, the balances of this heading were as follows: 2007 2006 Airport Taxes 793,558 581,073 IATA Clearing House 205,885 - - 1,807,384 GECAS Other 568,029 354,840 1,567,472 2,743,297 52. EXTERNAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES External supplies and services for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2006 are as follows: 2007 2006 Fuel and lubricants 44,301,109 37,510,644 Maintenance reserve per flight hours 13,972,289 11,792,444 Handling 13,218,159 12,200,798 Airport Taxes 12,374,632 12,168,195 Rents and leases 7,980,242 8,132,326 Maintenance 5,976,346 7,049,337 Catering 5,464,503 4,514,358 Other charges 5,170,079 5,841,184 Commissions 4,853,926 4,402,853 742,077 934,894 16,604,428 11,137,072 130,657,790 15,684,105 Insurance Other The heading Rents and leases includes values concerning the operating lease agreements for the three Airbus A320 and one A310-304. | 53 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 53. OPERATING SUBSIDIES As at 31 December 2007 this heading was 6,753,981 (Note 49) and related to compensation attributed by the Government of the Portuguese Republic in respect of scheduled flights for the year 2007. 54. FLEET OPERATING AND FINANCE LEASES As at 31 December 2007, the Company operated with aircraft through operating and finance leases under the terms of the agreements described below: In 2005, the Company introduced an addendum to the initial operational lease agreement for an Air Airbus A310-304 (CS-TGU), being granted under that amendment the right to a purchase option over that aircraft, which at the present configures this new lease as finance and will terminate in August 2008 (Note 15). To guarantee this agreement SATA Internacional presented an irrevocable letter of credit for USD 1,560,000 (Note 32). In 2005, the Company introduced an addendum to the initial operational lease agreement for an Air Airbus A310-304 (CS-TGV), being granted under that amendment the right to a purchase option over that aircraft, which at the present configures this new lease as a finance lease and will terminate in July 2008 (Note 15). To guarantee this agreement SATA Internacional presented an irrevocable letter of credit for USD 1,545,000 (Note 32). The operating lease agreement for the aircraft A320 (CS-TKJ) commenced on 15 May 2004 and due to terminate in May 2008. In 2007, the extension of the agreement to May 2010 was negotiated. The agreement sets out the payment of monthly lease payments plus a maintenance reserve per flight hour, with no purchase option at the end of the agreement. To guarantee this agreement SATA Internacional lodged a security deposit in favour of ILFC for USD 540,000 (Note 49). In March 2004, the Company signed an operating lease agreement for two new A320 aircraft (CS-TKK and CS-TKL), to replace the two Boeings in the fleet at that time, which went into operation in April 2005. To guarantee these agreements, SATA Internacional lodged a security deposit in favour of ILFC for USD 1,200,000 (Note 49). | 54 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS In May 2005 the Company signed an operating lease agreement for an A310-304 aircraft (CS-TKM) which was due to terminate in May 2008. In 2007, the extension of the agreement to November 2009 was negotiated. The agreement sets out the payment of monthly lease payments plus a maintenance reserve per flight hour, with no purchase option at the end of the agreement. To guarantee this agreement SATA Internacional lodged a security deposit in favour of ILFC for USD 360,000 (Note 49). In May 2007 the Company acquired from Austrian Airlines an Airbus A310-325 (CS-TKN) (Note 10), which it immediately sold and released with the institution Totta Leasing, an operation that did not generate any gain for the Company. The leasing agreement signed with Totta Leasing terminates in May 2015, and the Company recorded it as a finance lease. The Company has not provided any guarantee or security deposit on signing this agreement. 55. CASH FLOW STATEMENTS The breakdown of cash and cash equivalents, reconciling the amounts shown in the cash flow statement with the balance sheet headings, is as follows: 2007 2006 98 9,143 Bank deposits repayable on demand 14,611,142 4,852,291 Banks and cash as per balance sheet 14,611,240 4,861,434 Cash 56. PROFIT & LOSS ACCOUNT BY FUNCTION The profit and loss account by function was drawn up taking into consideration the provisions of Accounting Directive No. 20 and the following aspects should be noted: (a) Cost of goods sold and services rendered includes essentially the values of the profit and loss account by nature recorded in: Cost of materials consumed; External supplies and services - Fuel and lubricants, Rents and leases, Maintenance reserves per flight hours, Handling, Flight and other charges, Charters, Catering and Other; Personnel costs in respect of on-board staff. (b) Other operating income includes essentially the values of the profit and loss account by nature recorded in: Operating subsidies; Supplementary income and Extraordinary income. | 55 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (c) Distribution charges includes essentially the values of the profit and loss account by nature recorded in: External supplies and services and Personnel costs related to the Company's sales department. (d) Administrative costs includes essentially the values of the profit and loss account by nature recorded in: External supplies and services and Personnel costs related to the Company's administrative department. (b) Other operating expenses includes essentially the values of the profit and loss account by nature recorded in: Depreciations of tangible fixed assets, Provisions and Extraordinary expenses. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT António Jorge Ferreira da Silva THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS António José Vasconcelos Franco Gomes de Menezes (Presidente) | 56 Luísa Maria Estrela Rego Miranda Schanderl (Administradora) António Maurício do Couto Tavares de Sousa (Administrador) Luís Filipe Soares Borges da Silveira (Administrador) ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 | 57 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Report and Opinion of the Statutory Auditor | 58 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Report and Opinion of the Statutory Auditor | 59 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Legal Certification of the Accounts | 60 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Legal Certification of the Accounts | 61 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Annual Report on the Audit Work Performed | 62 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Annual Report on the Audit Work Performed | 63 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Audit Report | 64 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2007 LEGAL CERTIFICATION OF THE ACCOUNTS Audit Report | 65