Dr. Oliver Strank - Frankfurt
Dr. Oliver Strank - Frankfurt
Dr. Oliver Strank Contact Tel.: +49 (0) 69 972 65 60-18 Fax: +49 (0) 69 972 65 60-99 E-Mail: [email protected] Languages: German, English, French, Spanish Dr. Oliver Strank, Associate, focuses his practice on white-collar crime. Specialization Representation of individuals in all stages of a criminal defense matter from initial investigation to appeal. Defending the clients right’s during investigations of all prosecuting authorities; Representation and defense of companies during investigations; Representation of companies affected by white collar crime, initiation and monitoring of private or public investigations, coordination and advice to related civil litigation (compensation damages, asset freeze and forfeiture proceedings, labour law); Corporate Compliance Advice, weak-point analysis, design or improvement of compliance plans, implementation of adequate control mechanisms, employee training, function of an ombudsman. Memberships Member of WisteV (Association of White-collar-crime Attorneys); Member of Deutschen Anwaltverein, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht. Dr. Oliver Strank Publications „Die Grenzen der Bildberichterstattung über Prominente in den Medien – eine Zwischenbilanz in europäisch-rechtsvergleichender Perspektive“ (together with Ralf Frassek), in: ZEuP, issue 2/2012, p. 588-614; Protectice letter on the topic: „Versicherungsmissbrauch und Prozessbetrug im Umfeld von KfZ-Diebstählen – Fall 7: Brennender Ferrari in Schweden“, in: Rönnau/Samson (eds.), Wirtschaftsstrafrecht aus Sicht der Strafverteidigung, Carl Heymanns Verlag, Cologne 2003, p. 236-249. Career/Education Associate with Klinkert, Frankfurt am Main (since 2014); Legal clerkship at the local court of Frankfurt am Main (Second Legal State Examination 2013); clerkship at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations in New York, main focus of practice: International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR); Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL); Doctorate in International Law with Professor Dr. Andreas L. Paulus, Judge of the German Constitutional Court, University of Goettingen (pending); promoted by a Sholarship with the German Graduate Sholarship Trust; Lecturer in Criminal Law, University of Frankfurt (2012-2013); Research Associate and Lecturer at the Institute of International and European Law (Chair of Professor Dr. Andreas L. Paulus), University of Goettingen (20082009); 6. Place at the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court (Team Goettingen); Master of European and International Commercial Law (LL.M. Eur), University of Frankfurt (2008); Lovells-prize for the best Master Thesis in the Master Programme; Graduate Visiting Student, University of Oxford (2008); Bucerius Law School (Hamburg), main focus: Corporate Criminal Law (Baccalaureus Legum, LL.B., 2003; First Legal State Examination 2007); University of Cambridge, study abroad.