1985 JUNE 85 - Backhill online
1985 JUNE 85 - Backhill online
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' , , , • ,, " , CINECITTA Vi informiamo che da quando abbiamo cambiato 1'impianto stereo, siamo aperti ~L GIOVEDI, VENERDI E SABATO SERA I pALLE 11.00 ALLE 3.QQ , , , Le .a1tre sere 1a discoteca e,a disposizione per party privati. Per piu.ampi detag1i te1 • .)~ \ 1: .1. \. ~1'/l ,,~. ~~ . ' .., ._ -. • i , • • • , , ,,, • • • . c -74-Welbeck Street, London Wl ENTRANCE ON MARYLEBONE LANE 01-9352794 . - - - -- , . -= Sommario , • •• , i ~ • ." •< Contents . "i -', ''"'-' , • " • Front Cover , I • _"C;=- • • • • SERVIZI SPECIAL! Two new Italian Estate cars are now available in Britain: the Alfa 33 4 x 4 'and Regata lOOs Weekend; for more details of these smart looking estates, see page 6• NOTICES· - AVVISI , CHARLES' & DIANA IN ITALY (reprise) PERTINI:"NON SARO' RIELETTO" AUTOSTOP: the new estates Dall'ECU ai PIM LE REGIONI E GLI EMIGRATI REGULAR FEATURES p.5 p.5 p.6 p.7 p.9 , DUE PAROLE .. , CRONACA DELLA. COMUNITA' •• *Festa WilIesden e ·Brent, , *St. Peter's Car Rally *Assoc. Parmigiani 'Valceno *IILa Voce" Dinner:-Dance *SiIvio Grossi Dinner • *Assoc. Pedina Val D'Arda *Amici di Santa Franca *London Grinders Assoc. NEWS FROM ITALY THE. HILL . p.4 p.10 • • p.19 p.22 p.20 p.25 p.43 CHIESA DI SAN PIETRO INFORMAZIONI UTILI CALENDARIO DELLA COMUNITA' ENTERTAINMENT & LEISURE ARENA MUSICAL~ HEALTH & BEAUTY HAVE YOU BEEN THERE CINEMA ' SPORTLIGHT ITALSPORT PAGINA DEI PICCOLI TEMPO· LIBERO RICETTA- RECIPE .p.28 p.29 p.30 p.31 p.36 p.37 p.38 p.39 p.42 COPYRIGHT 1985 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London E.C.1. Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd., 78 Bounds Green Rd. London Nll 2EU •• bbonal11ento L'abbonamento annuale (10 edizioni) con le spese postali, solo nella' GB, costa £7.00. Ricordat.evi che BACKHILL viene prodotto da volontari e non ha scopo di profit to. Qualunque vostro done ci aiutera' a continuare a servire la comunita' italiana• The annual subscription (10 issues) including postage, UK only, is £7.00. Remember BACKHILL is voluntary and non-profit making, and any additional donation you make will help us to continue this service to the Italian Community; BACKHILL Subscriptions 136 Clerkenwell Road London Eel , • ----------------------------------------~~---------------------------~-~------------, Name Date Nome................................................................ Data. Address Indirizzo 'Subs!Abbonamento . . Donation/Dono •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Total enclosed Somma acclusa £...,;.................••. , Cheques payable to:'BACKHILL' Vaglie intestati a:'BACKHILL' - .. :1' ue ,Parole , . di Don Roberto Russo . • '" i Caii ,- AmiCi , , , , , I , ,,, , , , . , ' < • . contimiiiiino "'ancoia il nostro discorso' '.sulla-- 'Madon!1a,proprio perche ci avviciniamo alia ·R.rocessione della ,Madonna del Carmine: domenica 21 luglio 'alle 3.30 p.m;'. • ~~ - E' un. momento che prima di qualsiasi altra cosa ei im,ita ai Sacramenti; alia Confessione' ..e_.alla..Comunione•.. E! .vero .che..noL .abbastanza .spesso...abbiamo.Aun-.cantatto. ,profondo.con. Dio nei Sacramenti, ma la scelta di Dio' in momenti particolar}. dEilla /riostra vita e' un atto consapevole .di fede. La Processione della Madonna del Carmine non e' una qualsiasi f~s!a religiosa:' e' lastoria della nostra Comunita' Italiana; di quella di prima della guerra, di ,quella di dopo la guerra. I nonni e i nonni dei nonni, voi e i vostri genitori 'siete venuti qui "pierii, di, spinanza e con questa speranza nel cuore hi vita di tutti e' andlita avanti. "Una vita religiosa' inolto concreta; una vita che ha 'avuto il suo ,centro in questa Chiesa e la sua m,anifestazione esterna religiosa nella Processione. Quante preghiere ha ascoltato la Madonna camminando per le nostre strade. Quante preghiere ditante pe'rsone che· noi non conosceremo mai; ,.e' stato un canto di fede che ha accompagnato tutti questi nostri fratelli. E ora noi' ci uniamo a questo coro di fede; ognuno di' noi canta la sua fede. alia Madonna perche' la Madonna 10 accompagni verso pio. E sol!an!o Dio vede la fede n,el cuore di ogn~no di 'nai, vede quest a fede che ei costa' tanti dolori e tante lacrime, ma ,che, con profonda umilta1 ci fa alzare gli occhi a Dio e ci fa dire:- "Grazie, o. Padre, per tutto quello che ci dai e per tutto quello che ti prendi". E cosi cgntinua il cammino della nostra vita, seguendo il cammino dEilla Madonna~ . ' Quest'anno e' il Centennario ufficiale della nostra Processione. Gia' tante persone si stanno 'dando da fare sia .giovani ,che m.eno giovani per testimoniare. una presenza viva e religiosa sempre p~l!\profon'da d!l!la Comu,nita' italiana in questanazione. A tutti va ,il mio caro invito di. avvicinarsi ai Sacramenti ,e di aiutarci, come agnuno di voi'si, sente nella ·realizzazioneconcreta di questo atto· di' fede che fa cosi . . ed' e capace, • onore., , • • Dear. Y0UIlg Frien~ • . 'thisinonth ,I have . decided:,to continue on the theme of Our Lady. This. time Our .Lady .... is honoured with the title of Virgin of Mount Carmel, \yhich we, the ItalIan Cpmmumty :commemorate with our Procession on the 21st July at 3.30 p.m.. This year marks· our Centenary, and, this Procession over the years has seEm the 'hopes and sacrifices of our parents' and 'their parents before thell) - let's try and do something extra specially nice. Let'S, prepare ourselves. by praying, by going to confession and by taking comunion. Itls' perhaps sometimes a good thing to stop what you are doing and, to question. yourself, about what's on your m,ind,to perhaps look at your relationship with God: this often can turn out to be a moment of deepest sincerity for diose who do truly wish to be honest wit~ God.It is a moment of sincerity which inevitably leads us 'to understand and feel just how anxious God is about us, ;lnd that he does follow us in our ,every day living, and that he does want, to save us. It is' 'amom'ent when Yle open our hearts totally to humility. We feel that all we have has come to us from God; frankly speaking we can be happy or sad, but one th,inf: is for sure, our life is 'important to us, to others and also ·to God. Th~ref()re I llm inviting you to come; help us, we' are waiting 'foi you. 4 ' Charles: & , ' Diana in It'll ' '-,. Following last month's brief account of the Royal couple's trip to Itilly, we thought you might like these further images of what was a memorable visit. -_.", --'- :_.IiiI'• . iiif L",."= , -, . . .. • " ", ~ , , ,• . ' . , , ,' ~ _ < ;:....:.- t<'.· '" I ......."..n-- .... ~ " .. "',. 't:., • . ~ ........... _.. 'p"';;;; _ ," I ',.",: -. .m _ =,'~ ~:;~,~. , ......' ---, ... -....,.~ . '~~~'. ~ ,< . ',~ • .~, ....... -, 1- ~:J " '. "'-.0" to' .~ '-!.';:"i,j '''7''~.e'\l>J''··''· "-)j' • • 'SP- ,'..]' ... ~ "'. -" 1 _ '" The Royal Couple with, in the background, the Italian Ambassador, Dott. Cagiati. ... Prince Charles reviews the Guard of Honour ~t Olbia airport. . . -. > I '"' • Sento che non salO' rieletto: perche' sette anni di presidenza sono lunghi...•e quattordici anni sarebbero una assurdita '. Ma lascio il Qui rinale con la coscienza ,tranquilla di aver fauo iI mio dove re e non iI mio interesse personale." CosP ha dichiarato recentemente Sandro Pertini in un'intervista con un giornalista americano. Egli - ottantenne ma di vigorosa attivita, ha una popolarita' vasta nella politica italiana; ha senz' altro dato alia presidenza della Repubblica un prestigio che non abbia mai avuto. II motivo per questa popolarita': "Ho I' abitudine di non fingere mai, di essere molto aperto, molto leale. Quindi iI potere non mi e' mai andato alia -testa. Non mi sento superiore ai miei connl!zionali. Ma una differenza tra me e gli altri c.'e': io ho delle responsabilita' che gli altri non hanno. Ecco la differenza, soltanto questo"• Verra' rieletto iI mese prossimo? Se no, chi sara' iI suo ereditore: Andreotti, Fanfani? Alcuni IIengono nominati, m'a non ·cte' un candidato preferito ., -' - "u,os t , 'to. .- • AND NOW. _• , Alfa Romeo Alfa 33 4 x 4 Estate When the Alfa 33 was first announced, it was always intended that the model would be developed in several ways. The: strategy was that, of adapting it to ,the needs of of specific groups o~ car buye!s. The .Alfa 33 4 x 4 Estate is one of the first fruits of that strategy. The rear door itself is very wide, and is released by means of of a remo~e-cont!ol lever alongside the driver'seat.It rIses with the help of twin gas-filled struts, and opens high enough to make 'the loading of bl!lky objects as simple as possible. Further load-carrying capacity is provi~ed through standard fitting of two lengthWise roof struts to form the basis for specially designed fi~tings'- 'a luggage rack, encl?~ed higgage: contaimir,- of ski-ra~k. ThetraI,h!1g edge the roof is fllired bya ~mall mattblack plastic spoiler. The new,'rear load space: ~omprises' not only of· th~ 1Tl)~,!n -.load ._platJorm but 'atso three smaller compartments, beneath. .it" Two: of ,these are housed one on either side 'lift of • the rear wheel arches ,and are intended for smll.lI, frequently used items. The.,third com'partm'ent,:~'running" 'across the 'extreme~ 'rear' of the car, is best suited for long but slender objects Ijke fishing rods,shotgu~s or umbrellas. of ' ~ The Alfa ,33 4 x_4Estate, h-!ikEl._~hef equivalent, saloon, is available In a c OlCe 0 Amaryllis-- -, Red or Crystal Silver Metallic•. -~~--~~---- ...~ ~ ---e- ---. -- ~e-- ~'. ~- - - e -- - The Estate is on sale in the United Kingdom from May 1985, alld tlie recommended retail • • prIce IS: The main load space has a capacity ?f 12.4 cubic' feet, with ,the back s,eat 'occupled, or 42.4 cubic feet with 'both halves of the "asymmetric split" back sea,t .folded 'to extend the platform. The platform is iIIum.inated. by a rooflight whenever the rear hatch IS opened., , BASIC £6429.16 THE FIAT REGATA WEEKEND CAR TAX £529.10 ' • TOTAL VAT £1031.74 £7990.00 wheel arches), fold-'f1at rear bumper section and tall 33.7 inches boot ,floor to roof tailgate opening height. Launched at the 1984 Turin Motor Show, the Fiat Regata Weekend now makes its debut in Britain. The two, Regata Weekend models - 100 Super and 85 Comfort - replace the Mirafiori 1600 CL estate and 2000 Super estate. Although a relatively compact estate car at 168, inches long and 65 inches wide, the Regata Weekend, has ,the ability to swallow and carry an impressive500kg. payload. With the rear seat up, the \Veekend has a 25.6 cubic' .feet boot. Fold the rear seat flat and the volume increases to 49.4 cubic: feet. It has 63.8 inches loading length (seat ,folded flat), 37.4 inch, interior load hC'liglit,5~ inches load areaa width (38 inches: between • With the rear seat folded flat, the Regata Weekend offers a loading length of 63.8 inches. The Weekend boasts a remarkable 37.4 inches, load area height - the class leader. Load area width in the Weekend is 50 inches and the Regata Weekend provide 37.6 inches loading width between rear wheel arches, larger rivals ,surprisingly can only muster smaller measurements. PRICE: Regata 85 Comfort Weekend , VAT £828.10 TOTAL £6348.77 Regata 100 Super Weekend CAR TAX VAT BASIC £494.92 £5939.00 £965.09 TOTAL £7399.01 BASIC £5096.00 CAR TAX £424.67 J ....~~ ,.~ ~ . - ' , .~~ " ", . 6 .'. ,~ ,_ " ·>"-"-4_" .... ~_.~ i ~ .. . ..,....... .... ... ..... ~ ~~ ", ,, i , ~,-","-." • ,Dall'ECU '11 'PIN Nell'ultimo numero abbiamo parlato della monetaeuropea l'ECU (European Currency Unii):in • • 9uesto numero esaminiamoo certi usi dell'ECU, compresi i PIM. • , ECU : La "moneta" europea ha H vento in E2EE!: L 'utilizzazione dell'ECU continua a estendersi. L' unita' monetaria europea, formata da un misto delle monete nazionali dei Dieci, .dovrebbe presto aveie' un ruolo piu ampio, Detti programmi"-speciali avranno la duratar"l ' all' esterno della' Comunita' europea, da una • di sette anni e comporteranno la spesa·..Ili parte, e per it pagamento delle "bollette" 6,6 miliardi di RCU (1 ECU = 1382 "lir'e' energetiche, dall'altia.' circa), 2,5 dei 'quali saranno elargitL"dai Fondi strutturali della Comunita' che, ciascuno I governatori delle banche centrali dei Dieci nel proprio ambito, ne sostengonp 10 svilup'po si sono messi d'accordo per autorizzare, jn economico e sociale: la sezione orientamento linea di massima, le banche centrali dei di orientamento e garanzia del Fondo europeo paesi non membri della Comunita' a detenere agricola (FEAOG), il Fondo europeo di svicapitali in ECUj e si ,sono anche 'dichiarati (FES~) e il Fondo sociale luppo regioriale favorevoli a un 'rialzo dei tassi di interesse europeo (FSE). Altri 1,6 miliardi saranno per gli investimenti in ECU, allo scopo di attinti al bilancio comunitario. rendere la "moneta" europea piu' appetibile. . Spetta ora ai ministri delle' finanze dei Dieci I rimanenti 2,5 miliardi di ECU verranno dare it "via Iibera" all' accordo. 'prestati alle regioni ,interessate dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti, organismo finanD' altraparte, le iniziative europee a favore> ziario della Comunita'. I crediti dibilancio dell' utilizzazione dell'ECU nei -contratti di favoriranno innanzitutto la Grecia alla quale fornitura di Gas naturale e di petrolio si . gli altri Stati membri hanno promesso,_ nel moltiplical)o. Le compagnie del' gas francese corso del vertice di Bruxelles, una cifra pari e olandese, la "Gaz de France" e la a 2 miliardi di ECU. Data la sua ,posizione "Gasunie", che stanno attualmente negoziando geograficil e le difficolta' economiche in cui il rinnovo del contratto di distribuzione del si dibatte, la Grecia beneficera' degli aiuti gas olandese in Francia, intendono fare PIM' in tutia 1'estensione del suo territorio. effettuare i pagamenti in ECU. .In Italia, it governo vuole fare denominare in ECU circa Anche le regioni mediterranee dell'ltalia e la meta' delle importazioni italiane di gas: della Francia profitteranno di aiuti che un disegno di legge sara' presentato presto. verranno concessi sotto forma di prestiti. Dall'inizio dell'anno, la Commissione europea Somme cosi notevoli"serviranno ad anmodernare ha contatti con diverse compagnie fornitrici' o a riorganizzare I'economia nelle regioni di gas e di petrolio per promuovere l'uso interessate, 'creando posti di lavoro specialdell' ECU nei loro contratti; la Commissione mente per i giovani. Nelle regioni piu' sfavoha anche affrontato I'argomento con diversi ritei PIM apporteranno un aiuto diretto responsabili dei paesi arabi produttori di all'occupazione e al reddito. pet rolio 0 di gas. . I I t~ ,• • regioni mediterranee della Comunita; in modo da metterle in :grado .di'far fronte all' accrescilita 'concorrenza ' causata dall' adesione della Spagl)a. e del Portogallo, verosimitmente I'anno prossimo, alla Comunita'. I - PIM : per aiutare ad affrontare le difficolta' / dell' allargamento. I capi di Stato e di goyerno dei Dieci hanno stabilito, durante it recente Consiglioeuropeo di Bruxelles, la forma che sara data ai PIM, gli aiuti speciali alle regioni mediterranee promessi dall!! Commissione europea e richiesti energicamente dal governo gr~co. GIi Stati membri interessati .dovranno presentare dei programmi globali che la Comunitli selezion'era" in base ai bisogni reali delle diverse regioni e alle loro condizioni di svituppo economico e sociale. I PIM saranno coordinati in tutti i loro aspetti agricoli, sociali e regionali. Se uno sforzo particolare viene fatto in favore delle regioni meridionali della Comu,nita', i capi di Stato e di governo hanno temiio a sottolineaie che cio' non portera' I PIM (Programmi Integniti Mediterranei) alcun, pregiudizio alle altre regioni in diffitendono, a, :favorire .un.", miglior. svituppo ,delle,..- ,colta: ------7 , , • • . • , ' TYRER BOXBURGH' & CO - ,. ' ~ " RISTORANTE , , an 1nl Solicitors Whymark House, Whymark Avenue, HIGH ROAD, WOOD GREEN,N.22 • in HOLBORN - 120 Posti • • .(vlelno alia stazlone sotlarrana8 Tu;nplka Lanaj • Vi possiamo aiutare,con questi problemi: . . VITTORIO E FRANCO . . sorio lieU di darvitutte le quotazioni • per i yostri Matriinoni·- Parties Priine Comunlorii . t , .~.o • J:acciamo.ancheJa,compraven'dita, --,-----~ -~ • (preventivi scrittl gratis) • 11. nostro Solicitor Italiano vi pub consigliare nelhi propria madrelingua. Se non pensate di llVEire i soldi da pagare, telefoOlite.e ne parleremo pub darsi ." che SI possa reclamare le spese dal patrocinio sovvenzionato (Leg'al Aid) , Vicino.alia Chiesa di S. Pietro . .. Clerkenweli Road. . , Y. - • Tel: 01-889,3319 .. • 3, Southampton 'Row WC1 - Tel; 4056230 . " aperto 7 giomi . . , • • Problemi di locazione, ProbJerr!i~ilavp[O, , • Incidenti stradali 0 allavoro " • Difficolta matrlinoniali , • Azlof1i penale • ~ , <,. • • \ • lIMIHO Tile Italian. Flight Specialists 44 Goodge Street, tondon ,W1 P ,1 FH • 01-6375333' • ATOL 173 • . ,f=OR ITAL Y SA Y PILGRl • 8 . -AIR Le Re I ioni e II Emi .' . , , MUTUI-CASA PER GLI EMIGRATI SlCILIANI • • • L'assessore regionale del lavoro e dell'emigrazione della Sicilia, on. Leanza, ha firmato con, i dirigenti del Banco di Sicilia e della Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Siciliane la convenzione prevista dalla legge regionale n.38 del Giugno scorso per 10 adeguamento degli interventi, creditizi alle nuove norme relative alia concessione di mutui agli emigraper I'acquisto,la costruzione, it riadattamento e I' ammodernamento delle costruzioni. In particolare, tali provvidenze alle quali possono accede re gli emigrati definitivamente in' Sicilia dopo it 20febbraio 1975 0 che ancora allo estero 0 in altre regioni italiane rientrino entro un anno .dalla data del rilascio del certificato di abitabilita', ovvero entro tre anni dalla concessione del cont ributo regionale,. elevano a cinquantasette milioni e mezzo it tetto del mutua concepibile dalle banche sui quale la regione interviene accollandosi it 75% degli interessi passivi. r I i I , (I I I., I I l , I I r IL LAZIO PER L'EMIGRAZIONE La Consulta, regionale della Regione Lazio ha approvato un primo riparto degli stanziamenti, destinato. ai comuni della regione per interventi in favore degli emigrati, contempla anche un capitolo per it funzionamento di centri estivi per i soggiorni dei figli emigrati residenti all' estero. Fra gli interventi previsti rientrano I'assegnazione di 50 milioni al , comune di Cassino ,per' la costruzione di un cent ro di accoglienza per gli emigrati che rientrano, iniziative dirette a favorire I'inserimento scolastico dei figli di emigrati rientrati, iniziative ·'professionali per giovani emigrati al di sopra dei 18 anni. In totale 10 stanziamento approvato risultera' esse re di 1.216.246. 500 di lire. , . ~ , ' "FRIULI"PREPARA LA .TERZA CONFERENZA DELL'EMIGRAZIONE Recentemente hi regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia ha varato iI piano triennale di massima per iI 1985-87 ed it progr.amma 1985 degli interventi del Fondo regionale per l' emigra• zlOne. , La Regione ha destinato tra I'altro per it. " triennio 1985-87 15;900 milioni di life per ii':,-; conseguimento dei due obiettivi che fin~ ad oggi hanno ispirat.<> I'azione regiomile in materia di emigrazione: da una part~~ la politica programmata dei rientri, volta' ad. assicurare iI positive reinserimento economico e sociale dei rimpatriati ed 'iI loro concorso allo sviluppo della Regione; dall'altra it mantenimento dei legami culturali tra la terra di origine ed i coregionali' emigrati. AlI'organizzazione della 30 Conferenza Regionale dell'emigrazione e' dedicato un apposito progetto contenuto del programma annuale 1985. La conferenza si pone come momento di verifica e di diliattito con gli emigrati del lavoro fin qui svolto e quale occasioile per affrontare, n~1I0 stesso tempo, i nodi che investono la vita economica e sociale della regione ed i stioi f1ussi migratori. Es'sa e' caratterizzata da un dinamico realizzarsi , attraverso una ampia fase preliminare di consultazioni e di incontri conoscitivi, sia all'estero. che nelle altre regioni italiane (presso i fogolars, i circoli, i clubs, e i segretariati nei quali e' organizzata la comunita' emigrata) sia a Iivello regionale, con gli enti locali e lerappresentanze politiche, economiche e sociali del Friuli-Venezia Giulia, aperte ad ogni costruttivo contributo. • CENTRO PER GLI EMIGRATI DI RITORNO EMIGRAZIONE CALABRESEIN EUROPA Sono stati pubblicati gli atti della Prima Confeninza Regionale dell' emigrazione della Calabria cura dell' Assessorato al Lavoro ed all'Emigrazione. 11 testo, edito daIla casa edit rice Laruffa, e intitolato: "L'Emigrazione calabrese in Europa nel contesto della situazione meridionale" ed e presentato dall' Assessore all'Emigrazione, Battaglia che nella prefazione, ha dichiarato: "GIi atti del convegno debbono costituire un binario ed una ,guida operativa per quanti hanno responsabilita' politiche e' ai governo nel campo dell' emigrazione ed un punto di riferimento obbligato ed una fonte documentale per gli emigrati stessi": - a ! • IN PUGLlA • La Delegazione regionale Puglia dell' ANFE. realizzera' un progetto per un Centro polivalente per gli emigrati di ritorno. La struttura cui cooperera iI Comune di Monopoli, sara' destinata ad ospitare corsi residenziali di formazione alberghiera nonche' soggiorni estivi per i:figli di connazionali emigrati. (Da "Corrispondenza Italian, notizario ad usa deli operatori sociali e della stampa italiana a1l'cstero a cura dell'lstituto Nazionale per I' Assistenza Sociale (INAS) ente di patronato della Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL», . 9 • • , Cronaca attivita della nostra comu..it. • 1, • ' ,, • -> • • - . , ~ , • • • ,. , ,- , ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIAN!. WILLESDEN ,E, BRENT - ANNUAL DINNER DANCE - " " -, - ','scriye 'Don Natalino Mignolli -Padre' Stimmatino:1!,5 lIlaggio 1',As,sociazione Italiani WiIlesdEm e Brent 'ha tenuto j[ suo Annual Dinner Dance. ~c,_._, E' stato un successo sotto ogni punto di vista e ha'visto radunati circa ,500: itaIiani! • La festa e,' stata ,canitterizzata dil un' clima molto famiIiare e, semplice 'e 'wtto j[ lavora di preparaiione, 'sistem~;dan,o e '& organizzazione e sotenuto dai' membri de.! comitato, q~le loramogli e amici. i, '. i • I1.,.laY9ra di organizzazione, richiede -m,61t6, tempo e piu' volte il comitato si le! '!rovato per decide re ogni cosa. Questo in' fondo legit ,di piu' i membri tra ,di lora 'e la gent~ dimostra ~'-~:ai~~appieiza;re~-que-st6~~-C1ima: -di- 'familiarita"che-'caratterizza- 'ormai"j[-'-Dinner-,"- -Dance-' dell' Associazioneltaliani WiIlesden e Brent. "~ j " . quanti a passare ,nella [.'ottima musica di , , ' Don Natalino invita i presenti a ballare I cuochi al lavoro in cucina. • " • • •- • • , ", , .. .. 10 f Tutti a tavola per j[ pranzo. . -. . Si balla • • • • , . Cronaca 1 • The team opposite managed to beat off 46 other challenges to lift the Tony Collini Shield for the second successive year. Although admitting to' :performing below par, Peter Bertoncini' s ,team, consisting of driver Gisella' Rizzi (running..;in her father's new Alfa 33 - not IiteralJy I hope!). Caterina Giacon who spent the whole day deep in her shorthand notebook, Giovanna Giacon who spent the day aggravating fellow team members and John Belli, treasure finder and team peace keeper, were nevertheless delighted with their 98 points clear win. In the photographs: Armo, Robert and Michael Collini with • • • Mikie's Team, who came second also won the prize for completing all six sections of the rally best. Peter Maestranzi's team came third and won themselves a case of wine. the winning team. • • Whilst tucking into his well earned buffet, the winning team's captain remarked '''Full· marks must go to the Collini family for organising such a demanding and engrossing rally, but how do I explain I spent my Bank Holiday Monday hanging over a bridge looking for a loose brick?!'." .' The Ral.ly raised over £635 for O.G.I: and a record 47 cars entered the. rally on what proved to be a sunny May Day holiday. second place • • • ASSOCIAZIONE PEDlNA VAL D'ARDA L'Associazione Pedina Val D'Arda informa che in data 2 aprile, ,1985, presso la sala della Chiesa Italiaila di San Pietro, ha avuto luogo I'assemblea geneiale dell'Associazione. In Quell' occasione si sono svolte anche le elezioni per il rinnovo del Comitato. Le cariche principali per il 1985/86 sono le seguenti: Presidente : Vice Presidente: Segretil,ria:. Signor Antonio Perotti Signor Giuseppe Cavaciuti Tesoriere: Signor Francesco Antonioni Signorina Dominiqu~ Antonioni Si fa notare che con grande dispiacere di tutto il Comitato e i soci dell!l AssociazIone Pedina Val d' Arda, il Signor Giovanni Cavaciuti che per tanti anni ha' ricoperto con abnegazione e generosita' la carica di Presidente, si e ' dimesso per motivi di salute. , ANOTHER ARROTINI FIRSf f ,r , On the right is a photograph of Mr. Graziano Ferrari of the London Grinders Association and his daughter together .with Eamonn Andrews on the occasion of his beating the "What's MY'I;;irie"panel made up of: Barbara Kelly; Denis Healy MP; Ernie Wise; George Gale and JilIy C()oper. What's my line? I'm a knifegringer! • 11 , , • 'Cronaea '3 " T ~ , , , WEEKEND ,;DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE.•PARMIGIANI VALCENO,' Dott. G. ContestabiIi with, on left, D!lmenico SidoIi and; on right, Maria BozzinottJ; Sindaco, ".' di Bore. "'" ~ • " The· "A~sociazione Parmigiani Valceno" cele-., brated <its'" inauguration on the third weekend in April" ,this year. The weekend begap on Friday, 19th April at the Bishop Douglas School Hall., The' evening was for a debate with many Italian professional people who had taken the time to travel from Italy ,to '·,attend. It is important to realise that this 'Association was formed with the intention . ot',~euniting peopJe"in" ,~nglaFd l3;1:I9, .Wales" , . who 'originate ,fiom'. 'the 'lParrI)a an,d' Valc~no ,region in ,I,taly 'and also .to assist ,!hem' ,with problems they may face in Italy and this country. . The ·Church:·on Sunday', morning.". , .• ~ ' , On th.e, Satl!rday, a'grand dinner ll,t. ,the Ritz H~tE1l:",was~attended~'by,~he~Gom inittee· . and ~', tne Italian'delegation\ at the invitation of ,the Cassa'di 'Risparmio ,di :Parnia. Representing, the Bank from Italy ,were' Dott. G. , .. Contestabili, Managing D.!rectoi, Dott. ,E. Pasini, I?o~t. 1yI. ,Negri and the London representative ,of the Bank, Manuela D. Eleuteri, together,witjl otqer: represimuit,ives of the ,, Bank, the various' professional- people· from Par ma, ,Bard i,"Bore a'nd Pellegrino,•.the: 'Mayors fro!Jl ,Bardi' ,aild, Bpr'e and a rE;pre~eritative o~· at the M,ayor ~from Varsi and the Priest f~om ,Mantiela ,D. Eleuteri· . . Hotel on Sunday.". , Bore. Am'ong the ,many speeches the Vice'President, ;M~. 'Rom'lj.no .Sidoli, said tha,t, at ,his'thewaj;; seeing :his dream cqme true; an Association, devoted to the assistance of ,die immigrant from .Italy. ' . , . On ,Sunday, 21st April,at 12.15 p.m.. "a: M;lSS , . " , at St. Peter's Italian Church was celebrated by; Padre Russo; assisted by Qon Gian Carlo froni I,taly. It was very, moving to see the Churchfill,e'd· with' people to celebrate this Mass, which was' followed by a function at the Royal 'Garden 'Hotel, Kensington, attended by 500 people. After lunch, speeches were ;made by Dott. G. Contestabili, who pledged support ori i,Jejlalf ,of the CMSa' ~i Risparl!Jio oi' Parma' and the Mayors and, representatives of Bardi, Bqre, Varsi and, Pellegrino. Firially Mr. Domenico Sidoli, the President of the Association, gave his address in which he thanked the Cassadi RispiHmio arid all of the Italian delegation, for their t'remendous assis.tance and support. He expressed his great pleasure in having beeri able to work together with the members of the Committee who had worked very hard- to set up ,the Association. ' , ~ . . ' - , , the Royal Garden , , i Franco LuSatdi,' 'Celso Moruzzi, Don ',Gian Carlo from Bore, 'Gueririo Franchi, Vice . " . President,, and Carlo Solari, 'Treasurer. ". . ~ , , . , • Anyone wishing to find out more about the aims of this AssoCiation, or wis~ing to become a member, please write to The Associazione Parmigian i Va1c'eno, The, ~ecretary, 33Woodside Avenue, LONDON, N.6. 12 ' I ,, Cronaca 4 ASSOCIAZIONE AMICI 01 SANTA FRANCA , .' The day's (5th May 1985) activities commenced with Mass at the, liilliail·Chur.ch brated by the Parroco di Morfasso, Don Ricc'ardo Serena. " ,-. , - cele~ . ,'. .'., ~ , . •• <.~, The same evening in the Napoleon' Suite of the Cafe' Royal, the Annual Dinner & Dance took place. Amongst the Association's guests were Don Riccardo, Don Roberto Russo of the Chiesa di San Pietro, Do,tt. & Mrs. Obertelli and the Sindaco di Morfasso, Giulio Molina. "Yhilst there were fewer people present than last year, the atmosphere- friendly and hvely - did not suffer. A scintillating cabaret (perhaps too scintillating in the circumstances!) enlivened the proceedings. , • ,, The Association's president, Renzo Negri, in his speech mentioned the various benevolent causes to which the Association's funds had' been directed during th"e year, including the Italian Church, Villa Scalabrini and Stoke Mandeville Hospital (of' which, more next m'onth)~ , . J," . ' ~. , • ' , Don Riccardo Serena ... " • ~ • , I I " , . Part"ofthe cabaret, ... " • ... Waltzing the night away•••• The Association's guests toast H.M. The Queen and President Pertini. 13 --- ---- -, , , j 4, " VILDA SCALABRINl, tUNCH • A lunch was h~ld on ,Sunday, 19tp May to mark the completion of the fine ,new 'barn' in the" grounds of Villa ScalabrinL A great deal of hard" work was' contributed by the orgariisers, cooks,. servers and helpers .who had- 300 or so'''guests to deal with• • The proceeds of the 'lunch were destined for Villa Scalabrini, where -the Phase I and Phase 11 wor~s are proceeding in the hope, expressed by Padre Vico, that the first of , the elderly residents, will be"admitted later this year, A raffle which raised several thousand pounds; was also drawn at the lunch. . . - ._' , " ,,~ .t~~_ , " .",..'~' ~, ." • " .,e , , , , " < • • •• ANOTHER' DENNIE';MANCINI. CHAMP - , , - - -~ - --" ~ - ---~ MAZZINI-GARIBALDI DINNER FOR THE HANDICAPPED - to raise On April .20th, at ,the Mazzini-Garibaldi Club, a very successful dinner was held , funds for the purchase, of equipment to aid the handicapped. The dinner was instigated by Bob and Sheila Amasanti and supported the Negri and Delnevo families who worked hard to make the.. evening a success. , ,, . AL BANO AND ROMINA POWER , 11 Concerto di questi cantanti famosi, organizz;tto dall' Associazion~ Calabrittani (Presidente Rocco di Trolio), non ha, pu"rtroppo, avuto lu6go 'e tante -persone, le. quali avevano compr~to biglietti,- sono rimasti delusi al fiasco del' sabato sera al Wembley C!,nf~iimce Gentre. . " , , ' , • • , , - GRUPPO CULTURALE [TAL/ANO (F.A.S.FA.) • • MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DISCO , • at - , Cirieciua' Roma, Welbeck Street• . London W.1. on Sunday 30th June, 1985 Tickets: £4.00 Entrance by Ticket only 7.00 p.m.· 11.00 p.m. Telephone Caterina Giacon : 01-837 1966 14 • .' Cronaca6 Sf. PETER'S YOUTH CLUB - 25TH ANNIVERSARY , We present photographs ,of the celebration Mass which took place at the Italian ,Chur9 h on Sunday, 14th April '1985. Amongst the congregation was Sir Hugh Rossi, M;P.' : J ': ~'i ........ . • '•. -;." .-' ,, , 1 ""i , "" • , " ' ,,.,' ~ " IN MEMORIA DI ALDO BERNI Pubblichiamo la lettera inviata alIa Signora Bemi • dal occaslOne in Middlesex Hospital a cui .e' stata consegnata la somma di £1,034 raccolta • delIa messa per I'amico perduto. Department of Oncology, The Middlesex Hospital, LONDON, W1N 8AA. • Dear Mrs. Bemi, On behalf of Professor Berry who is at present away from the Middlesex Hospital, I am writing to thank you ,for the generous donation that you sent towards cancer research f ram yourself, your son and friends. I am sure Professor Berry would want you to know ,how very much he appreciates these donations which are put to very good use indeed in Jurthering the progress of cancer research at the Middlesex Hospital. ';v ours sincerely, J.D. LINNOTT .Se.qre~~.!y .to I)rq.fe,sso.r~~rry .. • . 15 ,. . . .. -. GO, ' - ~ ."- , , i -- ... , G.G.B: !ENGINEERING,SPARES) LTD. SPARES I SUITABLE FOR F/AT LANCIA LADA Vug«:) Po/ski FSO 1,, • • . .' • clutches, cables, brakes, exhausts, ignition, filters, pu.mps,..gaskets, electrics, steering, suspension, head lamps, bodywork, etc. etc. ' • .---. - ~- 01- 888 2354 .-- - PHONE • 1 • 98 WHITE HART LANE • WOOD GREEN, RUTLANDST.. • Off WAKEFIELD RD., LONDON N.22 BRADFORD 4 . . • •• • • It ~' @ • • ITALIAN RESTAURANT 150 SOUTHAMPTON ROW • 1.0NDONWCI Tcl: 01-8374584/5837 Opcn 11.30 a.m. nnlil 11 p.m. sala di 120 posti per .sposalizi ricevimentf e .. parties" • • 16 --~-------- - , 0274 733727 • -~ - , I I .. .~' 'SOLICITORS AVVOCATI INGLESI Possibilita di assistenza legale (Legal Aid) Preventivi a richiesta , • , 6 GRAYS INN SQUARE' LONDON WC] SBA , tete/ono , • • I • ======locks&tooIs • • • • • • • , LOCK & KEY SPECIALISTS ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS HAND & POWER TOOL SPECIALISTS POWER TOOL HIRE- SALES: SERVICE ALL TYPES OF LOCKS SUPPLIED, FITTED & OPENED SECURITY GRILLES SUPPLIED & FITTED STOCKISTS OF WALL, UNDERFLOOR & FREE STANDING SAFES , II I • • • • He(Jd Office: 278 Holloway Road, London N7 6NE also at: 144 Kentish Town Road, London NW19QB .., , Telephone: 01-6094731/2/3 01-6072200 Telephone: 01-267 3138 01-4853829 , " ", ' • 17 • - . •• .A V ET E B ISO G N 0 DJ • • • PENSIONI . . , ASSICURAZICNI . . .- PRESTITI . PER .' , -IMMOBILI . -~ -~ ---~ • Consiglio professionale ITALIANO 0 • 1 n INGLESE - - ·'0 -~-~-"-- -: • • Parlate con DINO:- 253 4353 • • • • .~" . ," ~ ~ BOMBONIERE CONFETTI EFIOFU da ,DE BLASIO I "I , Si/lal)l;' .' made 11/ Italy _ PIETRO·NEGRONI lIMITED' 2i1 New·Wharf Road, ,London. N1 9BR Telephone: (01) 837 0426 / 7. 18 "', ... ~eddings, .engagemen{s _and special occasions. . Telephone: 01-603 2593 (after 2 pm) • News from Ital you 'may have missed • • FOUR armed bandits were foiled in an attempt to rob a bank branch in the Bambbino Gesu children's hospital in Rome. Three security guards were wounded. F.iddato • THREE year oldCarmella .escaped with only bruises when she fell from the eigth floor of ,a block of flats in the Via Lattanzio, Naples. Her fall \Vas broken by a line of washing and the plastic roof of a garage. • FIREMEN, using a 39 foot ladder rescued 50 skieis and tourists stranded in a cable car immobilized after a .short. circuit. Police said the people were going up a mountain outside Chieti when' the cable eiu got stuck. • • MEHMET ALl AGCA, serving a life sentence for shattirigthe Pope in 1981, is undergoing treatment for tuberculosis 'at his Rome prison. . , • THE TOWN COUNCIL of Legnano near Verona, stung by an insinuation in the play and film "Amadeus" that Antonio Salieri killed the composer Mozari:, has voted to erect a statue in the main square to its most illustrious son. It also decided to organise a converition to vindicate Salieri's honour. . • FATH~R GI9YANNI ,STILO, a 72 year old priest in Paler mo, has been arrested accused of selling school diplomas to members of the Mafia' so that they could qualify for top government jobs. The priest claims that it is all a Communist plot. • AN EXHIBITION of Italian postage stamps issued after World War 11, opened in Beijing. On display in the China Art Gallery are sets issued between 1946 and 19114 in Italy, including the first stamp issued for the founding of the Italian Republic in 1945. • • ROBBERS used a thermic lance to cut thei r way into the safe in the Milan branch of the Bank of America. However, their equipment 'set fire to the £70,000 which was in the safe and the robbers left empty handed. • OLIYI!:TTi of Turin has acquired 65% of Indesit Electronica, the electronic' cash register producing subsidiary of the domestic .appliances manufacturing· group. • CARLO DE BENEDETTI, chairman of OIivetti, acquired from the Italian state holding company their interest in the food industry for £210 millions. The acq!1isition. when put· together with the de Benedetti recently acquired Buitoni interest, makes his grouping four times 'bigger than his nearest ItaJian competitor and powerful enoligh to~keep a'waythe various multimition... .al showing an interest in ·the Italian inarke't. • THE TENOR, Luciano Pavarotti, returned to Italy after being taken ill in' France. A spokesman for the Paris Opera said he understood Pavarotti had a heart complaint. • A POLICEMAN died and another was. injured in a terrorist ambush 25 miles on the road to Aqui8.. Gunmen opened fire when the police stopped to see ~hy their car had pulled into the emergency lane.· • FIFTY THREE extreme right wingers, . ., charged with murder, attempted murdElr, bombing and assaults between 1977 and 1981 were sentenced in Rome to between 18 months and 23 years in jail. They will serve a. total of 400 .years between them.· • POLICE AND TROOPS have discovered a net'itork of underground 'tunnels in Palermo which they ·say Mafia members used as a secret meeting place and escape route. The network • was found at the climax of a major security operation against the Mafia in the Sicilian capital which led to arrest of at' least 10 people and the discovery of weapons, ammunition and explosives. • RESCUE TEAMS, using winches and steel cables, pulled a U.S. Navy seaman out of, the mouth of Mount Vesuvius where he had been. trapped overnight. The sailor had climbed down the jagged slope of the dormant volcano to help another U.S. seaman who had fallen onto a ledge 350 feet below, only' to. find his colleague dead. The accident occurred during a sightseeing trip. • • BRITAIN has leapt to the top of the car theft league, with 22 thefts per 10,000 registered cars. , Italy is in sixth place with only six thefts per 10,000 cars. 19 , Chiesa di . " , , , , , , .CON I VECCHI E I MALATI - li andiamo atrovare il piu' spesso possibile; non li lasciamo mai soli, hanno precedenza su tutto• YOUR CHURCH, YOUR PRIESfS, SERVING OUR COMMUNITY. When you enter Se.Peter's Italian Church, take a look ;just to ,the left of the main altar; there you will see a 'lovely white . marble statue. It is the .statue of our founder, San Vincenzo Pallotti; a roman. It was he who wanted this Church, the first Italian Church buil!ariywhere in the world' outside of Italy. A first therefore which fills" us with "joy. San Vincenzo' Pallotti then founded the Societa' dell' Apostolato Cattolic'o,' i.e., we Pallotine Fathers, and the Sisters of our order. This year' marks 'the iSOth anniversary oLour. .foundation;. .it. Js ,a. ,time of. ,great, celebration for us. This some of the work we undertake both for 'and with you. .WITH FAMILIES - we share in your lives ana your problems, seeking to give you a helping hand; to walk' walk together hand in hand, towards God. .WITH THE OLD. AND THE'SICK - we vii'll vislt them as often' as ,possi6Ie. We will !lever forget them. They always come first. • CON I POVERI - abbiamo un aiuto e un • mteressamento per tutti• • CON GLI,SBANDATI -, almeno li riceviamo e 1i ascoltiamo. .CON I CAR.CERATI - stiamo nella loro cella, parlando ',di oio e della vita. .CON I ,DROGATI E CON COLORO am SOFFRONO - vogliamo che insieme a, .- nOI selltano ,che Dio e l'unka ragione della • vlta; .WITH THE POOR we can offer a helping hand showing concern for all• .WITH DOWN AND OUTS - the least we can do is receive them and listen to them. WITH PRISONERS - we,sit in their cells ana talk to them about God and life. • WITH DRUG ADDICTS AND THOSE . WHO ARE SUFFERING. -we want them to' feerthat, as it is with us, God' be their only reason for living. ' • CON I GIOVANI -vogliamo che capiscano il grande dono oio ha. fatto, darido la vita. , ,. .CON TUTTI vogliamo che con noi, sentano la oellezza e la gioia del Vangelo, Croce e Risurrezione. Vogliamo che capiscano che questa e una Chiesa viva die porta la parola viva di Die, dove Oio cichiama. I . Sacerdoti di questa Chiesa' infatti hanno una sola vita fra di loro, in comunita' -la vita di Dio. ' .WITH THE YOUNG - we want' them to understand 'God's greatest 'gift - life itself• LA VOSfRA CHIESA, I VOSfRI SACERDOTI NELLA VITA DELLA NOSfRA COMUNITA'. Quando entrate nella Chiesa Italiana di San Pietro, guardate alia sinistra dell I Altare Maggiore; c'e' una bella, statua "bianca di marmo. E' la statua del ,nostro 'fondaiore, San Vincenzo Pallotti, romano. Egli 'ha voluto qu~sta <:hi,e.sa, e questa Chiesa ~' la prima Chlesa, Itahana ,cost'ruita nel 'mondo, fuori dell'ltalia, per, n9i italiani. ,E' quindi un p'r~mato che ci riempie di gioia. San Vince'hzo Plillotti ha poL fondato la Sodeta I dell' Apostolato Cattolico, cioe' noi Padri Pallottini con,le Suore. Quest'anno sono 1S0' anni della ,.~~~,nosiia.~~f(mdazione;~~e'· una· .grande-~festa ·per· noi, e la cosa-' 'migliore e' ricordarvi quello . che faceiamo qui con voi e pe'r voi:• ,• .CON LE FAMIGLIE partecipiamo alia • vostra vita 'e ai vostri problemi, cercando di darvi una mano 'p~r camminare insieine verso Dio. ' , ~ • y'- ~ • " .. • . . ' Ecco, questo e' 10 spirito che ci ha lasciato San Vincenzo Pallotti. Venite e state con noi, Padri Pallottini; vi sentirete meglio. Venite principalmente ogni venerdt alle 8.00 p.m. (lloll il primo venerdl del mese); ci aiutiamo a vivere la parola di Dio, come ci ha insegnato San Vincenzo Pallotti. Venite, raccontateci la vostra vita; sar,a' un • • aluto per tutu. 20 , , " . . , .WITH EVERYONE ,we would like everyone ~o feel the beauty that is the Gospels, ,the Cross and the Resurrection. We want people to understand that this is a living Church that speaks the living \Yord of God, where God calls us. We priests have one life together, in community .., the life of God. ' This is the spi rit that San Vincenzo Pallotti left .us. Come' and' spend some time with us, Pallotine Fathers, it might help. We would like you to come, in particular on Friday evenings at 8.00p.m.(but not on the first Friday of the month). We can help each -other to live the word of God as ,olir 'founder. taught us. Come and tells ,us aobut your lives, ,it might help someone else. , -=-~-- , ~" San Pietro , ' t • ,• , ~ • DOMENICA 21 LUGLlO ORE 3.30 , PROCESSlONE DELLA MADONNA DEL CARMINE E SAGRA ITALIANA AL CAR PARK Er iI centenario della Processione - . partecipate, pregate, aiutateci in tutti i modi••• Qualsiasi informaZione all 'Ufficio Parrocchiale - Tel 01 837 1528 .SUNDAY JUI.Y 21st, 3.3Op.m. PROCESSION IN HONOUR OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT , " We are 'celebrating the Centenary Procession - come, take part, pray, help if you wish... ~ For further information please phone the Parish Office on 01 837 1528 , , , eGIEFFE, LUXURY INTERIORS, 15 KENNARD RD' r LONDON , E15 - TEL 01 555 1528. (Mr. P. DELMAESTRO '- MR. R. DELMAESTRO - MR. G. MIGLIO) -ci hanno regalato una magnifica Icucina SUZY, che sara' sorteggiata iI giorno della della Processione e della Sagra• • -have given us a wonderful ,fitted kitchen which will be raffled, and the draw will will take place on Procession'. Sunday~ ' . AIUTATECI A VENDERE I B1GLlETTI, VENITE ALL'UFFICIO PARROCCHIALE E CHIEDETE INFORMAZIONE OP,PURE TELEFONATE 01 837 1528 • PLEASE HELP US TO SELL TICKETS COME TO THE PARISH OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR GIVE US A CALL ON 01 837 1528 Ella Inzani Chiara Ciraldo Paolo Falzone Melissa Inzani Claudia Inzani Elena Depisa John Marmo Terry Prati Sophia Xuereb Bianca Spina Filomena Del Guercio Domenico Spina - Linda Fleet Paul Giacopazzi - Catherine Brennan Stefano Senesi - Filomena Fortunato GRIPOSANONELLA pACE DEL- NOS-fRO SIGNORE Eisa 'Rossi Giuseppe Corini:i ,,I , " CARMEL AND ITALIAN SAGRA IN THE CAR PARK • " 21 - 'The Hill , • In this month's edition. I ·wish to ,submit my photograph of a Dinner and Dance organized for players, members, followers and friends of the Coach & Horses F.C. held at the Chez Auguste. Restaurant. One of the main organisers for this event was our then new. Secretary, Fred Rizzi, who, with his zest and vigour, was to become, apart from a· good Secretary, a very good organiser. He acted with the help o( the rest of the Committee and followers who will no' doubt remember many social events of the Coach &' Horses. Many a fine social dance was run at, the Finsbury Town ,Hall on Saturday evenings. . These were always a sell out of approxi"-- --mately 400' tickets; Apart--from---socialdances, many outings were also arranged. Over the 1948 season until 1950/51', the club's funds mounted and so ·it was decided. , , by theComniittee to give the players, members, friends and wives a treat to a night out. As mentioned previously Fred went about the business of organising a celebration Dinner and Dance for the 1950/51 ·success by our first and' second team at ,the Chez Auguste, 47 Frith Street, W.1. on Saturday, 9th June 1951: a night to be remembered fot all who attended and no doubt sti1l spoken about to this day amongst those of' us who sti1l meet for a Sunday drink in the Coach & Horses public house in Ray Street. . , , • • , ' I am also including. in. this edition the menu and toasts for that Saturday, 9th June 1951. The names of as many people I can remember in ,the photograph taken at -Ch-ez AugusteaYe:' ',- ~-- ,~---.- --, ~" Johnny (Cowboy) Azzali, johnny Bergamini Alfie, Donald and· Frances Bergam!ni, John and Tina Bel1i, Peter. Carini, John Crowther, •• • • , Ciel and Kitty Cavedaschi, joe Draisey, Johnny Donovan, Ronnie Farrell, Georgie Fornasini, Tony and Carol Fugaccia, 'Marie Gasparo. Finaldo and Mary Gnocchi, jackie Guiness. George Herbert, Pino and Delinda Maestri (Chairman), Mario and Olga Maestri Sammy Miserotti, Lou Marenghi, Tommy .and Helen Mortagiacomo, jill Papa, Fred Rizzi (Secretary), Peter Rizzi, Nino Resteghini. Jimmy Sheehan, Jackie Sheehan, joe Seghini, Tony Servini (Ass. Secretary), Ralph Velini, Ken and Kitty Warden and Mario Zaccarini. • As usual, not all can be named, so please excuse any. missing names, but if you cari( name some please contact. me or write to BACKHILL. Ciao, • Pino Maestri I I -""" -- I ,::,.9:7:',,:5 ,:·0>" .' ~~~....~_f"~""~ ,,:- ~.. ,.. :..-...;.' ~-"""",_ ..'",,"; ," ,', . 1~~~~""""'Cm: , " , , . , , ;)!INNEl~: :lJi,~tE ... ",: .-.. <""," ,;. -,,~,~;. .,, , .. .... -;. , .. , .. >,,:-~" --_ .• .-, - COACH:!', HOR$~',I'OOTeAll CLUB' __ ..0 --.' ~"-:" • • " ' .. , -.. , ,,'" , '. '. . '. .,'-'. ; '~', ",,' ," Q' . ~--';' ,', ........ •• ...:.> •••••• ~". . - ;.." ~ ~, • ...... • "{. "" , , .. Opposite and overleaf: Menu for Chez Auguste " ---- " r • . \, ". ~.'.' >.,~- ' "-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------- THE H ILL (cont•••) - The Chez Auguste Menu , ", " ' . ,, " . ., , " ' ,, ' ',~ .-~ ',', , .. ', ,. ," • , ," . , ',"- '," '.~ , " ,".'" <,' " ',' , , '. ro:.... $ 1':$, " , MENU '!" •• ' .. . ' , - ~ • - - --,,~-- " Hello! I know that many of you have lived • in "The Hill" in London and keep memones, pictures and stories about it. , ' All of you cquld help me., Lam an, Italian student, from Bologna and my' r'esearch Jocus~~ mainly on the. Italian Community in London during the period 1900-1950. < I would like to write the' history' of "The Hill" that is so little known in" England and even less in Italy; , How can you J:1elp me?' Easy!, Let me interview you abouut the life in "Little' Italy", about your parents, your, background, work, free time••••everything that could come to mind during the interview' can be • Important. Salve! So che molti di voi hanno abitato , , a Londra, nel quartiere italiano e ne con":servate memorie, ricordi, fotografie•••• Bene! Tutti voi potete aiutarmi. Sono una studentessa ,italiana ,(da Bologna) e sto facendo una: rice rea proprio sulla comunita' italiana a L6ndra, nel 19()0-1950: mi interessa soprattutto riscrivere la storia di "Little Italy" di cui poco 0 niente si sa in Inghilterra e ancora: meno in rt'alia. Come mi potete aiutare? Semplice! Raccontandomi dellil vostra vita al quartiere 'italiano, dei vostri ricordi, dei vostri genitori, del lavoro, delle feste e di tutto quello che puo' venirci in mente durante la intervista• Ancora, mettendomi in contatto con altri abitanti del "The Hill" che forse noil Another way to help would 'be by , 'putting me in c0ll:tact with other people who used .Ieggono questo giornale, ma che potrebber6 • • . alUtarml. to live there. No-one is too old, everybody's experience can be important. I do hope you are willing to help me so that, all together, Spero che vogliate darmi un po' del vostro we can write the history of "The Hill". tempo cosi' che si possa scrivere insieme la storia di "The Hill". Many thanks, Grazie. Sandra Lotti You can contact me at: Potete contattarmi a: , 28 South Street, COLCHESTER. 2. c/o.Pino'Maestri,: 31 The Triangle, , Oos~ell' Road, "LONDON, EqV OAR• 24· 1. • 1. 2. 28 South Street, COLCHESTER. Presso Pino Maestri, 31 The Triangle, G,oswell Road, LONDON, ECIV OAR. • ---------------------------------------.--c... , , THE ITALIAN HOSPITAL , • • .' , , • Outpatients Monday Physiotherapy and X-Rays Cardiology Consul tant Physician· Opthalmic Surgeon· • Tuesday Monday.to Friday By' appointment only . E.N.T. Surgeon· Importaht " " Gynaecologist Thursday Dermatologist .• , , • , , ' Patients only' accepted by • appomtment. For, further information ring Sister, Outpatients Department Rheumatologist Wednesday • ' Consultant Physician • , ,• • Surgeons ·Attends alternate weeks Psychotherapist • Friday Orthopaedic' Surgeon • • • • • , Arnbulatorio Lunedl Fisioterapii3 e Raggi -X, Cardiologia Medicina Interna· Lunedl al Venerdl Oculista Martedl Medicina ,. Interna . ·Orecchie:"Naso-Gola·, " ' REHimatologia , Mercoledl Ginecologia Giovedl Dermatologia • Solo con appuntamento • , . Im~ortante Paiienti vengono accettati solo su richiesta di appuntamento. • Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi all' Ambulatorio. Chirurgia Generale Psicoterapia* Vener& Ortopedia ·Visite settimane alternate • Sabato Pedia'tria Queen Square, London WCi' 3AN Tel: 01 831 6961 • • 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - , • , , • • , , , . ~ --= - -- - --- ,- -- =-- : ~-~-----=,,- , ~_-' __ - 0_ , ~ { ,, • , " Head· Q,ffice 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WC1X8BZ . TEL: 01-2788628 01-278,1308 . • , , • • • • , • • • , • " ,. • 'i , , , a~$O , .., ., • at 22 PANCRAS'ROAD KINGS CROSS Nwl2QB TEL: 01...;278 6014 I I ~ • , " • . " KEYS CUT WHILE YOU WAIT LOCKS 'SUPPLIED & FITTED . HAND & POWER TOOLS ETC: . , • , . • , " , I • • 26 " , • • , , - • e one RESTAURANT , . 752 G,ttn La.l'lt$., Win.::bMorr 1111II. London NB. ABETONE REsrAURANT , • VI offre una cucina emiliana casalinga, con un vasto menu incluse tutte le paste fatte in casa e una selezione di una 'ventina di piatti di pesce fresco. OPEN FOR SUNDAY ,LUNCH AND ON SUNDAY 'EVENINGS. F AMILY GROUPS WELCOME SALA PRIVATA PER MATRIMoNI . . RICEVIMENTI,BATTESIMI,PARTIES TEL:01 360 8255 '01 ,360 1728 . hombonlere tulle ~:. Qonletti liori .. . ,.' i ~ BOMBONIERI NELLA PIU' BELLA TRADIZIONE ITALlANA Maurine Sand/er 86 Old Bromplon Road. London SW7 Tel: 01-584 23521730 2093 - , • • .. • • • I I ~I 27 . ' . ,rena---,---,,-:-,.~~...,..----j •r: " , , , /. 'J'; usicale~,,' ± --H------' • • • What a wonderful, man of theatre' Puccini This dramatic work. has not one was. moment of weakness. The way he created such solid characters is pure genius. Scarpia is. one of operas most evil villains, comparable with Sh,akespeare',s lago. TOSCA the prima donna who lives for her art and love, a true woman who is loved. by the hero -. Mario. -. Renata Tebaldi recorded a most moving Tosca ,in 1959 without, sacrificing one note of drama from the score, and is certainly the most beautiful ·on record. Her "vissi ' . d'arte" might be equalled, but not surpassed. Her Scarpia is George London, a , ~ ~ " These characters, set against Puccini' s' dramatic score, have proved, to be' a winner with opera lovers' the world over since its ~_.cl~but.in ,Rome .in. 1900•. ,• , , - - :~~ ~~~ , There are 12 recordings at present. Of th~se· I would select .just on~ of three for your collection. Two have Maria Callas and "Tito, Gobbi as Tosca and Scarpia the third with Renata Tebaldi. Callas and Gobbi first recorded the work way back ill 1953. It was Callas' first' recordin'g for HMV records and her voice, was at its freshest (a few shrill· notes 'aside). HEW cry of "Non posso 'pili'" in the torture scene is' the pinnacle. of an immense amount of feeling she brings to the part. . - ., Ca!las and "~ 'qob~i natu~al bass-baritone. Dark sounding and very well sung. Only Mario del Monaco is a little disappointing. The tone is' glorious, but with a little 'too much shading. Still, where can one find a dramatic tenor like that today? A most beautifully sung Tosca more so than the other two. I know,J. have ten of the twelve recordings available!! Will I ever hear someone like 'Gobbi? I doubt it, You would have thought Puccini ,had written the role with Gobbi in mind. In Act 11; "la e' angelotti", when he has "found out' what he wants.. Unfortunately it is a 'mono recording, but has been re-recorded to give a stereo affect. Mario, Rimzullo , ·Eleven years later the work was resung, ;in stereo this time. It marks Callas' comeback after a ,few years away from the opera world. The voice, of course, is not- that, of the 1953 version. Gobbi, too, had begun to lose his top notes, but, nevertheless, it is my pick of the Toscas, if only for ~he ..sheer ..drama conveyed. Scarpia's cry of "Aprite 'le porte che ,non n'oda i lamenti" sends shivers down my spine. Or how about Toscas 'IIMuori dannato". Certainly ,this is my choice recording. In the '53 version, Mario is sung by Giuseppe di Stefano at, the peak of his career, and turns in it touching liE Iticevan le stelle !". The remake finds a moving Carlo Bergonzi as Mario. 28 .. . .: T<!sca sUprtHlIOs - , ' • , • Callas, Gobbi, Di Stefano '.., - HMV SLS 825 • Tebaldi, London, Del Monaco , -Decca 411 8711 • Callas, Gobbi, Bergonzi - HMV SLS 917 , · ' P.S: Have .an enjoyable CentinaryProcession day. You will find me where the salsicce , are - my favourite. ' < Health & Beaut ., , , LAST MONTH I promised made masks, so her goes•••• some , home Rinse with warm water followed by several rinses of apple cider vinegar and water or lemon juice and water. (3-4 tablespoons to one quart of water). Let the vinegar or lemon rinse dry on the skin. Do not dry off with a towel. Before a mask, it is occasionally a good idea to give yourself a facial steam as foHows: , r , • • 'I , ii, I, I, , Bring water to a boil, remove' from heat, add ai,ha.ndful (about 2 tablespoons tp a quart of water) of camomile flowers to. the water,' cover !lnd let steep for about 10, minutes. Strain the flowers from the water and place steam POl on a covered table where you can sit comfortably. With your face bent close over the steam pot, covEn your 'entire neck and head with 'a towel. This will create"a "tent" effect. Be careful, not to sit so close that the h.ot vapours hurt your nostrils, but do SIt close enough so that a good sweat is created. Your pores should 0llen quite a bit, and you shouJd remain in you "steam tent" long enough to yield a good, red,-"sweaty face. Be sure, however, you have washed .your face of makeup, dirt, excess oil and air pOHution BEFORE you begin your steam. Once steamed, your face on the foHowing masks: is Honey, Almond, Lemon and Yogurt This mask is excellent for bringing colour to the skin, increases circulation, cleans and tones the ,overall texture of •• the skin. ' Mix together, in a sofr-<paste, approximately 3 tablespoons of ground almonds (from blender), one tablespoon each of lemon juice and yogurt and enough honey to create a pasty substance. Follow the same procedure for application, removal and follow-up as described for the Yogurt ,Mask. • Avocado'.'Yogurt 'Mix 'equal 'parts of yogurt and avocado together' ,.and apply as described above. This mask ,:is excellent for drying skin or, 'skin that has been overexposed to the" sun '(the chance would be a fine thing!). ready for Yogurt; 'Honey and Lemon This' makes a great mask for general toning, prevention and aid for wrinkles and is helpful for the reduction of stretch marks. Mix one ieaspoonof lemon juice to three tablespoons< of yogurt. Add enough. honey to make the mixture cohesive. Gioia YogUrt • A simple mask of plain home made yogUrt can be applied. Gently rub the yogurt into the skin on the . f~~e and neck, applying the yogurt very generously. Relax on your back with cucumber slices on eyes until the mask is dried. 1-4 PARK ROAD UNIT 9-10 BOUNDS GREEN • LONDON N11 PHONE LORENZO OR ROSERTO TEL: '.' - • 881 6944 " 1llMO MOTORS ... ;, .~ SERVICES, REPAIRS, SALES, SECOND HAND .. , ' SPARES CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD • , . 29 • ' , the dishes, of the day.. Some areas of the ' . ' . ,-, ,room are· also wood, pamted ,a nchburgun." dy colour -very appioP!iateto the name 6f the Cafe., ' Have, However, on to the food. Le Cafe presents a very comprehensive- menu 'from the si,mple dishes such as quiche or omelette, ,through • to more involved dishes of duck, 'veal, lamb 'and salmon to the expensive variety of steak. • ' • 'Been , • .. O.W.]. recommended the Frisee aux Lardons as 'a starter. (Fortunately there is an English transliltion of the French menu so that you don't have to try' and work 'out what "Frizzyhard" could be). Good oid O.W.]. you carre up trumps! For our starter was .cold :gammon . and, "routons' served on a bed' of ,crinkly ,lettuce. :(Yes, it wa~. frizzy). Ah bliss~ Bit~ the wonder of wonder was the deliciously 'piquant French dre~~iI)g .itestlirig. below, thef<>od.,~Forg~1:'": ting I was in tr,endy C<,lVent Garden, I dunked my crusty French bread '(of cqurse) into the 'dressing and slurped away. ,Mind' blowing! , , There! • LE'CAFE DES AMIS DU VIN 11-14 Hanover' Place, Covent Garden, W.C.2. Tel.: 01 '3793444 " , Open 8,00 a,m. to 11.30'p.m. Mon to Sat ' ' ' ' , . - You may have notice'd, that I have~ riot written an '3.rticle for some .mo'nths. Well, ,'...... ~I have ..be.en. "ill .s,e'rious t~afningfortlte London Marathon and when you have. had to run up to 100 miles a week just to be fit ,to· run on the ,"Great pay", it, doesn't leave' ,you. much time for' anything else, ~specially wineing and dining. But, leaving , '. behind tnoughts ,of' the deadly Isle of Dogs . ' , and ,those' cobbles by the Tower, let ,us "".' .. " ' . m6ve on ;to my latest review. , '.. . . :L:eCafEi , , • - " , !, .~. You ~ ~" . Could the main cours,e live up to t!le starter? Mais oui!!O:W.]. had the ,baked fillet of .salmon;Pina :had the quiche (a proper one 4" :inches ,thick) and, I werit ... for , . the'veal dish of .the day. Each dish comes served with, the chef's ,decision 6n what is the appropriate vegetable. In my' ,case . ' -.,' tmy roast' ,potatoes;-- Pma's, square fned potatoes with herbs and for O;W.]. boiled, courge~tes, witl:t the salm'on; My veal was in a rich and, creamy' sauce: and the 'serving was just the right portio~. Full marks!! , the' 'eye being decorilted. in flower boxes of all kinds containing real live .flowers. Would the inside ,be' as appealing'? I am pleased to say is was., Le Cafe.is divided into three sections:, the wine bar below ground;, the Cafe' :partat ground, .level ,and' the posh restau'riint' on the top ~Ioor. Notice I, say "Cafe"" and not ",Caff" and ~hereii:t 'has the' diffe'rence as',' you} will see. We visited Le Cafe...on' ,a·· Friday .~ night, that's Pina Bosco, O.W.]. and I and i,t was packed out - almos~. standing, ro()m " only on the ground f190h -".Butd:w.'j. ,had • ":~: ~ooked, so an efficient' lady! led '~S. io" oui", • , table from whence I was able 'to survey most of the comings and goi,ngs, 6f the r,estaurant. ~ ~." , ....... ", The tables and chairs are plain" polished wood. The walls (creamy) are decorated with posters frOl)1 the Opera :Houseboth ?ncient and modern French paintings e.g. TOlJ"ou~e~I..autrec, and blackboards.qisplaying.,. .30 ' . , , , 1 ,· ,, ,I , " d' • "'J '.~' J ' , . ,I i I I , One 'word of warning:, ~el'Cafe is not for the romantically ,inclined ,or, . those, with d,elicate hearing. It i~ so', crowded and full' of hustle and ,bustle that it has a very noisy and freneti<;:' atmosphere. The 't~bles are ,close toge'ther, making ,an 'intimate conversation almost impossible. As :wethree' wEire doing more than our fair .snare of talking, this;di<!~t ~ati:~r, but it is not the place for gazing into ·Your loved one's eyes .!lncl sighing deeply (unless it's at the desserts!), . , • I really enjoye~ my evening ,out at Le Cafe and· 'will you. Oh, before I forget, our 'li~tle ~rench waiter was a little darling. ..Efficient, but not officious. Charming and 56' ,haro working. A true professional. so La 'signorina , , Tne dessert 'board was pondered over and our selection of a .chocolate ,mousse, fruit tart and vanilla ice cream hot choco.,- .with . late sauce was devo!lred ,~ith ,glee!! I am pleased to say ,that ,delicio~~.,..,pappuccino' rounded off a delightful mea,l: • - - , , ~.' ... , ,, . , was, introduced to me 'by an old school friend. I had heard of; this estabJishment as,' it had been recom mended in two ,restaurant guides (Time 0 ut.' and Best Restaurants in London) and I had wondered what it, was really like in, 1985 compared to 1983 and 1984 p~ofess,ional reviews. Le 'Cafe, is ,situated down a little "'alley' behind, the' Box Office', for' Coven't Garden Opera House. Thti'· outside is a;; treat to .' • ' ,I I " ·,, , i" , , "" " - , .. ---.:~-- . --.....::-:- Cinema , f I' [. ,,P. I 'I' I,! II' It's still ,quite dull Cotton Club, Falling in Love and johnny Dangerously have appeared, but Beveriy Hills Cop and Carmen arekstill h.anging around in the tpp ten box office figures each week. ' .... Fred and Ginger, however without using the real thing. Instead he makes do with Giulietta and Marcello (Masin!l and Mastro• ianni). • . -·t::, On the subject of Italy, Placido Domingo Still, summer is on the way and with no world cup, Olympic' or Commonwealth Games we have little to keep us glued to the t.v. set, (except if your're a criCket or tennis fan). So what do we have to offer at the cinema? Will it be a 'one day game or' an Ashes series? Is to portray one of its most famous composers in Puccini. Sequences of the film will be shot at the Imperial Palace in Peking. This is all 'part of the :breaking of the Bamboo Curtain. British producer, Ken Beecham, has signed the first ever Anglo-Chinese co-production for a f~ature,. f The, American version (left) and (right) , Chamberlain • on set 10 Zimbabwe .. , I i ,, .,"----', "". "",:' ... ,. ~'r' . ,,~. , Having knocked Burt Reynolds from his coveted position of no. 1 box office star, as well as starring in the so':'so City Heat, Clint Eastwood returns (and about time too!) to the saddle in Pale Rider. This time the man-with-no-namerepresents the interests of a small group of miners in Idaho. joining him on set is Richard Kiel - a formidable apponent, but I bet he's not good enough! Richard Kiel, or should I say "Jaws", is usually associated with james' Bond and one of the most popular choices this summer will be the bi-annual F.A. Cup Final, i.e. From A View To A Kill with Roger Moore, Tanya Roberts, Christopher Walken and Grace Kennedy who has moved on." from hitting interviewers on a Saturday evening chat show and graduated to betther things. No doubt the hopes to join another singer, who has enjoyed a certain amount of success on the screen - Sting. He will have one of the most successful film . actresses to contend with - Meryl Streep. I bet dist ribution rights' are going for a • song~ as Charles Dance and Tracey Ullman co-star. Talking ,of , • casliiri'lf" ID dancing, on two F.rederico Fellini is .. famous names with,'~ ',."\ .' . ~'I"~.~('·s film to be released in the West. • other project is a sCIence fiction tale Once Upon The Moon. The fairy' Eastwood and Reynolds in CITY HEAT. PALE RIDER will be Clints first Western since OUTLAW JOSEY WALES < Staying abroad, Richard Chamberlain who is definitely showing signs of wear and tear (no matter how much my sister Gerri defends him) is currently shooting King' Solomon's Mines. Along on the set is Herbert Lom who must be feeli,ng a bit at a loss since he no longer has an Inspector Clusseau to kill. And you thought you'd be bored this summer. Well, you probably will be since most of these films are still currently in production!! , ~grifoglio BOseo 31 , ,I , , .. " ~ • A. • ~ _ ·I ,I , , , I I, , • The ,First BAC~:HILL ~. AT LASf you can buy • ,',' ·, TT • I 1, , ',I1 ' I , Recipe Book a recipe~ boo~ 'with all your favourite recipes:LIKE MAMM~\ MAKES! • , , ," Jj, 'I', , I ,, . , , Gettate pur via le vostri forbici perche' ora le nostre ricette di BACKHILL sono raccolte nel primo "Libro di Ricett'e", di BACKHILL. '0Itre50'~'ricette; ·scriite 'sia' in inglese che in italiano, molto delle :<juali' sono 'gia ,state pubblicate nella rivista . BACKHILL durante. gli ultimi sette anni;. sono state provate dalla Signora M.G. ,El sono raccomandate dai suoi "pazientL generi'!. • Da Cannellonlla;, Polpettone allo Zabagli6ne, ci sono dozzine di ricette invitanti e tiitto questo per iI modico prezzo di £1.00 (35p in piu' per la spedizione). Compilate iI modulo sottostante ed invia, telo assieme al vostro assegno 0 'Postal Order intestato a BACKHILL a: Put your scissors away because our BACKHILL are now together in one place - the fi rst "Backhill Recipe Book". 'Over~'50' 'recipes,-many of which-have been published in BACKHILL over the past seven ,y~ars, 'tried a!1d· tested by Mrs. M.G., and. recommend by her long suffering sons-in-law, appear both in English and in Italian. · • ,, , • • ,, ,, From Cannelloni to Polpettone toZabaglione, dozens'of mouth watering recipes all for the take-away price of £1.00 (plus 35p postage and packing). Please complete the form and send it with your cheque or Postal Order (payable to BACKHILL) to: , iI ,'I, , ,, , , J • , 1,, , , 'MAMMA'S RICETTE BACKHIL(. 136 CLERKENWELL ROAD LONDON E.C.l ,, • I I, I' ,, , ' • OVER .50 RECIPES! MAIN COURSES, SfARTERS, DESSERTS, SAUCES. Jj, :1 • I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , Name Nome •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , . . Address ,. ~ Illdiri~....•.......... ~ ...............•...~ . .Date Data, .............•......•................... ~ Number of Copies Quantita' ••••••••••••••••••••• . 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All guests must' ear at least one red item (jj ize given for the most origin I idea). , , •• I h For tickets please contact: I Lorella Tel. 01 886 7361 • Nello Sandro :rei. 01 348 5732 • Tel. 01 359 0371 • Maria el. 771 5722 • See you all soon! 33 " . • .--;:=====:=:::;;:::;~=::::::::::=======:;;-- • • , " • .' i ~ , , ZANETTI THE, FAMOUS ITALIAN SEGAFREDO COFFEE ONCE AVAILABLE ONLY IN COFFEE BARS IS NOW ON SALE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC WATCH OUT FOR THE NAME SEGAFREOD '. ON THE FORMULA 1RACE:CIRC I" • II<Xf\ :JC, ~~--------'--l" .:SEGAFREDO" .,....,. ...- ' -" -E UNA --,-- -~~--~- <.c ~ - - .BONTA_ -, ____ -c__ - -_ c-_ • ~,--'--""'~ • SOLEUK OISTRIBUTORS·PARMIGIANI & LAWRENCE [IMPORTS) LIMITED: TELEPHONE:01-9BO 3333 • High speed colour printing " Artwork and Design LUXURY FITTED INTERIORS . RUSTIC "'Fa FUTURISTIC , DESIGNERS OF THE FINEST ,'" . , ITALIAN KITCHENS . SUPPLIED BY GIEFFE .' . , Platemaking , l , ,. For further information. coloured brochures and ,your nearest stockist. please contact: GIEFFE 15 KENNARD ROAD STRATFORD E15 , • Telephone: 01-555 7393 . 34 1 • , ,Photo • typ~setting Sterling Printing Company Limited 78 Bounds Green Rd. London N 11 2EU 8889153 • I .• .Video Filming of your * Wedding Engagement * Christening , ' . ~ " - . ~* , By one of London's leading Video Production Companid .- ~ •• TRASLOCHI • INTERNAZIONALI W. OfferTRAINED CAMERA CREWS PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENT * mGH GRADE TAPES GUARANTEED .QUALITY - ' Visit our studio or phone for _a home demonstration. .- Its your Day • Choose the Best. ••• •• ** • * P. Picaricllo & Son. . 37 Bilckingliam Road; Aylesbury; Bucks. Telcfono: 0296, 24360 • • • CHOOSE M & M Video Production 7A RUSHBROOK CRESCENT, LONDON &17 * Siamo a vostra disposizione per un celere cd economico scrvizio traslochi fra la Gran Brctagna e I'ltalia. , * Un nostro inviato potri! farvi visila per disculere e programmare con voi un piano d'azionc. • tel: 527 5165 , • " • SCUOL'A E COMUNITA' L'Ic:TALIANO..• fa110 diventare· . la crUA lingua ... Se tu vuoi impararlo... . Se vuoi. che i tuoi figli e/o i tuoi fami1iari l'imparino, Se l'HAI DHlENTICATO e vuoi rttrovare le parole che non ricordi piu' ... Basta fare una cosa molto semp1ice .... Te1efona a uno dei seguenti numeH\ ,. ti verranno date tutte le in, . formaz i oni che des i deri , " , .:"" e -' -. , .' ~ "., , - ~ - ' .- 01-828-1604 CORSI.... A LIVELLO ELEf1ENTARE , -... CORSr A LIVELLO'SECONDARIO - 0l-828~1813 CORSI PER ADULT!,......... - 01-828;;1482 • ~' " ,-,'~. ," '\' Lezi oni ~i 1i ngua ita1iana sonoorgani zzate gratuitamente da 1. COASIT in quasi tutte le citta'; forse anche vicino a ca'sa tua. " lion 1asci arti sfuggi re·questa possibil ita I . . . Mettiti subito in" con-' tatto con noi. • , ' .. CL'ITALIANO: La tuaLINGUA ... ~ . : ...,.le tue PAROLE . ~ -' , ----• - • • -, " 3S • Sortlight " Richard'EvBns writes ••• I The Bradford City disaster has dominated all recent news coverage. ~- The full horror of the fire has been vividly brought home to the public by the television cameras which were on hand to record Bradford's third division champion.ship celebrations. in .their final match against Lincoln. Just before Italf-:-time, attention was diverted by flames Coming from G block in'the main stand and inside two minutes the fire had spread' to the entire superst ructure, leaving a death toll of 53 and many more injured. , .. __, _._. .. .' No':'one who saw the pictures of th,e man casually strolling across the pitch, with his clothes ·engulfed in flames from head to toe, could fail to have been moved by the day of joy which turned into an after-' noon ?f direct human' tragedy. . , Predictably, th~ciy has gone up that the Bradford disaster highlights the folly of having an electrical fence installed at Chelsea. Last month this column supported the move by Chelsea chairman, Ken Bates" and the writer sees no, reason to change his opinion. No one stadium is the same as another, and what is suitable for Stamford Bridge, obviously would not meet the needs of Valley Parade. The stands at many grounds are elevated to such an extent that there is no escape orito the pit'ch in any event. A fire is, much less likely to take a grip ,on a concrete terra': cing, which is the area in which most fans are, "fenced in". " are run in a professional manner anq frankly, I think the writing m.ust be on the wall. ·for a number of them and the only way to avoid extinction may well be merger; Robert Maxwell was very unpopular when he suggested a merger betwe!ln Oxford and R e.lding and, indeed, the succE}ss of his own club has probably demonstrated that it was inappropriate' (although not. for. Reading!). Nevertheless, if the alternative is to have grounds whic,h are out of date and unsafe, isn't Maxwell's view not only ~.. _.visionary .but.basic good, common~sense? " .,.,-'~~- R:,'" :':'0 • , - "il ~~. Stapleton took over from Moran in defence The Bradford disaster must not be allowed to develop into a series of p'anic and irrational measures 'being taken. Instead, the belated opportunity must be taken for a probing and radical look at the overall structure of the football league and its finances, extending, beyond the specific terms of references for' the Popplewell • enquirY· As it is, I have long been calling' for a reduction in the number of league clubs in , ~ all our divisions and this problem has again been highlighted by the number of matches Everton have had to 'play in the last cotiple of weeks. There can be little doubt that from midway through the second half of last Saturday's Cup Final, their hard' season was taking its toll. To make matters worse, four Everton ,players are in the England squad for next week's gam'e against Finland; they are then due to phiy Liverpool in a league match on the following day and the three days later, play for England against Scotland - have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? I am sure I am not alone in being totally unaware of the fact that the Safety of Sports Grounds Act did not extend to cover third and fourth division Clubs. Let us hope this disaster will mean more Government money being poured' into the sport to enable all our football league Clubs to have grounds which meet appropriate safety requirements. It is also vitaJly important that the finances of all clubs On the subject of the Cup Final, I was at least pleased to see that there was proper observance of the one minute silence for the Bradford City dead and injured. The match itself was a great disappointment. In my opinion Manchester United ought to thank referee Peter Willis because his sending off of Kevin Moran so incensed the other ten players that ·theyplayed like men possessed for the remainder of , . 36 " • the . second half and the whole of extra time. Their victory was well deserved, but the burning question remains, 'should Moran have been sent off? , , I , I was sitting in' the middle cif a group of Manchester United ,supporters and when Moran ,tackled Reid; one sitting in front shouted "Bl••.y good tackle" and al!other behind cried "Magic!". For their appreciation of the game and ihe spirit in which it should be played, I was glad that Moran got his marching orders. ' I was less pelased, however, for the player himself and frankly am not satisfied that justice was done. ' When I got home and watched the tackle on video, I felt it was bad and Clumsy rather than deliberate and malevolent. That fount of all knowledge, Jimmy Hill; then told us the directive to all referees that professional fouls should be punished by a sending-off,' (give,n 'af~er Young's tackle on Paul Allen in the Arsenal Cup Final against 'West Ham) had' 'now been rescinded. I found that ,very surprising. There can be no doubt, however, that Moran did not expect' to be sent off for the tackle and I am pretty certain :that most tackles of a similar ;nature would go unpunished every Saturday in ordinary league matches. The referee is alleged to have said "The, law is "the law" and he, could not take into account this was the F.A. Cup Final., Surely, however, if a player is not 'going 'to be sent off ,in 'a league match for' that' tackle, it is an injustice to send him off in the show-piece of the season. • Let me make my position quite clear. I' see no objection to sending Moran off for the tackle he committed if that sort of professional foul, was being punished as it should be week in and week out, but that has' not happened and Moran is, entitled to feel himself hard done by. I hope the F.A. allow Moran to have his F.A. Cup medal. . ,( However, spare a thought for the referee. I 'have only reached my decision after seeing the tackle over and over again on video re-play. .My immediate reaction at the ground was that it was a typical professional 'foul and Peter Willis had to make the correct decision within a split second in a boiling" cauldron of 100,000 l,leople. The F.A. must support the referee and seize the opportunity to make it absolutely clear that such fouls will, in ,future, be punished by dismissal. If this is riot done, Moran will have beim made 'a maityr-fora lost cause;'" . - ", Italsport "S5 . capt~redtheir • •, • • VERONA first. Italian League championship 'by coming from behind to draw 1~1 at Atalimta• • • THE MAYOR OF MILAN. 'has said the city 'will be applying to host the 1992 Olympic Games. • SAMPDORIA'S SHARES have been seized on the orders of a Turin magistrate . investigating illegal oil shipments involving the club president, Paolo Mantovani. The club's owner, Robe(to Montefiori, said there would be no immediate effect on the playing staff. • • THE PARIS MARATHON was won by Frenchman, J. Boxberger; with Italians finishing in 2nd, 3rd and 5th places. .. • ROMA won, for the fourth time, the Italian bocce championships held in Cagliari, defeating Busto Arsizio in the final. • ATTILIO BEnEGA was killed when his Lancia Martini skidded off the road during the Tour of Corsica world championHe was ,32 years old. His ship rally. co-driver, Maurizio Perissinot, escaped with minor injuries. • SPANIARD, Manuel,Pinero, won the Italian Open Golf Championship. The best placed Italian 4was Massimo Mannelli who, in 23rd place, was 14 shots behind Pinero. • MORENO ARGENTIN, the former cycling champion of Italy, won his first international classic race when he outsprinted tile ,world champion, Claude Criquiclon, and Stephen Roche of Ireland at the end of an unforgettable 7lst Liege-BastogneLiege event. • THE ITALIAN showjumping team, led by Graziano Mancinelli and fielding three out of their Los Angeles Olympic team, out-classed their opposition in the Nations Cup event at the Rome Horse Show and ensured that the cup remains on Italian soil for the first time since 1977. • • CORRADO MADDI triumphed in both heats . on his home track of Faenza to capture the 125cc race of the Grand Prix of- Italy, the second event of the 1985 world motorcross championship. 37 .' ,",:. ,,"' \' ' , , --- " _\ ~ -..J .'_ ',_, I,'" ~I.'_.,.- ' . ?". .~ .J-. , • -,. - I. ~ - , t ~ .'~ ~, . j(} c:=_0'"---jk. -- 'i/f - < ---I - , I . -;:; _e-' -=- I PICTURE PUZZLE , 1 Madonna benedetta, Madre nostra amorosa, Maria, mjstica rosa, • . Che splendi in terra e in cielo, -Fa'-- 'che--nel--mio-'cam mino~--' C' !lbbia sempre vicino. --- ....'---:. - C dei Piccoli , •• ' , Pa .ina :za - "_ A MARIA, , j \ • - .J • -I, ,fcs-.-+--,--,I-+-+--1. ,_.' --SA ".. • WHO WAS MELCHIZEOEK? • In Old :restament times, a Can'aanite king and .. priest who prepared a meal for Abraham and blessed him. Since Melchizedek had both royal and prie9tly authority .in the city of Salem (Jerusalem) before the Is!a~lite~ came, ~avi9 Claimed to be his s.u.c~essor.Melchlzedek became the symbol of an ideal priest/king. , & • • I , 40 • • 20 -10 JUNE . O· 6A Some people think the month of June was named 'after an old 'Roman family called Junius. However, it is' more likely to be named after the goddess Juno, the wife of Jupiter and queen of heaven, who rode about in a chariot drawn by peacocks. In ancient Rome a festival was celebrated in her honour at ·the beginning of the month. • • , , ovin • * Weekly service to Italy * Free quotations * Special' rates. * Baggage or full .For full details Ring hoLise-holds' •• . ' Tel: 01-366 7515 • • . • . . ~ , " Tem ., • ' CHE CCSA APPARIRA'? .' , -. .. - E' sposato da,pochi giorni. r • • , • " l • • • Annerite soltanto .gli spazi segnati con iI puntmo ,, . , CCSE SfRANE MA VERE! • All' apice della sua poten?a, Roma vantava una rete stradale di oltre 80,000 chilometri, corrispondenti a c,irca due volte la lunghezza dell'equatore terrestre. • . BARZEI:.LETTE L'Indigestione. "Non mangero' .,piu' cozze in vita mia; ne ho mangiate' tre ieri sera e me le sento ancora sullo stomaco". "Ma come mai? Non erano fresche? Che colore avevano quando le hai aperte?" "Perche', si devono aprire?" 11 trasloco del pittore•. "Faccia attenzione, quel quadro e' fresco!" "Ah, non 'importa, tanto ho la tuta"; , , • Pochi minuti prima che re Giorgio V ri'lnghilterra ir.iziasse iI suo discorso alia radio per annunciare la fine della prima guerra mondiale, i tecnici scoprirono che il cavo del microfon,o si era spezzato e che iI guasto era tale da non poter essere riparato nel poco tempo a disposizione ,(a quell'epoca le attrezzature erimo molto Iimitate). Un • glOvane, presente per caso, ne afferro' allora senza indugio le due estremitlt fra le mani e facendo del suo corpo un conduttore, permise al re di rivolgere 10 storico annuncio all'ora stabilita. • Dal 9 febbraio del 1967 al 17 marzo del 1969, per gli abitanti della cittadina di Saint Petersburg,in Florida, I'ombrello e' stato un oggetto del tutto inutile: incredibilinente, infatti essi hanno avuto ben 767 giorni consecutivi di sole. (Oh, che fosse cosl anche per noi !!HI) ~ , . -ro _21 - -- 23 19 _22 26- -27 18 ~ ~24 -~ 1..... '" X> , .34- -33 -2829 • • 7·14- S • - . 32 6.X).3 - - ~ -- 13 8 4 - .3 \41 36-2 -37. -9 42- 38 - _41 -10 - «l 11 -39 Unite· con traUo dL penna i ·punti ,da 1 a43. ' " • SOLUZICNE DELLE PAROLE CROCIATE DI MAGGIO •, (' r ,,• Orizzontali : I.Colori;6.Cric; 10;Apice; II.Rietij 12.Pena; 13.Pinnej 14.lra; 15.Romeo; 17.TA; 18.Pater; 19.5S; 20 A r rivede rei 21.NE; 22.Genio; 23.01:.; 24.Tint0; 25. ENI; 26.Rione; 27.E rtaj 28. Manna; 29.Sport; 30.Sfie; 31.Eresia. Verticali : I.Capi tano; 2.0perare; 3.Lina;4.0ca;5.Re;6.Cinereo;7.Renoj8.lte;9.Cij l1.Rimedio; 13.Potente; 15_Ravenna; 16.Esiliata; 18.Pigionej 19.5contri;24.Tinij25.Eros;26.Raf;27.Epej28.MSj29. ., SR: -.. - ~-... - - -- --~= '~"=-~= -~ ~=- -.~==~-~--_ .. -.=.c-••----.-.- - -- _ . . . 39 • ...caters for all tastes and occasions from banquets and wedding receptions to conferenc~sand meetings. We can provide a special dinner for two with·fine wjne~ in a chpice oftop restaurants such as the highly acclaimed , 90"Park Lane at the Grosvenor House, or a-function for 300 in the elegant surroundings ofthe Cafe Royal. And if you want first class accommodation in any ." . -·ofourBOO·hotelsworldwide, .'. ~'. " " ~~... ..~.~ ring out reservations office 01-567.3444. Yours fai ully ". j -I " Trusthouse forte' ." • - • - . . • .. . . CAW YOU N~l1E A S'tJeETs~o~ 11U\T f\\.So O~fERS YOU ALL"Tl\E "TOP EN&US~~"'l rt~~NM~c:,t."1lNes e NE~~~~9E'RS, NEA~\.V \,000 \~ ~u. "\.l~ Wt\~~E You W\U-.A\..SO' t=\wt> 'BP\Ct<H\li. • • " • . • , Newsogent&Tobocconist .' 3 l3cic;l~hill, EC1 . . " Tel. 837-6385 , • • 40 bruno medici 47, ,Photographer w.-.,. Street. Lor""doo~' SWI Td: OI-8lHlO1 , :• > , , I " ,I • ITALIAN CAR SPECIALIST MOTOR ENGINEER BODY REPAIRER, , , 2 Blundell Street, London N7 9BJ , •• I t ," . tel: 01 6070798 • It>Iai> Sl)Ie Woddr£> Portraits and ~ en Photographed n your home PMtIes - w~ h.1tatlOl"lS seIoaJonolBeauW Ila>an~ n leather. Suede and Wood Att&iody Hand F.- A. FRANCE & SON Catholic Undertakers SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALlANA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY, AND ITALY • , L' • " PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST / , • • • HEAD OFFICE:, 4S l;ambs Conduit St., WCl Tel 4OS. 4901 40S 2094 also at: 41 Monmouth St., WC2 14 'Yatford Way, NW4 166 Caledonian Rd. NI 41 . , , " 11_" . ~, "~-~"" ' ~ ,-., Reci Ricetta • Pastry' , 460 gr farina 400 gr filadelfia formaggio 2 uova sale - --:-=--- - - ---- -- -- ~--~ - • • Tagliate il salame, il prosciutto e la mozarella in dadini. Lavorate il ,tuorlo con al • ncotta. Aggiungete gl'altri ingredienti. " Gnocchi Prendete ,un P\lZZO di pasta, un po' piu' grande di un uovo. Stendete la pasta sulla mano 'abbastanza fine. Mettetevi sopra un pezzo di ripieno e chiudete bene, foimando un uovo grosso dovrebbero ,risultiue circa 14 gnocchi. Metteteli a cuocere in abbondant~ acqua bollente gia I salata. Quando vengano ,a ,galo, lasciateli per un minuto e poi toglieteli e scogliateli, 'Mettete i gnocchi in una pi rofila in uno solo stratto. Copriteli con un buori sugo di pomodoro che non deve esse re troppo denso, e con un po di parmigiano. Mettete in forno no. 4 per circa un ora. Servite subito senza travasarli. Sugo di Pomodoro , 1 cipolla 1 poro tritato ,3 gambe di sedano tritate prezzemolo tritato funghi secchi 0 freschi 2 Joglie d' alloro " J x 400 gr scatola di pelati) 1 cucchiaio puree ) o 1 scatola di pomi' 1 cucchiaino di zucchero t tazza di acqua sale, pepe, noce moscato • , Pasta 100 gr salame • 100 gr prosciilt~o cotto 250 gr ricotta ' 1 mozarella 2 cuchiai parmigiano grattugiato 1 tuorlo ~ , STUFFED BAKED GNOCCi-U Ripieno - , GNOCCHI GIGANTI Lavorate il formaggio con le uova. Aggiungete la farina ed il sale. Lasciate riposare la pasta nel frigorifero per un ota. ~---' , " 140z self raising flour 140z curd cheese 2 eggs salt Beat the eggs and che,ese tqgether. Add the flour, and salt. Leave the pastry in the fridge for about 1 hour. ,StUffing 40z salame 40z ham 80z ricotta cheese 1 mozarella cheese 2 tablespoons Parmesan 'cheese 1 egg yolk' . • Cut' the salam~e, Iiam~and rTlOzarella:~cheese into tiny cubes. Beat, the ricotta and egg yolk. together. ,Add all' the other ingredients. , , , , ; -, , , Gnocchi Take a piece of pastry, alittle bigger than , an egg. Spread the, pastry quite thinly on the palm of your hand, place a piece of stuffing in the centre then close tlie pastry so"';' that you6btain a: gnocco'iliat looks ')ike an exfra large egg. ,You should get about 14 gnocchi; Cook<~he gnocchi in \ plenty boiling salted water' and when they rise to, the surface leave them for 1 minute. • Drain., PI!lce them' in an oven dish in one · layer only. Cover them with a rich tomato sauce, that must not be too thick, and then' a sprinkling of parmesan cheese. "Place in oven no. 4£or about 1 hour. , , ,, • ::-Tomato Sauce ·, .. 1 onion ' ' finely' chopped' i 1 leek finely ,chopped 3 celery stalks chqpped parsley finely chopped dry or fresh mushrooms 2 laurel leaves 1 140z tin peeled tomatoes) 1 tablespoon tomato puree ) OR 1 carton of pomi' t cup of water 1 teaspoon sugar salt, pepper, nutmeg In una casseruola, fate 'soffriggere la' .;In a saucepan lightly fry the onion, leek cipolla, il poro, il sedano in due cucchiai and celery' in 2 t~blespoons of oil for a di olio per qualche minuto. Aggiungete il few minutes. A<!c.I either the pomi' OR pomi' (0 i pelati e iI puree), i funghi' the peeled tomates and- 'puree, mushrooms, cut into slices, salt, pepper, nutmeg, sugar, tagliati a fettine, sale, pepe, noce moscata, parsley, water and the:-- laurel leaves. zucc~ero, prezzemolo, acqua e le foglie dJ, Cover the ,saucepan and c~qk gently for alloro. Cop rite la casseruola, e cuccinate If the sauce' is too thick 'per un oretta a fuoco molto moderato.", ',about 1 hour. • Seil sugo risul~a troppo denso, ,aggiunget,e., , add some, stock or water. . liArs M'G. . un po' di Qrodo 0 acqua. '" • 42 \ , , C~lendario ; • , , Prossimi Avvenimenti Della Comunita Giugno , Sabato 1 , , ,, , O.G.I. , Dinner & Dance, Casa S.V. Pallotti , ,• ,, ", ,, < I I, Domenica 2 AYLESFORD, peiegrinaggio, dalla Chiesa di San Pietro Sabato 8 CHARTERS SHOOTING CLUB, Dinner & Dance, Casa'S.V. Pallotti Domenica 9 SCAMPAGNATA, Mazzini Garibaldi, Villa Scalabrini, Shenley, Middx. Domenica 16 CIRCOLO VENETO, Festa del Redentore, Messa e Pranzo, Scalabrini Centre, Brixton Road. Biglietti: Sig. Ballarini 452 4555. Sabato 22 OLD CLERKENWELLIAN,ITALIANS, Dinner & Dance,; Ca~a S.V. Pallotti , Domenica 23 , , Mercoledi' 26 • SCAMPAGNATA, Scalabrini Father, Villa Scalabririi, Shenley, Middx. . / Sabato 29 , , , . , ,, , j I , ,, ,, ,, , .~ , < - "-- - -'- • Luglio Sabato 6 , LUCCHESLNEL MONDO, Dinner &,Dance, Casa S.V. Pallotti , Domenica 7 BARN DANCE, Dyrham Park Farm, Barnet Sabato 13 Dance,- Casa S.V. Pallotti AMICI PADRE RUSSO, Dinner'& . Domenica 14 OPERATIC CONCERT, in aid of BACK HILL Domenica 21 PROCESSIONE E SAGRA , , , .-,~ Domenica 30 GRUPPO CULTURI\LE ITALiANO (F.A.S.FA.), Disco, Cinecitta' Roma, _. E!!trance by ticket only; availaiile""from 8371966. , " " ITALIAN HOSPITAL, Tennis Tournament Finals, David Lloyd Centre, Hounslow -- , . ST~'PETER'S,SPORTS PRESENTATION, Dinner' & Dance, Casa S.V. Pallotti , :, ~ ITALIAN ,HOSPITAL, Golf Tournament, RAC Club, Epsom. , , .. , " " 1• ;" ,i , ", , , , , • · , • lopen Monday - Saturday 9.30am - 6.00pm ," I ,; '. ~ ~ • , • , • '. ,< 5, 7 and;9 St. John's Way, Archway, London N19 3QS Tel: 01-272 2046 • pome and see our,vast selection of ~urniture. paintings and light fittings for your bedroom, lounge, nursery and all parts of the house. , Ba!hrooms and kitc~,e~s also available. , , I , • Centenary • • • • ION PROCES •• • , :~ • • , 3. 00 • • SU N.DA Y • • ID p. m. 21st 1985 JULY Clerkenwell s e'g • U I , r·a • • La • AGRA • • LA SERA Cl SA RA' UN C.O N CE RTO " • DEI DEI COMPLESSI GIOVANI .ALLE OR'E 19.30 •• • , • • • , NO ST R I •• •