n - SFgenealogy


n - SFgenealogy
Short Route to all pOInt. u: Marin, Sonoma ami Coast Countie.
Friedenberg Chas (Muriel) cond h3460 Sacto
" David clk r818 38th av
" Doris r818 38th av
" Harold dep U S Ma r s hal r887 Bus h
" I sadore mtrmn r3227 S acto
" Merwyn d entist 450 Sutter R1835 r887 Bus h
" Sol (Matilda) clk h818 36th av
Friedenburg M Mrs h863 H a ight
Friedentha l Charlotte ( wid M L ) (Max L
Friedenthal & Son ) h3548 G ea ry
" Doroth y K a rt s tudio 233 Pos t h3548 Geary
"Max (Carrie) s lsmn r334 San Leandro way
" Max L & Son (Charlotte and P S FriedenthaI ) who I mens clo 18 1s t
" Philip G (Max L Friedenthal & Son) r3548
Frieder A lab r235 Greenwich
Friedhofer Ma r g t Mrs r341 Santa Rosa av
Friedhoff Wm H examiner U S Forest S erv
r321 Grant av
Friedl Fred W (Bessie ) ins agt r13 28 Ca lif
"Wilhelmina (wid Chas) h882 'h Dolores
Friedland Ca rl J (Arty) h3182 Was hington
" Edw A (Rose) s ls mn h155 As hbury
" Yetta ga rmtfnshr r801 Fillmore
Friedlander Abr L (Lotti'e ) (E Friedlander &
Sons) h226 Arguello blvd
" Alfd W br mgr Stu a rt Hall r429 24th av
" Alicia (wid David ) h3400 Clay
"Benj (H elen) ta ilor h1340 Turk
" Carl carp r3182 Wa shn
" Clarice S r1120 L ake
" D a,v ld M (Betty L ) drugs 3698 18th h611
F'RIEDLANDER E & SONS (A L Friedlander )
Mfrs Children's Beadwear and Ladies'
Flannelette Wear, 55 Fremont, T el DA venport 2056
" Edw (CarOline) plmbr 3747 Sacto h1120 L ak e
" Elsie r13 59 Hayes
" Emily A r1 290 CYFarrelI
"Ernest J s ls mn E Friedlander & Son r226
Arguello bl vd
" Eva (wid Alfd ) h137 Buch anan
" Fanni e h2513 Octa via
" G eo cIa clnr 3007 Mission r680 Oak
." G eo tailor h1359 Hayes
" Harry (Louise) h429 24th av
" Harr y furri er r1688 Ellis
" Howa rd J v-pres H elbing Ha t Co rl075 Calif
"Ivan s ls mn H Janssen & Co h2400 Van
Ness av
" Jack s lsmn Louis Cohn r5000 California
" John H c lk r3400 Clay
" Jos (Dorothy) s ls mn h5000 California
& London Paris Nat! Bank, h 2040 Gough
" Jos jr r2040 Gough
" Marie r3400 Clay
"Max sls mn Bette r Homes Furn Co r1 564
" May h2513 Octavia
"Melville L (Eliz) s lsmn Allen & Co h1341
" Pauline ( wid Herman ) r23 5th av
" Ph y llis 0 r3400 Clay
"Rebecca (wid Harr y) h3734 20th
" Rlchd A s tdt r3400 Clay
Friedle Fiedk W (Bessie) h1328 California
"Wm (Marie) r es tr 800 Great Highway h
4641 Cabrillo
Frledlein Earl A (Leila ) slsmn B aker Hamilton & Pac Co h251 Parnassus av
Friedman see also Freidman
" A r Ho te l Mark Hopkins
" A r334 Mason
"Aaron phys 516 Sutter R221 r Mark Hopkins Ho tel
" Abr (Clara ) (Friedman Bros) h426 Funston
" Abr L (Belle ) ( N W & A L Friedman ) h
387 29th av
" Ad a bkpr G er son & Breyer r205 8th av
" Al r 57 Taylor
" Albt clk r274 21st a v
" Alec r825 Sutter
"Alfd (Hulda ) clk h3995 Was hington
"Alfd (Gertrude) cia clm 942 Fillmore h
2700 Polk
" Alfd s ls mn Stanley' s r509 Frederick
" Allen B (Blanche ) s ls mn Atlas Paper Co h
591 7th av
" Anna (wid David) h283 20th a v
" Anna (wid SamD h2422 34th av
" B rl075 Sutter
" Benj canner y wkr rl061 Laguna
" B enj in s agt rl000 Webster
" Berenice r 387 29th av
" Bertha mach apr r327 Webs ter
" Bertha sten Harris & H ess r205 8th a v
" B etty sten r 274 21st av
" Betty (wid H a rry ) h250 F ell
"Borek (S oph ia) auto wrecke r 1673 Mission
h759 18th av
n Bros (I saac and Abr ) g lass 461 Valencia
" Camille sten Hartford Fire Ins Co r350 20th
" Ca rl A (Ruth ) m g r Vanity H at Co h880
26th av
" Chas (Dora ) carp h132a Coleridge
" Da v id h1435a 25th av
" D av id m g r Union Natl Adj Assn r235 O 'Farr e ll
"Eddie (Fay) whol fur s 140 G ea ry h828
26th av
" Fanny b kpr d e Back & Co r283 20th av
" Flor ence re s dir Visitacion Valley Communit y Cen t er r66 R aymon d av
" Frank clk r 509 Frederick
" Fred (Maria) mach h 247a 14t h
" G ene 0 Mrs bkpr Roberts Mfg Co r1230
H ayes
" H r7l0 Ellis
" H a rold chauf r2422 34th av
"Harry (Alice ) s ls mn Geo H aas & Sons r
526 Ellis
" H arr y s ls mn r3547 20th
"H a rry W s lsmn S eller Bros & Co r1339
" H enry A (Helen ) h2750 Di vlsadero
" H erman H sIsmn r6035 G ea ry
" I saac (Friedm an Bros) r San Mateo
" I sador r 1255 Elis
" Isadore (Frances) h3856 California
" I s adore (Rose) g ro 550 Ir v ing r1410 8th av
" I s r ae l (Mamie ) h205 8th
" J R r677 Ellis
" Jack office m gr Rubb er set Co r3547 20th
" J aco b h2444 Great Highway
" J acob (Bessie) (Atlas P aper Co) h501 11 th
" Ja co b (Bessie) clo prs r h783 6th av
" Jaco b (Sophia) pntr contr 6033 Geary h
6035 do
" Jacob B (Cath ) slsmn h337 Bank s
" Ja co b H r220 Golde n Gate av
" J aynes T (Lawrence J Steinha rdt & Co)
r387 29th av
" J erome bkpr riS Alvarado
n J e r ome M (Miriam ) s ls mn J H Kay h43 8
41s t av
" John (Antoinette) h274 21st av
" Jos (T ena ) h2020 Franklin
" Jos cIa prs r h2422 34th av
" J os A (Gladys ) m g r Dinuba Steel Products
Corp h2100 North POi'lt
" Jules h1670 Market
FRrEDMAN JULIAN S (Meyer & Friedman)
Ins uran ce Broke r , 308 Kearny, Tel SU tt.er
5100, 11487 19th Av, R es Tel EVergreen
" Julius (H elena ) l a b h509 Fr ed eri ck
n Leo R (Adelaide) lawyer 235 Montgome r y
R1350 h62 Allston way
" L eslie h350 23d av
" Lester A clk r399 5 Was hington
" L i ll ian clk r274 21 s t av
" Louis furri e r 821 Market R419
" Louis (Anita ) jwlr Van Wormer & Rodri g ues
h1257 9th av
" Lou is m ach r729 Gou g h
" Louis tailor r161 Ellis
" Louis C (Gene ) h1230 Hayes
" Louis F rl007 Sutter
" Louis W ga rag emn r1255 Ellis
" Loy (Kate) cl clm 3545 20th
" M argt 2d hd cia 772 Howar d r254 Divisad ero
" Mate W (Lovle E ) leath er h487 19th av
" Maurice J (Emil y) (Sta ben s & Friedman)
(Aleutia n Fur Co) r775 McAllis ter
" M ax h1943 Lyon
" Max (E va) cIa clnr 317 8th a v h635 An za
" Max s lsmn r759 18th av
" Ma xfield H slsmn Anglo-Cal Tr Co r San
" Me ndel H s upvr WUTCo r Okld
" Merle s ten Acm e Flour Co r475 25th av
" Meyer (Ada ) h450 12th a v
" Meye r L (Flor enc e E ) h1238 35th av
" M ik.e auto t rmr r435 Ha yes
" Mildred M sten D iamond Match Co r Okld
" Milton r 1410 8th av
" Milton printe r Cal Ptg Co r1959 Oak
" Mlnnette clk r2 54 Dlvisadero
" Minnie Mrs h2384 Pine
" Mollie (wid N atha n ) h1543 Cabrlllo
"Monroe S dentis t 450 Sutte r R2024 r387
29th a v
Telephone GA meld 5545
" Morris (Rebecca ) slsmn h648 Guerrero
" Morris L (Molly ) men's furng s 92 The Embarcadero h1134 Fell
" Myrtle sten h1700 Golden Gate av
" N W & A L (N W & A L ) m g r s agents 717
Market R501
" Nathan E s ls mn L S Simons M09 lO t h av
" NathanIel W (Lo vie) (N W and A L FrIedman ) r487 19th av
" Norman r 230 Edd y
" Patty ( wid Henr y) hl000 W ebster
" P auline Mrs slswn r1670 Market
"Phil F (Pose ner-Friedman ) r St Francis
" Philip d elicatessen 2222 Mission
" Philip s lsmn r7 59 18th av
" R Mrs rl07 5 Su tter
" Ralph jwlr 830 Market R416 r125 Mason
" Ro se clk r 501 11 th a v
" Ruth sten S a lomon & Co r1239 16th av
" S Mrs h574 3d av
" Sadie M rs s m s trs h1435 Fulton
" Saml (California B ag Co) r P etaluma
"Saml (S adie) a dj Bd of Tra de h16 Alvarado
" Sam l cigar s 600 Mission h2140 Post
" S a ml credit mgr Lees Bros r2074 Union
" Saml (Lillie) slsm n h2120 Clem ent
" Saml E s ls mn Atlas P ape r Co r501 11th av
" Sam I J s hoe r ep r 3059 Mi ssion
" Saml M r775 Pos t
" S am I S (Gertrude ) h266 22d av
" Sol (B etty) pdlr h922 Huron av
"Sol (J ulia ) women's cIa 948 Ma rket R507
h3330 Broderick
" S tan ley electn r4 50 12th av
" Wm (E vely n ) r a dio ser v . J Ray Smith Corp
h636 33d av
" Wm (Ida) h674 6th av
Friedmann Laza r (Emma V) mattressmkr 278
6th h1329 16th av
Fri edo rff G eo E h635 Fred erick
" Olive A Mrs p er sona l officer U S Veterans'
Bureau r637 Frede ri ck
Fried rich Chas (Millie) prs mn Shannon-Conmy Ptg Co r3649 18th
" H enry W (Flora) emp U S Mint h40 Dearborn
Herbt C musician r40 Dear born
" J os h3649 18th
" Nich r34 59 16t h
" S ta nl ey H (H azel) chemis t h675 40th av
" Wm H mldr r205 3d
Friedrichs see also Freidrichs. Fredericks and
" Adolph waite r h169 AlpIn e t e r
" Albt wr iter h306 Cortland av
" Chas W musician h490 38th av
" Claus 0 H (K ath) collr Anglo & London
Paris Natl Bk h232 Liberty
" G eo 0 ( Christina ) clk SPCo h164 H a rold av
" H enr y fum mfr 2169 Folso m r Bkly
" H enry B (Freda) mgr H enry Friedrichs h
100 Palm av
" J acob (Mary) h1411 15th av
" J aco b r149 6th
" J ohn J (Ellen E ) h3023 Turk a v
" P a ul s ta eng r408a Clements
" Rob t em p C H H ittenberger r483 B ellevue av
" Roy d en K (R ose) chemist h248 Grafton av
"Sigmund H (Marie) fir Iyr h134 Capis-
t rano av
" Walter U (Cla ra R ) h1454 31st av
Fried richsen P eter designer h1440a Vallejo
Frledsc h en Andw (Emma ) s ls mn h1737 Hayes
Frieinstein B a rb a r a (wid J os) h2665 Br yant
Friel Au g u st us L (Cerill o) cond Municipal R y
Co h1035 Page
" Beata S }SW D H anan & Son r795 P ine
" Chas C (L Edith ) acct London & Lancashi r e Indemnity Co h374 29th av
" Elden C h3700 20th
" Eliz clk r374 29th a v
"Frances Mrs bkpr An glo-Cal Tr Co r508
Bank Work
L a r kin
" G eo L toolmk r r1035 P age
" Gilbert C (Emma ) wtchmn h 350 32d av
" Gilbert M Computer SPCo r3 50 32d av
" H arriet R sten Tra vele r s Ins Co r1035 P age
" J ohn J (F r ances ) h444 Larkin
" Leland C ins agt r374 29th av
"Martin J mgr I ndustrial Sales Co h4333
" Rose r112 Haight
Frieli n g Rufu s r 246 McAll ister
Friemering E J r176 4th
Phone GA rfield 4370
c ann
Specializing in
Peninsula Properties
Branch Offices on State Highway, Redwood City, Atherton, Beresford, Woodside
See Page 1802
262 7th St.
San Francisco
See Page 1773

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