n - SFgenealogy
509 c, &SAN RAFAEL FERRY &TRANSPORTATION CO. ..... '" ::r' AUTOMOBILE and PASSENGER FERRY -..,oo • >7j • Short Route to all pOInt. u: Marin, Sonoma ami Coast Countie. 564 MARKET STREET Friedenberg Chas (Muriel) cond h3460 Sacto " David clk r818 38th av " Doris r818 38th av " Harold dep U S Ma r s hal r887 Bus h " I sadore mtrmn r3227 S acto " Merwyn d entist 450 Sutter R1835 r887 Bus h " Sol (Matilda) clk h818 36th av Friedenburg M Mrs h863 H a ight Friedentha l Charlotte ( wid M L ) (Max L Friedenthal & Son ) h3548 G ea ry " Doroth y K a rt s tudio 233 Pos t h3548 Geary "Max (Carrie) s lsmn r334 San Leandro way way " Max L & Son (Charlotte and P S FriedenthaI ) who I mens clo 18 1s t " Philip G (Max L Friedenthal & Son) r3548 Geary Frieder A lab r235 Greenwich Friedhofer Ma r g t Mrs r341 Santa Rosa av Friedhoff Wm H examiner U S Forest S erv r321 Grant av Friedl Fred W (Bessie ) ins agt r13 28 Ca lif "Wilhelmina (wid Chas) h882 'h Dolores Friedland Ca rl J (Arty) h3182 Was hington " Edw A (Rose) s ls mn h155 As hbury " Yetta ga rmtfnshr r801 Fillmore Friedlander Abr L (Lotti'e ) (E Friedlander & Sons) h226 Arguello blvd " Alfd W br mgr Stu a rt Hall r429 24th av " Alicia (wid David ) h3400 Clay "Benj (H elen) ta ilor h1340 Turk " Carl carp r3182 Wa shn " Clarice S r1120 L ake " D a,v ld M (Betty L ) drugs 3698 18th h611 Guerrero F'RIEDLANDER E & SONS (A L Friedlander ) Mfrs Children's Beadwear and Ladies' Flannelette Wear, 55 Fremont, T el DA venport 2056 " Edw (CarOline) plmbr 3747 Sacto h1120 L ak e " Elsie r13 59 Hayes " Emily A r1 290 CYFarrelI "Ernest J s ls mn E Friedlander & Son r226 Arguello bl vd " Eva (wid Alfd ) h137 Buch anan " Fanni e h2513 Octa via " G eo cIa clnr 3007 Mission r680 Oak ." G eo tailor h1359 Hayes " Harry (Louise) h429 24th av " Harr y furri er r1688 Ellis " Howa rd J v-pres H elbing Ha t Co rl075 Calif "Ivan s ls mn H Janssen & Co h2400 Van Ness av " Jack s lsmn Louis Cohn r5000 California " John H c lk r3400 Clay " Jos (Dorothy) s ls mn h5000 California FRIEDLANDER JOSEPH (Adele) V-Pres Anglo & London Paris Nat! Bank, h 2040 Gough " Jos jr r2040 Gough " Marie r3400 Clay "Max sls mn Bette r Homes Furn Co r1 564 Jackson " May h2513 Octavia "Melville L (Eliz) s lsmn Allen & Co h1341 Union " Pauline ( wid Herman ) r23 5th av " Ph y llis 0 r3400 Clay "Rebecca (wid Harr y) h3734 20th " Rlchd A s tdt r3400 Clay Friedle Fiedk W (Bessie) h1328 California "Wm (Marie) r es tr 800 Great Highway h 4641 Cabrillo Frledlein Earl A (Leila ) slsmn B aker Hamilton & Pac Co h251 Parnassus av Friedman see also Freidman " A r Ho te l Mark Hopkins " A r334 Mason "Aaron phys 516 Sutter R221 r Mark Hopkins Ho tel " Abr (Clara ) (Friedman Bros) h426 Funston " Abr L (Belle ) ( N W & A L Friedman ) h 387 29th av " Ad a bkpr G er son & Breyer r205 8th av " Al r 57 Taylor " Albt clk r274 21st a v " Alec r825 Sutter "Alfd (Hulda ) clk h3995 Was hington "Alfd (Gertrude) cia clm 942 Fillmore h 2700 Polk " Alfd s ls mn Stanley' s r509 Frederick " Allen B (Blanche ) s ls mn Atlas Paper Co h 591 7th av " Anna (wid David) h283 20th a v " Anna (wid SamD h2422 34th av " B rl075 Sutter " Benj canner y wkr rl061 Laguna " B enj in s agt rl000 Webster " Berenice r 387 29th av " Bertha mach apr r327 Webs ter " Bertha sten Harris & H ess r205 8th a v F'fUEDMAN " B etty sten r 274 21st av " Betty (wid H a rry ) h250 F ell "Borek (S oph ia) auto wrecke r 1673 Mission h759 18th av n Bros (I saac and Abr ) g lass 461 Valencia " Camille sten Hartford Fire Ins Co r350 20th " Ca rl A (Ruth ) m g r Vanity H at Co h880 26th av " Chas (Dora ) carp h132a Coleridge " Da v id h1435a 25th av " D av id m g r Union Natl Adj Assn r235 O 'Farr e ll "Eddie (Fay) whol fur s 140 G ea ry h828 26th av " Fanny b kpr d e Back & Co r283 20th av " Flor ence re s dir Visitacion Valley Communit y Cen t er r66 R aymon d av " Frank clk r 509 Frederick " Fred (Maria) mach h 247a 14t h " G ene 0 Mrs bkpr Roberts Mfg Co r1230 H ayes " H r7l0 Ellis " H a rold chauf r2422 34th av "Harry (Alice ) s ls mn Geo H aas & Sons r 526 Ellis " H arr y s ls mn r3547 20th "H a rry W s lsmn S eller Bros & Co r1339 Francisco " H enry A (Helen ) h2750 Di vlsadero " H erman H sIsmn r6035 G ea ry " I saac (Friedm an Bros) r San Mateo " I sador r 1255 Elis " Isadore (Frances) h3856 California " I s adore (Rose) g ro 550 Ir v ing r1410 8th av " I s r ae l (Mamie ) h205 8th " J R r677 Ellis " Jack office m gr Rubb er set Co r3547 20th " J aco b h2444 Great Highway " J acob (Bessie) (Atlas P aper Co) h501 11 th av " Ja co b (Bessie) clo prs r h783 6th av " Jaco b (Sophia) pntr contr 6033 Geary h 6035 do " Jacob B (Cath ) slsmn h337 Bank s " Ja co b H r220 Golde n Gate av " J aynes T (Lawrence J Steinha rdt & Co) r387 29th av " J erome bkpr riS Alvarado n J e r ome M (Miriam ) s ls mn J H Kay h43 8 41s t av " John (Antoinette) h274 21st av " Jos (T ena ) h2020 Franklin " Jos cIa prs r h2422 34th av " J os A (Gladys ) m g r Dinuba Steel Products Corp h2100 North POi'lt " Jules h1670 Market FRrEDMAN JULIAN S (Meyer & Friedman) Ins uran ce Broke r , 308 Kearny, Tel SU tt.er 5100, 11487 19th Av, R es Tel EVergreen 294.9 " Julius (H elena ) l a b h509 Fr ed eri ck n Leo R (Adelaide) lawyer 235 Montgome r y R1350 h62 Allston way " L eslie h350 23d av " Lester A clk r399 5 Was hington " L i ll ian clk r274 21 s t av " Louis furri e r 821 Market R419 " Louis (Anita ) jwlr Van Wormer & Rodri g ues h1257 9th av " Lou is m ach r729 Gou g h " Louis tailor r161 Ellis " Louis C (Gene ) h1230 Hayes " Louis F rl007 Sutter " Louis W ga rag emn r1255 Ellis " Loy (Kate) cl clm 3545 20th " M argt 2d hd cia 772 Howar d r254 Divisad ero " Mate W (Lovle E ) leath er h487 19th av " Maurice J (Emil y) (Sta ben s & Friedman) (Aleutia n Fur Co) r775 McAllis ter " M ax h1943 Lyon " Max (E va) cIa clnr 317 8th a v h635 An za " Max s lsmn r759 18th av " Ma xfield H slsmn Anglo-Cal Tr Co r San Mateo " Me ndel H s upvr WUTCo r Okld " Merle s ten Acm e Flour Co r475 25th av " Meyer (Ada ) h450 12th a v " Meye r L (Flor enc e E ) h1238 35th av " M ik.e auto t rmr r435 Ha yes " Mildred M sten D iamond Match Co r Okld " Milton r 1410 8th av " Milton printe r Cal Ptg Co r1959 Oak " Mlnnette clk r2 54 Dlvisadero " Minnie Mrs h2384 Pine " Mollie (wid N atha n ) h1543 Cabrlllo "Monroe S dentis t 450 Sutte r R2024 r387 29th a v ar • • Telephone GA meld 5545 FRIEDMAN " Morris (Rebecca ) slsmn h648 Guerrero " Morris L (Molly ) men's furng s 92 The Embarcadero h1134 Fell " Myrtle sten h1700 Golden Gate av " N W & A L (N W & A L ) m g r s agents 717 Market R501 " Nathan E s ls mn L S Simons M09 lO t h av " NathanIel W (Lo vie) (N W and A L FrIedman ) r487 19th av " Norman r 230 Edd y " Patty ( wid Henr y) hl000 W ebster " P auline Mrs slswn r1670 Market "Phil F (Pose ner-Friedman ) r St Francis Hotel " Philip d elicatessen 2222 Mission " Philip s lsmn r7 59 18th av " R Mrs rl07 5 Su tter " Ralph jwlr 830 Market R416 r125 Mason " Ro se clk r 501 11 th a v " Ruth sten S a lomon & Co r1239 16th av " S Mrs h574 3d av " Sadie M rs s m s trs h1435 Fulton " Saml (California B ag Co) r P etaluma "Saml (S adie) a dj Bd of Tra de h16 Alvarado " Sam l cigar s 600 Mission h2140 Post " S a ml credit mgr Lees Bros r2074 Union " Saml (Lillie) slsm n h2120 Clem ent " Saml E s ls mn Atlas P ape r Co r501 11th av " Sam I J s hoe r ep r 3059 Mi ssion " Saml M r775 Pos t " S am I S (Gertrude ) h266 22d av " Sol (B etty) pdlr h922 Huron av "Sol (J ulia ) women's cIa 948 Ma rket R507 h3330 Broderick " S tan ley electn r4 50 12th av " Wm (E vely n ) r a dio ser v . J Ray Smith Corp h636 33d av " Wm (Ida) h674 6th av Friedmann Laza r (Emma V) mattressmkr 278 6th h1329 16th av Fri edo rff G eo E h635 Fred erick " Olive A Mrs p er sona l officer U S Veterans' Bureau r637 Frede ri ck Fried rich Chas (Millie) prs mn Shannon-Conmy Ptg Co r3649 18th " H enry W (Flora) emp U S Mint h40 Dearborn II • •• ~ o ::l ..... aq o 3 ..,'" '< C/l ..... • • _. en () o t-3 '"'0'"::r' o o ::l '"C/l c::: Herbt C musician r40 Dear born " J os h3649 18th " Nich r34 59 16t h " S ta nl ey H (H azel) chemis t h675 40th av " Wm H mldr r205 3d Friedrichs see also Freidrichs. Fredericks and Fredrichs " Adolph waite r h169 AlpIn e t e r " Albt wr iter h306 Cortland av " Chas W musician h490 38th av " Claus 0 H (K ath) collr Anglo & London Paris Natl Bk h232 Liberty " G eo 0 ( Christina ) clk SPCo h164 H a rold av " H enr y fum mfr 2169 Folso m r Bkly " H enry B (Freda) mgr H enry Friedrichs h 100 Palm av " J acob (Mary) h1411 15th av " J aco b r149 6th " J ohn J (Ellen E ) h3023 Turk a v " P a ul s ta eng r408a Clements " Rob t em p C H H ittenberger r483 B ellevue av " Roy d en K (R ose) chemist h248 Grafton av "Sigmund H (Marie) fir Iyr h134 Capis- t rano av " Walter U (Cla ra R ) h1454 31st av Fried richsen P eter designer h1440a Vallejo Frledsc h en Andw (Emma ) s ls mn h1737 Hayes Frieinstein B a rb a r a (wid J os) h2665 Br yant Friel Au g u st us L (Cerill o) cond Municipal R y Co h1035 Page " Beata S }SW D H anan & Son r795 P ine " Chas C (L Edith ) acct London & Lancashi r e Indemnity Co h374 29th av " Elden C h3700 20th " Eliz clk r374 29th a v "Frances Mrs bkpr An glo-Cal Tr Co r508 Monarch Iron Works Ornamental Iron and Bronze Railings Stairs Balconies Gates Fences Grilles Bank Work L a r kin " G eo L toolmk r r1035 P age " Gilbert C (Emma ) wtchmn h 350 32d av " Gilbert M Computer SPCo r3 50 32d av " H arriet R sten Tra vele r s Ins Co r1035 P age " J ohn J (F r ances ) h444 Larkin " Leland C ins agt r374 29th av "Martin J mgr I ndustrial Sales Co h4333 Cabrillo " Rose r112 Haight Frieli n g Rufu s r 246 McAll ister Friemering E J r176 4th Phone GA rfield 4370 REAL ESTATE,-INSURANCE • c ann Specializing in Peninsula Properties 26 MONTGOMERY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO Branch Offices on State Highway, Redwood City, Atherton, Beresford, Woodside See Page 1802 Mausoleum Doors Shower Doors 262 7th St. San Francisco See Page 1773
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