Polk`s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif
VJ \sz//// mt t/lhw xjbiJC \%£ec& OaiaAatiae i& ^^^^ eLAyJ Tel. DOuglos 2-7440 340 Sutter Street 1371 SILVERSTEIN " " " SILVESTRI Ethel S b2395 Francisco apt 206 Harold jitney bus owner h60 Fanning way Harold (Barbara) mgr City Beauty Supply r San Mateo Hazel hlGl Broderick apt || " Jack (Casper) h795 Sutter apt 401 Jacob asst buyer I Magnln h2033 Leavenworth apt 7 " Mary M tchr PS h2400 17tb av apt 7 Mervyn J (Ruth) trust ofcr Wells Fargo Bank Am Trust h289 29th av " Monroe jitney bus owner r60 Fanning Way " Nettie M (wid Michl) h338 18th av " Philip M (Rose) slsmn b2201 Sacramento apt 202 " Sam (California Trunk & Suitcase) hl300 Golden Gate av apt 32a " Sheldon A (Phyllis) optom 951 Market r Atherton " (Elsie) sec Retail Shoe & Textile Salesmen's Union Local 410 hl66 Palm av apt 1 SilverBtone Arth H (Helen J) h429 Dewey blvd " Milton Sh875 32d av " Nina (wid Melville) h4424 Fulton apt 4 Silvert Mac (Cristobel) consulting enc 144 Capra way || Alemany blvd " G T Co •• Gerald T (Beverly; G T Silvey Co) hl22 Clearfield John Ljr (Rena M) driver Thomas Drayagehl89f Wm U (Kay A) traffic " Rena " mgr M S Cowen " RIchd " " " " Felix (Rose) jan S H Foundation h2837 Octavia Frank (Geraldlne) bartndr Chip's Corner h706 " Frank (Ann) driver DeSoto Cab h725 O'Farrell h651 43d av Simas Antonio chalrmn bd United National Life Insurance Society r Gault " Carl A (Fannie) hl09 Santa Cruz av " Carl V (Beatrice A) spec police h3690 20th " Enid K hl505 Sutter apt 310 " Geo J (Hilda) sht mtl wkr SFNS hl478 Palou av " Gerald A (Dorothy M) instr Heald Eng College ' " Frank F (Ruth) driver SF Examiner hl08 Moneta Frank J h360 Hyde apt 503 Frank J (Eleanor R) mgr Florsheim Shoe Shop r2610 Greenwich Garden Ornaments (Adorno Silvestri) 572 Bosworth r " nth av M elk Met Life r Novato Slmat Anthony P (Joan M) city police h536 Mississippi Simbeck Terezina (wid Alex) h357 Head " r Redwood City Slmcoe Julia h625 Masonic av way apt 2 Louis (Rose M; Louis Barber Shop) hi 583 Dolores 4 Ranuio (Jos Silvestri Frank Ranuio) shoe " Letitia J Margt r625 Masonic av Simcox Geo N (Norma) USA hl231 " " ' Green " " OGe clk Simmons Co r2218 Mason ? Salvatore J shoe shiners 1586 McAllister r30l Pans Sam (Marv) pntr 3501 Ocean av h do M. 117 bkpr Liberty Gold Fruit hl590 Sacramento apt 35 shiners 122 Ellis Renaldo (Rose D) hi 784 Silver av n Robt P (Priccilla) butcher Del Monte Meat h549 ',', Rose Simblett Isabella Phl3B5 Greenwich apt 3 " Magadaline tchr h3010 Franklin apt 6 Simbra Buenaventura (Marie) USN h578 Alemany blvd Simca News Bureau (Richd N Smeltzcr Advertising Inc) 165 Post 5th fl Simcheck Jos jr fAlma) hl206 Valencia apt 4 Simclalr Irene E Mrs h4550 18th Simco (Ansel J Schloss) auto dlrs new & used 1900 Van Ness av Simcock Robt W pres Fortune Electronics Corp Mason Jas J (Rosemarie. Bridge Radio) hi 722 42d av Jim slsmn General Paint r South San Francisco ^ Joe seamn r2750 Folsom " Jos (Mary) h54 Glover " Jos h301 Paris Y Jos (Silvestri & Ranuio) h40 Glover ;iJos pres Readymix Concrete Co Ltd r445 Caroline Jos S optn Jenkel-Davidson Optical hll96 Broad'' !| Cupertino John B (Frances) sec Century Business Forma Inc hi 940 Gino (Angela) emp Alivaiaro Rossi Nursery hl42 Arleta av Giuseppe (Theresa) shoe shiner 30 Lick pi hl21 Varennes apt 3 Jas (Rose) bartndr Fisherman's Grotto h2218 " 44tli av Geo Whl543 43d av Robt L (Shirley) driver Yellow Cabhl53 4th av Trevitt (Wanda) slsmn Fosters Bakeries hl07 Rome ISime see also Syme " Fred M (Frances) G. " " " mgr Macwhyte Co h357 Marina WEST CO. Annie E (wid Julius) hl021 Cabrillo D A Mrs h3245 Buchanan David (Guiseppina) hi 10a Russia Ell (Yvonne) wool mkr Bayshore Art &. Co h745 Rolph Galton J glazier Alf B Morris Co r South San Francisco Gemma Mrs r3475 Pierce apt 1 Guiseppina pkr Aronab Prod rllO Russie av John V (Donna J) elk PO hlOl Madrid Josephina Mrs smstrs Nob Hill of Calif r2139 Filbert " " JuUub R (Violet M) chauf City & County Dept of Pub Wks hl023 Cabrillo Uoyd R (Kath) agt Equitable Life Assurance h2792 Filbert R " Lloyd " Lorenzo h352f Francisco Louis emp Westlake Mkt r42 Huntington dr Louis A (Frances M) h471 Lisbon " '| jr studt r2792 Filbert W " Louis (Pauline R) adv SF Shopping News h42 Huntington dr " Mary Mrs'clk Roos Atkins h2061 Mission apt 33 Mary (wid Leo) h2365 Francisco Mario D (Eliz A) hi 365 6th av Osca N (wid Virgilio) asst Sablna Lambert Knitting " apt 531 Army hi 642 26th av 1 (Mildred) opr Golden Gate Theatre h55 " Manuel J (Emelia) driver h3974 Army Simard Henry A (Emily) asaoc eng State Dlv Hwys Vienna " P mento tt Murray rlOO Hugo apt 4 " Chas J (Betty) USN hlOO Hugo apt 4 Simanek G A r34 6th Simanski Barney rl61 Leavenworth Simao Jos (Karen) driver Harold O Casperson rl28 Corona " Manuel J jr (Ellen) driver Belfast Beverage h3968 apt 3 " of Teamsters h42 San Juan av C instr PS r Oakland Everett John Simandl Betty Mrs elk Buonaccorsi Frank A (Hannah) br mgr Florsheim Shoe Shop " Edw M (Evelvni city police h2086 23d av Edw M (Rose J) organizer Western Conference Instruments (David Reichard and Wm Letvenko) hosp sups 3378 24th " J H r27a San Carlos Sima Blanche ofc wkr rB55 Burnett av apt 10 Slmador Manufacturing Co (Dario M Mari) gear cutting 141 Williams av Siraan Helen Mrs h532 Cole apt 6 Simandjuntk Simon ofc wkr Cargill Inc rl469 Sacra- Octavia " mach h69 DeLong Dorothy h795 Pine apt 30 " mgr White House h233 Benn- Domenic h2907 Octavia Felix rlO Chenery Moving Co (Vincente T Sllvi pres) 424 Valencia T (Elisa G) pres Silvi Moving Co h220 San Francisco Sim Horn h895 Pacific av Adorno (Santina; Silvestri Garden Ornaments) " " Slmes Louis M prof Hastings College of Law r Burlingame SImi Adriano (Ida; Green Valley Restaurant) h360 Sawyer Vicente rl910 Green h572 Bosworth Alda r560 Colombus av Alf J (Alice; Superior Painting Contractors) h2434 16th av Ameglio (Raffaela) h360 Judaon av Anthony (Jennie) jan StFrancis Theatre h2750 Carmel J studt rl583 Dolores Carmela (wid Frank) hl490 Jackson Cosmo A (Guidi Brothers Meat Market) r2907 San Rafael Allen (Helen K) probation ofcr SF Juvenile Ct h29 Moffett " Anna (Seldon) hl778 22d av Silzer Paul (Leontine) ship elk h2326 17th av Silzeetrich Robt T electn Lemage Elec r South Folsom " Inc r America h2685 " Wm " of Wm ifornia apt 202 Paul Cleaners (Paul P Silvester) 2309 Bryant Paul P (Charlotte; Paul Silvester Cleaners) h2706 23d " Thos J emp News-Call Bulletin rl4" Cayuga av " P (Josephine) dist mgr News-Call Bulletin hl40 Cayuga av Silvestie Jos h962a Geneva av Silvestre Marcos elk POhl411 Webster Silvestri A Ray (Josephine) slsmn Green Realty Co h550 27th av " Adorno h!31 Del Monte " (Lee) mgr Safeway Stores Mrs r69 Escondido av Hermann apt 2"1 " E (Yvonne) state police h502 35th av Silviera Anthony slsmn Elite Prod r Oakland " Jose h494 27th av apt 53 Silvin Jacques slsmn h3565 Fillmore apt 204 Silvlus Alan (Mattbews-Silvius Traffic Service) " Arkelia (Martha) dept ington || Stylist rl890 " Alf " wkr J B Nettles & Co r544 Filbert Eddie A (Eliodora V) mach Virginia Metal Products h250 Concord John B (Theresa) lab City h County Dept of Pub Wks h544 Filbert " Victor A electn SFNS r250 Concord SImeone Enrico R h2415 Bryant " Michl emp PO h3182 Washington apt 10 Slmer Jack B (Amantina G) formn PO (Oakland) h2246 45th av Slmerman Horace asBt mgr Hastings h421 Leavenworth apt 67 Slmerson Hart H r2526 Clement apt 1 John C (Eva H) h2526a Clement apt 1 " John C jr (Norma) emp Abercrombie fc Fitch h2518 Clement " | " ofc " Silvia see also DaSilva Silva Silver Silvey and Svlvia A J h315 Turk apt 4 " ' H Simeon Aldo F Ocean '• " Princeton 18th av Silvi Jody studt rl909 Vallejo " Madeg H Mr6 slswn h903 Pine apt 42 " Marjorie D Mrs traffic opr Am Broadcasting r Burlingame Wm W (Pearl E) guard Park Merced h3566 22d " Willis C (Josiephine C) ins broker Marsh & Mc Lennan-Cosgrove h480 Funston av " Willis C III studt r480 Funston av Silverton Ann Mrs rl482 Sutter Silvester see also Sylvester " Alex (Margt) whsemn Bekin's Van & Storage h543 Prentiss " Dennis USN r2706 23d " Nora elk Watson Surplus Lines Agcv hi 408 Cal- " mfrs agts 1355 Market Warren T asst v-pres Bank " " Sllvey) Mrs opr Mr Trager Hair Violet S Cohl755 46th av Theo C (Mammie G) mech SFNS h225 Valdez av Silverthorne Don C (Gertrude A) v-pres First America Corp hl37 Font blvd " Geo T (Dwyer fc Co) r Burlingame " M T 32d av " " (Gerald 3 2d av " Paul A h52 hdo Silverthorn Clyde " Jas buyer Tuck-Aire Furnace r Belmont Simendinger Jos H (Teresina) iron wkr Bethlehem Steel hl210 39th av Simenson Lorraine ofc sec Genl Electronics & Fire Detection Servs r3O40 Jackson Slmenstad A Dave pilot SF Bar Pilots r San Rafael Simenza Emll F (Miriam) slsmn Gene A Siekert Agcy hl915 23th av ' Si Him an Isadore (Lena. Laurel Realty) h227 " (Mary) waiter Vanessl's h2078 Alemay blvd Tony J (Eugenia) shop formn Arnke Iron Wks h46 Havelock Vincenza h872 Greenwich " Vlttorio (Josephina) jan White House hlO Wm (Mildred, Ace Novelty) h2123 42d av Chenery Silvestrich Edw mach Coastal Marine Engineers rl365 Shafter av " Toby (Fanny) hl365 Shafter av Silvestro Alex (Margt) whsemn Bekins Van & Stce * Co rl20 Albion apt 3 " Jos (Eliz) constn wkr h43 Vesta " Savuto (Rose) lab City Water Dept hi 18 Apollo Sivey see also DaSilva Silver Silvia and Sylvia Belle r2685 1851. av " Edw C (Mildred) bldg mgr Bank of America hl860 2 " " SIME " Silla " " Studio h354 5th av Raymond Mrs rl94G Lombard Root A (Florence; Murphy & Simi Co) r South San Francisco " Sylvia M Mrs h84 Montezuma " Victor mech h55 Polk apt 429 " Vincent G (Margt B) driver Chas M Bailey Co h203 Hoffman av " Vincent W (Veronica) mach h260 Clinton Park " Vincenzo D (Cath) elk R Pardini Co h41 Ford " Viola A cash Fox Theatre rl023 Cabrillo " W Russell (Mildred) pres Slmi's Fine Food r Piedmont " Walter P (Sydney E; Walter P Simi & Co) r Belvedere " Walter P (Corrinne H) slsmn Sears h2570 36th av " Walter P i Co (Walter P Simi) Ins brokers 604 Balboa bldg " Yvonne pkr Aronab Prod r745 Rolph Slmi's Fine Food Russell Simi pres Victor Zolezzi v-pres Mrs Bernice Zolezzi sec whol gro, 1 Harrison Simich Louis (Agatha) elev opr Crocker Estate hl71 || " W Prague Simien Bernadette M MrB h98I Connecticut John A (Mary E) driver Oakland Army Base hl321 Hudson av " Mildred (wid Earl) h244 Montana " Wilbert (Marilyn J) steel wkr Bethlehem Steel h300 Northrldge rd " Wilbert (Laura) window washer Presidio h285 Divisadero apt 4 " Wilson h747 Lyon apt 5 Siminl Jos P prof Univ of SF h21 Surro Heights av Simlonato Alf (Diana) acct 21 Columbus av R225 r670 38th av Slmison Walter M (Emily) h2776 Union Simkins Madyline (wid Clifford E) h349 Pope " Patti Mrs mgr Trost Apts r3009 Mission apt 109 " Richd (EHz) mtcemn h286 Cresent av " Robt (Patti) h3009 Mission apt 109 Simklss Ruth Mrs waitress StFrancis Hotel r734 Arkansas " Wm F (Ruth) capt Mark Hopkins Hotel h734 Arkansas Simko Edw R (Marjorie L) loader h4447 23d " Paul rl747 Lake " Paul V bldg insp City 4 County Dept of Pub Wks rl7 17th av Simkus Anthony H driver Luxor Cabh2405 Washington apt 3 Simley Ann legal sec Bronson Bronson & McKlnnoo h35 75 Fillmore apt 304 Simlin Monroe (Willie) emp United Air Lines hlOl Hilltop rd COLOR DECOR WITH COORDINATED FURNISHINGS — HIGHEST QUALITY FURNITURE FRONT ST. Designed for Efficiency and Lasting Good Tasfe
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