December 2012 - Diamond Lake School


December 2012 - Diamond Lake School
PTO Post
Your School and Community Connection
December 2012
`Don’t forget to check the PTO
website (www.District76PTO) frequently
missed and more importantly, please
Upcoming Events
It's December--let the holidays begin!!!!! The holidays are a time of celebration but also a
sign up for PTO e-mails
of the website. If you have a child
time of giving. SO, I wanted to start off our December newsletter with how the PTO has "givDECEMBERwho doesn’t bring home their mail or you need reminders as deadlines approach –
en back" lately.
1 – Marketthis
Day is the best way to be kept informed.
4 – WO Band Concert
6 – Winter Choral Concert
7 – Barnes & Noble Fundraiser
13 – 3rd Grade Concert DL
19 – PTO Meeting DL
21 – Winter Parties – Last Day
Before Winter Break Begins
7 – Return to School
12 – Market Day
16- PTO Meeting (6:30 DLS)
18- Father/Son Basketball
21- No School
29 – FH Bingo for Books
30 – ½ Day
1 – Sweetheart Ball
9 – Market Day
14 - Valentine’s Day Parties
20 – PTO Meeting (6:30 DL)
26 – P/T Conferences (4-7PM)
27 – ½ Day P/T Conferences
Dine Outs
Thank you to all who joined
us for our November dine
out at Hitz! We raised
$190. Please join us for
December’s dine out at
Chili’s. This event will last
the entire month of December! Just remember
your flyer.
Market Days
Pick up some convenient
and delicious food and
support your schools as
well. The last day for
orders is January 9 .
Drop your order form at
school in the morning or
you may order until 11 pm
on-line. Pick up is on
Saturday, January 12th,
between 8:30 and 9.
As a part of our Community Outreach division (a.k.a. Lori Briere) the PTO, in conjunction with
the schools, is coordinating the holiday supply drive. We have asked our district to come
together to support 125 district families who could use our help this holiday season. We have
asked all of you to send in canned food and toiletries so that these families can rest a little
easer this December. We have received several cans of food so far. Furthermore, one
amazing district family, the Rullman's, donated (for the second year in a row) 125 turkeys and
hams so that each of these families could have a nice holiday meal!!! Thank you so much to
Lori Briere for coordinating this effort, the Rullman's for their tremendous generosity and to all
of you who have contributed to this effort so far. However, we need more canned goods.
You still have time--send in your donations this week and please know that you are truly making a difference in the life of a district family this holiday season!!!
In addition to giving to district families, the PTO is continuing our efforts of giving back to our
schools. Our main fundraiser this December is our Barnes & Noble extravaganza on Friday,
Dec. 7th!! All day and night long you can shop at Barnes & Noble and support our schools!!!!
"Great Reads with Dane" is at noon in the cafe, and a variety of activities for the family begin
at 5pm, including the DL Choir at 5:00, story time with Mrs. Fergus at 5:30, story time with
our librarians (Mrs. Cynova at 5:45, and Mrs. Michael at 6:00) and the WO Choir at 6:30! Let
the kids enjoy story time while you shop and take advantage of FREE gift wrapping. Mention
District 76 at checkout and the PTO will receive a donation! Can't wait to shop until then, or
have out of town family who want to participate? Place orders online at using book fair # 10892545! Thank you and hope to see you
Also, in December, the PTO will host a month long dine-out at Chili's of Vernon Hills. Any
night in December you can eat at Chili's and the PTO will receive a donation, as long as you
have the flyer that will be sent home and can be found on our website
( Plan on going to Chili's after the Barnes & Noble fund-raiser on Friday night and you’re sure to see see lots of familiar faces!!!
Last but not least, please consider shopping with Manna this holiday season. This month we
will offer you the opportunity to purchase gift cards via a paper order form, which will be distributed this week. For your teacher and bus driver gifts, consider purchasing Starbucks,
Dunkin Donuts, or Lettuce Entertain You gift cards (among many, many more) through Manna.
Thank you so much for your support and Happy Holidays to you all!!!!
Jamie Epstein, PTO President, 847-968-2815, [email protected]
Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Book fans, your lucky day has arrived – our annual D76 PTO Barnes & Noble fundraiser! Friday, December 7th is the day to load up on great books &
games for you, your children, family & friends at the Hawthorn store. To assist you in your reading selections, at noon readers can meet in the café for
Dan’s Holiday Lunch Book Talk. Youngsters will enjoy story time with Mrs.
Fergus, Mrs. Cynova and Mrs. Michael from 5:30-6:15. The West Oak choir
will be performing at 6:30. Plus Friends of Rachel, teacher wish lists, café
meals, snacks and beverages.
Mention D76 when purchasing café items, books, games, journals, and all other BN products to
support the PTO. If you can't make it to the store, or want out of town family to help support
the PTO, we have an online book fair. From December 7 through December 12 when shoppers
make an online purchase, they should enter code #10892545 at checkout to benefit the PTO.
The class with the greatest percent of attendees will win prizes! Entry forms at the store!
Diamond Lake School District 76 — PTO Post Your School and Community Connection
District 76 PTO
Directory 2011/2012
From the Treasurer’s Corner
What an AWESOME month of November we had!!!!! Thank you to all who continue to support our PTO! So far this month we have done AMAZING. Entertainment books raised $400. Directories are in as well as tallied at approximately $450. District wide Oktoberfest brought in $475, while Oaktoberfest raised
$1,100. Hitz's Dine out raised $190.00! So far this year Manna has only raised
$261.92. This is an easy one everyone; if you aren't on board, contact Alice
Dutler and jump ship!
Jamie Epstein
(847) 968-2815
[email protected]
Vice President
Rochelle Allen
(847) 949-6467
[email protected]
Haley Pomorantz
(847) 918-0217
[email protected]
Mary Sharon Kastler
(847) 984-0479
[email protected]
Fairhaven Teacher Rep:
Diamond Lake Teacher Reps:
Diane Wilson
[email protected]
Kevin Michael
[email protected]
Meg Hagen
[email protected]
West Oak Teacher Rep:
Linda Morris
[email protected]
Fairhaven Rep:
Liz Plummer
(847) 949-1490
[email protected]
Diamond Lake Reps:
Sandra Lee
(847) 247-8353
[email protected]
Mary Fleming Walker
(847) 549-8126
[email protected]
Joy Hail
(847) 573-0048
[email protected]
West Oak Reps:
Candice Calso
(847) 949-1768
[email protected]
Pam Wagner
(847) 837-9269
[email protected]
Community Outreach:
Lori Briere
(847) 984-2628
[email protected]
School apparel numbers are in and so far we have raised $858.31, plus we have additional orders
from FH and DL. Also, Liz Plummer had a Cabi party and is donating the proceeds to our PTO which
totaled $207, so thank you thank you! Finally our numbers are in for our gift wrap.......I am SO proud
to announce we raised over $9,600!!!!!!! Way to go everyone, because without you and your generosity none of this would be possible!!!!!
Due to the funds raised, we were able to give to Mr. Winkleman at Diamond Lake a grant, as well as a
grant for the Kindergarten Team at Fairhaven!!!!
As always, thank you for your continued generosity. We couldn't do it without you!!!
Manna for the Holidays
Deck the Halls without going to the mall this holiday season. Buy gift cards for your teachers, bus
drivers, friends, and family from Manna! This month we will even offer a paper order so that you can
enjoy the Manna program without signing up via e-mail. We offer gift cards from Barnes & Noble,
Starbuck's, Lettuce Entertain You, Dunkin Donuts, Macy's, and many more! Look for a flyer in the
school mail!!!
Square 1 Art
Prepare to be dazzled! Students at Fairhaven, Diamond Lake and West Oak have begun working with
their art teachers on their Square 1 masterpieces. In March, parents will receive custom catalogs with
products that will feature your children’s artwork. And if your West Oak student takes art in the fourth
quarter, no worries; he/she will be bringing home Square 1 art paper (along with directions) sometime
before winter break. (Fourth quarter art students can see Mrs. Sohn for details.)
Deby Less can be reached at (224-848-9025) or [email protected] with any questions.
Community Corner
Holiday Helpers Program is off and running! We are in the process of buying gifts for 11 families and
over 40 children. This is going to be a great holiday season for all of our families that we are helping.
Thank you to everyone who is participating in "adopting" a child this Season. For all those participating, please make sure the unwrapped items are delivered to Lori Briere's home in Vernon Hills by Friday, December 7th. Email with questions at [email protected]
District 76 Food and Supply Drive is underway. Don't forget that all items should be delivered to the
schools by Monday, December 3rd. If you have any questions on items needed, please contact Lori
Briere at [email protected]. We will be helping 125 families again this year and your donations are GREATLY appreciated!
Misc. Items
Holiday parties are coming up Friday, December 21 . Party moms have been chosen. Make
sure your party money ($6) has been turned in and if you are interested in helping out, please
contact your class party mom.
Don’t throw away your Capri Sun packages! All schools will collect Capri Sun juice packs for
the Terracycle recycling program. An easy way to earn additional funds for our schools!
All schools accepting donations of old cell phones
If your kids have grown out of last year's winter coats or boots, please consider donating
them to Del Parra in the Family Resource Center at West Oak.
Thank you to our parent, teacher, and student volunteers – Mrs. Carmichael, Haley Pomorantz, Jessica Mena, Liz Plummer, & Natalie Gurin. Thank you to Sol Cabichuela for her continued translation
services, Alice Dutler for running Manna, Elisa Bailis for serving as webmaster, and Deby Less for
chairing Square 1 Art.