dress up barbie friend
dress up barbie friend
Unit 10: Party time Unit 10: Party time Seite 116 research preparation [r91s3.tS] [!prep41re9Sn] Nachforschungen, Recherche(n) Vorbereitung what time dress code fancy dress theme party to smoke [!wqt 1ta9m] [1dres k48d] [!fänsi 1dres] [1Ti.m p2.ti] [sm48k] wann, um wie viel Uhr Kleiderordnung Kostüm Mottoparty, Themenparty rauchen to dress up as costume [!dres 1cp 4z] [1kqstju.m] sich verkleiden als Kostüm No way! [!n48 1we9] Auf keinen Fall! soft drink [1sqft dr9Nk] alkoholfreies Getränk cigarette [!s9g41ret] Zigarette clubhouse recipe logically [1klcbha8s] [1res4pi] [1lqd79kli] Klubhaus (Koch-)Rezept logisch syrup heat to mix in [1s9r4p] [hi.t] [!m9ks 19n] melted to melt tablespoon [1melt9d] [melt] [1te9blspu.n] Sirup Kochplatte unterrühren, untermischen, (hin)einrühren geschmolzen, flüssig schmelzen, zerlassen Esslöffel microwave to pour container to cool to cut up sponge fingers to place [1ma9kr4we9v] [p0.] [k4n1te9n4] [ku.l] [!kct 1cp] [1spcnd7 f9Ng4z] [ple9s] layer to boil biscuit freezer to decorate grated alcoholic not … until age limit [1le94] [b09l] [1b9sk9t] [1fri.z4] [1dek4re9t] [1gre9t9d] [!älk41hql9k] [nqt 4n1t9l] [1e9d7 l9m9t] except for [9k1sept f4] Mikrowelle (aus-, ein)gießen Gefäß (ab)kühlen aufschneiden, in Stücke schneiden Biskotten stellen, legen, setzen (etw wohin) tun Where on the table do you want me to place the flowers? Schicht My favourite cake has lots of different layers. kochen (sieden, zum Sieden bringen) First, you need to boil the water. Keks, Biskuit My grandfather loves biscuits! Gefrierschrank, Tiefkühlfach Our freezer at home is very full. dekorieren, verzieren I like to decorate things for the house. gerieben At home we always have grated carrot in our salad. alkoholisch Beer and wine are two alcoholic drinks. erst um / am / wenn Altersgrenze, Mindestalter In America, the age limit for buying alcoholic drinks is 21. ausgenommen, abgesehen von All of my friends like chocolate, except for Toby. [1br48S4] [1p2.ti] [k4n1sju.m4] [p41t9kj4l4li] [!drest 1cp] [!kcm 41lqN] Broschüre, Prospekt auf Partys gehen, feiern VerbraucherIn, KonsumentIn insbesondere schick angezogen begleiten, mitkommen Preparation for a party is important, but it can also be fun! What time will the guests arrive? Is there a dress code in your office? Lucy really likes fancy dress parties. You shouldn’t smoke. It damages your health. Seite 117 Transkript I need to buy a really good costume for the party on Saturday. “Sue thinks your dad should be at the party as well.” – “Parents at our party? No way!” I mustn’t drink alcohol, so I’ll stick to soft drinks, please. My brother smokes cigarettes. © 2013 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 117 Ben has a great new cake recipe. When I think logically, maths homework is no problem. My little brother loves syrup! Don’t turn the heat up too high. Second, mix in the chocolate and the milk. I think melted ice cream is horrible! If you leave the ice cream in the sun, it will melt! For my new recipe, you need one tablespoon of syrup. We don’t have a microwave at home. Pour the water slowly. You need a big container for the water. Leave the cake to cool for twenty minutes. Cut up the butter into small pieces. Seite 118 brochure to party consumer particularly dressed up to come along Seite 1 von 4 The brochure includes lots of useful information. At the weekend, many teenagers like to party. Everyone who goes shopping is a consumer! As a young girl you are particularly at risk at parties. We are already dressed up for the party tonight. I will ask Natalie to come along to the party with me. © 2013 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Unit 10: Party time to watch out for [!wqtS 1a8t f4] aufpassen auf a pain [4 1pe9n] lästig close (to) to keep sb informed (about) statistics alcohol [kl48s] [9n1f0.md] major [1me9d74] crime [kra9m] rape [re9p] vandalism drunk to trust [1vänd4l9z4m] [drcNk] [trcst] gut feeling to be scared [1gct fi.l9N] [bi 1ske4d] childish to get away (from) [1tSa9ld9S] [!get 41we9 fr4m] immediate(ly) prowler [91mi.di4t] [1pra8l4] drug to keep an eye on sth to keep away from hallway well-lit to hang around to take sides [drcg] [!ki.p 4n 1a9] [!ki.p 41we9 fr4m] [1h0.lwe9] [!wel 1l9t] [!häN 41ra8nd] [!te9k 1sa9dz] no matter what / how / who to be stranded uncomfortable [!n48 1mät4] [1ständ9d] [cn1kcmft4bl] eng, nah, dicht (an / bei) jdn auf dem Laufenden halten (über) Keep your friends and family informed about where you are going. Statistik(en) Statistics show that alcohol can be dangerous. Alkohol In Great Britain, the age limit for buying alcohol is 18. Haupt-, groß Drinking too much alcohol can cause major problems. Straftat, Kriminalität Crime is more of a problem in some towns than others. Vergewaltigung The girl reported a rape at the police. She was attacked at a party by someone she knew. Vandalismus Betrunkene/r Drunks often do not know what they are doing. vertrauen Always trust your gut feeling and get away from situations that make you feel scared. Instinkt, "Bauch-Gefühl" Angst haben Try to stay with a friend, especially when you are scared. kindisch, albern wegkommen (von), sich entfernen I didn’t like him. I wanted to get away from him. (von) sofort, umgehend, unmittelbar jd, der/die herumlungert, suspekte Person Droge, Rauschgift Stay away from drugs. etw im Auge behalten sich fernhalten von I don’t like Jamie. I try to keep away from him. Flur, Korridor At Robert’s house, the hallway is quite long. gut beleuchtet warten, (noch) dableiben Partei ergreifen If you see a fight it is best to keep away and not to take sides. (ganz) egal, was / wie / wer Always take the last bus home, no matter how much fun the party is. festsitzen, gestrandet sein Phone home for help if you are stranded. ungemütlich, unwohl If a situation makes you feel uncomfortable, leave. advice column terrible to turn to mad at sb (about sth) [4d1va9s kql4m] [1ter4bl] [1t3.n t4] [1mäd 4t] Ratgeberkolumne schrecklich, furchtbar sich wenden an sauer, wütend auf jdn (wegen etw) to cheat on sb [1tSi.t qn] jdn betrügen like that to be hurt [la9k 1Dät] [bi 1h3.t] so, auf diese Art / Weise verletzt sein to be over I couldn’t believe my ears lie [bi 148v4] [a9 k8dnt b9!li.v ma9 194z] [la9] vorbei / vorüber sein, zu Ende sein ich traute meinen Ohren nicht to follow sb around all evening to flirt He wouldn’t leave me alone. untrue to do with sb [!fql48 41ra8nd] [0.l 1i.vn9N] [fl3.t] [w8dnt] jdm nachlaufen, hinterherlaufen den ganzen Abend flirten Er wollte mich nicht in Ruhe lassen / ließ mich einfach nicht in Ruhe. unwahr jdn angehen, betreffen [st41t9st9ks] [1älk4hql] At parties it is important that friends watch out for each other. Sometimes parents can seem a pain, even if they are trying to help! Seite 119 [cn1tru.] [t4 1du. w9D] Lüge Lots of magazines have an advice column. The party was terrible. I didn’t enjoy it. When I have a problem, I turn to my friend David. He never called (even though he said he would). I’m really mad at him. When Chelsea left the party with Ryan, she cheated on her boyfriend Brandon. How could she cheat on him like that? There were tears in his eyes. You could tell he was terribly hurt. Then after five years, their relationship was over. I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the news. How can they say I cheated on you? That’s a complete lie! Seite 2 von 4 Yesterday I was at home all evening. He likes Jenny. He always flirts with her. That did not happen. What she says is untrue. Sorry, I don’t know. It’s nothing to do with me! Unit 10: Party time Seite 120 to mention to lie (to sb) [1menSn] [la9] erwähnen, nennen, anführen (jdn an-)lügen to make notes [!me9k 1n48ts] (sich) Notizen machen Australia dish onion barbecued like this pepper in the same way skewer barbecue jelly blueberry for this reason [q1stre9li4] [d9S] [1cnj4n] [1b2.b9kju.d] [la9k 1D9s] [1pep4] [9n D4 !se9m 1we9] [1skju.4] [1b2.b9kju.] [1d7eli] [1blu.b4ri] [f4 1D9s ri.zn] Australien Gericht, Speise Zwiebel gegrillt so, auf diese Art / Weise Paprika(schote) genauso, auf dieselbe Art / Weise (Grill-)Spieß Grill(party) Gelee, Gallert, gelatinehaltige Masse Blaubeere, Heidelbeere aus diesem Grund barbie [1b2.bi] Grillparty (kurz für „barbecue“) seafood [1si.fu.d] Meeresfrüchte to bake motorbike [be9k] [1m48t4ba9k] backen Motorrad at the dentist’s [!4t D4 1dent9sts] beim Zahnarzt to break [bre9k] to cross (the road) to lie [krqs] [la9] (zer)brechen, kaputtgehen, kaputtmachen (die Straße) überqueren liegen locked out [!lqkt 1a8t] ausgesperrt oven [1cvn] Ofen, Herd key [ki.] Schlüssel [ju.1tensl] Gerät, Utensil to keep off a bottle of … a cup of … a pot of tea a bar of chocolate [!ki.p 1qf] [1bqtl] [kcp] [pqt] [b2.] a loaf of bread [l48f] meiden, die Finger lassen von eine Flasche … eine Tasse … eine Kanne Tee ein Schoko(lade)riegel, eine Tafel Schokolade ein Laib Brot can tin tub [kän] [t9n] [tcb] Dose Dose Becher margarine [!m2.d741ri.n] Margarine I know that what you say is not true. Stop lying to me! I always make notes before I write in English. Seite 121 Kaiserschmarrn is one of my favourite dishes. I don’t like onion in my kebab. I’m going to do barbecued chicken kebabs. For cooking a chilli, you need some peppers. Cut up the onions in the same way. We need some skewers to make our kebabs. It rained on Saturday. For this reason, we had to eat inside. We had a barbie on the beach when we were in Australia. The only seafood I like is fish. © 2013 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Seite 122 I’m baking a cake today. It can be fun, but also dangerous, to ride a motorbike. I had a toothache so I was at the dentist’s all morning. Oh, sorry, I’ve just broken your big blue vase. Be careful when you cross the road. Anthony is ill. I told him to lie in bed and try to get some sleep. There’s nobody home and I forgot my keys: I’m locked out. It smells really good in the kitchen. What is roasting in the oven? Don’t forget your keys – you don’t want to be locked out again. Seite 123 utensil Seite 124 Seite 3 von 4 Keep off too much chocolate! Can I borrow a bottle of wine for our party? Would you like a cup of tea? I’ve just made a pot of tea. Would you like some? How many bars of chocolate do you eat per week? We need two loafs of bread for the big dinner tomorrow. I’ll just get a can of coke from the shop. You need two tins of tuna for the tuna salad. Can you please bring me a tub of margarine when you go shopping? Unit 10: Party time Seite 125 yoghurt petrol [1jqg4t] [1petr4l] Joghurt Benzin Yoghurt is a dairy product. If petrol becomes more expensive, people will use cars less. Why on earth are you wearing flip-flops in winter? Is there any ice cream left over? I’d like some more. Is there petrol in the tank? – Yes, I filled it this morning. why on earth left over tank [!wa9 qn 13.T] [left 148v4] [täNk] warum um Himmels willen übrig (geblieben) Tank off work [qf] nicht auf / bei der Arbeit [1se9l9N] [le9k] [f41b9dn] [bi 1cp t4] [1n48t9s] [li.d] [n09z] Segeln (Binnen-)See verboten jds Sache sein Hinweis, Schild (an der) Leine (Hund) Geräusch, Lärm I would like to try sailing because I like boats. I enjoy swimming outside in the lake. Smoking in public places is forbidden in Britain. You can come if you want to. It’s up to you. [1f8tb0.l mätS] [!lu.z 1we9t] [1sevr4l ta9mz] Fußballspiel abnehmen mehrmals The football match was good – we won! I have been to Spain several times. [!li.v 1sku.l] [!ste9 19n] [gre9d] von der Schule abgehen zu Hause bleiben (Schul-)Note I left school at 16 and started work. I don’t want to go out tonight. Let’s stay in. I work hard at school. My grades are good. [!tra9 h2.d] [g48] sich sehr bemühen, anstrengen Wohin gehören die Bücher? frequently seldom rarely [1fri.kw4ntli] [1seld4m] [1re4li] häufig, oft selten selten broken [1br48k4n] kaputt [tra91äTl4n] [re9s] Triathlon (Wett-)Rennen [ni.d] etw tun müssen [fr9d7] Kühlschrank [1äd9kt] Süchtige/r [48] Null (im gesprochenen Englisch) [!dest91ne9Sn] Reiseziel, Fahrtziel Seite 126 sailing lake forbidden to be up to sb notice (on the) lead noise You mustn’t make too much noise in the library. Seite 127 © 2013 Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH, Berlin und Veritas Verlag, Linz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. football match to lose weight several times Seite 128 to leave school to stay in grade Seite 129 to try hard Where do the books go? Seite 130 I rarely go to the cinema. I prefer to stay at home and watch TV. Seite 132 triathlon race Seite 133 need to do sth Seite 134 fridge The milk is in the fridge. Seite 138 addict Seite 139 oh Seite 140 destination Seite 4 von 4 I set off at 6 o’clock. My destination was Vienna.