ARPA Sutstainable Finance of Protected Area Systems
ARPA Sutstainable Finance of Protected Area Systems
Sustainable Finance of Protected Area Systems an experience from Brasil July 2007 Governos Estaduais da Amazônia Brasileira: Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia e Tocantins Ministério do Meio Ambiente 31.07.2007 Seite 1 ARPA A program of the Federal Government of Brazil In cooperation with civil society, donors, Federal States and municipalities To expand and consolidate 50 Million ha protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon until 2013 31.07.2007 Seite 2 Working Areas of ARPA Until 30th of June 2007: Disbursed US$ 24.059.349,93 in Investments Capitalized US$ 14.794.659,21 in FAP Supported 65 Protected Areas Totalling 34.670.987 ha. Unidades de Conserva¨ Conservation Units (CUs)‹ o-UC Unidades de Conserva¨ ‹ o apoiadas Conservation Units with ARPA supportpelo ARPA ēr ea em estudo para cria¨ ‹ o de Areas being studied for creation ofUCCUs Terras ind’genas Indigenous Territories Terras ind’genas regularizadas pelo PPTAL Indigenous Territories with PPTAL support 31.07.2007 Seite 3 The ARPA structure German Taxpayers Donor Committee Private Donors MMA World Bank Administration FAP – Endowment Fund Sinking Fund Financial Management AIG Running cost Switzerland Goal: 240 Mio. US$ capital in 2013 Investments Now: 14,8 Mio US$ capital Committed: 57,3 Mio. US$ until 2008 Environmental Agencies of Federal States Disbursed: 24,1 Mio. US$ until June 2007 Timeframe: “Forever” Timeframe: “Until 2013” Conservation Units Management, Coordination, Assessment Financial flows 31.07.2007 Seite 4 Issues of Sustainable Finance Improving financial administration and effectiveness Use Taking a comprehensive view on costs and benefits Disposition Creating an enabling framework Building capacity to use financial mechanisms Capacity Building Building a transparent and accountable Governance structure beneficial to actors Governance Theory “Maintenance” – Replacement and running costs Aquisition “Implementation Phase” - Investment Building diverse funding portfolio “Constitutional Phase” – Designing Master Plan Emerton / Bishop / Thomas 2006 adapted to the logic of a development programme. 31.07.2007 Seite 5 Sustainable Finance – closing the gap Protected Areas‘ demand for finance Aquisition Efficient resource use Use Direct instruments Maximizing its returns Capitalization of fund Capacity Building To make things work today and tomorrow Governance Set incentives to stick to the rules Public budget Disposition Getting the money from the „right“ to the „left“ 31.07.2007 Seite 6 2003-2013 2000-2002 Project Appraisal Document (18th of July, 2002) “Constitutional Strategy” Overall Governance Structure Sinking Fund Endowment Fund (Investments until 2012) (Running costs “forever”) Mechanisms for disposition of funds Efficient resource use Capacity Building Direct instruments Capitalization of fund 2003-”forever” MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTATION CONSTITUTION Sustainable Finance in ARPA “Implementation / Instrumental Strategies” Maximizing returns 31.07.2007 Seite 7 Examples Examples for financing instruments and strategies in ARPA Constitutional Phase Acquisition Use Implementation Phase Maintenance Phase Donor Committments, Fundraising goal, Sustainable Finance Component Selection of complementary financing instruments (FUNBIO) FAP Investment Strategy (FUNBIO) Definition of CU categories eligible for support Conservation and investment strategy (MMA) --- PEP and TT (MMA) Disposition Capacity Building Selection of Sinking Fund and Endowment Fund as overarching financing instruments Establishment of FAP Assigning funds for capacity building that contributes to achievement of objectives Capacity Building Working Group (f.e. GESPUBLICA etc.) --- Establishment of “Cerebro” and “Conta vinculada” --- 31.07.2007 Seite 8 Conservation and Investment Strategy High priority Low priority (modificado de Noss et al., 2002) 31.07.2007 Seite 9 Conservation and Investment Strategy -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 Work in progress. Do not cite. -70 Reservado Excluído -15 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 Insubstituibilidade 1 (insubstituível) >0.8 - <1 -15 >0.6 - 0.8 >0.4 - 0.6 >0.2 - 0.4 >0 - 0.2 IRREPL = 0 -45 31.07.2007 Seite 10 Work in progress. Do not cite. Conservation and Investment Strategy 31.07.2007 Seite 11 Complementary financial instruments 31.07.2007 Seite 12 FAP investment strategy Adapted Investment strategy of June 2006 Commodities; 4,5 Funds; 4,5 BRL Pre-fixed Bonds; 20 Global Equities; 9 USD Brazilian Bonds; 20 USD Bonds; 42 Annual performance of portfolio (until June 2007): 7,22% 31.07.2007 Seite 13 Some observations Too early to draw real lessons on sustainable finance (we are still in the implementation phase) There is no „one“ Financing strategy, rather a „Financing strategy hierarchy“ that is not explicit, but seems to work pretty well Constitutional strategy (high-level representatives of all actors involved) Instrumental strategies (Different set of actors depending on instrument) Strategies and instruments need to be process-oriented and able to adapt to changing framework conditions Governance structure is decisive for success of financing instrument(s) Technical tools important to support decision-making, but decisions are taken in a political negotiation process 31.07.2007 Seite 14 Thank you! Johannes Scholl [email protected] 0055-61-3214-8403 Governos Estaduais da Amazônia Brasileira: Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia e Tocantins Ministério do Meio Ambiente 31.07.2007 Seite 15