Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
WANDA DEIFELT Professor of Religion Department of Religion – Luther College Decorah, Iowa 52101 USA (563) 387-2147 Office (563) 387-2158 Fax [email protected] Curriculum Vitae EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Ph.D. Joint Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and Northwestern University Doctoral Program, Evanston, IL, USA – 1990 M.T.S. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL, USA – 1986 B.A. Faculdade de Teologia, Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil – 1984 HONORARY DEGREE Th.D. Honoris Causa. University of Oslo, 2005 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A. Teaching Experience Professor, Christian Theology, Department of Religion, Luther College, Decorah, IA, since Fall 2010 Associate Professor, Christian Theology, Department of Religion, Luther College, Decorah, IA, Fall 2004-2010 Professor, Systematic Theology, Chair of Feminist Theology, Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 1991-2004 Visiting Professor (Anne Duncan Gray Visiting Scholar), Emmanuel College of Victoria University in the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, August-December 2001 Visiting Professor, Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai, India, April, 1998 B. Other Professional Activities Chair of the Religion Department, Luther College, since 2011. Vice-Rector (Vice-President) of Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 1995 – 1998 Provost (Dean of Graduate Studies) of Instituto Ecumênico de Pós-Graduação of Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 1995 – 2002 1 Pastor of the Lutheran Congregation of Esteio, Brazil, 1991 – 1995 C. Professional Services International Referee for the Masters in Theology and HIV/Aids, UBL Costa Rica, Faculdades EST São Leopoldo, Universidad Javeriana Colombia, ISEDET Argentina, since 2013 Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity, appointed by the Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, since 2008 Board of the Institute for Ecumenical Studies in Strasbourg, France, 2000-2013, and vice-chair 2004-2013 Theological advisor to the Council of the Lutheran World Federation, Standing Committee of Ecumenical Affairs, Geneva, Switzerland, 1998 – 2003 Board of the Ecumenical Institute Bossey, Switzerland, World Council of Churches, 1994 – 2003 D. Scholarly Activities Drafting team for the World Council of Churches Decade to Overcome Violence document “Just Peace,” 2008 International Reference Group for the Research Project Heterotopic Citizenship, sponsored by the University of Oslo, Norway, 2007-2008 Research Group on Intercultural Ethical Deliberation, sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003 – 2005 Head of Núcleo de Pesquisa de Gênero (Gender Studies Research Group) at Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 1999 – 2004 Inter-institutional Research Group As Mulheres e a Filosofia (Women and Philosophy), São Leopoldo, Brazil, 2000 – 2003 Member of the Good Sex Project, sponsored by the Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics, Milwaukee, and funded by the Ford Foundation, 1997 – 2000 President of Núcleo Interinstitucional de Pesquisas de Gênero, affiliated with REDEFEM (Rede de Pesquisadoras Feministas), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1996-2000 E. Editorial Boards Editorial Board of Brill Publisher’s series Studies in Systematic Theology, since 2008 Advisory Board of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht’s series Research in Contemporary Religion, Germany, 2007-2012 Editorial Council of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics, USA, 2006-2010 2 Editorial Committee of Theophilos, published by ULBRA (Universidade Luterana do Brasil), Canoas, Brazil, 2000-2004 Editorial Committee of Signos de Vida, published by the Latin American Council of Churches, Quito, Ecuador, 1999-2003 Editorial Committee of the Journal NUMEN, Revista de Estudos e Pesquisa da Religião, published by the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil, since 1998 Editorial Committee of Exegese in unserer Zeit. Kontextuelle Bibelinterpretationen aus lateinamerikanischer und feministischer Sicht, LIT Verlag, Münster, Germany, since 1997 Guest editor of Simpósio, published by ASTE (Associação de Seminários Teológicos Evangélicos), São Paulo, Brazil, August 1997 Editorial Committee of Concilium, Feminist Theology section, 1994 – 2000 Co-editor of Proclamar Libertação, published by Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, 1994 – 1995 F. Grants and Proposals EKD and ELCA-Wittenberg Institute research grant, Germany, Summer 2009. Title of proposal: “Art and the Reformation.” Nena Amundson Distinguished Professorship 2008-2010. Title of proposal: “Embodying the Student Body.” Lutheran Academy of Scholars Summer Seminar, Harvard University, Summer 2007. Title of the research project: “Citizenship and the Other: Lutheran theological perspectives on addressing difference in a plural world.” The Doris and Ragnvald Ylvisaker endowment for Faculty Growth, Summer 2006. Title of the research project: “Embodied Theology.” G. Church Related Activities Board of Leadership in Ministry of the ELCA Northeastern Iowa Synod, since 2008. Evangelism Committee of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Decorah, IA, 2006-2008. Gender Equality Advisory Committee of the IECLB (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil), 2002-2004 H. Conference Planning 3 Coordinator (with Prof. Lori Altmann) of the Symposium “Gênero e Religião: Espaços, Deslocamentos e Contrução de Identidades” at the International Conference, Fazendo Gênero 10, Florianópolis, Brazil, September 16-20, 2013 Planning Commitee of I Congresso Latino-Americano de Gênero e Religião, at Escola Superior de Teologia, São Leopoldo, Brazil. August 18-24, 2004 Planning Committee of the X Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation, July 21-31, 2003, Winnipeg, Canada, 2001 – 2003 Planning Commitee of I Simpósio Nacional As Mulheres e a Filosofia, São Leopoldo, Brazil, August 13-18, 2001 I. Service to Luther College Member of the Center for Ethics and Public Life Restructuring Committee 2015 Member of the Search Committee to select the president of Luther College, 2013-2014 Head of the Religion Department, 2011-2014 Member to the Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Committee on the Status of Women, 20092010 Board of the International Studies Program at Luther College, 2007-2010 Board of the Women and Gender Studies Program at Luther College, 2005-2008 Co-coordinator of the Religion Forum (sponsored by the Religion Department), 2006-2011 Ad hoc committee to create the Center for Ethics and Public Life at Luther College Head of the Search Committee for a one-year replacement to the Chair in Asian Religion, 2008 Member of the Search Committee to hire Campus pastor (Amy Zalk Larson) Member of four Search Committees in Bible Member of Search Committee for a one-year replacement in Ethics Member of Search Committee for History of Christian Thought Member of Search Committee for the Africana Studies/History position in African-American History, 2009 Supervision of Senior papers in the Religion Department (primary adviser in at least 3 papers per year) Head of the Search Committee for a one-year replacement position in Christian Ethics 2016 Student advising (part of the first year advising initiative) 4 Regular preaching at Luther College chapel (at least once per semester) and occasional preaching during Sunday worship or Focus 5 PUBLICATIONS A. Edited Volumes DEIFELT, Wanda, ed. Market and Margins: Lutheran Perspectives. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2014. STRÖHER, Marga, DEIFELT, Wanda & MUSSKOPF, André (orgs). À flor da pele: ensaios sobre gênero e corporeidade. São Leopoldo: Sinodal/CEBI, 2004. B. Book Chapters “The Reformation and Art.” In Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, edited by Kathryn A. Kleinhans, 108-112, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016. “Heterotopic Citizenship: Luther’s Two Kingdoms Theory in a Globalized Age.” In Radicalizing Reformation: North American Perspectives, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist, Craig L. Nessan, Hans G. Ulrich, 265-282, Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2016. “Hiding in Plain Sight: Lutheran Reflections on Human Trafficking.” In On Secular Governance: Lutheran Perspectives on Contemporary Legal Issues, edited by Ronald W. Duty and Marie A. Failinger, 160-181, Grand Rapids, MI/Cambridge, U.K: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2016. “A Brief Instruction on What to Look for and Expect in the Gospels, 1522.” In The Annotated Luther: Word and Faith. Vol. 2, edited by Kirsi I. Stjerna, 35-38, Minneapolis: Fortress, 2015. “Heterotopic Citizenship.” In Kirche – befreit zu Widerstand und Transformation/ Church – Liberated for Resistance and Transformation, edited by Karen L. Blooquist and Ulrich Duchrow. 161-178, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2015. [Die Reformation radikalisieren/ Radicalizing Reformation Bd./Vol 5] “From Cross to Tree of Life: Creation as God’s Mask.” In Eco-Lutheranism: Lutheran Perspectives on Ecology, edited by Karla G. Bohmbach and Shauna K. Hannan.169-176, Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2013. “The Aids Pandemic and the Vulnerability of God.” In Theology and HIV & AIDS in Latin America, edited by Valburga S. Streck, 19-26, São Leopoldo: Oikos, 2013. “A Pandemia da Aids e a Vulnerabilidade de Deus.” In Teologia y VIH y SIDA en América Latina, xxv-xxxii, São Leopoldo: Oikos, 2013. “O Corpo de Deus: a Encarnação como Subversão.” In Religião e Sociedade: Desafios Contemporâneos, edited by Iuri Andréas Reblin and Rudolf von Sinner, 31-44, São Leopoldo: Sinodal/EST, 2012. “The Public Role of Theology, or How a Feminist Theologian Becomes a Global Citizen.” In Voices of Feminist Liberation: Writings in Celebration of Rosemary Radford Ruether, edited by Emily L. Silverman, Dirk von der Horst and Whitney A. Bauman, 17-26, Sheffield/Bristol: Equinox, 2012. 6 “Hermeneutics of the Body: a Feminist Liberationist Approach.” In Gender, Religion, Kultur: Biblische, Interreligiöse und Ethische Aspekte, edited by Renate Jost and Klaus Raschzok, 5565, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 2011. “Dio nel Corpo: Analisi Femminista della Rivelazione.” In Per i Molti Cammini di Dio, edited by J.M. Vigil, L.E. Tomita and M. Barros, 73-91, Villa Verucchio: Pazzini Editore, 2010. “Crossing Borders: Feminist Christianity in Latin America.” In New Feminist Christianity: Many Voices, Many Views, edited by Mary E. Hunt and Diann L. Neu, 30-40. Woodstock, Vermont: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2010. “Citizenship, Otherness and Religious Care: embodied Diaconia.” In Heterotopic Citizen: New Research on Religious Work for the Disadvantaged, edited by Trygve Wyller, 158-171. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009. “Globalization, Religion, and Embodiment: Latin American Feminist Perspectives.” In Shaping a global theological mind, edited by Darren C. Marks, 41-50. Burlington: Ashgate, 2008. “Dar a luz a sí misma: un análisis feminista de la obra Mi Nacimiento de Frida Kahlo.” In [Re]Leituras de Frida Kahlo: Por uma Ética Estética da Diversidade Machucada, edited by Edla Eggert, 37-48. Santa Cruz do Sul: EDUNISC, 2008. “Gênero: uma agenda teológica comum a homens e mulheres.” In Teologia feminista: Tecendo fios de ternura e resistência, edited by Lucia Weiler, Raquel Pena Pinto & Sandra Maira Pires, 20-29. Porto Alegre: ESTEF, 2008. “Da cruz à arvore da vida: epistemologia, violência e sexualidade.” In Epistemologia, violência, sexualidade: Olhares do II Congresso Latino-americano de Gênero e Religião, edited by Elaine Neuenfeldt, Karen Bergesh & Mara Parlow, 13-30. São Leopoldo: Sinodal/Faculdades EST, 2008. “Some Fundamental Lutheran Problems with Fundamentalism.” In Being the Church in the Midst of Empire: Trinitarian Reflections, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist, 241-256. Geneva: LWF/Lutheran University Press, 2007. "The body in pain: a feminist analysis of Frida Kahlo's paintings." In Grenzen erkunden zwischen Kulturen, Kirchen, Religionen, edited by Katrin Kusmierz, Benedict Schubert, Rudolf von Sinner, Heike Walz & Burkhard Weber, 257-27. Frankfurt a. Main: Lembeck Verlag, 2007. “Dios en el cuerpo: Un análisis feminista de la revelación.” In Por los muchos caminos de Dios, edited by José Maria Vigil, 53-66. Quito: Editorial Abya Yala, 2006. “A Lutheran ethics of embodied care.” In Lutheran Ethics at the Intersections of God’s One World, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist, 49-62. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2005. “Education, gender, empowerment: a Brazilian perspective.” In Lutheran Ethics at the Intersections of God’s One World, edited by Karen L. Bloomquist, 147-166. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2005. 7 “A dignidade de quem trabalha.” In Mundo do trabalho em perspectiva: uma abordagem sócioteológica, edited by Émerson Neves da Silva et alii, 35-51. São Leopoldo/Porto Alegre: CECA/Pastoral Operária, 2004. “Gênero e Aids: o desafio das mulheres diante da pandemia do HIV.” In Igreja e Aids: Presença e resposta, 32-45. Porto Alegre: Pastoral de DST/Aids – CNBB, 2004. “O corpo em dor: análise feminista da arte pictórica de Frida Kahlo.” In À flor da pele: ensaios sobre gênero e corporeidade, edited by Marga Ströher, Wanda Deifelt & André Musskopf, 1536. São Leopoldo: Sinodal/CEBI, 2004. “Decent work: a Brazilian reflection.” In Philosophical and spiritual perspectives on Decent Work, edited by Dominique Peccoud, 54-57. Geneva: International Labour Office; World Council of Churches; International Institute for Labour Studies, 2004. “Réflexion brésilienne sur le travail décent.” In Le travail décent: points de vue philosophiques et spirituels, 58-62. Genève: Buereau International du Travail; Conseil Oecuménique des Eglises; Institut International d’Études Sociales de l’OIT, 2004. “The recovery of the body: Jesus in a feminist and Latin American perspective.” In Discovering Jesus in our place: contextual Christologies in a globalised world, edited by Sturla Stalsett, 2444. Delhi: ISPCK, 2003. “Feminist Theology: A Key for Women’s Citizenship in the Church.” In Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Schuessler Fiorenza, edited by Fernando F. Segovia, 237-248. Maryknoll: Orbis, 2003. “Temas e metodologias da Teologia Feminista.” In Gênero e teologia: interpelações e perspectivas. Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, 171-186. São Paulo: Loyola/Paulinas/Soter, 2003. “Educação teológica para mulheres: um passo decisivo rumo à cidadania eclesial.” In Gênero e teologia: interpelações e perspectivas. Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião, 265-282. São Paulo: Loyola/Paulinas/Soter, 2003. “Contribuições da Teologia Ecofeminista para uma leitura ecológica da Bíblia.” In Ecologia: solidariedade com o cosmos, edited by Luiz J. Dietrich, 14-27. São Leopoldo: CEBI, 2003. “A construção do universo feminino.” In Histórias de vida e fé: mulher, luto e luta, edited by Oneide Bobsin, 28-36. São Leopoldo: ICTE/PPL, 2002. “O corpo e o cosmo.” In As mulheres e a filosofia, edited by Márcia Tibure et alli, 255-270. São Leopoldo: Unisinos, 2002. “Cidadania, diaconia e juventude.” In Consulta Nacional sobre Cidadania e Diaconia. Gente nova construindo novo mundo. Consulta Ecumênica da Juventude, 67-75. Salvador: CESE, 2002. “Quinta-feira da Paixão. Marcos 14.12-26.” In Proclamar Libertação, vol. 28, edited by Verner Hoefelmann & João A. M. Da Silva, 144-152. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2002. 8 “Communion and reconciliation.” In Envisioning a Lutheran Communion: perspectives for the Twenty-first Century, edited by Mark Thomsen & Vítor Westhelle, 124-135. Minneapolis: Kirk House Publishers, 2002. “Beyond Compulsory Motherhood.” In Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World's Religions, edited by Patricia Jung, Mary Hunt & Radhika Balakrishnan, 96-112. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2001. “Quarto Domingo após a Epifania: Miquéias 6.1-8.” In Proclamar Libertação, edited by Verner Hoefelmann & João A. M. Da Silva, 58-64. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2001. “Uma década de visibilidade (Apresentação).” In Mulheres desafiam as igrejas cristãs, edited by Sibyla Baeske, 7-8. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2001. “Mulher e missão.” In Mulheres desafiam as igrejas cristãs, edited by Sibyla Baeske, 56-63.. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2001. “The relevance of the doctrine of justification.” In Justification in the world's context. LWF Documentation No. 45, edited by Wolfgang Greive, 33-41. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2000. “Die Relevanz der Rechtfertigungslehre.” In Rechtfertigung in den Kontexten der Welt. Dokumentation Nº 45, edited by Wolfgang Greive, 29-37. Stuttgart: Kreuz Verlag, 2000. “Feminist theology: rethinking of theological education.” In LWF Global consultation on theological education, edited by Arthur Leichnitz, 75-86. Geneva: Lutheran world Federation, 2000. “Comentário acerca da exposição de J. Konings: Raízes bíblicas do humanismo social cristão.” In Teologia e humanismo social cristão: traçando rotas, edited by Cecília Osowski, 61-65. São Leopoldo: Editora da Unisinos, 2000. “Quem é santo, quem é santa?” In 22 perguntas e respostas da fé, edited by João Artur Müller da Silva, 81-84. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2000. “Solche und andere Worte. Theologie, Frauen und Macht.” In Hermeneutik - sozialgeschichtlich: Kontextualität in den Bibelwissenschaften aus der Sicht (latein)amerikanischer und europäischer Exegetinnen und Exegeten, edited by Erhard S. Gerstenberger & Ulrich Schoenborn, 231-241. Münster: LIT, 1999. “A prática da teologia em uma perspectiva feminista: o caso da violência doméstica.” In Prática cristã: Novos rumo, edited by Oneide Bobsin & Roberto Zwetsch, 50-67. São Leopoldo: Sinodal/IEPG, 1999. “Feminist Methodology as a Critique and Renewal of Theology.” In Feminist Theology: Perspectives and Praxis, edited by Prasanna Kumari, 198-208. Chennai, India: Gurukul, 1999. “Can Christology be freed from Patriarchy?” In Feminist Theology: Perspectives and Praxis, edited by Prasanna Kumari, 231-240. Chennai, India: Gurukul, 1999. 9 “Metanoia.” In Together on the way: Official Report of the Eight Assembly of the World Council of Churches, edited by Diane Kessler, 34-37. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1999. “Primeiro Domingo após Epifania: Isaías 42.1-7.” In Proclamar Libertação, edited by Osmar L. Witt & João A. M. Da Silva, 80-85. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1999. “Derechos reproductivos en América Latina. Un análisis crítico y teológico a partir de la realidad del Brasil.” In Población y Salud Reproductiva, edited by Manuel Quintero, 31-49. Quito: Ediciones CLAI, 1999. “Pulando do telhado.” In Construindo, edited by Egon H. Musskopf, 237-240. Novo Hamburgo: Echo, 1999. “Papa tapia rete marangatu. Apresentação” in A espiritualidade guarani: uma teologia ameríndia da palavra, authored by Graciela Chamorro, 11, São Leopoldo: IEPG/Sinodal, 1998. “Be not ashamed -- Christ has set us free.” Pre-assembly Youth Conference Report, 34-39. Geneva: LWF, 1998. “Schämt Euch nich, Christus hat uns befreit.” Vorvollversammlung der Jugend Bericht, 37-42. Geneva: LWF, 1998. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:4-10). Identifying resources for the work of the church and community, 121-123. Geneva: LWF, 1998. “I commend to you our sister” (Romans 16:1-3). Identifying resources for the work of the church and community, 124-126. Geneva: LWF, 1998. “The use and misuse of talents” (Matthew 25:14-30). Identifying resources for the work of the church and community, 127-128. Geneva: LWF, 1998. “Power, authority and the Bible.” In In search of a round table. Gender, theology and church leadership, edited by Musimbi R. A. Kanyoro, 48-56. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1997. “The death of the Goddesses and the rise of humanity: a comparison of two stories.” In “ Ihr Völker alle, klatscht in die Hände!” Festschrift für Erhard S. Gerstenberger zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Rainer Kessler, Kerstin Ulrich, Milton Schwantes & Gary Stansell, 6-19. Münster: LIT, 1997. “Mulheres: parceiras iguais no testemunho do Evangelho do Reino.” In Desafios missionários na realidade brasileira, edited by Benno Asseburg & Roberto Zwetsch, 25-33. São Leopoldo: CECA, 1997. “Dia da confissão de Pedro: Mateus 16.13-19.” In Proclamar Libertação, vol. 23, edited by Nélio Schneider & Osmar Witt, 40-44. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1997. “Prefácio.” In Fontes da vida, authored by Hannelore Morgenroth. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1996. 10 “Por um ensino inclusivo da História da Igreja: uma contribuição feminista.” In História da Igreja em debate: um simpósio, edited by Martin N. Dreher, 105-119. São Paulo: ASTE, 1994. “Auxílio Homilético sobre Atos 14. 8-18.” In Proclamar Libertação, vol. 20, edited by Edson E. Streck & Nélio Schneider, 148-154. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1994. “Auxílio homilético sobre Isaías 40.1-11.” In Proclamar Libertação, vol. 19, edited by Edson E. Streck & Nelson Kilpp, 15-21. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1993. “The Authority of the Scriptures.” In Women in the Lutheran Tradition, edited by Musimbi Kanyoro, 76-86. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 1992. “Auxílio homilético sobre Mateus 1.18-25.” In Proclamar Libertação, vol. 18, edited by Edson Streck & Nelson Kilpp, 25-30. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 1992. “Of Gardens and Theology: Women of Faith Respond.” In The Power We Celebrate: Women's Stories of Faith and Power, edited by Musimbi R. A. Kanyoro & Wendy Robins, 5-18. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1992. C. Articles in Periodicals “God’s Work, Our Hands.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology. Volume 55, Number 2, Summer 2016, p. 111-116. “A luta continua: Intersecionalidade como Lente Epistemológica.” Coisas do Gênero: Revista de Estudos Feministas em Gênero e Religião. Vol. 1, No 1 (2015) Dossiê 25 anos de Teologia Feminista na Faculdades EST: p. 5-20. Available at “Corporeidade como Ponto de Encontro entre a TeologiaFeminista e o ecofeminismo.” Caminhos (Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ciências da Religião PUC Goiás). Goiânia, v. 11, n. 2 (Jul/Dez 2013), p. 109-122. Available at “Displayed Bodies, Hidden Stories: Human Trafficking and Its Challenges for Diaconia.” Diaconia: Journal for the Study of Christian Social Practice Vol. 3, Number 2 (2012): p. 114127. “O vírus que Rompeu Barreiras e Quebrou os Muros da Igreja” Estudos Teológicos Vol. 52, No 2 (2012): Dossiê: Teologia e HIV e AIDS, p. 291-305. Available at: “Körper und Befreiung.” Evangelischer Pressedienst Dokumentation. Number 14/15, April 2012, p. 33-45. “Religion and the Human Body.” Agora. Volume 24, Number 2, Spring 2012, p. 42-44. “Interculturalidade, negociação de saberes e educação teológica: contribuições da teologia feminista.” Protestantismo em Revista. Volume 24, January-April 2011, p. 2-9. Available at 11 “Advocacy, Political Participation, and Citizenship: Lutheran Contributions to Public Theology.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology. Volume 49, Number 2, Summer 2010, p. 108-114. “Seeking the Common Good: Lutheran Contributions to Global Citizenship.” Intersections Spring 2009, p. 22-27. “Intercultural ethics: sameness and otherness revisited” Dialog: A Journal of Theology. Volume 46, Number 2, Summer 2007, p. 112-119. “For God is also the God of bodies: embodiment and sexuality in Martin Luther’s theology.” Journal of Lutheran Ethics. Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2007. Available online: “Fundamentalism: Controversies over what is Fundamental in Christianity.” Theologies and Cultures. Vol. 2, No. 2. November/December 2005, p. 15-30. “Il dualismo tra corpo e anima, peccato del cristianesimo.” Alternativeonline. Rivista di politica e cultura. May 2005, No. 3. Available online: “Vulnerability and Security: A Paradox Based on a Theology of Incarnation”. Journal of Lutheran Ethics. Volume 5, Issue 7, June 2005. Available online: “Contexto social, linguagem e imagem de Deus.” Adista. Available online: “Maria – uma santa protestante?” Revista de Interpretação Bíblica Latino-Americana. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2003, V. 46, p. 119-134. “Maria Madalena: uma mulher de coragem e fé.” In: BRETZKE, Íris. Roteiro da OASE 2004. São Leopoldo: Sinodal, 2003, p. 104-107. “Ser mulher – Ser homem.” Missioneira. Santo Ângelo. n. 32, 18-23, 2003. “Corporeidade e mulher.” Missioneira. Santo Ângelo. n. 32, 24-28, 2003. "... damit sie Leben in Fülle haben." Johannes 10,10. In Weltweiter Solidarität gegen Armut: Arbetsbericht 2000/2001. Bonn : Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst, 2001. p.8. “Mulheres pregadoras: uma tradiçãoda Igreja.” Theophilos. Canoas/RS. Vol. 1. Nº 2, julho/dezembro 2001, p. 353-372. “Educação, teologia e cidadania: o desafio para as mulheres.” Missioneira. Santo Ângelo/RS. n. 20, 8-22, 2000. “Frau. Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika.” Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 4. völlig neu bearbeite Auflage. Band 3, Tübigen : Mohr Siebeck, 2000. col. 272-274. 12 “Violência contra mulher é fato comum.” Jornal Evangélico Luterano. Ano 27, número 618, março 1999, p. 13. “Más que la maternidad.” Signos de Vida. Quito. n. 12, Junio 1999. p. 2-6. “Os tortuosos caminhos de Deus: Igreja e homossexualidade.” Estudos Teológicos. Sao Leopoldo/RS, Vol. 38, n. 1 (1999): 36-48. “Metanoia/Conversion.” Church & Society. Louisville. Sept/Oct 1999. p. 81-86. "Térjetek Istenez, örvendezzetek reménységben!" Metanoia. Lelkipásztor Evangélikus Lelkészi Szakfolyóirat. Budapest, Vol. 74. 1999/3, p.91-92. “Buchbesprechung: Doris Strahm, vom Rand in die Mitte. Chritologie aus der Sicht von Frauen in Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika.” Die Evangelische Diaspora. Jahrbuch des Gustav-AdolfWerks. Leipzig: GAW, 1998, p.152-153. “A mulher na cena da ressurreição.” NH na Escola. Novo Hambugo, ano X, n.2, 11 de abril de 1998, p. 3. “Mulher e homem: uma relação de parceria.” Mundo Jovem, Porto Alegre, ano 36, n. 288, junho de 1998, p. 12-13. “Ética feminista: a ética da contradição.” Mandrágora. São Paulo. Vol. 4, n. 4, 1997. Direitos reprodutivos, ética e religião, p.59-65. “Mulheres na educação teológica no Brasil.” Simpósio, vol. 8 (3), p.264-271. 1996. “Palavras e outras palavras: a teologia, as mulheres e o poder.” Estudos Teológicos. São Leopoldo, 36 (1), p. 7-16. 1996. “A Teologia entre a ciência e a poesia.” Estudos Teológicos. São Leopoldo, 36 (3), p. 238-240. 1996. “Feminismo não é só um corte de cabelo...” Jornal Thema. Santa Maria. Vol. 2, n. 3, p. 3. “Hermenêutica feminista negra: duas contribuições.” Palavra Partilhada. São Leopoldo, 14 (2):6-21, 1995. “A viúva da seca.” Palavra Partilhada. São Leopoldo, 14 (3):26-27, 1995. “Bíblia politicamente correta?” Jornal O Caminho. Blumenau/SC, 1995. “Teoría Feminista y Metodologia Teológica.” Vida y Pensamiento. San José, Costa Rica. 14 (1): 9-14, 1994. “A bíblia da mulher comemora 100 anos.” Folha Mulher. Rio de Janeiro/RJ. 4(8): 10, 1994. “Os Primeiros Passos de uma Hermenêutica Feminista: a Bíblia da Mulheres, editada por Elizabeth Cady Stanton.” Estudos Teológicos. São Leopoldo, 1992, vol. 32(1):5-14. 13 “The politics of ecology: A threat to Brazilian women.” Women. Geneva, 1992, vol. 38: 21-24. “Brazilian Women: The Religious is Political.” Daughters of Sarah. Chicago, 1991, vol 17(2):16-17. “Introdução.” Estudos Teológicos. Releitura da Teologia de Lutero em Contextos do Terceiro Mundo. São Leopoldo, 30:7-10, 1990. Número especial. “Bridging the Gap as Global Christians.” World Encounter. Minneapolis, 1989, p. 10-11. “Justificação pela Fé fala para a Experiência das Mulheres?” Informativo Cebi-Sul. São Leopoldo, 1986, 5(15), p. 16-21. “Maria Madalena: a Primeira Testemunha da Ressurreição.” Informativo Cebi Sul. São Leopoldo, 1985, vol 4(12), p. 16-22. Non-scholarly publications Reformation Chapel: From Conflict to Communion. Agora: Luther College in Conversation. Decorah, Fall 2012, vol 25 (1), p. 60-62. PAPERS AND PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (by year) 2016 Panel convener for the Interfaith Symposium with Paul Knitter, Malcom Nazareth, and Najeeba Syeed , Theme: “Persons of Multiple Belongings as Agents of Peace.” Luther College, March 3, 2016. Lecture at the Conference The Churches of the Reformation in their Social and Political Responsibility for the One World: Case Studies and Country Analyses from Africa, Asia, America and Europe. University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology Hermannsburg (FIT). Title: “Ecclesia Semper Reformanda: Intercultural and Interreligious Contributions to the Reformation.” Hermannsburg, Germany, June 22-25, 2016. 2015 Keynote lecure at Cátedra Gonzalo-Báez-Camargo, Comunidad Teológica de México. “Desafíos Teológicos Hacia los 500 Anos de la Reforma Protestante.” Mexico City, March 4, 2015. Panel moderator at the ELCA/ELCIC Convocation of Teaching Theologians “The Immigrant Church in the United States and Canada: Past, Present, and Future.” Pacific Lutheran Seminary. Title of the panel: “Immigrant Churches and the Theological Classroom” with Rosanne and Mark Swanson, Julia Fogg, and Moses Penumaka. Berkeley,CA, August 3, 2015. Keynote address at IV Congresso Latino-Americano de Gênero e Religião: História, Saúde e Direitos, “Teologia Feminista: Uma História Construída em Mutirão.” São Leopoldo, Brazil, August 5, 2015. Lecture at II Seminário de Educadoras e Educadores, Teólogas e Teólogos do Instituto Sustentabilidade América Latina e Caribe. Title of lecture: “A relação entre gênero e pedagogias” (The relationship between Gender and Education). São Leopoldo, August 10-12, 2015. 14 Presenter at Encontro de Bispos, Pastores e Pastoras Sinodais ( Roman-Catholic and Lutheran Bishops Symposium). Title of presentation: “From Conflict to Communion: the Background of a Document.” São Leopoldo, August 18-20, 2015. Lecturer at ELCA NW Synod of WI School of Lay Ministry. Title of lectures: “The Context of the Reformation,” “Art and the Dissemination of Religious Ideas,” “Artistic Perceptions of the Reformation,” “Christian Life and Vocation.” Chippewa Falls, WI, November 13-14, 2015. Panel responder, with Mary E. Hunt and Patricia B. Jung, “Beyond Down and Dirty: From Good to Great Sex (in light of the book Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives from the World’s Religions).” Panel presenters: Brandy Daniels, Fitri Junoes, and Alicia Besa-Panganiban, American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, November 21, 2015. 2014 Lecture at Valparaiso University Law and Lutheran School of Theology Conference “So Much Great Fruit: Lutheran Perspectives on Contemporary Legal Issues.” Title of lecture: “Citizenship and Human Trafficking,” Chicago: March 24-28. Participant at the ISA (International Studies Abroad) Faculty Seminar: “From Curriculum Integration to Intercultural Competence: Facilitating Learning and Development for U.S. Students.” Prague and Brussels, June 14-21. Lecturer at Cátedra Carnahan (“Camino al 500th Aniversario de la Reforma Evangélica”). Conferences: “Mirada de la Reforma A Traves del Arte” with David Roldán and Paula Seiguer, respondents (October 20), “Las Mujeres y la Reforma” with Daniel Beris and Marcela Bosch, respondents (October 21), “Teologia Luterana como desafio al Fundamentalismo” with Mercedes Garcia Bachmann y Fortunato Mallimacci, respondents (October 22). Seminars: “Hacia una Teología Política/Pública Luterana (October 20), “Vocación y Creación”(October 21), “Pues Dios es un Dios de los Cuerpos”(October 22). 2013 Lectures at Curso de Gênero do CESEEP (Centro Ecumênico de Serviços à Evangelização e Educação Popular). Topic: “Gênero: Justiça, Paz e Integridade da Criação.” São Paulo, January 23-24, 2013. Roundtable presentation at Seminário Internacional Fazendo Gênero 10: Desafios Atuais dos Feminismos. Title of the presentation: “Laico e Religioso: a Construcao das Fronteiras nos debates sobre Políticas por Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos.” Florianópolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, September 16-29, 2013. Coordinator, with Lori Altmann, of the Working Group at Seminário Internacional Fazendo Gênero 10: Desafios Atuais dos Feminismos. Title of the Working Group: Simpósio Temático – Gênero e Religião: Espaços, deslocamentos e construção de identidade. Florianópolis, Universidade federal de Santa Catarina, September 16-29, 2013. 2012 Keynote address at International Theological Conference, “O Corpo de Deus: A Encarnação como Subversão” (The Body of God: Incarnation as Subversion). São Leopoldo, Brazil, September 11, 2012. Keynote address at IV Biennial Conference for Research in Diaconia and Christian Social 15 Practice. Conference: “Displayed Bodies, Hidden Stories: Human Trafficking and its Challenges for Diaconia.” Prague, September 27-19, 2012. Panel presentation "Tolerance then and now: the development of religious pluralism from the Reformation to modernity" Panel members: Hans Cools, Matthew Larson, Todd Green and Karla Suomala. Decorah, IA (Luther College), Oct. 21, 2012. Presentation at the AAR Bible in Racial, Ethnic, and Indigenous Communities Group. Theme: The Bible and Colonialism: Latin America and the Caribbean. Topic of the presentation: “The Bible and Non-Being: When Meaning Fosters Identity.” Chicago, November 18, 2012. 2011 Presentation at the Forum for Theology and Liberation (paper was read but I did not present it at conference). “A Theology of Embodiment: The Enfleshment of God.” Dakar, Senegal, January 5-11, 2011. Drafting of final document for the International Peace Convocation “Just Peace Companion.” Kingston, Jamaica, May 17-25. Lectures for Haiti Week: “Call to be Global Citizens,” “A Theology of the Cross,” “Suffering, Resilience, Hope,” “Embodied Theology,” and “An Ethics of Care.” Holden Village, WA, June 18-25. Public Lecture at the Strasbourg International Ecumenical Seminar. “Lutherans and Roman Catholics in Dialogue in Latin America; A Brazilian Perspective.” Strasbourg, France, June 30July 7, 2011. 2010 Public lecture at the International Conference of Theology and liberation (celebrating the 30th anniversary of Oscar Romero’s death). “La lucha continua! The struggle goes on! Liberation theology in Latin America.” Lund, Sweden, March 24-25. Presentation at the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Bilateral Dialogue Committee. “Justification, Baptism, and Faith: A Lutheran Perspective.” Regensburg, Germany, October 23-28. 2009 Conference of Brazilian Priests and Pastors, organized by CEBI (Center for the Study of the Bible). Title of presentation: “Ordained Ministry in the 21st century: How to Face the Challenges of Fundamentalism and Prosperity Theology in Light of Jesus’ Liberating News.” Erechim, Brazil, March 23-26, 2009. Public lecture at the Evansgelische Fachhochschule. Title of lecture: “Embodiment: Christian theology beyond the mind-body dualism. Leiblichkeit: Christiche Theologie jenseits von LeibSeele Dualismus” Nuremberg, Germany, June 24, 2009. Conference at the Augustana Hochschule. “Hermeneutics of the Body: a Feminist Liberationist Approach.” Neuendettelsau, Germany, June 25, 2009. Public lecture (Religion Forum) at Luther College. "Artistic Perceptions of the Reformation." October 22, 2009. 2008 16 The ELCA Conference Vocation of a Lutheran College – “Educating for responsible citizenship.” Title of lecture: “Seeking the common good: Lutheran contributions to global citizenship.” Decorah, August 2, 2008. Escola Superior de Teologia’s Symposium on Feminist Theology. Title of lectures: “Teologia feminista: trajetórias, diálogos, rupturas e horizontes” and “Cidadania da teologia feminista.” São Leopoldo, Brazil, June 27, 2008. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Luther Hostel. Title of lectures: “Advocacy and Political Participation: Is there a Lutheran Public Theology?” “What does Lutheran Theology say about Fundamentalism?” “Vocation, Creation, Incarnation: Our call to be fully human” “Towards an Ethics of Embodied Care”. Waterloo, ON, Canada, June 10-13, 2008. The 2008 Montana Synod Assembly and Theological Conference on Living faith in a world of fear: Global Mission, Global Vision. Title of lectures: “Overcome by faith, not fear: living out God’s freedom in a troubled world” and “ God’s Mission in the World: Lutheran Contributions to Global Citizenship.” Billings, June 7, 2008. The ELCA Hein-Fry Lectures. Title of lectures: “What does Lutheran theology say about fundamentalism?” and “Advocacy and political participation: is there a Lutheran public theology?” The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, PA, February 19, 2008; Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA, February 29, 2008; Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL, March 13, 2008; Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, Columbia, SC, April 24, 2008. Lecture at Paróquia Luterana de Belém. Title: “Religião e Violência (Religion and Violence).” Belém, Brazil, January 10, 2008. 2007 Burgess Lecture at Luther Seminary. Title: “The quotidian the mission of the church: saving souls, feeding bodies, healing lives.” St. Paul, MN, October 10, 2007. Presentation at the Research Seminar on Hetetopic Citizenship. Title: “Citizenship, Otherness, and Religious Discourse.” Oslo, October 4-5, 2007. Lecture at the Lutheran World Federation Lutheran Seminar on Fundamentals for a Lutheran communion in the face of fundamentalism. Title: "Lutheran notes on the fundamental problem with fundamentalism." Akersberg, Sweden, March 19, 2007. Brown Bag Seminar at Luther College to present the results of the research grant provided by the Doris and Ragnvald Ylvisaker Endowment for Faculty Growth. “God, sex, and bodies.” Decorah, February 22, 2007. Presentation at the Lutheran Ethicists Conference sponsored by the ELCA. Topic: “For God is also the God of bodies: embodiment and sexuality in Martin Luther’s theology.” Dallas, January 4, 2007. 2006 Lecture at the Iowa Chapter of the AAUW. Title: “Knowledge is Power: The Role of Education in Brazil.” Waverly, May 18, 2006. Lecture at the Consultation of CETELA (Latin American Association of Theological Schools). Title: “Interculturalidade, Negociação de Saberes e Educação Teológica - Desafios para a América Latina e Caribe no século 21.” São Paulo, July 6, 2006. 17 Keynote address at the II Congresso Latino-Americano de Gênero e Religião (Latin American Conference on Gender and Religion). Title: “Rasgando Véus: Do Discurso Violento da Religião ao Conhecimento Transformador.” São Leopoldo, August 16, 2006. Interviews: “A Teologia Feminista e o Deus de Muitos Nomes”. Cadernos IHU em Formação. Ano 2, N. 8, 2006, p. 111-113. “Rasgando véus.” September 9, 2006. Interview available online: 2005 Presentation at the Lutheran Ethicists Conference sponsored by the ELCA. Topic: “Vulnerability and security: a paradox based on a theology of incarnation.” Miami, January 6, 2005. Presentation at the World Forum on Theology and Liberation (January 21-25). Topic of the lecture: “Social context, language, and images of God”. Porto Alegre, January 23, 2005. Presentation at the World Social Forum panel, organized by the World Council of Churches. Title of the panel: “ Women’s spirituality of life and dignity”. Other member of the panel: Chung Hyun Kyung, Ofelia Ortega, Carmencita Karagdad, and Eunice Santana. Porto Alegre, January 27, 2005 ( Brown Bag presentation at Luther College. Title: “A theology of human bodies”. Decorah, IA. March 9, 2005. Lecture at Chicago Seminary Summer Session, sponsored by the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago Theological Seminary, and McCormick Theological Seminary. Title: “The ties that bind: Religion in a globalized age.” Chicago, June 22, 2005. Lecture at the Conference of Teaching Theologians. Title: “Global theology and its implications for the North Atlantic world.” Saint Paul, August 20, 2005. Workshop for Church Leaders (Luther College Sense of Vocation). “Sources for Social Justice in Christianity and Buddhism.” Decorah, October 20, 2005. Co-leader: Prof. Gereon Kopf. Lecture at the Consultation on Episkopé, sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation and the Institute for Ecumenical Research. Title: “The ministry of oversight and the responsibility of bishops: the order of Episkopé in Latin America.” Kingenthal, Fance, October 26-30, 2006. Lecture at Luther College Religion Forum. Title: “Sex, sin, and human bodies.” Decorah, November 15, 2005. Interviews: Interview on National Public Radio – Talk of the Nation. “Religious perspectives on Globalization”. Other guests: Richard Cizik, Tariq Ramadan, Rabbi David Rosen. May 16, 2005. “Ecumenical presence at the World Social Forum” The Christian Post. January 28, 2005. Available online: 18 2004 Presentation at the Forum Nacional da Unidade: Contexto e Identidade da IECLB. Topic: “A Unidade como Dádiva”. Araras, RJ, May 4-7, 2004. Theological advisor for Encontro Estadual de Teologia Feminista. Topic: “Ecofeminismo”. Passo Fundo, RS, May 14-17, 2004. Participation in Seminário de Mulheres do Cone Sul, promoted by the Lutheran World Federation. São Leopoldo, May 18-21, 2004. Workshop leader for Sisters of Notre Dame. Topic: “Teologia Feminista”. Passo Fundo, RS, May 28-30. Presentation at the Ordem Auxiliadora de Senhoras Evengélicas Gathering. Topic: “Violência contra a mulher”. Teutônia, RS: June 2, 2004. Presentation at Forum da Educação do Instituto Porto Alegrense (IPA). Topic: “Gênero na Educação”. Porto Alegre, June 28-29, 2004. Presentation for the Regional Commission of Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. Topic: “A igreja como um corpo”. São Leopoldo, July 2, 2004. Keynote address to the Congress of Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (SOTER). Topic: “Teologia e corporeidade”. Belo Horizonte, July 12-15, 2004. Participation in the Intercultural Ethical Deliberation Research Team (Lutheran World Federation). Topic: “The role of Lutheran Theology in Women’s Education”. Erlangen, July 1923, 2004. Interview: “El modelo masculino vigente ya no satisface.” ALC Agencia Latinoamericana y Caribena de Comunicacion. March 29, 2004. Available online: 2003 Presentation at the International Network of Advanced Theological Education (INATE) Symposium. Topic: “HIV/Aids: a Brazilian Outlook”. Theme of the Symposium: Theological responses to illness, stigma and discrimination: forging contextual theologies in an era of HIV/Aids. Pietermaritzburg, África do Sul, January 24 – 30, 2003. Presentation at the I Seminário de Professores da Instituição Evangélica Novo Hamburgo (IENH). Topic: “Ética: uma questão de princípios e compromisso”. Novo Hamburgo, RS, January 18, 2003. Inaugural address of the Curso de Teologia da UNILASALLE. Topic: Religião e a construção das identidades masculina e feminina. Canoas, RS, March 26, 2003. Lecture at the VI Curso Ecumênico Popular “Dignidade humana: Justiça e Trabalho -Construindo a paz, celebrando a vida” (1-4/05). Topic of the lecture: “A dignidade de quem trabalha”. Passo Fundo, RS, May 3, 2003. 19 Lecture for nurses at Hospital Moinhos de Vento pelo Dia Nacional da Enfermagem. Topic: “A ética do cuidado a partir de um enfoque de gênero”. Theological advisor for the VIII Encontro Estadual de Teologia Feminista “Corporeidade, Mulher e Poder”. Santo Ângelo, RS, May 16-18, 2003. Panel presentation at Bossey Women’s Seminar. Topic: “God’s mission from a feminist perspective” Bossey, June 5-8, 2003. Theological advisor for the Encontro Nacional de Biblistas do CEBI. São Leopoldo, July 710, 2003. Participation in the Lutheran World Federation Research Group on “Intercultural Ethical Deliberation”. Chicago, July 13-16, 2003. Attendance of the XIX General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation in Winnipeg, Canada, July 21 a 31, 2003. Co-coordinator of the section “God’s healing gift of Justification”; member of the drafting team of the General Assembly’s final document. Bible Study facilitator at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Churchwide Assembly, Milwaukee, August 12, 2003. Participation in the Grupos Assessores da Presidência da Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil (IECLB) – Grupo de Gênero. São Leopoldo, September 2 – 4, 2003. Presentation at the International Symposium for Diaconia. Topic: “Hermeneutics of Embodiment and Diaconia” Oslo, September 25 e 26, 2003. Presentation at the Fórum da Mulher Luterana. Topic: “A violência intrafamiliar e sua dimensão religiosa”. São Leopoldo, October 1st, 2003. Presentation at the Congress of the Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Educação (Anped). Topic: “Educação popular e a ética do cuidado” Poços de Caldas, MG, October 5-7, 2003 Presentation at the Congress of the Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Educação (Anped). Special session on innovative research. Topic: “Epistemologia feminista”. Poços de Caldas, MG, October 5-7, 2003 Guest speaker at the Curso de Teologia Feminista do Instituto Missioneiro de Teologia (IMT), Santo Ângelo, RS, October 13-17, 2003. 2002 Presentation at the International Labor Organization (ILO) Consultation on Decent Work. Topic: “The Ethics of Decent Work: A Latin American Reflection”. Geneva, February 22-25, 2002. Presentation at the Seminário de Formação para Mulheres. Topic: "Com olhos de mulher: um enfoque bíblico, teológico e eclesiástico da realidade das mulheres hoje". Rodeio 12, SC, March 9-10, 2002. Participation at the Lutheran World Federation Consultation on Justification by Faith. Dubuque, IA, April 14-18 de abril , 2002. Lecturer at the Curso sobre Sexualidade do Departamento Nacional de Assuntos da Juventude (DNAJ). Topic: “Ética responsável e sexualidade humana”. São Leopoldo, RS, May 3-5, 2002. 20 Presentation for the Ordem Auxiliadora de Senhoras Evangélicas (OASE). Topic: “Autoestima, experiência e a vida das mulheres”. Camboriú, SC, May 8, 2002. Lecturer at the Curso de Formação Continuada para Educadores. Topic: “Sexo, raça, educação, ética e classe social". Horizontina, RS, June 1st, 2002. Presentation at the Congresso da Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (SOTER). Topic: "Temas e metodologias nas Teologias Feministas". Cachoeira do Campo, MG, July 8-12, 2002. Panel presentation at the Congresso da Sociedade de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (SOTER). Topic: “Gênero: Perspectivas para o futuro das igrejas". Cachoeira do Campo, MG, July 8-12, 2002. Guest lecturer at Holden Village Retreat Center. Topic: “Liberation Theology, Feminist Theology, Ethics, and Hermeneutics”. Chelan, WA, July 15-27, 2002. Inaugural address at Escola Superior de Teologia. Topic: “Hermenêutica da Corporeidade: o que dizer do corpo na teologia?” São Leopoldo, RS, July 31st, 2002. Presentation at the VI Encontro Estadual de Mulheres Dirigentes Sindicais da Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura no Rio Grande do Sul (FETAG). Topic: "Teologia Feminista e o Mito da Maternidade". Porto Alegre, August 13, 2002. Presentation at the XVII Feira do Livro de São Leopoldo "Ler é saber aprender". Topic: “Relações de gênero”. São Leopoldo, September 5, 2002. Panel presentation at the Núcleo de Antropologia e Religião (NUR) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Topic: "Sacerdócio feminino e cidadania". Florianópolis, SC, September 25, 2002. Presentation for the Ordem Auxiliadora de Senhoras Evangélicas (OASE). Topic: “Contribuições e desafios da Reforma Protestante: um estudo sobre as mulheres pregadoras. Blumenau, October 25, 2002. Lecturer at the Semana da Reforma. Topics: “Lutero: um reformador da Igreja” and “Somente pela graça: o impacto da justificação ontem e hoje.”. Blumenau, October 25 e 26, 2002. Panel presentation at the Feira do Livro de Porto Alegre. Topic: “Corporeidade e Filosofia”. Porto Alegre, November 7, 2002. Theological advisor for the XVI Assembléia Nacional do CEBI. Topic: “Ecofeminismo”. São Leopoldo, November 11 a 17, 2002. Presentation at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Pre-meetings: Lutheran Women Theologians. Topic: “Engendering Theological Education: a Brazilian Case Study”. Toronto, November 21-23, 2002. Theological advisor for the Centro de Estudos Bíblicos (CEBI – Sul) workshop. Topic: “Ecofeminismo”. Lages, SC, December 7-8, 2002. Presentation at SOTER – Sul annual gathering. Topic: “Teologia feminista: método e temas”. Florianópolis, SC, December 10-12, 2002. Presentation for women agricultural workers at the Sindicato de Trabalhadores Rurais de Igrejinha. Topic: : “Mulher, cidadania e compromisso ético: os direitos das mulheres e os direitos das trabalhadoras.” Igrejinha, RS, December 18, 2002. 21 2001 Presentation at the Encuentro de Pastoras e Lideres "Genero y Mission". Topic: "Fundamentos teólogicos de la misión de la Iglesia desde la perspectiva de género." Barranquilla, Colômbia, January 8-10, 2001. Presentation at the Consulta de Missão, promoted by the Conselho Latino-Americano De igrejas (CLAI). Topic: "Misión de la Iglesia en America Latina y sus defafios para el Nuevo Milenio". Barranquilla, Colômbia, January 12-15, 2001. Presentation at the Curso Oscar Romero, promoted by Instituto de Filosofia e Teologia Santa Maria (IFITESMA) e Equipe Diocesana de Articulação de CEBs. Topic: "A mulher na Igreja e na Sociedade". Santa Maria, January 16, 2001. Theological advisor for the Curso de Capacitação de Professores da Rede Sinodal de Educação – Região Serra. Topic: “Pontos Principais da Teologia Luterana”. Três de Maio, RS, April 6-7, 2001. Presentation at the Encontro de Formação da Ordem Auxiliadora de Senhoras Evangélicas (OASE) - Vale do Itajaí. Topic: “Lendo a Bíblia com olhos de mulher”. Rodeio 12, April 25, 2001. Guest lecturer for the class on Introdução à Perspectiva Feminista na Educação of the Graduate School of Education of Iniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Topic: “Feminismo e Teologia”. Porto Alegre, May 8, 2001. Panel presentation at Universidade Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Topic: “Por que 'As Mulheres e a Filosofia'?" São Leopoldo, July 31, 2001. Presentation at the Consulta Ecumênica da Juventude, promoted by Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço (CESE). Topic: “Cidadania, diaconia e juventude”. Salvador, July 2-5, 2001. Panel presentation at the I Simpósio Nacional As Mulheres e a Filosofia. Topic: “O Feminino: Experiência e Narrativa". São Leopoldo, August 13-16, 2001. Panel presentation at Livraria Paulinas. Topic: "Gênero e teologia". Porto Alegre, August 18, 2001. Presentation at the Conference on Christian-Buddhist Dialog. Topic: "Religious Communities respond to globalization". Toronto, October 11, 2001. Panel presentation at Harvard University. Topic: "Women's Religious Wisdom on Sexuality". Cambridge, November 1st, 2001. Presentation at the International Affairs Committee, Presbyterian Church Canada. Topic: "What can the church say to the world?" Toronto, November 17, 2001. Presentation at the Toronto School of Theology. Topic: "The Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women in Brazil". Toronto, November 23, 2001. Panel presentation at Loyola University. Topic: "Women's Religious Wisdom on Sexuality"., Chicago, November 28, 2001. Presentation at the Asian Theology Conversation Series. Topic: "Explorations into a theology of embodiment". Toronto, December 6, 2001. 22 2000 Presentation at II Encuentro-Taller de Profesoras de Teologia. Topic: "Desafíos del nuevo milenio para pedagogía y género en la educación teológica". Manágua, Nicarágua, January 2229, 2000. Participation at the preparatory meeting for the I Consulta Luterana Panamericana. Chicago, February 29-March 1st, 2000. Presentation at Encontro de Professoras da Congregação das Irmãs do Imaculado Coração de Maria. Topic: "Nós, mulheres educadoras, participantes na construção da cidadania, hoje." Caxias do Sul, RS, March 5, 2000. Panel presentation at Associação Médica do Rio Grande do Sul - Núcleo de Sexologia. Topic: "Sexo e religião". Porto Alegre, April 17, 2000. Panel presentation at II Encontro de Professores de Educação Superior. Topic: “Ética sob o enfoque luterano - dimensão teológica”. São Leopoldo, RS May 5-6, 2000. Theological advisor for Curso regional do CEBI. Topic: "Gênero, poder, ecologia e ecumenismo". Cacoal, RO, May 9-12, 2000. Theological advisor at X Encontro Intereclesial de Comunidades de Base. Topic: "CEBs, povo de Deus - 2000 anos de caminhada". Ilhéus, BA, July 11-15, 2000. Presentation at the International Network of Advanced Theological Education Symposium. Topic: "Theological education: an instrument for women's citizenship in the church." Budapest, September 2-7, 2000. Presentation at Encontro Municipal de Mulheres. Topic: "Mulheres e auto-estima". Feliz, RS, October 7, 2000. Presentation at Pontifície Universidade Católica (PUC). Topic: " A importância da teologia feminista no currículo teológico". Porto Alegre, October 17, 2000. Panel presentation at III Seminário Internacional de Ciências do Movimento Humano, V Seminário Internacional de Psicologia do Exercício & Esporte, II Seminário Internacional de Fisioterapia. Topic: "Corporeidade". Porto Alegre, October 21, 2000. Presentation at Iglesia Luterana Salvadoreña. Topic: "Teologia feminista". San Salvador, November 15, 2000. Presentation at Las Dignas. Topic: "Corporeidad y Teologia". San Salvador, November 17, 2000. Presentation at Abriendo Ventanas. Topic: "Las mujeres en la Biblia". San Salvador, November 18, 2000. 1999 Presentation at Dia Sinodal da Juventude Evangélica, Sínodo Nordeste Gaúcho. Topic: “Sexualidade”. Linha Nova, RS, April 18, 1999. Presentation at Seminário de Professores de Ensino Religioso da 2a Delegacia de Educação (DE) e Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura (SEMEC) de Estância Velha. Topic: “Sexualidade responsável”. Estância Velha, RS, April 29, 1999. 23 Presention for Ordem Auxialiadora de Senhoras Evangélicas (OASE) Sínodo Nordeste Gaúcho. Topic: “É tempo de lançar...” Igrejinha, RS, May 1st, 1999. Presentation at Dia Paroquial da OASE. Topic: “Auto-estima”. Santo Ângelo, RS, May 14, 1999. Theological advisor for Encontro Estadual de Teologia Feminista. Topic: “Relações de poder”. Santo Angelo, RS, May 14-16, 1999. Guest lecturer at Curso de Cultura Religiosa da ULBRA. Topic: “Ética e reprodução assistida: o caso da inseminação artificial”. Canoas, RS, May 21, 1999. Presentation at Curso de Comunicação Social - IELUSC. Topic: “Do céu ao inferno: Gênero, simbolismo e poder”. Joinville, SC, May 25, 1999. Presentation at Comunidade Evangélica de Belo Horizonte. Topic: “Gênero: Relações de parceria entre homens e mulheres”. Belo Horizonte, June 4, 1999. Presentation at XIII Semana de Atualização de Gestores de Recursos Humanos, promoted by Associação Brasileira de Recursos Humanos - Regional Joinville. Topic: “Gênero, Simbolismo e Poder”. Joinville, July 13, 1999. Presentation at Encontro da Congregação das Irmãs Franciscanas de Nossa Senhora Aparecida. Topic: “Visão feminista de Deus Pai na Bíblia”. Porto Alegre, July 26, 1999. Presentation at the Global Consultation on Theological Education, sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation. Topic: “Feminist theology: Rethinking of theological education”. Rome, August 23-28, 1999. Presentation at Simpósio Internacional Teologia e Humanismo Social Cristão, sponsored by UNISINOS. Topic: “Fundamentos bíblicos do Humanismo Social Cristão”. São Leopoldo, August 31-September 3, 1999. Presentation at III Semana de Estudos da Religião, sponsored by Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Topic: “Jesus em perspectiva feminista”. São Paulo, October 5, 1999. Presentation at Seminario de Teologia Ecumenica, Centro Emanuel. Topic: “Ministerio y rol de las mujeres en la historia y teología de las Iglesias Protestantes”. Colonia Valdense, Uruguay, October 16, 1999. Presentations at the T.A. Kantonen Ecumenical Institute, Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Topics: “The state of global Lutheranism today” and “Lutheranism in the United States”. Columbus, Ohio, October 20, 1999. 1998 Theological advisor and coordinator of Bible Studies for the Workshop on Human Resources and Community, Lutheran World Fedearation. Topic: “Identifying resources for the work of the church and community”. Nairobi, Kenya, February 23-26, 1998. Visiting professor at Gurukul Summer Institute “Feminist Perspectives and Praxis”, sponsored by Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute. Topics: “Feminist methodology as a critique and renewal of theology” and “Can Christology be freed from patriarchy?”. Coonoor, India, April 26-May 7, 1998. 24 Presentation at Women’s religious wisdom on sexuality Seminar, sponsred by the Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health & Ethics. Topic: “Beyond compulsory motherhood”. Amsterdam, July 1-5, 1998. Presentation at Semana Teológica da Escola Superior de Teologia. Topic: “Os tortuosos caminhos de Deus: Igreja e homossexualidade.” São Leopoldo, September 17, 1998. Presentation at Seminário de Población y Salud Reproductiva, sponsored by Fondo de Poblacion de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) and Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (CLAI). Topics: “Direitos reprodutivos na América Latina: uma análise crítica e teológica a partir da realidade do Brasil”. Cancún, México, September 21-25, 1998. Presentation at the 50th anniversary of the Lutheran World Federation celebration, sponsored by the Lutheran School of Theology. Topic: “Communion and reconciliatoin”. Chicago, Ocotber 1-5, 1998. Presentation at the Symposium “Justification in the world’s contexts: Identity and relevance of the global Christian faith,” sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation. Topic: “Justification today”. Wittenberg, Germany, October 27-31, 1998. Presentation at the University of Marburg. Topic: “Feminist theology in Latin America” Marburg, November 2, 1998. The same lecture was also delivered at the University of Frankfurt, November 4, 1998. Panel presentation at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) Annual Meting. Topic: “Good sex: women’s religious wisdom on sexuality.” Orlando, November 21-24, 1998. Keynote address at the World Council of Churches Assembly. Topic: “Metanoia”. Harare, Zimbabwe, December 3-13, 1998. Interview: “Christen muessen Risiken eingehen”. Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland. December 4, 1998. Available online: 1997 Theological advisor for Encontro Estadual de Estudantes de Teologia das instituições católicas. Topic: “Gênero e Bíblia”. Porto Alegre, May 24-25, 1997. Keynote address at the Lutheran World Federation Pre-Assembly Youth Conference. Topic: “Be not ashamed -- Christ has let us free”. Bangkok, June 29-July 5, 1997. Delegate to the IX General Assembly of the Lutheran World federation. Theme: “In Christ -called to witness”. Hong Kong, July 8-16, 1997. Discussion facilitator for the thematic group “Gender and the theology of the churches” and member of the Assembly’s final document drafting team. Theological advisor for Curso de Inverno (Programa Ecumênico de Formação de Líderes), sponsored by CEBI, CECA, PPL and UNISINOS. Topic: “Espiritualidade, Mística e Cidadania”. Porto Alegre, July 24-27, 1997. 25 Presentation at III Encontro de Esposas de Pastores da RE IV. Topic: “Mulheres na Bíblia: histórias de vida que se entrelaçam com a nossa vida”. São Leopoldo, Agust 23, 1997. Presentation at II Seminário Nacional da Década Ecumênica de Solidariedade das Igrejas com as Mulheres (CONIC). Topic: “Ética e Relações de Gênero”. São Paulo, August 29-31, 1997. Theological advisor for the III Encontro Estadual de Estudantes de Teologia. Topic: “Teologia num mundo em mudanças: mulher e homem em missão (Mística, Afetividade, Diálogo)”. Porto Alegre, September 4-7, 1997. Presentation at the Women’s religious wisdom on sexuality Symposium, sponsored by the Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health & Ethics. Topic: “Beyond compulsory motherhood”. Philadelphia, October 23-26, 1997. 1996 Theological advisor for the Curso de Pastoral e Relações de Gênero do CESEP (Centro Ecumênico de Serviços à Evangelização e Educação Popular). Topic: “Reflexão teológica desde a perspectiva de Gênero”. São Paulo, March 20-21, 1996. Presentatin at Fórum Permanente de Diaconia. Topic: “Diaconia e Teologia Feminista”. São Leopoldo, May 14, 1996. Presentation at Congresso Distrital da OASE (Ordem Auxiliadora de Senhoras Evangélicas). Topic: “A valorização da mulher na Igreja”. Três de Maio, RS, May 22, 1996. Presentation at I Simpósio de Bioética e Reprodução Humana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ). Topic: “O diálogo (in)fecundo entre a teologia cristã e a ética feminista”. Rio de Janeiro, June 12-13, 1996. Participation in the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions. Theme: “Partnership in Theological Education: Conversation and Communion”. Nairobi, Kenya, June 26-July 4, 1996. Presentation at Dia Distrital da Igreja. Topic: “Mulheres na Bíblia”. São Leopoldo, August 18, 1996. Presentation at Fórum da Mulher Luterana. Topic: “Conscientização de Gênero”. Curitiba, September 7-8, 1996. Advisor and facilitator for the World Council of Churches Regional Consultation on Mission. Theme: “Desafios Missionários na Realidade Brasileira”. São Leopoldo, September 9-11, 1996. Theological advisor for Curso do CEBI (Centro Ecumênico de Estudos Bíblicos). Topic: “As bruxas na história e na Bíblia”. São Leopoldo, october 28-29, 1996. Theological advisor for Encontro Regional de Mulheres da Década Ecumênica de Solidariedade das igrejas com as Mulheres. Topic: “Relações de Gênero”. Porto Alegre, October10, 1996. 26 Presentation at Pastoral Universitária da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Topic: “Teologia Feminista”. Santa Maria, October 15, 1996. Advisor and facilitator for Encontro Nacional de Pastoras da IECLB (Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil). Topic: “Prática Pastoral na Perspectiva de Gênero”. São Leopoldo, November 6-8, 1996. Presentation at Seminário de Diretores/as de Escolas Estaduais da 3. DE (Delegacia de Ensino). Topic: “Ética na Educação: Modelos Teóricos e Práticos para a Formação de Lideranças”. Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, November 12, 1996. Advisor and facilitator for the World Council of Churches’ Conference on Mission and Evangelism. Theme: “Called to one Hope - the Gospel in Diverse Cultures”. Savador, BA, November 24-Dececmber 3, 1996. Organizer of the I Simpósio de Educadoras Teológicas da ASTE (Associação de Seminários Teológicos Evangélicos). Theme: “Mulheres na Educação Teológica”. São Leopoldo, December 15-18, 1996. 1995 Participation in the Seminar on "Intercultural Hermeneutics”, sponsored by the World Council of Churches. Bossey, March 2-7, 1995. Theological adivisor for Curso Intensivo de Teologia Feminista, sponsored by Centro de Estudios Cristianos. Cordoba, Argentina, May 20-21, 1994. Bible study coordinator and panel presenter at the Global Course on Leadership in Lay Training, sponsored vy the World Council of Churches. Topic: “Violence against women”. Rio de Janeiro, June 19-21, 1995. Theological advisor to Festival Bíblico Popular, promoted by CECA, CEBI-SUL, PPL, CEDOPE-UNISINOS. Topic: "Relações de gênero". Porto Alegre, November 18-19, 1994. 1994 Presentation at the Primer Encuentro-Taller de Profesoras de Teología. Topic: "Teoría feminista y metodología teológica". San José, Costa Rica, January 30-February 4, 1994. Panel presentation and member of the drafting team of final document of the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions (Wocati) Executive Commitee Meeting. Topic: "Women in theological education: a Brazilian perspective". Paris, April 9-13, 1994. Participant in the World Council of Churches Semianar. Topic: "Women in dialogue. Wholeness of vision towards the 21st century". Celigny, Switzerlan April 29-May 8, 1994. Theological advisor for Encontro Nacional de Mulheres, sponsored by Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristãs (CONIC). Topic: "A década ecumência de solidariedade das igrejas com as mulheres". São Paulo, June16-18, 1994. 27 Workshop leader for women pastors of the Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no brasil (IECLB) - Região II. Topic: "Temas atuais e desafios da teologia feminista". Itajuba, SC, July 16-17, 1994. Workshop leader for Centro de Estudios Cristianos (CEC). Topic: "Teologia, uma perspectiva feminista." Buenos Aires, September 21-24, 1994. Presentation for women pastors at the Associação de Pastoras e Pastores da IECLB. Topic: "O poder e o não-poder das mulheres". São Leopoldo, September 27-28, 1994. Theological advisor for Encontro de Mulheres Biblistas do CEBI. Topic: "Isaías 41 a 43." Guarulhos, SP, November 21-24, 1994. Theological advisor for Encontro de Mulheres da Pastoral Popular Luterana. Topic: "A vida das mulheres e o poder das palavras." Palmitos, SC, December 8-11, 1994. 1993 Organizer of the Encontro Nacional de Obreiras da IECLB. Theme: “Ministérios”. Esteio, RS, March 11-14, 1993. Presentation at the Grupo de Mulheres da Escola Superior de Teologia da IECLB. Topic: “O Histórico e as Novidades do Movimento Feminista”. São Leopoldo, April 27, 1993 Theological advisor for I Seminário da Mulher Consagrada no Rio Grande do Sul. Topic: “A História das Ordens Religiosas Femininas no Rio Grande do Sul”. Porto Alegre, August 28-29, 1993 Bible Study facilitator for Encontro de Obreiros/as Diaconais da IECLB. Theme: “Nossa História, Nossa Sexualidade”. Porto Alegre, September 10-12, 1993 Guest lecturer at Curso de Metodologia Feminista do IEPG São Paulo. Topic: “Histórico da Hermenêutica Feminista”. São Paulo, September 20, 1993 Participant of the drafting committee of the final document of Encontro Latino-Americano da sessão de Teólogas da Associação Ecumênica de Teólogos do Terceiro Mundo. Rio de Janeiro, December 3-9, 1993 Presentation at Simpósio de Professores/as de História da Igreja, sponsored by Associação de Seminários Teol[ogicos Evangélicos (ASTE). Topic: “Um ensino inclusivo da história da Igreja”. São Paulo, December 12-15, 1993 1992 Panel presentation at V Encontro Mulheres Agora, sponsored by Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristãs (CONIC). Topic: "Esterilização: Solução para a Pobreza?" Porto Alegre, September 24, 1992. Presentation at Encontro Distritial de OASE do Distrito Concódia (IECLB). Topic: "A Mulher na Bíblia - A Mulher Hoje." Getúlio Vargas, RS, September 22, 1992. Presentation and Bible Study facilitator at the Global Mission Events, sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Theme: "Isaiah 42: Sing to the Lord a new Song – 28 Mission in the Americas" Indiana, PA, July 9-1; Thousand Oaks, CA, July 16-19; Rock Island, IL, July 23-26, 1992. Panel presentation at the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions Conference. Topic: "The role of women in Theological Education”. Pittsburgh, June 14-21, 1992. Presentation at Seminário Nacional de Teologia e Direitos Reprodutivos. Topic: "Ética e Teologia dos Direitos Reprodutivos." São Paulo, May 28-31, 1992. Panel presentation for the publication of As origens Cristãs a partir da Mulher. Uma Nova Hermenêutica. Topic: "A Hermenêutica de Elizabeth S. Fiorenza." São Paulo, May 28, 1992. Presentation at Encontro Nacional de Diretorias da OASE. Topic: "O que é Teologia Feminista?" Panambi, April 7-9, 1992. Theological advisor for Seminário de Preparação à Bênção ao Ministério Diaconal. Topic: "O papel das Mulheres na História e na Igreja". São Leopoldo, January 20-31, 1992. Presentation at Curso de Verão - Educação Popular. Topic: "Mulheres e Cultura de Resistência". Porto Alegre, January 4-10, 1992. 1991 Presentation at Encontro Nacional de Mulheres da Pastoral Popular Luterana. Topic: "O que é Teologia Feminista?" Palmitos, SC, December 5-8, 1991. Presentation at II Encontro Brasileiro de Pastoras. Topic: "Hermenêutica Feminista". Curitiba, PR, November 12-14, 1991. Panel presentation at Seminário Internacional sobre Filosofia e Teologia na Ibero-América. Topic: "Gênese e Desenvolvimento da Filosofia e da Teologia na Ibero-América." São Leopoldo, October 24-26, 1991. Bible Study facilitator at Encontro de Mulheres Luteranas Latino-Americanas. Curitiba, PR, October 6-12, 1991. Panel presentation at Simpósio sobre Religião e Socialism. Topic: “A importância da religião para a vida das mulheres”. São Leoplodo, September 20, 1991. Presentation at Encontro Distrital da OASE, Distrito Vale do Jacuí. Topic: "Mulheres a Serviço da Vida". Arroio do Tigre, RS, August 28-29, 1991. Presentation at the International Consultation of Lutheran Women Theologians. Topic: "Feminist Hermeneutics from a Latin American Perspective". Karjaa, Finland, August 18-24, 1991. 1990 Presentation at the ELCA Twentieth Anniversary of the Ordination of Women Conference. Topic: "Hagar and Sarah: How Women from the First World can Dialogue with Women from the Third World". Los Angeles, CA, July 12-15, 1990. Bible Study facilitator at the Missionary Conference of the ELCA. Kenoscha, WI, July 8-11, 1990. 29 Guest lecturer for the Course on Ecumenical Training for Overseas Missionaries. Topic: "What can Brazilian Women teach about Mission?". Chicago, June 21, 1990. 1989 Presentation at the Consultation of Canadian and U.S. delegates to the LWF Assembly, sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Topic: "An Overview of Brazil". Chicago, November 20, 1989. Keynote Address at the International Consultation for Women, Pre-Assembly of the LWF. Topic: "Of Gardens and Theology: Women of Faith Respond". Mexico City, August 29September 7, 1989. 1988 Participant in Conferência de Educadores Teológicos Luteranos do Terceiro Mundo , sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation. Theme: "Releitura da Teologia de Lutero em Contextos do Terceiro Mundo". São Leopoldo, September 5-11, 1988. Participant at the Conference on Gender, Race, Class: Implications for Interpreting Religious Texts, sponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary. Princeton, PA, May16-18, 1988. 1986 Theological advisor for the Youth Conference on Hunger and Justice Issues, sponsored by the Lutheran Church in America. New York and Washington, DC, October 18-25, 1986. Theological advisor for the Appalachia Hunger Seminar, sponsored by the Lutheran Church in America. Annville, KY, August 9-16, 1986. Participant in the Interfaith Women's Conference, sponsored by the American Lutheran Church. Chicago, June 19-22, 1986. Theological advisor for the Seminar on Evangelism and the Poor, sponsored by the American Lutheran Church. San Francisco, March 4-6, 1986. 1985 Presentation at the Consultation on Justification and Justice. Topic: "Does justification by faith speak to women’s experiences?” Mexico City, December 1985. 30