July 2009 - the Schwaben Club!
July 2009 - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community July 2009 www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com WICHTIGE DATEN 2009 Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Festival Schwaben Dancers Fundraiser 22-Aug Schwaben Hall Tag der Donauschwaben 5,6,7-Sep - Labour Day Weekend Kirchweih 12-Sep Main Hall Detroit The Golden Keys Oktoberfest 9-17-Oct All Halls Halloween Party 30-Oct Schwaben Hall Every summer for over 40 years Kitchener has celebrated ethnic diversity and all its wonders. On Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st, 2009, the KitchenerWaterloo Multicultural Festival celebrated, in Victoria Park, with the family event that recognizes the beginning of summer and all that Canada has to offer. The Golden Keys Ladies’ Auxilliary Gründungsfest 21-Nov Main Hall The Golden Keys Christmas Lunch 13-Dec Main Hall New Year’s Eve 31-Dec TBD The Golden Keys IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT As of the July issue, there are 2 ways to receive the Nachrichten. 1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost of $10.00 for the remainder of 2009. Please call the office at 519-742-7979 before June 30 to put your name and address on the mailing list. 2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the Schwaben Club at a cost of $1.00 per issue. We hope that our members will help the Club cover the cost of this valuable newsletter. Impressum IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Berichterstatterin Wera Dennis Telephone (519) 894-6695 or [email protected] Our club had its own booth, offering goulash, spaezle and more. The Kindergruppe and the Schwaben Dancers performed for the crowds and the Donau Dancers and our groups manned the booth throughout the weekend. In spite of a bit of damp weather, the event was said to be a success. Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” July 2009 2 What a beautiful summer we are having. The weather is great, business is steady and we will be quite busy now until the end of the year. We will have a couple of exciting events coming soon and I will tell you more about them when details are complete. Oktoberfest tickets are now on sale and they are starting to sell well, as we look forward to a fun Oktoberfest with the Golden Keys and the “Schwaben 6” all the way from Germany. The year seems to be going fast. Take the time to enjoy each day, that’s what life is all about. I hope to see you soon at some of the many functions at the Schwaben Club. Don Egley Manager Donauschwaben...der Film Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Donauschwaben, Was bleibt, wenn die Donauschwaben, die noch in Ungarn, Kroatien, Serbien oder Rumänien geboren und aufgewachsen sind, einmal nicht mehr unter uns verweilen? Wer wird in 20 Jahren noch wissen, wer die Donauschwaben sind und waren? Soll das Erbe nur in Fotos und Schriften erhalten bleiben? Nur ein umfassender Dokumentarfilm über persönliche Erfahrungen, Geschichte und Kultur der Donauschwaben kann die Lebendigkeit der Donauschwaben für jüngere Generationen erhalten. Wir, das Produktionsteam von teamWERK, haben entschieden den Film auf alle Fälle zu drehen, auch wenn die Finanzierung zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht steht! Wir haben bereits mehrere Letter of Intent, vom SWR Fernsehen (Deutschland) und von Duna-TV (Ungarn), jedoch ist von den genannten Sendern keine finanzielle Beteiligung am Projekt zu erwarten. Mit weiteren Sendern in Deutschland, Österreich, Ungarn, Serbien und Kroatien stehen wir in Kontakt. Außerdem laufen Förderanträge bei Stiftungen und anderen Organisationen. Dennoch ist der finanzielle Aufwand für den continued on page 3 Geburtstage Für Juli Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat Juli Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Wingrad, Sibylla Andrechek, Colin Norlock, Monika Smith, Marilyn Hanke, Dieter Horvath, Heinrich Klenk, Elizabeth Kloss, Erich Pfister, Alois Hild, Mary Melcher, Klara Neidert, Philip Smith, Glenn Geimer, Kathie Neidert, Richard Hoffmann, Elisabeth Preissler, Joseph Reiter, Daniel Klarner, Elisabeth Becker, Herman Clark, Nancy Geimer, Elfi Willyung, Franz Menich, Joseph Walter, Peter Schlosser-Hll, Barbara Neidert, Margarete Markowiak, Katharina Frank, Hasel Hanke, Kirk Champion, Sue Ann Neidenbach, John Orsan, Sophia Olson, Lisa Lang, Nikolaus J. Joseph, Willi Lang, Marianne Betsch, Randy Geburtstag 01 01 02 02 03 04 04 06 06 07 08 08 08 09 09 10 10 11 13 13 13 14 16 16 16 17 18 18 20 20 23 24 24 28 28 31 31 31 continued from page 2 Film nicht allein durch diese Institutionen zu decken und wir bauen daher auch auf Ihre Unterstützung. Mit Ihrer Spende bringen Sie uns alle dem Ziel näher, den Film schnellstmöglich in höchster Qualität zu realisieren. Den aktuellen Spendenstand, das Spendenkonto und weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Webseite: www.donauschwabenderfilm.de . Genaueres zum Aufbau des Films: Im Mittelpunkt des Dokumentarfilms stehen drei Zeitzeugen, die auf der Reise zu ihren Heimatdörfern in Konfrontation mit der Gegenwart, ihr Leben Revue passieren lassen. In einer Parallelmontage erläutern Historiker, Funktionäre und Kulturschaffende kulturhistorische Fakten. Mehrere nachgestellte Szenen (Reenactment) vermitteln einen Eindruck über das Leben und besondere Schicksalsmomente der Donauschwaben: Da wäre zum Beispiel eine Fahrt auf der Ulmer Schachtel, entlang der Donau, ein typisches Familienleben in einen ungarischen Dorf oder die Situation der Unsicherheit während der Vertreibung in einem Güterwaggon. Der erste Zeitzeuge steht bereits fest Michael Kretz, der in Ungarn geborene Donauschwabe, lebt heute in Mosbach, nördlich von Heilbronn (Baden- Württemberg, Deutschland), und ist für uns die ideale Besetzung des ersten Protagonisten. Er blickt auf eine bewegte Vergangenheit zurück und ist trotz seines stolzen Alters von 86 Jahren sehr agil. Unser Filmteam wird sich mit ihm auf die Reise zu seinem ehemaligen ungarischen Heimatdorf nahe Budapest begeben. Im Laufe des Films wird er uns von seinen Erlebnissen aus seiner Jugend bis zum heutigen Tage berichten. Zusätzlich möchten wir historisches Filmmaterial in den Dokumentarfilm einbauen. Vielleicht existiert auch privates Filmmaterial bei Ihnen Zuhause, aus der Zeit vor dem Krieg, gern aber auch während dem Wiederaufbau nach dem Krieg in Deutschland. In diesem Fall wäre ich Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie sich mit mir, Gabriel Beyer von der Firma Teamwerk (Tel. +49 (0) 711-221614) in Kontakt treten. Wie auch immer Sie das Filmprojekt unterstützen möchten, ob mit einer noch so kleinen Heffner Lexus, Heffner Toyota ... moving forward ... our family continues to grow, Be a part of it! 3 Proudly Partnering with our community since 1960 3121 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario N2A 1B1 (519) 748-9666 www.heffner.ca Geldspende, evtl. altem Filmmaterial oder hilfreichen Kontakten, - ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle herzlich dafür bedanken. Spendenkonto Kontoinhaber: teamWERK. Die Filmproduktion GmbH Verwendungszweck: Film Donauschwaben Kontonummer: 144 161 028 BLZ: 600 901 00 IBAN: DE74 6009 0100 0144 1610 28 BIC: VOBADESS Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Unterstützung, mit herzlichen Grüßen aus Stuttgart, Gabriel Beyer Producer: Die Donauschwaben (AT) teamWERK. Die Filmproduktion GmbH Olgastraße 83 D-70182 Stuttgart Tel.: +49 (0)711 / 22 16 14 Fax: +49 (0)711 / 22 16 15 [email protected] www.team-werk.de Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe 4 Our performance at the Multicultural Festival in Victoria Park, June 20, 2009 went amazing. It was a fantastic way to finish our year with a performance done proudly. A big thank you to the parents that volunteered in our food booth: Tara McBride, Lea Becker, Johanne Watchorn, Penny Hanke, Lisa Schaadt, Sharon Ferreira, Karen Braun, Kathy Beckett and Marilynn Smith. Our group is looking forward to a fun filled day at the club’s annual picnic on Sunday, June 28, 2009. We will be fundraising to help with our new outfits by a raffle and a Lemonade Stand. Hope to see you all there! Our new outfits are finally in motion… we are in the process of having new Tracht’s made! We have purchased material and will begin making them this month. Our hope is to have the new outfits completed for our trip to Detroit in September. Registration for fall semester is on-going. Summer Camp Day July 16th, 2009 at 6:30pm. If you are interested in our group please feel free to contact me for more information. Thank you to our members for their continued support! Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President [email protected] 5 DIRECTIONS TO ANNA TUERR MEMORIAL PARK Memorial Service Thursday, July 23, 2009 4:00 p.m. 6 Parking is available along the curbside. There will be some chairs available, but feel free to bring a lawn chair. From Waterloo travelling on Ira Needles: Take Ira Needles Boulevard and continue onto Trussler Road. After you have passed the Conestoga Parkway, turn right onto Rickert Way. At the top of the hill, you will find the entrance to the Anna Tuerr Memorial Park. Donauschwaben...the movie Dear ladies and gentlemen, Dear Danube Swabians, What would happen if the community of the Danube Swabians doesn‘t exist anymore? Imagine, the memory of their culture and their history would die. Their story has to be passed on to the next generation. Thus, we decided to make a documentary, to keep the stories and the experiences of the Danube Swabians alive. The film team consists of the director Gerhard Weber who is Danube Swabian as well and the German filmproduction company teamWERK. Die Filmproduktion GmbH. Gerhard Weber has been fighting many years to tell this chapter of European history. My name is Gabriel Beyer, the executive producer. I‘m concerned with the planning of the shooting, the funding and the search for protagonists. The producers are Günter Moritz and Monika Agler. We are already in contact with Danube Swabian Associations from Germany, Austria and the USA, some broadcast stations, foundations and subsidies. The German broadcaster SWR and DUNA-TV from Hungary intend to broadcast the documentary. Regrettably they aren’t going to fund the project. Therefore we count on you! Your donation will help us realizing the documentary in the best quality. On our website you will get further information and the current state of our film project: www.donauschwabenderflm.de continued on page 7 continued from page 6 About the structure of the film: The documentary is based on three different parts: First of all, interview situations with three witnesses to history. One protagonist is yet known: Michael Kretz has Hungarian roots and is nowadays living in Mosbach, in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg/ Germany. We will accompany him and the other two Danube Swabians to their native towns. Furthermore, reeanactment scenes will narrate some important incidents of the history and the life of the Danube Swabians. Besides, some historians and other witnesses to history from Hungary, Serbia and Rumania will extend the historical facts. We are looking forward to your support. Maybe you have private footage of the expulsion. If you have further questions, just call me or write an e-mail. Sincerely yours, Gabriel Beyer Producer: Die Donauschwaben (AT) teamWERK. Die Filmproduktion GmbH Olgastraße 83 70182 Stuttgart Germany Phone.: +49 (0)711 / 22 16 14 Fax: +49 (0)711 / 22 16 15 [email protected] www.team-werk.de Donation account Account holder: teamWERK. Die Filmproduktion GmbH Reference text Film Donauschwaben IBAN: DE74 6009 0100 0144 1610 28 BIC: VOBADESS Donations towards the newsletter: H. Brattan $10.00 Vielen Dank für die Spende. Ein recht herzliches Willkommen an alle neuen Mitglieder des Kitchener Schwabenklubs: A heartfelt welcome to the new Member of the Kitchener Schwaben Club: Mary Harvey SCHWABEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE BINGO SUPPLIES, Magnetic wands with 100 chips-$9; 100 magnetic chips $3.50; 200 magnetic chips-$5 CALL Cathy Thompson at (519) 569-7824 To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send an email to [email protected] Volunteers Needed The Schwaben Club is looking for volunteers is who would want to help to distribute the Nachrichten newsletter. Options for distribution would include attaching stamps and mailing labels and dropping off at the post office, OR perhaps physically delivering/dropping off the newsletter to the house of people on the mailing list. People interested in volunteering should give/ leave their name and contact info either at the Schwaben Club office, or sendtheir information it to Wera at (519) 894-6695 or [email protected] Picnic The annual Schwaben Club picnic took place on Sunday, June 28th, at the Wilmot Rod and Gun Club. This event was organized by the Schwaben Dancers - and the proceeds went to our dance group. Despite the heavy rain, there was a great turn out! There was fresh goulash and spaetzle - thanks to the amazing assistance from some of the Fraueungruppe - as well as salad, hot dogs, popsicles and delicious crepes with ice cream. The Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe served lemonade and held a raffle. Luckily the horseshoe pits had a roof, so the outdoor tournament was able to proceed! As the day continued, the sun came out! There were lots of fun games for the children to play and win prizes, as well as face painting and a colouring station. The Schwaben Dancers would like to thank everyone who came out and supported our dance group - it is always very much appreciated. Also, thanks to everyone who helped run and organize the picnic - we look forward to next year! 7 Unser Piknik 8 Got it & want to sell it? Need to buy it? Need a service? Check out the Schwaben Classifieds on page 7 NACHRICHTEN ONLINE IN PDF FORMAT Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com