P951111 OSWBworksheets.qxd
P951111 OSWBworksheets.qxd
Key to the exercises 1 1 cruise; 2 crumble; 3 crunchy; 4 crystal; 5 cuckoo; 6 cue; 7 cultivate; 8 cunning; 9 current; 10 curtsy; 11 cutting; 12 cypress 2 1 kitten; 2 key; 3 killer whale; 4 kg, km; 5 kestrel, kingfisher, kiwi; 6 kettledrum, keyboard; 7 kidney, knee, kneecap; 8 kindergarten 3 1 eel; 2 eggplant; 3 editor; 4 edge; 5 effort; 6 ebony; 7 elbow; 8 elderly, 9 electrocute; 10 ecosystem; 11 elderberry 4 1 strawberries; 2 strangely, strategically; 3 strapped, strode; 4 not used in present perfect or past perfect; 5 first syllable; 6 at „Straße“; 7 stray; 8 St, St. 5 Across: 3 Hummer; 4 Ziege; 7 Lachs; 8 Biber; 9 Specht; 10 Nilpferd; 12 Qualle; 13 Wiesel; 17 Meerschweinchen; 22 Schildkroete; 23 Esel; 24 Spinne; 26 Papagei; 27 Forelle; 28 Rebhuhn Down: 1 Dachs; 2 Seehund; 5 Geier; 6 Schlange; 11 Frettchen; 14 Eichhoernchen 15 Kuechenschabe; 16 Habicht; 18 Nachtigall; 19 Raupe; 20 Eisvogel; 21 Adler; 25 Nerz 11 Across: 5 homework; 6 break; 7 compasses; 10 chalkboard; 12 map; 15 dictionary; 17 desk; 18 curriculum; 20 timetable; 21 ruler; 22 textbook Down: 1 workshop; 2 lesson; 3 principal; 4 eraser; 8 laboratory; 9 classroom; 11 gymnasium; 13 highlighter; 14 calculator; 16 classmate; 19 report The missing word is “caretaker”. 12 1 1: There were rabbit tracks in the garden. 2 3: The left lane is for buses and taxis. 3 1: Which trail is the inspector on? 4 4: There is a touch of salt missing in the salad. 5 2: The whiskey contained traces of poison. 6 idiom: The scientists are onto the virus. 13 1 soon; 2 lily; 3 mole; 4 measure; 5 food; 6 beer; 7 crow; 8 lease 14 u. cute, suit; c dustbin, puffin; 8 cushion, push; 3. turtle, purple; 4 surprise; syrup; 9 busy Example: The cute puffin in a purple suit sitting on his cushion was surprised when he saw the busy turtle pushing a dustbin with syrup along the road. 6 1 la9; 2 noun, verb; 3a lay, liegen; 3b lying, lied, lügen; 4a around/about; 4b down; 5a Hör nicht auf sie, sie lügt immer. 5b Da liegt das Problem. 5c Ich wollte ihn nicht kränken, deshalb habe ich ihm eine Notlüge erzählt. 5d Sonntags schlafe ich gerne aus. 15 1 (5) !visi1bility; 2 (3) 1visitor; 3 (4) vo1cational; 4 (5) vo1cabulary; 5 (3) !volun1teer; 5 (1) vote; 7 (2) 1voucher; 8 (4) 1vulnerable 7 1 correct; 2 not correct: lighted is used as an adjective before nouns, lit is a past participle; 3 not correct: light is regular; 4 correct; 5 not correct: it can be used in the plural when it means “lamp” 17 Angst fear – Hirsch deer; Anteil share – Birne pear; Kraft power– Mehl flour; Locke curl – Perle pearl; Schnecke snail – Wal whale file s er plier ils wr en ch ver dri w e scr tape measure w sa 10 that’s fantastic ill dr mm ha 9 1 road unterwegs; 2 clear etwas deutlich machen; 3 happy herzlichen Glückwunsch; 4 hand Hände hoch!; 5 grit mit den Zähnen knirschen; 6 deep Tiefkühltruhe; 7 grant jemanden als selbstverständlich hinnehmen; 8 message begreifen; 9 get jdn zurückrufen; 10 once noch einmal 18 na 8 verbs: process, prod, promote, protect nouns: problem, process, product, proof adjective: probable, progressive, prompt, proof adverb: provocatively, prominently, prompt, promptly words of more than one kind: process (verb, noun); prompt (adj, adv); proof (adj, noun) 16 1 wei g ht; 2 sa l mon; 3 h our; 4 w riter; 5 k nife; 6 lam b On a bicycle 19 1 drinks: beer, (stew), milk, coffee; 2 cutlery: fork, knife, tablespoon, (slice); 3 fruit: orange, apple, (celery), grape; 4 vegetables: asparagus, radish, lettuce, (trout); 5 spices: salt, pepper, (roll), cinnamon; 6 desserts: (chips), pie, ice cream, fruit salad; 7 crockery: plate, (cream), bowl, saucer; 8 breakfast things: cheese, butter, (spinach), cereal Kopiervorlage • Alle weiteren Rechte vorbehalten • © Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2004 21 21 Kinds of sport: rugby, cricket, fencing, judo Sports equipment: gloves, bat, mountain bike, tennis ball 20 1 a bottle of: milk, wine, lemonade, ketchup 2 a packet of: biscuits, rice, crisps 3 a carton of: milk, wine 4 a bag of: rice, crisps 5 a can of: lemonade, soup 6 a jar of: jam, marmalade, peanut butter 23 H H I E T Z L E U R C L O R A N L M N O A E P D N I C E K H S I F L E S E Q I P D R I D Y I C U S R V R U G F J W A B O T B I M O H I T P B M E A M L V R T A C L L U G 24 bad – horrible; big – huge; cold – freezing; dirty –filthy; good – excellent; tired – exhausted; unhappy – miserable; tiring – strenuous Going hiking in the mountains had sounded like an excellent idea. But now after four hours of walking through the pouring rain Jane was exhausted. She was not used to strenuous exercise. She felt really miserable and her hands and feet were freezing.Her clothes were filthy. Jane wanted to cry. But suddenly the horrible rain stopped and in the distance over the valley there was a huge rainbow. It had been worth the effort after all! 25 Across: 2 bookshop; 4 autumn; 7 tap; 9 holiday; 11 underground; 13 football; 14 handbag; 15 boot; 17 rubbish; 18 wallet Down: 1 petrol; 3 pavement; 5 tram; 6 mobile; 8 facecloth; 10 caretaker 12 motorway; 16 lift 26 1 theater (o); 2 fiber (t); 3 color (m); 4 story (s); 5 catalog (a); 6 favor (v); 7 draft (i); 8 practice (r); 9 jewelry (e) – movie star 27 Across: 2 trash; 3 subway; 6 elevator; 8 fall; 9 janitor; 14 streetcar; 15 soccer; 16 washcloth; 17 trunk Down: 1 faucet; 4 billfold; 5 bookstore; 7 vacation; 8 freeway; 10 cellphone; 11 gasoline; 12 purse; 13 sidewalk 28 1 1wqri4 (p); 2 1rek0.d (r); 3 41dres (t); 4 1ter4tri (e); 5 nju.z (i); 6 1pl2.st4 (a); – pirate 29 AE: cardigan, dress, jacket, jumper, pants, panty hose, skirt, tuxedo, undershirt, vest BE: cardigan, dinner jacket, dress, jacket, jumper, knickers, pants, skirt, tights, vest 22 22 freie Übung R I I C P R D I R E J A D P Z Y Q W U R H I E R Z T E I U Q U T G P L U U X D I P U T S I H R O H O R R I B L E D E O C 1 vest BE: Weste, AE: Unterhemd; 2 jumper BE: Pullover, AE: Trägerkleid; 3 pants BE: Unterhose; AE: Hose 30 American: Ocean View Restaurant and Carry Out– Carry Out, favorite, French fries British: Sun Harbour Restaurant and Take Away – Harbour, Take Away, fish and chips, licenced 31 1 bathroom Badezimmer, bedroom Schlafzimmer; 2 trade fair Handelsmesse, funfair Jahrmarkt; 3 airbag Airbag, handbag Handtasche; 4 armchair Sessel, deck chair Liegestuhl; 5 ballpoint Kugelschreiber, power point Steckdose; 6 headlamp Scheinwerfer, street lamp Straßenlaterne; 7 pancake Pfannkuchen, fish cake Fischfrikadelle; 8 workstation Computerterminal, bus station Busbahnhof 32 dis: honest, organized, pleased; il: legal, legible, logical; im: possible, mature, mobile, personal; in: accurate, correct, definite, edible; ir: regular, relevant, responsible; un; fair, happy, kind, pleasant 33 1 popularity; 2 coolness; 3 artist; 4 legally; 5 clueless 34 1 come of age volljährig werden; 2 kill time die Zeit totschlagen; 3 make sb’s day jemandem eine Freude machen; 4 cross your fingers die Daumen drücken; 5 hold the line am Apparat bleiben; 6 laugh your head off sich totlachen; 7 play it by ear improvisieren; 8 in the long run auf die Dauer Kopiervorlage • Alle weiteren Rechte vorbehalten • © Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2004 35 1 up with – your behaviour for far too long; 2 through – to Mr Brown’s office; 3 up – our tent; 4 together – the puzzle will show a hunting scene; 5 off – doing your homework 36 Dear Jamie, I hope you get this email in time before you go on holiday. My new grammar school is very nice. It is a boarding school. As you know my parents are both photographers and have to travel a lot, that’s why I am now here. In my opinion that was a very good idea. I like it here. The school is right in the centre of Neuenkirchen but it is small and friendly. The students and teachers are very committed, the older students all have to look after younger ones. You have to make sure that the younger students are well-behaved and that they study enough so that they don’t disgrace themselves in their weekly tests. I have to go now because it is almost seven and we have to assemble for dinner. I include my new mobile number (0161 1324654) so you can send me a text message if you like. CUSN Paul 38 Once a year, we offer our readers a special trip to unusual locations all over the world. This year our journey takes us from London to Tonga in the South Pacific. For the first week we will explore the island. During the second week we will go on several tours, for example to Niue where we will watch some of the most spectacular dolphins and whales in the world. Interested? Find more information in the travel section of tomorrow’s newspaper. 39 1 Would you like some tea, Mrs Davies? 2 Laziness is his main fault. 3 She always wanted to become a doctor. 4 When does the work start on the new school? 5 I never had my own room when I was small. 6 He speaks three languages fluently. 7 I tried to buy two tickets for the concert. 8 Ask Jim, he always gives good advice. 40 1 He has a strong Scottish accent. 2 None of my brothers is taller than me. 3 I didn’t tell him anything. 4 I’m sure the film isn’t any good. 5 It was really quiet, nobody dared (to) speak. 6 She looks (very) much younger than she is. 37 see below The Director Seaview Hotel 30 Cliffton Drive Scarborough YO12 4W J Ahornallee 44 10629 Berlin Germany 21 July 2004 Dear Sir or Madam Your hotel has been re commended to me by friends from London. I am planning a two-week holiday in Yorkshire in September and would be grateful if you could send me more information about your hotel. I will be coming with my husband and my three children, so we would need a double and a triple room if po ssible. Could you pleas e also inform me if there are any special de als? I look forward to heari ng from you. Yours faithfully Lisa Klein Kopiervorlage • Alle weiteren Rechte vorbehalten • © Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2004 23