GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 6. Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East The National Archives National Archives and R e c o r d s Service General Services Administration Washington: 1959 This finding aid, prepared under the direction of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its custody* The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-82. It may be consulted at the National Archives. A price list appears on the last page. Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications Branch, National Archives, Washington 25, D. C« AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No, 6» Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Bertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East. THE AMERICA!? HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (AHA) COMMITTEE FOR TH15! STUDY OP WAR DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO GERMAF RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, YA. is part of a series of guides prepared by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, ?a. , "by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project. An American Committee for the Study .of War Documents was established in 1955 fts a private group of scholars interested in documentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories. In 1956* *ke American Committee became a committee of the American Historical Association. Its present Chairman (1958) isf Professor Oron J. Hale, University of Virginia, who was preceded by Dean Reginald H. Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M. Case of the University of Pennsylvania. An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II Records Division of the National Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch) at Alexandria, Virginia* The plans for screening and microfilming of these material a-rtrsre prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the Chairmanship to the end of 1956 of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke Univerfcity, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, The Library of Congress* Professor Gerhard L. Weinberg of the University of Kentucky directed the microfilming team in Alexandria, in 1956/7 which is now under the supervision of Dr. Dagmar Horna Perman. The present guide described a complete record'group-filmed by the Microfilming Project of the .SEA. Committee. Singe the project ts not yet complete, the guide to. some record groups will appear la installments. The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of War Documents by the staffs of the World War II Records Division of the National Archives, the National Archives, and the US Department of the Army. Washington, D.C., October 1958 Dr. Boyd 0. Shafer Executive Secretary, AHA P R E F A C E Guide Is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II Records Division, Ifational Archives t that have "been microfilmed "by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association. The Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed, A copy of the data sheet has been filmed as a target sheet at the "beginning of each roll of film. This Guide covers 550 rolls of film of records of various provenance assembled in one record group. Rolls 1-22 contain the records of t&Q Deutsche Akademie M&nchen, filmed selectively (see pp. 1-13). Rolls 23-56 cover the files of the Akademie fttr Deutsche s Recht, filmed without omissions (see pp. 14-27). The records of the Institut fflr Deutsche Ostarbeit (filmed selectively) follow on rolls 57-62 (see pp. 27-33) « Rolls 63-550 contain files pertaining to various aspects of German and Italian economic, military and cultural relations with the Par East. These records are of most diversified prove nance. A detailed index to this material can be found on pages The terms "Serial" and MRolltt in this Guide refer to the sequence of the film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on the original folder within the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the documents whose description follows. The symbol "FT" means that the folder has been filmed throughout, the symbol nFS" denotes that the folder has been filmed selectively. "1st Frame" gives the frame rx35ber'->of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has been given a frame number consecutively throughout the filming operation. The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials but should not be taken as exhaustive descriptions. When the German file number could be ascertained, it has been included. The nature of the records filmed makes it necessary for researchers to check the whole guide. The original records are located in the World War II Records Division, National Archives, Alexandria, ?a., under Record- Group 1036. The microfilms are deposited in the National Archives, Washington 25, D. C. , as microcopy T-82, and should be requested by adding to "T-g?" the roll numbers. Dagmar Horna Perman and Gerhard L. Weinberg, 195S. Provenance Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Deutsche Akademie Ifiin- Folder la chen| FT 188230 Departmental Records Branch, Captured Records Section 2 1-2*3 Deutsche Akademie ifiinchen 3 3 Continued Card Index FT Pp 1-77 Folder 1 FT 188304 Folder 3 FT 189096 Folder 2 Folder 4 FT FS 189760 190346 Folder 6 FS 190566 Folder 9 FS 190662 Three pamphlets dealing with the history and organization of the Deutsche Akademie Minchen (Akademie zur wis sense haftlie hen Erf or sc hung und sur Pflege des U Deut sent urns): "Deutsche Akademie Munchen, Aufgabe und Arbeit"; 2,ehn Jahre Deutsche Akademie, 1925-3511; MFunfzehn Jahre Deutsche Akademie11. Ihe Academy was founded in 1925 by a group of German scientists, among others Karl Haushofer. From 1934 Rudolf Hess participated in the direction of the activities of the Academy which Sought to become a focal point of research and instruction of the German language and of German culture in foreign countries. The Academy established a network of schools of the German language throughout the world, especially in Southern and Eastern Europe* In those parts of Europe, the Academy held a virtual monopoly on teaching of German and combined it with propaganda activities serving the interests of the Nazi Reich. This index of the files of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen which are fairly complete was prepared by the Captured Records Section, Departmental Records Branch, It gives a description of the material contained in the various groups of documents in this collection, their dates, number of pages, linear footage and system of their organization. References to this index will be made on the data sheets referring to the Deutsche Akademie Liinchen. The index cards are numbered 1-77, Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Lunchen (Akademie zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und zur Pflege des Deutschturns) containing correspondence received and sent to the directors of the German Sprachkurse in Agram (Zagreb) sponsored by the Academy, 1934-38, There is a great deal of detailed information on the organization of the courses, the number of students attending them, internal personnel troubles and changes, difficulties with the Gesellschaft der Freunde Deutschlande with which the Sprachkurse were in close relation at the onset of their activities in Zagreb, correspondence with the German consulate etc. This folder and the following ones were filmed as a sample from the Academy's files of correspondence with the different Lektorate in various cities of the world. Folder of the same provenance, containing similar material for years 1938-42. Duplicates omitted. Folder of the same provenance, containing material of similar nature, 1942* From a folder of the same provenance, statistical and other reports of the Lektorat in Agram were filmed, 1939-4-3, Similar material dealing with the Lektorat in Aarhus, Denmark, was omitted. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen containing correspondence with the Lektorat Antwerpen. Reports transmitting political information about the attitude of the Belgian population -cowards the German occupation and the manner in which it affected tfce work of the Sprachkurse were filmed, 1942-43. From a folder of reports on the Sprachkurse in Baghdad and Brussa, sent to Serial Roll Provenance 3~4 Deutsche Akademie Munchen Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 10 FS 193073 Folder 19 FS 190833 Folder 20 FS 190954 Folder 21 FS 191042 Folder 26 FS 191131 Folder 31 FS 191153 Folder 46 FS 191376 Folder 58 FS 191411 Folder 93 FS 191689 Folder 95 FS 191842 Notes 2 the Academy, a group of letters was selected. They show the popular reaction to the murder of a British consul committed by two students of the German classes, 1939. From a folder of the Academy, a group of letters and reports of the Lektorat Benja Luka, 1941-42, containing information on the partisan warfare and the economic conditions in the Croatian state. Material on Lektorat Barcelona omitted. From a folder of the Academy, selected letters and reports from the Lektorate in Belgium, giving some insight in the relation of the Deutsche Academy to the military occupation government of Belgium, the extent of support the Sprachkurse received from German and Belgian circles, the efforts of the Academy to eliminate competition, etc., 1941-42. Folder of the Academy containing similar material, 1942-43. Routine correspondence and reports omitted. Folder of the Academy containing similar material, 1941-42. Routine correspondence and reports omitted. From a folder of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen containing reports and correspondence with the Lektorate in Rumania, a confidential memorandum was filmed "Deutsche Schrifttunispolitik in Rumanien, Grundsatze, Praxis, Aufgaben und Ziele" by A 0 Algatzy, Schrifttumsbeauftragter, 1943. From a folder of the Academy, dealing with the Lektorat in Dijon, a group of reports about the influence of political events on the work of the Lektorat, the groups of French population wiiich supported the work of the Lektorat, etc., 194243. From a folder of the Academy, a group of reports was filmed from the Lektorat in Luttich (Liege) on the work of the institution, theboycott it encountered from the population, the influence of war events upon the attendance of students, etc., 1941-43. From a folder of the Academy, some selected correspondence and reports were filmed, dealing with the work of the Lektcrate in France, and the headquarters in Paris, showing the sudden increases and decreases in the number of students, usually following after some important political events, 1942-43. From a folder of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen a group of letters and reports from the Lektorat in Agram, dating from the later war years, 1943-45. Material of Lektorat Aarhus omitted. From a folder of the Acadeoy a group of reports of the Lektorat Banja Luka from 1944. Note: The folders appearing on the Serials 2, 3, 4 and 5 were filmed as samples from two groups of such folders, both organized alphabetically by name of the localities in which Lektorate der Deutschen Akademie Munchen were established. Serial fioll Provenance 6 4-5 Deutsche Akademie Continued Miinchen Item Filmed Folder 44 FT 1st frame 191939 Notes 3 The first group (numbers 1-92) contains correspondence from and with the Lektorate in the pre-war period and up to 1943. The second group (numbers 93-120) contains corresponding materials on Lektorate for the years 1943-45, The following folders were not filmed: 5, Alicante, Ancona, Angers; 7, AthenJ 11, B$rcelona; 12, Bari; 13-15, Belgrade; 16, Besancon; 17, Bologna; 18, Bordeaux, Brailaj 22-24, Budapest; 25, Bukarest; 27, Buenos Aires, Bungra, Candia, Damaskus; 28, Cadiz, Cartagena; 29, Coimbra, Craiova, Cremona; 30, Debrecen; 32, Dubrovnik, Kupnitza; 33, Dublin, Drama, Gefle, Hvar; 34* Ferrara, Fiume; 35, Florenz, Ftinfkirchen; 36, Gabrovo, Galatz, Genua, Gent; 37, Gijon, Grosswardein; 38, Gb'tsaborg; 39, Helsinki; 40, Hsinking, Jassy, Jerez; 41, Istambul, Jambol, Kalamata, Kaifeng, King Williamstown, Kalkutta, Korcula, Korfu; 42, Kavala, KLausenberg; 43, Konstanza, Kopenhagen; 44, Laibach; 45, Lissabon, Li^orno; 46, Liittich; 47, Karagujevic, London, Messina, Montevideo, Nanking, Nauplia, Orebic, Petrovgrad, Pretoria; 48, Marseille, Mytilene, Nantes, Neaps!; 49, Madrid; 51, Neusutz, Nizza, Neutra, Odessa, Orleans; 52, Neusatz (Novisad); 53, Oslo; 54, Osijek, Oviedo; 55, Padua, Palermo; 56, Pamplona, Parma; 57, Paris; 58, Paris; 59, Patras; 60, Peking, Pescaro, Piraus; 61, Plewen; 62, Plovdiv, Poitiers, Porto, Preschau; 6365, Pressburg; 66-71, Rom; 72, Rosario, Sao Paulo; 73, Roab, Rennes, Rosenberg; 74-75, Sarajevo; 76, Saloniki, Shanghai; 77, Siena, Sudsval, Teheran, Wiborg; 78, Schumen; 79, Serres, Sillein; 80, Skopje, Sliven; 81, Sofia; 82, Stara Zagora; 83-84, Stockholm; 85, Split; 86, Swischtow; 87, Szoged; 88, Temeschburg, Tetuan, Tirnowc; 89, Tours, Trontschin; 90, Triest, Turin, Turku; 91, Tyrnau, Valencia, Valladolid, Venedig; 92, Warna, Lorn, Wratza, Xanthi; 94, Alicante, Ancona, Angers, Athen; 96, Belgrad; 97, Besancon, Betscherek, Blois, Benares; 98, Braga, Braila, Brugge, Briissel; 99, Budapest; 100, Bukarest; 101, Cartagena, Cetinje, Coimbra, Craiova, Cremona, Debrecen; 102, Den Haag, Dijon, Dubrovnik, Dupnitza; 103, Esseg, Fiume, Florenz, Ferrara, Fiinfklrchen, Galatz, Gent, Genua, Gijon, Gotfebtfrg*,104, Grosswardein, Helsinki, Hsinking, Jassy, Jerez; 105-106, Italien (Mittelstelle); 107, Kaschau, Klausenburg, Kavalla, Kcnstanza, Kopenhagen, Kronstadt; 108, Laibach, Le Mans, Lille, Livorno; 109, Lissabon; 110, Madrid; 111, Malmo, Marseille, Modena, Nancy, Nantes, Neusatz, Neutra, Nisch, Norskoeping; 112, Odessa, Oslo, Orleans, Oviedo, Padua, Palermo; 113, Paris; 114, Pamplona, Patras, Parma, Plewen, KLoesti, Poitiers, Plowdiv, Porto; 115, Pressburg; 116, Raab, Preschau, Rennes, Rosenberg; 117, Saloniki, Sarajewo, Schumen, Sillein, Skopje; 119, Swischtow, Stresa? Szeged, Temeschburg, Tetuan, Trinow, Toulouse, Tours, Trentschin; 118, Sofia, Stara Zagora, Stockholm, Steinamanger; 120, Triest, Turin, Turku, Tyrnau, Udine, Valencia, Venedig, Verona, Warna, Wersasdetz. (Note: the spelling of the names of the localities is given as it appears on the folders.) From a folder of the Deutsche Akademie iviunchen a group of correspondence from and to the Lektorat Laibach (Lubljana), as well as communications with the Serial Roll Provenance 5-6 Deutsche Akademie Mtiachen 8 6,7,8 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 108 FS 192435 Folder 112 FS 192594 Folder 211 FS 192657 Folder 218 FT 192812 Folder 219 FT 193292 Folder 224 FT 193986 Folder 277 FT 196288 Folder 281 FT 196945 Notes Reichspropagandaamt Steiermark about the political attitudes to be assumed by the Lektorat towards the Italian and the Slowene populations (see frame 192061), 193942. Folder of the same provenance, containing similar material about Lektorat Laibach, 1943-44. Folder of the same provenance containing material about the organization and work of a Lektorat of the Academy in Odessa when that city was under Rumanian and German occupation, 1943-44. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Mine hen, containing correspondence of the Academy with the Auswartiges Amt about financing and administering the personnel of the Academy teaching at the universities in foreign and occupied countries, 1941-44. Folder of the same provenance containing correspondence of the Academy and notes on meetings of the Academy!s officials with the Auswartiges Amt, the Auslands-Organisation der i^JSDAP, the press, NS Lehrerbund, Reichsminister fur Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung, 1942-45. The correspondence deals with questions of personnel replacements for the Lektors of the Academy who were drafted, negotiations with Auswartiges Amt about financial matters, the membership of the employees of the Acadea$r in the -JSDAP, the care for the families of the drafted personnel, closing of several Lektorate in 1944-45, etc. Folder of the same provenance, containing material of similar nature, dealing primarily with the care for employees of the Academy who returned to Germany in 1944 and 1945, when the Academy had to close many of its Lektorate in foreign countries. The correspondence deals with questions of housing, employment, social security payments etc. for the personnel returning to Germany. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen containing Rundschrexben sent to the Lektorate and their personnel, 1936-43. Folder of the same provenance, containing material of similar nature, 1943-45. Folder of the same provenance dealing with the collaboration and competition of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen with the Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Institute, in various foreign cities (Belgrade, Budapest, Bukarest, Paris, Sofia), 1940-41* Folder of same provenance, containing material of similar nature, 1941. Of interest is memo on "Allgemeines Verhaltnis der Deutschen Akademie zu den Deutschen wissenschaftlichen Instituten" (frames 196289-196297). Folder of the same provenance, containing various correspondence with the Auswartiges Amt about the relation of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen kittelstellen with the Deutsche Wissaseliaftliche Institute in foreign countries, as well as a "Bericht iiber die Tagung der Prasidenten der Kulturinstitute des Auswartigen Amts vom 28. and 29* September 1942", (frames 196994-197017) and a copy of a memorandum sent to the Auswartiges Amt on the "Grundsatzliche Festlegung der Arbeit der Serial Roll 9 10 Provenance 8-9 Deutsche Akademie Mlinchan 10 Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 304 FT 197214 Folder 461 FT 198056 Folder 499 FS 198340 Folder 500 FS 199168 Folder 584 FT 199261 Folder 590 FS 199278 Folder 779 FT 199341 Folder 809 FT 199685 11 10-11 Continued Notes Deutschen Akademie im Auslande auf der Grundlage ihrer bisherigen Tatigkeit," 1940-43. The material in this folder gives some insight into the general direction of the work of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen* Duplicates omitted. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen containing correspondence and reports from the directors of the Lektorate and of the Mittelstelle in foreign countries to the Academy, 1933-36. The material deals with the arrangements for and reports about lecture trips of various German scholars, especially to Southeastern Europe. Folder of the same provenance containing budget proposals and plans of the central office and of the individual language branches and lectorships for 1942, list of the Central Office Directors, lectorship directors, lecturers and teachers of the Academy as of January 15, 1942. From a folder of the sams provenance, containing correspondence with the Auswartiges Amt about financial matters pertaining to the transfer of valuta and payments made to ths branches of the Academy in foreign countries by the Auswartiges Amt, a memorandum summarizing this procedure arid the agreement on which it was based was filmed. It is an "Anlage au Schreiben der Deutschen Akademie an Auswartiges Amt, vom December 1940" addressed to "Herrn ReichswirtschaftsKinisterAbteilung Devisenbewirtschaftung - uber das Auswartige Amt11. From a folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchsn containing various printed matters put out by the Lektorat Agram (Zagreb), 1940, samples were filmed: invitations to lectures, social gathering announcement, schedules of classes, catalogues etc* Folder of the same provenance consisting of a typewritten report "Mittelstelle fur deutschgriechischen Kulturaustaus^ - Zweigstelle des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes - Bericht uber das Arbeitsjahr 1939/40", vertraulich. Samples of various publications published by the different Lektorate: Die Freundschaft« Rundmitteilungen fur die Besucher der Sprachkurse bei der Italieniseh-dsutsehen Gesallsehaft in Ferrara, Heft 5, Januar 1943| Per runde Tisch, Zeitschrift des Lektorats Spalato der Deutschen Akademie Miinchen Mai 1942; RundMitteilungen der Villa Massimo Al Laterano, Roin, Jahrgang 5, Studienjahr 1941. (From a large group of folders dealing with various employees—lectors of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen—the following were selected as samples for filming): Folder of the Deutschtf Akademie Munchen dealing with the case of a Lektor in King Williams to writ South Afriea% The file contains correspondence between Herr Thierfelder, at the central office of the Academy in Munich, W. Grutter, the Lektor, the Headquarters of the Auslands-Organisation der i\6DAP, various Nazi members in King Williamstown and the German Legation in Pretoria, 1934-37. Folder of the same provenance dealing with the case of Hildegard Pach, a Lek- Serial Roll Provenance 11 Deutsche Akademie Miinchen 13 14 11 H Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 816 FT 200389 Folder 795 FT 200521 Folder 837 FT 200589 Folder 848 FT 200648 Folder 849 FS 200760 Folder 850 FT 200882 Folder 854 FT 201132 Notes 6 tor of the Academy in Buenos Aires who was fired against and without the consent of the Academy from her post due to her differences with the Auslands-Organisation der J^SDAP, 1934-35. Duplicates omitted. Folder of the same provenance dealing with the case of Fritz Rose, a Lektor of the Academy in Sweden, whose activities were unfavorably commented upon in foreign press and who gainedtbereputation of a dangerous Nazi agent, 1934-37. Duplicates omitted. Folder of the same provenance dealing' Fritz Rose, 1937-42. Duplicates omitted. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen containing a report of Erich A. Krotz, Lektor der Deutschsn Akademie in Burgos, 1938-39, "Kulturpolitische Eindriieke aus meiner Tatigkeit in Spanien - Gedanken und Vorschlage fur die Gestaltung der Arbeit der D.A. in Spanien," Mai, 1939. Folder of the same provenance, containing correspondence about Dr. Richard Ullmann, a lector of the Academy who had to be fired because his Jewish origin was discovered by the Geheine Staatspolizei, 1937. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie I^unchen consisting of an illustrated catalogue of the Lichtbilder-Vortrage der Auslandsabteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes BerlinLie hterfelde-Westc The lectures listed, used by the Auslands-Lektorate in their propaganda work, deal with the following topics: das neue Deutschland, Volkstum und Kolonien, Geschichte und Kultur, Landschaft, Stadte, Sport und Jugendpflege, Technik und Handwerk, Industrie und Verkehr, Literatur und I/Vissenschaft, Bildende Kunst, fviusik, Theater, Landwirtschaft, Verschiedenes* The date is not indicated but the catalogue includes items which show that it was prepared sometimes in the late thirties. Folder of the same provenance consisting of a Film-Katalog Band I der AuslandsAbteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes Berlin-Lichterfelde-West, containing short summaries of Spielfilms (not filmed) and Kulturfilme. The latter include the following: Wochenschauen, Ivionatsschauen, Nationale Filme, Jugend, Arbeitsdienst, Wehrmacht, Sport, die Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, 1938? Folder of the same provenance consisting of a Film-Katalog Band II der Auslands~ Abteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes Berlin-Lichterfelde-West. The listed Kulturfilme deal with the follc?jing subjects: Arbeit und Landwirtschaft, Industrie, Technik, Verkehr, Landschaft und Stadte, Volkstum, Deutschtum im Ausland, Schulung, Lohrfilmo, Kunst undtfj3senschaft, Geschichte, lharchen und Kinderfilme, Tiere und Pflanzen. No date indicated. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen - a pamphlet Das moderne Theater in Deutschland, Eigentum der Auslandsabteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes, 1938. This is a sample of the literature that the Academy distributed to the Lektorate for Serial Roll Provenance 15 12-13 Deutsche Akademie Munchen 16 13 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 855 FT 201199 Folder 857 FT 201239 Folder 863 FT 201272 Folder 867 FT 201294 Folder 1026 FT 201333 Folder 1037 FS 201415 Folder 1038 FT 201440 Folder 1039 FT 201514 Folder 1040 202096 Folder 1056 FT 202110 Notes their instruction and propaganda work. Folder of same provenance—a pamphlet on Die Deutsohe Arbeitsfront. Eigentum der AuslandBm bteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes • The blackened-out items in the list of pictures read: 1). Kommunistische Streikdemonstration 7). Kommunistische Massendeinonstration 8). Rote FrontkSmpfer. These were withdrawn from circulation, 1933? Folder of same provenance—a pamphlet Deutsche Volkskunst im Dienste der Feste und Brauche d. Lebenslaufes. Eigentum der Auslandsa bteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes, von Professor Konrad Hahm, Leiter der Staatlichen Sammlung fur deutsche Volkskunde, Berlin, no date indicated. Folder of the same provenance—Lichtbilderverlag Theodor Benzinger, Stuttgart, Die Deutsche Ostmark (Ausland-Auswahl), Erlauterungen zu 46 Lichtbildern, no date indicated. Folder of same provenance—a pamphlet Deutsche Landschaft Ostmark, Eigentum der Auslandsabteilung des Lichtbild-Dienstes, no date indicated. (Note: the material in this serial was filmed as a sample of the propaganda material used by the Academy. Other folders, dealing with Beutsche Reichspost, deutsche Heimat, die deutsche Landschaft als Siedlungsraum, 1000 Jahre deutsche Plastik und Lalerei, Franz Schubert,Goethe, neue deutsche Baukunst etc., were not filmed. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Minchen containg "Dienstanweisucgen fur dio Mittelstellen und Lektorate der Deutschen Akademie, Geltung ab 1.7.1943." Folder of same provenance containing a few issues of "Die Runde", ano. information bulletin for the employees of the Academy who were drafted to the armed forces, 1944* Duplicates omitted. The bulletin describes the destruction of the building of the Academy in Munich, the forceful liquidation of the Lektorate in Western and South-Eastern Europe. Folder of same provenance containing "Richtlinien fur ausreisende Lektoren" and a "Lektoratsliste vom 1.6e1944.l! Folder of same provenance containing correspondence between H. Nietzechke, praktische Abteilung, the department of the Academy under whose jurisdiction fell the Auslandslektorate, and Thierfelder, the previous director of that division, with Dr. Wilhelm Ruoff, first an employee of the Academy, later Referent im Reichsministerium fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda, 1933-41* The folder gives some insight ipto the work of the Academy and its relation to the Ministry. From a folder of the Academy containing various correspondence with job appli*cants (not filmed) a group of letters dealing with the case of Dr. Albert Becker was filmed, 1941-43. Becker was a "Lischling 2. Grades" who sought employment with the Lektorat in Buenos Aires. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Minchen containing various correspondence and Serial Roll 17 Provenance 13 Deutsche Akademie Minchen Continued Filmed 1st frame Folder 1060 FS 202190 Folder 1065 FS 202193 Folder 1077 FT 202201 Folder 1083 FS 202275 Folder 1086 FT 202364 Folder 1087 FT 202416 Folder 1095 FT 202446 Folder 1110 FT 202486 Notes 8 memoranda about the organization and problems of the Vortragsdienst im which often ran against the plans and interests of the Promi and of the Auswartiges Amt, 1941-43. Folder of the same provenance containing a few paper clippings (not filmed) and photostatic copies of organizational charts of the Deutsche Institut in Francs to which the Lektorate of the DeutscheAkademie were subordinated. Date not indicated. Duplicates omitted. Folder of the same provenance containing lists of Lektorate personnel drafted in the armed forces or interned abroad (not filmed) and a description of the move of the central office of the Auslands-Lektorate to Schloss Hoch, Altenmarkt, Salzburg, November 1944. Folder of the same provenance containing Haushalt der Deutschen Akademie fur das Rechnungsjahr 19-44. Duplicates omitted. (Note: It seems that all, with a few exceptions to which attention will be drawn on the data sheets3 the records of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen at the Departmental Records Branch in Alexandria are those evacuated from Munich to Schloss Hoch in Salzburg, After the destruction of the Munich headquarters of the Academy by an air-raid, the section Auslands-Lektorate and part of its personnel were moved to Schloss Hoch. The files now at the Records Branch deal nearly exclusively with the Auslands-Lektorate and were originally probably the central file of the director of the Praktische Abteilung under whose jurisdiction and care the Auslandslektorate fell.) From a folder of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen compiled from items collected in the desk of Dr. Nitschke routine items were omitted. (Dr. Nitschke succeeded Dr. Thierfelder in the position of the director of the central office of the Auslands-Lektorate)„ Interesting is a letter of the OKI to the Auswartiges Amt about the Uk.-Stellung dar Lektoren, 1943, and a circular directed to the samtliche Abteilungen der deutschen Akademie about Verheiratung von Beamten und Angestellten, 1944 (frames 202284-202285). Folder of the same provenance containing Haushalt der Deutschen Akademie in Munchen fur das Rechnungsjahr 1943 and Protokoll uber die Haushaltsitzungen am 6.III.1944. Folder of the same provenance containing Haushalt der DeutschenAkademie Munchsn fur das Rechnungsjahr 1942 and Zusamnenstellung der Haushaltplane fur das Rechnimgsjahr 1942-43. Folder of the same provenance containing Stellenplan der Deutschen Akademie Auslands-Lektorate, Haushalt 1942. Folder of the same provenance containing carbon copies of correspondence of the secretary of the Klasse I Forsclsung und Wissenschaft department of the Academy. On the inside of the file is a routing slip from which can be seen Serial Ron 18 19 Provenance 13 Deutsche Akademie Miinchen U Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 1113 FT 202567 Folder 1121 FT Folder 1122 FT 202655 2029S7 Folder 1123 FT 203021 Notes the way in which the Academy was split up geographically after the heavy airraids on Munich in winter 1944-45* Folder of the Deutsche Akademie kunchen containing an Aktennotiz fur Herrn Dr. Nitzschke iiber Haushaltilberwachung der Aussenstellen, and accounts, GesamtHaushalt der Deutschen Akademie, 1943, Folder of same provenance containing Rundschreiben of the Academy, 1940-1944. Folder of same provenance containing materials about the organization and activities of the British Council and the Alliance Francaise whom the Deutsche Akademie considered as serious competition, 1942-44. A folder which was put together from materials from various sources, most of it being reports on the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen. One item comes probably from Reichsleiter Bohrman's files. It is a Rundschreiben Nr. 122/42 (Nicht zur Veroffentlichung) about the Arbeitseinsatz von Os tarbeitein which stipulates the conditions of employment of the slave labor from Russia, Poland and the other Eastern occupied territories. Attached are Jferkbla'tter fur Betriebsfiihrer und Ostarbeiter dealing with wages, compulsory saving, working conditions, duties of the Ostarbsiter, jurisdiction of their supervisors etc. (frames 203022-203049), 1942. Another item of different provenance, not from the files of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen, are Rundschreiben, Bekanntgabe und Anordnung dealing with the Volkssturm, March-April 1945,' from the files of the Reichsleitung der NSDAp (frame 203050-203053). The rest of the folder deals with the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen, but its provenance could not be established. It is sure, however, that these papers were not in the collection from Schloss Hoch. First, a report, dated August 21, 1945, signed by Franz Thierfelder, Kornraissarischer Gensralsekretar, and Otto v. Zwiedinek, Kommissarischer Prasident of the Akademie, both previously officer of the institutions who resigned their posts in 1937, reportedly as a result of a difference of opinion with Karl Haushofer, then the president of the Academy. The report gives the impression that it was prepared as a brief on behalf of the Academy for dealing with the Allied occupation forces and presents a survey of the "Politische Tatigkeit der Deutsche1!Akademie11, describing the process of Gleichscheltung and induction of the Academy into the propaganda and espionage activities of the NSDAP (frames 203054-203070). As the files of the general secretary and of the President!s office of the Academy are not available^ this report is one of the few indications of the developments which took place at the high echelons of tb.3 Academy and which can only be surmised from the fragmentary evidence contained in the correspondence with the Auslands-Lektorate and the Rundschreiben sent out to the personnel abroad* The second item is a memorandum prepared by Fochler-Hauke before he left the Academy in 1941 dealing with the "Stand der Angelegenheiten der wissenschaftlichen Abteilungen und Lander~ ausschiisse" (frames 203071-203098). The third item is a long report on the Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 20 14-15 Deutsche Akademie Miinchen Folder 781 FT 203252 Folder 782 Folder 153 FT FS 203764 204164 Folder 806 FT 204253 21 15-16 Folder 1145 FT 204595 Continued Folder 1146 FT 205432 Notes 10 activities and household problems of the Academy, prepared in 1943, and a list of the Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen der Hauptstelle der Deutschen Akademie (frames 203099-203191). A short bibliography of "Schriften der Deutschen Akademie11 follows (frames 203195-203200). The next item is a memorandum on "Die wissenschaftliehe Arbeit der Deutschen Akademie,11 no date indicated (frames 203201-203209), followed by a two-page survey of the "Gesamtplariang fur das Sprachaint der Deutschen Akademie11, entworfen und vorgelegt von Dr. Karl i/Vitthalm, no date indicated (frames 203010-203211). The following item is a bibliography of works (German and translated from foreign languages) and their use in the different Lektorate, no date indicated (frames 203212-203245). The last item is a short report on the activities of the Academy in 1943, addressed to Kocim, Generalsekreta'r Dr. M. Schmitz (frames 203246-203250). Duplicates omitted. Several names of employees of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen are mentioned in the report of August 1945 on the political activities of the Academy, signed by Thierfelder and Zwiedinek (see T 82, Serial 19). Some employees were supposedly fired for mixing into the political affairs of the countries where they taught German prior to the complete Nazification of the Academy, the report states. Others were supposedly victims of Nazi persecution after the Haushofer clique took over the direction of the Academy. An effort was made to locate the personnel folders of the people mentioned in the Auslands-Lektorate files from Schloss Hb'ch. Only the file of Dr. Franz Hille who was employed by the Academy in Yugoslavia could be located, and it does not seem to bear out the contention of the report, namely, that he was transferred for having interfered in the political affairs of Yugoslavia against the stated policies of the Academy and was ultimately "ausgesdieden11 from its services. The file shows he was still an employee of the Academy in Yugoslavia in 1943* Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Sfchehen containing correspondence from and with Dr. Franz Hille, 1935-39. Folder of the same provenance containing similar material, 1939-40. Folder of the same provenance containing similar material, 1940-43. Material pertaining to other Lektoren included in this folder was not filmed. Folder of the same provenance containing correspondence from, with and about Dr. Heinz Nitzschke (later Leiter der Auslands-Lektorate) when he was a Lektor in Greece, 1934-36. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen containing correspondence of the Sekr/etariat with various Party and governmental agencies (Hitler-Jugend, Auswartiges Amt, Gouverneur der besetzten Ostgebiete etc.) about the establishment of the Sprachkurse in various occupied territories and neutral countries and the collaboration of the Academy in various propaganda activities, 1942-43. Folder of the same provenance containing correspondence between the Leiter der Serial Roll 22 16-17 23 Provenance Deutsche Akademie ItUnchen Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 1147 FT 206160 Folder 1151 FT 206311 Folder 1154 FT 207992 Folder 1155 FT 208328 Folder 1157 FT 209035 Folder 1158 FT 209558 Folder 1160 FT 209899 Folder 1129 FT 210262 19 24 20-21 Continued Notes 11 Auslands-Lektorate Abteilung, Nitschke, and other departments of the Academy, especially with the President's office. The folder contains some interesting correspondence with the Auswartiges Amt and the Promi. Of special interest is a copy of the Abkommen zwischen der Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP und der Deutschen Akademie (frames 205617-205618), 1942-43. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie taunchen, the Auslands-Lektorate central office, containing correspondence with the Auswartiges Amt, memoranda on results of negotiations of Seyss^nquart, the last President of the Academy during the war, with the Promi and the Auswartiges Amt, some scattered reports on the teaching activities of the Lektorate etc., 1944-1945, Folder of same provenance containing material on the visits of foreign scholars to Germany, the lectures they gave under the sponsorship of the Academy, The folder is marked Vortrage auslandischer Gelehrter in Deutschland, 1935-36. Folder of same provenance, containing material similar to folder 1151, marked same way. Of interest is the correspondence of Karl Haushofer, President of the Academy, about the political problems stirred by the lecture-visit of Professor John F. Coar, an American, to Germany in 1934-35. Folder of the Academy dealing with the Mittelstellen—Leitertagung, 19 - 26 Mai 1943 (correspondence, reports, plans and program,-/). The interesting material is that pertaining to political reports of the different Leiter , Folder of same provenance, containing correspondence of the last Leiter der Abteilung Auslandslektorateu, Dr. Stroedel. The whole folder deals with the liquidation of the Auslands-Lektorate in 1944--1945, and the Lektoren-Ruckwanderheim which the Academy established for its employees. Frame 208368 is an inventory of the most important papers of the Auslands-Lektorate Abteilung which were at the end of the war at Schloss Hb'ch. Folder of same provenance marked President, l.Juni bis 30. September 1941. The folder contains correspondence which had to be drawn to the attention of the President of the Academy, most of it addressed to and answered by the executive secretary. The folder includes letters exchanged with foreign scholars, especially Canadians, various projects proposed to the Academy for sponsorship (protests against the adoption of Latin script, attacks on the work of the Academy etc.), letters of thanks etc. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen containing Monats-Berichte, August 1940 bis April 1941» The reports of the Auslands-Lektorate deal with teaching, political and cultural situation in various countries, etc. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance containing iraterial similar to previous folder, 1941-42. The folder is marked Iflarine, Geheim, the inscription, however, seems to have no relation to the contents. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same, provenance containing material •-similar to folder Il60. 1941-^2. Serial Roll Provenance 25 21-22 Deutsche Akademie MUncben 26 22 27 22 Continued Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 1166 FT 211005 Folder 1169 FT 211603 Folder 1143 FT 211836 Folder 1171 FT 212198 212569 Folder 1173 FT 212570 Notes The folder is marked wLektorats^Buchereien, Bestandslisten11, the inscription, however, seems to have no relation to the contents. Duplicates omitted* Folder oj? same provenance containing material about the preparation of, and the minutes of the Lektorentagung of 1941, See frame 211224 of the Geplantes Programmof the Lektorentagung: among other group projects and visits is included "Besuch des Konzentrationslageis Dachau"« See frame 211172 for a list of signatures of the employees of the Academy, including the top officers of the Central Office, and of the visiting Lektoren who wanted to participate in a group visit of the Dachau Concentration Camp* Folder of same provenance containing material similar to folder 1166, dealing with the Mittelstellenleitertagung der Deutschen Akademie,11 11-16 Feb. 1944. Of interest are the various reports on "Kulturpolitische Lage in the various occupied and allied countries. Folder of the Deutsche Akademie Munchen containing correspondence about a task assigned to the Academy by the Auswartiges Amt in 1944, namely, the teaching of German to various groups of refugees from territories previously occupied by the Germans, among others also the French Vichy Government, 1944-1945. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance dealing with the evacuation of various sections of the Deutsche Academie Miinchen from Munich to various points in Austria, 1944-45, Duplicates omitted. The following publications of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen, which are included in the collection under the numbers 583, 583a, 583b, 583c, and 583d, were not filmed because they are available in the Library of Congress: Quarterly publication of the Deutsche Akademie, Akademie zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und zur Pflege des Deutschtums, Mitteiluneen. zwolfter Jahrgang, Heft I - IV, Minchen 1937. (DAM 583) Quarterly publication of the Deutsche Akademie, Deutsche Kultur im Leben der Volker. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Akademie, dreizehnter Jahrgang, Heft I - IV, Munchen 1938, (DAM 583c); vierzehnter Jahrgang, Heft I - III, Miinchen 1939, (DAM 583b); ftinfzehnter Jahrgang, Heft I and III, Miinchen 1940, (DAM 583c)j sieb-eehnter Jahrgang, Heft I - III, Miinchen 1942, (DAM 583a), Two publications of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen: Von Deutsoher Art, dem Pra'sidenten der Deutschen Akademie ^Ludwig Siebert,zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet, Miinchen, no date; Die Wissenschaft im Lebenskampf des deutschen Voltes, Festschrift zum fuhfzehnjahrigen Bestehen der Deutschen Akademie am 5« Mai 1940, Miinchen, no date (DAM 583d). A publication of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen Reden aus Anlass der Amtseinfuhrung des Pra'sidenten der Deutschen Akademie Reichsminister Dr. Seyss-Inquartj. der Grossen Aula der Ludwig-liaximilians-Universitat Miinchen am 10. Februar Serial Roll 27A 22 Deutsche Akademle Miinchen Item Filmed 1st frame Folder 1174 FT 212601 Folder 1175 FT 212617 Folder 1176 FT 212708 Folder ADH 224 393104 FT Notes 13 1940« See especially frames 212594, 212596. A copy of a letter of D. Hipp, der Staatsminister fur Unterricht und Rultus, June 1945, about re-appointment of Zwiedeneck-Suedenhorst and Thierfelder as President and director of the Academy respectively, and an English translation of two reports on the Academy's property and political activities, 1945. A folder, probably from the office of the President or the Vice-president of ths Deutsche Akademie iuunchen, containing minutes of meetings, reports, lists of personnel etc. The folder is of considerable interest because it is one of the very few folders of the Deutsche ^kadamie in this collection which reveal its operations en the policy forming level, 1932-45. A folder of the Academy inscribed Ortsgruppen, Allgemein - Rundsohreiben containing correspondence, circular letters and lists pertaining to the organization and development of the Ortsgruppen und Freundeskreise der Deutschen Akademie, 192839. Of special interest is a letter of Nov. 2, 1934 of the Stellvertreter des Fiihrers to the Gauleitung Schlesien der NSDAP, Arnt Schulung, instructing it to give support to the work of the Deutsche Akademie which, on order of the Stellvertreter des FiihrerSj should remain unidentified with the Party (frame 212724)0 Duplicates omittod. (Note: Reference material available in the files of the Departmental Records Branch contains information on the capturing of the filos of the Deutsche Akademie Mfinchen in Munich, Schloss Hoch^and other places to which they were evacuated and on the fate of the Academy's organization, property and personnel in June - December 1945.) (Note: Serial 21, File 1145, frame 204728 contains mention of a German, Alfred Roraain, active in the Far East. A man of the same came, most probably the same person, was tried in Shanghai before an US Military Commission for War Crimes, October 1946-January 1947, and found guilty.) Folder of materials of the Dautscha Akademie Miinchen, probably from the President^ file. It contains minutes of meetings of the Senate, of the Grosser Rat, the Kleiner Rat and of the Committees on financial matters of the Academy, 19251930. The material is very interesting because it gives insight into the aims and methods of operation of the Academy before the seizure of power by the Nazis. The folder was probably organized by the personnel of the Academy in 1944 (the dividers bearing the dates are made of printed invitations to Seyss-Inquart's installation to Presidency of the Academy in February 1944) for the use of the ne / President Seyss-Inquart. The folder also includes documents and correspondence pertaining to the meetings. (Note: for correspondence about and with the Deutsche Alsademie Miinchen see also T 82 Serial 40, Folder ADR 113 (Akademie fur Deutsches Recht), Roll No. R 35. Filmed Provenance 23 Akademie fur Deutsches Recht Before Flash 1 After Flash 2 After Flash 3 29 24 Before Flash 1 After Flash 1 After Flash 2 Continued Item FT ADR 1 FT ADR 2 FT ADR 3 FT ADR 4 FT ADR 5 ADR 6 FT ADR 7 FT FT FT ADR 8 ADR 9 ADR 10 FT FT ADR 11 ADR 12 FT FT FT ADR 13 ADR 14 ADR 15 FT ADR 16 FT ADR 17 FT ADR 18 FT ADR 19 FT ADR 20 Notes 14 Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and divided by flash number* Geschaftsverteilungsplan of the Akademie fur Deutschss Recht, 1 January 1938 (printed), Gescha'ftsverteilungsplan der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht, 1 January 1938. Typed draft of ADR 1. Two documents. The first is a Mitglieder-Verzeichnis der ADR. Unfortunately there is no date, but this copy was kept up by an official of the Akademie who entered changes and additions. The second document, also undated, is a mimeographed" Organisationsplan der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht." Lists of the chairman and members of the various committees and sub-committees of the ADR, 1937-38. These are the groups working on the revision of laws in all fields. Like folder 4. Basic material on the organization, history, and publications of the ADR, 1933-42. Regulations for the administration of the ADR and for the procedures to be followed and files to be kept by the various Ausschusse, 1938-39. Like folder 4. List of members of the ADR, as of summer 1943. List of members of the committees of the ADR indicating which committees were active and which inactive or suspended, with dates, 1941-43. Very useful for the wartime activities of the ADR. Miscellaneous ADR correspondence, 1941-42. (File 5224/2/38), Correspondence on the Zusammensetzung dss PolizeirechtBausschusses (Werner Bast), 1938. (File 52241/1/40). Plans for a meeting of the Polizeirechtsausschuss in 1940. (File I 1102/l)o Mitgliederverzeichnis, Kartei, 1940-42. (File 5213/2/38). Meeting of the Luftrechtsausschuss, 1938. Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and divided by flash numbers. (File 5213/2/37), Folder on the draft of a law on Luftverschollenheit, 1937. Shows relation of ADR with various Reich ministries. (File 5213/2/39). Luftrecht, Stellungnahme zum Bericht liber die IV. (Briisseler) Internationale Luftprivatrechtskonferenz vom September 28, 1939. (File 5914/2/40)* File on work of Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung, Abteilung II, 1937-39. Includes memorandum by Carl Schmitt on "Die Wendung zum diskrindHiferenden Kriegsbegrlff.11 Draft of a Gesetz uber das Arbeitsverhaltnis, no date, prepared by the Ausschuss fur Arbeitsrecht. (File 5212/3/38). Kraftverkehrsrecht, Vorbereitungen fur eine Internationale Tagung uber zwisehenstaatl. Kraftverkehrsrecht, 1938. Serial Roll 30 31 Filmed Provenance 25 Akademie fur Deutsches Recht Item FT ADR 21 After Plash 3 FT FT ADR 22 ADR 23 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 24 After Flash 1 After Flash 2 FT FT ADR 25 ADR 26 Before Flash 1 FT FT ADR 27 ADR 28 After Flash 1 FT FT ADR 29 ADR 30 After Flash 2 FT ADR 31 26 ADR 32 After Flash 3 FT FT ADR 33 ADR 34 ADR 35 32 27 Continued Before Flash 1 After Flash 1 FT FT ADR 36 ADR 37 After Flash 2 FT ADR 38 Notes 15 (File 5212/2/38), Kraftfahrzeugrecht, Ausschuss-Sitzung Februar 1938. Deals primarily with the subject of compulsory liability insurance for automobiles. A memorandum, no date or author, "Gericht und Kind im Sexualprozess." Copies of a Fragebogen betreffend Erneuerung des Unehelichenrechtes and of answers and comments sent in by various ADR members, no date* Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and divided by flash number, A folder containing memoranda and notes on various legal problems and Germanic legal history, ca. 1934-37. (File 5252/6a/38). Bevb'lkerungspolitik, Reichsfamilienkasse, 1938. (File 5224/4/37). Polizeirecht. Untersuchung des Polizeibegriffs als erste Arbeit des Ausschusses (headed by Best), 1937-38. This is a folder of very considerable interest on the avowed police policy of the Third Reich. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by flash number. (5524/1/38). Poliseirecht. Sitzung am 25. April 1938. (5224/4/36). Polizeirecht. Kntwurf einer Deutschen Polizeiordnung, 1936-38. Quite Interesting. See also ADR 26 on T-82, Serial 30. An obsolete inventory of the ADR collection. (5224/2/39). Polizeirecht. Stellungnahme zu den "Grundziigen des Entwurfs einer deutschen Polizeiordnung,11 1939. See ADR 28. (5224/3/39). Polizeirecht. Stellungaahme zu dem Entwurf einer Hilfspolizeiorclnung; 1939. (592 5/39) » Abteilung fur Rechtsforsciiung, Klasse III, Selbststandige Stiftungon, 1938-39. (5222/2/38). Beamtenrecht. Leitsatze iibsr das Beamten-Erfinderrecht, 1937-38. (5225/1/39). Religionsrecht. Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel mit Mnisterialdirektor Dr. Meyer, 1938-39. Meyer was Vorsitzender des Ausschusses fur Religionsrecht of the ADR. (5225/7/39). Religionsrecht. 7. Arbeitstagung am 19/20. Januar 1940. Referat of Dr. Schrocker on "Die Rechtslage der Katholischen Kirche in den ehemals polnischen Gebieten." Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by flash number, (5224/3/38). Polizeirecht. Neuordnung des Polizeirechts, 1938. (5225/6/39). Religionsrecht. 6. Arbeitstagung am 30. VI. u. I. VII. 39 in Berlin, Included are a number of highly interesting items. A Referat, vertraulich, nur fur die Akten des Ausschusses fur Religionsrecht der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht, "Das Doyennat des Papstlichen Nunti^s," 1939* based on the German Foreign Ministry archives. Also the protocol of the discussion of churchstate relations in the Ausschuss. (5225/3/39). Religionsrecht. 4. Arbeitstagung am 28. und 29. April 1939 in Berlin. Interesting material on church-state relations in Germany and in the Serial Roll Filmed Provenance After Flash 3 33 34 28 Akademie fur Deutsches Recht Item FT FT ADR 39 ADR 40 FT ADR 41 FT ADR 42 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 43 After Flash 1 FT ADR 44 EP ADR 45 After Flash 2 FT ADR 46 After Flash 3 FT ADR 47 Before Flash 1 After Flash 1 FT FT ADR 47 ADR 48 FT ADR 51 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 52 After Flash 1 FT ADR 53 29 After Flash 2 After Flash 3 35 30 Continued Notes 16 newly annexed Meinelgebiet and Sudetengau. Some economic statistics, 1938-39. Proposals for the Reichswassergesetz, 1934. Referat on Gruppenversicherung iind Empfehlungsvortra*g9 by Dr. Lippert in the Reichsausschuss fur Versicherungswesen of the ADR, 1934. (5926/2/39). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Studienreform. 2, Sitzung der Arbeit sgemeinscha ft iiber die Reform des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studies, 1939, Proposals summarized by Jens Jessen. (5225/4/39)» Religionsrechta Veroffentlichung iiber das osterreichische Kon~ kordat, 1939. Discussion of the Austrian concordat after the Anschluss, Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (5225/3/38), Konstituierende Sitzung des Ausschusses fur Religionsrecht am 28. September 1938 in Berlin„ Includes organizational information and discussion of the Austrian concordat,, (5225/1/38), Eroffnmigs sit sung dos Ausschusses fiir Religion srecht, 1938. Organizational questions and discussion of the Austrian concordate (5225/2/38). Sitawigen des Ausschusses fiir Religionsrecht am 2.u.3. Dez, 1938 in Berlin, Includes discussion of situation of churches in Austria and the Sudetengau* (5225/3/38). Religionsrechta 2« Arbeitstaging am 2.u.3. Dezember 1938 in Berlin, Minute*s of the discussion of church-state problems. (5225/2/38)0 Continuation of APR 45. Very interesting material on churchstate relations in Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. Part of this folder is filmed on Serial 34. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers0 (5225/2/38). Continusd from Serial 33o (5225/1/39)0 Protocol of the 30 Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Religionsrecht am 17« und 18. Februar 1939 in Berlin. Very interesting material. (5225/2/39)« Continuation of file ADR 48, Good material on the relations between tne Nazi state and both Protestant and Catholic churches, 1939. (5225/5/39)» Religionsrecht, 5 a Arbeitstagung am 22. Mai 1939 in Berlin,, Discussion of the Referat by Stalinann, President der Kulturfondverwaltung, "Ultere Einzelleistungen an Religionsgesellschaften." (5225/l/40)c Sitsung des Ausschussos fur Religionsrecht am 19. und 20e Januar 1940 in Berlin,, Also interesting. Includes discussion of the situation in Danzig„ Film prspai-cd by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers0 (File number lost). Ausschuss fiir Famillenrecht, meetings in July 1937 on the Recht des unehelichen Kindes0 Minutes of a meeting on 2 March 1936 of the Unbarausschuss zur Vorbereitung Serial Roll Filmed Provenance After Flash 2 After Flash 3 FT FT 1* FT 36 31 Akademie ftir Deutsches Recht Before Flash 1 FT FT FT m After Flash 1 FT FT FT FT Continued Item Notes 17 der weiteren Arbeiten des Ausschusses fur Rechtsfragen der Bevb'lkerungspolitik, Most of the discussion was on legal problems in regard to prostitution. Ausschuss fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevblkerungspolitik. Related to ADR 53. Discussions and reports of the Ausschuss in 1936. Ausschuss fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevblkerungspolitik, 1. Sitzung 1937. Minutes of the discussions, January 1937. Main topic was venereal disease. Ausschuss fiir Bevblkerungspolitik, keeting of 28 October 1937. Deals with legal and religious problems growing out of Nazi race theories. (5252/1/38). Ausschuss fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevblkerungspolitik. Sitzung am 28. Oktobef 1937. Like ADR 56. Ausschuss fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevblkerungspolitik. 2. Sitzung 1937, 18 November 1937. Referat Burgdorfer, "Bevolkerungspolitische Lage und Ausgleich der Familienlasten." Referat Mikorey, "Bevblkerungspolitische Lage und Entwicklung der Gesundheitspolitik. Ausschuss fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevb'lkerungpolitik. Sitzung 21 March 1938. ADR 59 Discussion of Familienlastenausgleich and Eheanbahnung. (5252/6b/38). Bevblkerungspolitik, Vorarbeiten zur ReichsfamilienkasseADR 60 Sitzung am 19.1.1938, Berlin. ADR 61 t, (5252/7/38). Bevblkerungspolitik. Sitzung am 21. Marz 1938. Discussion of Eheanbahnung. (5252/1/38). Protocol of the Sitzung des Ausschusses fur Bevblkerungspolitik ADR 62 am 21. Marz 1938 in Berlin. Discussion of Eheanbahnung. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (5252/9/38). Bevolkerungspolitik. Sitzung am 7. Dez. 1938. BevblkerungspoADR 63 litik und private Krankenversicherung. Discussion of venereal disease. (5252/2/38). Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Bevblkerungspolitik am 7 Dez, 1938 ADR 64 in Berlin. Protocol of the discussion. See ADR 63. (5252/10a/38). Bevolkerungspolitik. Schutz von Mutter und Kind, Sitzung vom ADR 65 3. Februar 1939. (5252/1/39). Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Rechtsfragen der BevblkerungspoliADR 66 tik am 3. Februar 1939 in Berlin. See ADR 65. A copy of the contents of ADR 66. ADR 67 (5252/2/39). Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Rechtsfragen der BevblkerungspoliADR 68 tik am 28. November 1939 in Berlin, Discussion of the role of the Ausschuss in the war. (5252/1/40). Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Rechtsfragen der BevblkerungspoliADR 69 tik am 12. Juni 1940 in Miinchen. Discussion of Institut fiir Rechtsfragen der Bevblkerungspolitik and Bevblkerungspolitik im Kriege. (5252/2/40). Sitzung des Ausschusses fiir Rechtsfragen der BevblkerungspoliADR 70 tik am 21. November 1940 in Miinchen, General problems of population policy and Serial Roll 37 38 Filmed Provenance 32 Akademie fur Deutsches Recht Item FT ADR 71 After Flash 2 FT ADR 72 After Flash 3 FT FT ADR 73 ADR 74 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 75 After Flash 1 FT ADR 76 After Flash 2 FT ADR 77 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 78 FT ADR 79 33 ADR 80 ADR 81 FT FT ADR 82 ADR 83 FT FT ADR 84 ADR 85 After Flash 3 FT ADR 86 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 87 After Flash 1 After Flash 2 39 34 Continued Notes 18 ADR jurisdiction in that area. (5215/1/40). Sitzung des Ausschusses fur Luftschutzrecht am 9. Februar 1940 in Berlin, Establishment and organization of the Ausschuss. (5215/2/40). Sitzung des Ausschusses fur Luftschutzrecht, 23 Nov. 1940, Muniche (5215/2/40). Another copy of ADR 72. (5215/3/40). Sitzung dds Ausschusses fur Luftschutzrecht am 5. und 6. Dezember 1941 in Miinchen. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (5213/1/38). Luftrecht. Sitzung am 28.2. und 1.3*1938 in Hamburg. Discussion of Hilfeleistung auf See zwischen Schiffen und Luftfahrzeugen and Zusammenstoss von Luftfahrzeugen. (5213/3/38). Luftrecht. Arbeitstagung am 5. und 6. Dezember 1938 in Frankfurt/Main. Revision of the Warsaw Agreement on international air traffic. (5213/1/39). Luftrecht. Sitzung am 21. u. 22. Februar 1939 in Munchen. Memoranda and discussion about air insurance. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. Koristituierende Sitzung des Ausschusses fur das Gaststa'tten- und Fremdenverkehrsrecht am 25.11*38 in Wisn0 (5226/1/38). ( I 1131 b). Sitzung der Klassensekretare. A report on the meeting of officials of the sections of the Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung of the ADR in October 1941. Included are summaries of the work of the sections. A folder from the Berlin office of the ADR dealing with basic organizational questions of the ADR, 1936-37. Niederschrift liber die 1. Sitzung der Klasse II der Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung, 19 June 1937. Organizational questions. (5913/37). Minutes of the Ausschuss fur gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, 1934. (5926/1/39)» Wirtschaftswissenschaftliohe Studienreform. 1. Sitzung der Arbeit sgemeinschaft iiber die Reform des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums, 1939. (5926/1/39). Protocol of session under ADR 83. (5926/1/40). Sitzung des Ausschusses iiber die Reform des wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums am 23. Februar 1940 in Berlin. Protocol. Two parts. The first (I 334 J) contains correspondence concerning the expenses of travels in Germany of ADR members and employees, 1939-42. The second (I 335/1) contains correspondance of the Munich office of the ADR with the Schatzmeisteramt of the ADR, 1938-41. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (I 337AK Correspondence of the luunich office of the ADR with the Rechnungshof des Deutschen Reiches, 1939-42. Serial Roll Filmed Provenance FT ADR 88 FT FT ADR 89 ADR 90 FT FT FT FT FT FT FT ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR ADR FT ADR 98 After Flash 2 FT ADR 99 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 99 After Flash 1 FT FT FT FT ADR ADR ADR ADR FT ADR 106 FT FT ADR 107 ADR 108 After Flash 1 40 35 Akademie fur Deutsches Recht After Flash 2 Continued Item 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 100 101 102 103 Notes 19 Terminkalender des Minister-Amta. This is a most interesting folder, containing carbon copies of lists of future appointments and other events in which Frank was to participate. These lists, January-April 1939, were apparently prepared by a member of the ADR secretariat and forwarded by him to aaAmtsgerichtsrat Soiler who was presumably a personlicher Referent or Adjutant of Frank and entered these items on Frank's calendar. The document thus gives a very good idea of the nature and range of Franks activities for the period in which the schedules fall, January-May 1939. (I 334-A/8). A folder on Frank's trip to Bulgaria in 1939* (I 323/5), Gift of 1500 Marks by the Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank to the ADR, 1940. (I 323/7). Routine correspondence on budgetary matters, 1941-43. (I 323/6). Routine budgetary matters, 1940-41. (I 330/1). Accoiints of the Berlin office of the ADR, 1941-43. (I 336/1). Routine bookkeeping matters, 1941-43. Material on the 3. Jahrestagung of the ADR, October 1936. (I 1131). Cancellation of certain 1940 and 1941 meetings of the ADR. (5224/1/39)• Polizeirecht, General correspondence with Best, Most interesting document included on relations of Best to the SS and ADR hierarchies in connection with his critique-^ of the Ordnungspolizei, 1939. Several files, including I 740, I 720, I 730, dealing with the publications of the ADR, 1940-42. Files of correspondence of the ADR dealing with its own library and its publications, 1935. Continued on Serial 40. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. Files of correspondence of the ADR dealing with its own library and its publications, 1935. (I 322/2c). Correspondence about a card file case, 1939. (5926). Miscellaneous material on the subject of Studienreform, 1939-40. (5912). Miscellaneous ADR correspondence, 1938-41. (5919/3/40). Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung, Klasse II. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1940. (5213/3/39). Luftrecht. Meetings in 1939 and 1940. (5213/4/38), Luftrecht. Zusammensetzung und Arbeiten des Ausschusses, 193942. On the organization and history of the Ausschuss fur Luftrecht. (5252/2/39). Rechtsfragen der Bevolkerungspolitik. Material from 1939-40 dealing with activities of the Ausschuss, an Archiv and an Institut planned for the subject and problems of Bevolkerungspolitik im Kriege. (I 375). Miscellaneous correspondence, 1939-42. Purely routine. (I 375/2). Routine notes from the NS. - Rechtswahrerbund, 1940-43. Serial Roll Filmed Provenance Item ADR ADR ADR ADR After Flash 3 FT ADR 113 FT ADR 114 FT ADR 115 FT FT ADR 116 ADR 117 FT Ul Akademie fftr Eautsches Recht Before Flash 1 109 110 111 112 ADR 113 FT ADR 119 FT FT ADR 120 ADR 121 FT ADR 122 FT ADR 123 FT ADR 12U Notes 20 (I 375/1). Note on a personal appeal to Frank, 1941. (I 375/5). Empty. (I 377/3). Internal Munich office matters, 1942. (5200/1/41). Plans to set up an Arbeitsgerneinsehaft zur Erforschung des 6ffentlichen Rechts im GeneraIgouvernement, 1941. (I 1212), Correspondence with and about the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen and the Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft, 1939-41. Some interesting material on the activities of the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen, its relations with the ADR, and its transfer to the Auswartige Amt. On the Deutsche Akademie Miinchen, see also T-82, Serials l-27a. (5914/1/40). Abteilung fur Rechtsfors.chung. Klasse II. Strafrechtliche Gruppe, organizational questions, 1937. (I 1230)0 Berichte an den Prasidenten der Akademie. Contains an interesting report on the conference with Thierack when he took over the ADR in October 1942 after Frank had been kicked out. This report suns arizes the wartime activities of the ADR. Also included is a note on a conference with Frank in October 1941 on various problems of the ADR. (I 1201). Representation of the ADR at the funeral of Ludwig Siebert, 1942. (I 1136). Mitteilungen iiber Ausschussitzungen. Notes of the meetings of the committees of the ADR, 1939-43. This is apparently a complete listing of the committee meetings arid thus gives a good survey of ADR activity in the period covered. (5212/3/38). Kraftverkehrsrecht. Plans for an international conference on "zwischenstaatliches Kraftverkehrsrecht,11 1938-39. The conference was apparently not held. See also ADR 121 on Serial 41. Film prepared Toy the Departmental Records Branch and divided "by Flash numbers. (5212/3/38). KraftfahrzeugBrecht. Proposed role of Dr. Schmidt of the NS.Rechtswahrerbuni in the ADR Ausschuss f&r Verkehrsrecht, 1938. (5212/1/39)* Kraftverkehrsrecht. Zusammensetzuig des Ansschusses, 1938-39. (5212/3a/38)• Kraftverkehrsrecht. Q-erman-Italian discussions related to the planned international omference on "zwischenstaatliches Kraftverkehrsrecht," 1938-39. See also ADR 118 on T-82, Serial Uo. (5212/^/38). Kraftverkehrsrecht. General material on the Ausschuss fflr Kraftverkehrsrecht, 1938-39. (5612/3/37)• Kraftverkehrsrecht. Material on the dismissal from any connection with the ADR of Ludwig Lechner, former dfeairman of the Aussdiuss ftir Kraftfahrzeugsrecht, "because of a cour-t case against him, 1938. (I 1211). Miscellaneous correspondence, 1938. Of interest are soiae documents at the end of the folder that shed some light on the relations of the ADR to the Reichsjustizministerium and the universities. Serial Roll Filmed Item FT ADR 125 FT ADR 126 FT ADR 12? IT FT ADR 128 ADR 129 FT ADR 130 FT ADR 131 FT AXSR 132 FT FT ADR 133 ADR FT ADR 135 FT ADR 135 After Flash 1 After Hash 2 FT FT ADR 136 ADR 137 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 137 Provenance After Hash 1. After Flash 2 1*2 *3 R-37 33 Continued Akademie Deutsches Recht Before Hash 1 Notes 21 (5225/5/38). Religionsrecht. Aufnahne des Konsistorialrats Dr. Friedrich Riehm in den Ausschuss f&r Religionsrecht. Material on Riehm, 193&-39* He was eventually not invited to join the Ausschuss. (5225/2/38). Religionsrecht. Bildung des Auss&usses ffir Religionsrecht. Interesting material on the formation ani membership of this committee, 1937-39* Two parts. 5225/2/39, Religionsrecht, deals with the February 1939 Arbeitstagung of the Ausschuss fdr Religionsrecht. 5225/1/39* Religionsrecht, contains general correspondence with Dr. Leyer» chairman of the Ausschuss fdr Religionsrecht, 19UO-U1. (5225/l/^l)* Religionsrecht. Meetings planned for 19^1 with proposed agenda. (5252). Bevfllkerungspolitik. Included in this folder are miscellaneous documents on the Ausschuss fdr Rechtsfragen der Bevfllkerungspolitik. There is a list of the meetings of the Ausschuss, 1937-1939* with the subject discussed at each. Then a group of documents of 193*3 on technical legal questions, particularly the harnishing of allowances for children and the secrecy of the names of those accusing others of having renereal diseases. Also the Bilderanhang containing population statistics from Burgdflrfer's book, Vfllker am Abgrund (Munich, J.F. Lehmanns, 1937). (5252/8/38). Bevfllkerungspolitik, Vorarbeiten zur Reidasfamilienkasse, meeting on 15 June 1938. (5252/H/38). Ausschuss fdr Rechtsfragen der Bevfllkerungspolitik, Correspondence regarding protocols of the meetings, 1937-38(5252/3/38). Bevfllkerungspolitik. Schriftwechsel mit Geheimrat von Calker (chairman of the Ausschuss), 1938-^3. Covering note to ADH 13^. (5913). Material on the meetings of Klasse II of the Abteilung fdr Rechtsforschung, 1937. The "F11 - "Z" part of a file of correspondence on the planned new divorce law worked on by the ADR, 1936. This folder is continued on Serial U2. Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (continued from Serial U2). The nF" fre nZn part of a file of correspondence on the planned new divorce law worked on by the ADR, 193&. (I 5922/39). A folder of general <x>rrespondence of the ADR, 1937-^3A folder containing a large variety of documents dealing both with internal and office procedures of the ADR and the Substantive work of its committees, 193^-37. ^is folder should be consulted for all aspects of ADR work in the period covered. Folder continued on Serial ^3. Film prepared by the Departmental Records Branch and divided by Flash numbers. (continued from Serial il). A folder containing a large variety of docunents dealing both with internal and office procedures of the ADR and the substantive Serial Roll Filmed Provenance After Hash 1 FT FT FT 3839 After Hash 2 FT After Flash 3 Before Flash 1 FT Item Notes 22 work of its committee, 193^-37* The folder should "be consulted for all aspects of ADR work in the period covered. Material on the Aasschuss fur Rechtsfragen der BevBlkerungspolitik, 1935-39. ADR 138 (Correspondence of the Berlin office of the ADR). An ADR form and the resignation of W. Kisch, 1937. ADR 139 A collection of materiSL connected with the preparation of the report on the ADR activities of the ADR in 1938. The MHM - "0" part of a correspondence file of the Berlin office of the ADR ADR containing correspondence with professors, officials* and lawyers on requests made to them by the ADR for research on specific topics in the field of legal research, 1936-38. Quite interesting for the relations of the academic world with the ADR. A central correspondence file of the Munich office of the ADR containing ADR correspondence with and about the work of the various committees, 19^0-^3. The folder should be checked for research on all aspects of ADR activity in the period covered. File numbers covered by this folder are: I 360/18; I 5111? I 510U; I 7^0; I 52U1/HO; I 5103; I 5353; I 5108; I 5102; I 52*40/1/1*1; I 5201; I 51/l/Ul;5i06; 5380; 5252; 5320; 5380; 5381; 5920; 5938/8; 52*42; 5357; 5390; After Hash 1 After Flash 2 FT FT ADR ADR Before Hash 1 FT ADR FT ADR FT ADR After Flash 1 FT FT IT FT ADR ADR ADR ADR After Hash 2 FT ADR 5356; 5935; 5352; 593^; 5302; 51*01; 535^; 5931*; 52te; 51*02; 522**; 5301; 5105; 5117. Alphabetical correspondence file of the library of the ADR, 1937-39. Correspondence about the Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung, 1936-^2; and file 59/1 on Frank's plans to have the ADR work on the law of the G-eneralgouvernement and German resettlement activities, 1939-^0. Film prepared by Departmental Records Branch and divided by Hash numbers. (I 5902). Correspondence concerning the Abteilung fur Rechtsforschung, KLasse I: Irforschung der Geschichte und der G-rundfragen des Rechts, 1939-^1 • (I 5927). Correspondence with members of Abteilung for Rechtsforschung, KLasse II: Erforschung des Rechts von Reich und Volk, 1937-^1• (5252/39 and 5252/UO). Material of the Ausschuss fur Rechtsfragen der Bevfilkerungspolitik, 1939-^0. Material on the Ausschuss fOr Polizeirecht, 1937-39. (522U/3S and 522^/39). _ ._ (5213/38,39/UO). Ausschuss fur Luftrecht material, 1938-1*0. lU9 (5215/1/UO). Ausschuss fur Luftschutzrecht, 19^0. 150 ADR correspondence with the Sekret&r der I. Klasse, Abteilung fur Rechts151 forschung, 1937-39- Interesting for internal problems of ADR and relations with Relchsjustizministerium. (5226/2/38). Gaststattenrecht, Erflffnungssitzung am 25, November 1938 152 i/Wleiu Serial Roll Filmed Item Provenance FT FT ADR 156 ADR 157 After Flash 1 FT FT ADR 158 ADR 159 After Hash 2 FT ADR 160 After Flash 1 FT ADR 163 After Flash 2 Before Flash 1 After Flash 1 FT ADR 16H FT ADR 165 FT FT ADR ADR 167 After Flash 3 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 168 After Flash 1 FT ADR 169 After Hash 3 U6 Ul Akademie fur Deutsches Recht Before Hash 1 After Hash 3 Before Flash 1 Notes 23 (5226/1/38). Beiakt-Unterlagen; Bildung eines Unter-Ausschusses fur Gaststfltten-und Fremdenverkehrsrecht, 1938. (5226/1/38), Bildung eire s Unter-Ausschusses fur Gastst&tten- und Fremdenverkehrsrecht, 1938. ( 5226/1/39) • Gaststftttenrecht; 2. Arbfltstagung des Ausschusses fftr Fremdenverkehrsrecht am 3. Juli 1939 *n Berlin . (5215/2/UO). Luftschutzrecht; ArTaeiten des Ausschusses, 19^*0. (5215/1/^0). Luftschutzrecht: Yorarteiten und Grdndung des Ausschusses fdr Luftsdiutzrecht, 1938-^2. (IM 5215/1/^2). Luftschutzrecht; Sizungen 19^2. "A - "G1* part of a correspondence file with individuals asked to prepare research studies for the ADR, 1936- 39(5222/1/38). Beamtenrecht; Schriftwechsel Reichsfuhrer Neef, 1938-41. Heef was Vorsitzender of the Ausschuss fur Beamtenrecht; he was also Leiter des Hauptamtes fur Beamte der Reichsleitung der NSDAP and Reichswalter des Reichs'bundes der Deutschen Beamten (RDB). (I 1135)* Schriftwechsel mit dem Stenographen'buro des Reichstag9»19^2. Routine. Ausschuss fftr Rechtsfragen der BeviJlkerungspolitik. File of stenographic notes, lectures, and correspondence, 193^37- Very important on racial and population policies, Bheanbahming, aid other subjects in Ausscnuss jurisdiction. See ADR 163 • Ausschuss fur Rechtsfragen der BevSlkerungspolitik. Material Ifike ADR 162, 1935-371*7 H8 After Flash 2 1*9 After Flash 2 After Flash 3 50 (5212/1/35). Ausschuss fdr Luftrecht, alphabetical CD rrespondence file, 1935-37. File on the complaint of Heinrich Holtschneider about his dismissal from the Reichsbahn, 193^-35. (522U/1/36). Polizeirecht; Grundung, Zasammensetzung, 1936-38. (5213/3/37). Schriftwechsel Professor Dr. Oppikofer, 1936-39. Oppikofer was Vorsitzender des Ausschusses fur Luftrecht. (5225/39). Ausschuss fflr Religionsrecht. A series of files of great interaspects of state-church relations, with material dating back to est, 1939* 1926. (I 375/5). ADR correspondence with the NSDAP, Reichsleitung, Reichsrechfesamt, 1938-^2. Routine. Alphabetical correspondence of the ADR library, 1935-36. Familienreeht, correspondence, memoranda, and other .raterial on the proposed new Ehescheidungsgesetg, 1937-38. Serial Roll 51 46 Provenance Akademie fur Deutsche s Recht Before Hash 1 Filmed Item FT ADR 172 IT FT FT IT FT IT IT FT FT FT FT FT 52 Before Hash 1 After Flash 1 FT FT FT FT 53 48 NSDAP, Ortsgruppe Kemp ton II (Stld) After Hash 2 After Hash 3 FT FT FT Notes Filmed by Departmental Records Branch. Film divided "by Flash numbers. (I 740/1/41), Arbeit sbericht; Professor Hedemann, Das Volksgesetzbuch der Deutschen, 1941. Routine. AER 173 (I 410/5). Gesellschaft for Deutsches Strafrecht, Tagsupg vom 2? ,-29. October 1938 in Mftnchen. ADR 174 (I 760/2/38). Schriftwechsel mit Verlag Schweitzer. Routine. ADR 175 (I 761/1/40), Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel mit der Hanseatischen Verlagsanstalt AO. Routine* (I 740/1/38). Arbeitsbericht; Professor Dr. KLausing, Die Neuordnung der GmbH. Routine. (I 713/1). Zeitschrift der AfDR, Buchbesprechungen, Schriftwechsel, 19^1-^2 Routine. (5213/2/1*0). Ausschuss f^lr Luftrecht* Meeting 19^0. (5213/1/^40). Luftrecht; Schriftwechsel mit Pr&s. Vegerdt (who became Torsit zender des Ausschusses fur Luftrecht in 19^0). Routine. (5252/la/39). Bev61kerungspolitik; Bekampfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten, ADR 180 Besprechung am 10.1.1939* (5225/^/38). Religionsrecht: Aufnahme des Pfarrers a.D. Poczatek in den ADR 181 Ausschuss for Religionsrecht. Turned down. (I 5252). Bevdlkerungspolitik; Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel. Material on ADR 182 the Ausschuss fur Rechtsfragen der Bevdlkerungspolitik, 193**~UU. (59H/38-1*0). Abteilung fftr Rechtsforschung, ELasee II. Correspondence ADR 183 mainly with Freiherr von Freytagh-Loringhoven, 1938-40. Aim 184 (5920). Abteilung for Rechtsforschung, Klasse III, correspondence, 1935-^0. Filmed by Departmental Records Branch. Film divided by Flash numbers. Correspondence of the ADR Auslandsabteilung, 1938-^2. (I 1134/1). Be such des Kgl. Ungarischen Justizministers Dr. von Radocsay in MtLnchen, am 15. September 194l. ADR 187 (I 1134/2). Besuch S. Magnifizenz, Rektor der Universit&t Rom,Professor Dr. Barone de Francisci,im Haus des Deutschen Rechts in Mttnchen, am 14.1.1942. ADR 188 (1134; A). Besuch Seiner Sxzellenz Professor Djuvara aus Bukarest im Haus des Deutschen Rechts am 2^. Januar 1942. ADR 189 Material on the building and meetings of the ADR, 1934-40. ADR 190 Issues of the Zeitschrift der ADR, June 1934-March 1935. Filmed, by Departmental Records Branch. Fo frame numbers. ADR 191 NSDAP, Ortsgruppe Kempton II (Sttd) set of the Zeitschrift der Akademie fdr Deutsches Recht, Vol. Ill, 1936, Vol IV (1937). Nos. 1 and 4; Vol. VII (1940), No. 5- Serial Roll Filmed Item Provenance Before Slash 1 FT FT FT FT After Slash 1 FT 3"? FT FT After Flash 2 FT IT After Hash 3 FT FT FT FT 55 50 Before Slash 1 FT FT FT FT Notes Filmed "by Departmental Records Brandi. Film divided "by Flash numbers. Bookleti "Ausstellung *Das Recht1,1* veranstaltet \on der Akademie fur Deuteches Recht und dem National so zialistischen Rechtswahrerbund ailftsslich der Grundsteinlegung des Houses des Deutschen Reehts, 21 October - 30 November 1936. "Sachbericht flber die Ausstellung 'Das Recht,' Mitarbeit, Be such, Presse," ADR 193 Januar 1937* With other material a"bout the exhibition. Folder of the Schstsacistor der ADR with material on the financing of the ADR ADR and the Hans des Deutschen Rechts, 1935-36. (I 375/3)- ^Aufstellung des amtlichen Materials der NS-Rechtsbetreuung,n ADR 195 Compilations of material on Rechtsbetreiiung., 193^-39* compiled in the NSDAP, Reichsleitung, Reichsrechtsamt, Amt f(lr Rechtsbetreuung, Stray item (not from ADR), Reichs-RundlHink G.m.b.H., Reidassender Stuttgart, ADR 196 Notenverwaltung, ''Zusammenstellung des Notenmaterials fftr grosses Orchester,rt 1936. List of publications of the ADR as of May 19^0. Duplicates omitted. ADR 197 Lists of documents in the following files: P 5926/39/UO; 5213/2/37; 5212/3/37; ADR 198 5213/1/38; 5213/2/38; 5213/3/38; 5213/1/39; 5213/2/39; P 5265/39Aktenverzeichnis Referat VIII, Dr. Lange. Inventory (f£ 1938-1*0 records of ADR 199 Klasse III of the Abteilung ftlr Rechtsforschung. Aktenverzeichnis der Akademie f&r Deutsches Recht. Basic for use of files ADR 200 through 19^0. (I 375/3). Mitteilungen des Reichsrechtsamts, 19^2. Private periodical subADR 201 criptions of Hans Frank. ADR 202 Newspaper clippings about the ADR and racial policy, 1935-36. (5252/5/38). Ausschuss f&r Rechtsfragen der Bev6"lkerungspolitik. PresseADR 203 ausschnitte, routine. Aktenaniage. Notes on the filing system of the ADR, no date. ADR A collection of manuscripts, notes, and memoranda, about 193^-39» of great ADR 205, interest for the history of the ADR. Also on history of Auss<huss filr Familienrecht, Ausschuss fflr btlrgerliche Rechtspflege, Unterausschuss ftlr Vergleichsrecht, Ausschuss fur Immobiliaj;Credit. Filmed by Departmentetl Records Branch. Film divided by Hash numbers. Various memoranda on the ADR and en Rational Socialist legal principles, about ADR 206 193^37. Included is protocol of discussion under Frank1 s direction of future tasks of ADE, 2g August 1935. Lists of ADR magazine subscriptions. ADR 20? Miscellaneous material including James W. Garner, "Das Vdlkerrecht in den ADR 208 Eriegen der 2>ikiinf t," end some comments on the organization of the ADR, 1933» ADR. 209(I 1130/1)...., Jahrestagung .19)40., Speech, by Grandi. ADR 192 Serial Boll 56 51 57 B52 Filmed Item After Hash 1 FT ABR 210 ADR 211 After Flash 2 FT ADR 212 Before Hash 1 After Hash 1 FT FT ADR 213 ADR 21U Generalstaatsanvalt be1m Oberlan- Before flash 1 desgericht Stuttgart After Hash 1 FT FT ADR 215 ADR 216 FT ADR 217 FT FT ADR 218 ADR 219 Provenance Akademie fflr Deutsches Recht After Hash 2 After Flash 3 58 Generalstaatsanwalt bei dem Ober- Before Flash 1 landesgericht Stuttgart; Deutsche Akademie Mflnchen R53 58- R5359 5* 1 59 5* FT FT FT After Flash 1 FT ADR 223 After Hash 2 Before Flash 1 FT ADR 22^ FT ADR 225 Polizeidirektion Mftnchen; Stadtlscher After Flash 1 Informationsdienst, Stuttgart; Notes 26 (I 1130/11). Rede Min. Frank, 19^0, Italian text. Curt Wavrczeck, "Staatsfflhrung und Verwaltung als sozialwlssenschaftllche Probleme,11 reprinted from Gegenwartsfragen der Wlrtschaftswissenschaft, no date. (I 5212). Ausschuss fttr Kraftverkehrsrecht, Correspondence of Lasch (Director of the ADR) about the Ausschuss and copies of significant decisions In tile field of traffic law forwarded to the ADR by the Reichsjustizminicte^ rium, 1935-te. Filmed by Departmental Records Branch. Film divided by Flash numbers. (5212/36-UO). Kraft fahrzeugsrecht,miscellaneous files, 1936-^0. Texts of laws agaios t treason and other political crimes, 193**~39» Filmed by Departmental Records Branch. Film divided by Flash numbers. Stichwortvergeichnis of various laws, 19^3-**^ Miscellaneous case files of the Generalstaatsanwalt Stuttgart, 19^U-^5« A few of political interest. Miscellaneous administrative papers concerning Hbchverrat und Landesverrat cases, 19U2-U3* Like ADR 21?, 1939-^3. Files of the Generalstaatsanwalt Stuttgart on the Dienststrafverfahren against two lawyers, 19^U. Filmed by Departmental Records Branch. Film divided by Flash numbers* Miscellaneous papers of the Generalstaatsanwalt, 19^0-^2. Einziehungsver zei chnis, 19^. Miscellaneous files of the General staatsanwalt. Stempelver zei chnis. Conduct in wartime (19*^^5). Regulations for executions, 19UU-U5. typewriter, 19UU-U5. Budget matters, 19^3-^. Oberlandesgerlcht Stuttgart, Eauptverhandlungen, Kalender, 19^U. Miscellaneous files of the General staatsanwalt, 1939-M. Some political cases. This is a file of the Deutsche Akademie Mnchen. It has been filmed on open film on T-82, Serial 27 A« For description, see the data sheet. Filmed by Depar tmental Records Branch. Film divided by Flash numbers. This appears to be a folder of Referat VI of the Polizeidirektion Mttnchen containing its intelligence on the NSDAP, 1930-33, Most interesting for the Party, police operations, and cooperation between Bavarian, Baden, and Prussian police. Included in the folder is a stray item from the RehseArchiv containing the names of the members of 2nd Company, Regiment Mftnchen der SA, 8/9 November 1923. Also & program for political education of the NSDAP. Serial Roll 60 Item After Flash 2 FT ADR 226 After Hash 3 FT FT ADR 22? ADR 222 FT ADR 229 FT ADR 230 55 Serial Boll 56 62 Filmed Provenance 157 Continued Provenance Aksd«nie ffr Deuteches Recht Institut fttr Deutsche Ostar"beit, Krakau, Dir. Gobiitz Item Filmed 1st frame ADR 231 (300/3)F* ADR 232 FT (3210/2/lU) ADR 236 FT ADR 237 FT ADR 238 FT IDO 2 >5|*360 1*5^557 213826 Notes 27 Documents of unknown provenance. Material on the Wissenschaftliche Sammlungen dee Staates in Mdnchen, and Rundbriefe des Aufklftxungs-Ausschuases ftlr nationale Sicherheit, 1933• "Deutsche Presse," Vol. 2g (1938), No. 13. Stadtischer Informationsdienst Stuttgart copy of "Verwaltungs- und Betriebsstatistik der Stadt Stuttgart, April-Juni 1939." Item of unclear provenance, possibly the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, lecture by Admiral Assmann (chief of the historical section), "Wandlungen der Seekr legs funning," 19^1. The talk was originally given at the ADR in Oct. 19^1, see ADH 236 on Serial 61. Filmed "by Departmental Records Branch, no Frame numbers. NSDAP, Reichsleitung.Bs&gsenpolitisches Amt, "Pressedienst," issues for 19HO19U3, mainly 19^2 and 19^3. See also T-81, Serial 27. Notes Internal ADR regulations, 1937-39* Duplicates omitted. Bericht des Ausschusses fiir Ver sic he rungswe sen in der Akademie fftr Deutsches Recht uber die gesetzliche Regelung der privaten Krankenversicherung, 1938. Duplicates omitted. Niederschrift €tber die Sitzung des V61kerrechts~Ausschusses der Akademie fur Deutsches Hecht und der Deutschen Gesellschaft fdr Vdlkerrecht und Veltpolitik am 10. und 11. Oktober 19^1 in den Raumen der Akademie fur Deutsches Recht in Berlin, streng persdnlicn, zum vertraulichen Dienstgebrauch. This is apparently the copy of the Marineakademie. For the text of Assmann13 talk at this meeting, see ADR 229 on Serial 59. Ausscliuss fdr GmbH-Recht, "Bericht uber die dritte Sitzung des Ausschusses, n December 1937* °ur zur vertraulichen Benutzung, printed. Zeitschrift far Wehrrecht, Vo. IX (19^5), No. 9/10. This is the January February 19^5 issue; it contains the Register for Volume VIII. Note: For other material of the Akademie fdr Deutsches Recht, see Guide to Captured German Documents, p. ^3. Folder of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit containing correspondence with scientific collaborators, publishers, Arbeitsfront, Institut fur das Deutschtum im Aasland etc., 19^40-^2. A considerable part of the correspondence pertains to the preparation and publication of das Deutsche Rechtsschriftturn, monatlichee Verzeichnis der juristischen Buch- unL Zeitsdiriftenliteratur, prepared Serial Boll 62 57 63 57, 58 Provenance Item filmed 1st frame FT 21U781 IDO FT 215205 IDO 7 FT 215552 IDO 9 FT 216035 Institut for Deut- IDO 3 sche Ostarbeit, Krakau, Dir.Coblitz 21635^ IDO 10 58. R59 Continued IDO 12 FT 216701 Notes 28 by the Akademie for Deutsches Recht and published by Zentralverlag der NSBAP, M&nchen. The Direktor des Institute for Deutsche Ostarbeit, Coblitz, was editor of the Deutsches Rechtsschrif ttum and corresponded about it with various collaborators, 19^0-143. Fcr further correspondence on this bibliographical project, see also TV-SI, Serial 259* Folder 3* (Eh© publication was suddenly interrupted in early 19^3 supposedly for lack of paper supply. It is probable that the end of the publication was due to the fact that H. Frank was dismissed from the post of President of the Akademie for Deutsches Recht). Folder of the same provenance marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel, B - C. The correspondence deals with the activities of the Institute: publications, preparation of expositions, loans of books etc. Most of it is addressed to or sent by the Director of the Institute, Gobi it z. Of interest is a report of a collaborator of the Institute, Dr. E. Behrens, "Bericht fiber meine Teilnahmen am Sonderauftrag fur die Sicherstellung der Kunstschfttze, 9.-18. Juli 19^1," dated Krakau, Juli 19^1 (frames 21^930-21^932). Folder of the Institut fftr Deutsche Ostarbeit, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel, D. It contains various correspondence of the Director of the Institute with other German scientific Instt tutes, among others the Deutsche Akademie Mdnchen. The correspondence deals with prepared publications, exchange of books and periodicals, contributions to publications etc., 19^0-Ul. A great amount of effort was spent on re-interpretation of Polish history, such as the effort to prove that Copernicus was a German (see frame 215229). Folder of same provenance marked Allgemeiner Schrif twechsel H-J, containing material similar to folder U. While parts of the correspondence are of routine character they indicate also the scope and variety of the activities of the Institute, 19UO-1&. Folder of same provenance marked Allgemeiner Schrif twechsel K II containing material similar to folder ^, 19^0-UH. Folder of same provenance marked Allgemeiner Schriftwecheel L containing material similar to folder k, 19iH-l&. See especially frames 2166U6-216656 dealing with a Polish professor Lukasiewicz whom the Germans wanted to subsidize but did not dare from fear of retaliations by the Polish Underground Movement. Folder of the Institut for Deutsche Ostarbeit, the Director Coblitz's file, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel, 19-0, containing correspondence with scientific collaborators and with various organizations of the NSDAP, 19^0-U^. Of special interest are frames 216809-216833 dealing with one of the projects of the Institute and stating that Generalgouverneur Frank was personally interested in the various projects of the Institute and many of them were conducted on his Serial Boll 58, R59 Provenance Item Institut f<lr Deut- IDO sche Ostarbeit, Krakau, Dir. Coblitz Filmed 1st frame FT 217030 65 R59 IDO 15 FT 21727^ 66 B59. R60 IDO 18 FT 217822 Continued Notes direct initiative. Folder of same provenance, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel R, dontaining correspondence with various collaborators, commercial firms about supplies etc,, 19140-1*3. Of interest is Bericht zur Tagung ilber Fbrschuig in wirtschaftlichen Cstfragen vom 18r20. Januar 1939 ia Schneideraflhl, durchgeftthri von der Reichsfachgruppe Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Reichsstudentenftthrung which outlines in detail the working plans and projects of that organization. The doeumsnt had limited circulation (frames 217087-21710^). Folder of the Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Direktor Coblitz, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel S, containing various correspondence about contributions to the periodical published by the Institute, Burg, communications with various collaborators, arrangements of expositions etc. This folder and others of the series ALlgemeiner Schriftwechsel were filmed to show the type of topics that the Institute was interested in with the objective of re-Germanization of the Polish areas. The objects of the Institute's interests ranged over all fields of social sciences and art. Folder of same provenance, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel T-Y. Among routine correspondence similar to that in folder 15» two items are of interest: one, herausgegeben vom Amt for Raumordnung in der Regiening des Generalgouvernementk Krakau, Februar 19^2, "Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Stadte und Landgemeinden im Distrikt Galizien," zusammengestellt von Dr. Wilh. Polzer (frames 21775H to 217765), the other, prepared by the Wissenschaftsabteilung des VBA in Gemeinschaft mit der Volkswissenschaftlichen Abteilung der Reichsstudentenfdhrung, "Verzeichnis der ausgearbeiteten Karten und Statistitenim Hlnblick auf bevorstehende neue Umsiedlungsarbeiten,n no date indicated (frames 21780221781*0. Both items are examples of preparatory work for large-scale forced moves of population. Folder of the Institut fftr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Direktor Coblitz, marked Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel W-2, containing routine correspondence about publications, organization of concerts etc., 19^0-19^3. Of interest is "Niederschrift flber eine Besprechung, die der Herr Generalgouverneur, Reichsminister Dr. Franfy im Anschluss an eine Besichtigung der Werbestelle des (Jeneralgouvernements, Berlin V 8, Unter den Linden 17, am 19.11,19^1 abgehaltm hat11 (frames 2179^9217957) which summarizes the German attitude towards Poland and the Poles. Folder of the Institut fftr Deutsche Ostarbeit, narked Personalakte, Deutsche Gefolgschaft, A-D. It contains personnel files of the German employees of the Institute. The files of subordinate employees (assistants, secretaries etc.) were omitted. For filming were selected the files of: 1). Dr. Bwald Behrens, specialist in cultural history, who was recruited by the Institute although Serial Boll Provenance 66 H59, Institut fdr DeutB60 ache Ostarbeit, Krakau, Dir.Coblitz 67 B60 R60 Institut f8r Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau Item Filmed 1st frame IDO 20 FS IDO FS IDO 26 FS IDO 27 FS IDO 29 33 218590 21890** 2189^5 FS 219003 Notes 30 his previous employe*^ the Forschungsleitstelle des Forschungsamtes Reichsluftfahrt-Ministerium, was reluctant to release him; 2). Dr. Rudolf Boerner, Abteilungsleiter Allgemeine und Technische Physik, who was fired because he got in trouble with tiie Gestapo; 3)» Dr. Wilhelm Coblitz, the Director of the Institute and *0 Dr. Alfred Dennhardt, Leiter der Sektion Allgemeine und Technische Physik. Folder of same provenance, marked Personalekte, Deutsche Gefolgschaft E-H. Only the file of Dr. Hans Graul, an expert in Baumordnung, was filmed. Of interest is the item entitled "Vereinbarung zwischen dem Direktor des Instituts for Deutsche Ostarbeit und dem Leiter der Abteilung Baumordnung in der Regierung des Generalgouverneurs,11 September 19^0* included in this file. Folder of the Institut for Deutsche Ostarbeit, Erakau, marked Personalakte, Deutsche Gefolgschaft, J-R. Only the file of Dr. Otto KLippel, Referent der 2weigstelle Lemberg des Institute, was filmed. Of interest is the Bescheinigung from which it appears that Klippel stoted his voluminous "scientific" notes in the Konzentrationslager Gross-Rosen, and made a trip there in winter 19ty5 trying to retrieve them ( frames aS609-218610). Folder of same provenance, marked Vertraulich, Ausgeschiedene Gefolgschaf tsmitglieder. Selected files from this folder were filmed as a sample of the attitude of the Institute towards employees who were politically suspected: Dr. Gerhard Brauns, Dr. Erwin Wienecke. Folder of the Institut fflr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau, marked Personalakte, Ausgeschiedene Deutsche Gefolgschaft, A-E. From many files two were filmed as samples: the file of a Russian chess player, Alexander Aljechin, 19^1-^2, and the files of Professor Dr. Roland Brinkmann, who was to head the Institute's Arbeitsstelle fur Bodenforschung, 19*40. Folder of same provenance, marked Ausgeschiedene Deutsche Gefolgschaftsmitglieder, J-N. From many files only one was filmed beefias* it is indicative of the type of activities the Institute sought to engage in: file of Dr. Othmar Eohn, a geologist, who was to be employed by the Institute to conduct surveys of land in search of oil, 19^3. Folder of same provenance, marked Regierung P-Z, containing routine correspondence with the Regierung des Generalgouvernements. Two items were filmed: a letter to the Hauptabteilung Propaganda of the Regierung des Generalgouvernements, 19*&, giving a description of the Institute's publication Burg together with a detailed political curriculum vitae of (frame 21900*0, and an order of partial evacuation of the Institute to Bayerische Ostmark, July 19*& (frame 219005). Also a circular letter of the Reichsbefehlshaber des GeneralgouvernementPabout defense against attacks of partisans on trains "Sicherung der Zflge fflr dea dffentlichen Reiseverkehr,11 May 191*3 (frames 219006-219008). Item Serial Roll 69 70 R60. 61 61 Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Zrakau, Dir.Coblitz Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau Filmed let frame Notes 31 Folder of the Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, director Goblitz1 file on the organization of Sektion Gartenfcultur at the Institute. The folder contains letters from the chief of that section,Maurer, about his negotiations with Generalgouverneur Frank pertaining to the founding and tasks of that section, 19^0-^2, Folder of same provenance marked Sektion Wirtschaft dealing with the organization and activities of that section of the Institute. It contains letters and memoranda on German economic aims in the East, 19^0-^3. Folder of same provenance, marked Sektion Kunstgeschichte. It contains various correspondence about the section, much of it of no interest (not filmed). Interesting is a speech Coblitz made at the "Erflffnung der Ausstellung 'Altdeutsche Kunst aus Krakau und dem Karpatenland' im Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, am IDO 35 FT 219009 IDO 36 FT 219182 IDO 37 PS 21925^ IDO 38 IT 219262 Folder of same provenance marked Wlssenschaft, Erziehung und Unterricht containing correspondence of the Institute with the Hauptabteilung Wissenschaft und Unterricht der Regierung des Generalgouvernements, primarily about taking over Polish libraries, art collections and scientific collections by the Institute, IDO UO FS 219512 IDO kl FT 219526 Folder of the Institut fttr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau, marked Sektion Landwirtschaft. Routine correspondence pertaining to the work of the section was omitted, but a report was filmed: "Die Leistungsf&higkeit der Landwirtschaft in Wolhynien und die nafrttrliche wirtschaftliche Zuordnung des Gebietes" by Prof. Dr. F. Christiansen-Weniger, Leiter der Landwirtschaftliehen Forschungsanstalt des General gouvernements und Leiter der Sektion fttr Landwirtschaft im Institut fftr Deutsche Ostarbeit, 19^2. Folder of same provenance, marked Sektion Recht und Rechtsgeschichte. This folder contains several items of considerable interest, and the routine correspondence of a fairly important and busy section of the Institute. Note frames 21958^-21961^ for text of a speech of Frank, summarizing the tasks of the Institute. See frames 219626-219628 for a letter to the Hauptabteilung Innere Verwaltung, Allgemeine Staatsverwaltung der Regierung des Generalgouverne ments, about the pros and cons of announcing Stiftungen Walery Slawek (decision was made against it, because he worked to maintain a free Polish state through his pro-German policy), 19^1. See also frames 219671-219683 for a report on M Der Religionsfond des frilheren flsterreichischen Staates und seine rechtliche Stellung im ehemaligen Polen,lf prepared in 19*10 at the request of the Unterabteilung fttr die kirchlichen Angel egenheiten der Inneren Abteilung der Regierung des Generalgouvernements; see also a report on the legal questions involved in "Kirchenaustritt polnischer Volkszugeh6riger, " prepared in 19^0 (frames 219695219715) . Serial Roll 61 72 73 61, 62 62 Provenance Institut fiir Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau Notes 32 Item Filmed 1st frame IDO U3 FT 219792 Folder of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit, marked Sektion Verge sehichte. The folder contains routine correspondence about the section, as well as progress reports on the projects, descriptions of planned programs and indications about sources and collections stolen from the Polish scientific institutions! IDO H5 FS 21989^ IDO lj-6 FT 219908 IDO US FT 219992 IDO 50 FT 2201^5 IDO 52 FT 220335 IDO 58 FT 220^59 Folder of same provenance marked Sektion Chemie Lemberg, Prof. Dr. Kiihn. It contains description of research projects, employing Russian scientists and using Russian scientific works as models, 19UU. Routine correspondence ommitted. Folder of same provenance marked Sektion Chemie Krakau, containing material similar to folder ^5, 19^U. Folder of same provenance marked Behaim-Codex. The folder contains correspondence about the publication of a codex found in Poland supposedly of great importance for German and Polish jurisprudence. It is interesting to note the way in. which the scientific personnel was selected to work on this project (case ofSappok who was barred by Frank from collaboration), 19^-0-^3. Folder of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit marked Kopernikus-Stiftung, dealing with the distribution of the Kopernikus Award to deserving German astronomers, 19^1-^3 • Folder of same provenance, marked Nichtdeutsche A-Z. This is a personnel file with filled-out questionnaires about the background and professional training of Russians, emigre's and refugees, employed by the Institute in the capacity of Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, 19^2-^5. Folder of same provenance, marked Sands chreib en des Institute f&r Deutsche Ostarbeit, containing daily administrative circulars of the Institute, IDO 60 FS 220666 IDO 66 FT 220727 IDO 68 FT 220895 IDO 69 FT 220898 Folder of same provenance marked Zur Wehrmacht einberufen, G-0. Only one of these personnel files was selected, that of Assessor Werner Nieinann nominated in 19^2 by Frank to the post of the Leiter der Zweigstelle Lemberg of the Institute, lQ40-^5. Other files omitted. Folder of the Institut filr Deutsche Ostarbeit, marked Haiptabteilung Finanzen,Mai 19^0* containing budgets, correspondence with Hauptabteilung Finanzen des General gouvernements about appropriations of money and lists of personnel with indications of their saleries, 19HO-U5. Folder of same provenance containing a stray item, a memorandum from the Sektion Rassen- und Volkstumsforschung of the Institute to Coblitz: "Aktennotiz iiber die Auflfisung der Ausstellung Deutsches Volkstum im Generalgouverne ment," 19UU. Folder of same provenance containing a collection of newspaper clippings about the Institute and its work from Reichszeitungen, January Serial Roll 73 62 Provenance Institut fdr Deutsche Ostarbeit, Krakau 62 75 76 62 62 Departmental Records Branch, Alexandria,Va. Item Filmed IDO 70 FS IDO 72 FT IDO 73 FT IDO 81 FS IDO 82 FS IDO 83 FT IDO FT IDO Card Index FT 1st frame Notes 33 Folder of same provenance containing some correspondence a"bout and the constitution of the Oesellschaf t der Wissenschaf ten im Generalgouvernement formed at the request of Frank, 19^3- ^Tot filmed a list of personnel with indications about service in armed forces and Uk-Stellung. Folder of the Institut fiir Deutsche Ostarbeit containing newspaper clippings from the Krakauer Zeitung pertaining to the work of the Institute, 19*41-43. Folder of same provenance, marked Verfiffentllchungen, containing a list of publications (books, articles, published speeches etc.) of the Institute, organized according to the various sections of the Institute which prepared them. The list is not dated but it was probably prepared in 19UU. It bears editorial notes. A sample of the "scientific" research work of the Sektion Rassen-und Volks221321 tumswesen of the Institut Mr Deutsche Ostarbeit: a group of sketches, entitled Juden aus Tarnow, Kopfumrisse - 300, Kalish - Fliebluman (?), 23. IV. - 2. V. 19^-2. From a thick folder only a few samples were filmed, A folder consisting of miscellaneous notes, parts of manuscripts, disorganized 221379 photostat ic copies from scientific sources. From the whole folder only four photographs were filmed: undated pictures of a festive meeting, most probably in the Institute during which Coblitz addressed the meeting in the presence of Generalgouverneur Frank, and a snapshot of Coblitz. A publication of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit: Sonderdruck aus Deut2213SU sche Forschung im Osten. Mitteilungen des Instituts fttr Deutsche Os tar b e i tf Kr akau, Burgverlag Krakau, Verlag des Instituts fur Deutsche Ostarbeit, J.Jsh Heft 5» August 19^3* containing two articles, H. K. Nonnenmacher: "Die industriellen Ballungszentralen im ehemaligen Polen, " and Herbert Weinelt: "Anffinge und Herkunft des mittelalterlichen Dunajetzdeutschtums» das Zipser Sachs en turn und die Haussiedlung in der Slowpkei." A folder of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit, marked Kopernikus-Preis 221 U06 containing correspondence and memoranda on the award. Note: A comprehensive survey of the Institute's work was presented in the publication of the Institut fMr Deutsche Ostarbeit Krakau, Jahrbuch 19Ul (1. Jahrgang 19*11) Burg-Yerlag, Krakau, Yerlag des InsTituts fur Deutsche Ostarbeit /Krakau, which is available in the Library of Congress. Card Index of the materials of the Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit was prepared 221U27 4 82 cards by the Departmental Records Branch. The numbers appearing in the upper left corner of the card indicate the number of the folder in which the described material is to be found. Items 83-85 were added to the collection later and are therefore not described in the index. Folders which appear in the index but are not listed on the data sheets (T-82, Serials 62-75) were not filmed. 221021 Introduction to Serials 77 - 320 of Record Group 1036 3^ Serials 77 - 320 cover a part of Record Group 1036 composed of files of various provenances. The materials included all pertain to some aspect of German relations and interests in the Par East although their origins are varied. Files of the following provenances are included in this group: 1) German military authorities ( Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Oberkommando des Heeres, Wehrkreis XII, Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Waffen2) Agencies of the German Government (Auswartiges Amt, Reichsluftfahrtministerium, Reichswirtschaftsministerium, Reichspost, Amtsgericht Hamburg) ; 3) Private and semi-official associations (Ostasienausschuss, Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaf t, Verein zur Fflrderung der Deutsch-Mandschurischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Deutsche Handelskammer Hankowt Ostasiatischer Verein Hamburg-Bremen, Deutsche Akademie M&nchen) ; ^ Private papers (Karl Haushofer, Max Ilgner, W. von Tirpitz); 5) Legations and Consular Offices pjf Japan and Manchuria; 6) Agencies of the Italian Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of War, Chief of Staff of Italian Navy) ; For a detailed listing of the materials see the following Index, About one third of the collection consists of the files of the above mentioned provenances. 7) The larger part of the collection consists of files of various German, Japanese and Manchurian industrial and export companies which were engaged in transactions between Germany, Japan and other Far Eastern Countries^ '.the records o f over a hundred companies are included in this collection. Only those that were filmed (or partially filmed) are listed in the following index, which shows the names of the agencies and firms in alphabetical order and the Serial numbers by which the material can be located on film. The fiftet Serial of this collection consists of a finding aid, referred to as Catalog. The Catalog does not cover the whole collection, but it lists a substantial part of it. It was not prepared by the American Historieal Association. The data presented in the Catalog are not always quite reliable. The information which appears on the American Historical Association data sheets filmed at the beginning of each roll of film supercedes the entries in the Catalog. Where possible, errors were indicated and corrected on the data sheets. A system of crossreference to the Catalog was followed throughout the collection: the Catalog bears annotations stating whether material described in it was missing, not filmed or filmed. If filmed, the annotation gives the number of the Serial on which it appears on the film. Each data sheet filmed at the beginning of each roll of film bears a crossreference to the entries in the Catalog indicating the frame number on which appears the Catalog entry pertaining to the material described on the data sheet. Beginning with Serial 2*42 only general descriptions of material were made on the American Historical Association data sheets and reference must be made to the Catalog for more specific identification of the material. In that case it must be borne in mind that errors might exist in the information given in the Catalog. If material listed on data sheets is not covered in the Catalog, the data sheet is annotated accordingly, 35 I N D E X Provenance Serial No. l) German Military Authorities; Oberkommando des Heeres: Generalstab des Heeres Generalstab des Heeres, Abteilung Iremde Heere West Generalstab des Heeres, Oberquartiermeister IV 159.160,161,162,163.201 1U6.158.201 133.13U Oberkommando der Luftwaffe r Konimando der Erprobungsstellen 133 A Oberkommando der Wehrmacht: Wehrmachtftthrungsstab/VO Ag Ausland Wi M Amt, Chef Wi M Amt, Geheim-Archiv Wi M Amt, Wehrwirtschaftsstab Vi M Amt, Feldwirtschaftsamt llg 152 122,123,12U,125,131.132,202,320 127,129,130 119,126,127,128,130,168,202 Vaffen^SSt ErgaBzungsamt der Waffen-SS, Brganzungsstelle Hordwest Bataillon der Waffen-S8 zor besonderen Verwendung ( Sonderkomraando Kilnsberg?) 112, Wehrkreis XII: Wehrkreisb^cherei Wiesbaden 183 111 2) German Government: Continued Auswartiges Amt: Protokoll 165 Amtsgericht Abt. 65 167 Deutsche Reichspost: Bad Gastein 138 Provenance Serial No. Reichsluftfahrtministerium: Generalluftzeugmeister/A Rttstung IV 117 Reichswirtschaftsministerium; Aussenhandelsstelien Prflfungsstellen 209 209 3) Private and Semi-Official Associations; Deutsche Akademie Mdnchen Deutsch-Japanische G-esellschaf t Deutsche Handelskammer Hankow Ostasienausschuss Ostasiatischer Verein Hamburg-Bremen Verein zur Ffirderung der Deutsch-Mandschurischen Wlrtschaftsbeziehungen U) Private Papers; Sari Haushofer Max Ilgner W. von Tirpitz 5) Legations and Consular Offices of Japan and Manchuria: Japanese Diplomatic Personnel's PapeFs Japanese Embassy Berlin Japanese Embassies Lisbon and Madrid Japanese Consulate Hamburg Manchurian Embassy Borne Manchurian Consulate Hamburg 6) Italian Government: Chief of Staff of Italian Navy Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of War lUg,221-2Ul,320 210 211 16U.211 192 192 t 189, 190,H191 120,121,139 78,80,115,137.155.15^157»176a99.200,213-220 197 196 lUo,156,169 110 203 203 203 7) At German Industrial and Commercial Companies; H. Ahrens & Co, Nachf,, Tokyo Allgemeine ELektrizitftts-Gesellschaft 297 Allgemeine Werkzeugmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft 289 Continued/ * For other materials of DAM or pertaining to it, see AHA film IP-82, Serials 1-27A and German Foreign Ministry film,Ser.26e frame ' Provenance Continued Bobert Bosch G.m.b.H., Stuttgart Braunkohlen-Produkte A.G., Berlin Carlowitz & Co. Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Hamburg Deutsche Bdelstahlwerke, Dftsseldorf Deutsche larbenhandel^-^ellscliaft, Waibel & Co. Deutsche Maschimn Gesellschaft, Duisburg Sisenwerke, Witkowitz Elektrochemische Werke, Munchen Felton & Guilleome, Carlswerk Eisen & Stahl August Evers & Co*, G.m.b.H., Hamburg Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau, G.m.b.H. Pokkes & Koch, Tokyo G-las werk Jena, Schott & Gen. Gustloff-V/erke I.G-. Fartenindustrie, Frankfurt/Main Gutehoffnungshutte OTserhausen A.G. Heesch, Hinrichsen & Co., Hamburg Hydraulik, A.G., Duis"burg Henschel und Sohn C. lilies & Co., Tokyo Junkers Flugzeug-und Motorenwerke, A»G. Heinrich Koppers, G.m.b.H., Essen Ernest Krause & Co., Berlin Friedrich Krupp, A»G. Kunst & Alters Leuna Werke, Merseburg Lurgi, Frankfurt/Main Mannermann Export Co., G.m.b.H., Dftsseldorf Mannesmann Rdhrenwerke Maschinen-Fabrik, Augsburg-Mrnberg Melchers & Co., Bremen Messerschmitt, A.G. Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg Mi neraldlbauge sel1schaft Mueller & Montag G.m.b.H., Leipzig Optische Anstalt, G.P. Goetz, G.m.b.H. Dr. Qtto &- Co., G.jn.b,fl*, Bochum Serial Ko, 290,320 315 286 298 313 315 287 313 135 319 305 109,276 318 312 313 82-107, 153. 179,187, l92,2te-269, 320 280 306 279 292 281 310 311 136.171,186,277 29** 153 272 285 302 279 1^,193,320 206,295 313 309 317 307 37 Provenance Polte Werk, Magde"burg Press & Walz*erk Bheinmetall-Borsig Hhenania-Ossag, Mineral 81 werke, A.G-, Sander* Wieler & Co., Hamburg Schloemann, A.G. , Dttsseldorf Siemens-Schukertwerke, A.G. Skoda, Pilsen Stahl Union Export , Q-.m.'b.H. , Dftsseldorf Stahl werke Verband, A.G. Stickstoff Syndikat, G-.m.b.H. Wagner & Co.* G.m."b.H. , Dortmund J. Winkle r & Co.* Hamburg Otto Wolff, Kflln Vereinigte Leichtmetall Werke, Hannover Karl Vogt, Tokyo 7) B| Japanese and Manchurian Industrial and Commercial Companies; Sompggnie du Chemin de Per Sud-Manchourien, Paris Mitsui Busan, A.G. , Berlin Mitsui Busan, A.G., Rome Mitsui & Co., Tokyo Mitsui Busan Kaisha, Berlin Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha Societe Anonyme Mitsubishi, Paris Sumitomo Chemical Manufacturing Co. Showa Tsusho Kaisha, Ltd., Berlin g) Provenance Unknown Serial No. 293 301 120,1142,166,173.212,282 185 £99 172,283 313 313 1U9.291 301* 316 273,300 296 270,271,177.181,188,320 288 303 207 11* 31*4 182,275 175 79.81,108,113,11^,116,139,1*5.151.170, 17*,180, 198, 20U.205, 208,320. Provenance 77 78 6U- Japanese Embassy, 65 Berlin?; Item Filmed 1st frame Index & Catalog FT GD 1 FS 221^36 GD 3 79 80 65 65 Japanese Embassy, Berlin? ^ frames not numbered; 212872 GD 2 FS 222198 GD 5 FT 222312 GD 15 FS 222817 GD IB FT 22281*0 GD 17 FT 222850 GD 18 FT 222873 GD 19 FT 222930 Notes 39 Index (four frames without numbers) and Catalog to Serials 77 - 320. Folder of unknown provenance, probably from the Japanese Bmbpssy in Berlin, containing an undated letter in Japanese from a member of the Japanese Embassy to Japan concerning the war situation (description according to the Catalog. See there also for items not filmed in this folder, frame 212873)* Folder of same provenance, containing mimeographed reports of the Foreign Trade Division of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin on German war economy, in Japanese, weekly, dated January 12 to November 16, 19^2. For detailed listing of contents see Catalog, frames 21287*1-212875. Folder of same provenance, containing same material as folder 3, issues dated December 21, 19^2-January 25, 19^3. ?or detailed listing of contents see Catalog frame 212873-21287^. Items 3 and k listed in the Catalog are missing. Items 1 and 2 not filmed. Duplicates omitted. Folder of unknown provenance containing two books of mimeographed reports, in Japanese, dated November 19^2: research publications published by Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Berlin, (No. 2U, Vol. I), containing economic studies on Germany and Europe. (For detailed description of contents see Catalog frame 212875)* Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing a pamphlet in Japanese dated 1939 "German-Japanese Culture" published by the Deutschv-Japanis&e Gesellschaft. A collection of lectures on the Hitier-Jugend organization, characteristics of Nazism etc. (see Catalog frame 212877)* One item, not listed in the Catalog, was not filmed: map listing the locations of electrical power stations in Japan, 1928. Folder of unknown provenance containing a pamphlet in Japanese "Theory of Nazi Leadership" published by Kowa Research Society, University of Japan (see Catalog frame 212878). Folder of unknown provenance containing a pamphlet in Japanese "JapaneseManchurian Display in Budapest" issued by the Manchurian Government about the Japanese-Manchurian exposition at the International Fair in Budapest (see Catalog frame 212878). Duplicates omitted. Folder of unknown provenance containing a notebook on Russian Army Organization, composed of clippings from Russian newspapers and handwritten notes in Japanese and Russian, 1930-fo (see Catalog frame 212878). Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing a pamphlet in Japanese "Monthly Economic Report" published by the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, Economic Section. (See Catalog frame 212878). Serial Roll 80 81 Fitoned lat frame Provenance fT 222983 GD 81 FT 22300U GD 22 FT 223075 65 Japanese Embassy, Berlin (?) 65 223080 GD 23 GD 25 FT GD 26 FT GD 2? FT GD 28 FT OD33 FT 2233^9 Notes to Folder of unknown provenance containing one issue of Daily Economic Reports published by the Economic Section of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, dated 19^2, in Japanese. The report written in form of a diary* covers political, military and economic events from December 8, 19^1 to February 27. 19^-2. See Catalog frame 212878. Folder of unknown provenance containing a pamphlet by Lt. Col. Saigo, "Trends in German-Russian Economic Relations," in Japanese, undated. See Catalog frame 212878 for table of contents. Enclosed is one loose leaf of penciled notes in Japanese, not listed in the Catalog. Folder of unknown provenance containing handwritten notes made by a member of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, in Japanese, 19^2 (?). The notes mention tho promising outlook of the German operations against Russia and the necessity of similar Japanese action in China to end the war and to consolidate the Far East, See Catalog frame 212879. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing a mimeographed book on Japanese-German economic relations, January 19^1. in Japanese, partly marked Secret. See Catalog frame 212879 for table of contents. Folder of same provenance containing handwritten notes in Japanese on stationery of Mantetsu, Berlin, Nov. 28, 19*42 and January 10, 19^3, dealing with "German Food Problems'1 and "Germany1 s Transportation Problems," and a personal letter of Moriyoshi Cho, Berlin, Jan. 10, 19^3. See Catalog frame 212880. Folder of same provenance containing carbon copies of handwritten annual reports on thie agricultural conditions in Europe, written by the chief representative of the Manchurian Agricultural Co., Mukden-Hamburg, 1939 and 19to, in Japanese. See Catalog, frame 212880. Folder of same provenance containing a carbon cppy of a letter addressed to the Chief of Army Air Headquarters, Doihara Kenji, about shipment of manuals on German arms, in Japanese, January 16, 19^3. See Catalog frame 212880. Stray item of unknown provenance, a copy on the stationery of the Japanese War Department of train schedule of Lt* Col. Saigor of the Office of the General Staff, May 8, 19^U. Catalog frame 212881. Folder of same provenance containing notes of a Japanese Army Officer travelling in Russia on terrain conditions, airfields and personalities etc., in Japanese, 1935» See Catalog frame 212882. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serials 82-107 is to be found on pages 80-91. Serial Roll Filmed 1st frame Provenance Notes 4l 108 87 FT 2U6121 Booklet of unknown provenance, Mitgliederversammlung des Mitteleuropaiachen Wirtschaftstages, Wien, den 2. September 19*40 (contents Freiherr von Wilmowsky, "Aufgaben und Ziele des Mitteleuropftischen Wirtschaft stages'*; Dr. Max Ilgner, "Deutschland und die wirtschaftliche Intensivierung der sfldosteuropaischen Lander"). NOISE: Description of Serial 109 is to be found on page 91. 110 89 t; OD Manchurian Consulate, Hamburg FT 2U6H09 GD FT 246*129 GD FT Booklet of unknown provenance published by the Foreign Office of Manchuria, Hsinking, Preservation of Peace, Ho. 8 of Series Manchukuo Today, 19^0. For listing of all publications of this Series see title page of the booklet. See Catalog frame 213057. Photostatic copies of unknown provenance containing lists of names and addresses of Japanese nationals in Germany, January 10, 19^5, including also the members of Japanese Embassy Berlin. See Catalog frame 213063. Folder of Manchurian Consulate in Hamburg containing correspondence pertaining to purchase of German military equipment and notes on war events, 19^3» in Japanese. See Catalog frame 213066. Note: For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77. Stray item from the files of the Erganzungsamt der Waffen SS, Ergftnzungsstello Nordwest: circular letter of the Reichsfuhrer, signed by SS Obergruppenfflhrer Gottlofc Berger, pertaining to a picture of the Japanese General Staff and leichsfdhrer's comments about it, April 19^2. See Catalog frame 213067. Note: For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77. Three pamphlets from the files of* and probably also prepared by, the Bataillon der Waffen-SS gur besonderen Verwendung, dealing with the following subjects! ' 1) "MedlziriischeForschung der Sow jets," 2) fluber die Forschung des Institutes fttr experiment ell e Biologie und Pathologic des Tolkskommissariats for Gesundheltsschutz der Ukrainischen SSR (Ziew),M 3) "Organisation und Stand der Bluttransfusion in der UdSSR,lf undated. It is possible that the Bataillon der Waffen«SS zur besonderen Verwendung is Identical with the special looting organization of the Auswartiges Amt, operating in USSR, the so-called Sonderkommando Kttnsberg, and that these are reports on their reconnaisance in Russia. See Catalog frame 213089. -Copy of magazine Azad Hind of Subhas Chandra Bose, published by the Central Office of Free India, Berlin, No. 5/6, 19^U. The other ten Issues of this magazine, mentioned in Catalog, are missing, see frame 213069 for listing of their contents. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77* 111 90 Erg&nzungsamt der Waffen S3, Ergftnzungsstelle Nordwest GD 1*50 FT 112 90 Bataillon der Waffen SS, zur besonderen Verwendung (Sonderkommando Kflnsbergt) GD FT 113 90 GD 455 FT 246528 1st frame Provenance 11$ 116 90 90 117 90 118 90 Continued Japanese Embassy, Berlin; Lt. Col* Kihara? FT 2U6588 GD 502,.. -PT 2U6629 GD 505 FT 2U6635 GD 501 FT 2^6715 GD 50H BT 2U6755 ReichsluftfahrtGD 509 ministerium, Generalluftzeugmeister/ A, Rttstung I? GD ^70 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrmach tfuhrungss tab/ VO, Ag. Ausland 2U6770 FT 2U6898 Notes 1*2 Folder of unknown provenance containing a photostatic copy of a report "fiber den Bakterienkrieg" von Oberfeldarzt Dr. med. Enryo Hojo an der Mili~ tararztlichen Akademie, 19^1, Catalog frame 213081. Note: For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance, possibly from the files of the Military Attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, containing a document entitled 1 "Necessity of strengthening fortified zones and AA-defenses at battle frontj written in Japanese by Lt. Col. Kihara, undated. Description in Catalog frame 213103 Folder of same provenance containing a notebook entitled Daiiy Notes containing material on military establishments in Germany visited by Lt. Col. Kihara, Sept. 1938. Note: For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing a document entitled "German communications, operations and material in Battle" written in Japanese, undated. See table of contents in Catalog, frame 5.3103* Folder of same provenance containing a document entitled "Russian Ordnance Material" in Japanese, dated August 20, 19^1* Detailed description see in Catalog frames 213103-21310U. Note? For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77. Folder of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, Generalluftzeugmeister/A, IV, a survey entitled: "Japan, LuftrtLstungsindustrie und Fluggerftt", Stand 1. Januar 19^2, Geheim. For table of contents see Catalog frame 213106. Note: For Catalog see T 82, Serial 77* Folder of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrmachtsfuhrungsstab/VO, Ag. Ausland (original binder missing. Description in Catalog states that it was a cardboard binder of the QKH. Nevertheless the provenance of the document is clearly from OKW files). All material is marked Geheim or Geheim e Kommandosache. The front page of the folder is entitled Fernost: Japan, China, Indian, and the folder is subdivided into the following divisions: 1) Indien, 2) Besuche, Besprechg. pit. Verlautbrg* 3) Mil,nAtt. Tokyo H) Japan (pol. und wirtsch) 5) jap. Marine u. Luft 6) China 7) Uberblick Frd. Heere m. Vorlagen 8) Vorlage Mil. Att. Tokyo, ^he material is of great interest, it contain? the top military and political information on the Far East available to the OKW in 19if2hl94^; reports of conversations of the Japanese military attache with Auswftrtiges Amt, briefings on the situation given by various Japanese diplonats in Berlin, reports of the German military attache from Tokyo, official and personal reports of the German Ambassador in Japan, evaluated reports of Vertrauensma'nner with connexions Serial Boll Provenance Item Oberkommando der t;*' GB 5*0 Ifehrmscht.* '.F@3rd-* * . vdrtschaftsamt Filmed FT 1st frame Rotes in China, Moscow, Tokyo, correspondence of the Auswftrtiges Amt with the Wehrmachtsfiilhrungsstab, digests of foreign press, a series of reports on the military situation districted "by the Oberkommando des Heeres, Gen.St. d.H»/ Abt. IT. Heere West (V) with survey maps* Much of the material bears annota*tions or drafts of replies initialed or written by Keitel and Jodl, some documents bear annotations showing that they were presented to Hitler. Following are the main subjects treated in this folder: 1) Possibilities of a Apolitical regrouping in the Far East, i.e. rumors and reports about Japanese-Chinese peace negotiations, Japanese-Russian agreements about fisheries and the freedom of shipping of supplies from US to USSR. A considerable part of the material deals with the possibi!4 ity of further agreements between Japan and USSR, their influence on the movement of Russian troops from the Far East to the German front, probability of a war between USSR and Japan and of a Japanese attack on Soviet air-bases, the use of those bases by US forces. 2) A demarche' of the Fflhrer and of the Heichsaussenminister with the Japanese Ambassador in Berlin in late fall 19^3 about great transfers of Soviet troops from the Far East to the German front and the diplomatic repercussions of this demarche'. Germany pressed Japan to keep the military threat to Russia alive. 3) Suggestion of General Sato, Japanese Chef politischer Abteilung des Kriegsministeriums, Mitglied Kaiserlichen Hauptquartiers, about possibilities of neutralisation of China and USSR and conditions of separate peace with them and Greet Britain, July 19^ (frames 2^6986-2H698?), transmitted by German Embassy in Tokyo. U) Text of Vereinbarung flber die gegenseitige Zurverfilgungstellung von Nachbaurechten und Rons toff en zwischen Deutschland und Japan, concluded in March 19UU (frames 2^7135-2UJ1HO). 5) Memorandum prepared by Luftwaffenfflhrungsstab, I.C, Fremde Luftwaffen Ost about "Angriffsmdglichkeiten der anglo-amerikanischen Luftwaffe gegen Japan," February 19UU (frames 2U 7158-218159) . 6) Recognition of Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian Government by Germany. See also Catalog frames 213082-2130$*. Notej For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A folder of the Oberkommando der Wehrnacht, Feldwirtschaftsamt, containing a survey prepared by the Oberkoramando der Luftwaffe, Chef der Techn. Luftrfcstung, dealing with the "Japanische Flu-gzeugproduktion, 1939-^5" with attached charts, Hov. 3, 19UU, Geheim. Not an integral part of the folder, but inclosed in, it are three, sheets of pencilled notes in Japanese, contents Serial Roll 120 121 91 91 Provenance As indicated in Notes Item Filmed 1st frame GD 511 FS 2^7233- GD FS 2U7286 GD 515 FS 2*17533 GD 516 FS 2^7586 GD 517 FS 2^7730 GD 519 FT 2^7785 Notes and provenance unidentified, not listed in Catalog. ^he provenance of this folder not identified correctly in Catalog, frames 213106-213108. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. '."•"."•- From various papers found by the US Air P/W Interrogation Unit in May at Allmannsdorf, near Constance, in the luggage of Mile. Suzu Juzi, secretary of wife of late Vice-Admiral Mitsunobu, two items were selected: an account of the circumstances of the death of Vlce-Admiral Toyo Mitsunobu, aide to Japanese Naval General Staff in January 19^0, later Japanese Naval attache in Home. Mitsunobu was killed by partisans near Verona in June 19UU. The other item is a group of pictures of Mitsuno'bu at various official functions in Germany and Paris, dates unknown. In Japanese. Folder of personal papers and diary of Dr. Chikayoshi Tarui, a Japanese journalist representing Dome! News of Tokyo in Germany. The diary covers the period from Sept. 30, 19^3 to April iH, 19^5. It contains notes on political events, social and political contacts, outlines of articles etc., in Japanese. Papers of Mrs. Setsuko Makise, wife of Yuji Makise, employee of Japanese Embassy, who was killed by partisans in Italy near Schio, in June 19*A. The diary of Mrs. Fakise contains a transcript into Japanese of official documents pertaining to the search and discovery of the bodies of Makise and Asaka, who accompanied him, 19^. ./.Eoldef pf^papers 6f Takayasu Senzoka, a'univerjsiiy.lecturer and employee of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin; diary, in Japanese, covering period from April 7, 19UU to March 19^5. Note: None of these items are listed in the Catalog. From a folder of unknown provenance were filmed: lists of members of staff of the Japanese and Manchurian Embassy in Berlin, and of newspaper correspondents and representatives of Japanese firms; copies of two telegrams sent by Uamawaki and Shimizu to the Asahi Offices in Tokyo giving reports on the flight of the German Government from Berlin to Southern Germany; notes of Dr. ICamao Yamawaki, employee of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, 19^5. In Japanese. Folder of unknown provenance in possession of Mrs. Mitsunobu, wife of late Japanese Naval attache in Home; records of secret expenditures for Japanese officers residing in Italy, written on stationary with the letterhead Marine Imperiale Giapponese, a telegram of the Assistant Chief of the Japanese General Staff to the military attache in Borne in reference to the death of Hear Admiral (Vice Admiral?) Mitsunobu. For other material pertaining to the death of Mitsunobu see folder 511 +. Serial 120, preceding. Serial 121 122 Roll Provenance 91 91 Oberfcommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtachafts- und Rjttstungsamt, Geheim-Archiv Item Pilmed 1st frame GD 526 PT 2^7793-- GD 528 PS GD 556 PT 2147951 GD 562 IT 2HS090 GD 561 PT 2H8173 GD PT 2*48255 GD 565 PT 2^8361 GD 569 PT Notes In Japanese. Polder of unknown provenance containing a letter of Sakae Iwasaki, Acting Consul of the Japanese Consulate General in Berlin, to Minister Kase, Japanese Ministry in Bern, Switzerland, describing the movements of a group of Japanese citizens, formerly residing in Rome, from 19^3* when they evacuated Rome, till April 19^5 when they were taken in US Army custody. In Japanese. Prom a folder of unknown provenance, notes of Dr. Susumu Ejiri, chief correspondent of the Domei news agency in Germany, were filmed. Of interest is his cable describing the last days of the Nazi Government and an article on German-Russian relations, in German and English. Hote: These items are not listed in Catalog. Polder of the Geheim-Archiv of the Wirtschaftsrustungsamt of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, a mimeographed survey "Die Rohstoffversorgung Italiens," prepared by the Reichsamt fur wehrwirtschaftliche Planung, August 1939. Geheim. See Catalog frame 213131» Provenance indicated there is incorrect. -.! Polder of same .provenance, a^typewritten vsljudy-prepared by the Institutj fttr Veltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel in December 19^H, "-^ie wehrwirtschaftliche Lage Tschungking-Chinas unter Berucksichtigung der japanischen Eroberungen seit August 19^." See Catalog frame 2131331 wrong provenance. : Pblder of same provenance, a typewritten study prepared by the Institut fur Weltwlrtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, in April 19^0, "Die Erdfllwirtschaft des Vorderen Orients11 marked Geheinu Polder 5^0 is a statistical appendix to this study, contains charts and maps (begins frame 2^82^8). See Catalog frames 213132-213133* Indicated provenance incorrect. Polder of same provenance, a carbon copy of a study prepared by the Institut filr Weltwirtschaft, Kiel, in October 1939, "Die wirtschaftlichen Krftfte Chinas," Geheira. See Catalog frame 213133. Appendix (begins frame 2^8333) "Nachtrag zum Bericht: die wirtschaftlichen Krftfte Chinas." Iblder of same provenance, a dittographed report prepared by Demag Aktiengesellschaft, Duisburg, Volksv/irtschpftliche Abteilung, June 19^2, "Virtschaftsstruktur von China,11 Hauptschriftleiter Pred P. Buchner, Geheim. See Catalog frames 213133-3U. Polder of same provenance, a typewritten report prepared by the Institut ftlr Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, in December 19Ul, "Die wirtschaftlichen Krftfte von Indochina," Geheim. See Catalog frames 21313**213135. Fote: Por Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Serial Roll 123 Filmed Provenance 1st frame Notes l|g Folder of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wirtschaftsrftstungsamt, GeheimArchiv, a study prepared by that agency in March 19Ul "Kurze Ubersicht der Wehrwirtschaft Japans," Geheim. See Catalog frame 213136. Provenance there indicated not correct". Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtschafts- und Bttstungsamt, Geheio-Archiv 2^8*4-52 GD 575 GD 571 FT GD 572 FT 2^8563 GD 576 FT 2U8589 GD 578 FT 2^8786 GD 579 FT 2^8859 GD 580 FT 2^8897 Folder of same provenance, a study prepared by the OK?,? Wi Rft Amt wDie Wehrwirtschaft Mandschukuos, Stand August 19*40*" Tell I and II, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213136, provenance there indicated not correct. Folder of same provenance, a study by Dr. Ludwig Weissbauer "Denkschrift •fiber die milit&rische, politische und wirtschaftliche Lage Japans mit Vorschlagen far den Wehrwirtschaftsstab," undated but bearing annotations that it was circulated in January 19^0. See Catalog frame 213135Folder of same provenance, second study by Weissbauer "Denkschrift II. Beantwortung der vom Wehrwirtschaftsstab gestellten Fragen bezilglich der Lage 1m Fernen Osten," undated, probably circulated in April 19^0. See Catalog frame 213135. Folder of same provenance, a carbon copy of a study prepared by the Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel, in July 19^1 "Die wirtachaftlichen KrAfte Japans (II).11 See Catalog frames 213137-213138, provenance indicated there incorrect. Note: All the folders bear the same stamp Geheim-Archiv which also appears on the study prepared by the OKW Wi B& Amt which could be positively identified as to its provenance. It is therefore reasonable to assume that all these items were part of the Geheim-Archiv of I.G.Farbenindustrie, as is stated in the Catalog, For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, Folder from the Geheim-Archiv of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wirtschaftsrttstungsamt, a report "Der wirtschaftliche Aufbau des !Fernen Ostens* und seine Bedeutung fflr die deutsche Wehrwirtschaft,11 September 19^0t prepared by the Wi Rft Amt, nur fflr den Dienstgebrauch. See Catalog frames 213137-213138. provenance indicated there incorrect. Folder of same provenance, a study prepared by Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an der tlniversitftt Kiel, in April 19^1 "Die Zinnindustrie des sttdostasiatischen Haumes." See Catalog frame 213139» provenance indicated there incorrect. Folder of same provenance, a study prepared by Institut ffir Weltwirtschaft an der Universitftt Kiel, in October 19Ul "Die Schfttzung der Mineralfilvorrftte Japans 19UO/19^1." See Catalog frame 213139, provenance indicated there incorrect. Serial Filmed 1-st frame Roll Provenance 12H 92 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehr~ wirtsdhafts- und RtLstungsamt, heim-Archiv 125 92 92 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Wi Rft Amt), Feldwlrt- ••*; schafts Amt, Auslacd FT 21*8907 6^3609 GD 583 GD FT 61*3792 GD 601 FT GD 602 FT 61*3986 GD 603 FT 6^3999 GD FT 6^002 Notes l|7 .;iFolder of same provenance, a study prepared by the Oberkommando des Heeres, 7. Abteilung I cy General Stab des Heeres "Die Schlacht bei Shanghai*fl a group of reports and evaluations of the 1937 battle of Shanghai; Contents: Verlauf und Erfahrungen der Kampfe bei Shanghai; Erfahrungen aus der Zasammenarbeit mit chinesischen Heeresdienststellen; Betrachtungen und Erganzungen. Nur far den Dienstgebrauch. See Catalog frame 213139. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder from the Geheim-Archiv of the Wehrwlrtschaftliche Abteilung (Wi Rd Amt) of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, a report prepared by the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine in October 19391 part of a series entitled Ausarbeitangen flber fremde Marinen, Jahrgang 1939» Heft No. 1. nItalien und seine Marine," Geheim. See Catalog frame 2131*40. Folder of same provenance (the binder bears the inscription Reichswehrministerium, the agency from which OKW Wi Ril Amt developed) containing a report (Bericht >Tr. #5 - I) prepared by the Gmelin Institut, Berlin, for the OKW WWI VIII, dealing with Japan and its economic structure. See Catalog frame 2131*40, the author agency indicated there incorrect. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A stray item from the files of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Feldwirtschaftsamt, Ausland, a memorandum of the Reichsfflhrer-SS about a Japanese plan to evacuate German experts and scientists before a collapse of Germany by U-boats to Japan, so that they could not be used by the Allies in warproduction against Japan, August 19*4*4, Geheim. See Catalog frames 2131*47Folder of same provenance containing a &roup of reports and correspondence exchanged by the Ausw&rtiges Amt and the OKW about suspected JapaneseRussian trade in 19UU. See Catalog frames 2131^7-2131^8. A stray item from the files of the QKW Wehrwirtschaftsstab W Stb (Ausland) 1. Abt. Ost lib, a memorandum prepared by the OK¥ Vehrwirtschaftsstab W Stb (Ausland) 3. Abt« abaut "Japan-neue Wunschliste" presenting the list of Japanese demands of armaments to be received from Germany, May 19^3» See Catalog frames 213lU7-213lU8. A stray item from the files of the OK>f Wirtschaftsstab/Ausland, a circular of the Auswartiges Amt about deliveries of armaments to Japan, May 19^3* See Catalog frames 2131*47-2131^8. Note: For other material of "thesOKtf*'869^-82, Serials 122-125. For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Provenance 127 128 Item Filmed 1st frame Notes I Folder of the wehrwirtschaftasstab Ausland (l.Abt./Ost II) containing a group of letters, dated April to November 19^3* pertaining to the decision of-Ftthrer to give to Japan the right of reproduction of German armaments without compensation, and to the question of exchange of technical information between Japan and Germany, G-eheime Kommandosache. See Catalog frame GD 605 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Wi Rd Amt), Wehrwirtschaftsstab Ausland, l.Abteilung/ Ost II; 2.Abteilung/S€d; Feldwirtschaftsamt, Ausland GD 606 FT FT 6UU015 GD 607 FT 6UU021 GD 608 FT 6UU023 GD 609 FT GD 610 FT 6UU035 GD 611 FT 6^039 GD 612 FT GD 613 FT Stray items from the files of 2.Abt. Wehrwirtschaftsstab^Aualand and the files of Feldwirtschaftsamt, Ausland, dealing with valuta policy of Germany towards Japan: "Zurverfftgungstellung von Drittvaluten zwischen Deutschland und Japan" and "Rursverhaltnis der Heichsmark zum CKB-Dollar,B the latter a policy memorandum of the Reichsminister der Finanzen. See Catalog frame 2131^9. Geheim. A stray item from the files of Wehrwirtschaftsstab, Ausland, Sud, dealing with the storage of armaments purchased "by Japan in Germany pending transportation to Japan, January 19^5. See Catalog frame 2131^9. Geheim. A stray item from the files of Feldwirtschaftsamt, Ausland, a copy of a report of the Auswartiges Amt s"bout the political situation in Inner Mongolia and the Japanese position there, July 19^* Geheime Kommandosache. See Catalog frame 2131^9. Three stray items from the files of the Wehrwirtschaftssta'b Ausland, three reports on Indochina, dated 19^3-^t Geheim. See Catalog frames 2131^9-213150. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Stray item from the files of Feldwirtschaftsamt, Oterkommando der Wehrmacht, "Meldung uber die .japsalschen Erddlschftrfungen in Efiederlflndisch Indien," May 19*&, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213150. Stray item of same provenance^ "Meldung fiber chinesische Seidenproduktion 19^3,rt August 19UU, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213150. Stray item of same prove ngnce/"Bericht ilber die Gesamtbaumwoll-Lage in Asien, 19U3/UU," May 19UU, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213150. Stray item of same provenance report of the Air attache* in Tokyo about Allied air-raids on Japan/December 19^, Geheim. See Catalog frames 213150-213151 Serial 128 129 Provenance Filmed 92 Oberkommando der ¥ehrmacht (Wl M Amt), Feldwirtschaftsamt FT Stray items of same provenance, reports on economic development in China and Manchuria, November 19^3-February 19^U, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213151* GD 616 FT GD 61? FT 6*U40§5 GD 618 FT 6UU066 GD 619 FT Stray item of same provenance a summary of reports on the armaments in Japan and the organization of the R&stungsministerium, January 19U^, Geheim. See Catalog frames 213151-213152. Stray item of same provenance circular letter of the OKW about Deutschjapanische v/ehrmachtvereinbarungen, November 19^, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213153. Stray item of same provenance a report of the German Embassy in Nanking about possibility of secret Chinese-Japanese negotiations for peace, February 19HU, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213153. Stray items of same provenance "Meldung tlber japanische Informationen begflglich Kohlen- und Srd61versorgung Deutschlands," May 194U, and "Meldung uber die Japanischen Informationen bezuglich der Versorgung Deutschlands mit kriegswichtigen Metallen, » May 19^U. See Catalog frames 213153-21315*K Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folders 621,62U,626,628,629,633.^,635.6UO,6^1,6UH,6^7,6^,652,65^.655, 656: Items from the files of Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtschaftsstab Ausland, marked Geheim. These folders contain various reports on the political, military and economic situation of Japan, 19^3-^5• Some of the material, is of high interest, such as folders 62U and 629. For detailed description of each item see Catalog frames 21315^,213155,213156,213156t 21315^,213157,213157,213159.213160,213160,213161,213162,213162,21316^, 213165,213165,?13165» respectively. Items of same Folders 622,625,627,636,637,638,639.6te t6^,650,651,653. provenance, containing reports on Japan1s policy in China, on the economic, military and political conditions in China (especially Nanking Government) and other Japanese occupied territories, 19^3-*&» Geheim. For detailed description of each item see Catalog, frames 21315^,213155,213156,213159, 213159,213160,213160,213160-61,213162,213163,21316^,213165. respectively. Stray item of same provenance containing a report on the activities of the Deutsche Bank fflr Ostasien Aktiengesellschaft in 19^3, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213157. Folders 620,631,6^3,6^6. Items of same provenance containing reports on the economic conditions in Manchuria, 19^3-19^* For detailed description of each item see Catalog frames 21315^,213157,213161,213161, respectively. Roll 92 Oberkommando der As indiTfehrmach t, Wehr~. r * •»catedl;in wirtschaftsstab, Notes Ausland FT As indicated in Notes FT GD 632 FT As indicated in Notes FT 1st frame 6^080 Notes 149 Filmed Roll 129 92 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtschaftsstab, Ausland As indicated in Notes FT 130 93 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Wi M Amt)t Wirtschaftsstab; Feldwirtschaf t saint GD 665 FT GD 671 FT GD 670 FT GD 658 FT GD 659 FT GD 667 FT GD 668 FT 131 93 Provenance Item Serial Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wi M Amt, Geheim-Ar~ chiv 1st frame Notes 50 Folders 623,630,6^5»657* Items of same provenance containing reports on the economic situation in the Dutch East Indies, Indochina, German agreement on valuta-clearing matters with Thailand, economic development of the Philippines and other matters pertaining to German interests in the Far East, 19^3UU. For detailed description of each item see Catalog frames 213155,213157, 213161,213166, respectively. Note: For Catalog see T-32, Serial 77. Stray item from the files of the Wirtschaftsstab of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, a typewritten report "Wehrwirtschaftliche Chronik Japans,ir 1937March 1939. See Catalog frame 213170. 6W22" 6W50 Stray item with attached registry cerd that indicates provenance same-as•folder 665» Wirtschpftsnachrichten No. 25, "Industrial!sierung und Kaufkraftentwicklung in Japan," June 2H, 1938, prepared by the Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung, I.G.Farhenindustrie. See Catalog frame 213172. Three issues of Ijfachrichtenblatt, from the ^irtschaftsstab, Wehrwirtschaft VIb,c (later Wirtschafts-Mstungs-Amt IVc), prepared by that agency: "Wehrwirtschaft Japan, No. 2,3 and U, July 1939~Ja*msiry 19UO. See Catalog frame 213170. Item of same provenance, a report prepared by the Wirtschaftsstab W Wi Vic "Die Kohle-, Erz- und Mineralfllvorkommen Chinas," September 1939- See Catalog frame 213172. Items from the files of the Feldwirtschaftsamt/Ausland, OEW. Three issues of a report prepared by the Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, Fflhrungsstat Ic, Fremde Luftwaffen Ost, "Luftlagebericht Fernost/ April-November 19UU, with maps. See Catalog frames 213166-213167. Note: For Catalog see T-?2, Serial 77. Item from the Geheim-Archiv of the Wirtschaftsrdstungsamt, OKW, "Die Sprengstoffproduktionsmflglichkeiten Japans," July 19^1* prepared probably by the Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung of the I.G.Farbenindustrie, Geheim. See Catalog frame 213167. Item of same provenance; report on Japan, Ml, Brg&nzungsbericht: der Aussenhandel in den Monaten Dezember 1939 bis Marz 19^0," June 19UO, author unknown. See Catalog frame 213170. Duplicates omitted. Item of same provenance report on Japan, "Beobachtungen des Aussenhandels der Feindstaaten und Neutralen," February 19^*0, author unknown. See Catalog frame 213171. Serial Roll 131 93 Provenance Item Gberkommando der GD 669 Wehrmacht, Wi Rtt Amt, Geheim-Archlv Filmed 1st frame IT 6UUH72 GD 672 132 133 93 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wi M Amt, Geheim-Archiv ? GD 675 FT GD 66U FT 2^9983 GD 663 IT 250019 Map FT 250061 FT 250062 GD 706 93 Oberkommando des Heeres, Generalstab, Oberquartiermeister IV, Abt. Fremde Heere Vest GD 702 250091 FT GD 662 93 Oberkommando der 250165 Luftwaffe, Kommando der ErproContinued/ bungsstellen (Erprobungsstelle Rechlin?) 133 A Notes 51 Item of same provenance, a report "Die Chemiewirtschaft Japans," July 19*41» prepared by the Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung I.G.Farbenindustrie. See Catalog frame 213171. Item of same provenance, a photostatic copy of a typewritten report "China (japanische Sinflussp2&re)"(3ericht Nr. 87-111) prepared by the Gffifllin Institut for the OKW W Wi VIII, dealing with Rohstoffvorkommen in China, undated, 19^0 (?). See Catalog frame 213172. Item of same provenance, a typewritten report "Erlauterungen zur Karte von Japan, Formosa, Chosen-Korea, Japanische Mandatsgebiete in Ozeanien, Manschukuo," Berichte 1*6-50 of the Gmelin-Institut for the OKW W Wi VIII. Note: For Catalog See T-82, Serial 77. A group of typevritten sheets of uncertain provenance, most probably from the Geheim-Archiv of the Wi M Amt of OKW, "Die wirtschaftliche Lage Japans" with a map» undated, possibly 19^3* See Catalog frame 213169. A folder of possibly same provenance as suggested for folder 66H, binder of Oberkommando des Heeres/Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, a group of statistics dealing with Rohstoffe, Ostasien, no dates. See Catalog frame 213169* Map bearing no GD number* From a group of maps dealing with Japan's economy 1935-39* this map was selected .for filming: Japan Weltverkehr, Regelmassiger Linienverkehr unter Japanischer Flagge, 19^0. Probably same "j provenance as preceding folders. Not listed in Catalog. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Abteilung Fremde Reere West, Oberquartiermeister IV, Generelstab des Heeres, OKH, marked Chefsache, containing reports of the various German military attaches in Tokyo on the military operations in the Far East, and on the repercussions of war events upon Japanese political course. Material of great interest, especially on the question of German demands for a Japanese "second front" against Russia, July 19^3-January 19^5. See Catalog frame 21318U for detailed description* Item of same provenance, a publication of the Japanese General Staff Operational Information for Combat Against the American Army-Section I, with charts of units and headquarters, November 19^2, marked Confidential, in Japanese. See Catalog frame 213183. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A folder of the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, Kommando der Brprobungsstellen containing ten issues of Luftlpgebericht Fernost, 19^3-Jan. 19^5» with maps. Some of the maps bear the stamp of the Kommando der Erprobungsstelle Rechlin. Reports, marked Geheime Kommandosache, were prepared by the OKI Serial Roll 137 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 93 GD 1*76 Oberkommando des Heeres, Generalstab, Oberquartiermeister IV, 3« Abt. (Fremde Heere Ost) FT 250298 96 Japanese Smbassy, Berlin, it.Col. Kihara ? FT 250877 GD 72H 250932 GD 732 Japanese Embassy, Berlin, Lt.Col. Kihara ? GD 7^0 FT 251039 GD 881 FT 2510^5 Notes 52 Fflhrungsstab Ic, Fremde Luftwaffen Ost. See Catalog frame 213168. For other issues of this report see T-82, Serial 130. Kote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Card file, identified in Catalog as belonging to Oberquartiermeister IV, 3. Abteilung-Fremde Heere Ost-of Oberkommando des Heeres. 215 cards, presumably originally part of German order of battle file on the Far East, dated January 1, 19Ul-Mareh 2, 19^5. The file is divided in the following sections{ H.Gr. (Heeresgruppenkommandos), A.O.K. (Armeeoberkommandos), Gen. Kdo. (Generalkommandos), Inf.Div. (Infanteriedivisionen), Gem.Brig. (Gemischte Brigaden), Schnelle Truppen. Notes For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serials 135 and 136 is to be found on page 91. A booklet of unknown provenance, Statistical Survey of Japanese Foreign Trade and its "bearings upon the present Sino-Japanese conflict, by Nabutaro Kawashima, ex-minister to Greece, ex-member of Economic Committee of the League of Nations, and lecturer at the Tokyo University of Commerce, the Hofcuseido Press, Tokyo 1933. See Catalog frame 213191. Booklet of unknown provenance, a directory of Japanese residents in Germany, published by the Association of Japanese, April 19^3i in Japanese. See Catalog frame PI3192. Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly from the files of Lt.Col. Kihara of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, A report in Japanese written by Kihara, forwarded through channels by Lt.Gen, Ichiryo Sakanishi, Japanese military attache in Berlin, to Lt.Gen* Katsuzo Kosuda, Chief of the Army Ordinance Headquarters, January 19**3» dealing with ammunition for tank guns. See Catalog frame 21^19^. For other material of Lt.Col. Kihara see T-82, Serial 115. Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly from the files of the military attache of the Japanese Smbassy in Berlin, containing reference material on various fortifications of European states, supplemented by 2 maps and 20 pages of photographs. The notes were written by the Japanese military attache in Berlin, in Japanese. Clippings in German. Confidential, February 1937-December 19^0. FOr detailed description see Catalog frame 213211. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Rimed 1st frame Serial Boll Provenance 138 97 Deutsche Reichspost, Telegrafenamt, Bad Gastein 139 97 GD FT 251318 97 Manchurian Embassy* Rome GD 877 FT 251329 FT 251511* FT 251966 FT 252060 251259 99 Rheinmetall-Borsig GD Verke, DGLsseldorf Notes 53 A group of telegrams (51) from the telegraph office of the Post Office in Bad Gastein whereto foreign diplomats and correspondents were evacuated in April-May 19*45. This group includes a telegram of Auswftrtiges Amt, Dienststelle Bad Gastein, signed by Werner (?) Tippelskirch, to the German Legation in Bern about the future fate of the Bast-European volunteers in the German Army requesting that the British and US Governments do not turn them over to USSR, May 1, 19^5* Of some interest is also the group of reports of the Japanese Hewapaper correspondent to Domei about Hitier1s death, the fall of Berlin and the last days of Nazi regime. See Catalog frame 2131^2. Note: For material captured from Japanese diplomats in April-Hay 19^ see also T-S2, Serials 120,121. For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing a pencilled report "Russian Situation: Report on Resources,n in Japanese, written probably in 19*42. See Catalog frame 2131H3. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. File of the Manchurian Embassy in Rome entitled "Records of the Manchurian Delegation!s Visit to Italy," containing notes and pamphlets in Japanese pertaining to the visit of the Manchurian Friendship Visit to Italy, September 6. 1939 to Sept. 19, 1939. See Catalog frame 213210. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serial ikl is to be found on page 92. Folder of the Rheinmetall-Borsig Werke, IXlsseldorf, containing correspondence and notes about sale of guns and ammunition to Japan, March 19U3-June 19UU, Geheim. The material is of considerable interest because it shows the role of the Japanese and German Governments in these negotiations. See Catalog frame 213191*. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence pertaining to the delivery of anti-aircraft guns purchased by Japan in Germany, 19^3-19^. See Catalog frame 21321H. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about delivery of various navy guns to Japan, January 1938-June 19^» Geheiro. See Catalog frame 21321U. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serials lU3 and l^U is to be found on page 92. Serial Boll 102 1U6 Provenance Item Notes Filmed t 252807 103 Oberkommando des GD 725 Heeres, General stab des Heeres, Abt. Fremde He ere West? FT 2528U1 105 Deutsche-JapaniGD 893 sche Gesellschaft, Berlin FT 253^75 GD 89!* FT 253193 GD 896 FT 253199 GD 897 FT 253289 GD 898 FT 253352 GD 899 FT 2533^3 * Folder of unknown provenance containing a mimeographed copy of "Text der Rede^dea Reichswirtschaftaministers Funk in K5nigsberg/Pr. am 7.7»l9^H published "by the Pressestelle of the Reichswirtschaftsmlnisterium, The speech deals with the Bretton Woods Agreement. See Catalog frame 213192, Notes For Catalog see ¥-82, Serial 77. For material of the Reichswirtschaftsministerium see T-71. Booklet of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of Abteilung Fremde Heere West, Generalstab, Oberkomraando des Heeres, published by that agency "Das japanische Kriegsheer, Stand: 1.X.19UU,11 Geheirae Komreandosache. See Catalog frame 213191. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77NOTE: Description of Serial ikl *s to be found on page 93. Folder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft containing a copy of a letter of that organization, dated 19^» to the Vereinigung zwischenstaatlicher Verbfinde und Einrichtungen describing the organissation of the Gesellschaft and transmitting a list of personnel. See Catalog frame 213216. Folder of same provenance containing lists of trustees of the Japan Institut, of Japanese governments 1938-^1t of institutes and departments of universities offering Japanology in Germany, of German associations and committees concerned with the Far East, of German journals and magazines dealing with the Far East. See Catalog frame 213216, Folder of same provenance containing list of members of the German-Japanese Academic Club and lists of members of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft branches in Hannover, Vienna, Frankfurt/Main, Breslaut Leipzig and Linz, April 19U3. See Catalog frame 213218. Folder of same provenance marked "Mitglieder-Verzeichnis der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft, Stand vom 1. Jan.uar 19^ List of 1396 members of the German-Japanese Society. See Catalog frame 213218. Folder of seme provenance marked Personalien der DJG.-Mitglieder, a list of employees of the Gesellschaft, 19^3. See Catalog frame 213218. Bblder of same provenance marked Mitgliedsliste.a list of 1^5^ members of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft,December 19^3, See Catalog frame 213219. Hote; For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serial lU9 is to be found on page 93. Serial 150 Filmed 1st frame 107 Verein zur F6rde«~ GD SSU rurjg der DeutschMandschuri schen Wi r tschaf t sbe zi ehungen e.V. GD 885 FT 2536*17 FT 2537^7 GD 886 FT 253765 GD 690 FT 253773 GD 70U FT 253799 Roll Provenance Item 253812 GD 703 Continued GD 710 FT 253822 GD 699 FT 253832 Notes 55 Folder of the Verein zur Fdrderung der Deutsch-Matdschurischen WirtschaftsbeziehJingen, a booklet entitled "fceport on "the Lectures,"in Japanese, April 19^1. Notes» newspaper clippings aiid propaganda material describing lectures held at Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Bremen and other German cities by Koichi Ehara, Kojlra Kitamura and Yuzo Sugimoto. See Catalog frame 213212. Folder of probably the same provenance containing loose sheets entitled "Request for establishment of organization to promote commerce between Manchukuo and Germany," written by Chitaro Edo, Hanchurian Consul General at Hamburg, to Saburo Arita, Manchurian Minister of Foreign Affairs, printed in Japanese, January lU, 1937» Confidential. The memo states reasons for organizing a department to handle the increasing trade between Manchuria and Germany. See Catalog frame 213213Folder of same provenance,loose sheets entitled "Finance Report of the Verein fur Deutsch-Mandschurische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, e.V.,"handwritten, in Japanese, This report was prepared by Kojiro Kitamura, Vice-president Of the organization, and addressed to Koichi Ehara, Councillor of the Manchurian Embassy in Berlin. It discussed the expenditures and receipts of the association during 1939* Receipts included Government subsidies. Dated March 1939. See Catalog frame 213213. Fote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. A publication of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, Japans Bintritt in den Krieg, Berlin, 19^2, texts of the major documents pertaining to the declara"tion'of war on US, with en introduction by the Japanese Ambassador to Germany, Hiroshi Oshima, See Catalog frame 213?78. Booklet of unknown provenance in Japanese bearing a German inscription "Kriegsschule (Vorschriften und Ausbildungspla'ne) Dezember 19^0," published by the Japanese (?) Military Academy; the booklet contains an outline of school regulations and of training program of the Kriegsschule, See Catalog frame 21318U. One item of unknown provenance, a pamphlet in Japanese with a German inscription "Vorkriegsschule (Vorschriften und AusbildungsplSne),tt November 19**0» probably a publication similar to that of folder 70U« Hot listed in Catalog. A photoststic copy of Heft I , 8. Jahrgang, 19^3 issue of Die Heeresverwaltung, unknown provenance. The periodical contains an aricle by uoeneidintendant Dr. H6hne "Aus der japanischen Heeresverwaltung." See Catalog frame 213187. Folder of unknown provenance containing a photostatic copy of a study of Serial Roll 152 155 108 112 Cont inued Provenance Item GD 932 Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Chef des OKW Wi Rtt Amt, Oberst Thomas Japanese Embassy, Berlin, Military Attache ? Filmed FT GD 952 c FT GD FS GD 956 FT 1st frame Notes 253872 the D(eutsche) M(etallurgische) D(dienst), February-March 19^2 "Wirtschaftspolitische Macht vernaltnisse im ostasiatischen Haum,11 containing a survey of availability of ores and other raw materials of strategic importance in East Asia, See Catalog frame 213180. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Mimeographed report from the files of Oberst Thomas, head of the WirtschaftsnJlstungsamt, OK'tf "Bericht tft>er eine Reise nach Ostasien 193^/35t" Erster Band: Japan und Mandschurei, written by Max Ilgner, May 1936. Ilgner was a top executive of I.G.Farbenindustrie. See Catalog frame 213220. Notes For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serial 153 is to be found on page 93. 25676^ Folder of the Military Attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin containing correspondence and notes on his inspections of the German Anti-Air Defense system, in Japanese, 19^1. Folder 952 b contains a collection of newspaper clippings from German newspapers dealing with that subject, not filmed. Folder of same provenance containing a series of reports written by Lt.Gen. Dehiryo Sakanishi, the Japanese Military Attache in Berlin, to various authorities in Japan, in Japanese. The reports dating from August 19^1 to January 19^-31 deal with inspections of Italian armament industry, fortifications of various European countries,and contain notes derived from personal observation of German Army in action against the Soviet tanks, various notes on German and Soviet arms and the outbreak of the SovietGerman war and on strategy of both sides, marked Secret. Also discussed is a memorandum of the German Foreign Office pertaining to the Soviet Government and the conduct of German military economy in France. See Catalog frame 213227. Folder of same provenance containing personal letters of Mutsutari Yoshinari, assistant Military Attache in Berlin, which were not filmed. Filmed was only Yoshinari's letter to Lt. Gen. Uobukazu Shibeta on German automatic piloting, automatic MG fire control instruments, etc., 12.1.19^3. See Catalog frame 213228. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of the Military Attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, containing: reports and pamphlets in Japanese, dated 19^0-U2, (confidential and restricted): data on Soviet Serial Roll Provenance Filmed Item 1st frame 156 112 Manchurian Embassy»/GD 955 Rome IT 2568H5 157 112 Japanese Embassy, Berlin, Military Attache, Generalmajor 0, Otani GD 969 FT 256882 158 112 Oberkommando des He eres, Generalstab, Abteilung Fremde Heere West GD 983 ITS 257127 159 113 Oberkommando des GD FT 257668 Continued Heeres, Generalsta"b a Notes 57 arms, reports on American, Russian, German, Italian and British tanks and armored cars, and two reports addressed to Lt.Gen. Haos?buro Qkabe. One written by the Japanese Military Attache in Switzerland, Seifuku Okamote, "European Combat Report Uo. S," dated February 19Hl, The other, written by Lt.Gen. Ichiryo Sakanishi, dated May 19^1 "European Combat Report No.9." See Catalog frame 213229. In Japanese. ITotej For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Manchurian Embassy, Rome, entitled "Preservation of Various Reports" containing reports in Japanese and Italian, dated March 19^2-February 19^3» about the tenth anniversary of the Manchurian Government, the itinerary of President Aikawa and his party in Italy and the Yamashita Nomura mission's reception in Rome, May 19^1. In Japanese. See Catalog frame 213228. HFote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of Generalmajor 0. Otani, in custody of the Military Attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, entitled "German-Japanese Purchasing Committee." The folder contains correspondence in Japanese and German, dated 19^3t marked Secret and Top Secret, dealing with protection of German intelligence data during the transactions, Japanese plpnned purchases of material from Germany, questions of patents and licenses, problems of scarcity of raw materials requested by the Japanese, notes on Matsushimas1 conference on March U, 19^3» plans of import of German experts to Japan. See Catalog frame 21323^. Note: For Catalog s<=e T-82, Serial 77. Group of reports and booklets in Japanese, from the files of the Oberkommando des Heeres, General stab, Fremde Heere ¥est, dated 191*4-1918 and 19^5, marked Secret; some of the material comes from the Military Club, Tokyo, such as the History of the first World War in 5 volumes. See also two mimeographed instructions issued by Shimbu, Inf. Gp. Commander, Shizuo Yokoyame, prior to the battle of Manilla, and a table of US aircraft, giving nomenclature, speed, range of flight, etc. For detailed description see Catalog frame 2132U2. One address book not filmed. Notes For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Material from the files of the Oberkommando des Heeres, Generslstab. Two files in a sealed envelope marked Chefsache, containing documents marked Geheim, Geheime Kommandosache, Geheime Reichssache. The first file is marked "Meldungen an japanischen Militflr Attache" and contains notes on the information transmitted by the OKH to the Japanese military attache in Berlin, 19^2-tyU, The second file is marked "17a. Susammenarbeit Deutschland-Japan im Rahmen des Serial Roll 159 113 160 113 Provenance Oberkommando des Heeres, Generalstab Item Filmed 1st frame 257797 GD 98? GB 98? b IT 258*402 card file FT 258737 a Ho tea 58 Dreim&chtepakts" contains material dated 19*41-^3* reports on German-Japanese military collaboration, evaluation of Japanese/intelligence reports* reports on conversations with various Japanese military personnel in Berlin f»nd the text of "Militirische Vereinbarung zwischen Deutschland, Italien und Japan," January 19^2 with the speeches made at the conclusion of the agreement* The material in this folder shows the extent and type of Japanese-German military collaboration. The folder was stripped of its original binder but is clearly of same provenance as folder 987&« It consists of three separate files, each headed by a table of contents. The first, marked "21c. Militfir Attache Bangkog* (begins frame 257797) contains reports of the German military attache in Bangfcog about the military situation in the Par East, especially about the Chinese-Japanese war(and Burma, 19*43 to February 19^5. The second, marked "7d. MilitUr Attache Nanking" (begins frame 257939) contains reports of the German military attache in Fanking primarily about the military and political situation in China, 19UU-U5. The third, most extensive one, marked "28. Milit&rattache Tokyo" (begins frame ?57982) contains extensive reports on the political and military situation in the Far East, 19*43-March 19*45. All material either Geheim or Geneime Kommandosache. See Catalog frame 21321*3, Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77• Three folders of the General stab, Oberkommando des Heeres, Two folders still in original binder, the third stripped. The ifirst folder is marked ^Kriegstagebuch, Chinesisch-Japanischer Krieg, 7»5» *l-3»^.l*2,tt contains typed sheets with chronologically organized information about the progress of the Japanese-Chinese war. The entries bear numerical crossreferences, probably to documents or folders from which information was taken. The second folder is marked "Heere Ostasien": a typewritten order of battle of the armies in the Far East, 19*4*4. The third folder,consisting of several subdivisions, contains the following Kriegstageb&cher: China-Japan-Mandschukuo, 19*41-H*4; Burma-Malaya-Thallandf 19^1-^5; Philippinen-Marianen, 19*41-U5; Pazifik, 19U2-UU; Fiederl. Indien, Borneo, Australien, Neu-Guinea, 19U2-*4U; Atlantik (no dates). Entries bear crossreferences to sources similar to those in Kriegstagebuch, Chinesisch-Japanischer Krieg, See Catalog frame 2132^3. Card file of personalities of military and political significance from Thailand and Manchuria (?) from the files of the Oberkommando des Heeres, General stab. The file was kept up to date by subsequent entries throughout the war years. See Catalog frame 2132*43. Note: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 113-/0berkommando des Heeres, Generalstab GD 98? FT 258738 GD 2382 FT 259315 GD 2381 FT 259338 GD 661 FT 259502 GD 987 d FT GD 987 e FT 2595SU GD 987 f FT 259529 Folders of the General stab, Oberkomraando des Heeres. Report prepared "by the Oberquartiermeister IV/Abtellung Fremde Heere Ost III of the OFF0 marked Geheim: "Die Chinesische Kriegswehrmacht, Stand: 1.10.19^1" prepared in December 19Ul. Two copies, one with annotations, each with a group of appendices consisting of maps. The report contains Chinese Order of 'Battle, information on organization, military operations and morale of the Chinese troopst 19^1-^3- Two folders stripped of original "binders, "but of same provenance, in envelopes marked "China 7t Wehrmacht" containing detailed information collected from "both German sources and Allied press about the military forces in China, 19^0-^5. See Catalog frame 2132^3 - only OIiH report is listed there. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Generalstab, Oberkommando des Heeres, a report prepared by the Wehrvrirtschafts- und Rastungsamt, Wi (VI) of the OK¥ "Die Wehrwirtschaft Japans" Teil I. Xurze Charakteristik und Gesamtbeurteilung der v/ehrwirtschaftlichen Lage Japans. Sequence to previous folder, of seme provenance: "Die Wehrvirtschaft Japans," Teil II. Grosse Ausarbeitung, statistische flbersichten und Liste der Industriebetriebe Japans. (Folder bears incorrect number 1200, is described in Catalog under number 6£l). Sequence to previous folder, of same provenance: "Die Wshrwirtschsft Japans," zu Teil II: Liste der Industriebetriebe Japans. Sequence to previous folders, of same provenance: "Die wehi'v/irtschaft Japans," Anlagen: Kerten der 'tfehrwirtschaft Japans, Stand T'ovember 19^1. See Catalog frame 2132^3. Folder of same provenance, a report prepared by the Oberquartiernieister IV, Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost III, marked Geheime Ko^mandosache; "Die Japaniscjhe Kriegswehrma.cht, Stand: 1.9.19^1" v;ith an appendix containing mpps and charts and Japanese Order of Battle. See Catalog frame 2132^3. Folder of same provenance (original binder missing) marked "Akte: lU Japan rfehrmacht, Waffengattungen," The folder contains detailed information on Japanese arms; the material w?s collected from both German classified and open sources as well as from the Allied press, the US Military Intelligence Bulletins of the Military Intelligence Service of the War Department and captured Russian documents. The folder is subdivided in the following categories: Infanterie, Kavallerie, Artillerie, Kraftfahrkampftruppen, Pioniere, Hachrichten» Luftwaffe, Heeresfliegertruppe, Flakartillerie, Bswaffnung, Febeltrunpe (KampfstoffeK. See Catalog frame 2132U3 for description of all three folders. Serial Roll 161 162 Continued 59 Serial Roll 163 Provenance Item H5 Oberkommando des Heeres, Generalstab 115 165 115 166 115- Eheinmetall-Borsig GD 993, 129 A.G., Apolda-Dttssel-/folders dorf 1-5*1 Con- tinued Filmed 1st frame GD 987 g FT Ostasiatischer Verein HamburgBremen GD 990 FT Auswartiges Aint, Protokoll GD 991 FT Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Iblder Folder Folder Folder 993/1 begins frame n n 993/2 n 993/3 nfr it 993/4 it 993/5 nn n 993/6 it n 993/7 n 993/8 n 993/9 missing 993/10 begins n it 993/H it n it 993/12 n 993/13 w n n 993/1** 260961 261095 261160 261^93 261868 262250 262623 263122 263691 26U261 26H83U 261*915 265167 FT 260118 260U99 260960 Notes Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Generalstab, Oberkommando des Heeres (original tinder missing), marked "Meldungen zur Lage im Pazif ischen Raum, 1941-U5* prepared "by the Oberkommando des Heeres, Generalstab, Oberquartiermeister IV, Abteilung Fremde Heere Ost III, narked Geheim, The folder contains a series of daily reports on the military situation in the Pacific area, with maps, dated 19^1-^4-. See Catalog frame 2132^3. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Ostasiatischer Verein Hamburg-Bremen containing mimeographed reports, marked vertraulich, 19UH-U5. The reports contain minutes of meetings of the board of trustees of the Verein, general political and economic news about Japan, with special attention to financial end industrial developments. See Catalog frame 23.32UU. Sfote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of the Aaiswftrtiges Amt, Protokoll (original binder missing) containing lists of all consulates and their personnel (inclusive honorary consuls) in Germany. The folder is subdivided by geographic locations of the consulates. See Catalog frame 2132HU. Note: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folders of the Rheinmetall-Borsig A.G,, Apolda-Msseldorf (original binder missing) containing correspondence dated 1937-^5* partly Geheim. Next to routine business correspondence about export to Far Eastern countries the folders deal with the negotiations of Rheinmetall-Borsig with other armaments producers and with German and Japanese authorities about sales of war materi** als to Japanese Army and Navy. See Catalog frame 2132U6. Folder 993/15 begins frame 265581 n n 266012 Folder 993/16 n n 266172 Folder 993/17 ti M Jblder 99J/18 266655 ti n 267018 Folder 993/19 it n Folder 993/20 2673.^6 it it 267733 Folder 993/21 n it Folder 993/22 268103 it n 268501 Folder 993/23 it n Folder 993/2^ 268989 n it Folder 993/25 269611 n H Folder 993/26 269781 « n Folder 993/27 270711 n 11 Folder 993/28 270390 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Iblder 993/29 begins frame 271068 n n 271083 Iblder 993/30 n u 271^60 Folder 993/31 n n 272022 Folder 993/32 it it 272607 Folder 993/33 n n 273019(microcopy omitted) Folder 993/3^ n n Folder 993/35 273239 n n 273^85 Folder 993/36 tt n 273500 Folder 993/37 n IT 27U06U(duplicate omitted) Folder 993/38 « n 27^526 Folder 993/39 n n 27U689 Folder 993/^0 it n 275150 Iblder 993/M n n Folder 993/^2 2752f Note: For other material of Bheinmetall-Borsig see T-S2, Serial 167 129 Amtsgericht Hamturg» Abteilung 69 168 129 169 129 Oberkommando der GD Wehrmacht, Chef des Oterkommandos, Feldwlrtschaftsamt, (Ausland)Wi m Amt Manchurian lega- G-D 1102 tion» Rome ? 170 129 Continued GD 996 1103 FT 278352 FT 278369 FT 27S3S9 FS 278^53 Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Jblder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder 993/^3 begins frame 275831 n 993/UU " 276280 it 993/^5 * 276363 n 993/U6 " 276520 n 993/^7 " 276525 M 993/^8 « 27676U n 993/^9 B» 277352 M 993/50 277837 11 993/51 n 278037 n 993/52 » 27817*1 n 993/53 "w 278218 n 993/5^ w 2782^1 11 6HU618< 3727 Catalog) lU2 and T-77, Folders Wi/IF 5.^19.509.516, Folder of Abteilung 69 of the Amtsgericht Hamburg containing the file of the Verein zur Fdrderung der deutsch-raandschurischen 1/irtschaftsbeziehungen. The file contains a "booklet "Satzungen," Protokoll "fiber die Grttndungsversammlung am Diensta^, den 28. Juni 1938» and a confirmation of the Amtsgericht that the Yerein was duly registered, August 1938. See Catalog frsme 2132^7. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder stripped of original binder, probably part of a folder of the Feldwirtschaft saint (Ausland), Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht, 0!"r, containing notes, clippings and some correspondence about the production of synthetic fuels in Japan, 19U3-.1&. See Catalog frame 2132^7. For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of the Manchurian Legation in Rome, containing drafts of speeches to be made at various occasions, invitation lists, clippings from Italian newspapers, etc. 19^0-Ul. See Catalog frame 2132^9. Hote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77From a folder of unknown provenance containing reports on G-ermpn industry (in Japanese, not filmed) one item was selected: Minutes of a meeting between representatives (Ohara, Asai* Sakumura) about the interests of Krupp in the nickel deposits in mid-Celebes, dated December 19^2. See Catalog frame 213250. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 62 Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. 3?or other material of Krupp* 1. • : - . - • > Essen, see Tr#2, Serial 136. NOTE: Description of Serial 171 and 172 is to "be found on pages .93 and 9^. 173 133 Rheinmetall-Borsig, A.a., Dftsseldorf 133 279^17 GD 1110 FT GD 1125 FT GD 1133 FT GD 1135 FT 279^8 GD 1137 FT 279^*57 GD 1116 FT 279U69 6HU673 176 135 Continued Japanese Embassy, Berlin ? GD 1150 FS 27997*1 Folder of Kheinmetall-Borsig A. G. containing a contract between that compr.ny and the Imperial Japanese Army for licence right and technical aid for the manufacture of Aircraft Machine Guns (ST 61 and ST 63), October 1939February 19UO. See Catalog frame 213255. Folder of same provenance containing a letter of the Reichsgruppe Industrie to Rheinmetall-Borsig, dated December 15t 19^» dealing with a Nachbauvertrag granted to Japan and the compensation to be received by Borsig from German Government. See Catalog frame 213260. Folder of same provenance containing a contract between the Imperial Japanese Navy Ministry and Borsig about technical help and manufacturing rights of aircraft guns and various ammunitions, March 19HU. See Catalog frame 213266. Folder of same provenance containing a contract between the Japanese Ministry of War and C. lilies and Co., Hamburg, about purchase of ammunition, in Japanese, October 19^3* See Catalog freme 213267. Folder of same provenance containing a contract between Imperial Japanese War Ministry and 3orsig Company for manufacturing rights and raw materials for Aircraft MK 10S, "March 19UU. See Catalog frame 213267. Note: Ibr Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. For other material of Rheinmetall-Borsig see T-S2, Serials 1^2,166. A booklet of unknown provenance published by the Manchoukuo Press, a monthly publication Manchoukuo Current Topics Fo. 5, Fovember 19**0t no place of publication indicated. For table of contents see Catalog frame 213256. A booklet of unknown provenance, a publication of the Manchurian Foreign Office, Fsinking, Manchoukuo, Ho. 8 of series 'Manchoukuo Today, "Preservation of Public Peace,n 19^0. Duplicates omitted. Notes For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. NOTTS: Description of Serial 175 *s to be found on page 9^« Folder of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, containing notes in German and Japanese, dated from May to July 19**3* concerning a flight from Tokyo to Berlin (code-name GOA) in Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 63 which Major General Otani, of the Japanese Purchasing Commission in Germany, participated. A map on which the stages of the flight were drawn was not filmed. See Catalog frame 21327*4-213275Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. NOTE: Description of Serials 177-179 is to "be found on pages 9*1 and 95. ISO 139 GD 1172 FT 281895 GD 1195 FT 281911 Booklet of unknown provenance, part of ^elt-Kartei der Wirtschaftspresse, Hamburgisches ¥elt-¥irtschafts-Institut "Japans Kriegswirtsehaft in sowjetischer Darstellung" dated Moscow,February-March 19^3. For contents see Catalog frame 213293. Booklet of unknown provenance. Binfflhrung in die politischen Problerne des_ Pazifischen Oceans "by Prof. Dr. J.'Tfflra rTPrague, "Beitrlge zur auslandsfcundlichen und aussenpolitischen Schulung der Kameradschaften des USD- Student enbundes, herausgegeben im Auftrag des Reichsstudentenffthrers vom Institut ftbr politische Auslandskunde, Heidelberg, 19^1/^2, Heft 1. See Catalog frame 213317* Uotej For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. NO!EBi Seecription of Serials 181 and 182 is to be found on page 95. 183 1SU 1H3 Wehrkreisbflcherei GD 1186 XII, Wiesbaden FT 282939 Bataillon der Waf«/GB 1197 fen SS zur besonderen Verwendung (Sonderkommaado KtLnsberg) FT 282958 Booklet from the Wehrkreisbilcherei XII, Wiesbaden, published by the Zentralverlag der NSDAP, Pie Samurai, Hitter des Reiches in ghre und Treue, von Tieinz Corazza, mit einem Vorwort des Reichsfflhrers-SS und bhefs der deutschen Polizei.Heinrich Eimmler, Berlin, 19^2. For description see Catalog frame 213310. tfote: For Cetalog see T-32, Serial 77. Pamphlets from the files of the Bataillon der Waffen-SS zur besonderen Verwendung, no dates, no publisher. 1) ?iejrussisjche Seele in der Gewslt des Bolshewismuns (frame 2829^0f^)* 2) ,Ple baltlschelund nordwestrusgisch^e 6lschieferindustrie (frame 282966ff). 3) Sas Fassische Bild der Ssten (frames 282971ff). ^) "Got'ischeJ^ypen" bei den Krimtataren (frames 28297^ff). 5) Sstlands Pakt mit der Sowjetunion, ein Beitrag zur bolschewistischen Yerhandiungstaktik (frames 2 8 2 9 S G f f ) . ~ " 6) Das Deutschtum im Leningrader Gebiet (frames 282992ff), 7) Versuche der Pflanzveredelung in-der Sovrjetunion (frames 2S3003ff). 8) 3>as war die sowjetische Infanterieschuleuin Howo Swenzschany and Politischer Bericht zum 23* Jahrestag der -bQlachewistischejaL[^evoij[.ui|ipn Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes (frames 2S3006ff). 9) Digj»age der Landvdrtschaft in NordwestruaiBland (frames 283017). 10) Die weissriithenische Frage (frames 283026ff). 11) "Das Gesundheitswe"8en in Estland w&hrend der Zeit der Sowjetbesatzung und sein^gegemgrtiger Stand (frames 283030ff). See Catalog frame 213319. Fote: For other material of the Bataillon der Vaffen-SS zur besonderen Verwendung see T-82, Serial 112. For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, NOTE: Description of Serials 185-19M- is to be found on pages 95-99* 195 155" 156 Japanese Embassy, Berlin GD 961 FT GD 2225 IT 2921*87 GD 2285 196 156 GD 2830 FT 293738 GD 2756 FT 293759 Japanese Consulate,/GD 1326 Hamb ". FT 293769 Folder of the Military Attache, Japanese Bmbassy, Berlin, containing requests and orders exchanged "between the Technical Headquarters and the Military Attache in Germany concerning purchase of ordinance in Germany, 193U-H1. See Catalog frame 213230. In Japanese. Folder of same provenance, file of Lt.Col. Tomojl Kihara, containing material on trip of a Japanese inspection party in Germany, January to Hay 19^1, in Japanese. See Catalog frame 213 6U2. Folder of same provenance as folder 2225, containing material on the exchange of information between the German and Japanese military personnel about BussIan tanks and armored vehicles, 19^2, See Catalog frame 213651. Folder of the assistant military attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, Jugo Saigo (his personal papers were not filmed), containing notes on inspection of German Air Corps hospitals end on powder manufacture, etc., 1938-UO. See Catalog frame 213651* In Japanese. Booklet published by the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft "Japanisches Soldatentum" Vortrag von Major Eiido, Gehilfe des Kaiserlich Japanischen Militflrattaches in Berlin, gehalten £m 15. 1 ei 19^3 anlAsslich des 3esuches seiner Exsellenz des Kaiserlich-Japanischen Botschafters in Frankfurt am Main. See Catalog frame 213771. Reprint in French of an interview of Admiral Suetsugu by tbe Direktor of the Review Ksiso, Mr. S. Yamamoto, January 1938. See Catalog frame 213751*Note: For Catalog sse T-S2,.Serial 77. Folder of the Japanese Consulate, Hamburg, containing correspondence with German authorities and with other consulates in Hamburg (requests for visas for Japanese nationals) 19UU-ty>, in German. See Catalog frame 213^36. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Serial 197 Roll 156 Provenance Japnaese Embassy, Lisbon, Portugal Item GD lU?6 Filmed 1st frame FT GD 1U77 Japanese Embassy, Madrid, Spain ? 19S 157 199 157 Japanese Embassy, Berlin ? 293965 293985 GD 1^78 FT 293991 GD 1H80 IT 29U016 GD 2U15 FT 29U027 GD 1862 IT 29^076 29U156 GD 1863 GD 1S6U FT GD 1865 FT GD 1866 FT 291*371 29U565 Notes 65 Polder of the Japanese Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal, containing reports, in Japanese, dealing with the general military situation of the Japanese armed forces. The reports were sent out by the Japanese Embassy in Berlin. This folder contains reports No. 88 (March 2**. 19^5) and 89 (March 2**t 191*5)„ Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance containing similar material: report Ho. 85 (March 22, 19^*5). Polder of the Japanese Embassy in Madrid, Spain, containing material similar to previous folders, report No. 107 (April 11, 19^5)• Polder of aaJapanese Embassy (either Madrid or Lisbon - envelope torn so that no closer identification possible) containing material similar to previous folders: report No* 87 (March 2**, 19**5). Note: For detailed table of contents of each report, see Catalog frame 213470-213^71. For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, Polder of unknown provenance containing a badly burnt copy of a memorandum presented to the Japanese Emperor by Prime Minister Tanaka, dealing with the action to be taken by Japan to secure its interests, entitled "Secret Memorandum Regarding Manchuria, Mongolia, China, USA and the World," in German, 1927* See Catalog frame 213683. Note: Por Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77 • Polder of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of the military attache of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, containing various intelligence about Russian aircraft, May-August 19**3. See Catalog frame 213560. In Japanese. Polder of same provenance entitled "Inspection in Finland, War Against Russia,0 March 19^3^ The Catalog states that this folder was in possession of the Japanese Army and Havy Inspection Committee; see frame 213560. Polder of same provenance entitled "Intelligence and Lecture Notes on Aircraft and Weapons in Germany and Anti-Axis Countries. Report on Explosives and Amiminition of Captive British Planes," in Japanese, March January 19^2. The folder also includes what seems to be a part of an I.G. , Parbenindustrie folder dealing with deliveries to Japan. ( Por other I.G. Parbenindustrie material see index, Catalog, T-82, Serial 77)- See Catalog frame 213560. Polder of same provenance entitled "Intelligence about Aircraft in Germany and Anti-Axis Countries,"19^0-^1. See Catalog frame 213560. In Japanese. Polder of same provenance entitled "Intelligence on Anti-Axis Aircraft," no date, in Japanese and German. See Catalog frame 213561• Note: P6r Catalog see T-S2,'Serial 77. Serial Roll 200 201 202 Provenance Item Filmed 157- Japanese Embassy, GD 2937 158 Berlin 158 15S Continued Notes 29^5902 Folder of the Japanese military attache at the Embassy in Berlin containing a series of "Amtliche Verlautbarungen zum Luftschutz," October 1939-May 19^1. Catalog frame 213799. Folder of same provenance as folder 2937 containing a file of PZ-Korrespondenz Nachrichtendienst fttr Luftschutz und Gasschutz, 19^0-i»l. See Catalog frame 213800. Folder of same provenance, containing same periodical, 19^1* See Catalog frame 213799. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of the Japanese military attache in Berlin, marked in English "List of Military Attaches," no date. Not listed in the Catalog. Folder of uncertain provenance, containing typewritten report entitled "Some Contributionsjfco Remote Control of Airplane" by Dr. Kan Oichi Ohashi, Takeji Ishakawa, Kiyasu-Zen'iti and Mitsuji Yamaguchi (Electrotechnical La"boratory of Japanese Government). Ho date, not listed in the Catalog, in English. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77Folder of OKH, contains a group of correspondence and notes dealing with the order of "battle in the Far East and official exchange of military information between the Japanese and German authorities, 19^5» Geheime Kommandosache. See Catalog frame 213372. GD 29^3 FT 29)19911 GD FT 295259 GD FT 295^33 GD 37^6 FT 295^39 Oberkommando des GD 1236 FT Heeres, General^'." . £tab, Abteilung Fremde Heere West, Opt. Abt. (Ha) t GD 1236 a FT Oberkommando der Wehrroacht, Wi Ett Amt,Vic, GeheimArchiv ? 1st frame 295^66 295^78 GD 2369 FT 295^85 GD 207*4 FT 295525 GD 2160 FT 295599 Folder of uncertain provenance, probably from the files of the Opt. Abt. (Ha) of the Generalstab des Heeres. A group of maps in an envelope entitled «3 Anlagen zu Opt. Abt. (Ha) vom lf.U.U2. Die Mflglichkeiten fflr ein militflrisches Eingreifen Japans in den Krieg gegen die U.d.S.S.R., Anlage 1: Derzeitige Kraftegliederung; 2i Operation Wladiwostok; 3* Operation Saikalsee.11 Hot listed in Catalog. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Report prepared by the Cberkoffine.ndo der v/ehrmacht, Wi Rd Amt Vic, of uncertain provenance, probably from the Geheim-Archiv of Wi M Amt, M^ie Bedeutung Sildostasiens fur die T ?ehrwirtschipften Europas, der Vereinigten Staaten und Japans," nur far den Dienstgebrauch, Farch 19^1. See Catalog frame 213670. Folder from the Geheim-Archiv of the Wi M Amt of the OKW, containing Be~ richt Nr. 86 ( II) des Gmelin-Institutes an das OK\-,r \W1 VIII, "Mandschufcuo," no date indicated, 1937-38? See Catalog frame 213609. Folder of the Geheim-Archiv of WI M Amt, from a series of studies: "J.f. K.: Der Einfluss des Krieges auf den Aussenhandel der Feindstaaten und der Serial 202 203 Roll 15B 158 158 210 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wi Rtt Amt Vic, GeheimArchiv OKV Feldwirtschaftsamt (Ausland) GD 21 61 FT 29563^ GD 1250 FT 6U5061 Minister© defli affari Usteri, Roma Mlnistfero della Guerra, Gabinetto Sezione Ssteri Ufficio de Stato Maggiore della R. Marina Ministero della Guerra , Comando del corpo di stato maggiore GB 2290 FT 295671 GD 2j>09 FT 295703 GD 2191 FT 29572** GD 283^ FT 2958^6 GD 2773 FT 295920 FT 299^67 various 162 Deutsche Handelskammer, Hankow ? GD 1397 Notes Neutral en, Japan. 3. 3rganzungsbericht: der ^ussenhandel tober bis Dezember 15^0." Abgeschlossen am 5. April 19^41. frame 213628. Folder of same provenance as folder 2150, study from the II. Erganzungsbericht," abgeschlossen am 22. November 19UO. frame 213628. in den Monaten OkGeheim. See Catalog same series "Japan: Geheim. See Catalog Folder of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Feldwirtschaftsamt (Ausland) containing notesi clippings and some correspondence about Japan's economic production and armament program, 19^3-^5. See also GD 998, Serial 18£» T-82. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Booklet (photostatic copy) prepared by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a list of diplomatic personnel in Italy "Ambasciate e Legazioni estere in Italia, 6 ottobre 19^0 - Anno XVIII." See Catalog frame 213651. In Italian. Booklet prepared by the Sezione esteri, Gabinetto, Minister della Guerra, "Adetti Militari esteri, accreditati presso le rapresentan7e diplomatiche in Italia," 15 novembre 19^2 - XXI. See Catalog frame 213661. In Italian. Report of 2a Sezione, Reparto informazioni, Ufficio di stato maggiore della R. Marina, "Notizie Monografiche sul Indicina - Miova Caledonie e dipendenze Stabilimenti francesi d1Oceania," 19^0. See Catalog frame 213662. In Italian. Booklet prepared by Ministero della Guerra, Comando del corpo di stato maggiore, Nozioni per I'addestramento al combattimento, per i corsi allievi ufficiali de complements""'dieTT1" arma di fanteria (Parte II& appl ica t iva), Roma, edi zioni de "La force armate" Settembre 1938 - XVI. See Catalog frame 213771. In Italian. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A group 8f documents of Italian Ministero dell1 aeronautica, reports of Italian air-attaches in Tokyo and Berlin, 19^3* about Japanese war production, Japanese aircraft, death of Admiral Yamamoto. etc. These documents were transmitted by Stato Maggiore Regia Aeronautica,Ufficio rtlfl to an Allied agency. For details of provenance see documents in custody of the Departmental Records Branch, Alexandria. See Catalog frame 213757. Note; For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. FOTEs Description of Serials 205-209 is to be found on pages 100 and 101. Folder of uncertain provenance containing a file of mimeographed circulars of the Deutsche Fandelskammer, Hankow, minutes of various meetings of associations of German businessmen, reports and, correspondence pertaining to the Deutsche Handelskamraer, 1938-Ul. Not listed in Catalog. Provenance Item Ostaeienausschuss, GD 2304 H. Waibel, Vorsitzender GD 2307 211 Filmed 1st frame FT 454675 FS 454736 454791 GD 200 GD 2801 FT 455140 Rheinmetall-Borsig/GD 34l6 Werke, Ddsseldorf GD 3421 GD 3422 GD 3423 Japanese Embassy, see Berlin; Office Notes of Military Attache, Office of Naval Attache, Office of Air Attache FT 455145 FT ^55696 212 162163 213 163, 164, 165 214 166167 GD 33293336 FT 459051 215 167> GD 33373346 FT 461104 168; 169 Notes 68 Folder of Kommerzienrat Waibel, ?orsit sender des Ostasienausschusses, containing correspondence, cables and reports dealing vdth valuta regulations in relation to Japan, 1942. See Catalog frame 213660. Folder of same provenance containing two items: translation of an article "by H.D. Fong, "Industrial Organization of China" (Nankai Social and Economic Quarterly, January 1937» p. 313ff) not filmed. The other item is a report "by Dr. R. May, "Die chemische Industrie Chinas," no date indicated, probably 1937. See Catalog frame 213660. Folder of uncertain provenance, a bound set of reports "Ostasien, Reiseberichte 1937/33, I, Politik und w irtscheft n containing reports by Dr. Reithinger. The existence of similar Reiseberichte by Dr. Ilgner is mentioned in the report. See T-82, Serials 191-192 for material on Ostasienberichte prepared by Ilgner, Tirpltz and Eaushofer. This volume might be part of the same series* See Catalog frame 212947. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably same as folder 2304, marked "Deutsch-Indischer ^irtschaftsverband (Indien-Verein) - Verband bis jetzt nur in Aussicht genommen" containing a list of persons taken into consideration for the board of directors of the Verband, no date indicated. See Catalog frame 21376£. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folders of Rheinmetall-Borsig ¥erke, Ddsseldorf, containing correspondence, memoranda and notes about Japanese orders of armaments, 1937-41. Hot listed in Catalog. Folders 3297,3300,3302,3303.330U,3308,3309,3313.3320,3321,3322,3323.3324, 3325,3326,3327,3328. Folders of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, from the offices of various military attaches, containing correspondence, notes, blueprintes, invoices, etc., pertaining to Japanese purchases of armaments and other materials in Germany, to Japanese communications with German officials on these matters, to intelligence about Allied and Axis forces and armaments, 1938-45. Wot listed in Catalog Folders of Japanese Embassy, Berlin, containing files of the various military attaches about purchases of arms and other materials in Germany; negotiations about licences, exchange of technical information, etc., 1933-1*5. Not listed in Catalog. Folder of the Japanese Embassy, Berlin, containing files of the various military attaches pertaining to purchases of arms and other materials in Germany. Notes on various types of war material,, etc.,.,1938-45. Not listed in Catalog. Serial Roll 216 217 169. 170, 171; 171. 172, 173 173> 17H, 175 175176 176. 177. 17S 179. ISO, 181 Provenance Japanese Embassy, Berlin, Office of Military Attache Item Filmed 1st frame GD 33^93360 FT ^63171 eee Notes FT H65605 GD 33793387 FT U67850 eee Notes FT U70591 GD FT U72029 Deutsch-Japanische GD 3**71 Gesellschaft, Berlin GD 3^72 FT 988766 FS 9S883U GD 3^73 FT 988971* GD FT 9S9305 GD 3**75 FT 9*9609 GD 3U77 FT 990680 Notes Folders of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, containing files of the military attache about purchases and deliveries of arms and other materials bought in Germany, 1938-^5* Not listed in Catalog. Folders 3362-3368,3370-3378. Folders of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin containing files of the military attache, invoices, bills, correspondence concerning purchases of armaments end other materials in Germany, 1938-^5. Hot listed in Catalog. Folders of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, invoices and bills for purchases of armaments and other materials in Germany, from the Office of the military attache, 1938-ty>. Not listed in Catalog. Folders 3389-3392, 339^3396. Folders of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin, from the office of the Military Attache, containing invoices and bills for purchased armaments and machinery, 1938-^5* Not listed in Catalog* Folders of the Japanese Embassy, accounts of the Office of the military attache with the Yokohama Specie Bank about payments for deliveries of machinery and armaments, 1938-U5. Not listed in Catalog. Iblder from the files of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft containing a notebook on the activities of the society, 1939* Folder of same provenance containing a group of minutes on meetings of the Deut sen- Jape nischer Kulturausschues, unter dem V.orisitz des Gesaniten von Twardowski, 19^*0-^2. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about a publication series on Japan prepared by the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft and letters dealing with the collaboration of that organization with the Heichsstudentenfohrung in conducting a Deutsch-Japanischen Leistungskampf, 19^0-^2. Iblder of same provenance containing correspondence and notes on the Deutsch-Japanische Akademikertagung in Kitzbuhl, 1939» (See correspondence with Walter Heissig, tried in 19^5-U7 by tJS Military Commission for War-Crimes in Shanghai). Folder of s^me provenance containing various correspondence and memoranda pertaining to inspection of various German institutions and industrial installations by visiting Japanese, 1933-^2. Folder of same provenance, very interesting correspondence of the President of the Gesellschaft pertaining to promotion of German- Japanese relations and plans for far-reaching cultural exchange and closer military relations, 1936-^1* Letters to Ministry of Education, to Reichskriegsminister, etc. Note: None of these folders are listed in Catalog. Serial Roll 222 181, 182, 183 Filmed 1st frame Deutsch-Japanische GD 3^81 Gesellschaft, Berlin FT 991273 GD 3*182 FT 991669 Provenance Item 99220U GD 223 18318U GD GD 3^88 FT FT 993137 993237 &D FT 993702 FT FT FT FT GD FT 996320 GB 3^95 3^97 3500 FT 996^33 186 Notes 70 Folder of the Deut sen-Japs nische Gesellschaft. Berlin, containing . correspondence, newspaper clippings end memoranda pertaining to DeutschJapanische Akademikertagung in Eitzbflhl, 1939* and to the attitude of Japanese press towards Germany, 1938-39• Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and notes, etc., pertaining to the organization of Deutsch-Japanische Akademikertagung 19Ul, 19U2. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and notes on various topics; organization of 19^3 Akademikertagung; interventions on behalf of employees and associates of the Gesellschaft, correspondence with German authorities and Party organs, etc. Folder of same provenance containing Jahresbericht, 19^3/^. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about utilization of stipends, 19U2-UU. Duplicates omitted. Note: Hone of these folders are listed in the Catalog. Folder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing correspondence about exchaige of students with Japan, the AkademikerTagung in 19^0, death of President of the Society, Admiral Behncke, etc., 1939-^2. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about the founding of the Japan-Ausschuss of the Deutsche Akademie Mttnchen, 193£. Some routine correspondence of later date. 19^3-^. Folder of same provenance containing routine correspondence and some letters pertaining to the opening of the branch of the Gesellschaft in Vienna, 1938-U5. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence with the Gaustudentenfdhrung VTien, and routine correspondence about activities of the Gesellschaft, 19*40-^1. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about the activities of the Gesellschaft in Germany and reports about the work of the German representative in Japan, 19UO-UU, Duplicates omitted. Note! Not listed in Catalog. iblder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft containing material pertaining to the "Surop&isches Studenten- und Frontkflmpfertreffen," Dresden 19^2. Folders of same provenance dealing with the organization of the Deutsch-Japanische Akademikertagung in Kitzbuhl, March 1939* Serial Roll 186 225 226 227 186187 187. 188, 189, 190 190192 Continued Provenance Deutsch-Japanische (resellschaft, Berlin Item Filmed 1st frame GD 3^96 FT 99678&1 GD 3^98 FT 99687*1 GD 3503 FT 996978 GD 350^ FT 997192 GD 3506 FT 997306 GD 3507 FT 997336 GD 3509 FT 997678 GD 3510 FT 998213 GD 3511 FT 998872 GD 3516 FT 999281 GD 3517 FT 999^28 GD 3518, 3519. 3520 FT 1000113 GD 3525. 3530 FT 1002299 Notes 71 Folder of same provenance dealing with the t>articipation of Japanese in the Studenten-Winterspiele Kitzbuhl, 19Ul. Folder of same provenance containing material on the activities of the Auslandsamt der Dozentenschaft der deutschen Universitftten und Kochschulen, 19^0. Folder of same provenance containing reports on the activities of the Gesellschaft in Japan, collaboration with Gerffian pyees, 1935-38. Folder of seme provenance dealing with the Deutsch-Japanische Arbeitstagung, Seeshaupt, August 19^0. Note: TTot listed in Catalog. Folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, containing a typewritten diary by Max Hinder, Tokyo-Funabaschi "Japanischea Tagebuch," describing his travels in Japan during the war, no date. Folder of seme provenance containing a group of typewritten reports on Far Eastern political situation, 1936-37» author unknown. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence of the Gesellschaft with Reichsstudentenftthrung and other German authorities about the establishment of a Japan-Heim in Germany and other routine correspondence concerning activities of the Gesellschaft, 1938-U2. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence pertaining to the activities and collaborators of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in various towns in Germany and in Generalgouvernement, 1938-^5. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence pertaining to the activities and personnel questions of various branches of the Gesellschaft in other towns in Germany and Austria, 19^1-^2. Note: Not listed in Catalog, Folder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing budgets of the Gesellschaft, 1938-UO. Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence of Pr&fiident Fflrster witljlmembers of the Gesellschaft. Of interest is his correspondence with Karl Haushofer in January 19^5. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence and reports dealing mainly with the activities of the branches of the Gesellschaft in other German-cities, 193^-39» 1939-^2, The folders include also drafts of speeches of Fdrster for various occasions and a report on his trip to Japan in 1939. Note: IvTot listed in Catalog. Folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft Berlin containing correspondence about various lectures presented by the Gesellschaft. In folder 3525* see the section on questions of interpretation of Mrnberg laws in relation to Japanese Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed Notes 1st frame 72 nationals, 1935-^2. 22? 228 190192 193196 Deutsch-Japanische GD 3526 Gesellschaft, Berlin GD 3528 FT 1003537 Folder of same provenance containing minutes of meetings of Deutsch-Japanischer Kulturausschuss unter dem Vorsitz des Ges^ndten von Twardowski, FT 1003667 GD 3531 FT 10039^2 GD 3533 FT 100^988 GD 353^ FT 1005575 GD 3536 FT 100605^ Folder of same provenance containing Rundschreiben of the Deutsch-Japani sche Gesellschaft, 19U2-U5. Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence about lectures, social affairs and activities of the Gesellschaft, 1937-*&. Of special interest is the correspondence pertaining to the 19HU Akademikertagung in St. Christoph and the Angelegenheit Luth. Folder of same provenance containing various short stories on Japan, newspaper clippings and correspondence about the Gesellschaft, 19U2. Folder of spme provenance containing several issues of a magazine, Mgpon Go so Kyokai, Overseas Broadcast for Sorope, 19UO-^1. Duplicates omitted. Note: Hot listed in Catalog. Folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing various correspondence about Japanese participation in the Olympic games 1936 and other activities of the Gesellschaft (lectures, sports, etc.), 1935-37. Folders of same provenance containing similar material, 1937-^2. 1006539 Continued GD 35^2 FT 1007705 GD 35^7 FT 1008113 GD FT 1008373 GD 35^9. FT 10086^0 3551 GD 3552 FT 1009585 GD 3553 FT 1010217 Folder of same provenance containing the statutes of the Gesellschaft, the correspondence about official registration of the society and yearly financial reports, 1930-U3. Folder of same provenance containing minutes der ordentlichen Hauptversammlungen und Mitgliederversammlungen der Gesellschaft, 1937-^3Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence, among others about mixed German-Japanese marriages and the question of Hassenschande, 1936-^1. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about the making of documentary films in Japan, by German personnel, 19^0. Folders of same provenance containing correspondence about the activities of the Vienna branch of the Gesellschaft, 1939-^0. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about publication of the Deutsch-Japanische aachrichten bulletin and about relations with the press, 1935-^1- Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about various functions, public appearances, etc. .of Admiral Fdrster and also some Serial 229 230 Soil 196198 199- Provenance Item Filmed Deutschr-Japanische GD 355^ £S Gesellschaft, Berlin 1st frame 1010528 GD 3555» ** 3556, 3557 1010992 GD 3558 FT 1011SHS GD 3560 FT 10122^8 GD 3562 FT 1012616 GD 3563 FT 1013013 GD 356U FT 1013^15 GD 3566 FT 1013571 GD 3567 IT 1013S32 200 GD 3568 FT Notes 73 material on his trip to Japan in 1939. Note: Fot listed in Catalog. From a folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing invitations lists and cards, the program of Deutscher Studententag Wrzburg, 22-27 May 1939, was selected for filming. Folders of same provenance containing correspondence about a gift to Hitler, a film about Japanese Air Force, 19Hl. Foldfer 3556 contains newspaper clippings pertaining to that film and variolas correspondence dealing with the work of the Deutsch-Japanischer Ausschuss, 1939~^2. . Folder of same provenance containing some correspondence of Admiral Fdrster as chairman of the "Seydlitz Kameradschaftsverband" and papers pertaining to a visit of Japanese academicians to Prague in 19*4-2. Folder of same provenance containing routine correspondence about arrangements for concerts of Graf Konoye in Germany and texts of various speeches he made at the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, 1936-^3. Folder of same provenance containing report on Deutsches Studienwerk ftlr Auslftnder 1. Jahresbericht fiSir dasRechnungsjahr 19Ul/Ug prepared "by Deutsche s" Studienwerk f£lr JSuslflnder e.V., reports of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft on Japanese exchange and scholarship students, and correspondence pertaining to the celebration of the 200-jflhrige Bestehen des japanischen Kaiserhauses, 19^C. Folder of same provenance containing text of speeches made by Admiral Fdrster at various occasions in 19^» mostly dealing with German-Japanese relations. Folder of same provenance containing scattered routine correspondence and statements of financial support of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft from Japanese industria^companies, the German Foreign Office, etc., 193&-^3» Note: Hot listed in Catalog. Folder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containiig various correspondence pertaining to collaboration of the Gesellschaft with Ausw&rtiges Amt, with the Studentenfflhrung, etc., 1938-1*2. Folder of same provenance containing among other routine correspondence some papers pertaining to the founding and the administration of the DeutschJapanisches Studenteiiheim in Leipzig, 193^-^» an<i Jahresbericht der Zweigstellen for 19UU. Folder of same provenance containing texts of speeches, correspondence and newspaper clippings pertaining to relations between German and Japanese medical professions, 1938-^2, Serial Roll 230 199— 200 231 200- 203 Provenance Deutsch-Japanische GD 35^9 Gesellschaft, Berlin see Notes Filmed 1st frame FT 101^596 FT 101^956 1015667 1015751 10159U1 1016300 1016778 1017125 1017^55 1017730 1017962 1018365 1018600 232 203- GD 3572 FT 1018999 GD 3573 TT 10193^3 GD 357U FT 101987^ OB 3575 FT 1020161 GD 35S5 FT 1020239 GD 35863591* FT 102032U 208 Hotes Folder of same provenance containing routine correspondence about "building of new offices for Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in 19^1 and Jahresberichte for 19**1/U2, 19^2/U3 and 19^3/U^. Duplicates omitted. Fote: Not listed in Catalog. Folders of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing essays on Japanese-German Alliance submitted to the Gesellschaft in a prigs-contest, 19**H. For the list of winners of the contest see Deutsch-Japanische Hachrichten, 6. Juli 19HU, p. 2. (For file of D.J. Hacfarichten see T-82, Serial 239, folder 1695). Folder 3505 Folder 3508 Folder 3532 Folder 3576 Folder 3577 Folder 3578 Folder 3579 Folder 35SO Folder 3581 Folder 3582 Folder 3583 Folder 35^ Kote: Hot listed in Catalog. Folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing administrative correspondence and memoranda about the budget of the Gesellschaft, its work with foreign visitors, its plans for the future, etc., 1933~39» Folder of same provenance containing various administrative correspondence, 1939-4U. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and material on Deutsche Kongress-Zentrale e.V. and letter of Admiral Behnke to Reichsminister ffflr Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung, 193U-U2. Folder of same provenance containing material pertaining to the Akademiker-Tagung in Japan, 19^1. Folder of same provenance containing minutes on Arbeitstagung of the Gesellschaft in December 19^40. Folders of same provenance containing an alphabetical correspondence file, . Duplicates omitted. Fote; Fot listed in Catalog. Provenance 208209 23** 209210 Item •MM* Filmed 1st frame Deutsen-Japan!sche 3595 Gesellschaft, Berlin GD 3596 FT 1025391* FT 1025772 GD 3603 FS GD 3605 FT 1026U10 GD 3608 FT 1026513 GD 3620 FT 1026835 GD 3621 FT 1026918 GD 3622 FT GD 362*1 FT 1026995 1027091 GD 3625 FT 102726U GD 3628 FT 1027285 GD 3632 FT 10271*92 GD 3636 FT 10275*15 GD 3637 FT 1027736 GD 3638 GD 3639 FT IT 1027863 1028029 Ho tea 75 Folder of Deutsch-Japanisehe Gesellschaft marked Allgemeiner Schriftweehsel von 1933-31,3.19^3. G~J. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence pertaining to Berichterstattung aus Japan and accounts about DJG assets in Japan, and indications of sources of these funds, 1936-37* Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about Abrechnungen und Etatfragen, 19U3/*&. Routine bills omitted. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about Zweigatelle K6*ln» 1938-142, and some accounts of the Gesellschaft. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about Zweigstelle Mttnchen and K8ln, 1939-HH. Folder of same provenance containing files of Japanese students to whom the Deutsch-Japanisehe Gesellschaft gave scholarships, 1939-^2. Folder of same provenance containing scattered correspondence and articles on Japan, submitted to the DJG, 19*40. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about the activities of the Zweigstellen in Leipzig, K&ln, Mflnchen and Wien, 193U-U1. Folder of same provenance marked Deutsche Spenden, containing correspondence about contributions of industrial finis and other private donors to the DeutschJapanisehe Gesellschaft, 1936, Note: Hot listed in Catalog, Folder of the Deutsch- Japan! sche Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing letters from Graf K. von Dttrckheim-Montmartin in Tokyo to Admiral FBrster, 19^1. Folder of same provenance, marked "Referat Dr. G. Wenck, Dt.-Jap. Arbeits.gemeinschaft, Oktober 19^*0. ff A very interesting folder dealing with the political storm created by a paper of a German political scientist which contained some criticism of the Japanese Emperor and the subsequent intervene tions of the Japanese Ambassador Oshima, 19*40-Ul» Folder of same provenance narked "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Reichsstudentenfuhrung und des Japanischen Student en-?ereins in Deutschland," 19*40-141. Folder of same provenance marked "Deutsche Gesellschaft fftr Natur- und 781ker-K»nde Ostasiens - O.A.G. ,* 1935-^3. Folder of same provenance marked ^Ostasiatischer Verein Hamburg-Bremen, .," 1933-^« For material of this organization see also T-82, Serials Folder of same provenance marked "Ostasiatische Rundschau,11 Folder of same provenance marked "Vizekonsul Eduard Schnssel, Beauftragter der DJG in Mftnchen,» 19^1. Tfotes io* listed: fn Catalog. Serial Roll 235 210 Provenance Item Deutsch-Japan! ache GD 36U2 (resell schaft, Berlin GD 36^6 GD Filmed IT W 1st frame 102807^ 102S176 FT 1028255 102SU02 236 210- GD 3651 FT 1028515 Deutsch-Japanische GD 3672 Gesellechaft, Breslau, Berlin GD 3673 GD 3677 FT 102853H GD 3678 FT GD 3680 3681 GD 3682 FT FT GD 368U FT GD 3685 FT GD 3686 FT 1029202 1029811 10302S1 Notes 76 Folder of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, marked "Admiral Hansel^ Kiel, JfeuticuB," containing correspondence 19^1-^3. Folder of same provenance marked "Grussdurchsagen nach Ostasien - (Dt, Xurzwellensender) , N 19U1-U3. Folder of same provenance marked "Re ichsrundfunk-Gesell schaft, Abt. Zeitgeschehen," containing correspondence a"bout collatoration on radi^programs about Japan, 19^2-^5. Folders of same provenance narked "Dr. Walter Donat - Vortrflge" and MDr. Walter Donat - Lebenslauf , « 19U2-UU. Folder of same provenance marked "Dr. Saklmuara, Shigeki, Enjoji, Takei, Saga, Ohdaira, Iseji" - names of Japanese collaborators of the Gesellschaft, Folder of same provenance marked "2. Japanisch- Deutsche Akademikertagung in Otsu am Blwpsee," 19^0. 53bte: ITot listed in Catalog. Folder of the branch of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in Breslau, containing reports on the activities of that branch, Its accounts and various business correspondence, 1937-*&* Folder of same provenance of similar contents* 1937-*&* Folder of the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft dealing with the founding and activities of a branch of the Gesellschaft in Frankfurt/Main, 193U-UU. Folder of same provenance as folder 3677 containing correspondence and memoranda about the founding and activities of the branch of the Gesellschaft in Hamburg, 19^2. Folders of same provenance as folders 3677 and 3678, dealing with the branch of the Gesellschaft in Hannover, 19U1-1&. folder of same provenance containing correspondence, notes and memoranda pertaining to the branch of the Gesellschaft in Heidelberg, 19^-^5. Folder of same provenance containing material similar to folder 3682 pertaining to the branch of the Gesellschaft in Kdln, 19Ul~U5. Folder of same provenance pertaining to 2. Arbeitsbesprechung der DJG, 2. Juni 19^3. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about the activities of various branches of the Gesellschaft and minutes of .Arbeit stagung der DJG, 18.-19. Dezember 19^0; 1937-1*1*. Note: Hot listed in Catalog. Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes GB 369H, 36§5» 3697, 369S GB 3699 FT 1032681 Folders of the Beutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing correspondence, accounts, newspaper clippings and memoranda about the opening and activities of the branch of the Gesellschaft in M&nchen, FT 10337^3 GB 3700 FT 103*4000 GB 3701 FT 103UU03 GB 3702 3703 GB 3706 FT 103^639 FT 1035^23 Folder of same provenance containing similar material pertaining to the branch of the Gesellschaft in Mftnster, 19U3-UU. Folder of same provenance containing similar material pertaining to the branches of the Gesellschaft in Salzburg and Wien, 19U2-HU. Folder of same provenance containing similar material pertaining to the branch of the Gesellschaft in Stuttgart, 19*42-^3. Folders of same provenance containing similar material pertaining to '* •• various branches of the Gesellschaft, 19*40-tyU. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about various activities of the Gesellschaft in connection with the Olympic games in Tokyo, exchange of students, etc., 193^>-^» Note: Hot listed in Catalog. Folder of the Beutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing miscellaneous correspondence and material, among others text of Rede des Aussenministers Togo im Japanischen Reichstag am 27. Mai, 19*42, correspondence with Aero-Club and Haus der Flfceger, etc., 1936-^3. Buplicate omitted. Folder of same provenance containing a distribution list, correspondence and one issue of Wir t s chaf t sb er lent (3. Jahrgang, Ifommer 12, 31«Bezember 1938) published by tne Gesellschaft, 1936-^2. Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence, memoranda and notes, of various dates, 1933-^5- Of interest is the series of memoranda of Admiral Behnke about the treatment of Japanese-German Mischlinge under the provisions of the Mrnberg Laws (one memo addressed to Hess), and Br. Gross1 answer to Behnke1 s objections to discrimination against children of mixed German- Japanese marriages, 1933~35» Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about book-exchange with Japan, protection of German copy-right in Japan, visit of Prince Chichibu in Germany. etc., 1935-37* Folder 3719 contains similar material for years 1939-^3- Duplicates omitted. Folder of the Beutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Berlin, containing Jahresberichte about the activities of the Gesellschaft's headquarters in Berlin and its Zweigstellen throughout Germany, 1935-^3 • Folder of same provenance containing mimeographed text of a lecture, "Japanische Lebensanschauung und Vergleich mit der neuen Richtung in Beutschland," (Vortrag gehaltea in der Beutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft in Berlin am Item 77 WM0MMMI 21*4. 216 23S 216217 Beutsch-Japanische Gfsellschaft, Berlln 1035705 GB 3709 FT 10360SS GB 371U FT 10363*42 GB 3718 FT 1036712 GB 1711 FT 1037050 GB FT 10373^6 Serial Roll 238 239 2UO 216217 218220 220223 223 Continued Provenance Item Filmed Deutsch~Japanische/GD 19^3 FT Gesellschaft, Berlin GD 1973 FT 103735^ 1037392 GD 3036 FT 1037399 see FT 1037^17 Notes GB1298 FT 1039^22 GD 2355a FT 1695 GD 1913 FT 1039985 I0iio^56 FT 10H0575 ? and as indicated/GB-22Ul in Uotes 2252 2257 FT 10UU393 GD 37^2 37^3 FT GD 37^8 FT see Notes 1st frame Notes 28. Mai 1935) » T. Matsumoto, Honorarprofessor an der Universitftt Bonn. Mitgliederverzeichni s , 1935* Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft.e.V. , Berlin. Stray item, Rundschreiben ilr. 7 der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft, e.V. , Berlin, Bericht tlber die ordentliche Hauptversammlung, 17. Februar 1937f and Aaszug aus dem Jahresbericht 1936* Polder of Dent sen- Japanische Gesellschaft, a list of basic information about the Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft and its branches, and a copy of budget for 19^3-^, both marked "Als Unterlegen fur die Bomben-Kartei, w dated 9.10.^3. Note: Not listed in Catalog. Polders 1351. iMl, 2022,3033. File of reports published by the Ostasiatiscfaer Verein Hamburg-Bremen, 1939-^5» File of Honat sb eri cht e prepared probably by I.G.Farbenindustrie, Frankfurt /Main, 1937-^3 (incomplete) . File of Deutsch-Japanische Hachrichten, published by Deutsch-Japaaische Ge sel 1 schaf t , 19^0-44 . Pile of Hachrichtendienet des Japanischen Yereins in Deutschlend (Berlin), January-March 19U2. Fote: Hot listed in Catalog. Folders 1256, 1?12, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 2355. A 1938-19^ file of periodical Per Ost-Eypress published by Ostasiendienst, incomplete. Hot listed in Catalog. Polder2?Ul, 2252, 2257. Three publications of 1 'Association des Affaires Btrangeres du Japon (The Foreign Affairs Association of Japan): Coup d'Oeil sur le conflit Sino-Japonais, lov. 1937; Le Conflit SinoJaponais et les Ressources Financi^res, 'no date; A General Outline of Manchoukuo!s Construction Program . by Chih Piao, Second Secretary, Manchoukuo Legation, Tokyo, 19^3Two publications of Japanisehe-Deutsches Kultur-Institut, Tokyo: "Die Deutsche Literatur in Japan - ein Jahresbericht, Mars 1937»" herausgegeben von Erwin Jahn, Lektor an der kais. Universitat Tokyo, Heft 8. Japan is chDeutscher Geistesaustausch; Japan und Deutschland, geschichtlicher Ruckblick auf ihre kulturellen Verbindungen, von Professor Takahiko Tomoeda, 1938. Pamphlet published by Japan Foreign Trade Federation, !Ehe Present and the Future of American- Japanese Commercial Relations, by Tokichi Tanaka, President of She Chugai Shogyo Shimpo (International Journal of Commerce) Serial Roll 223 Provenance Item GD 2250 Filmed 1st frame IT GD 2833 10HU533 GD 2293 FT 10UU553 GD 2037 *T 10UU566 GD 2S29 FT GD 1933 IT 101&709 GD 1992 FT 10UU7S2 GD 312S FT 10UH790 Notes 79 and former Ambassador to the U. S. S.R. , Nov. 1937 • Le Oonflit Sino-Japonais, by Yusuke Tsurumi (Ancien "'D&put^ Delegu& de lf Association Japonaise pour la Societe des Nations a la XVTe Assemblfe de 1'Union Internationale des Associations pour la Societfe des Nations) , Librairie du Recueil Sirey, Paris, 1932. Publication of Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (Gesellschaft fur Internationale Kul turbe zi e hung en) : Die Geographischen Grundlageq/foeB Japan ischen Wesens "by Leopold G. Scheidl, Tokyo, 1937. One issue of Yamato, Mensile Italo-Giapponese, Anno III, No, 8, Agosto 19i*3, Roma. Contemporary Opinion on Current Topics, Japan Trade and Engineering Supplement, published by Tokyo Information Bureau, 193^~^5« A "booklet from the library of Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft, Zweigstelle Sttdwest-Deutschland: Busido, Soldatengeist von Japan, by Shin Sakuma, mit einem Geleitwort von Alfred Freyberg, SS-Gruppenfitthrer and Oberbilrgermeister, Leipzig 19^. Folder of reprints from the files of Karl Haushofer, Those not available in the Library of Congress were filmed: My Trip to Jeho, by Tfekashi Komatsu, Tokyo, March 25 » 1933? "Die Grundungssage des Sensoji CAsakusa-Kwannon-Tempel) im Lichte der japanischen Friihgeschichte" von Dr. Karl V/eidinger, Tokyo, Sonderabdruck aus dem Jubilaums-Band 1933 &&r "Deutschen Gesellschaft fflr Hatur- und Vdlkerkunde Ostasiens" in Tokyo; Two Lectures on Prehistoric and Protohistoric Japanese Civilization, delivered by J'.C. Hagaenauer, Pensionnaiiede la rlaison Franco- Japonaise before the "Oriental Culture College" during the session of July 1931» held at the Tokyo Imperial University; Institut zur Fdrderung der wechselseitigen Kenntnisse des geistigen Lebens und der Bffentlichen Einrichtungen in Japan und Deutschland (Japanisch~Deutsches Kultur-Institut), Satzungen, genehmigt am g. April 1927t Tokyo, 1930; Das Japanisch-Deutsche Kul tur- Institut, seine Aufgabe und Tfltigkeit, Tokyo , Folder of same provenance as folder 1933 containing a reprint of Japanese declaration on Japan's departure from the League of Nations, with an attached visiting card by Mr. Kiyoshi Kavakami (Washington, D. C. ) and a letter of Dr. Krause, Heidelberg, 1933. See Catalog frame 213590. Folder of unknown provenance marked "Eigene Vortrflge, Zeitungsartikel, Max Zeghor," Deutsche Botschaft, Tokyo, containing drafts of lectures and articles on various aspects of the development of German airforce and navy, Note: Unless specified otherwise, not listed in Catalog. Serial 82 S3 gl* Continued Filmed 1st frame I.G.Farbenindustrie,/GD 37 A.G. , Frankfurt/Main FT 223553a GD H2 IT 223599 GD UU FT 223607 GD U5 FT 223965 GD 1*7 FT 221*078 GD US FT 221WL3** GD 50 FT 22**3ll* GD 51 FT 221*31*8 I.G.Farbenindustrie,/GD 52 A.G., Frankfurt/Main FT Roll Provenance 66 67 67 Item Notes SO Folder of unknown provenance, probably from the files of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/Main, a "booklet "Sticks to ffanlagen im Adsland nach Verfahren der I.G.Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, " Ludwigshafen/Rhein, *\fov. 19**2. See Catalog frame 212883. Folder of same provenance containing a list of patdnts of I G.Farbenindustrie in Japan, October 17» 19lJO. Duplicates omitted. See Catalog frame 212881*. Folder of unknown provenance, possibly from I.G.Farben files, containing correspondence about CD n tracts, technical data, guarantees, specifications, etc, agreed upon between I.G.Farbenindustrie and various Japanese firms, 1939-^*. See Catalog frame 212885. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, Folder of unknoi*n provenance, possibly from the I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/ Main files. A mimeographed report "Trip to China and Japan," by Dipl. Ing. SchBn, of I.G.Farbenindustrie, July 1932, dealing with nitrogen plants in China. See Catalog frame 2128S6. Folder of same provenance, marked Reise-Bericht China, Japan, Agypten, 1931/32$ containing reports and three maps. Reports on trip to China, Japan and Egypt, the Sino-^oreign Nitrogen Commission, the Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, and the nitrogen industry in China, the suggestions about personnel to head the preliminary nitrogen agreement with the Chinese Government, etc. The first report refers to German negotiations on economic questions with the government of the three named countries, also mentioned in Folder 1&, Serial 82. See Catalog frame 212886. Folder of unknown provenance, a book in German and Chinese, dated 1937-38 1 "Deutsch- Chine sischer Handel sfcatalog11 containing information on German firms and products in China, by Walter G. Schmidt. See Catalog frame 212886. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance containing the text of a contract between the Imperial Japanese Army, Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha and Friedrich Krupp, A. G. about delivery of German arms to Japan, January 19^3« See Catalog frame 212887. Folder of unknown provenance marked Japan, containing various typewritten and mimeographed materials on Japanese economy, 1937 • See Catalog frame 212888. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/Main, Volkswirtschaftiche Abteilung, containing a report ffD ie Chemiewirtschaft Japans," Serial 85 86 Continued Boll 6869 6970 Provenance I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G*, Frankfurt/Main t Item Filmed GD 53 FT GD 5^ FT GD 55 1st frame 22UU96 22U686 GD 58 FT 2251*62 GD 60 FT 2260U3- GD 61 FT 226068 GD 62 FT 226775 Notes 81 1937. See Catalog frame 212888 for table of contents. Folder of same provenance as folder 52» containing a report "Struktur und Lage der japanischen Landwirtschaf t, Fischerei und Forstwirtschaft," 1937 • See Catalog frame 212888 for table of contents. Hote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of unknown provenance, possibly of I.G. Part enindis trie, A. G. , Frankfurt/Main, marked Anssenhandel,regulare Listen, containing various statistical tables on Japan's foreign trade and Germany's trade with Japan , 1931-39 • See Catalog frame 212889, duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and memoranda on German interest in the development of nitrogen and other chemical plants in Japan and China, and the work of the I.G.Farben representative in this respect, 1931-38, See Catalog frame 212889. Folder of same provenance containing cables and carbon copies of correspondence dated 19*40~H2, dealing with Windsor and Co, I.G.Farben representative for all I.G-. products in Southeast Asia. Scattered material on industrial potential of Thailand and German interests there. See Catalog frame 212890. Folder of same provenance containing carbon copies of ^Outline of Address to be Delivered at the Department of Science, September 16, 19^0» Possibilities for the Development of a Chemical Industry in Thailand t" by A, E. Goedicke, Manager for Japan: Chemical Construction Corporation, Hew York, Hov» 15. 19to. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, Jblder of the I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt /Ma in entitled MBritisch-Indien Ausschuss" (original binder missing, infor nation from Catalog) containing various mater is 1 pertaining to India. Press releases of the Deutscher Orient Herein, report on trip of a member of the German Foreign Office to the United Provinces of Lahore and Delhi and the Indian states of Gwalior, S ho pal and Indore, correspondence about the organization of the German-India Institute in Vienna, correspondence of the Deutecher Orient Verein with the German- India Institute, a pamphlet of the India Institute of the Deutsche Akademie Mtlnchen by Dr. Franz Thierfelder, correspondence with Deutsche Akademie Mfcnchen, 1938-U2. See Catalog frames 212891212892. The date given there is not correct. Folder of same provenance entitled "Internierte Reichsdeutsche (Indien)u (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence, newspaper articles, notes, etc* about the German internees in India, 1939-^1 and the efforts of I.G. to send them supplies. Catalog Serial 87 Boll 70 Provenance I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., Frankfurt/Main Item GD 6H Filmed FT 88 7172 227096 227371 GD 63 GD 70 1st frame FT 227512 GD 71 227920 GD 73 228261 GD FT 228321 GD 75 FT 22S957 Notes 82 frame 212392. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77; for other material per' ' taining to the Deutsche Akademie Mtfnchen see T-82, Serial l-27a. Folder of the I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main marked "Vertraulich" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing circular letters released "by the main office to the heads of various departments dealing with security regulations, restrictions due to the war, coding and precautions in correspondence with neutrals, plans of evacuation (1939)* camouflage of German origin of products in I.G. business with America via the Far East, instructions on how to avoid "blockade, etc., 1939-Ul. See Catalog frames 212892-212893. Folder of the I.G.Farben Zentral-Versicherungsabteilung (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence, contracts, etc., dealing with matters of war-time insurance provisions, 1939.45. For detailed listing see Catalog frame 212892. Folder of I.G.Farben entitled"Vertrag China" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence, foreign trade agreements, etc., pertaining to I.G. business with various firms in China, 1926-1939. See Catalog frame 21289^. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main entitled MVertrag Japan" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing trade agreements of I.G. pertaining to Japan, 1930-39• See Catalog frame 212895, for names of firms. Folder of same provenance entitled "Tertrag Straits-Settlements,11 containing trade agreements of I.G, pertaining to Straits-Settlements, North Borneo, Sarawak and Federated and Unfederated Malayan States, 1928-1938. Original binder missing, information from Catalog. See there, frame 212896, for names of firms involved. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance entitled "China Telegramme^ Ausgang" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) telegrams concerning I.G. trade with China, especially exchange of German trucks for Chinese tea, 1938-U2. See Catalog frame 212896 for names of firms involved. Folder of same provenance, entitled "China Telegramme Eingang" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) telegrams dealing with I.G. trade with China and the transport of goods for China through Russia, 1938^2. See Catalog frame 212897. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial $7. Filmed 1st frame I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 77 A.G., Frankfur t/Ma in M 229577 GD 78 W GD SO FT GD S3c FT GD FT GD FT Provenance 90 73 Item 229S91 2303914 Notes Folder of the I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main containing copies of a licence agreement between B8hms Fettchemie Co., Chemnitz, Deutsche Hydrierwerke A.G., Berlin-Charlottenburg and I.G.Farbenindustrie A.G., Frankfurt/Main on one hand and Mitsui Bussan K.K., Tokyo, on the other, about the use, sale and distribution of fatty alcohols covered by a Japanese patent in Japan, Manchukuo and occupied China, Folder of same provenance entitled "Private Gesch&ftsbrlefe" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog), containing correspondence of Direktor E. Hoppeh, dealing with I.G. representatives and business contacts in the Far East, the difficulties of trade via the Trans- Siberian Railway, arrangements for missions from Germany to Japan, trade with Manchuria, etc., 1935-^1. See Catalog frame 212g97. Folder of same provenance containing various correspondence about the sale and delivery of chemicals to the Ear East. Of interest is correspondence dealing with the rubber industry in Indochina. See Catalog frame Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/Main entitled "ChinaPersonalia" (original binder missing, information from Catalog). This is one of four folders dealing with the I.G. personnel and concerns the I.G. representative in Shanghai, general manager of DEFAG, Eobert Bahlmann. The correspondence contains some interesting information on the organization and development of I.G. business in China, 1929-^3* Folders g3a,b,d not filmed. See Catalog frame 21 2899. Folder of the same provenance entitled "Shina Institut" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence about the foundation, development and aims of the China Institute in Frankfort. The Institute was supported by I.G.Farben and its purpose was to keep alive a certain amount of interest and goocjwill for China during the war, The folder includes also some data on the personnel and the leadership of the Institute, 1939-^5. See Catalog frame 212g99. Duplicates omitted. Folder of same provenance, entitled tf China-Ins ti tut" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing collection of minutes of the meetings of the board of the Institute, and financial reports and budgets, 1930-1&. See Catalog frame 212900. Note: For Catalog see T-g2, Serial 77. Serial Roll 91 yl* Filmed 1st frame I.G.Farbenicdtistrie, GD 88 A.G., Frankfurt/Ma in FT 231296 GD 86 FT 231^28 GD 90 FT 231810 Provenance Item 232556 GD 91 GD 92 GD93 FT 232569 232582 Notes Polder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled "ChinaDEFAGW (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence between I.G. and DEFAG about possible development of German exports of chemicals to China, Manchuria, etc. The correspondence shows German concern about American and Japanese competition. Scattered material on shipments of goods across Siberia. 193b-19^3» See Catalog frame 212900. Folder of same provenance entitled "Verband fftr den fernen Osten" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence between Kommerzienrat H. Waibel of I.G.Farben and Dr. iviax Linde of the Deutsch-Chinesischer Verband, 1939-^- ^e correspondence includes information on the "Verband fur den Fernen Osten11 in Berlin-Charlottenburg, the "Deutsch-Chinesiseher Verband11 in Berlin and the pool of German exporters to China—"Deutsch-Chinesische Export Vereinigung? president of which was ¥eibel and vice-presidentvLinde. The letters contain interesting comments on war-time Germany and Allied bombing. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. FSlder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G-., FranKfurt/Main » entitled "ChinaDEFAGn (original binder missing, information frem 6atalog) containing correspondence between I.G. and DSFAG, Shanghai, 1939-^1• It deals with German exports of chemicals to Hongkong, Canton, Shanghai, etc., and it includes periodical reports on the economic and military situation in the Far East,and the German trade possiblities and chances of an economic penetration of the area. See Catalog frame 212901. Stray item, probably from the files of I.G.Farben, a confidential tuationsbericht" of DSFAG .to I.G. about China trade, dated January yi, 19UO. See Catalog frame 212901. Stray item probably of same provenance, a mimeographed confidential report entitled "Chemikalien-Geschaft," sent as a circular letter to various departments of the I.G., a report of the Deutsche Farben-Handelsgesellschaft Waibel and Co., in Shanghai, describing Japanese and American competition to German trade in China, January 15» 19^0. See Catalog frame 212902. Notes For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A stray item probably from the files of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, a mimeographed report distributed to I.G. directors "Bericht Dr. Haas/China," dated March 19^0. The report discusses the difficulties of Japan and China, the likelihood of a Japanese-British understanding, the new central government in Nanking, etc. Serial Roll 9)4- 75 Filmed 1st frame GD 98 FT 232602 GD 102 JW 232609 I.G.Farbenindnstrie, GD 132 A.G., Frankfurt/Main FT 232618 Provenance Item 233110 95 96 233207 75 7576 GD 139 FT 233262 GD FT 233276 GD FT 233510 GD 162 FT 233663 Notes A mimeographed report "Industrielle Anlagen in Fushdn," marked Vertraulich, July 25, 1930, probably from I.G. files. See Catalog frame 21290^. Copy of a report of an engineer sent to Japan "by Lurgi Co. "Eindrucke von einem Aufenthalt in Japan," March 10, 19^1 to September 29, 19^2. See Catalog frame 212908. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie entitled "China—Monatsberichte" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing monthly reports on the political and economic conditions in China, January 193^-December 19^0. These reports were probably prepared by I.G. for internal use* See Catalog frame 212919. Folder of same provenance containing material similar to folder 132, reports dated from January 19^1-May 19UU. See Catalog frames 212919-212920. Note; For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G.,Frankfurt/Main, entitled "ChinaFiederschriften vom Deutsch-Handschurischen Verein" containing minutes and correspondence of that association founded for the advancement of GermanManchurian economic relations, March 19^2-November 19UU (original binder missing, information from Catalog). See there for names of officers of the association, frame 212920. Folder of same provenance entitled HManchukuo-Ford China, Vertraulich" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing a group of reports about import of soya beans from Manchuria and China over the TransSiberian Railway, 1939-^0. See Akten-Notiz Hber eine Besprechung am 9^0» 1939 *m Reichswirtschaftsministerium in der Frage der Heranftthrung voa SoJabohnen und evtl. anderen 01 en ais der Mandschurei und China fiber die Transsibirische Bahn. Notej For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A,G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled "China1' (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing descriptions of tfce organization of I.G. business in various parts of China, 1935-38. Folder of same provenance entitled "Fernost—Produkte, Frachten" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing a card file tabulation of German exports of various chemical products to China, Thailand, Manchuria, Indochina and other Far Eastern countries, 19^2-^3« See Catalog frame 212929. Folder of same provenance entitled "Fern-Ost—China, Mandschurei, Indochina, Thailand" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing material similar to folder l6lj 19^3. See Catalog frame 212930. Item 97 7677 I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Ma in Filmed 1st frame GD 163 FT 2339^2 KD 175 FT 23^253 GD 177 FT GD 178 FT 235^38 GD 179 98 7778 GD 183 GD GD 185 Continued 23^793 FT 235803 236006 Notes Folder of same provenance entitled "Fern-Ost —Preise und ^alkulat ionen (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing price and freight calculations of the Special Export Group Department of the I.G., pertaining to the exports to the Far East, 19^2. See Catalog frame 212930. Note: Bor Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/Main, entitled "Japan— Monatsberichte" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing monthly reports of the I.G, on the political, economic and military situation in Japan, January 19^0-March 19^. See Catalog frame Folder of same provenance entitled "Jap. Verein" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing mimeographed reports of the Japanese club in Germany on the military and political situation in the Far East, January 19^2-March 19^2. See Catalog frame 212936. Folder of same provenance entitled "I.G. Rundschau" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing reports of the Economic Department of the I.G. on economic and "business situation throughout the world, 1910-19U5. Folder of same provenance entitled "Notizen" (original Binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence, notes, reports and statistics about German exports to Japan, the efforts to circumvent the "blockade, financial transactions, etc., 1935-^1« See Catalog frame 212936. Hote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/ Ma ife, entitled ^(andel) Allgemein Sfldosten, Indochina, Ostasien" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence and reports on the economic and political conditions in the countries named, 19^0-^1. For a detailed listing see Catalog frame 21293S, Folder of same provenance entitled "Asien" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence and reports dealing with German trade "with Irac, Iran, Afghanistan, British India, Dutch Indies, Syria and Thailand, 19^1-19^3. Of interest is the correspondence of spring-sumne r 19^1 about resumption of trade v/ith Irac. See Catalog frame 212939. Folder of same provenance entitled "Mandschukuo" (original binder misssing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence between I.G. and Deutsehe Farbenhandelsgesellschaft Waibel and Co*, about I.G. exports Serial 99 Roll 7879 100 Provenance I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.a., Frankfurt/Main 11 em Filaned 1st" frame 236296 GD 19^, IV-VIII GD 229 FS 238588 GD 231 FS 238621 GD 233 FT 238628 GD 251 FS 238779 Notes: 87 to Manchuria, transfer of production of synthetic fuel to Manchuria and shipping of chemicals to the Far East via Siberia, 19^1-19^2. See Catalog frame 212939* Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77, Folders of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , Frankfurt/Main, entitled "O.A.A.! innerhalb des Ostasienausschusses—Eingang" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing reports on the political and economic situation in the Far East, 1939-19*&. Folders I-III, containing same type of material for years 1936-1939»were not filmed. See Catalog frame 2129^5. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled "Diverse Thailand^ Abt. Niederl. Indien" (original hinder missing, information from Catalog) containing routine "business correspondence with I.G. customers in Thailand. This part of the folder was not filmed. Filmed were minutes of the Ostasiatischer Verein included in this folder. See Catalog frame 212959. 101 8081 Folder of same provenance entitled "Diverse Endo-China, Abt. Niederl. Indien" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing routine "business correspondence which was not filmed. For a description of this material see Catalog frame 212959. Two items were filmed: a telegram dated August 27, 1937 indicating priore agreement "between I.G. Farben, DuPont and Nacco, and the text of an agreement "between the European Three Party Cartel and Nacco about sales in the Dutch .East Indies, February 15, 1935Folder of same provenance entitled "Mederlfindisch Indien" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence and reports by Direktor Hassenkamp of I.G. about the establishment of chemical industry in the Dutch Indies, November 1937-December 1939. See Catalog frame 212959. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled "Ausland— Anlagen, Briefwechsel—Ahrens, Tokyo, Allgemein" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence between I.G. and I.G. representative in Tokyo with Japanese concerns interested in the erection of nitrogen and fuel plants. This correspondence is of routine character and was not filmed. Only the part of folder was filmed which deals with I.G. interests in Spain, Finland, Turkeyt Peru and USSR. See Catalog frame 212967. ' Serial Roll Provenance Item GD 266 Filmed 1st frame FT 239273 GB 267 102 103 8182 82- Japanese Consul Dr. Drissler GD 268 FT 239699 GD 270 FS 2U0268 GD 271 FT I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 285 A.G. , Frankfurt /Main 2U0937 Ho teg Folder of same provenance entitled "Uiasfttze Ferner Osten" (original Under missing, information from Catalog) containing tabulations of the turnover in trade in chemicals with Chinai Japan* Ma.nch.uria, Philippinest Thailand, Straits Settlements* Dutch Indies and French Indo-China, i93819^2, partly also 19^3* See Catalog frame 212973. Folder of I.G, entitled "Ostasien Schriftvrechsel mit D.W.K. Kiel, H.M.G. Hamburg" (original hinder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence ahout exports of Wolff Comp. to the Far East, 1938-UO. See Catalog frame 212983* Duplicates omitted. IJbte: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77* Folder of Japanese Consul Dr. Drissler, of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled WPR 2 Verb&nde11 containing correspondence of Drissler with various organizations as well as publications and circulars of these organizations, 19*40-UU. The following organizations are included: Ostasiatischer Verein; H. S. Altherrenbund, Altherrenschaft der Kameradschaft "Freiherr vom Stein11; Ostasiatischer Verein: LAnderausschuss Japan, L&nderausschuss Mandschurei; Feld-Artillerie-Regiment 63 and Kameradschaft der Offiziere des ehemaligen 2, Nassauischen Feldartillerie-Segiments 63; Graphischer Bond; Baus der Wirtschaft. For a detailed listing of interesting items see Catalog frame 21297^ Original binder missing, information about title of folder from Catalog. File of same provenance containing Drissler!s correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the Deutsch-Japanische G-esellschaft, 19^1~*&. Original binder missing, see Catalog for identification of folder and list of items not filmed, frame 212975. Folder of same provenance entitled tfIV/2 Deutsch-Japanische Hachrichten!f (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing mimeographed newsletters of same title, including news and commentaries on German-Japanese cultural relations. January 19^1-October 19U3* See Catalog frame 212975ftote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G,, Frankfurt/Main, entitled "Mandschurei Stickstoffprojekt Manschu11 (only a fragment of original binder available, information from Catalog) containing correspondence between the Engineering Department and other departments of I*G. with H. Ahrens Co»» Tokyo* about the construction of a nitrogen plant in Manschuria,. 1938-UO. See also Catalog frame 2129S2. The file shows friction between German and Japanese firms in Manchuria, Serial Roll 101* gl* Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame GD 293 IT 21*1175 GD 300 FT 21*11*60 2^2206 I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 307 A.G., Frankiurt/Main GD 321 FT 2U2U22 GD 322 FT 2*121*59 2l*2Sl*5 GD 323 105 8U85 GD 32l* GD 335 Continued FT 21*3135 21*3692 Notes 89 Folder of same provenance entitled "Fotizen11 (Original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing newspaper clippings* notes, etc., dated February 1930-October 19^0, pertaining to the various aspects of Japanese economy/ monetary system, foreign trade and Japanese investments in Manchuria and China. For a detailed listing see Catalog, frames 212985-212986. Some of the items listed are missing. Folder of same provenance entitled "Japan, Allg." (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing memoranda and correspondence of I.G. with regard to its representatives and trade in Japan, 1939-19^5. ^or a listing of important topics discussed see Catalog frame 212988. Note? For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77« Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie entitled wHoehdruck-Hohlkb'rper Export" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence of I.G. with their agents and distributors about export of German equipment and industrial processes (especially hydrogenation of coal) to Japan and Manchuria, 1937-^0. See Catalog frame 212991. Folder of same provenance entitled "Ila-Hy-Japan-Dtschld. Besuch Prof. Oshima 19l*lM (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence of I.G. de<ng with the trip of Prof. Yoshikiyo Oshima to Germany in to study questions of supply of fuel, 191*1-1*3. See Catalog frame 212998. Folder of same provenance entitled "Ila-HY-Japan, Hord China, Armee-Projekt Mitsubishi" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence dealing with the plants and production of gasoline for the Hapanese Army, 1938-1*0. For a detailed listing of .Items of interest see Catalog, frame 212998. Folder of same provenance entitled "Ila-HT-China, Hareco Projekte" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence pertaining to the agreement between the Chinese Government and I.G. end other parties interested in the pro'ject, 1937-UO. For a detailed listing of items of interest see Catalog frames 21300&-213001. ITote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of .I.G.Farbenindustrie entitled n I la-China und Hord-China11 (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence and reports dealing with the political and economic situation in China and I.G. interests in that area. For detailed listing of items of interest see also Catalog frame 213001. Folder of same provenance entitled "Japan-Nord China, Armee-Projekt11 (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence about an army hydrogenation proJectr in Forth China in which I.G.Farben was Serial Eoll Provenance Item GD 336 106 85 I'07 Continued Filmed 1st frame FT I. G. Iferbenindustri e, GD 337 &.G., Frankfort/Main FT GD U39 FT GD FT GD U62 FT 21*5553 GD U63 FT 2^5905 GD U6U FT 2^6052 2^5079 Notes 90 interested, 1938-140*. For a detailed description of items of interest see Catalog frame 213007. Folder of same provenance entitled "Atznatron, Asien: Japan-ChinaMandschurei" (Qriginal binder missing, information from Catalog) .containing correspondence pertaining to the production of caustic soda in the three countries, 1936-^5» For detailed description of the material see Catalog frames 2130092-213010. Contains also folders 2106,2108; for desNotet For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77.//cription see Catalog frame. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., Frankfurt/Main, entitled "Abtlg. G fe Allgemein" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence dealing with transportation via Trans-Sibirian Railway, clashes of Japanese and German economic interests, reports on the reorganization of the East Asiatic currencies, etc. For detailed description see Catalog frame 213010. Of sajne provenance, a Mitgliederverzeichnis published "by the Deutsche Gemeinde Tofiyo-Yokohama listing German nationals, German firms, offices. Party organizations, independent organizations in Japan, January 1933. Three supplements, April 193^. September 193&» February 1939* See Catalog frame 213063. Folder of same provenance, one part marked "China, Baumwolle 5100" containing newspaper clippings and correspondence pertaining to competition to I.G. dyes in China and the status of cotton industry there, 1939~^3» The second part is marked "Fremde Wirtschaftsinteressen in China." See Catalog frame 213073. Note: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie (original binder missing, information from Catalog) consisting of parts entitled: "Japan Aussenhandel," "Handel Japan-China,11 "Japanische Ausfuhrbeschrankungen und Exportkontrolle» tt "Jgpanische Bewirtschaftung von Chemie-Erzeugnissen," ^Ausfuhrangaben/ Japan"; folder contains newspaper clippings, reports and statistics pertaining to these topics, 1935-Hl. See Catalog frames 213073-213075, for detailed listing of itgms. Folder of same provenance (original binder missing, information from Catalog) entitled "Industrieprojekte Manchukuo, Fflnfjahresplan und andere Jahresplane" containing newspaper clippings and reports pertaining to these subjects, 193^-^5. For detailed listing see Catalog frames 213075213077. Folder of same provenance (Original binder missing, information from Catalog) entitled "Nord* China Indus trial isierung" And "Vierjahresplan11 Serial Roll 109 gg 95 Item Filmed 1st frame Focke-Wulf Flugzeug- GD 3S1 bau, G.m.b.H., Breme n- Flugkafen FT GD 38H FT 2^6302 GD U69 FT 2H6396 KLektroehemische Werke M^nchen, A.G., Hollriegelskreuth. President Dr. A. Pietzsch 135 136 Provenance Friedrich Krupp A.G., Essen 25053^ GD 707 Gd 770 FT 250837 Notes containing newspaper clippings and correspondence pertaining to these subjects, 1936-Ul. For detailed listings see Catalog frames 213077-213079. Hote: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Folder of Eocke-Wulf Flugzeug bau, G.m.b.H. , Bremen-Hughafen, entitled "375 Japan" containing correspondence in German and Japanese pertaining to a <patent application for an improved airplane hand rudder mechanism, to be patented in Japan, 1939-^1. See Catalog frame 2130U3. Folder of same provenance entitled "378 Japan11 containing material similar to folder $81, pertaining to the invention of an improved retractable landing gear for airplanes. See Catalog, frame 2130UU. Folder of unknown provenance, probably from files of Focke-Wulf, containing text of a contract of the Kaiserlich Japanisches Heoresministerium and the Focke-Wulf Co, about the right to use the firsts knowledge and applied methods in the development and construction of wooden sections for aircraft with high performance, March 19^5. See Catalog frames 213081-213082. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Zlektrochemisehe Werke Mftnchen, A.G. , Hollriegelskreuth, probatly file of the president of the company, Dr. A. Peitzsch; the folder is marked MKachbauvertrag Japantt (origifi&l binder missingt information from Catalog) containing correspondence, drafts and texts of agreements and various notes, July 19 » 19^^-April 19^5» pertaining to the German- Japanese negotiations about ri^ht of reproduction and use of German in production of T-Stoff (hydrogen peroxide?) and B, C, Z-Stoffe (rocket fuels?). Material shows the part of German government in these negotiations between private industrial concerns and the Japanese Government. See Catalog frame 213186. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Fkiedrich Krupp, A. G. , Essen, containing correspondence about the sale of a Tiger tank to Japan as a sample in order to find out whether /production of Tigers would be practicable in Japan, October 19^3~19^J a copy of the official agreement with the Japanese Military Attache in Berlin on the basis of which this transaction was carried out. Par tifeHy. marked GeheiiB. See Catalog frame 213180. Note: For other material on German- Japanese negotiations about rights of reproduction of German armaments and other products of military importance, see T-82, Serials 135 a&d 137« For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 697 4.G,, Frankfurt/Main FT 251383 100 Junkers Fiugzeug~ und/GD 709 Motorenwerke, A.G., Dessau FT 252719 101 Messerschmitt, A.G., Ob erammergau; Professor Willy Messerschmitt, Oberammergau GD 713 FT 252735 Notes Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung, entitled "Lljjidermappe Japan" containing various notes, reports, lists and tables dealing with Japan, China, and I.G.Farbenindustrie commercial relations with these countries and the Far East in general, 1939-^2. Detailed description in Catalog, frame 213180. Hote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Junkers Flugzeug- und Motorenwerke^ Dessau (for proof of the provenance of this folder see material in the Departmsnt al Records Brajoeh, Alexandria, referring to this Serial) containing correspondence between Reichsminister der Luftfahrt, Oberbefehlsh^ler dc.. .'.."iftwaffe, and Jiiiikers, and several memoranda of Junkers, 19H2-HH, all dealing with the Question of technical cooperation and exchange between Japan and Germany. The material is of considerable interest and gives Insight into top level negotiations. Geheim. See Catalog frame 213186* Hote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Professor Willy Messerschmitt containing CDrrespondence dated March 19^U to 19^5* dealing with the granting of full powers to Dipl. Ing. Yiktor Caspar to represent Messerschmitt A.G. in Japan in all. matters p©rtaining to the agreement reached between that firm and the Japanese Government, November 19^4-January 19^5- ^e other part of this group of records (originally in a binder marked "Vertrag Japan" which is now missing but is described in the Catalog) is marked Streng Vertraeilich, Some of the documents bear a stamp TDM, probably a division of Messerschmitt, Oberammergau. The documents deal with the collaboration of Germany and Japan pertaining to the development of jet-planes production in Japan, with the plan to send German technical experts and samples of planes to Japan to carry out this program which was supported by Hitler. The documents are dated March-July 19^4- and are of great interest. The third part consists of an English translation of what seems to be a lecture of Professor Wagner of the Operation of the Military Navy Labor Establishment (?) on "Steering Technique of Remote-Control Bodies," January 2^, 19^t and of a document signed by Dr. Kober, November U, 19^3» giving a survey of the "Status of Remote Control Technique." The provenance of this document is not clear, although it was included at the end of the Messerschmitt file. See Catalog frame 213188. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Provenance Item Karl Haushofer GD 711 FS 106 Stahlunion Export G.m.b.H., Msseldorf GD 900 FT 153 109110 I.G. Farbenindustrie, GD 936. 3PT A.G., Frankfurt/Main;/I-X7II Leuna ¥erke, Merseburg 25^178 171 130 Friedrich Krupp, A.G., Essen GD 110U FT 27S5+5S GD 1106 FT 278572 GD 1109 278800 Serial Roll Continued Filmed 1st frame FT 252871 Notes S3 Folder consisting of three partst part I not filmed. Three folders of notes, newspaper clippings, drafts of speeches and articles from the files of Karl Haushofer. Part I, entitled Panasiatische Fragen, consists of clippings dealing with China and Japan, 1925-26, not filmed. Part II, entitled Japonica, Abgeschlossene Abhandlungen, contains correspondence pertaining to and the text of an article entitledff2ur geographischen Auswertung der heutigen Japankunde,n 1929, Duplicates omitted. Part III, entitled Laufende Aufsatze und Entwurfe "fiber Aussenpolitik, Weltpolitik, Grundlagen und Ziele der Geopolitik, Volks-Jruck und Lebensraum, contains texts of speeches, drafts of articles and clippings from various Journals pertaining to topics named above, 191 ^-1$?^-. The material is of interest because of the early date when Haushofer1s theories were formulated. See Catalog frame 213187. Note: For other material from the files of Karl Haushofer, see the Haushofer collection at the Departmental Records Branch, Alexandria, Folder of the Stahlunion Export, G.m.b.H., Msseldorf, entitled "Chinesisches Konsortialgesch&ft Penan. Promissory notes KG 1002/1013, KG 1002/1." The folder contains correspondence about payment of the promissory notes of the Peiping-Hankow Railway .Administration, Nanking for Ferrosteel A.G., Essen, Fr. 'Krupp, Essen, and Otto Wolff, Cologne, 19^3~^» See Catalog frame 213219. States For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. Scattered, folders and items from the files of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, and Leuna ¥erke, Herseburg, dealing with the production of fuel and other chemicals in Germany and Japan, 19HO-U^. For detailed description see Catalog frame 213222. ITote: For Catalog see T-32, Serial 77. Folder of Friedrich Krupp, A.G., Essen, marked "Hohlkflrper, Allgemein" (original binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence, notes and minutes of conversations, dated March 19^0 to June 19^i dealing vdth Japanese purchases at Krupp and the questions of transport through Russia of the purchased highpressure cylinders for hydrogenation and nitrogen. See Catalog frames 213251-213252. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence relating to Japanese contracts for the manufacture of cylinders for coal hydration, September 19U2 to February 19UU. See Catalog frame 213252. Folder of same provenance marked "Japan Gesch&ft, Edelstahl" containing correspondence, reports and circulars relating to Kruppfs business with Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame 172 131 Schloemann A.G. GD 1105 FT 279174 175 134 Showa Tsusho Kaisha, GD 1126, Ltd,, Berlin '• - 1-6 FT 279505 111 136 Otto Wolff, A.G., Cologne GD 1159 FT 280049 178 137 Stahlwerk Verband Dtisseldorf GD 1161 FT 280213 GD 1163 FT 280439 Notes Japan, the capital involved in various contracts with Japan, history of Krupp's industrial interests in Japan, etc., 1939-44. See Catalog frames 213253-213255. ¥ote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. For other material of Friedrich Krupp, Essen, see T-82, Serials 136,170. Folder of Schloemann A.G. containing correspondence of that company pertaining to the orders of the Japanese Navy in Germany and their cancellations in 1945, September 1943-April 1945. See Catalog frame 213252. Duplicates omitted. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Showa Tsusho Kaisha, Ltd., Berlin, containing correspondence and lists of material contracted for or purchased "by the Japanese and turned back over to Germany according to an official agreement of the German and Japanese authorities, arrived at in September 1944, code-name Aktion Irma. For a detailed description of each folder see Catalog frames 213261-213263. Folder 1126/1 "begins frame 279507. 279702. Folder 1126/2 Folder 1126/3 279735279801. Bolder 1126/4 279888. Folder 1126/5 279920. Folder 1126/6 Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Otto Wolff, A.G., Cologne, containing correspondence and reports pertaining to sale of railway equipment and rolling s$ock to the Chinese Ministry of Railways and to various aspects of German economic policy towards China, 1937-43« 3Por a detailed description of the contents of this folder see Catalog, frames 213280-213281. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Stahlv/erk Verband, DCLsseldorf, containing correspondence dated May 1936 to December 1936 dealing with the negotiations of the European and British steel syndicates to bring the Japanese industries into their organization. For a detailed description see Catalog frame 213283. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence dated 1934-39 between Stahlwerk Verband and the members of the Steel Syndicate. For a detailed description see Catalog frame 213285. Serial Roll 179 137138 181 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame GD 1166 FT 280976 I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 1171 FS A.G-., Frankfurt/Main 281200 Otto Wolff, Xflln, Filiale Berlin, Abtellung Ausland GD 1173 281227 GD 1182 FT 281627 GD FT 281935 GD 1180 FT 282066 GD 182 Mitsubishi ShoJi Kaisha, Societe Anonyme Franoaise* Paris * FT 282272 185 Bhenania-Ossag, Mine-/GD 1202 FS raloelwerke, A. G. 283037 186 1^5 Continued Friedrich Krupp Gru-/ GD 1220 sonwerk, A. G., Magde- FS 283051 Notes 95 Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and orders directed to the Steel Syndicate, dated January 1938-April 19*41. For a detailed description see Catalog frames 213287-213289* Notes For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing telegrams sent "by I.G. Hbechst, Patent Abteilung and Dr. Buchert of Doitsu Senryo in Kobe, dated October 19H1-19U2* about various chemical processes of I.G.Farben, not filmed. A group of records pertaining to the negotiation and interpretation of the German-Japanese Trade Treaty was not filmed. For detailed description see Catalog frame 213292, Folder of same provenance containing collection of reports and clippings dealing with the transportation situation in the Far Bast, 1938-19^0. *"or a detailed description of contents see Catalog frames 213293-21329^. Folder of same provenance containing two sections, one dealing with Handel skammer Shanghai, 1937-19^3, together with Handelskammer Tientsin, 193*4-^3. The folders contain correspondence and minutes of meetings of the two organizations. For detailed description see Catalog, frames 213303-21330^* Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Aaslands»"bteilung of the Berlin Filiale of Otto Wolff containing correspondence from Otto Wolff, Shanghai and Hongkong, pertaining to purchases of wolfram ore in China, 1935-^1 • 5W detailed description of contents see Catalog frames 213295-213296. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence regarding sales of trucks and reports on French competition in fehe Far East, April 1939~Mar<3n 19^3. For detailed description see Catalog frames 213302-213303. Note? For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Societe Anonyme Francaise, Paris, containing correspondence with their home and North African branches and with various French authorities, 19^0-UU, in Japanese* French and English. For detailed description of contents see Catalog frames 213306-213309* Note: For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77, Folder of Ehenania-Ossag, Mineraloelwerke, containing mostly routine correspondence, not filmed. A group of correspondence with the OKH about request of the military attache in Tokyo for details of an oil-refining process to be given to Japan, was filmed. October 19^i*-March 19^5» ^T ^es" cription see Catalog frames 21332U-213326. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Friedrich Krupp Grusonwerk, A.G., Magdeburg-Buckau, containing correspondence pertaining to business with the Far East, not filmed, A group Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame GD 1225 FT 187 1^6 I.G.Farbenindustrie, GD 1223 FT A.G., Frankfurt/Main GD 12i& 188 1U6 189 Otto Wolff, K8ln Karl Haushofer 283670 FT 283937 GD 12^5 FT 28U187 GD 12U2 FT 28HU82 GD 12*18 28U630 FT GD 1975 GD 1986 Continued 283101* 28US75 FT 28US79 GD 2i$2 FS 2^938 Notes of letters to various German firms and offices discussing the transmission of German blueprints of weapons to Japan, dated 19^5* were filmed. For description see Catalog frames 2133^7-2133^8. Folder of same provenance marked "Mittenwerk Hsiangtan" (original "binder missing, information from Catalog) containing correspondence about a contract to "build a foundry at Hsiangtan, 1938-^5. For a detailed description see Catalog frames 21335^*213356. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/Main, containing correspondence pertsining to various industrial projects in the Far East in which the I.G. was interested, 1936-Ul. For a detailed description see Catalog frames 213351-213^53. Folder of same provenance containing I.G.Farben correspondence about German economic interests in Manchuria, 19^0-19UU. ^or a detailed description of contents see Catalog frames 213380-213382. Folder of same provenance containing material of similar nature, 1938-1*2. For a detailed description see Catalog frames 213382-213383. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Otto Wolff, Kflln, containing correspondence about an attempt to establish economic ties with Siam, 1936-Ul, For a description see Catalog frames 213377-213379. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence about a German tin concession in Siam, 1937-38. For a description see Catalog frames 213386213390. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Stray items from the files of Karl Haushofer, a loose page from an issue of the Deutsch-Japanische Nachrichten, June 27, 1935» aad a list of names of prominent Japanese personalities in academic and political circles with indication of their attitudes towards Germany, prepared by Haushofer, typed on stationery of Zeitschrift fflr Geopolitik. See Catalog frame 213586. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence of Oskar,Hitter von Niedermayer (Eauptmann im Generalstab), Dr. Michalsky (a Soviet diplomatic officer in Germany?) with Karl Haushofer, and copies of reports on developments in Japan prepared by Haushofer for Hiedermayer who transmitted them to Michalsky or Tschitscherin at the Soviet Embassy in Berlin. All the material is dated 1922. See Catalog frame 213589. Folder of same provenance containing various reprints and excerpts from journals dealing with the Far East, not filmed. A series of Serial 190 Roll Provenance Karl Haushofer Item Filmed 1st frame GD 1939 FT 285035 GD 2700 FT 2S50H2 GD 1966 FT 285220 GD 1967 FT 285228 GD 1979 28521*5 GD 3^69 285561* Notes 97 articles "by Haushofer from the early twenties and dealing with the Middle and Far East were filmed. See Catalog frame 213697, A stray item of same provenance containing Haushofer1s correspondence with Lexikographisches Institut Herder about a contribution to the Katholische Enzyklopfldie fflr Japan, 1937. See Catalog frame 213579. A folder of Haushofer1s correspondence with the publishing house B*G. Teubner, dealing mostly with the publication of nMscht und Erden and "Japan und die Japaner," 193^-^1» *Eke correspondence includes many letters of Haushofer appraising other geopoliticians' works and is quite revealing of his influence in this field. See Catalog frame 2137^5. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Stray item from the files of Karl Haushofer, correspondence with the Hauptredaktion des Handw8rterbuches des Grenz- und Auslanddeutsch turns about a contribution for that publication, 1936. See Catalog frame 2135*&. Folder of same provenance containing scattered correspondence of Haushofer with Woater de Gruyter publishing Compi, drafts of articles, etc., 1929» some items not dated. See Catalog frame 2135^5« Folder of same provenance marked Japan Landes-Kunde containing Haushofer!s notes and outlines of lectures (given at the University of Munich?) dealing with Japan, dated variously but all collected in early twenties. See Catalog frame 213587A miscellaneous collection of papers from Haushoferfs files: newspaper clippings, reprints, issues of various journals, etc., all dealing with Japan, not filmed. The following items were selected for filming: an envelope marked in Haushofer1s handwriting: "Deutsche Akpdemie, Franz. Kultur-Politifc, Stoff-Sammlung11 containing newspaper clippings, articles and a draft of an article by Haushofer about the work of the Academie Francaise in various countries; an envelope containing Haushofer1s papers pertaining to his activities in the Deutsche Akademie Mnchen, 1935; an envelope marked Japanliistitut containing Haushofer1 s correspondence with the head of that institution, 1926; an envelope marked "Japan II, Ant&ropogeographische VortragsKartenfolge, No. 1-21," containing a galley protff of an article by Baushofer for Zeitschrift far Geopolitik and a letter of Kawakami to Haushofer, promising an audience with the Japanese Emperor to Haushofer!s son, no date indicated; an envelope containing material annotated by Haushofer on a Japanese (military?) school,Toyama Schule (29.^.1910—date on envelope); a large folder marked "Gedruckte kleinere Aufs&tze" containing carbon copies of articles on diverse topics, of various dates. Fot listed in Catalog. Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame GD 2859 FT 286009 GD 2lH9 FT 286268 GD 123U 191 1^9 Karl Haushofer FT 286355 192 150151 Dr. Max Ilgner, GD 23^2, FT I.G.Farbenindustrie 3^1^ FT 286365 2S6U61 Dr. V. von Tirpitz Continued GD 2351 FT 287156 GD 23^0 FT 287351 Notes 98 Folder of same provenance marked "Briefe von Japanern, Indern und Chinesen" containing Haushofer1s correspondence with the members of the Japanese Embassy and other personalities from the Far East, 192^-19^1. See Catalog frame 213775. Part of a file of Karl Haushofer dealing with the editing of nOst~ asienbericht" containing memoranda to collaborators Dr. Max Ilgner (I.G.Farbenindustrie) and Dr. von Tirpitz and other correspondence on this confidential economic and political report on the Far East prepared for the use of high Government and Party officials, 1935-37. Ibr other material pertaining to the Sstasienberichte see also files of Max Ilgner, T-82, Serial 192. See Catalog frame 21368U. Fote: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. A stray item; an extensive list of Karl Haushofer1s contacts in foreign countries, prepared and signed by him. The countries included are the following: Japan, Sweden, Spain, Ethiopia, South America, the United States. The list is followed by a memorandum, also prepared by Haushofer, entitled "Versuch, die von 1919 bis 1933 a"af demokratischer und liberaler Grundlage erwachsenen deutschen Auslandsbeziehungen und Verbande in ihrer Verreichlichung und Zentralisierung seit 1933 durch die NSDAP und ihre Auslandorganisation darzustellen,8oveit sie von hier aus €berschaubar schfeint.11 Neither of the two items bears a date. Folders of Dr. Max Ilgner of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., Frankfurt/ Main, containing correspondence about the preparation of rtOstasienberichte? Ilgner was the executive secretary of the group which prepared these reports in collaboration with Karl Haushofer (see T-82, Serial 190) The folders contain interesting correspondence about the reception by leading persons in the Government of this series of reports on Far Eastern countries written mainly by Germans who traveled there. See Catalog frame 213666. Folder of same provenance containing minutes of various meetings, memoranda and correspondence on Ilgnerfs negotiations and dealings in Brit. India, Straits Settlements, Dutch Indies, Philippines and Cairo, the whole folder referring to a trip made by Ilgner in 1935* Some of the material is of great interest, such as the minutes of his meeting with the Government of India, March 1935» See Catalog frame 213^66. Duplicates omitted. Folder of Dr. ¥. von Tirpitz containing <r> rrespondence about the Ostasienberichte with various governmental and military personages, 1936-37* Material of considerable interest, showing that the Ost- Serial Boll Provenance Item FT 287731 Messerschmitt, A.G., GD 1089 Augsburg FT 287925 GD 1090 FT 2879^1 GD 1091 FT 2883^1 GD 1678 FT 288619 GD 1723 FT 289131 GD 1923 FT 239973 GD 2588 FT 290721 GD 1856 FT 290900 &D 2353 FT 29133^ GD 1757 FT 29205^ GD 193 152 153154155 Filmed 1st frame Deutsche Akademie Mftnchen Notes 99 asienberichte were in circulation among the top officials of the Nazi Government and of the Army. See Catalog frame 213666. Folder of same provenance marked Dr. ¥. von Tirpitz "Tagebuchblatter von der Ost-Asienreise 25.20,37-*1^.3.3811 containing mimeogrpahed copy of a diary kej>t by Tirpitz on his trip to British India, 1937-38. See Catalog frame 213667Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Messerschmitt, A.G., Augsburg, containing the drafts and texts of an agreement between the Japanese Army and Messerschmitt, about sendingcf VFiihrende Fachkrftfte der Messerschmitt,A.G. ,nach Japan," 19UU. Folder of same provenance containing correspondence and cables dealing with sale of airplanes and parts as well as licences and patents to Japan,with negotiations with General Otani of the Japanese Embassy as well as sending of German personnel to Japan, 19^3-^ • Folder of same provenance containing material similar to Folder 1090, 19U<4-1|5. See Catalog frame 213^11. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Fochler-Hauke, Director of the Deutsche Akademie Mdnchen, containing correspondence of the Academy pertaining to its activities in China and €o China in general: establishment of Institutes, preparation of dictionaries, organization of German classes in various institutions in China, etc., 1935-40. See Catalog frame 213517. Folder of same provenance containing material similar to folder 1678, pertaining to Slam, 193^-UO. See Catalog frame 213530. Folder of seme provenance dealing with the organization and operations of the China-Ausschuss of the Academy, 1937-32. See Catalog frame 213576. Folder of same provenance dealing with the organization and operations of the Japan-Ausschuss of the Academy, 1939-^1. Folder of Fochler-Hauke deal ing with the work of the China-Ausschuss of the Academy, 1939-191*2, See Catalog frame 213559. Folder of same provenance dealing with the work of the Japan-Ausschuss of the Academy, 1937-140. See Catalog frame 213668. Folder of same provenance containing material similar to folder 2353* See Catalog frame 213536. Note: For other material of the Deutsche Akademie Mflnchen see T-82, Serials l-27a. For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Serial Roll 205 159 206 159 Provenance Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg i Item Filmed 1st frame GD 2831 FT 2959^3 GD 282? IT 295952 GD 2985 FT 295970 GD 2999 FS 29611*6 29615^ GD 37^5 207 159 Compagnie du Chemin GD 2251 de Fer Sud-Manchourien, Bureau de Paris FT 296220 Notes 100 Booklet of unknown provenance, Societa Amici del Giappone, NiponTomo No Kai, sotto I1Alt© Patronato dell1 A.R. il Duca di Pistoia, Statuto, Sede Centrale Nazionale Roma. See Catalog frame 213770. In Italian, Group of mimeographed sheets of unknown provenance, Institute Italiano per la relazioni culturali con lfestero, Oorsi Romani di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Stranieri, ^orso sul Fascismo, 1939. See Catalog frame 213771, In Italian. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of Firma Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg, entitled "Gesellschaft zur Fflrderung des Mandschurischen Geschaftes" containing the statutes, circulars, and newsletters of the Yerein zur Fflrderung der DeutschMandschurischen ¥irtschaftsbeziehungen, e.W, 1937-^. 5br other material of this Verein see T-82, Serial 150, 167. See Catalog frame 213807. From a folder of miscellaneous "business correspondence of varied provenance, two items of unknown provenance were selected: "Program of a Special Broadcast "by the Manchoukuo Extraordinary Mission, Rome, Station 2RO, etc., 8th Sept. 193S-30TI"; "List of the Members of the Good-will and Economic Mission of Manchoutikuo," no date. See Catalog frame 213809. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of reports to the 18th International Agricultural Conference, held at Dresden, June 6-12, 1939i "Report on Agrarian Policy and Farm Management in Manchoukuo" by Eatsuo Auko; "Report on Agricultural Education and Propaganda in Manchoukuo" by Yoshindo Inouye; "Report of the Agricultural Cooperative Association in Manchoukuo" By Katsuya Aiko; a report by Uoshito Inouye, without title, dealing with the problems of ^anchurian Agriculture; "Report on Pomiculture and Specific Crops-culture in Manchoukuo" by the Government of Manchoukuo; "Report on the Industry to be Worked upon Agricultural Products in Manchoukuo" (sic)by the Government of Manchoukuo; "Report on the Living Conditions of Women in Rural Communities of Manchoukno" by the Government of Manchoukuo; "Report on Science of Agriculture" by same author. Not listed in Catalog. Hotei For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Booklet: 1'Affaire de Mandchourie par N. Sakamoto, docteur en droit, representant duCS'emin de Fer sud-Manchourien, 1931, no publisher. See Catalog frame 2136^6. Serial Roll 208 159 209 159160- 161 Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame GD 3288 IT 296239 Verein zur F8rderung/GD 3290 der Deutsch-Mandschu3291 rischen Wirtschafts3295 beziehungen ? GD 2355 FT IT *T 296H85 2965^2 296703 IT 296835 Reichswirtschaftsmini-/GD 17^5,/IT sterium, Prilfungsstel17^6 le Eisenschaffende Industrie; AussenhandelsstelGD 1305 IT le zu Essen .Aiissenhandelsstelle fttr den Niederrhein; Aus s enhandels s t elle Mr Mittel-deutschland 296867 297^24 2979^-7 GD 1706 IT 298^00 GD 1710 IT 298593 GD 2009 FT 299363 Hotes 101 Folder of the Oompagnie du Chemin de Fer Sud-Manchourian, Bureau de Paris, containing lists of personnel, correspondence and notes, in French and Japanese, 1938. Hot listed in Catalog. Folders of the Verein zur FBrderung der Deutsch-Mandschurischen WirtschaftsTseziehungen, 19U2-UU. Not listed in Catalog. Note: For other material of the Verein see also T-S2, Serials 150, 167. For Catalog see T-S2, Serial 77. A mimeographed text of unknown provenance: Streng vertraulich? "-^llgemeiner l!h>ert)lick ilber die neu^re militarische, politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Entwicfclung im grosses tasiatischen Raum," Referat Dr. A. Reithinger, Berlin, fttr die Tagung der Ostasienorganisationen am 9.6.29^3 in Berlin. See Catalog frame 213668. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Folder of the Prttfungsstelle Eisenschaffende Industrie, Reichswirtschaftsministerium, containing circulars of the Ministry a"bout export and control of valuta exchange, 19^0-UH. See Catalog frame 21353^ (For similar material see T-7l)» Folder from the Archiv der Aussenhandelsstelle za Essen, Reichswirtschaf tsministerium, containing annotated lists of firms, newspaper clippings, notes on various "businessmen , etc., all dealing with commerce with Japan, 1936-Ul. See Catalog frame 213^32. Folder of same provenance containing similar material, 1935-39* Not listed in Catalog. Folder containing Allgemeine Rundschreiben of Aussenhandelsstelle fur den Niederrhein, Folder containing Rundschreiben der Aussenhpndelsstelle fur Mitteldeutschland, 19UO-H2. Note: For Catalog see T-82, Serial 77. Serial Boll 242 224 102 No tea Provenance Business records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with commercial transactions in the Far t* G. farbenindustrie * East, especially in Japan, 1930-1944. 411 items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. A.G. Folder No. 226 227 228 Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD. 39 40 41 57 2000000 2000006 2000385 2000M87 212883 212884 212884 212890 GD 103 104 165 2000777 2000782 2000788 212908 212908 212930 GD*$52 2001190 812967 GD 253 2001642 212968 GD 273 280 2002269 2002728 212975 212981 GD 283 286 2002885 2003259 a 2981 GD 308 716 2003652 200U127 212992 213189 GD 717 1268 2004139 2004157 a3189 &3420 CD 1360 2004696 2005231 213442 213442 GD1362 2005635 213442 2005893 2005918 2006371 213442 a3443 213443 GD 1372 1373 2006535 2006665 213444 213444 1361 229 1st Frame GD 1365 1367 1369 212983 GD 1375 GD1383 1384 GD1396 1427 2007356 213444 GD 13g2 2008127 a3445 2008787 2009096 213446 213446 GD 1386 2009447 a3446 2010129 2010482 213448 213460 GD 1431 1442 2010503 2010707 233 GD 1462 1463 2011562 2011627 213467 213467 GD1464 1575 2011777 2012181 234 Continued GD 1576 2012695 2012910 213493 213494 GD1590 2013569 213461 a3463 a3468 a3493 a3496 250 231 232 1579 Serial Roll Provenance 2H2 235 I.G*Farbenindu- Business records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., Dealing with commercial transactions in the Jar East, especially ^Tapan, 1930-191*1*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below* FC'lder-'Kbo 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1591 2011*253 236 GD 159U 2011 2101 20156U2 201581*1 2016201* 237 GD 2118 2120 2121 2016881* 2017215 2017780 213622 GD 211*9 2168 2170 2171 2172 2173 2018066 2018077 2018099 2018155 2018172 2018187 2018226 2018327 213627 2019286 2019875 2019961 2020033 2020160 213643 2136U8 2136U8 238 2177 2178 239 GD 2235 2269 2270 2271 2277 GD 2319 2360 2361 Continued 103 Notes 2362 2020570 2020781* 2021010 2021136 Folder No. 1.1dt IFrame 2131*96 GD 1593 2131*97 213599 213611* 213622 213622 213629 213629 213629 213629 213630 213630 213630 a 3 6i*8 a36U9 a3622 a3670 213670 213670 Catalog Frame GD 2103 2116 2016377 201650U 213611* 213621 GD 21U1 21U7 2017789 2017820 213625 213626 GB 2183 218142198 2202 2226 2228 2229 2018522 2018636 2233 2018798 2018870 2018875 2019062 213631 213631 213633 213631* 2136U2 21361*2 2136^2 21361*3 GD 2278 2281 2312 2318 2020301* 2020359 20201*25 20201*96 2l36l*f a3650 213661 213662 GD 2365 2378 2392 2021263 2021391* 2021561 213672 213671* 2018750 2018756 Serial Roll Provenance 21*2 21*1 I. G. JferbeninduStrie, A. a. Notes Business records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., dealing with commercial transactions in the Far East, especially Japan, 1930-191*1*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serf^l 77« Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2U86 21*88 2021726 202201*0 2022269 213696 213697 213698 GD 21*95 2U96 20221*23 2022677 213698 213698 21*2 GD 2600 2652 2777 2779 2781 2022858 2022951 2023093 2023108 2023173 213720 21373^ 213757 213758 213758 GD 2781* 2786 2788 2789 2793 2023237 2023397 2023508 2023535 2023727 213758 213759 213759 213759 213760 21*3 GD 2795 2796 2797 2799 2815 2023835 2023903 2023966 2021*052 2021*121 213760 213760 213760 213761 213768 GD 2835 2873 2875 2920 301*1 2021*129 202Hll*7 202H2l*5 2021*297 2021*339 213770 213777 213777 213796 213819 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G. , containing various correspondence dealing with Japan Institut, Berlin, business correspondence and code books, 1935-3-939 • All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed 8n T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No* GD 56 65 66 67 1st Frame 2021*391 2021*51*5 2021*738 2021*71*7 Catalog Frame 212889 212893 212893 212893 Folder No. GD 68 69 71*2 1st Frame 2025022 2025251 20251*78 Catalog Frame 212891* 212891* 213195 Serial Roll Provenance 2i*l* 2l*5 I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. Notes Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A, G., containing reports and "business correspondence dealing with I.G. "business and personnel in China, 1929-19^5» All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77 o Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Bo, 21*6 21*8 250 Catalog Frame Folder Bo, 82 2025507 212899 GD GD 83b 89 212899 212900 GD 2027188 83a 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2026137 212899 105 135 2027768 2027771 232908 212920 GD 136 137 2027931 2028360 212920 a2921 GD 138 330 20281*67 202891*0 212921 213005 GD 698 1381 2029105 2029111* a3i80 a3^5 GD 1580 2029755 2029962 a3W GD l;6l*5 1673 16SU 1686 20301*70 2030517 2030710 2030765 213511 GD 1687 1689 1978 2102 GD 2101* 20311*83 203151*8 203156U 2031603 2031621* 203161*0 21361U 2032273 2032585 2032911* an a57 252 1st Frame GD 2112 2117 2135 251 105 GD 2372 2373 2377 GD 2790 2791 2798 2033379 2033*477 20335^5 213516 21351S 2583 213U91* 2030999 20312291 213518 213519 2135*7 213611* 203137 * 20311*05 2031751 213628 GD 2205 2210 2221* 22^7 221*8 2267 2031898 20319U5 2032059 20321H7 203225U 21363** 2136^*0 2136^1 21361*5 2136U5 2136U8 a 3671 213671 GD 2380 2785 2033150 2033218 213673 21375^ 213759 213760 a376l GD 2809 2818 2033557 2033731 213767 213769 213621 213621 a362i a 3621* a3672 Serial Boll Provenance 2*45 2'53 I. G. Fe rfoenindustrie, A.G. Notes 106 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G.* dealing with various constructions >and pfo^ects in -All - iteihs filmed .throughout;(". detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on (E-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. r. 1936-19*41 v Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 212i31 Folder No. 203*4375 212931 GD 171 172 2035579 2036028 212932 212933 212933 GD 176 3*40 2036866 2037256 212935 213011 213206 213232 GD 1198 2038091 2038175 2038370 20385*47 213319 213336 2133*41 2133*42 GD 12*47 20*40018 21338*4 GD 1067 1279 1280 20*40681 20*40758 20*41155 213*407 213*422 213*422 GD 1*483 20*41620 20*42166 20*42201 2131471 2135472 213*472 GD 1559 20*43355 213*490 GD 1569 20*4*4363 166 167 2033887 203^160 25!+ GD 169 170 2035073 2035279 255 GD 173 17*4 2036*469 2036582 GD 86*8 967 2037911 2037950 975 2037955 213239 213259 1216 1230 2039032 2039191 21331^ 213360 20U0105 20U0350 20^0381 213U01 213*401 1122 257 GD 258 GD 1055 1058 1059 1061 GD 1387 20^1235 212931 212932 212932 212933 213^01 213^6 1*432 1*433 201111^7 20U1572 213^61 213U61 260 GD 1*490 1555 20U2379 20U2699 213^73 213U89 261 GD 1561 20U3856 Continued Catalog Fr?ine GD 168 GD 256 1st Frame Serial Roll Provenance 245 262 I. G. Farbenindustrie, A. G. 107 Notes Hecords of I G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with various industrial constructions and projects in Japan, 1936-1944. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T~82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder l?o. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1572 1573 2044725 2045233 &S71578 2045459 213494 263 GD 1581 1582 2046025 GD 1^34 2047074 213495 264 GD 1557 1588 1600 265 2046553 2047380 2047983 213^95 213*65 GD 1601 2048330 2048466 213499 2135H GD l64lb 1642 2048599 2048653 2135H 213511 GD 1644 1669 2048864 2049213 213511 213515 266 GD 1670 2049566 213515 GD 16$1 2050298 213516 267 GD 1676 1729 1822 2050736 2050854 2050888 213516 213531 213553 GD 1823 1826 2051542 2051839 213553 213553 268 GD 1827 2051972 GD 1832 2052220 213554 269 GB 1835 1836 2052677 2053431 GD 1853 2053592 213558 GD 1998 2054401 213591 270 213555 213555 2054073 2054260 271 GD 2007 2055141 213598 GD 2010 2055795 213599 272 Continued GD 2012 2013 2056606 2057095 213599 213599 GD 2014 2057391 213599 Serial Roll Provenance 273 I•G,Farbenindustrie, A.G. Notes 108 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., dealing with various industrial constructions and projects in Japan, 1936-19^- &"*• ****« filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2015 2016 2057^50 2057859 213600 213600 GD 2017 205S&59 213600 GD 2028 2029 2031* 2035 21*12 2058886 2053952 2059019 213602 213602 GD 21UH 21U5 213626 213626 213627 2136H8 2059131 213626 2272 2276 20592U2 20592U8 2059275 2059^22 2059^35 2l3#f9 275 GD 2308 23^5 2370 2060093 2060378 2060390 213660 a3667 213671 GD 2371 2395 2060U97 2060607 213671 213675 276 GD 2397 2**02 2060925 a3675 a3676 GD 2UOU 2061899 a3676 277 GD 2^06 2062376 20621*59 a36S2 213682 GD 2lHO 20627^ 213682 273 GD 21*12 21*13 2063232 2063**99 2063757 213683 213683 GD 2*tt6 2U21 2063855 206^3^^ 213683 21368U 279 Gl 2l*26 GD 2itfO 2U31 2^32 206^089 2065130 2065321 213686 213686 213686 GD 2HU8 2065890 213689 GD 2U5U 2^55 2066657 2067337 213690 213690 20590U1* 21*29 206US57 280 GD 2^33 2065693 281 GD 2U1*9 2l*50 21*53 20663^ Continued ^66503 213603 213603 a3685 213686 213686 213686 213689 213689 213690 ate Serial Roll Provenance 282 I. G. Parbenindcustri-e, A.G. Notes 109 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with various industrial constructions and projects in Japan* 1936-191*!*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder No. 1st Prame Catalog Frame Polder No, 1st Frame Catalog Frame 21*75 2068010 2068362 206S6U7 213692 213692 213691* 213695 213695 GD 21*79 2U87 2069^87 2069880 213695 213697 20701UU 2070630 213697 213698 GD 2501 2507 2070720 2070865 213699 213705 GD 2508 2511* 207102U 2071120 213705 213706 GD 2517 2518 207161*1 2071756 213707 213707 286 GD 2519 2522 2071926 2072092 213707 213707 GD 2523 2521* 2072117 2072595 213708 213708 287 GD 2536 2072967 , 2073035 2539 omitted) 2073209 25HO 213710 213710 GD 251*1 251*2 2073^ 2073753 213710 213711 288 GD 251*1* 2589 2612 2073857 2071*062 2137H 213717 213727 GD 2613 2617 2071*516 2071*952 213727 213728 289 GD 2618 207521*7 213728 GD 2619 20757^6 213728 290 GD 2621 2622 2623 2076288 2076707 2076819 213728 213729 213729 GD 2633 2638 261*0 2077019 2077139 2077260 213731 213731 213732 GD 21*56 21*57 2^*58 21*59 2057617 2067860 2067888 2067935 213690 213691 283 GD 21*77 2U78 2069005 2069282 281* GD 21*90 21*99 285 Continued GD 21*63 213691 213710 Serial Roll Provenance 21*5 291 I. G. Farbenindustrie, A.G. Notes Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with various industrial constructions and projects 1 in Japan, 1936-19**!*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. GD 2671* 2675 2701* 2705 2l*6 292 1st Frame 207735^ 2077739 2076113 2078280 Catalog Frame 213738 213738 2l37to 2137^6 Polder No. GD 2709 2971 2983 1st Frame 2078575 2078582 2078732 Catalog Frame 2137**6 213801* 213806 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing import-export regulations, various business corre~ . spondence, calculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc», pertaining to Japan, 1927-191*1*, All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No, GD 293 110 106 1st Frame 2078755 GD 160 (dupl. 2079359 omitted) 16U 2079957 180 208022U Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame a 2909 GD 159 2078807 212929 212929 GD 181 186 2080702 2080875 212937 2129140 a 2930 212937 291* GD 187 188 2081^79 208207U 2129U1 2129U1 GD 37!* 1293 20821*58 2082U82 213022 213l*2l* 295 GD 129^ 1295 2082781 2083222 213l*2l* 213^21* GD 1311 2083533 213^33 296 GD 1312 1313 20814-399 2085077 213^33 213^33 GD 1311* 2085263 2131*3)4 217 GD 1332 1388 li&U 2085886 2086011 2086190 213U37 213^1*7 213^63 GD 11*1*5 11*1*6 2086800 2086920 2131*63 2131*61* Continued Serial Roll -1— Provenance 298 I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. Notes 111 Records of I.G»]?arbenindustrie, A.G., containing import-export regulations, various "business correspondence* c^Lculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc,, pertaining to Japan, 1927~19^» All items filmed throughout* detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Cffealog frames specified feelow* Polder No. 1st Prame Catalog Frame Polder No, 1st frame Catalog Prame GD ll*6l ll*71 11*82 2088166 2088281* 2088369 2131*67 20877^7 20S815U 213^65 213U66 213^66 a3^67 GD 1^98 2088798 213W GD 1^99 20891*51 2131*7!* 300 GD 1509 2089686 a3^82 GD 1523 2090U1*3 2131*81* 301 GD 1528 1530 1537 2090932 2091051 2091280 213U85 213^85 213^87 GD 15HO 15U8 2091359 2091877 a3**87 2131*88 302 GD 1552 1553 2092383 20921*98 213US9 213^89 GD 155^ 1562 2092819 2093053 a GD 1563 1566 2093808 209^095 a3^9l 213^91 GD 1586 1592 2091*596 209U819 2131*95 2131*96 2095218 213^97 GD 16^*0 2095957 2095992 2096065 2096180 209621*3 2096256 2096323 2096350 2135H 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 21351^ 213511* GD 1U52 2087380 1^55 1U56 1U60 2087630 299 303 GD 1595 1596 1631 1632 Continued 163^ 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 2095336 2095550 209558^ 2095626 2095699 2095751 8095787 2095821 2095S53 213U97 213509 213509 213510 ^3510 213510 213510 213510 213510 1656 ..1657 1658 GD 1659 1660 1661 1^62 1 ££fa J.QO'y 20961*20 a3l*69 2131*71 2131*89 3l*91 Serial Roll Provenance 305 J.G. Farbenindustrie, A. G. Notes Records of I.G. F&rbenindustrie, A. G., containing import-export regulations, various "business correspondence, calculations,of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pertaining to Japan, IS27-19^H. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Ho. GD 166** 1665 1666 1667 1668 1760 1762 1763 176U 1765A 306 307 308 Continued 112 1st Frame 2096U7U 2096519 £096586 2096631 2096837 2096913 2096931* 209697^ £097077 2097161 Catalog Frame 21351^ GD 1765B 1st Frame 213537 213537 213537 213538 213538 213538 213538 213539 213539 213539 2098500 2098582 2098672 2135^1 2135111 21351*2 21351*2 21351*2 21351*2 21351*2 21351*2 21351*3 2135*6 2135^3 213515 213515 213515 213515 213536 213536 213537 213537 213537 GD 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 179^ 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 2098737 2093757 2098855 2098915 2098936 GD 1819 2100395 1925 2100U22 2100510 2101271 2097828 2097399 20979^7 2098003 2098060 2098101 2098207 2098272 2oisl*C£ 20981*37 213539 213539 213539 21351*0 21351*0 2135^0 2135^0 2135*11 2135^1 2135^41 2135^1 GD 1800 1801 1802 1803 2100195 21002U8 2100291 2100317 2135UH 21351*1* 2135UU 2135UU GD 1991* 2102019 213590 1920 1993 Catalog Frame 2097221 2097271 2097317 2097355 2097^32 2097^71 2097512 2097533 2097557 2097582 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1772 1773 177** 1775 GD 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 17S3 178H 17^5 1786 1787 1788 209336^ Folder Ho. £098988 20990^1 2100092 213552 213575 213576 213590 Serial Roll Provenance 2i*6 309 I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G. Notes Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A. G., containing import-export regulations, various business correspondence, calculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pertaining to Japan, 1927-191*1*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder Eb. GD 1995 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 310 213590 2103789 2L03878 213612 2103730 210391*1* 2103983 GD 21*85 2502 2503 2101*972 2105686 GD 25l*5B 25**5F 251*50 25**5H 2101*783 2105739 2105776 2106050 2106106 25U^P 21061U2 2106162 2106185 2106211* 2106253 2106296 2106312 2106366 2106U23 2106U80 25U5R 2106535 2106573 251*51 25U5J 25i*5K 25**5L 25l*5M 25l*5N 251*50 25**5Q Catalog Frame 2103355 21Ql*ll*6 2537 Continued 1st Frame 2180 25^5 311 113 Folder Ho. 1st Frame GD 213612 213631 213631 213661 213685 213685 213685 213685 2182 2313 21*25 2l*25A 2l*25B 2l*25C 213613 213613 213613 P13631 213696 213699 213699 213710 213711 GD 2137H 2137H 2137H 2137H 213711 2137H 213711 213711 2137H 2137H 2137H 2137H 2137H 213711 GD 25l*5S 25U5T 25U5U 25**5Y 25l*5W 251*50 25U5D 2105S25 2105863 210591*0 2105999 2137H 2137H 2137H 2137H 2106658 2106695 2106760 213711 213711 213711 213711 213711 213711 213711 2106824 2106833 2551 2106917 21069^3 2106991* GD.2553 2107128 25i*5X 251*51 2552 255^ 2555 2556 Catalog Frame ao7059 2107206 210721*1* 2107326 213712 213712 213712 213712 213712 213713 Serial Roll Provenance 2H6 312 I. G. Farbenindustrie, A.G. Records of I.G.FarbenIndustrie, A. G., dontaining import-export regulations, various business correspondence, calculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pettaining to Japan, 1927-19^14.. All items filaned throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below, Polder No. Catalog Frame 21371H 21371* 21371U 21371** 21371* 213715 213715 2108622 2108831 2109089 210918* 2109231 2109275 2109302 2109350 213715 213715 213715 213715 213716 213716 213716 213716 GD 2596 2597 21103^8 2110556 213718 213718 GD 2598 GB 2608 2611 2111537 213726 213726 GD 26*3 2112755 213733 GD 26** 211285* 2113028 2113160 2113205 213733 213733 213733 213733 213735 213736 GD 2663 266H 2665 2666 2667 2669 2113777 211383U 213736 213736 213736 213736 213737 213737 256! 2562 2563 256* GD 2573 257* 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 26*5 26*6 26*7 2660 Continued 1st Frame GD 2565 2566 2560 316 Folder 17o, 213713 213713 213713 213713 213713 213713 213713 21371*1 2558 2559 315 Catalog Frame 2107386 2107U53 2107510 210763* 2107691 2107701 2107723 2107760 GD 2557 313 1st Frame 2661 2112165 211359* 2113636 2567 2568 2107771 2107905 2107971 2108131 2569 2571 2572 210S251 2108^90 2108571 GD 2582 2109389 2109^53 2109509 2583 258U 2585 2586 2587 2591* 2109591 2109632 2109703 210979U 213716 213716 213716 213717 213717 21371? 213718 213718 2113863 2113907 2113923 2113930 Serial Roll Provenance 316 I.G.Far"benindustrie, A.G. •»••*•*•—«•• Notes Records of I.G.Faroenindustrie, A.G-., containing import-export regulations, various "business correspondence, calculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pertaining to Japan, 1927-19^» All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can,"be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* No. 317 319 Continued 1st Frame GD 2662 2113751 GD 2671 2114048 2114104 211*4279 2808 2819 2854 2855 2114335 2672 2679 2114425 Catalog Frame 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2670 211^005 213737 213737 213737 213739 213767 213769 213774 213775 213775 213778 213778 GD 2S77C 2877D 2877B 287 7F 2877G 2877H 28771 211U812 211USU2 211U881 211^923 2115013 2115062 2115133 2115192 2115229 213778 213778 213778 213778 213779 213779 213779 213779 213779 GD 2877W 2877* 2877T 287721 2877-&A 2877HB" 2877A 2877B GD 2S77L 2S77M 2877N 28770 2877P 2877Q 2877R 2877S 2877T 2877U 2877V 2115373 2115^10 211^30 2115516 2115583 2115629 2115657 2H5739 2115787 2115819 2115850 213779 213780 GD 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2116711 2116787 213784 21168U8 2116908 2116967 2117004 Polder No. 213736 2114574 2ll46?l 211 46 49 2ll474l 2114776 2856 318 115 213780 213780 213780 213780 213781 213781 213781 213781 213781 213784 213784 213785 213785 213785 2877J 2877E 2881 2SS2 . 2883 288H 28S5 GD 2895 2896 2897 2896 2899 3901 2115913 2115968 2116002 211^1 2116117 211620H 2116258' 2116320 2116383 2116^71 2116^98 ^17287 2117359 2117^2^ 2117520 2117573 2117685 2137^3 213784 21378*1 21378U 213786 213786 213786 213786 213787 213788 Serial Roll Provenance 319 I. G. Ferbenindustrie, A.G. Hotes Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., containing import-export regulations, various business correspondence, calculations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pertaining to Japan, 1927~19^U. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Polder No, 320 GD 2892 2893 289^ 2117117 2117190 21172*16 GD 2905 2906 2907 2908 ai79*3 ?909 2921 2927 321 GD 2951 2952 2953 295*U 295HB 2955 2956 2957 322 GD 301U 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 Continued 1st Iframe Catalog Frame Folder ftp. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2902 2903 2117728 2117795 2117932 213788 213788 213788 GD 2928 2929 2930 2931 29U8 2118737 213797 2118262 2118338 2113527 211861^ 2118695 21379^ 21379** 21379^ 21379^ 21379^ 213796 213797 2118788 2118828 2118866 2118896 2118933 2119018 213797 213797 213798 2119073 2119085 211fL07 2119137 2119239 2119271 21193^6 2119385 213801 213S01 213801 213S01 213802 213802 213S02 213802 GD 2958 2119^32 21199^ 2130052 No€ listed Not listed 213803 2120519 2120557 2121162 2121208 2121269 2121302 21 2llUl 213817 213817 213817 213S17& 213S17a 213817a 213817a GD 3022 3023 aisi73 2137S5 2137*5 2137S6 290^ 29^9 2950 2959 2962 2963 296^ 2967 2970 3025 3026 3027 3028 213800 213801 213801 2120095 213803 2120130 212015^ 212031U 213802 21380U 21380U 2121U5S 2121^63 2121U81 2121550 2121602 212165^ 2121712 213817a 213S17a 213817a 213817^ 21381Tb 213817* Serial Roll Provenance 21*6 323 I.G.Farbenindustrle, A. G. Hot es Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing import-export regulations, various "business correspondence, cfel-eolations of costs, contracts, patents, licenses, etc., pertaining to Japan, 1927-191*!*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Kb. GD 3030 3031 30l*7 21*7 321* 117 1st Frame 2121777 2121883 2121919 Catalog frame 213817b 21381 7b 213820 Polder Ho. GD 301*8 301*9 1st Frame Catalog Framb Folder No, GD 189 190 2122052 21221*88 21291*2 2129^2 GD 191 325 GD 192 208 2123602 2123822 21291*1* 212950 GD 326 GD 328 (dupl. 2121*708 omitted) 2125098 339 213005 GD 1385 1*422 GD 1983 21355S 328 213820 213820 2126183 l*t Frame 21230U6 209 (dupl. 212**5lU omitted) 2125165 2125660 213011 Catalog Frame 21291*3 212950 213HU6 213U59 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing inter-office correspondence, reports, memoranda, clippings, foreign exchange quotations, and statistics pertaining to I.G.Farben business in Sou1h-East Asia, especially^ in the Dutch Indies, 1925-19**!*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* Folder No. GD Continued 2121926 2121990 Catalog Frame Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing correspondence and reports about various industrial chemical processes, 1927-19^5» 211 items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 327 1st Frame 201 202 1st Frame 2126222 2126699 Catalog Frame 212948 Folder No» GD 203 1st Frame 2127127 Catalog Frame 21291*9 Serial Boll Provenance 2*8 329 I.G.farbeninduA.G. Notes 118 Records of I.G.farbenindustrie, A.G., containing inter-office correspondence, reports, memoranda, clippings, foreign exchange quotations, and statistics pertaining to I,G. farben "business in South-East Asia, especially in the Dutch Indies, 1925-19*** All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. folder No, GD 1st frame Catalog frame Iblder No. 1st frame Catalog frame 2129*9 212950 GD 211 a 2859*1 207 2127697 2128*06 212951 GD 213 2129909 212952 20* 330 GD 212 2129065 212951 339 A GD 21** 2130098 212952 331 GD 215 2130955 212952 GD 216 213137* 212952 332 GD 217 2132017 212953 GD as 2132772 212953 333 GD 219 2133302 212953 GD 220 2133898 212953 GD 221 213*1380 21295* GD 222 2135162 21295* 335 GD 225 226 213561* 2135737 212955 212958 GD 227 230 2135970 21365*8 212958 212959 336 GD 236 237 21370*9 2137086 212960 212960 GB 2^6 2137*88 212962 337 GD 1277 2138115 213*21 GD 1339 2138633 213^38 33S GD 1*91 2139295 a3*73 GD 1567 2139678 213*92 339 GD 2223 26*2 2811 2812 2136*1 213732 GD 2813 2817 2820 2821 21*1219 21*1296 21*1500 21*16*2 213768 213768 213769 213769 213767 213768 Serial Roll Notes Provenance I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G-. Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A»G., dealing with I.G.Farben business interests and transactions in Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, 19P6~19^5» All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No, 3*3 119 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 23U O5 2lUl663 211*171*9 212959 212960 GD *"'Vcr- 2^3 2^7 21^2053 21112760 212962 212963 GD 297 33S 21U30S8 21U3163 213011 2129S7 GD 1271 21U3768 213U20 GD 1272 21HU230 213U20 GD 13HS 2lM*9S9 213^39 <H> 1577 21*15912 21H651J-5 2iU655^ 2131*93 213629 213630 GD 2280 2299 2321 21^6602 21U6681 2llf6732 213650 2169 2176 213653 213663 Becords of I^G.^aroenindustrie, A.G., frankfurt/Main, Abteilung Parten Sttdostasien, containing circular letters about articles of I.G., 1937-19^» -All items filmed throvighout; detailed descrip* tiona can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. 250 Folder No. GD 3U5 251 238 2UO 21U6807 21^7303 Catalog Frame 212961 212961 Folder Ho. GD 1st Frame 21U7693 2137925 Catalog Frame 212961 212962 GD Records of I.G.Fartenindastrie, A.G. t dealing with I,G.FarDen's interests and "business trans-* actions in Manchuriff.* 1939-19^3. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can oe found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77• Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. folder GD Continued 1st Frame 309 1st Frame Catalog Frame 21296** 212992-, Folder ITo. GD 326 1st Frame 21U9298 Catalog Frame 21300U gerial Roll Provenance 251 3*7 I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G, Notes Records of I.G.FarbenIndustrie, A. G., dealing with I.G.Farben's interests and business transactions in Manchuria, 1939-19^3* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. Catalog Frame 211*9719 211*9852 213005 31*8 GD 152H 21507H5 21513i*6 213^81* 31*9 GD 1685 1771 2105 2152008 2152101 215212** 2152201* 2152221 213518 213538 21361^* 213629 21^631 21363M 1565 2167 a79 2201* 350 GD 251* 298 351 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1269 21501*18 213U50 GD 1589 2151586 2151997 2131*96 213509 2152633 213685 213699 213738 213757 213760 213281* 213^95 1633 GD 2^*27 5500 2673 277^ 2792 291*1* 2152815 2152932 2153055 2153095 2153126 213800 1st Frame 215311*1* 2153263 Catalog Frame 212968 212988 Folder No. GD 306 2119 lut; ?!raiae 2153301* 2153327 (Jfet'alqg 212990 213622 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with I*G.Farben r s interests and business in IndoChina, 1926-19^. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog fiimed on HM52, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD Continued a 52510 Folder Kb. Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with business transactions in South America- ind the . Far East, 1938-191*1*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on $-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No, 253 1st Frame 329 1162 GD 252 120 296 611* 1283 1st Frame 21537H 2153833 2153835 Catalog Frame Folder No. GD 1335 1336 1st Frame Catalog Frame 213^37 2131*38 Serial Roll 253 352 Notes Provenance I.C atrie, A.G. Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with I.G.Farben's interests and "business in Indo-China, 1926-19*** -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. GD 1337 133* 353 35* 255 2155020 2155397 Catalog Frame 213*38 a3*38 Folder No. GD 13*0 1st Frame ' Catalog Frame 2155859 a3*39 Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to I.G. Farben's interests and "business transactions in the Philippines, 1927-19*3- All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on ¥-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. GD 301 GD 30* 1st Frame 2156986 Catalog Frame Folder No« 1st Frame 212989 GD 302 2157060 212990 GD 2*97 2158275 Catalog Frame 212989 Records of I.G-.Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to I.G.Farben's interests and "business transactions in Spain, 1937-19^5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on U-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. GD 1201 1809 1957 19*8 1950 1951 1955 1956 1957 195S 1959 Continued 1st Frame GD 13*7 ;folder No. 355 356 121 1st Fraoe a58530 a58532 21588*7 a58852 a58868 a5887* a58876 a58S7$ a58881 a5888* not filmed, missing Catalog Frame a332* a3550 a3579 a358i a3582 a3582 a3582 213583 a3583 a3583 2135*3 Folder No. GD 1968 1980 1987 1988 1989 1990 239* 2*18 2*39 25*3 1st Frame 2158927 2158929 2158935 2158938 a 589*1 Catalog Frame a3585 213587 a35#9 213539 0*1 f X 7CC2Q j jO*/ 21589^^ 21589*7 21367* 2159185 a59226 a5936l 213690 a57ii a 59171 a3§8§ a368^ 213687 Serial Roll Provenance 255 356 I«G. !&r"benindue strie, A.G. Notes Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to I.G.Farben1 s interests and "business transactions in Spain, 1937-19^5. £H items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder Ho. GD I960 1961 1965 256 357 257 359 a58887 2158891 215892U Catalog Frame 2135^3 213583 2135^^ Folder Ho. GD 2668 " 30^6 1st Frame not filmed, missing 215937^ Catalog Frame 213737 213820 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No» 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1210 1211 1212 1276 1331 2159393 2159397 2159^03 2159^7 not filmed, missing 213335 213335 213336 213U21 213^37 GD T371 1377 1H29 1503 1857 2159576 2159777 2159992 216021*7 2160395 213^3 213Wl 213^60 213^75 213559 GD 2100 2160579 2160908 2160995 21361U 2136U3 213660 GD 2306B 23H* 21611^2 2161373 213660 213661 Records of I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., concerning its "business interests and transactions in India and British Indies, 1935, 1939-19UU. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial-77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. Continued 1st Frame Files of I. G, Far "ben Industrie, A.G. (some of the Volkswirtschaftliche Abt./Archiv), on economic developments of the world, especially the Far E§st. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below, Folder No. 358 122 GD 12V5 1281 213^ 1st Frame 2161387 2161556 2161852 Catalog Frame 213^21 213^22 Folder No. GD 2325 2810 1st Frame 2161918 21619^9 Catalog Frame Serial Roll Provenance 258 360 I.G.FarbenIndustrie, A. G. 259 361 Notes Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A,G», co n't aim"i rig. memoranda,- business correspondence, reports, et<i», dealing with I.G.Farbe^s interests and transactions in Australia, 1936-1939. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* Polder No. 1st Frame 1333 216195*4 Catalog Frame 213^37 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., dealing with I.G.Farben1s interests and transactions in various countries in East Asia, 19U1-19U3 (import of wolfram ore), add records of the Ost-Asian Ausschuss. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No* 260 123 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No, 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 13te 2162185 213^38 GD 13^3 2163038 213*09 362 GD 1355 1356 2163728 2163837 213^0 213i&l GD 1357 216U266 213^1 363 GD 135S 1359 213^41 GD 2175 2289 2165907 2166011 1U2U 2l6U8i*2 2165396 2165685 213630 213651 GD 2601 2775 2802 280** 2166079 2166391* 2166U09 2166^65 a3720 213757 213762 213762 GD 2805 2806 2938 2166719 2166869 2166975 213767 213767 213799 365 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G,, pertaining to the German Orient Society and its activities, 193^-19^5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No, GD Continued 213^1 213^59 Frame 216722^ 2167373 Catalog Frame 213^39 Folder No. GD 1373 1st Frame 2167763 Catalog Frame 213^5 Serial Roll Provenance 261 366 I.G.Farbenindustile, A.G. Notes Records of I.G.Farbenindugtrie, A. G., pertaining to its interests, "business transactions, and personnel in the Hear East, 1938-19HH. -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77c Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No* GD 13SO 262 367 GD 1U72 368 . , , • • • • - - 213HU5 1st Frame a68717 Catalog Frame 213U69 Folder No. GD 2393 1st Frame 2168781 Catalog Frame 21367^ Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to J.G.Farben's interests and business transactions in Western Europe and the United States, 1937-19^1« AH items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on $-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Bolder No. GD 150^ 1699 198H 2199 2201 369 2168350 . Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G-., dealing with I.G.Farben's interests and transactions in Poland, 1930-19U3* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-€t2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 263 1st fframe" Catalog Frame GD 2677 2800 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2168793 2168885 2169200 2169226 216923U 213^1 213520 213588 2169725 2170816 213738 213762 213633 21363^ Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2136U5 2136U5 GD 22U6 22^9 216926^ 2169272 2359 2575 2169373 2169397 213669 213715 no€ filmed, missing 2170826 213819 GD 30^2 30^ 213820 Serial 26*4- Roll Provenance 370 '.u.G. Farbenindustrie, A. G, Notes Files of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to I.G.Farben* s projects, interests in, and general exports to various countries in Europe and other parts of the world, 193®-19*3. AH items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77« Corresponding Qatalog frames specified "below. folder No* 265 Catalog Frame Folder Ho, 1st Frame Catalog Frame 21708U6 2171082 2171**2 213521 21355*1 213559 GD 1860 188^ 2171605 2171923 213559 21350** 371 GD 18S6 2320 2336 235* 217208H 21721U1 2172166 2172388 21350U 213662 213665 213668 GD 2*61 2^72 2*73 2570 21726*7 2172706 2172985 217307* 213692 21369* 21369* 21371* 372 GD 26*1 213732 213735 GD 2787 217*0** 2659 2173095 2173*72 213759 373 GD 2791* 2807 217*211 217**91 213760 213767 GD 3013 217U608 213817 37* Files of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G. , pertaining to the administration of I.G.Farben's plants in Germany, 19Hl-19*3o All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. GD 1700 25*9 2599 2923 2921* Continued 1st Frame GD 1701 1831 1858 Folder No. 266 125 375 1st Frame 217*679 21JU727 217US80 2175*19 2175*96 Catalog Frame 213521 213712 213719 213796 213796 Folder No. GD 2977 2980 3012 30*5 1st Frame 2175566 2175666 2175726 2175770 Catalog Frame 213805 213806 213817 213820 Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., pertaining to I.G.Farben's interests and transactions in Russia, 1939-19*2» All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filamed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Serial Roll Provenance 266 375 I.G.Farbentndu* strie, A.G, Notes Records of I.G.Farbenindustrie, A. G., pertaining to I.G-. Farben's interests and transactions in Russia, 1939-1942. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed An T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. GD 2006 267 376 GD 1982 377 GD 276 290 291 Continued 2175808 Catalog Frame 213598 Folder No. GD 2334 1st Frame 2176009 Catalog Frame 213665 1st Frame 2176147 Catalog Frame 213588 Files of the I.G.Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing business correspondence, records, reports, etc., pertaining to that firm 1 s "business interests ancfc transactions in various parts of the world, 1933-1944. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 373 1st Frame Records of I.G.Farbpnindustrie, A,G., dealing with I.G.Farben1s interests and business transactions in Finlandt 1941 • All items filmed throughout! detailed descriptions wn "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. lolder No. 268 126 GD 1653/1 1653/2 1653/3 1653/4 1653/5 1653/6 1653/7 1653/8 1653/9 1653/10 1653/H 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2176162 2176301 21764U3 212977 212984 2177^9^ 2177631* 2177697 21777^3 2177801 2177808 2177*71 2177875 2177984 2178005 2178023 213513 213513 215513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 Folder No. GD 293 x4a- 212984 GD l653/i2 1653/23 1653/1^ 1653/15 1653/16 1653/17 1653/18 1653/19 1654 1655 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2176567 2177H5 212985 213459 2178080 2178160 2178168 2178217 2178220 2178227 2178253 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 213513 §178274 2178291 2178298 Serial Roll Provenance 2gS 379 I.G.Farhenindustrie, A.G, Notes Piles of She I.G. Iferbenindustrie, A. G-., containing business correspondence, records* reports, etc., pertaining to that firm1 a Easiness interests and transactions in various parts of the world, 1933-19^* SLl items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No* 269 1st Frame 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2178815 2178639 2178757 2179^89 213575 213575 GB a36 2368 2179969 2179973 213625 213671 GB 2te3 2U2| 2180138 2180630 213685 213685 GB 2l&3 2510 2181021 21816U2 a3696 213705 GB 2871* 2181883 213777 380 381 1919 Piles of the I.G. Farbenindustrie, A.G., containing business correspondence, records, reports, etc., of various dates. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on 7-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. 382 Otto Wolff, Koln 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2182205 2182253 2182311 Not listed it n n * Folder No. GB 3087 3089 3092 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2182319 2182336 2182385 Not listed n n n n Folders of Otto Wolff, Kflln, containing business correspondence* records, reports, etc., pertaining to the Interests and transactions of the firm in the Far Bast, 1936-19^* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GB Continued Folder No. GB 1918 21785^8 383 Catalog Frame 213536 21355* 213563 GB 1761 1829 1881 Folder No. 270 12? 76 79 1st Frame 2182395 2182U71 Catalog Frame 212897 212898 Folder No. GB 81 1st Frame 2182655 Catalog Frame 212899 Serial Roll 270 Provenance Notes Otto Wolff, Folders of Otto Wolff, K$ln, containing business correspondence, records, reports, etc., pertaining €o the interests and transactions of the firm in the Far East, 1936-191*!*. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77 • Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 1068 1070 2183685 2183833 GD 1072 1075 218^755 2185376 326 GD 1083 1176 2185751 218621*9 387 GD 1W 1^75 2186915 2186965 388 GD 1629 1872 1873 1875 385 390 2188106 2188281 218831*7 Catalog 1st Frame Catalog Frame 218U050 213U07 2131*08 2131*08 GD 1076 1082 21855^ 2131*08 2131*09 2131*09 213299 2131*70 GD 1178 1201* 2186382 2186U81 213300 213327 GD 1625 2187191 213508 213509 213562 213562 GD 1876 2188502 2188580 218865U 2188705 213562 213563 213563 21356^ 2189706 not filmed, missing 2189967 2190023 213567 213573 2191081 not filmed, missing 219H01 219121*2 2191301 213612 213621* 1877 1878 1879 213563 "2188979 2SS9077 2139120 1 GD 1908 1915 2051 2190155 2190^61 219078! 213573 21357^ 213605 2190990 213609 21893 *0 21891*67 Folder No. GD 1071 GD 1880 1882 1888 1893 2063 2072 Continued 1st Frame 128 21356U 213566 GD 1901* 1905 1906 1907 GD 2093 2132 22l*3 221*5 213573 213573 21361*1* 21361*1* 21361*5 Serial Roll Provenance Notes 270 391 Otto Wolff, Koln Folders of Otto Wolff, K8ln, containing "business correspondence, records, reports, etc., pertaining to the interests and transactions of the firm in the Far East, 1936-191*!*. All items filmed throughout; descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial "77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below* Folder No. 271 1st Frame Catalog Frame 213773 213773 GD 281*8 2192822 213771* 21377U 21377** 213771* GD 2857 286U 219U709 213775 213776 2191*826 2195311 21951*51 213776 213821 213821 GD 3055 3056 3057 2195509 2195966 2196065 213822 213822 213822 2196216 2196585 2196661 2196813 213822 213822 213822 213822 GD 3062 3063 3061* 3065 2196890 219721*0 21971*21 21971*1*9 213S23 213823 213823 213823 2197517 2197695 2197990 213823 213823 213323 GD 3069 2193991 213321* 213821* 392 GD 281*7 393 GD 281*9 2850 2851 a923i*9 21931*95 2191*151 391* GD 2865 3052 3051* 395 GD 3058 396 GD 3066 397 1st Frame 219156!* 2191368 2191559 3067 3068 Folder No, GD 281*5 GD 2253 2780 3059 3060 3061 Catalog Frame 129 213753 3070 2198566 Folders of Otto Wolff, K8ln, containing correspondence, records, reports, etc., pertaining to the interests and transactions of the firm in Germany and its world-wide export activities, 1936-19^1*« -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on 3?-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. JblderMTo* GD 1077 1078 1079 1st Frame 2189973 2199131 2199133 Catalog Frame 2131*08 2131*09 2131*09 FoMer No. GD 1080 1081 1630 1st Frame 2199235 2199312 219931*0 Catalog Frame 2131*09 2131*09 213509 Serial Roll Provenance 272 398 Lurgi, Frankfurt/Main Notes 130 Folders of Lurgi, Frankfurt/Main, containing business correspondence, recordst notes, etc., pertaining to the firm?: s interests and "business transactions in the Far East, 1935-44, All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions «an be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame No 1st Frame ( I) 212922 a2923 Catalog Frame 399 GD 142 (II) 22CI343 212922 212922 400 GD 144 2202789 212923 401 GD 146 (A,B) 2204508 212924 402 GD 147 2205743 212924 GD 148 (I, II, 2206385 212925 403 GD 149 150 2206976 2207722 GD 151 ( I) 2207781 212927 404 GD 151 (II) 2208350 GD 152 2208861 405 GD 151 154 2209462 2210287 212925 212926 212927 212927 GD 155 2210347 212927 212928 406 GD 156 2210814 212928 GD 157 2211452 407 GD 158 2212073 2212509 212928 212969 GD 256 2212846 212928 a2969 GD 257 258 259 2213643 221369S 2213796 212970 212971 212971 GD 260 261 262 2213832 2213996 2214217 212971 212971 a2972 GD 263 264 2214932 2215193 212972 212972 GD 265 2215549 not filmed, missing a2973 213666 GD 141 ( I, XI) 12199811 255 408 *» GD 142 GD 143 2200712 2201932 GD 145 220366 III) 2339 a2923 Serial Roll 273 Notes Provenance Wagner & Co», GmbH* Dortmund Polders of Wagner & Co, GmbH, Dortmund, containing business correspondence, records, and notes, pertaining to the firm's interests and "business transactions in Japan, 193^1937. Ail items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. H. Ahrens & Co., Nachf., Tokyo 212976 Folder Ho. GD 275 1st Frame 2216610 Catalog Frame 212976 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 327 1^23 2217100 22173^8 21300^ 213^59 GD 16^3 22177^3 213511 GD 2^11 2218319 213683 GD 2651 2218750 213731* GD 265U 22195^3 21373^ GD 2655 2219611 21373^ GD Mitsubishi Shoji Files of Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha, Tok$to, and of its branch offices in Rome, Berlin, and Dairen, conKaisha, Tokyo, Romqjftaining business correspondence, specifications, notes, and records dealing with the purchases and other Berlin, Dairen business transactions of the firm in Europe, 19^2, in Japanese,and. Ital4anAll items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder N0« 1st Frame 3H2 3l*U 3^7 2219813 GD Continued Catalog Irame Folders of H» Ahrens & Co.* Nachf., Tokyo, containing business records, correspondence, notes, etd., pertaining to the firm's interests and "business transactions in the Far East, 1938-H-3* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77« Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No, 275 1st Frame 22158^5 GD 271* 131 2219822 22198U3 J§C 2219861 2219929 )J59 2219933 Catalog Frame 213013 213011* 213015 213017 213018 213019 Folder GD 383 385 386 UUl 992 1736 1st Frame 22199**0 2220030 2220083 2220097 2220121 2220l*5U Catalog Frame 2130^3 2130UU 2130UU 223063 21321*5 213532 Serial 275 Notes Boll MTove nance 132 Mitsubishi Shoji Files of Mitsubishi Shoji Zaisha, Tokyo, and of its branch offices in Rome, Berlin, and Dairen, conKaisha, !Pokyo» taining business correspondence, epecifications, notes, and records dealing with the purchases and other Rome, Berlin, Dai- "business transactions of the firm in Europe, 19^2, in Japanese and Italian. All items filmed throughout; ren detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog franes specified below. Folder Ho. 1st Frame GD 2079 2220997 2107 2221166 2109 2221202 2128 2221206 2357 (1,11)2222025 Catalog Frame Folder No. 213610 213620 213620 213623 213669 GD 271*1* 2765 2782 2987 1st Frame 2222132 Not filmed, missing 222211*5 2222251* 213809 GD 2997 2222315 213810 3000 2222370 213810 3001 22221*99 3050: 3050/1 a (duplicate omitted), begins frame 2222825; see Catalog Frame 213821 n ), it « 2222925; .'.».: 213821 3050/1 c ( « n n n jj, « « *11 213821 3050/1 f ( " 222313S ; tt n it n 2223161*; 213821 3050/1 h ( • )t " n n n 213821 3050/1 j ( » " ). " • 2223177; w tt n )t M « 2223^69; 3050/1 I ( " * 213221 n n n jf it « 2223796; " 213821 3050/1 m ( « n n it ), « n 3050/2 ( • 2221*0^0; » 213821 H ft ), It 1, n if 213821 2221*121; 3050/3 a ( » rt n n n ), « n 2221*208; 21P821 3050/3 c ( • tt n n n it 30 50/1* .-a ( * 213821 )» 222U291; n n w n )f ir n 2221*6^1*; » n 3050/1* c ( 213821 11 n M tt n 3050/1* e ( n 2221*658; 213821 )» " n n n n j n » f "n 213821 2221*1*61*; 3050/5 ( n )t » n 2221*512; n n 3050/6 a ( « 213821 11 n )f n « 222U690; n n 213821 3050/7 ( " 11 n ), n it ti n 3050/8 b ( » 213821 2221*699; H )t n R 2221*732; n n » 213821 3050/9 ( n" n n it it 3050/10 b( 213821 )» " " 2221*739; tt n n n tt 3050/11 b( • 2221*791; 213821 )» " H !0 Catalog Frame 213752 213755 213753 213?07 Serial Boll Provenance Notes 133 ^M*MM*« 276 4i8 Flugzeugbau GmbH, Bremen Piles of the Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH, Bremen, containing business correspondence, records, notes, specifications, patent? and patent applications of the firm pertaining to its interests an* business transactions in Japan, 1938-44. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder No. GD 376 382 387 388 389 390 391 392 419 GD 400 to 402 403/1 403/2 403/3 1*03/1* *03/5 403/6 277 420 Friedrich 4»»G.t Essen 2221*797 2224S16 222U905 222l*9l*5 2225011 2225121 2225232 2225356 222gL88 2226275 2226324 22263S6 2226398 2226409 2226441 2226455 Catalog Frame 21301*1 2130U3 a 301*1* 213044 213045 21301*5 21301*5 21301*6 21301*9 21301*9 2130^9 2130^9 21301*9 21301*9 21301*9 Folder No, 1st Frame 393 22251*18 2225510 395 396 397 398 399 2225755 2225905 GD 403/7 1*0& 1*05 1*06 U07 408 692 2741 2225976 222601*2 2226135 2226457 2226479 2226511 2226522 2226533 222651*2 222651*9 2226572 Catalog Frame 213046 213046 213047 213047 213047 213048 213048 213049 213051 213051 213051 213052 213052 213*79 213752 Files of Friedrich Krupp, A.G., Essen, containing business correspondence, records, notes, etc., pertaining to the firm's interests and business transactions in Japan, 1939-45. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 550 Continued 1st iVame 735 1200 1st Frame 2226605 2226775 2226780 Catalog Frame 213H9 213193 213321 Folder No. GD 1282 1300 1301 1st Frame 2226902 2227296 2227588 Catalog Frame 213422 213426 213426 Serial Roll Friedrich Krupp, A.G., Essen 277 Notes Provenance 13U Files of Friedrich Krupp, A.G., Essen, containing business correspondence, records, notes, pertaining $o the firm»s interests and business transactions in Japan, 1939-^5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77 • Corresponding Catalog frames specified below, Folder Ho, 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2131*26 213^26 2131*32 GB 1307 151*3 2228676 2229177 213^32 213H88 139^ 222/989 2228322 22231*32 i*22 GB 151*1* 1627 2229371 2229601* 213^88 213508 GB 16U6 161*9 223Q393 2230619 213512 213512 1*23 GB 1650 1651 1705 2230809 2231030 2231370 213512 213512 213527 GB 1715 1716 2231663 2231967 213529 213529 GB 1717 1718 1752 223240U 2232587 2233038 213529 213529 GB 1756 2233112 22331*66 2233732 215535 21351*0 GB 1869 2060 2061 2062 206*1 2075 2085 2233793 2233825 2233951* 223^978 213561 213606 213607 213607 213607 213609 213611 GB 2086 2087 2089 2090 2092 2llU 223UU38 2231*501 223H5H3 223l*g57 2231*739 223U8U9 213611 213611 a 3611 213612 213612 213612 GB 2295 2296 2235137 2235379 2235^71 2235635 GB 2335 251*6 251*7 2235789 2235987 2236176 22363^2 213665 213711 2137H 213711 223575** a3652 213652 213652 213652 21364* 22365^0 2236589 2137**7 213795 GB 3037 3053 2236591* 2236626 213819 213621 GB 1302 1303 1*25 U26 2297 2298 2332 1*27 GB 2712 2913 2*3^151 223^227 223UU17 213535 1781 1855 213558 Serial Roll Provenance 278 H2S Hydraulik A.G., Duislmrg Notes Files of the Hydraulik A.G., DuisTmrg, containing "business records, correspondence, etc.* pertaining to the corporation's "business interests and transactions in Japan, 19^2-19^3. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "beloxir. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 1st Frame GD 712 a 1119 2236772 2236865 213168 213257 GD 1183 2237513 21330H 1*29 GD 1290 1306 2238032 223S311 213^23 213^32 GD 1309 2238815 213^33 U30 GD 1310 2239305 213^33 Melchers & Co., Bremen Piles of Melchers & Co., Bremen, containing "business correspondence pertaining to the firm's "business interests and transactions in Japan, 19^2-19^** and the Far East, 193^. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No, GD 718 1232 U32 ^33 GD 1st Frame 2239765 2239798 2239836 Catalog Frame 213189 213370 Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1292 1319 22^*1258 Gutehoffnungshfltte, Files of Gutehoffnungshdtte, Oberhausen, A.G., Werk Sterkrade, containing "business correspondence and Oberhausen, A.G., reports pertaining to the firm's interests and "business transactions in the Far East, 1933-19^1. AH items Werk Sterkrade filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed On T-S2, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalgg frames specified "below. Folder No. Continued Catalog Frame Folder No. Folder No. 279 260 135 1st Frame 22111531 Catalog Frame 213189 213189 Folder No. GD 20§g 3129 1st Frame 221*22^3 22^23^2 Catalog Frame Not listed Serial 280 Boll Provenance 434 Gutehoffnungshntte, Oberhausent A. G., Werk Sterkrade MWMM»*BMI Notes 136 Files of Gutehoffnungshiitte, Oberhausen, A.G., Werk Sterkrade, containing business correspondence and reports pertaining to the firm's interests and business transactions in the Ifcr East, 1933-1941. All items filmed throughout. t/--' •'-. - . • : :' -V • -• ~ '; • Folder No. GD 3131 3134 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2242934 22^3187 Not listed Not listed Folder Ho, .1st Frame*-. Catalog Frame 3137 3153 2243264 2243285 Not listed Not listed Files of C. lilies & Co,, Tokyo* containing business correspondence, records, notes, etc., pertaining to that firm's transactions, 1932-45. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. 281 Folder No* GD 1*38 GD 18^5 1846 18^7 18^8 18U9 1850 Continued 1st Frame Catalog Frame 1324 2243844 2244523 213435 213435 22UU758 213U8U a3U88 GD 1626 1628 2245724 2246G62 213508 213509 2246U82 22^7002 22^7022 22^709^ 213518 213530 213535 213555 213555 GD 1839 18*10 2247226 213556 213556 213556 213556 213556 a3557 213557 213557 213557 213557 213558 GD 1926 1972 1974 2031 2032 2042 2247995 213577 213586 213586 213602 GD 1522 1755 1837 1838 Folder No. GD 1323 22^3^69 GD 1688 1725 Catalog Frame a3195 213255 213^35 22^03 7^5 1112 1322 15*7 U37 1st Frame 22^3*459 22^5101* 22^6331 22^7728 22^7838 22^7891 22^791^ 22^7931 22^7957 1841 1842 1843 2247262 2247343 2247435 2247541 2248224 2248427 2248586 2248867 2248966 213602 213604 Serial 281 Roll 1*39 Notes Provenance 0* lilies & Company, Tokyo Files of C» lilies & Co., Tokyo, containing "business correspondence, records, notes, etc., pertaining to that firm's transactions, 1932-^5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 201*3 201*4 201*6 201*7 201*8 201*9 282 1st Frame 221*9262 2249*450 2249542 2249621 2249718 2249745 Catalog Frame Catalog Frame 2249820 2249965 2250076 2250203 2250296 213606 213606 213709 213717 213718 GD 2627 2628 2251166 2251338 213730 213730 2251147 2250639 213718 213730 1*1*1 GD 2676 2251455 21373S Files of Rheinmetall-Borsig, A.G. , Berlin, containing "business correspondence, notes, reports, records, etc. , pertaining to the firm1 s interests and transactions in Japan, 1939-45. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. Continued 1st Frame GD 2054 2055 2534 2590 2592 GD 2593 2626 Rheinmetall-Borsig, A.G., Berlin Folder No. 213604 213604 213604 213604 213605 213605 1*1*0 1*1*2 137 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 971* 1107 1108 1111 1113 1115 1124 2252168 2252255 2252260 2252264 2252271 2252273 2252278 213236 213253 213253 213255 213256 213256 213260 GD 1134 1136 1138 1296 1908 1320 1430 2252290 2252304 2252322 2252328 2252383 2252789 2253021 213266 213267 213267 213424 213432 213435 GD 1698 1730 2253567 2253578 2254147 213520 213531 GD 2003 2008 2254310 2254840 213592 213598 2L3555 213460 Notes 133 Serial Roll Provenance 282 W* Piles of Rheinmetall-Borsig, A.G., Berlin, containing business correspondence, notes, reports, Hhe inme tal1-B or a ig , records, etc., pertaining to the firm's interests and transactions in Japan, 1939-^5. All items filmed A. G.» Berlin throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed 6n T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified oelov. Folder 1*5 283 1*6 Schlobmann A. G. Dttsseldorf 1*9 Continued Catalog Frans Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 202** 2025 2038 2039 2050 2255156 2255^10 2255328 2256121 2256129 213601 213601 213603 213603 213605 GD 2052 2088 2091 2361* 2256166 2256222 2256363 22561437 213606 213611 213612 213670 GD 21*70 2610 2256U83 2256631 213693 213726 GD 2732 298H 2256821* 213750 213807 2256962 Files of Schloemann A. G. , Dftsseldorf , containing "business correspondence, notes, records, etc., pertaining to the f irm1 s "business interests and transactions in Japan, 191*2-191*5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can he found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified 'below. Folder Ho » 1*8 1st Frame 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1152 1165 1259 225727U 2257530 2257960 213277 213286 213to3 GD 1260 1261 2258208 22583**! 2131*13 213^19 GB'126?" 1263 126U 2?5g723 22591U1 2259UU9 213^19 213^19 213U19 GD 1265 1266 225971*1* 2259951 213H19 2131*19 GD 1267 1U20 1602 2260196 2260326 213U20 213^59 213H99 GD 1603 2260960 2261228 2131*99 2131*99 GD 1605 1606 2261539 22620UO 2262320 213500 GD 1608 2262500 2262631* 213505 213505 1607 2260818 213505 213505 1601* 1609 Serial Roll 283 450 Notes Schloemann A.G, Dttsseldorf Files of Schloemann A.G., Dusseldorf, containing business correspondence, notes, records, etc., per* taining to the firm ! s "business interests and transactions in Japan, 1942-1945. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 284 139 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. ist Frame Catalog Frame CD 1759 3002 226312S 2263603 213536 213810 GD 3003 3115 22^3704 2263915 213810 Not listed 451 GD 3117 3118 2264506 2264955 Not listed Not listed GD 3119 3120 2265128 2265585 Not listed Not listed 452 GD 3121 3122 22660^9 2266302 Not listed Not listed GD 3123 3124 22665^5 2266926 Not listed Not listed 453 454 GD.-.3125 2267149 Not listed GD 3126 GD 3127 2268637 Not listed 455 Manns smann H6hrenwerke Not listed Files of Mannesmann B6hrenwefcke» containing business correspondence, records* notes, etc., pertaining to the firm's "business transactions. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can bs found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No, 456 2268214 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1153 1154 1155 2268908 2269188 2269471 213278 213279 213279 GD 1156 1157 2269659 2269841 213279 213279 GD 1158 1227 2270148 2270199 2132SO 213357 C-D 1903 2270653 213567 Serial Roll Mannesmann Export Company, GmbH, dorf 285 Business records of the Mannesmann Export Company, GmbH* pertaining to its transactions in the East, 1938-19^1. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found In Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 1179 1315 286 1*58 Carlewitz & Company GD 1207 Deutsche Maschinen Gesellschaft (DEMAG), Dttis"barg 288 1*61 213301 213H3H 1st Frame Folder No. GD 1897 1st Frame 2271096 Catalog Frame 213566 227112U Catalog Frame 213331 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 7U6 1231 2271176 227122** 213195 213363 GD 1896 2272556 213566 Folder No. GD 1326 1329 1st Frame 22711*20 2271998 Catalog Frame 213^36 2131*36 Vereinigte LelchtFiles of Vereinigte Leichtmetall Werke, Hannover, containing business correspondence, reports, metall Werke, Han- clippings, etc., pertaining to its interests and transacticnsin the Middle and Far East, 1937-^5• nover All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed 6n T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Iblder No. Continued 2270896 2270990 Catalog Frame Files of the Deutsche Maschinen Gesellschaft (DEMAG), Duisburg, containing business correspondence, notes, records, etc., pertaining to its interests and business transactions in the Far East, 1937-^. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 1*60 1st Frame Business records of Carlowitz & Company, pertaining to/thei^transactions in Japan, 19!*!. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found In Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 28? 11*0 Notes Provenance 1st Frsme 22J2629 Catalog Frame 2131*07 Folder No. GD 1817 1st Frame 22737^5 Catalog Frame 213552 Serial Roll Vereinigte Leichtmetall Werke, Hannover 288 Notes Provenance Piles of Vereinigte Leichtsatall Werke, Hannover, containing business correspondence, reports, clippings, etc., pertaining to its interests and transactions in the Middle and Far East, 1937-45. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77 • Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Iblder Ho. Catalog Frame Folder Ho, 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1816 2273030 213552 GD 1818 2273767 213552 GD 1927 227^550 213577 U63 GD 1928 227511*3 213577 GD 1929 2275506 U6U GD 2260 2261 2262 2263 2276556 2276639 2276809 2277098 2136U7 2136U7 2136*17 2136^7 GD 2266 2731* 2735 2736 2277131 22771^ 2277U9U 2277856 213577 2136H8 213751 213751 213751 GD 2737 273S 2739 2278063 2278U68 2278583 213751 213751 213752 GD 27^ 27^5 27U8 2278751* 2278938 2279261 213752 213752 213753 GD 27*49 2279508 213753 GD 2750 2279773 213753 GD 2766 2280127 2767 2280367 213755 213756 GD 2769 2770 22805**U 2281011 213756 213756 U66 289 1st Frame Allgemeine WerkFiles of Allgemeine Werkzeugmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft, containing business correspondence, zeugmaschinen A^G^/reports, etc., pertaining to its interests and transactions in Japan, 1939-^2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 1073 1st Frame 2281355 Catalog Frame 213^08 Serial Boll Provenance 290 1*69 Robert Boach GmbH, Stuttgart Notes 11*2 Piles of Robert Bosch, GmbH, containing business correspondence, records, patents, licenses, sketches, etc,, pertaining to the firm's interests and business transactions in Japan, 1935-HU. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Jblder Ho. 1st frame GD lOglpA-H 2281717 Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st frame Catalog Frame 213U09 Note: Roll U69 contains frames 2281717-2282721 and ?282722Ar-2282990A. 1*70 GD 10S1* S-Z 2232722 *n GD 1085 P 10S6 2283751 2283923 Uj2 GD 1502 1538 2285390 2285721* 213U75 213US7 U73 GD 1545 151*6 2287118 2287635 2131*88 i^U GD 1812 1813 A 1813 B 2288511 2286580 2288631 213551 GD 1970 2005 2363 2289839 2290189 2290638 21359S 213670 *76 GD 2^1*7 21*60 2291391* 2291**52 213689 213691 U77 GD 21*69 22929UU 2293369 1*78 Continued GD 2512 2513 2291*268 229U611 U75 213^09 GD ll*3l* 228U660 213U61 GD 151*2 2286U91* 213^88 GD 1703 A 1811 2288206 22881*62 213521 213551 GD 1815 A-C 1851 2288683 2288929 213551 21355S GD 2396 Not filmed, missing 2290826 213675 GD 21*66 229211*0 213693 213693 213696 GD 21*89 2511 2293723 2293971* 213697 213705 213706 GD 2525*--'- 2295W 213708 213551 213688 Serial Roll Provenance 290 1+79 Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart Notes Piles of Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, containing "business correspondence, records, patents, Licenses, sketches, etc,, pertaining to the finn* s interests and "business transactions in Japan, 1935~^» -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder No. U80 H82 291 Stahl Union Export, GmbH 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2532 2533 22956^2 2296139 213709 213709 GD 2535 2296676 213709 GD 2538 2606 22971^6 229S01U 213710 213725 GD 2615 2616 2298090 22983*0* 213727 213727 GD 262** 2625 2298808 2299698 213729 213729 GD 2631 2632 2299732 2299761 213730 213730 GD 2653 2656 2300281 2300961 21373U 213735 GD 26^7 27501331 2137^5 GD 27CY 23d" ^5'4 a37^6 GD 3035 2302U13 213818 2708 23C2290 JDL37H6 Pites of Stahl Union Export, GmbH, containing business correBpondence pertaining to the firm's interests and transactions in Japan, 1938-HU. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on E-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified Below. Folder No, GD 1285 l&ft Note: 1st Frame 230i&50 230301*7 Catalog Frame 213^22 213506 Folder No. GD 1615 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2303505 213506 Roll U8U contains frames 2303505-230^108 and 2381652-2381709. GD 1616 1617 2381720 2382291 213507 213507 G® 1731 2382586 213531 GD 1732 1733 230^110 230U228 213531 213532 GD 173^ 2305153 213532 Serial Roll 292 Provenance Notes Henschel & Sohn Business files of Henschel und Sohn dealing vjith their business transactions in Japan, 1943-45. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed 9a T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* Folder No* 1st Frame Polte Werk, Magdeburg GD 1317 Continued , •'..-, 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho. GD 1321 2306055 1st Frame 23062U6 Catalog Frame 213^35 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Bb» 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 139S 2306356 2307152 213l*9 213^50 GD 1U02 2307936 2131*50 GD 1404 2308317 213U56 GD 1U06 230931*2 2131*56 GD 1407 2309723 2131*56 GD 1^08 2310382 213456 GD 1409 231179S 213^57 GD 11*13 2312795 2312882 213457 213458 GD ling 2313917 2314130 213458 213461 i4oo 493 ; Files of Kunst & Alters, Hamburg, Tientsin, Mokden, containing business correspondence and records Kunst & Albers, Hamburg, Tientsin^/pertaining to business interests and transactions in China and Japan, 1940-44, 45» All items filmed throughMukden out* detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Fo. 492 v Files of Polte Wer-k, Magdeburg, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the firm's interests and business transactions in Japan, 1937-19^. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2. Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder Ho0 US9 . 2131*25 GD 1299 293 Catalog Frame Uno 1411 2312156 2312715 GD 1415 2313332 2131*57 213i*58 1436 Serial Roll Kunst & Alters, Hamburg, Tientsin, Mukden 291* Notes Provenance Piles of Kunst & Alters, Hamburg, Tientsin, Mukden, containing "business correspondence and records pertaining to "business interests and transactions in China, and Japan, igHO-HH, l*5« All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Cultalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Polder No. Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 213^62 2131*62 GD 11*58 23156U2 213U66 GD 1**59 2316076 2316S03 213^*67 213U69 GD 1500 23l69**0 213475 GD 1501 231738** 2317560 Not filmed, Missing 213i*75 2131*83 213**8i* GD 1526 21*37 2713 2317596 2318069 2318309 2131*85 213687 21371*7 23181*91 231900^ 213801* 213*306 GD 3073 3075 2319182 23196U3 Not listed Not listed Piles of Arnold Otto Meyer, Hamburg, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to Meyer's interests and transactions in East Asia, 19^0-Ul. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder Ho. 500 Catalog Frame 2315d*6 2315562 GD 2966 2981 1*98 1st Frame GD 11*37 1520 295 11*5 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1399 2320171 213^49 GD 1U03 23201*61 2131*50 GD 1^*95 2321179 213l*7l* GD 1507 2322078 2131*81 GD 1508 2965 2322522 2323167 213*481 213803 GD 2976 3032 2323295 232367U 213805 213818 Serial Roll Provenance 296 501 J. ¥lnkler & Co., Hamburg Hotes Files of Winkler & Co.. Hamburg, containing "business correspondence and records pertaining to Winkler's interests and transactions in the Far East, 1939-^» -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog*filmed on ¥-852, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Ho. 502 297 503 Allgemeine Elektrizitatsgesellschaft Sander, Vleler & Co., Hamburg Catalog Frame 23251*65 2131*62 GD 11*1*0 1^67 1U94 2325^65 2325579 2325907 213U62 2131*68 2131*73 GD 2960 2982 303^ 2326167 2326193 23261*58 213803 213806 213818 Files of the Allgemeine Elektrizitflts-Gesellschaft containing "business correspondence and records pertaining to the company *s interests and transactions in the Far East, t93S~UO. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can he found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. 1st Frame 2326738 Catalog Frame 213*4-82 Folder No. 1st Frame 1519 2327102 GD Catalog Frame 213^3 Files of Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Hamburg, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the Bank's interests in China, 1937-^0. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. 1st Frame 23273^0 Catalog Frame . • .- 2131*82 Files of Sander, Wieler & Co., Hamburg, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the Company's transactions in the Bar East, 19^0-1*2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder Ho, GD 1550 16US Continued 1st Frame GD 11*38 GD 1511 505 Folder No. 213H61 Folder Kb. 299 Catalog Frame 232^007 GD Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, 1st Frame GD 1U35 Folder No, 298 1*6 1681 1st Frame 2327696 23283U6 232SU60 Catalog Frame 213US9 213512 213517 Folder Ho. GD 1682 1692 1st Frame 2328U7S 2328512 Catalog Frame 213517 213519 Serial Holl Provenance 299 506 Sander, Wieler & Co., Hamburg Notes Files of Sander, Wieler & Co., Hamburg, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the Company1 s t*m>sactions in the Jar East, 19UO-U2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 508 Wagner & Co., GmbH, Dortmund 21353^ GD 1751* 2331052 2331116 21315^0 213535 213592 213592 301 510 Press- & Walzwerk 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1610 1611 2332000 2332322 213505 213506 GD 1613 233371^ 213506 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1750 1751 2330016 2330367 21353^ 213535 GD 2629 2630 2331687 2331892 213730 213730 Folder No. GD 1612 1st Frame 2332917 Catalog Frame 213506 Files of Press- & Walzwerfe, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the company's deliveries for Japan, 1933-^2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. 511 21353H 21355H Folder No. Files of Wagner & Co., GmbH, Dortmund, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the company!s interests and transactions in Japan, 1939-^3* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on f~82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* For related material, see Slso Serial 273» Folder Ho. 509 Catalog Frame 2329537 2329605 2329S95 2000 2002 300 1st Frame GD 17^7 17^8 17^9 507 11*7 1st Frame GD 1618 1619 233^250 233^702 GD 1622 1623 2335618 2336190 Catalog Frame 213508 213508 Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1620 1622 233^721 2335139 213507 213507 GD 162U 2336680 213508 Serial Roll Provenance 302 512 MaschinenFahrik, Augsburg, Nttrnberg Notes Files of Maschinen-Fabrik, -Augsburg, Nttrnberg, containing correspondence and other records pertaining to the firm T s transactions with Japan, 1938-U2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder Ho, 513 303 515 Karl Yogt, Tokyo 516 Stahlwerke Vertandt A.G. Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1679 1683 23370S9 2337S96 213517 213518 OD 1691 2338036 213519 GD 1691* 1720 2338977 2339575 213519 213529 GD 1721 23U0206 213530 GD 17214 23*40620 213530 Files of Dr. Karl Vogt, Tokyot containing correspondence and reports pertaining to patents for Boch machinery in Japan, 1927-19^0. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "belofl. Folder Kb. 1st Frame G33 1703 B 23U1577 23*1739 1703 c 30U 1st Frame Catalog Frame 213521 213527 Folder Ho. 1st Frame GD 170^ D Catalog Frame 213527 Files of Stahlwerke Verband, A.G., containing correspondence and records pertaining to the firm ! s interests and transactions in East Asia, 1933-39* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 17^2 17^3 17^4 23te50 23^2^78 23^3120 223533 213533 213533 GD 1887 1892 23^3332 23143UU1 213561* 213565 GD 1909 1916 23^85 23^018 213573 213575 GD 1921 23^105 213575 Serial Roll Provenance 305 518 August Svers & Co.» GmbH, Hamburg ITotes Piles of August Evers & Co., GmbH, Hamburg, containing "business correspondence and records pertaining to the interests and transactions of the firm in Japan, 1926 1*5* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be foiuid in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below* Folder Uo, GD 1175 1512 GD 1758 519 306 520 1st frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frane 23^*330 213296 GD 1719 231*1*658 213*29 23^19 213536 GD 1871 23U6061 213562 231^*51*9 Hot filmed, Missing 2131*57 213^82 Heesch, HinrichFiles of Heesch, Einrichsen & Co.* Hamburg, containing "business correspondence and records persen & Co*, Hamburg taining to the firm's interests and transactions in Japan, 1937-1*1. All items filmed throughout; detailed .descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified belov/* Folder No, GD 737 121*0 121*3 307 11*9 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 23H6191* 23^6*1*0 23^6696 213193 213375 213379 GD 1318 1806 23l*72U7 23^733^ 213U31* 21355o 521 GD 1821 231*7957 213552 GD 1930 231*8652 213578 522 GD 2019 2020 23^9227 231*981*1* 213600 GD 2021 235001*3 213601 21300 523 Continued Br* Otto & Co*, GmbH, Bochum Files of Dr Otto & Co., GmbH, Bochum, containing "business correspondence and records pertaining to the company's'interests and transactions in Japan, 1933-1*!- All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No* 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder Ho* 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1739 2350236 213533 GD 17UO 2350590 213533 Serial Roll Provenance 307 521* Dr. Otto & Co. GmbH, Bochum Notes Piles of Dr. Otto & Co., GmbH, Bochum, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the companyf s interests and transactions in Japan, 1933-^1. -All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T~S2, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 308 150 1st Frame Catalog Frane Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2351536 213533 GD 2023 2352171* 213601 525 235293** 213623 GD 2130 23535**6 213621* 526 235**330 213663 527 Junkers & Co., GmbH, Stuttgart Files of Junkers & Co., GmbH, Stuttgart, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the firm'.s interests and transactions in Japan, 193l*-l*l. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder Ho. Catalog Frame Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 11*66 235*660 2355S21 213^68 213606 GD 261^* 2711* 2356312 2356312 2137^7 2137^7 GD 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2356*U9 2356612 2356728 235675** 2137^8 2137US 21371*8 Not filmed, 2137^ a37**s GD 2721* 2725 2726 2727 2728 2356955 23569^3 23570U5 2357057 2357086 2137^9 21371*9 2137*19 2137^9 213750 21371*8 2137U8 2137^9 2137*19 2729 2730 2731 2772 2357309 2357367 2357539 23575^ 213750 213750 213750 213757 2056 528 1st Frame 2720 2721 2722 2723 missing 2356813 235681*5 2356863 2356886 Serial Boll Provenance 309 529 Mueller & Montag, GmbH, Leipzig Notes Piles of Mueller & Montag, GmbH, containing "business correspondence end fecords pertaining to the firm's interests and transactions in Japan, 193&-1&, All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Polder Ho. 530 310 531 Folder Ho, 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2136SS GD 261*8 2358216 213733 GD 26H9 235SS23 21373^ GD 2650 23590^1 213731* Files of Heinrich Koppers, GmbH, Essen, containing business records pertaining to the firm's Interests and tfansactions in Japan, 1933-^0, U3. All items filmed throughout* detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. 7UU 986 1257 1st Frame 2359350 2359^01 2359**87 2359951 Catalog Frame 213195 213195 21321*2 213^13 Folder Ho. GD 1258 2068 2069 1st Frame 2360268 236051*0 2360875 Catalog Frame 2131113 213608 213608 Ekaest Krause & Co., Files of Ernest Krause & Co., Berlin, containing business correspondence and records pertaining Berlin to the firn^s interests and transactions in Japan, 1936-^5. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. .1st-'frame Catalog Frame 2057 2360936 2361180 2058 23611*57 213600 213606 213606 GD 2078 2362238 213610 GD 2018 533 Catalog Frame 2357552 GD 7**3 532 1st Frame GD 21&5 Folder No. 311 151 Folder Ho. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 2059 2067 2070 23617^8 2361776 2361937 213606 213608 GD 2362523 213611 213608 Serial Roll G-laswerk Jena, Schott & Gen. 312 Notes Provenance Files of Glaswerk Jena, Schott & Gen., containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the firm's transactions with Japan, 1939-19^5» All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77- Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below, Folder No. GD 15^9 1551 1*77 1S07 313 535 Deutsche Edelstahlwerke, seldorf, GD 1327 1330 GD 1510 213U88 213517 213517 213550 Folder Ho, 1st Frame 2363560 236367S 2363688 GD 1808 20^40 2273 Catalog Frame 213550 213603 2136^9 1st Frame 2363760 23639S2 Catalog Frame 213^37 Folder Fo. 1st Frame 2361*11** 236HU82 GD 1899 1910 Catalog Frame 213566 1st Frame 236U795 Catalog Frame 2131*82 Folder No, 1st Frame 236U8l*7 GD 2065 Catalog Frame 213607 File of business records of MineraloTbaugesellschaft, dealing with productions of benz&na in Germany, 1938. All items filmed: throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77* Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. Continued 2362807 23631^5 23631^5 2363502 Catalog Frame Files of business records of Skoda, Pilsen, pertaining to its exports to Manchuria, 1939.243, and Japan, 193v*-^* All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can fee found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder Fo, Mineralfllbauge sellschaft 1st Frame Files of the Deutsche Edelstahlwerke, Dttsseldorf, containing business correspondence and records pertaining to the firm's transactions with Japan, 1935~19^3« All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No, Skoda, Pilsen 152 GD 1695 1st Frame 2365050 Catalog Frame " * •.< < :J *••• ' Serial Roll Provenance Notes 313 535 Siemens SchufcertFiles of business records of Siemens Schukertwerke, A.G., dealing with installations in Argentina, werke, A.G. . 1939« All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77« Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 1811* Gustloff-Werke 2365060 GD 2227 1st Frame 2365136 Catalog Frame 2136^2 Item not filmed; missing, Catalog .FraRe • GD 2110 536 'Q3531 Files of business records of Eisenwerke Witkowitz, no date given. Folder No. 31^ Catalog Frame Files of business records of Gustloff-Werke dealing with transactions with Japan, 19^1. All items filmed throughout; dete'led descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below, Folder No. Eisenwerke Witkowitz 1st Frame 153 213620 Societe Anonyme Files of Soeiete Anonyme Mitsubishi, Paris, containing "business correspondence and files* 1939-19^2, Mitsubishi» " v All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Paris Corresponding Catalog frames specified below, Folder No, 1st Frame Catalog Frame Folder No. 1st Frame Catalog Frame GD 1185 2365156 213309 GD 12^9 2369910 213390 537 0» 1737 1738 2366553 2366685 213532 213532 GD 1833 2030 2366871 2367620 213555 213602 538 Continued GD 2823 Not filmed, 213775 missing GB 2S58 2367959 213775 Serial Roll Provenance 538 Mitsui Busan, A.G-., Berlin Notes Files of Mitsui Busan, A.G., Berlin, containing business correspondence and files, 1938-*2. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77, Cor respond ing Catalog frames specified below. Folder No* GD 380 957 53S539 Mitsui Busan, A. 0.» Home GD 970 Mitsui & Co., Tokyo GD 97 1st Frame GD 1515 1517 2368531 2368696 Catalog Frame 213*83 213*83 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2368771 Folder No. 1st Frame GD 300* 236937* Catalog Frame 213810 1st Frame 2369S66 Catalog Frame 213903 File of Mitsui Busan EaisLa, Berlin, containing similar material. Item filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77» Corresponding Catalog frame specified below. Folder No. GD 888 Sumitomo Chemical Manufacturing Co* 2130*2 213229 Polder No* File of Mitsui & Co., Tokyo, containing similar material, 1929. Item filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial 77« Corresponding Catalog frame specified "below. Folder No. Mitsui Busan Kaisha, Berlin 2368036 2368297 Catalog Frame Files'of Mitsui 2-usaa, A.G., Rome, containing similar material, 1^3-UU. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding CataUog frames specified "below. Folder No. 539 1st Frame 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2365909 File of Sumitomo Chemical Manufacturing Co., containing similar material, 19*3. Not filmed; missing. Folder No. GD 2106 Catalog Frame 213620 Serial Roll Deutsche Farbenhandelsgesellschaft, Saibel & Co. 315 Notes Provenance ' Fol'ders of the Deutsche Farbenhandelsgesellschaft, Waibel & Co., containing a file of Pro tokolle der Tersammlungen der Deutschen Handel skammer Canton, 19HO-42. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T~82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD 2286 2287 Braunkohlen~Produkte Aktiengesellschaft, Berlin 316 5^1 5^2 1st Frame Catalog Frame 237025^ 2370335 Not listed Hot listed Folder Ho. GD 2288 3081 1st Frame Catalog Frame 2370507 2370577 Wot listed Not listed Folder containing "business contracts of Braunkohlen-Produkte Aktiengesellschaft in Berlin with Bankhaus Petschek & Co*, Prag» and Dr. Phil. Kurt Bube, Halle an der Saale, 192U-25. Item filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Folder No. 1st Iframe Catalog Frame Sblder No. 1st Frame Catalog frame 23707^5 Not listed Stickstoff S^rndikat, out. GmbH, Berlin GD 3090 317 155 Optische Anstalt C.P. Groerz, GmbH Folder of Optische Anstalt C,P,Goerz, containing business correspondence and records pertaining Item filmed throughout* to deliveries to Japan, Folder No. GD 3093 1st Frame Catalog Frame Not listed Serial Roll Provenance Fokkea Tokyo Koch, 156 Records of Pokkes & Koch, Tokyo, containing "business correspondence and records* 19^0-41. All items filmed throughout. Polder No. 5U5 319 1st Prame Catalog Prame GD 2733 • 309^ 2371291 2371*08 Not listed Not listed GB 3097 3098 3099 237283^ 2372874 2372018 GD 3103 310U 237^029 237^357 See below 1st Irame Catalog Prame GD 3095 3096 2372311 2372^18 Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed GD 3100 J101 2373361 2373575 Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed GD 3105 237525« Not listed Catalog Prame GD 1707 23756S9 213527 GD 1709 2377^2 213528 Polder No. 1st Prame Catalog Prame 213528 GD 1708 All the items in the following group were filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified below. Folder No. GD Continued 1st Frame Pelton & Guilleame, Polders of Pelton & Guilleame, containing "business records pertaining to export to the Par East, Carlswerke Eisen 193*4-37. All items filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can be found in Catalog filmed on T-82, und Stahl, A.G. Serial 77. Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below* Polder No, 320 Folder No. Messerschmitt A.G. ? Messerschmitt A.G. ? Delacamp Co., Hamburg 100 101 350 1096 1206 1st Prame 2378299 2378351* 2378397 2378U83 2378506 Catalog Prame 21290U 212908 213015 213016 213016 213^12 213329 Serial Holl Provenance Notes 157 320 5US See below All the items in the following group were filmed throughout; detailed descriptions can "be found in Catalog filmed on T-S2, Serial ??• Corresponding Catalog frames specified "below. Folder No. 1st Frame I.G-.Farben, Berlin Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Wehrwirtschafts;a*ad Kftstungsamt Deut son-Japan!sche Gesellschaft, Hamburg Deutsch-Japan!sche G-esellechaft, Berlin GD 337 a 563 23735381 2378689 213010 213133 1226 2378701 213358 3670 2379251* Not listed Bosch Otto Wolff GD 2680 2629 3te*i 3U25 3^26 2379365 23BW 2380162 23S035U 2380568 Not Not Not Not Not listed listed listed listed listed GD 3^7 3lf28 3^29 3^33 2380795 2380919 2380990 2381187 Not Fot Not Not listed listed listed listed 550 I, G. Faroenindus tr i e Catalog Irane Price List for Microfilm Copies of Records of Nazi Culturaland Research Institutions., and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Par Bast Hational Archives Microcopy No, T~82 Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may "be purchased at the prices listed below. lEhese prices are based on a charge of 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, with all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A minimum charge of $** is made for each order. A 10percent discount is given on orders for more than $1,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than $3»000, Holls containing privileged material are designated by the symbol R before the roll number, They are not available for sale and are therefore not included in this list* Checks or money orders for microfilm should "be made payable to the General Services Administration and should be sent to the National Archives, Washington 25» B.C. Bach order should specify the microcopy number (T-S2), the roll number or numbers* and the price. Roll 1 a I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 Price $U 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 U 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 7 Roll 21 22 23 Zk 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3* 35 3* 39 1*0 in U2 Price Roll 1*8 1*9 50 51 5* 55 56 57 58 61 62 s 65 66 Price $8 8 7 9 7 7 7 8 8 7 3 2 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 3 Roll 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 7* 75 76 77 7S 79 80 81 82 S3 8U 85 86 Price $U 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 8 8 U 8 8 8 8 8 Roll 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9* 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 105 106 Price Roll 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 222 12 ? 124 125 126 Price $2 3 9 5 U 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Roll 127 128 Price $8 8 2 1 1 3 1 l 8 3 l 2 u 1 1 1 160 Roll 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Pri< #8 4 1 7 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Roll 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 Pric #8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Price #7 8 8 8 8 8 9 7 7 8 6 7 9 8 8 9 7 9 8 8 7 8 8 7 7 7 4 7 8 7 8 8 7 6 7 Roll 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 Price #4 7 8 9 7 7 7 7 9 6 8 8 8 6 7 8 4 9 7 9 5 9 8 5 9 5 8 8 7 8 8 7 6 6 7 Roll 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 Pri< v6 9 7 7 8 7 9 9 9 8 9 8 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 8 8 7 8 7 10 7 8 7 8 8 7 6 8 Roll '2 323 324 9 325 9 326 8 1 327 328 8 8 329 330, 33QA 7, 6 331 332 7 6 333 7 334 8 335 336 6 337 7 338 10 5 339 340 9 6 341 342 10 6 343 8 344 1 345 346 8 6 347 348 7 7 349 350 3 351 8 352 8 353 4 6 354 355 3 356 5 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 Price #7 5 4 1 9 7 8 8 7 2 1 6 1 8 7 7 5 8 3 1 10 8 10 7 8 2 9 7 7 9 6 6 7 7 5 161 )Price $6 7 8 T 7 5 8 8 10 8 7 Soil Price $2 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 1 7 7 3 9 2 8 3 8 9 8 8 8 1* 8 9 8 1* GSA-WASH DC 59-8879 Roll 10*6 1*1*7 1*1*8 Price $8 8 8 9 8 9 6 8 2 Roll U7U 1*78 I1 1*58 1 8 1 6 8 8 9 8 U 7 2 7 6 9 10 Price $8 7 8 Boll 500 9 7 8 8 9 8 503 501* 505 506 507 6 10 1*86 a8 1*89 8 8 1*91 U92 11 9 9 6 8 6 10 6 7 1*95 W 1*97 1*99 501 502 508 509 510 5H 512 513 5lU 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 521* 525 526 $9 8 7 3 2 10 8 5 10 3 8 8 10 9 6 1* 7 5 6 5 10 7 6 7 8 8 1* Roll 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 53^ 535 536 537 538 539 5^ 5ta 51*2 5^3 51* 5^5 5^6 5^7 5^8 5^9 Price $8 6 7 3 9 7 3 5 8 8 8 9 5 3 1 3 9 7 9 10 5 6 8 550 5 Total $3,690