Eastridge Community Elementary School Link


Eastridge Community Elementary School Link
“Dedicated to Excellence . . . Partnerships pursuing excellence.”
Eastridge Community
Elementary School Link
“To inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, to care”
Apri, 2013
“ Together we're making a positive difference in the lives of our scholars.”
11777 E. Wesley Ave.
Aurora, Colorado 80014
Mrs. Marquetta
Assistant Principal
Mr. Scott May
Office Manager
Mrs. Loretta Fox
Mrs. Jo Bailey
Ms. Kris Hillman
Important Phone #
March is the month that is full of change. Change of seasons from winter to
spring, changes in time from standard to daylight savings time and operational changes
as we begin preparing for the upcoming school year. However, even in all of those
changes, there is one thing that remains the same and comes to mind this month.
Exceptional is the word that stands out in my mind this month. While we are a school
district and a school dedicated to excellence, the exceptional work of many of our
stakeholders will be honored over the next few weeks. It is my honor to share with you
through this article the “who” and “what” of the recognition to come.
First, it is always wonderful when our students are recognized and celebrated for
the many things they excel in on a regular basis. On April 30th, five students from
Eastridge will be recognized as Aurora Scholars for their tremendous talent, scholarship
and character. One student is selected from each grade level by teachers for the
aforementioned traits or for having made some special contribution to our school
community over the course of the school year. The following students will be honored by
the City of Aurora at the Hinkley High School Auditorim: 1st grader Chris Romero; 2nd
grader Wata Kamara; 3rd grader Kenedy Sandoval; 4th grader Hannah Min, and 5th
grader Dillon Rainey. Join me in congratulating our Aurora Scholars ~ Exceptional
students from Eastridge.
“Volunteers don’t just do the work, they make things work.” With this quote in
mind it is easy for me to identify one of our parent volunteers, who works tirelessly to
make things work here for our students. It is with much gratitude and appreciation that I
share in the recognition of the Eastridge exceptional volunteer for SY2012-13, Mrs. Kathy
Gibson. Kathy has spent many hours supporting our students and staff over the last six
years. Whether collecting snacks for T-CAP testing, coordinating fund-raising events,
sponsoring Destination Imagination teams, or preparing students for talent show and
concert performances, Kathy can be counted on to do any job. Nothing is too big nor too
small when it comes to supporting the needs of staff and students at Eastridge, when you
are an exceptional volunteer like Kathy Gibson. The Exceptional Volunteer Award will be
presented on April 25th.
Lastly, when one thinks of gold, it is equated with exceptional. However, at
Eastridge when one thinks of “golden heart” the only person that comes to mind this
year for this special award is our own school psychologist, Dr. Kinette Richards. This
award recognizes individuals for going above and beyond in their work. Dr. Richards
provides transportation to families for school meetings, helps prepare students for
Wednesday’s Child videos, and spends countless hours meeting with families
before/after school to make sure the needs of students are being met. In her honest and
direct manner, Dr. Richards ensures that students and families recognize that everyone is
a partner in the academic success of our students and is a leader of our PASS
organization. Dr. Richards will be honored at the Golden Heart Award Dinner on May
This month has been a continuation of the “exceptional” at Eastridge. We
appreciate your continued support in our journey.
Mrs. M. Thomas, Principal
“Dedicada a la Excelencia . . . Trabajando en sociedad persiguiendo la Excelencia.”
Enlace de Eastridge Community
Elementary School
“Para inspirar cada estudiante a pensar, a aprender, a lograr, y a ser cuidadoso”
“Juntos hacemos una diferencia positiva en la vida de nuestros estudiantes.”
11777 E. Wesley Ave.
Aurora, Colorado
Mrs. Marquetta
Asistente de Directora.
Mr. Scott May
Gerente de Oficina.
Mrs. Loretta Fox
Mrs. Jo Bailey
Ms. Kris Hillman
Telefonos Importantes
Linea de Asistencia
Entrada tarde/Cierre
de Escuela 720-5544701
Programa de cuidado de
Marzo es el mes que esta lleno de cambios. Cambios de temporada de invierno a
primavera, cambios en tiempo del tiempo estándar al tiempo de verano y cambios operacionales
mientras que comenzamos a prepararnos para el siguiente año escolar. Sin embargo, aunque
todos estos cambios sean notables, hay una cosa que queda igual por lo que se me viene ala
mente este mes. Excepcional es la palabra que llega a mi mente este mes. Como somos un
distrito escolar y una escuela dedicada a la excelencia, el trabajo excepcional de muchos de
nuestros beneficiarios y colaboradores será honorado en las próximas semanas. Es un honor
para mi compartir con ustedes por medio de este articulo el “quien” y “que” de este
Primeramente, siempre es maravilloso cuando nuestros alumnos son reconocidos y
celebrados por muchas de las cosas en las que sobresalen regularmente. El 30 de Abril, cinco
estudiantes de Eastridge serán reconocidos como Escolares de Aurora por su extraordinario
talento, carácter, y estudios. Un estudiante es elegido de cada nivel de grado por parte de los
maestros para las cualidades dichas anteriormente o por haber hecho algún tipo de contribución
especial para nuestra escuela o comunidad durante el curso del año escolar. Los siguientes
estudiantes serán honorados por la Ciudad de Aurora en el Auditorio de Hinkly High School:
10 grado Chris Romero; 2 0 grado Wata Kamara; 3 0 grado Kenedy Sandoval; 4 0 grado Hannah
Min, y 5 0 grado Dillon Rainey. Únanse conmigo a felicitar nuestras Escolares de Aurora ~
Estudiantes Excepcionales de Eastridge.
“Voluntarios no solo hagan el trabajo, hagan que las cosas sirvan.” Con esto en mente es
fácil para mí identificar uno de nuestros padres que son voluntarios, que trabajan
constantemente para que las cosas sirvan para nuestros estudiantes. Es con mucha gratitud y
aprecio que comparto el reconocimiento del voluntario excepcional para el año escolar de 201213, la Sra. Kathy Gibson. Kathy ha pasado varia horas apoyando a nuestros estudiantes y
personal durante los últimos seis años. Así sea para juntar meriendas para las exámenes de TCAP, coordinando eventos de recaudación de fondos, patrocinando equipos de Destinación e
Imaginación, o preparando estudiantes para los eventos de coro y talento, uno puede contar con
Kathy para cualquier trabajo. No hay nada demasiado grande ni pequeño cuando se trata de
apoyar las necesidades del personal y estudiantes en Eastridge, cuando eres un voluntario
excepcional como Kathy Gibson. El Premio del Voluntario Excepcional será presentado el 25 de
Ultimadamente, el pensar en oro es pensar con algo relacionado con excepcional. Sin
embargo, en Eastridge cuando uno piensa en un “corazón dorado” la única persona que viene a
la mente para este año para este premio especial es nuestra psicóloga, Dr. Kinette Richards.
Este premio reconoce los individuos que sobre salen en su trabajo. Dr. Richard proporciona
transporte a familias para reuniones escolares, ayuda a preparar estudiantes para las películas
de Niños los Miércoles, y pasa horas incontables reuniéndose con familias antes y después de la
escuela para asegurarse que las necesidades de los estudiantes están siendo logradas. En su
manera honesta y directa Dr. Richard asegura que cada estudiantes al igual que las familias
reconocen que todos son socios en el éxito académico de nuestros estudiantes y también es un
líder para nuestra organización de PASS. Dr. Richards será honorado en la Corazón Dorado Cena
de Premiación en 30 de Mayo.
Este mes ha sido una continuación de lo “excepcional” en el Eastridge. Agradecemos su
apoyo continuo en nuestra jornada.
Sra. M. Thomas, Directora
For Tracks A & B
Kindie & 5th grade Cap & Gown Pictures
Will be Wednesday, April 24th
Individual and Classroom Pictures
Will be Thursday April 25rd
With the individual picture we encourage
your student to bring a prop to “Show your own Style”
* * *C & D Tracks pictures will be May 15th & 16th
It is time to start recruiting new members for the 2013-2014 PTCO. We are looking for parents who
are willing to join the PTCO Board in July. The following is a brief description of each open position:
Secretary: Record and publish minutes for the monthly meeting; send out emails every two weeks
informing parents of upcoming events.
Vice-President: To preside in the absence of the President(s) and to act as Parliamentarian.
Volunteer Coordinator: Recruit volunteers from a volunteer database to work events throughout
the year.
For more information please contact the Eastridge PTCO at: [email protected]
4-2 A Track Students Return
4-2 Parent Volunteer Day Tracks A & C
4-9 5:30-7:00 LATINO PASS Meeting
4-9 6:30-8:00 BLAACK PASS Meeting
4-10 6:30 PTCO Meeting
4-11 6:30-8:00 Arts, Science, Literacy Night
Tracks C & D
4-16 2:10 & 6:30 Primary Grades Program
Tracks C & D
4-17 Outstanding Eagle Assembly Tracks A &
4-17 6:30 Kindie Orientation in the gym
4-18 3:00-8:00 PTCO Dinner night at Chuck-ECheese
4-19 C Track Off
4-23 B Track Students Return
4-24 Kindie & 5th Grade A & B Track Cap &
Gown Pictures
4-25 Picture Day Tracks A & B Individual and
4-29 Parents’ Volunteer Day Tracks B & D
4-30 6:30-8:00 Arts, Science, Literacy Night
4-2 Los Estudiantes de Track A Regresen a la Escuela
4-2 Padres Día del Voluntariado Tracks A & C
4-9 5:30 Reunión de LATINO PASS en la Biblioteca
4-9 6:30 Reunión de BLAACK PASS en la Biblioteca
4-10 6:30-8:00 PTCO Reunión en la Biblioteca
4-11 6:30-8:00 Artes, Ciencias, Noche de
Alfabetización Tracks C & D
4-16 2:10 & 6:30 Grados principal del programa
Tracks C & D
4-17 Sobresaliente Asamblea ÁguilaTracks A & D
4-17 6:30 Orientación Kindie en el gimnasio
4-18 3:00-8:00 PTCO Cena de noche en Chuck-ECheese
4-19 Track C- Descansa
4-23 Los Estudiantes de Track B Regresen a la Escuela
4-24 Kindie y 5to grado A Cap & B Track & Gown
4-25 Día de la Foto pistas individuales de A & B y
4-29 Padres Voluntarios de las canciones Day B & D
4-30 6:30-8:00 Artes, Ciencias, Noche de
Alfabetización Tracks A & B
Gym Time! What to Expect in P.E. this April….
Another month of fun, movement, and fitness is ahead this month at
Eastridge! Here’s what’s going on in April 2013.
Attention All Parents - Field Days draws near!
If you’d like to be a part of our 2013 Field Days this year, contact Mr. Burright
immediately at 720-747-2257!
In the Gym:
Many students will learn about basketball, specifically key basketball skills such as dribbling,
shooting, and passing. Others will move on to catching and throwing activities, including Tchouckball, the
exciting and fast paced game invented in Switzerland!
Our kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade friends will be learning about bowling while others catch up
with basketball skills, specifically dribbling. Students will be bowling in small groups and will learn about
how to keep score in bowling, and learn a little about the history of the game.
Basketball is underway! Go Eagles! Our 4th and 5th grade boys and girls teams
will face-off against Ponderosa on Friday, May 10th at Prairie Middle School at 6:00pm.
Come and support our kids!
Also, stay tuned next month for information on the Fitness Festival coming up in
September. Our Running Club will begin at the start of next school year in anticipation
of this event!
If you have any questions about the physical education curriculum, call Mr. Burright: 720-747-2257
This month in technology we are continuing with our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math) work for the upper grades. 4th and 5th graders had their second opportunity with
Scratch. This programming application has allowed us to all create our own version of PONG,
the early video game favorite. Your student has access to this program from any computer on
the internet. For access go to http://scratch.mit.edu. It’s exciting to have students building
their own video game.
3rd grade has been focused on their Landform and Soil unit in Science. We’ve visited the
FOSS science website (www.fossweb.com) and spent time researching using MyON
(www.myon.com), BrainPop (www.brainpop), and PebbleGo (www.pebblego.com). All of which
students can access from home freely or by using our school usernames and passwords.
MyON = student username and password (sent home earlier in the year)
FossWeb = free access
PebbleGo = eastridge, eagles
BrainPop = eastridge, eagles
Music News
Save the date for spring performances.
First and Second Grade
1st and 2nd graders will be presenting a program about the ocean in April and May.
All tracks will give an afternoon performance for the school at 2:15 pm and an
evening performance for the Eastridge community at 6:30 pm. C and D tracks will
perform on Tuesday, April 16 and A and B tracks will perform on Tuesday, May 7.
Please arrive at 6:15 to line up on the risers for the evening performance. Students
will wear nice school clothes for the performances.
The Eastridge Spring Choir will present a musical on Tuesday, June 11th, The Hero in Us All. We have had to
reschedule the performance because of a conflict in the gym. Please note the change and look for notes regarding
the Monday combined dress rehearsal on Monday, June 10th.
In The Music Room
Kindergarten is learning about dynamics in music and beginning xylophone mallet skills.
First grade is working on their ocean program and learning about Japanese music and dance.
Second grade is preparing their ocean program and expanding their music literacy skills in
pentatonic songs with half note rhythms.
Third grade is playing recorders and learning treble clef alpha notation in music literacy.
Fourth and Fifth graders are playing recorders, reviewing beginning fingering patterns,
learning new fingerings and applying them to more complex rhythm patterns.
Mrs. Miller
News From the Art Room
Sa-wat-dee Kah Friends~
We are still in Thailand! Sa-wat-dee Kah is how a female says hi to others. Sa-wat-dee kraup is how a male says
hi. I will be greeting you like this while we are in Thailand. While I was in Thailand I did a lot of squba diving.
Thailand is known for their coral reefs and beautiful sea life.
We are working with a lot of clay and paint for the next month. The state of Colorado
has new art standards! When you come to art we will be going over what you are graded
on in art.
Starbucks Art
Congratulations to the following students Kindergarten your Penguins are hanging at our local Starbucks: Aslya,
Regina, Keelyn, Brighid, Daryus, Carter, Estevan, Lavin, Natalie, and Maatii.
~Mrs. Carlson
Learn from
our 5th Grade
scientists as
they present
their Science
Fair projects!
Create a
family art
project in
our art
Fun for the
Whole family!
Play math games
Together in classrooms!
Enjoy ice
cream in our
Tracks C & D
Thursday, April 11th
Tracks A & B
Tuesday, April 30th