November 1, 2015
November 1, 2015
St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church 116 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-3596 Serving Park Slope, Prospect Heights and Boerum Hill since 1870 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor Mr. Joseph Bichotte, Deacon Sr. Ellen Glavey, Religious Education Coordinator Mr. Andrew Violette, Director of Music Ms. Vanessa Peña, Parish Secretary Mr. Brendan Moloney, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Rev. Agnelo Pinto, In Residence Rev. Charles P. Keeney, In Residence Msgr. Robert Harris, in Residence OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM Monday to Thursday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Friday: No evening hours Saturday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM Appointments appreciated Rectory Office 718-783-3132 MASSES: Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 NOON 1:30 PM WEEKDAYS: St. Monica Hall Sterling Place E-mail [email protected] (English) (English) (Spanish) (English) (Haitian) 9:00 AM (English) Wednesday 7:30 PM (Spanish) HOLY DAYS: As announced HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Friday of each month, check for time. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Speak to a staff person about the process of becoming a Catholic and/or receiving Eucharist and Confirmation. RECONCILIATION: Confessions heard Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment. BAPTISM: Parents should call at least two months in advance for preparation dates. MATRIMONY: Couples should meet with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: By request. COMMUNION OF THE SICK: Please call to arrange communion for the sick, homebound, or hospitalized. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday morning - English and Spanish. ST FRANCIS XAVIER CATHOLIC ACADEMY: Phone number: 718-857-2559; Fax 718-638-4669 Visit our Website St. Augustine R.C. Church Page 2 Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday, November 1 5:00 (Sat.) +Victor Rodriguez (Isabel Rodriguez) 9:00 Ahern Family (Mary Flynn) 10:30 +Lydia Vazquez (Miguel Vasquez) 12:00 +Elizabeth Steltenpohl (Carol &Thomas Venanzi) 1:30 In Thanksgiving & Birthday Blessings for Norma Felix Monday, November 2 9:00 For All The Deceased Tuesday, November 3 9:00 Fr. Agnelo Pinto (Gift Of Life) Wednesday, November 4 9:00 Ephraigm Worthington (Andrea Barnes) 7:30 +Irma De Jean Thursday, November 5 9:00 Margaret Jennings for Good Health Friday, November 6 9:00 +Florence & John Burns Saturday, November 7 9:00 Catherine Altieri (Mary J. Katan) 5:00 Ernesto Cruz (Nancy & Wilbur Jimenez) Sunday, November 8 9:00 +Delia Sierra (Neyda Martinez) 10:30 Carmen Cruz (Lucy) 12:00 +Ray, Ruth, Roger & Judith Pogue (Ronald Pogue) 1:30 For The People of the Parish Daylight Savings Time Ends Today, November 1, 2015 You are welcome to inscribe the names of your beloved dead in our parish remembrance book throughout the month of November. Upcoming Events/Meetings • • • • • • • Bereavement Group meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month, please call Joe Diehle at 718260-8339. Holy Hour, Friday, November 6th after 9:00 a.m. mass in the church. The next Haiti Support Group meeting will be Tuesday, November 10th at 7:15 p.m. in the Rectory. Hope Dinner: Sunday November 15th at 3:00 p.m. in St. Monica Hall. The next Baptism Class will be Tuesday, November 17th at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. The next vocation meeting will be November 18th at 6:30 p.m. December 1st is World AIDS Day join us for a prayer service at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. STEWARDSHIP Collection - $3,925.00 Attendance - 436 Per Capita (Adult) - $9.00 On Sat., Oct. 24th, Families, Fathers & Children had our annual Halloween Party, for clients and for children from St. Augustine's. Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make our Halloween Party a success. If you hadn't come and spent hours doing everything from setting up chairs to cooking food to helping kids do arts and crafts, we couldn't have done it. And special thanks to our faithful volunteer, James Palmaro, who led the children in interactive music, which as usual was the high point of the party. Thanks to: Andrea Maldonado, Cindy Cruz, Serena Henderson, Autumn Haywood, Debra Bailey, Mary Williams, Bob Biegen, Tom Wargo, Barry Polrusky, James Palmaro & Ede Fox. Faith Formation Religious Education Registration Is your child registered for Sunday classes, which began on September 20th? Two years of classes are required before children may receive Sacraments. For more info, please call Sr. Ellen at ext. 14. Mass Intention Book for 2016… will open for intentions on Sunday, November 8. Please remember your loved ones by reserving a mass ($15), a candle: Blessed Mother & Sacred Heart ($15) Sanctuary ($20) or Bread and Wine for the week ($25). Stop by the rectory during office hours and make your reservations early. Heart to Heart Ministry Mini Brunch Retreat: Gospel Inspirations, Tuesday, November 10th in the church after 9:00 a.m. Mass with Sister Ave Clarke. Volunteers Needed For Food Pantry Deliveries on Thursdays Volunteers are needed to help with food deliveries on Thursdays for the St. Augustine Helping Hands Food Pantry. There are usually two big deliveries a month – 75 to 150 cases of food. Volunteers are needed to help store the food. If available, please leave message at food pantry: 718-783-3132, ext. 42, or send email to: [email protected] **We invite you to act on Pope Francis’s call to serve the poor: Come visit the elderly at Hopkins Nursing Home in Boreum Hill on Monday evenings at 5:30pm. Or come prepare meals and visit the homeless near Grand Central Station on Tuesday evenings at 4:30pm. If you are interested in learning more, call or email Ashley Moloney. 904-343-1981 [email protected] ** St. Augustine R.C. Church PROSPECT PARK 5K FUN RUN/WALK/BIKE Saturday, November 21st at 11:00 AM. Rain or shine. Register at 15th Street/Prospect Park West entrance of the park. This is not a race, but an opportunity for family and friends to get outdoors on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and support the St. Augustine Helping Hands Food Pantry. Registration forms on the table in back of church. All donations will be used for the purchase of food for those in need. *New this year, donations can be made online at Any questions? Email: [email protected] or leave a message at 718-7833132x42. Ordinary Saints - All Saints Day A joyful and moving tribute to the heroes and heroines of our Faith including Archbishop Romero, Teresa of Avila, Dorothy Day, Maximillian Kolbe and others. Presented by: The Glenn Mohr Chorale in an artful blend of scripture, drama and song. At St. Francis Xavier Church Today, November 1st at 3:00 p.m. Libro de los Nombres de los Muertos Mientras el día de los difuntos se aproxima son bienvenidos a inscribir los nombres de sus seres queridos en nuestro libro de recuerdo de parroquia que esta cerca del ángel Rafael en la capilla del Santísimo Sacramento. Sobres de ofrenda están disponibles para una conmemoración en todas las Misas del día de las almas y a lo largo de noviembre. Instrucción para los niños y jóvenes Regístrese ahora - educación religiosa Clases después de las Misas de 9:00 y 10:30 a.m. los domingos. La primera clase fue el domingo pasado, pero todavía eres bienvenido para que comience. Llame al Sr. Ellen, 14 ext. Les invitamos a vivir el mensaje del Papa Francisco a servir a los pobres: Page 3 We pray for the sick… Recemos Por los enfermos. . . Requests for public prayers for the sick should be made by the sick person her/himself or a family member, since at times the person does not wish the illness to be made public. Please call the parish secretary. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested by a family. WEEK 1 Helena Severin Dorinda Baéz Alex Ramos Julie Elle Brittner Laura M. Perez Hector Davila Dolores Bill John P. Shan Paul Callahan Christopher Neves Farham Qasim Yvette Reyes Edgar Flores WEEK 2 John Barton Olga Jean Aaron Hector Ortiz Yvette Sendker Carmen Torres Angelo M. Ramos Barbara Merrill Col. Ret. Will Merrill Pedro R. Garsed Severina Caban Sonia Bonilla Anthony Tuitt Nilda L. Morales WEEK 3 Lorraine Cullen Felix Delerme Jose Colon Doris M. Soto Carmen M Mercado Santos M. Vidal Jackie Strachen Robert Katan Sam Velasquez Barbara Mangilardi David Heffelfinger Olive Bouaz Tiffany Rios We pray for members and friends serving in the military: Rezamos por miembros y amigos que estan sirviendo en el Servicio Militar: Sgt. Estephen Shirverts, Col. Will Merrill, Lt. Jeanell Merrill, Capt. Peyton Hurley, Manny Otero, PFC Anthony J. Jolimeau, Paul Valdez, Jorge E. Moreira, Jerry Moreira, Kathleena Hurd, David Garcia, Samantha Vega, L.C. US Marine Corps, Capt. Richard Martinez, US Marines, Airman Clara Lyde, 1 Lt. Ignacio Naudon. We pray for the deceased...Edmee Fontaine. Nuevo en la Parroquia? Quiere inscribirse como parroquiano? Si, me gustaría ser miembro de la parroquia y recibir los sobres de ofrendas por correo. Vengan a visitar a los ancianos en Hopkins Nursing Home en Boreum Hill los lunes a las cinco y media. O preparen comida y visiten a las personas sin casa cerca de Grand Central Station los martes a las quatro y media. Si les interesa acompanarnos, llamen a o email a Ashley Moloney. 904-343-1981 [email protected] Nombre ______________________________________ Próximo Evento Email: ________________________________________ 5K Fun Run/Walk/Bike en beneficio de la despensa de comida “Helping Hands Food Pantry”, el sábado, 21 de noviembre en Prospect Park. Favor de cortar la forma y echar en la canasta de ofrenda o envie por correo: Reunión del Grupo de Apoyo Haitiano… noviembre 10 a las 7:15 p.m. en la rectoría. Todos bienvenidos. Dirección _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Telefono ( ) _________________________________ St. Augustine R.C. Church 116 Sixth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 Page 4 Don’t forget to visit our website for more announcements @ The Book of the Dead TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- John's vision of a vast throng from every nation and people, whose robes had been made white in the blood of the Lamb (Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14). Psalm -- Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (Psalm 24). Second Reading -- By God's love, we may be called God's children (1 John 3:1-3). Gospel -- The Beatitudes: your reward will be great in heaven (Matthew 5:1-12a). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Kom jou fet nam yo approche vini ekri non moun ou yo ki te mouri nan pawas nou, liv pou sonje yo toujou sou tet l’ang Rafael nan Sanktye Chapel. Anvlop pou ofrann yo disponib pou sonje duran jou tout nam pandan lames yo nan tout Novanm yo. Instruction for Children and Teens Register now - Religious Education Klas nan dimanch yo va suiv mès yo: 9:00 a.m. ak 10:30 a.m. Klas komansé min ou kab vini pou komansé. Tanpri rele Sr. Ellen, ext. 14. Heur Sainte… Vini lapriye avek nou diran adorasyon Sen Sakreman, Vanredi, 6 Novamb après lames 9:00 a.m. Save-the-Date Samedi, 21 Novamb - 11:00 am READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24 -28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls' Day) Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres; Election Day Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday The 5K Fun Run/Walk/Bike in Prospect Park To benefit the Helping Hands Food Pantry Opportunities for a better Tomorrow… Ofri anpil edikasional (GED pou laj 17+) ak treninn pou travay (laj 22+) programs. Lokal: 4em Avenue ak 27th Street; rele 718-3690303 pou enformasion. Nouvo pèsonn nan pawas la? Eské ou vlè pou rejistré kom yon pawasyen? Wi, mwen vlè pou rejisté kom yon pawasyen nan Legliz St. Augustin ak resvwa anvlope. Nom ________________________________________ Adrès _______________________________________ _____________________________________ Téléfon: ( ) ________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Tanpri koupé fòm la e mété li nan basket koleksyonan, ou poté-l nan presbitè pou nou: St. Augustine Church 116 Sixth Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217
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